Brunswick advertiser and appeal. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1881-1881, December 31, 1881, Image 1

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AND APPEAL. VOLUME VII. • ?> i . ■: i\ xo-j.. ) BRUNSWICK, GEORGIA. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 31, 1881. The Advertiser and Appeal, , If BUPLIBH&D EVERY SATURDAY, AT ,, BRUNSWiCK, - GEORGIA, t. a. s*rA.ersr. NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! ODD BUIVMENTS DV EX- FP • PREMk ' - - -ffBMS SflGifYaiffi' IRFraoiidCo • STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Notions, HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, BOOTS, SHOES, * pull ux e or " GROCERIES! TOBACCO AND (HOARS. St-r at vary close or om. Havtuie pttrchn*- 3k for cMb ouljr, I can Ua rctoru ili fycotu- E. KAUL, WHOLESALE DKALEUS IN FEED, HAY, Etc ' Tv. '?*! fci ALSO HM1A1 COMMISSION BAY STRISKT, BRUNSWICK, - U. Convenient to BHeinous, tlio Railroads and the Steamboats. ts. Goods bought and sold on closest fig ures. Consignments solicited. *5 & Furniture New, Tablefood w. e. Bscs* co. t PItOPBIiSTORS. CIGAR FACTORY BRUNSWICK, OA. t D. G. ItISLEY, Propritor. PureJBtoiia Tobacco, atfft**K w'WV any <k> ‘ B'Tl.n* U*»r» can be Ud of ttelUPiWtiw friar iu onr citvi MoOItf * MvcaiMT. J«)S. ILLAg. jffHT l*OST 0 W. T. 0 tCONK A 13 LO MAlim MICUKLHON * DUO.. WE SELL AS CUBA I* AS ANY AND Cl IB 3 PUR YOURORDERS! Debim, Dwtrt, Senktm, mnI Other Jrticiet m r fa p Freight, J ' fbUadalohta Time*] 4 j Well, I should mj v« [oaten, omc( the old* fill oflloo ot the Ad ams Expreea Company, oa be twirled himself around on a high stool and faced an inquiring reporter, dir. Masters folks with great volubility, and, as ho is in the habit of dropping many small words, Ids conversation was decidedly jerky. Yes, we ship a littlo of everything, from dio- mouds to Chester-whffo pigs and Lim- bertf cheese. “ItemarkaSTeT thing about that choose, Ever smell any? Rich, penetrating sort of fragrauoc, ain’t it? Case burst in the freight-room last spring. Made everyone sick. Two Irish men tried tq shovel it up. Smell nearly turned ’em inside out. Got a Dutchman, regular out and out eat-o-s odwich-in- ft-minno sort of a fellow from Bergmyer’a saloon across the way, but ho guvo out in ten minutes. Only finished it with Uw help of a box of deodorizer. I’hew I They should charge double rates to ship finch stuff,” and the speaker clovatodhis nose as though a trace of the diabolical aroma still lingered In his nostrils. “ Two babies bavo come through this offioo, one from Chicago for New York, and the other from Washington to this city. The men on tho lino mado a great fuaa when the Chicago young one was shipped. Telegraph operator* all along tho route aent dispatches ahead, and crowds of peoplo went to the depot to soe the baby. Came all the way in the cars. .Had a hammock all rigged up. New idea, you know, and messengers thought it woe kind of a joko, but thoy would’t like much of tho kind. Baby*s mother died in Chicago, father lived in Now York; weight forty-ono pounds, I behove; cost about $2.50 to send it through. Philadelphia a baby came along somo time after. Doth mado their trip first-class, and seemed to enjoy tilings generally. Fed’m ivgulation spoon victuals from hote^ slung the hue. Often have dead folks shipped. Don’t know why they send ’em by ex* press, though. Taiii’t likely any onu’s going to walk off with a oorpeo. Yes; a man shipped three abort-horn cattle dean through to Nebraska about a month ago. Unless ho got thorn for nothing thoy must havo cost him a power of money when ho got them. Just think ot a man expressing a wholo deer carcass 3,000 or 3,000 miles. About as sensible for a butcher to oxpross a beef through from hero to Camden. Last fall u lunatic sent a 1,200- pound block of cedar from California clear to Now York. That’s nothing, however, for I boo somo ono sent twonty barrel* of mess pork to the Pottstown military camp by oxprees and tho charges amounted to over 8100. A cin namon bear camo through from Novada by cxprccH lust Juanary for tho Zoologi cal Gurdon. Said ho was tamo when they shipped him. Got looeo near Omaha, drove every oqo out of the oar, obowed np half a deer, tipped around among the freight and had a circus all to himself until ho wna lassoed and tiod iu the oorner of tho car with a log-chain, i Oh, yes, thoy ship lots of mirrors, but 1 tho men don’t like ’em. Seen years’ bad luck to smash a looking-glass, you j know, fcnukes till you isn’t rwt, but j thoy keep them iu boxts. Messengers | don’t mind’em. Now, you n ght think egg* wo a nice freight, but they ain’t, j Morn oxprci>smen grow bald on account of worrying over lxiskets 01 eg./* than anything I know of,” and Mr. Masters turaod from tho rqx>rtor te receive * paokof o of hymu-luxiks coaoigued * missionary in tho Black Hills, In a speech at a Press Fund Dinner, at Manchester, Eng., Minister Lowell said: “I think there is ono thing in which even those who are pessimistically in clined will say that the world has im proved, and that ia the proee. [Cheers.] It is oertainly a long stride from the Grub Street Journal—nay, from Thack eray’s picture of the pressman, which is only a generation old—to such a table as this, and to a prosperity of the press which indicates a higher civilisation, and which is also justified in the noble manner in which it is used. [Cheer*. J The greet danger which thoughtful men have olways dreaded Mm tho press was the danger ot irrcs]>onaibl6 power, and irresponsible power has, almost invari ably, been ill-used power. But I mutit say that in that res poet the press hr* advanced in tho right direction, and thut such publicity as it gives is more useful than harmful. [Hear, hear.] I have more thou once 1 r ote^*'>d against the M interviewer,’* w 1 i " rtaiidy dono what few men of genins Lrive been able to do—thaf is, to mV. is new verb (I will not say whether or not it is an elegant one) to the language. [Laughter.) But I must acknowledge that he is frequent* ly useful, and that he enables public man out of power to make speeches from which they would otherwise be precluded. [Hear, hear.] And when I remember that tho first great and model interviewer was Boswell, I confess that my foolings soften toward the whole race. [Cheers and laughter. ] I alluded a moment ago to what is sometimes a disagreeable—or may become a very disagreeable tod dangerous—quality of the press, and that is tho catering to a universal curiosity whioh loads to au invasion of the privacy of life [cheera], and which, if it justifiodf all that has becu feared of it, would make us all live in a much fiercer light than that which is said to beat upon a throne. But whoa wo oonsidor—as I think all thoughtful men should consider—that, I will not ■ay the majority, but to a consiib ruble portion of luaakimi, their consoicuoea arc external to them, end that Mr* Grundy, iu short, is a largo port of their law, I think we eon soe how in this di rection the proas may be highly service able in promoting purity of life and a high code of publio morals.” DIARY OF A FIRST BABY, The first day or two after the birth of our child is moro or less indistinct in our memory. It don’t eoem to be very definite or fixed. Floating through our wiki waste of brain thoro ia s chaotic panorama, and thoro seems to be nothing but a mixture of events. Wo soe in our mind’s oyo an excited young man prancing wildly through the moonlight downtown. Tho solemn hush of mid night seems to pervade everything. The young man seems to have dressed him self In a hurry, and one suspender is hanging down by his side. Ho rings a door-bell and a physician oomoa to the door. Thoro is a hurried conversation and then all is still. Pretty eoon two men pa** up tho street, TOY (CBiruiuau), ASA UUUXXY. Your Orders are Solicited. (VOkXKULY PLANTER V IJOTKL), M.-rket fyuar •, M.- L HARNETT & 00., l*.t-Ji :Ul£T >.tv, APfl F- FRANKLIN &£o. FINNEY'S BUILDING, RATES, |2.il0 PER DAY.! Jj IkunS-I W «<>:iifbrl'. I'UwMFI 'TTKK. [) modkuattuati^ Bixtitttr In London, during 1880, 15,903 males and 13,870 females were arrested and looked up for the crime of drunkenness. Unices boisterously and offensively drunk men and women ore not liable to arrest. These, wo suppose, can bo called the "dead drunks " of Loudon. A JOYLESS CHILDHOOD. Children in Uie United Mutes have goneroui provision made for their com fort and good cheer. In no part of the world are children letter oared for. Hol- klup abound and schools arc graded to every capacity. A now literature has grown up for their benefit, eoasuiting of papers and books, such ae were never seen before. Music is fought in the fumfiy and in tho publio school, and al most every boy and pdrl can t ing. in the abstract onw books. The on<let-t«»«0 PfrifafghAg* 1 '** —*5? nf*u mb* trem Iho R#cotSs ol flijmn • log from US', end mbMqwoUT nolo 1874.DuUincIt• C0*BI»I*U*b«tr*. tto Boot T. CepUon Ot |«II h »Ti I *“•' » I'wMM, «!dc« tbu rvccBt firttrwt"ii S th» «• lot the tlim with Ihe MfJV'lo. - whUh ,.vsl WHh bnok T. H- h« » uj .ill kM.p ltu|)«i tut .WUlilMUtn “t lllit. 1Ur ch tu ut- Ut. ih. .«.ul«»aoh to tend,r «l>h. tSU. v.1 .tut M opiBto. tolwpalfer r. GOODYEAR . Jrt-ly. A SPEtMfrtY! v An American lady, travel in,/ in th S a.1 k i i 1 j Esit, speaks of the , roat contnist be | t oca children then tad hera. All tluj children she saw in Mohanuitedan oouu- | Oonts’F irnishi n °* Goods It it to-morroto-1 A tOQUtltnl pih Uhlei) chili! ia Doitling in . roll of >00*7 Lluukct. Tho father get* 0 mogaif^iDg gla.ii. and look, ot tho features The nnrao tell, the father, that Un. child iu tho hrlDg picturo of him, a a ; tho eorugul ] :irent bruin., tho unruo with . dooorated wuehln. . ’L First day—Tim 1 'll 'm i: 1 month twic% emitting r •' ’ that uuheo tlx. i.ild . 'I ! ; 1. .... 1 ... adjoining hloek. Second il.y—Thu child ]<u*od • com* forUhlo night. Moro ccxnfcgtaUo Until tho parents. Tlw father goes down town at 2 o'clock a. m., for . soothing potion lot tho child. Oetft ono lor him- •elf at tho same time. Third duy—Boopintiou normal, palm regular, amount of luodabto howl ma terially increased. ' Tenth day—The mind begin* to do- re lop, and the father notioea that his child has no teeth, and will ham to be fed on ground food and bran mash for eouto time. Fifteenth day—Tho child passed tho night pawing the air and rohooraing ft voluntary in Q, fifth sddsd lino above. Twentieth day—Signs of internal dia- tnrUmoo, with indioations •! aquaila and tho pulo-blno coli& Tweoty-fint day—Fell out of bed with out fatal results. Thirtieth day—Hogan to notiei the la: nor, and n nuiftot 1 ft desire t'j bo- oouo mocu thoroughly acquainted. Fortieth day—The dfaoipated flash UazrUL DliCO TBM1MM. Porcelain, which hu been known to the Chinese and Japanose for ages, was not made in Europe until the beginning of tho lost century, when a German dis covered the art purely accidentally. This man waa an apprentice to an apothe cary at Berlin, when he met with an al chemist who, In return for tome good offices done him by his master, promised to teaoh him the art of making gold. To disoover the grand secret, he labored incessantly; and *0 it happened that, having mixed various earths together in order to make strong craeiblcs, in the course of baking them be accidentally discovered the art of making porcelain. The intended transmutation took place —not in tho metal., indcod, but in his own person—and, os if he hud boon toocl od with a oonjurorV wand, ho w 9 ail of a .addon tianafo ncd fio.a .n aloham iat into a potter. The lira: . j- lain thus manufactured wa< oi a brownish-red color, being made oi brown day. The power ot leases, as applied to telescopes, opera-glosses and the like, was discovered by a watchmaker’* ap prentice. While holding spoetaole glasses between his thumb and finger ho was startled by the suddenly-enlarged appearance of aneighboring churoh aplre. The swaying to and fro of a chandelier in a cathedral suggested to Galileo th# applloation of th* pendulum. Merxotinto, a partienlar method of fine engraving on copper,owed its invention to the simple •coidsntof the gun-barrel of • sentry beooming rusted with dew, The art ot lithographing was perfected through suggsitions made by accident A poor mnaidan waa anxious to know whether music could not be etched upon stone as well as copper, After be bad pre pared his elab hla mother naked him to make a memorandum of snch clothes as she proposod to send away to b* washed. Not having pen, ink and paper conven ient, he wrote the list on the ston* with the etching preparation, intending to make a copy of it at leisure. A few days later, when about to clean the ■tone, be wondered what effect squall r- tia would have upon ih Ho applied the acid, and in a few minutes saw th* writ ing standing out in bold relict Th* next step necessary was to Ink tha ston* and take off tjje impression. Th* art of etching upon glass was discovered by • glass-cutter accidentally letting ft few drop* of aquafortis fall upon his apeota- else. Ho notioed that tlie glass bocnmft corroded and softened where the aefl had touched it, and that was hint enough. He drew figures upon th* glass with varnish, applied tho corrod ing fluid and 'then cut sway the glass around the drawings. When the var nish waa removed tlw figures appeared raised on a dark ground. The shop of a tobaooonistwia destroyed by fire. While be waa g a ring dolefully into the smoldering rains, ha noticed that hi* poorer neighbor* were gathering th* snuff from th. eanfitem He tested the snuff himaalf, and discovered that fire had lirgely increased its pungency and aroma. It waa ■ hint worth profit ing by. Ha aeoored another shop, built • lot of ovens, subjected th* snuff to a heating process, gave the brand a pecul iar name, and in • few years became rich through an aocideot which he had »t first thought bad completely ruinod him. 'i h* ccrmpoaltior. of which prir'e Milan nr* mad* was disooicrod I - . in gnlar o-eidant. A printer, not Wing able to find tlio palt ball used in r-i.len times to ink the type with, eubatitnted a piece of soft glue which bad falion out of a glne-poh It was such an excellent substitute that, alter mixing molasses with the gins to give the mass proper eonsl*tcr.oy, th » eld pelt ball was en tirely discarded. Water tabbiee, em ployed in the manufacture of waved and watered silk, was invented by a man who get his first ides from th* spreading of a squirt ot tobaooospit 00 a smooth floor.— CisefnnoM Cotnmrr ial There 1* the alow, measured gait, tread, tread, ell day long. Tb* man who car ries the hod has this peculiarity down fines H* would ran to • fire in thaiamt •tap ftnd get then—poafibly. The long lope, thirty-four inches to th* atop, with ■ sag to th* knee-joint, ft vigorous awing of fibs arms, It that of ft young man from rural dom, H* get* the walk from going over tha rough ground, and anybody that gets the beat of him has got rough ground to go over. ICv Th* quick, sharp and spiteful gait, with the Iittl* metallic heels ringing on the pavement, is the gait of tha smart young mix, with bright eyes and lota of vivacity. Tha young nun who in tends to koep company with her tot Ufa must make up his mind to train to her atop. Bho will never train to his. The every-day business gait Going right along with your feet, and your thoughts in tbs office, store or whatever it is. You never know how far tho walk, or how long it takes you to cover it It is an indefinite, and frequently the only, aid to g'iod digestion. Thatoke-it-oasy, don't-care-crent sort of gait, with a cane twirling over his finger, fa • typical man of the world, Ha leads a life of lefsura, and wouldn't hurry hlmselt As s oocsequsnoa he grows tat, rheumatic and gouty, and in latter yean walks with two cone* and tremn- Ions limbs. It doesn't gay to buneh your pleasure. The slow gait For particular* send a small boy on an errand.—JVeio Haven BeffUter. NUMBER 26. Kouiass baa come Into notiooaa ■ beverage because of ita nae by the Prift- ident The fallowing ia a recipe for making it: Fill a quart bottle up to th* neck with milk; add two table-spoonfuta of whito augur (after dissolving the asms by tho addition of a little water over • hot fire); also;* quarter of a 2-oent cake of oompreaaed yeaat | thon tie the cork on the bottle securely and shake the mixture well; pleco it ins room of tlio temperature of SO to 96 degrees Fahren heit for six hours, and finally is an tee- box ova: night The milk u-cd should be porfectly pun; and the yeaat fresh. U then is any curdle in th* koumiss or thickened part resembling chess 8, it shows that tb* fermentation has gone too far and tc« drink is spoiled. It may be added that unless oars is taken in drawing th* cork tha fluid will go oat with it Uko warm Sootch ale. Koumiss ia already obtainable at Washington bar-rooms rZBABAXmiBS. A wax is known by the oompany he keep* out ot Wnx h* earns home tipsy he told his wifo he had been out aherrynadlug. To wan a sneoeasTnl rah for office * man must imitate anew. Ho must oome down occasionally. "I wish I was a pudding, mamma," '* Whyf “ 'Oaua* I would havo * lot ot anger put Into me,* "Ixii only after long reflection that I go to an entertauiment with any young man, 1 * said the maiden to her mirror. Wnx a woman leaves a man who has not earned his salt for years, he immedi ately adTertioesIhst he will pay no debts of hat contracting. A cEUTAix gentleman mnxt Lav* been very proud of bia wife when he des cribed her as " beautiful, dutiful, youth ful, and an armful." Eli Pxxxnra eay* Ikxas is tho largest State in the Onion. Nu* the Broto will, have to bo surveyed all over , iu to ascertain if that fa 30.—Tex a ■ S\"'., •*. "This fa a sad* on our boasted civilization,”* tramp despond- togiy ofeMrved, whew kadJacovand that from th* boat of Oxaxa spends about ICO,000 a you for instraettng bar 0,000 school children. ABOUT WAIK1KO. No two of us walk alike. The hingca of oar gait turn the same way, bat with different results. The baby strikes out a toddle because it hawit strength enough to walk, bat it lias the underlying principle of a nat ural walk, because it " toes in." "Toe ing oat" is a military artifice invented for the purpose of showing bow much more a man knew than tho Lord did. The hippity, hoppity, skip ind-jm ip fa peculiarly the littlo girl'* gait. (Ja- casy ai.l restless, the flutter-budget seems u ti dined to wear Um tola of hit tricseocaed pteternu'mlly wber, and by late bourn and constant ut- the aoul of her mother out at without a love for apotU. Sho asy* : "What always imprcaaea me more Icntion to vocal music began to dia- - nusi uiwuyj imprcsooa mo more ftnpcar a - than anything else in Egypt and Pale* No ’notiocaWo ehango fox several months, except the growth of the brain l jn*t tb Moff* • S’* ^4 wWirb I prottOffi* MtUtof •• t>rt«S Never Bcl'orc Known ! CUlosatoXh-! — my *to X. which w- t--W|li* WBIGI!I7 ' a-ol; 1 , /; , : * i f f i tine is the entire abseooe of cheerful 6hd cxhilaruting music, especially from (•hfldreo. Yoa never bear them ring in the hnta. I never heurd a toog that <1> aerves the name in the streets or bonaea of Jeraaalcm."—Fwi/A'« Ormtpanion. and partial diaappearaneo of gistria A FHETVri. dfaimaition take* tbs fra- mental The growth of the mental faculties seemed tbsa to bs more noticeable, so that at this data tb* child already aoMca to know more than tha old people; Tb* of the juvenile is where a cheerful disposition j NyS, Itotmrrm'j. would couee flower* bloom. 1 the same time; bat aha lathe prattieat picture of animation humanity can show. The dead ran, all oat of breath, ia th* email boy's gait. Yoa can set down tha boy who so fa* targets himself as to walk at already ia hi* dotage. The bmnd-to-hsre it gait is a rapid, straightforward stride, never turning to the right or left The man who has It knocks over children, barks his shins against market baskets, and stub* bis toe against everything on the walk. Bnt be get* them, and Ids ooat-tail ar rives about two minutes lata. vi>h that rtr. An old sailor said that there wm noth ing on land not to bo found in the see. There are sea eucnmbora and carrots, and many other sea vegetables that look very much like thoac whose names they bear. Borne of the fish even have name* Uko those of land animals. Then are hog- fish, aea-boraca, tood-flahea and aea- eows, One very lovely fish It tho angel fish. Bnt the mast curious of all fa tha flying-fish, whioh has broad fins Uko wings. This fish ia shaped and ootorod something like a mackerel. Ita back ia bins, and its under part* are white. When it flhu it takes short flights from | the top of one wave to the top of nnoth- I cr, Tlio flying-squirrel can fly, in this way, from a high point on a truo to one lower down. Tbqy ore plentiful near the West Indies, where tho water ia Maim. In tho morning the sailors may iiud a dead fish on tho deck. It had seen tho lights that tha voascl carries at night, and flown toward thorn, fa could fly high enough to roach tho tossoI's deck, but oould not fly ocrt>-i it. It may have struck a boom or sail, and fallen dead from tha blow. After this they grew men numerous, and yoa will too them In the day time; They fly out of the water In front of the ship, in tittle groups, looking like flock* of swallow*. Their white aide* will gloom like silver in the sun. They can not fly iar—per haps 100 yards. After wetting their wings, or fins, they then can fly farther on. They look aa if they enjoyed their life in tho air, but they do not always fly for pleasure. The dolphin, a very fierce and fast-swimming flab, hunts them in tha water. Whan the poor fly- inpfiah tries to escape him, the great to* birds, the gulls and pelioans, seize them aa they fly out They are very good to eat The people in tho islands about which they live catch them In dip nets and by them. tbahamhahad Ukn a ibop was a wooden one, A manor jam is mod* of plum, and ytt a perfect jamb is never out of plumb. "Think of H,” say* th* Emigrant Gaul, "arid yet Frenchmen are expected to writ* good English just the same.” " A 0000 husband makes a good wife," toy* a philosopher, but be stops there, and don't my what he make* her d& Probably build tha lire for him in the morning and sit up late for him at night; “ Weai kind of a mark fa that f” aoid Hagrady to hfa friend Talthorpe, point ing to a soar on his fee*. "It’s a ques tion mark,” replied tne other; "got it for taking a man 'll it wm hot enough for him.’"—Ptush, Boxxn t bridal roeptkm. Several ot the guests, after shaking bauds with th* brido, and all spceUag at the same time t "Where fa the bridegroom?” Bride^ naively: "Oh, be'a up stairs watching the wodding prosents," "Isat, when dcMthfatrainfaavef" "What are yoa asking m ler I Goto tha conductor; I *m the engineer.” "X know you're the engineer; bnt yon might gives mans efvil answer,” "Test but I'm no civil engineer.” BxLATtoxsxir* are rather far-fetched, both In Ireland and Boot- land, "Do yon know Tom Dully, Patf " "Knew him, fa it?" says Fat, “aure he's a near relation of min* | ha once wanted to many my sister, Eats;" To following laoonla correspond ence is reported in a Maine papas 1 M. T.—" Do mo th* favor to lend me a doQar to gat ay eow out of tho pound." G A. D.—"Iwould, ball paid my fast dollar to th* boy* to taka tho eow loth* pound," XtoMiff kis totox Mm*. QMtk to, “ I Wixk tool I aasM r* AjStSI —00 cw* to—aa. "Halloa I Bob, how are you f ” Bob, who had been in jail for debt tar semo months past, answered; "Very well, thank you; but I have been in trouble, you know!" “What trouble ailed youf* "A trouble poised in durenoe>” A rouxo la<ly who was doing too Ah—, r •portodiirogrc * to hor guardiiu: f [ tried to cluub the Mattrrbcrc; didn't roach tho top, It’s absurdly high— ovorything fa high in this country. Fleas* send me somo money,” TtoSwAaotMa Oxx Berlin axthority reckons the atocuu t of capital lost to tho Fatherland by (migration to America at lu,00(j million mark*. Manyrogard tha vast this of smigratioo not as an' unmfaad •ril, bnt m a purifying stream. They ocatend that Gasman/tetuflsrtag from Txx blno necktie, which fa part of grfjj Chilian soldier's uniform, fa M dearly oovotodM a trophy by the F«r»- vfana u a soalp by the Indiana Tni United Btatcs produce* more p» par inpropoctioo to ita populatfan than any other nation, and uasa more than it produce*. i* aim* imrita As alleged poet says that violate an "hmvsnly gem* on Nature's polocalso," and we preeumo on the same plan it may be add flak white turnip* are the buttons on Natnre’e ncgro-minatrel dot ter, "r™ five cents left," raid a loafer, 'taoril buy a paper with them.” "Whet paper do you buyT said a blond, cu rious to learn the literary taste ot his acquaintance. “A paper of tobeoea,” replied th* loafer. Ella Wxsxlxx ha* not rectivsd a single offer of marriage (face tb* pobtt* cation of her poem: "Mamma Will Not Leave Her Horn*;* How often th* most promiring efforts of our fives yield naught hot diaappointmant Bhe should not giro up in despair, however. A brief posm beginning as follows might have a more satfataotory result: hla aw, BatwWtAraricfaM, wtetfiraUcAa, ■mm Ma dur Dm do amt X m t Maid ot Dttrollg an ww wed, T*B bm, esa yen tete goat bn«i f UttMeoffMtUtytxtnw fltronc udMr, of *c-Ur hco t Do jron ffY*r ooicb Jour hnir