Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 24, 1881, Image 3

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Now Advertisements'. .,1 ST. SIMONS Marine Hospita Db. B. J. MASSEY, Pbop’b, st. sihonn bulls, - uniau Hiring •■Ubliihed comfortable quartan, will: care for ilck and wounded nuuen requiring hoepl* III taealment. Special attention to the waata of j&telgn ahioplng. Free traneporation to and from d patients. '* decta-tr CASH PAID RU«* and Fun of all Kind., and old Iron, Copper, Bran, Haia, Bone* * «n, i.opper, nrais, Ki|n, hoik and Hope orewery description Marlin’s Old Store RICHMOND St, BRUNSWICK. dluolr. Mp.rtnm.blp aith Un. an paata, ririw ba* i and arbil. mla. c.nWtb.MSSoaao^anuSaatnU.'lwk^Suf: Poopl. troabl«d with arid IM ahonld put mor. vbldwjrla brir boon ud 1m. In tlw'r rionidi* utnonaarm. . ikanrmbirdm.borUMMod him to Mb to) tn tb. at nton altbont Out trier tnrmmt. By next •pH^bavlUb.M Mid udnrilnnbraa" »47nr^itrS^T?5riSrftS5 outofdoon.ertaeompan7.uA to to re- clttod. Dissolution ot Partnership. .The eopertnerahip heretofore extattng betw the undersigned la hereby dissolved by mutual c sent. <f. 8. Duron will wind up the buslnece of uu firm, collecting the aeeeta and peylng the HablUUee B. P. GB/~ j. s. uua Brunewlek, Ga., Doc. 16th, 1K1. Dr. R. B. HILL -—- during the day, at hit next door to Eoberta* Drugstore. ■ k J£? 400 TONS GRATB ANDMOVI C OAL IT PtB TON. $3 T5 PUB HALF! QUAUTJtB TON, JJY % JESSE WILDER, NEWCASTLE STREET. IT Fire Insurance J. M. DEXTER INSURANCE AND BEAL ESTATE AGENT, BEPBESENTS THE SOUTHERN AH II. CO. OP ATHENS, OA., AND h OTHER FIBST-CLASS TSTOtlOO. All orders for OAK WOOD of any length promptly filled If left at aovlSMm J T. PLAIN’S DRUG 8T0BE. BOARDING. Parmuaet and transient boarders eu,be accom modated at my toardiof bonne, up attire la the Dew Dixon Building, on Nowceetlo street. Tama moderate and table good, d cloAt Una. E. V. WALTERS. FOR SALE 1 DMRABlinOVtlANDlOTooOooh. t»uo Attune—Are rooms and kitchen under one ‘root. For terms apply to 4 DM. W.B. BURROUGHS, decMf or, O.P. GOODYEAR. Citation. ' Notice la hereby given to all that Mary A. XmBigaoo, as adr * to DuUlgnou, deccaued, has Him. u. uu. *..* ry’a court of Qlyan county, Georgia, bar petition for final discharge u tart administratrix, ao* you and each of yon are heresy notified to file In this ronrt objections. If any you have to each discharge, by or before the flret Monday in March IMS. ThU December 1, lMt. EDGAR p. DART, Ordinary 0.0.0a. . D. D. ATKINSON, ^ DENTIST, BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA. Office np stairs In Crovatt'e new bull ding. JyZM G. H. COWMAN, Contracto and Builder, Ult Elf tWlCC. OlOBCU. a properod to do aU kinds 6f wort le my line. n Newcastle staeet. near the OUy Hall o., A. Kalaer k Bro TOR FIRM QF w. t. sum & co., (BUOOMSORfi TO W. T. O LOVER) Has removed frooi the store next door to the poet Utfiee. and opened afresh la Dixon’s New Building, wiirio lb* pnblin out b» ..pflkd, al vbrimri. M rttril. »ltb ercrptblwi 1. lb. Urn. ot STATIONERY, Books, Pictures, Etc. XK MEWSPAPEHS, PERIODICALS & UA6AZIIES Bocsivel daily and for sale at low price*. PICTURE FRAMING DONE ON SHORT NOTICE, 4%dvqr i ti$er mtd . rUBLISliU) IVUT SATURDAY MORNING- AT BRUNSWICK.GEOBOJA. SATURDAY MORNINO. DECEMBER 34,1881. HOME MATTERS. Post Oflce Time Tabic. Geneml Deliver, oper., 8.-00 A. n.: clo.e.B^O,j,. SetfUter .nd Money Order Barium, open. fiiOO A. M.; ciom. 4:00p. It. ' , TIME OF CLOSING THSMAIU. 8t. Maioo. mril dome t-M a. m. B. It A. iuaI) clOM, 8:18 A. K. X. * R null riom. 8:00 a. h. Binnntb, Hewn ml Ulrica tbrongb ponchea rionnnl i Aik 8am Ward if be it a father- mother and see him smile. , , See advertisement of new jack shop at old store of Sir. Slarlio, rear Post Offioo. 40,000 oranges arrived here for sale this week. They sold readily at |2 per bandred. Solid fold witcbM and cbtlni jn.l norirad and tor ml. bp u. L. Harp 13. Still they eome! From all sections comes tho inquiry, “any room far me in Branatviok?" Tbrongb the eonrtesy of “Major” we have a lot of St. Simons items this week. Do eo again, Col , ’ The public school, of this city yesterday for tbe holidays.— Exorcises nil! be resumed on Tues day, January 3d, Tb. blunt lot nr jowrir, .Tit brought lo tbln •Hr now no n|Mla. And tor min by gdunpli. ’ ‘Die foundation for tbe new rniiwSad wsrebonse and depot is being laid.— Tbe building will be two hundred feet long, with track/rout and rear. Whatevor this sheet may lack this week, onr readers will please charge op to tbe Exposition. The entire force went np to eeo the sights. FnmllqnoinformndlcinAlpnrponM.ri8Arn.riM.. Boom.”. “ d "•* *• W, “'' muj-tblm Married, at tbe Episcopal church, ob 22nd inst., by Rev. H. E. Lucas, Mr. John W. Wood and Mies Mary Bostwick, all of this city. ,V- -R. Mitchell cleared No bark Yorkshire, on tbe 10th inst., for Montevideo, with a cargo consisting of 650,640 feet pitch pino lumber, vei ned at $10,410. Among the curiosities of tho sea son is the antomatia clock now on ex hibition nt the jewelry store of H. L. Harris, Esq. It is certainly a won der. Go oud see it. If yotrbant sugar, coffeo, bacon, flour, syrup, o xy other good tb oi. alw«>a go to GoWuBUbgCo.' whereprlcaaw)” tall. Mr. Georgo Ralston, formerly in spector for Cook Bros., of this city, has been appointed coodnotor on the B. A A Railroad, and made bis first trip last Monday morning. We are reqnested to «nnoanoe that tho Mel'iodat Sunday School will hove their Christmas tree at tbe church jfaoodfijr night, the 27th iuat Exer- orciscs begin at 5 o’clock. . If yen want to ba!p keep prices down, give your trade to GoI(lstni:b * Co., who have done more to ffrnaaprjeeAthan any otha: kouaa la Braaawtak. • OHng to tbe absence of a bomber of persona from tbe city the past week, there was no meeting of the Garfield dob on Wedneedey night last. An other meeting is called for next Wednesday, December 28th. A full meeting i* desired. Time—7:80 p. sr, Plaoc—Court Houso. Messrs. Edwards, Ward A Co. have jnat^pnrobnsod and pnt in position a s^eklid new Bookwslter engine for their bracket works, and are now pre pared with power BO'Hcient to do all that may tie needed. ■ We are pleased say that this now enterprise lias proven a perfect enoaess ao far. Send your orders. rto, loi ,U-TvT-vi»V4 nil lot mi. t, B. L. The Southern Express Co., appre ciating the increased volume ol Brunswick business, has sant down a delivery wagon. Mr. CursweM, tbe popnlnr agent, informs ns that he will bereafter deliver goods daily. On Christmas day (to-morrow) he will delirpr,antjl sloven o’clock. -Bahaa famished oar business firms with "call cards,” which they will display when they desire lo make abipmenta. Sheriff -Lambright baa been to At lanta this week to carry Jim Taylor, who has been sentenced to four yean bard labor for breaking into Mr. Do- erfiioger'a jewelry store. On bidding Jim farewell, Sheriff L. comforted him- with the assurance that, whilst he oonld not visit the Exposition, he would not be expeoted to work Cbrist- i day, it being Sunday. >to fa son# natiaractloo In trwliug with a flr«t* hotia*. It you wait to buy gooda at low prio* J aet boueat weight god Buko re, »od want to waited oa by geuUemuly ata ka. go to Ootd- to.'a, the grocer*. The advertisement of oar new drng- gist, Mr. It. L. Weed, on Monk street, tbe Nelson House, is readily fuuad by its standing on it| bead. It* pro prietor, bowerer, stands, ns other men do, squarely on his feet, end ever ready to answer yoor summons, His drugs are *11 fresh and bis store • model of neatness. Those of oar dt- wbo have known Mr/ Weed for years, recommend him as a careful compouuder of medicine*. When nut bis store, he can bo found at tho residence of G. B. Mabry, Esq. If you want to boy gnoda cferap, go to Ooldamltn Co/a, Ik* froeara. They bate Um largaat »tock [ grooKtaa la kruMWtrt and tb« baat noafitiaa oC SOS, u< MririSIH *» *» WMIITW ksriMlstova. Mr. J. R. Eostwick and family left on Thursday night last for New York, where they will remain for tho next year. It is with the deepest regret that wo announce their departure, os no one can fill Mrs. B.’e place iu the affections of our young people—espe- - dally will they miss her ever welcome home, always opened for their merry making, bat we sincerely hope ere an other Christmas comes, we can all greet them home again. May they gather aronnd their hearts as many warm friends in their new homo as they have lift behind. Few persons appreciate the labors of on editor, or the trials he ha* lo encounter and overcome. By way of illustration: On Satnrday last two of the ADrswnsxB’* warmest supporters met ye editor. One of them seizing bis band said, “Well, Mr. &, I have just finished perusing to-day's paper, and most Bay it is the best yon have isBued for months past” Tbe other said, "Sir, I don't ogreo with yon—I was thinking it was just the oppo site. ” So it goes—what one ipan ad mires another does not. Taking into consideration that propably two thou sand persons pornse oar sheet weekly, we have qnite a job to pioaso ail. Ocean L,<kIk«, No. 314 F. A. M. At s regular oommanication of this Lodge, held on Monday evening, De cember 19tb, tbe following officers were oleeted for tbe ensuing Masonic year: Brother Charles E. Flanders, W. M. “ 0. L. Schlatter, Jr., 8. W. " M. Kaiser, J. W. " J. F. Nelson, Treoanror. " J. J. Spear*, Secretary. “ D. A Moore, Tyler. Installation oL officers will take place on St. Johns Day, December 27tb, at 11 o'clock a. h. Visiting and brethren in good standing ere frater nally invited to attond. aO.LiDTLxmnii, W. M. O.E.Flakdzi!s, Sec’y. BT. SIMONS ITEMe. nr kajob. Sun Pictures. Prof. Tremaine wi'l begin to-night (Saturday) a series of illustrated lec tures at L’orioso Hail, descriptive of tour takeu by himself from Now York to Jornsulem. They will em brace five nights. His illustrations will be enlarged snn pictures, taken from nature, and therefore perfect to life. Too admission is only 25o for each night, or $1 for the entire course. Among oar exchanges we see many flattering notice, of tho Professor's locturaB and illustrations. Tbe At lanta ConMulion says: " Tbe Atlantians bare enjoyed Mr. Tremrine’s sun-pictures immonsely.— Those who went the first uiglit ex pecting to see a “common lanteru show” wore very agreeably surprised. They saw nothing of tho kind, bat largo, magnificent views, that seemed to be as nearly perfect aa arc could make. Tho entertainment has run through fonr evenings, tbe attendance increasing at every exhibition; last night the opera house was crowded to (is utmost.” MaiTna*ff->Hpit:il. Elsewhere iu these columns wi'l be found tbe advertieement of tbe above institatiou, situated on St. Simons Is land. A splendid opportunity is hero presented Captains mid ship-owners furnishing sick seamen with msdi eal attention, instead of sending them off olsowhero. Dr. Massey will tnko every cure of all each, and giva o.tch case bie individual attention. All sea men securing bis atttontious may re- npon being well and ably treated. To-morrow ia Christmas, and— «-E»ory bodlo bAth s larks,— they r»y hi-r, I.-* — Bmm. No bananas this season. Eggs are searoe and command fab. nlons prices. Oar farmers ore backward in tho truck farming this season. Tbe Roby carried to end from SL Simons on Monday last ninety-six passengers. Quite' n fleet of vessels in port, load ing with dispatch, for foreign and ooost markets. James Lee knifed Wingfield Aiken on Monday jiigbt. A woman at the bottom of iL All oolored. Col. Sbadman will soon pnt upon the market several gallons of his cel ebrated refined olive oil—fresh, pare; unadulterated. Bust-proof oats have succeeded finely on the Island this winter. There are several fine be seen at this time. The one grown by Mr. Hays on Si. Simona Mill* land is splendid. a O'Connor is improving tbo Water Lily. 'She is so transformed that elio wiil not bo reoognixed. He ia better prepared than ever to fnrnisb the shipping with pare water. Social eircles havo sustained quite a loss in the removal from the Island of Mr. A. IV. Smith and tamily. The best withes of tbo community attend thorn in their now home in Alabama. To liri blnlursoU. For the immediate present we don’t our wuy clear to start Hint long- taiked-of daily, bat wo do st e bow we can enlarge our weekly. With the first iisno in January we aim to begin the isauaucu of eu eight-page paper, thus giving onrselr more room. Iti-st lured we shall contiune to improve r paper as fast as tbo increased pat ronage will permit, and we also protu- to givo oar patrons a daily at tbs earliest practicable moment L*. IS. Toomnr IakIbg At a regular communication of the above Lodge, held December 21st, 1881, the following officers were elect ed to serve tbe ensning year: J. M. Carter, W. M. E. Pinckney, Ia W. M.J.' Scarlett, J. W. James Bine, Treasurer. George Abbott, Ueeretuy. or Pare for acbrluriia. Dinner drawmap, ' ” Celery, RoMtTi -key. OjRtanoa ibe hrif tUU, Spinach, ] Bread, Pumpkin Pie. craabmy Pto. FI**, Kgjk ***•» For further Information call on GOLDSMITH A CO., Food foi tbe brain nud nerves that invigoialu the body without in toxicating is what we need in these of rush and worry. Parkor'e Ginger Tonic restores tbe vital ener- soothea the nerves ami brings good health quicker than anything can use.—Tribune, See other col on. declS-lm will i you i Tbe old tabby budding formerly aaed a* an oil house at SL Simona light, is now being refitted and refur nished commensarsto with the re quirements of s modern fowl honse. Ye shades of Oglethorpe I “Nothing succeeds like saoeess.”— The reading public will, within a tew weeks, be surprised to learn what a gigantic establishment wil) have been developed from a little enterprise set on foot ou St. Simons about two yoara ago. Poultry raising is engaging tbe at tention of several gonllomon and la dies on the Island. Many improved varieties bave recently boon intro duced; among Iboro the Plymouth Rock, Cochin China, Leghorn, Black Spanish, Improred Mixed, last, and loost tho little Cm tain. SL Simons is a great island. At the same time, and in tbe same house, two gentlemen of pare African ex tract, engaged in tbe pastime of bela boring their dusky spouses with cuffs and blows, caused by an injudicious combination of the "green-eyed mon- ster” and f.-eo use of the extract of John Lcrloy Corn. Owiug to the cold weather of last winter tbe orange crop on the Island is a failure; yet tbo olive orahard at tbe Village and CoL Sbadman’a West Point farm are in fall boaring. Will some Irueticalturiat explain why, in. tbit aemi-tropioal clime, a cold wintor promotes one and prevents another tropical fraiL Several bones of somo bnge mon ster, about thirty times the size of the ordinary inau, bare recently boon fouud ou Soath End beach, borne np by tbe surf. They present quite an antiquated appearance; look astboogb they bare boon tostod about upon tbe bosom uf old Neptouo for many gen erations. There were giant* where they came from. Ou tbe Sontb end of 8L Simons, tbe beueb has beam encroached upon by the sound ut least three hundred and fifty feet within <Jk- lost seventy years—uu avcru;;i> - live foot per year. Where that time there was high bhifi, ou whir, grew green fields of eoru and 8- H Island cotton, ia now a bountiful, bard, saudy beach. On tbe fine old estato of Retreat—tbo former uingnificont residence of Hon. T. Butler King (uow tho property of bis son, Capt. M. P. King,' are to be seen, on tbe beach, at least one ban dred feet oat, tbe remains of tbe old wells used by Capt. Page, Capt. K.’s grandfather, for the purpose of wa tering bis stock and field band* sev enty years ago. Ou last Friday the British brig Valoro unshipped ber rodder and came near foundering. Her Captain, having once conio tbrongb tbe chan nel under tbe guidance of a pilot, felt uisorod that he could successfully find the rood ooaided, and attempted to bring in bis vessel witbont a pilot— In consequence, be sheered hie vessel too fsr northward, unshipped the rod der, end ran her aground in a henry see. Tbe tug Stevens went oat to ber, bnt failed to render any aaistance.— Thereupon her Captain come np to Brnnewiek, and found Mr. Elias Clnbb, who forthwith boarded ber and snooerefally sailed ber in, using * spar for a rudder. For this gallant act of noble seamanship too nmeh cannot be said in Mr. Clabb's behalf. We anderatand that a survey will be held of tbe vessel, which is old, and ebe will probably bo condemned a* unsea worthy. bl under the mogio touch ol G.. W. Asbell, keeper, and the irrepressible Polk Keaton, assistant* everything ia working well at SL Simons light At a recent visit we found tho premises os nest as a pin, and tho above gen tlemen, with coats off and slooveS roll up, as happy as larks ia fitting np * new lamp. Until recently the lamp in nse burned lard oil, bat within s few days this bos been eapplanted by minoral oil lamp, known us the Fnnek patent. -To these gentlemen we are indebted for tbo following items: SL Simons light ia a third order light—fixed, varied with a white and red flash, two wloks ia one burner. Outer burner ii one and twenty-seven thirty-seconds inches in diameter. The light is upon a tower 108 feet to focal flame—116 feet to top of tower. The dwelling is of brisk—the only brick houso in Glynn ooanty. The light is 6} miles from tbe shoals to the 8. a E. Within tbe Iset two year* there have been wrecked on these breakers the English bark Sun beam and tha Spanish bark Emanasl, tbe unfortunate incidents attending the loss of tbe latter of whieb are yet fresh in oar memory. Thefirst tower, eigbty-fiva feet high, was bailt in 1811 from tabby brought from Frederica, made by General Oglethorpe in 173G. Sixty-five patent boxed cans, fivo gallons eoob, filled with mineral oil, have just been received, intended for a twelve-months’ supply. Before lard oil, eolzaoil, expressed from rape seod, was need. In 1805 an attempt wan mode to use mineral oil, and 5,000 gallons were brought for light bouse purposes, but tbe grent volume of smoke prevented its continuous use. SL Simons light is only third order. It might be mode second if uot firsL There are more vessels passing here st this time than passed Tybee when it and several others were made lights of the first ordor. Not to mention vessels passing coastwise, at least eighty-five to one hundred Mils and •teamers come by SL Simons month ly, besides a large number employed in tbo inland navigation. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. *l*n»P ’tag ’Xjquif ’It ’o jo Mftopjvoj to pnnnj *q n» Mttnq majnq J*UT •**> A JO unoti Jt« MID miM papunodWDD SliOIXdlHiWlHfl HHYIDIIIAHil •sriojihoik) PR*) sSiuit qsioJj pint o.rnj ssjscioiacmTNC xrv — ■ oimrmgnxTiy okv— [ciouin kwpiS R ! 0Ut13t K) ‘R[OAU)£ pun saSuodg qwg ‘oupB[aQ ’Botpmto s.nwnjnut ’poog pjrg Amroj) 'Xiawn.aoj ’saioq ni XKraoivqs jo ypoq-fjoatog ‘bosbq Suissdjq 'Seipurj 'eopiwQ [[B sdnog qajiox ‘BoqsmJH [rej^ puw q)oo’x 'Jray ' *sqtuoQ ipoox-onij pira Suibbojq; IiStioi, P qooi* ira oi puirnu /i!nn»iw»i88- .w»qi)o«ona>iw«qx •VD ‘XDIMSNflka - - 'HSnOHNOSiaN ‘XSIDYKHTHd a a a /w a a Our Public BoHooIm. Tbo orowdod condition of tbe Aoad- omy bnilding bos boon a subject of ooucern to tbe aehool board for som - time, noarly two hundred pupils being in the same at prosont. At tbe last mooting of tbe Board, Messrs. Dsxter and 1’utoam ware appointed a oora- inittoo to procara additional accom modations with (nil, power to act— They havo secured tbe one story building belonging to Ocean Lodge, jnst north of tbe Acadomy, wbiob tbs Masons bare put iu good order, and tho committee will fit it up with the latest improred school desks and seats for about fifty primary pupils. This is a movo in tbe right direction, and will relievo the main bnilding from its present over crowded condi tion, bat is only a temporary expedi- onL In tbo spring, a move will be mado to obtain funds to enlarge and refit tbe Aoademy, and we think onr citizens will gladly assist tbo Board in raising tbe money necessary for eo worthy so objecL Onr scboola, both white and oolonxl, are now deserved ly nu object of pride to our people, and show tbe effect of business man agement. Kxtrn Copt**- Tbe. first iMiis of onr enlarged sheet, January 7lh, 1882, will contain a statement of tbe business of 1881, lumber, naval stores, merchundiKc, etc., showing, ns fsr as possible, tho volmno of botiuoss in the aggregate, and, as far as practicable, (but of in dividual merchants. These figures, contrasted with 1880, will be as grand an advertisement of onr growing city as can be gotten ep. To the end, then, that this sbost shall be sent broad-cast over the’ land, we desire onr patrons to send oat a* many copies a* possible. Send in yonr or ders by the first of January. We would like to issue ot leut 1,000 ex tra copies. Neuralgia. OAinsvnxx, Oa., Jtn. 7,1880. I have suffered terribly fur eight months with nsarnlgio pains nil over my bead. Two mouths ago 1 took a bottU of Neurotie, and am now en tirely well. I can say from experience tbe medicine cannot be snrpeMed, nor do I believe it has its equal for tbe re lief of pain. It will ear* beyond s doubt. I feel truly tbankfal that my attention was called to tbie great rem edy. 1 hopo that nil who suffer w' l give it a trial Respectfully, iieol5-lm W. B. Clshzxts. Brunswick & AlbanyRailr’d TIME TABILE!. Takes Efiect Monday, October 3d, 1881- TRAINS GOING WEST. L. 5:00 an L.6.00 1*6:37 1*7:10 1*8:10 1*837 1*930 L. 10:23 I* 11:12 1*12:10 L. 12:27 fm 1*1:10 1*2:14 1*2:50 1*335 L. 3:52 1* 4:21 1*4:60 I* 6:37 1*6:20 A. 730 PASSEN GER NO. 1 *U!AVE. 9.-00 AX 9:50 10:22 10:46 11:26 11:41 12:20 PK 12:41 1:14* 2:101 2:20 2:47 333 3:56 4:21 4:35 4:63 5:12 5:85 3 G:01 A. 630 BRUNS Wick 16 JAMAICA ....i...., 25 WAYNESWILLEL.. LULATON...... HOBOKEN „ 60 BCHLATRVILLE.. 121 STATIONS. WAY CROSS ... WARESBORO MILLWOOD. PEARSON KIRKLAND WILLICOOCHEE * ALAPPAHA......... BROOKFIELD...... TIFTON RIVERSIDE TYTY ALFORD ISABELLA DAVIS EAST ALBANY. TRAIN8 GOING EAST. | luu pfirmo..') e. PAsasN- GEr. NO. 1. I.KAVF.; A. 0:45 6.-00 5:32 54)61| 4:29 4:13 3:43 3:15 2:43 2:10 J 135 1:105 12:82 ph 1132 1137 11:16 1038 1034 10:15 935 930ax NO. 4. ■A. 7:15 1*6:20 I* 6:43 1*5:10 1*4:10 1*830 I* 3.-05 1*2.00 1*1:14 L. 12:10 L. 11:48 1*11:06 I* 10:16 I* 9:22 L. 8:40 I* -8:15 L. 7:44 I* 6:20 I* 635 L. 5:00 ax R. D. HEADER, SuperintendenL Approved: CHARLES I* SCHLATTER, Genl Manager. Drugstore DIXON'S NEW BUILDING. Newcastle t., Brunswick, 6a. \ Ita uiinrtpri fcfl> ruuwt 4 hU D1UO RTOBK to tbo ftbovo Joel I on. ud It nd tb* yrttta CNtonJIy with » freah aoppiyof rMd/lotorrsbta Drugs, Chemicals, PatentMedicine, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Perfumery and Toilet Articles IN GREAT VARIETY, Shipping Intelligence. FO»THBPOHTOPnamBWIOX.FI ENDING DECEMBER 33«1, V01TOBWBX ABtUVALS. ^ 1*—B* IUWt« DtcltBf. ItatlKt, Kihmi. 19—Mor bk VottyrtaaToi—.Wlbulagtoa. Dw 11—Br Pnnntta—. WIIBuan. M. ftara*. pw it—So tatdto Wfttaatt, lutm, urtuta Dm tl—aa A Dwntkw, itariuM, Hevimuh. l>M3t-Dc 31 S Dm, hutVItaw Ywb. Dm 32—Br bg YklcfO, tMltb, Barao* AyrM, Dm 33-1 r bk Mdorwm. Drown, IsnkUt. DWA'rnJBES. Dm IT—Rc Otborik, tUll, Neport Km. IHM IT—So Atari* Witaou. WitaM, MUimt. Dm IT—KU M Write, Xribwwa. FurtlUiiL Dm 19 -Mor bk Ytrtrtlrw, Jwoomw, Mustovbtoo. 1»M at—lit Amcrtcaa kafte. Dtatabfarl, M. Y. - U vjJinw.OMhtMjIrr Yurt. flattie O Dfxoo, TetM. Mew Tort. MINERAL WATERS, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, BUIST’S FRESH AND GENUINE FINE GREEN AND BLACK TEAS, CIGARS AND TOBACCOS, ■ I. rintua. aai omrily tep» to . tnuum trim* Kero. Physicians’ Prescriptions Accurately compounded. UulontBd MpMtaki rinato. After BtaM toctaMd,wtttrtMrtaIIyattoa4uiy calls for BMdtriSM, If ariMod ribta rMktaocw,conn JAMES T. BLA1N. DRUGGIST. W. H. HARRISON, UM NEWCASTLE STREET, BRUNSWICK. * GEORGIA. Sale of Furniture, Crockery Mid Glassware every night at 6 o’clock; Saturdays, 11 A. M. MALLORY'S NEW YORK & BRUNSWICK Steamship Line. WESTMMXTMX&S CITY OF SAN ANTONIO. Cfoo* connect too oa B. b A. na4 N-kD, BrilriMta. Tbroogb bilk lading ■' ' * to ril potato oo obovo mmm M taw m by any otfcer Un*. r ami sutw rooMc «t>NJ If. W, SOUTHW!