Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 24, 1881, Image 1

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iin trmi VOLUME Vfl.,£(RV The Advertiser and Appeal, is punusnm bvsbv satuuday, at BRUNSWICK, - GEORGIA, T. Car. STAOY. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! I bM to Inrorm the citlxeue of this rltr and roatxUDK country that I have Jiut opened a stock of .foodataiyypgof . ? staple and fancy DRY GOODS Notions, READY MADE CLOTHING, I^ats, Caps, j B(M)TS,‘" SHOES, TOBACCO AlilO CIGARS. y-s ('OVr Which I off«r at very cloee pr cee lUvfiitf nurchte* my stock tut umrj. onlyI can tliricfere ditfjr com* IHjtltlun. ■ E. EA.IJL, NEXT TO HARRIS. ;UB JEWELER. (aurm-enur duel. James ! Wat»rk flfobb . BAY STREET/ •1brfnswi€K^ 2CM Convenient to Bnainees, the IteilrotuiB mi J tho Steamboats, jHffnitoiw New, Table)) d fV ' ~* •* % W, C. BECK * CO., PUOPBIETOfiS. D. itisLEY, Prtiprllor. CICUK* tf\mirACTUftKI> nv HAND, AMD pKTH^YINlMT GUADfcAOF Pure Havana Tobacco, MOOR* AMdCRABY, JOK. K. LAM BRIGHT, It. F. ODODDJUtAD, FUHTOFffT** €HH)K BIMX. A OO. TWIT (ChtNMMM), ASA UUUNKY, It. MEYERS. IIOTEU WtMDK&LYftHXIXS, ■ ItMSS: "■ “V.NDOICI HOIaZF.NDOICF A HRO OUJMON, w WnuuMsii bui Mew York Tribn>»l Tbp Mexican gcatlomin, *a weU as kpeeb, is * most consummate fop, not Your-firdm arp. SoHcftet, hone ’ bo “ nU » oaxauaux runm<' uurnu. Market Square. .Suraiutali. <;*. M. L HARNETT & 0 n . (•UOPIIIBTORK, HATES. - - $2.00 PEB DAY. jraSSSSfc CITIHIMK. homed Ik** comfort*. FRUMPY ATTW. TIUN ASD MODERATE IttW. opHttHy ^nitt-nivniH) |^ pan*4. In l«Tu I, ax* *u»t»a*rt II *>tw (r*«t» |L« KrcuptaoffMynii cnmy. Jat- * evirtph tc -h»trw » k* Itt* T, mut-u Urn lucent <!<*trtu &•* **• thv n*»r h, — - — «r.l> data la rvlaUuti to the tlU ■ >t tiljriiii eoufr*» fyr th-* tint.- Burn-d. with the o»«*iitloi! offkKik M. »h‘ch w%4 with book T. H * h# op*-ni d an oflts-f %>vt «tt| k. «i* it -j-rH t-*r **»»!• In id »• f HBil ft*o*t| e^iuuitt. ft. ** |wr fa h*ref«'« "• fc« • Ij» of* ike f»A.„ltMiHn frt lw .<»ly id »h** till*'. «»*1 any letcd Ut,r. iH, to Ix'ism.I t-*r *-|k«r»l< l|. a P. OOODYKAB. longed Mr.’Nathan Cillcy, temom- bor of Congress from Maine, for mis representing this bonk ■ transaction on tho floor of Congress. Mr. alky re- fnsed to moot him. on tho ground ri.*A bo was not responsible for word* spoken in debate. Mr. Gravoa, of Kentucky, 1 Wobb’s friend, inquired whether ho took »njr exception to Webb personally, to which Cilloy ropliod, 11 Certainly not butthaUroooujd not and would not her rcoponeiblc for words spoken in debate. Grevoe reported tho result to Webb, who agreed to eonsidor the affair at an end. 'Bnbeoqnenily Mr. billey’a friends, including Mr. Benton,, ocnsuredifn no- measured langnngo Gilley’s ground of rufusing tho eballongo. Graves related to tho Horn Henry A, Wise, the proeent .Governor ot Virginia, what had ooeunod and tho final settlement of tho affair, when Wise told him that Ciiley's friends would oompel him to deny tho ground ol settlement, and urged him to get Cilloy’s signature to a letter recapitu lating what hod occurred, in a manner which ins calcnlatod to plsoe him in a very equivocal' position. Graves i hb connscl, and told Wsbb he Intended. Webb begged him to do nothing ot-the kind, as it was driving CillOy intoaoomor, Insisting that 1 ho (Webb) being satisfied and the tUtt- f, uolxsly hod a right lo or open it, and begged Graves not to heed Mr. Wise's odvioo, which oonld not loll, in ihe then-heated stale h( the public mind, to lead to dia* ostnas results. Bat Oravoe said': "No, I am advised to do this for tho protec tion ot my ayn honor, and I shall oom- pol him to sign this letter. It is my 'aflioirl am attending to, and not yonn,’> Wobb continued his remonstrances and his ontroatics to let the matter rest; but all in vain. Graves had been told by Wise that bis own honor required the 1 signature to tho letter, and ha deter mined to have it. Never was there giv en such thoughtless counsel to a high- minded and honorable man, and the coqieqacnees were just what Webb hid predicted. Cllley, who was a brave and welMikpoecd man, smarting undo the oensuro of Ma friends for having afanply done his duty in refusing to fight a Am) for words spoken in debatiy moot pcrmhptorily wjef usod' to sign 15, lottor tendered to him or to make any explanation whatever upon Hmsfivaly rejoicing, no doubt, at tho opportunity of proving that ho had not declined tho duel front personal fear. Thereupon Graves sent a challenge to Cnioy by Who. They fought with rifles, sod Gilley tell. Wobb from that time to tho present has never spoken to Wise, and has always held him .morally responsible for the ssd ro- suit,'as ho also did Graves and til who know tho psrtienlart ot tbe.aflklr. In tho Presidential oontoet of IBM Mr. Wise attempted to make Mr. Olay re- sponsihlo for the death of Cilloy, but Mr. Clay called forth tho stated eat from Qmjrps, which completely exonerated Mr. Clay, and in which he stated that, after tho matter had been finally sot- tlefltotho entire ’satlifkction of Gen. Wobb »od himself, Mr. Wise had In duced him to demand from Mr. Cilloy tlia letter which fed to tho duel, in di rect' opposition'to the entreaties of Webbj and further, that Mr. Clay know nothing of the matter until Mr. Cilloy hod refused to sign tho letter whloh Hr. Wiso had oonnsolod, and when tho question of voracity' bad thus been raised and a fight became inevitable.— Uarpa't WcMy, 18G& polioo cannot distinguish the bad onos, as in the United Slates and Europoau cities, but class thorn all as capable of anyorimo, * s * After tho visit ol tho Chicago mer ohants to Moxioo it was stated that all the country needed was Improved agri cultural machinery. A Chicago firm forwarded a large lot of mowers, reap ers, threshers, etc., with several men to instruct tho natives in their uao. One oflbe'iSn in cborgiTbf Ais establish* ment gave hia expericnoo to the oorro- spondont es follows: " It’S Just a holy tenor I Tho poople just abont worried mo. to death. Hero I’ve beeOwa more’n 'a year, and how many mowers and reapers do yon think I’vosold? Well, sir, I ain’t sold one. Theeo Mexicans are just a caution to -enakes 1 Why they come hore and get one of my machines and take it oat on their plantations and smash it all to piooos, and thon say ’tain’t good onongh for ’em. And tho worst of it is, I havo almighty hard work to got the pioccs of that machlno back to tho shop. They'll nover tay what they can steal or cheat a body out of, No machinory is good enough for 'em. Here are Mexicans who havo lived all their lives without _ *» fmpraifed'mnehfiiVBf any kind, and who’ve plowed their land all their livee with a etick, that are just too wiss to iosrn to do anything. A few men havo got all the land, and they . war. bor of straps to unbuckle, is used with state coach of Louis XIV., and two aged French hostlers to bnoklo and\in- bncklo wlio droVo stagos bjTho time of tho first Napoleon, and to whom timota no object. My dolly experience' and observation on riding home from Faria to Bfc Cioud via Routo de la Heine,, Often see four street oar. fa lino, filled with people above and bolow, waiting to •tart. Interval of fifteen minutes' start ing timo between oach oar. Lest cor of the four one hour to wait. But these Gauls shorn to liko it, seem to have lcarnod to wait ; not to "labor and wait,” but simply to wait.—TYenttoe Mutjord, in .San 1'rancUoa .Chronioie., 80X8 Ol' SATAN. •—■MWUr-iununsrea iw>sm Dms.nMiwqisstMUiwwlti IIo'ttAy pf'nvdfl ytiwfi# — fnornstatloo on bis sUn of aoven years’ dirt, and with a shirt that has survived six months* conlianoua wear, but' bo„ will' invariably carry a*large nickel-plated revolver hanging at’his ride and showing half its llhgth of bar. rel baiow his jacket. To the bait oj this revolver ho will gononlly have a oord and tassel, or a steal or ntokel- plated chain attached. If ho is on hone- hook he will have jingling kits, clanking saber and a saddle shining with silver ornaments, bat be will never be without carbine or revolver. The result ot all this display of firearms that they ore perfectly familiar with weapons in a gen eral way, and think no mere of pointing a pistol at a man than at a post It has almost tnpsrssdqA the knifsp-though' »rfi v Wiiiiii m&mni i>iT it uot* infrequently used. As to stealing; the ISpen i» k thief from his mother’* arms. It is a feet, and I state ikas icstouf to me by tbs Chief of Pblioe, that nino dot ot every ton' of the boys sad men fosnd in the street* of Mexico, peddling papers or lottery tickets, or soliciting light sm- ployment generally, sro thieves sml pickpockets, and only approach you on I koep it Tbo only way is to tax tlie hud, for at pUa^nt these owners of largo ■hfislendas that povo» leagues and leegnes of territory dout pay a cent of tax. Th» working poople are only slaves, the best of them getting only firealos a day and find themsolvcs. It’s no wonder that everybody’s a tkict. Why, thcee beggars ore so poor that they novor have 20 cents with ’em over night Not a thing is wasted in this country, the lost bone and scrap ot meat and bit ol old rag is carefully savod; why they've even driven tho bnxzord* out of this oountry. A vulture would ho ashamed ol hlmscll everlastingly if ho ate and lived among the filth tkoso Mexi cans do. " Hera I am with a atook al machinery that would setup a first-dak) establish ment in tho States that is mating to pieces, and these people aro only wait ing till Pm tired out, when they expect to got It for nothing. Whon you’vo been among them fyear, as I havo, and hive seen what sons of Satan they really are, you'll obsnge your mind, about Van Von tourists who only moot thorn on tha stroot, and tee 'em grinning end bowing and shaking bands, and embracing yon te though you wore a long loet brothor, and tolling you their houee is yours, and their wives and daughters and every thing they awn is at your disposition— yon only see ouo side of 'em. I'vo teen both sides. I’ve tested their hospitality and found out that there ain't a bit of real gonuinu hospitality in Moxioo. Tboy’ro tho shruwdoat people on this oontinont, just as long-headed, as law yers, and so jealous ol ns Americans that they hate us. 1 '■ This railroad business is just' nuts’ tor them. They ain't £oing to stand In tire wny of our building railroads and opening their ports tor 'em, just so long at they don't pnt In any money bnt get alt tho return. They know welt euongh that in case the roads aro a success they'd get the benoflt of It, and if they fail they’ll just rip up the rails and Boll 'em for old iron. And as for tho oonoes- sions; it yon'll just nanio any two points in Moxiean territory (Lat ain't already souncctod by a proposed railroad, all you have to do is to go before Congress and ask permission to make one; they’ll give you a cliauoo to waste ya*r money and will throw in any amount of subsidy you ask for." A. rno.VTlBB IXOIDBXT, Calamity is thy, Wpe Q^ man who lives ftt the gold camp ot Ctrmmina City. Ho has another namo, bnt nobody seems to know what it is. It has been tornoff tho wrapper somo way, end so tho boys call him Calamity. Lost spring ho had a littlo domestic troublo, and his wife made complaints that Calamity had womOttt oh old long- handled ahovol on her, trying to oon* vinoo her abont aomo abstnuo theory ot 'Tha testimony steme^ rather sgsinst Calamity, and tho miners tohl him that as soon ss thoy got ovor tho rash a lilUe and had the loisure thoy would have to ''^mti^'rftar'M'Mdifif tts day was done and tho boys had eaten thoir suppers, one of thorn suggested that it would'tie a good time to h»"g OaWnfty. 6a they goi things iu shape abcl Wit down to tho Big Laramie bridgo. Calamity wot with them. They got things ready tor the oxordaee to begin, and then asked the victim if he had anything to say. He loosen oil tho rope uonnd hia neck’alitttbXtk on0 hand, to that bo could speak with more free dom, and, holding his pantaloons on with tho other, he said: "Gentlemen 0! the convention, I coll you to witness that this public demonstration toward me is entirely un sought on my port, I have never court ed notoriety. k*9tt»3£;£S“fc.t the first time I ever addressed on andl- onoo. That is why I am embarrassed -.xiir-isnn Tr p >’ fUBjnit MTBBBT BAIL WA TB. Versailles is reached from Paris by what is lerfaal tho "Ameriesh railway.’’ As much resembles American railway as|!!fc»))it!*mor decs a Canal boot; atroot oar a long carriogo on car-whools, seemingly not essential whether car runs o* tax* dr not Paris has brought tho tedious system of stroot cars to per fection. . Grand ^pbjoet iu Paris is to rumtiFftw’esiuaa possible for as many people as passible, with the longest pos sible wait* botwoon starts, No stops on the street tor passengers. Passengers must go to station and wait tor ear. Stations shout s quarter of a mile sport. Clerk at cash station. Conductor car ries s "way-bill" ol passengers after the old stsgs-ooach fashion. Vast amount of stamping and seating. This tor cash passenger who wonts to ride (Hi ” Bumping In bli* ink, . gin red. Dignity and hiss of in Wrtedrbpdit lilUe louder than spin drops anywhere else. Top of street sen furniibod with seats; aalled LTm- periale; far$ outside, S cento, insido, 6 oents. Better, air and view outside. Gauls object to open windows end fresh sir. Will hear any test of smell to koep warm. Fuel ami heat are very expen- in Cuts. Take Ui«n ten inmate* tho lookout tor in opportunity to plan- I to change car lionwte Homo old har der yon. So nasseruus are they that the | nc *' WI,h Ufmil ***« neosiaary nnm- “You bare bronghtmo hentohangme booauso I seemed harsh end severe with my wife. Yon havo entered tha hal lowed presence of my homo life and as sumed the prerogative of subverting my household discipline. “ It is well. I do not core to live so long ss my snthority is queatiocod. Yon have already changed my submis sive wife to an arrogant and eoU-reliant woman. “I havo always beenkind and thought ful to her. When she hod to go np into tbo gulch in tho winter after firewood, my coat shielded bor from the storm whilelaat slcoo in the oabto through the long hours. I oonld name Other in- stanoee of unselfishness on my pert, but I will not take np your time. “ Death with Its wldo waste ot eternal calm and its shoreloss sea of rest is a glad retie! to mo. I go, but I leave iu your midst u skittish old able-bodied widow who will make Borne howl. I bequeath her to this camp, tiho is yours, gcntlumcn. tiho is all I have to givo, bnt in giving her to you I feel that my nntimolr death will always ho looked ujsm in this gulch ss a dire calamity. •'Tho day will como whon you will look back upon this awtul night and wish that I was alive again, but it will bo too lato. I wiU 1» tar away. My soul will bo in. a laud where domostio Infelicity aad cold foot eait novor miter, "Bury mo at tbo foot of Vinegar bill, where tho sago bon and the fnxiy bnmblobeo may gambol o'er my lowly grrvo.” When Calamity had finished sn lux promptn caucus was called, and when it was adjourned Calamity went b bis cabin to surprise his wile. She hasn't fully recovered from the surprise OS WO go to press.—Biff Nyc. QUBBJt MOCIBTZBSIX JAP AS. Fashion has shown ns some strosgo vagaries in Japan. First sho fixed her attention on p%i, thou on rabbits, than on roses, then On epedo, and now sho is all for sodotlca. Somo sooiotios there sro which, through good or ill report; h*vo oomo to oocugy a niohe in tbs tem ple of notoriety, as for example, tho Ho- oioty of Protesters iu Too*, tho Hociety of Patriots in Osaka, the Society of Loy alists In Kagn, tho Friendly Brothers ot Tokio, etc. All these are intelligible; though sometimes not Intelligent, asso ciations, aiming at eosno utilitarian, phil osophical or politiool goal, but ot late tbsm^uvu sprung up hero end there stisage brotherhoods with strango pur poses end strange titles, Thnswo have had the Fall-Together Society and the Pauper Brotherhood ot Tottori Protect- uro, as well as tbo Seaweed Society ot Wakayama, so callod boosuse its mom- bers-oloot, for tho sake of distinction or necessity, clothe themsolvcs investments tattered liko the "ragged wrack ol tbs yeasty brine.” Qnnlutcet and mast melancholy ot all, however, is the latest social exoreacenoo ot Knmamoto, tbo society of solt-annihi- atfiite must him no frimi MpHU; floating or fixed; (2) that thoy must look to noth ing but thoir own right arms to support OvvUMlliniMlllMiijt must b»(n session ovory day of tho 80S; the pnrpoaos of their session being tossy, whet they please, eat and drink os much ns thoy like, sloop when they fqucy’arkl ooncorn themselves about frothing that does hot affect thorn "personally, Some suggest that this is a revival ol the old Buddhist dootrino ot praoticol Nirvana, but it seems very much more likely that tkoso soif-nnniiiilatora aro disoiplos of Russian Nihilism, and tliat they consist of youths formerly ' affiliat ed to the notorious “Brca'h ol God Boeioty," wkioh gave the su- tlioritics sn muchtronblo at the timo ot tlio Hatsuma rebellion. Tho afflalut del from which these gentry borrowed their title was tha tornado that shattered to piooes tho great Ohineeo armada off the coast ot Chiktuen in the Unm of the Yuen EintW-j barian-ovenrhoTming blast, and there who called thomselves by its name were tho head and front of tho anti-foreign agitation. With thorn were associated tho Household Divinity soot, who, thoir namo implies, wore equally oon votive. Littlo, it any, of this spirit now remains, and it would ho extravagant to fancy that it has inspired tho self-anni. hilatonof Kumamoto, They do bnt represent ono ol tlieso unhappy phases into which tho unemployed amt almost- unemployed energy of the disinherited samurai wns hound to drift. Lot us hope that thoy will work no more evil thru! thoir title suggests.—Japan Mail. OASDtD Ittill. LAFITTB. Tha doath of Mrs, Lofitto, I daughter ot tho late Commodore Vi derbilt, in Paris, calls to mind some pe culiarities ot that truthful woman. Hor first husband was a favorite of her father, and whin ho was stricken with consumption old Vondorbllt felt worso than his danghtor about it. He sent the pair down to Florida under tha core ot a Mr. Lofitto, and Mrs. Darke* took a great fancy to tho gentleman—A fancy the rick husband was not slow in discovering, "Well, madome,”he sold ono a tog, "whore have you boon this tour T “Walkingwith your anoecaaor,” swore! tho bold lady. And thon and there she told Mm that as Ills complaint was pronoonoed incur able—and she disliked s lengthy widow hood—ebe had sol oc tod Mr. Lsfltte re her second husband, Tha sick man titoto post haste to pa in-law, who via greatly incensed, but before any actual stope oonld betaken tho widow and hor prospective husband were bringing poor No. 1 homo to bury decently In the family lot. Then In a rery short time—a matter cf weeks— the lady became Mmo. lofitto, and went off to live In Paris. Old Vanderbilt stack to his dislike; he left 1800,000 to Madame, at her death to revert to tbe children by tho first husbtuuh. So Monsieur Lofitto was not poauninrily benefited by his ooti-, nootion with tha millionaire's family.— New York letter. AS EXPRESSIVE LAXOUAOM. Ho was a Frenchman, and bo was (eartfilngtor a certain pond; coming across a countryman he inquired the di rection, " Well," says the countryman, "you go along right aa you’re going till yon come to two reads, and then yon turn right to the left and you will bo all right. Be careful and not tom to tho right; if you do yon'U get left.” Then Ihe Frenchman M-fcM bfeksAl ont about it, and mattered something about tjteexpreoaivo torn of IheEngliriilm, guage, Tom u no bettor wsy to Uro health- fly and happily than to cultivate* teas- uhnirdfty; ss It was, I pertinent wherein the moat centradicto- - - — - ry qualities and proportie* of tho organ ism are perfectly counterbalanced and combined. firoTLAiro derive* fl,600,000 per an num as rental from sporting gronada, Tbe Dnko of Wcetniinater pays 810,000 tor one tract BPBAKBIl OP TUB HOUSE. Andrew Stevenson, of Vkrgiuia, Speaker of tha TwentkUh, Twenty-flrxt, Twcnty-eoeond end Twenty-third Con gresses. Nathaniel Macon, ol North Carolina; Bchuyler Gollax, ot Indiana James G. Blaine, of Maine, and Samuel J. Itandall, of Pennsylvania, have oach hold the ofllco three terms. Ilcnry Clay wss Hpeakcr ot the Twelfth, Tldr uonth, Funrtecntb, Fifteenth sud Mix. teenth Oongresses. F. A. Mahlouburg, of Pennsylvania ; Jonathan Dayton, of New Joreoy; Joseph B. Vornum, ot Massachnsetta; Junes K. Folk, of Ton noHsco, and Lynn Boyit, of Kentucky, each prodded ovor Congress tor two terms. A UBBRTIO POET. Mrs. Gulls Tbsxter's cottage is near tho hotel at Appledoro and she taka*, her meals in l^s hotel' dMing-tooU. Mrs. Thaxtcr te sn stbetei She In herits from her lather a vsrteblo temper anil disposition, and it depends upon bar mood, when an introduction te made, a* to whether she will bo civil. Sheba stout womou, and devoid of beauty.—Louteeiffe Courkj-'Juumal. OUME roil YOUTUFUl 1SFIDKLITT- I had one just flogging. Whon I was about 13 I went to a shueuiakor and begged him to take mo s* an ap prentice. He, being an honest man, immediately broaght mo to Bowyor, who got into * great rage, knocked mo down, and even pushed Crispin fiidoly out of tho room. Sawyer asked mo why I bad made myself sueh a tool. To 'Iich I answered that I had s great de sire to bo a shoemaker, and that I hated the thought of being a clergyman. Sg&JSPOQ&Z an infidel." For this, without more ado, Bowycr flogged me, wisely, ss I think; soundly, ss I know. Any whin- pig at aermonixing would havo gratified my vanity, and confirmed me in my andgot heartily sahamod of my tolly.— Samuel Coleridge. Moooras saya hs don’t wonder his sweetheart te afraid of lightning- -xhs'i so awfully attractive. Tnu “Thousand islands” l,t&t by actual .count. riBAirciAL PAXias. Ia May, 1687; tho Now Tork banka sisqxmdad, and the crash, which had threatened for some time, earns to tho country. This dteastrhaa event wss fol lowed by other failures, many business establishments were toroed to cloee, and even States bccarao bankrupt. Farm products tell greatly is. prioo, credit wss s by-word, and tho finances of tho Gov ernment were in snob shape that tho President ot the United Mates amid not always get his salary when H wss due. This was about the tiinfi whbn the na tional debt amounted to only a nominal sum. The panto ot 1837 was opened by tho failure of tho Ohio Lite Insurenoe and Trust Company. Many hanks iu all tho States wars obliged to auspoad, and oertain kinds ot paper woroabrood, which proved to bo worthless. Tbo panto of 1873 was inaugurated In Sop. lumber by tho failure of Jay Cooke A Co., ol Philadelphia. The offsets of this last financial hurricane are too well known to nood recital here. Various causes havo beau attributed to those financial erbw, almost all writers agroo- ing, however, that reckless speculation, growing extravagaooa; and tbs careless ness with whloh debts ware contracted were among the leading ones. PLEASANTRIES. Ooimow suers—lawyers. Switch tenders—Hair pins, A nan policy—One that bos run out. Food for tho Celestial—A Skyo ter rier. WnUxte a gate not agate? When it's,"to." Am attached couple—A pair of oyster MAS V,DBM TOM BED. At a summer msert not hr from Elmira a terrible tragedy came very near hap pening. Two ladies oooupted tho some teem together, and is soon as they had prepared their toilets for bad 0O0 of them very thoughtlessly, sod with s great lack of wisdom, blow out tho light before either 000 ot them had token tbo precaution to look under the bed lor tho presenoo ol tho usual sod expeoted burglar. Tho fact that the summer-ro- sortera had, In addition to their undue hsato in extinguishing Um candle; for gotten to provide themsolvcs with matches added very soriously to the oom plications sod hopes and loan of tho terrified females. It oould not bo denied that there was a man under the bed, sod to go to sleep without an exploration cf the promises would never do. One of secured an umbrella, and while -she laid beraall on tho edge ot the bod alas threat the umbrella under the struct ure, and went throagh as many motions seaman does at a etnas When he stirs up the animal* What was her horror, therefore, when the other end of tbo umbrella was grasped by s firm hand; and, sure sho had at test found her burglar, with a scream that awoko up Urq whole hotel she throw herself over to the back side of the bed, where in safety reclined hot companion; and when tbs tetter mrcorttesQy handed her tho umbrella, and sold that perhaps sho had better stand it up in the earner, sho wss more mad than scared, and vowed that if any man wa* tool enough to etay under bar bod hs oould tor all bor. . A LOKO and snoocesful reign—That of the deluge. Uo. . What better pastime for bogs than croak, oht Thehb is ono individual upon whom the letter “s ” prodnoes a marked effect. It makes Knowles know lee* Tub hangman would make a good journalist, bcoaaso be handles tbo noooo and always has something ready (or tbo nock's tweak. Du, Thomas D. Sreuon soys a man's birth te more painful than his death. This may bo so, bat we would rather he bom twice than dio Cnee.—Norristown Herald, Thu papers tell of n oourfshlp arid marriage brought about by a note writ ten on an egg-shell. Ills a most egg*, traordinary affair. Tbs two heart* are yolked together, A nMAnu seminary ha* been cstaU . Ibhed in Liberia, where gum grows on nearly overy. tree and beans sell for 10 cento a peek. The steamship oompany give* reduced rates to emigrant* Wu have seen ladies who were insnf. fembly shocked at the sight of a man in hia shirt-slcovcs; and their own arm* wort bare almost to the shoulders I Womou are strango creature*—Boston TranKript, , Totmmr—» Whore is fllook island »**' Polite Amorioau—“Iu Bbodo Bland." ' Tourist—"Bnt how oon you pnt ouo blood in another island ? " Polite Amer ican—"O, that's nothing—wo accom plish anything in this country," Wrmsa—"But, your Honor, I only wish to say—" Tbe court—"Bilonoo, sir; no more of your insolence, or TO fine you for contempt, sir t Nobody tsa be insolent here exoept tho oourt and tho gentlemanly attorney who te putting tbo quostiou*” Iris Indeed inspiriting every morning to see tbo crowd* of milkmen wending their wsy toward the city earnestly sing ing: "Shall wo gathor at the river r And bow iwoet comes tha reply front tbefr lusty throats: Yr«, ww will gbiW M tto riv«r-< G TU l—bMUH. Um bftfm 0*Um ttmr more Um ifm And temper our BiOk M Um ttj. —fVwi/Vr**, Tm Swoei Bbger of Kicnlgan M ha« gooo to roeitle in tbe wilds of Arirona, The (mg dec in the Weatom literary oiroloa k that tfak gifted lady will ohoitly giro to tho world a moro oxtood* ed effort than eho has yet attomptod. Tbo titlo ia boliovod to bo *'lX>it Susan; or, the Blingcr BluDg.”—CSnoinnati Commercials m BUfg • /oath ftod • BMld <m Dm ctMlv I lo b» n«rbert*i own. Ooan *• mol Ooor k apwMd.»Irmd Tb*( BMk« UwtMct larm /8Uinr U bonnk m lt*i iwp*, Wn and um lo tod. So fcuxVty, dMrtat lore, jfm’rumy word. Ymi mjt Dm m, 4ml M p* bcu. M • rrffbtoa Ud you koov. Ia tb« UR U Is w»J0q#, toy demr, Trt* number of women employed in the railway offices of Ameriou te now over 8,000, They get paid from flfi to (30 a mouth. Nearly *U ot them are either the widows, vrivt* or daughters of defunct or active mala employe* on the different read* Aw ant town in the Allegheny mount ains oomlste of 1,800 or 1,700 nest* whloh rbo in cooes to s height of tram two to five too* Tbo ground below te riddled In every direction with suUetnx ccto psasagu* Or the 1,400 doctcwi In Philadelphia .bout 400 makaagood living, 800 layiw munethlng, and 100 serf of tha crowd simply hang on. and sri* to greokm. they had tarnad to run saw-mill. At Its fe« sflka hml rtu« kalM, Wkwv tw Ml with x Call thud Him: naiaV • print on 0I> oo«-Ula U» rin Ol a bost-Uw slA n« saUad bJ# WW. -CSteajo IHbwW Thu Dallas Herald says that there are ■till living sixteen of tbe forty Generals that Tinas famished to tits war. Ihe paper does pot stole tritssw the other 204,008 Generate now reaiding iu that Stats got their title, but they are prub- ably dtetlngubhed gsntlemea who moved thoro since tbe eloso of the national nifundorttamliiig. Iu that State a ootsmou citisou feels lonely sur rounded by so much glittering rank.— DttriU Free Press. ss TOUMO oon pie have Just begun housekeeping and wish to engage s maid-of-all-work. Josephine prumnto horselt After detailing the duties re quired, the lady of tha house remarks: “Wall, my good girl, I think you will bo suited; tbo work te light, and wo have no children.” Josephine (with a gracious smirk)—" Oh, madam, do not put yourself out on my account, I beg. I adore them.” "Mr pore boy,” exetefrned the anx ious mother, unwinding tire bondage that waa wrapped around his "right duke,” sad exposing to view the skinned and bleeding knuckles, "how did you ever come to do it? What au awful- looking hand I H eooiagmtioooreerio- siplelum should act In, what would your unfortnit tether say?* Tho poor buy didn't seen to take a very ready grip on he problem thns presented in r, i ,-renco to his paternal parent, hut hi* luce lit up with something like savage satisfac tion «* ho observed:" If you think that's awful, mother, you ought to ecu Bill Strbbina* nose I* • ** 4r*