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L. T. Cooper, Noted Scientist
And Philanthropist Gives
Large Part of Income Each
Year to Charity.
Not in recent years, perhaps,
has the coming of any public
character aroused such wide
spread interest as did the visit
of L. T. Cooper, the millionaire
philanthropist, to Atlanta re
Mr. Cooper is described as
one of America’s formost lead
ers of advanced thought, and
sprang into fame and fortune
through his new health theor
ies based on what is known as
the Tanalac treatment. He is
a man of rare talents, magnetic
force and charm of manner. He
never ceases to surprise you
with the infinite variety of his
knowledge, and its absolute
correctness and thoroughness.
In several of the larger cities,
especially throughout the
South, he has done a great deal
of relief work among the poor.
Mr. Cooper is a firm believer
in practical philantrophy, and
his relief work in Atlanta is al
ready familiar to the charity
workers of that city. During
his recent visit there he distri
buted at the Piedmont Hotel,
under the personal directioh of
leading charity workers, eleven
hundred ready-made dresses
of excellent quality to the poor
women and children. Ladies
prominent in Atlanta social
life and many prominent citi
zens were on hand early in the
afternoon to assist in co-operat
ing with Mr. Cooper in this
worthy cause.
A few weeks previous to this
he performed a similar service
in Birmingham and donated
one thousand dresses to the
poor of that city. Similar do
nations were also made in Nash
ville, Chattanooga and Knox
ville. And hi& establishment of
the now famous “free bread
line’’ in Louisville during the
past winter, where he distribut
ed fifty thousand loaves of
bread absolutely free and with
out question to those in want,
proved a revelation to charity
workers there. In fact, in prac
tically every city Mr. Cooper
has visited, he has always
shown his great sympathy for
the poor and unfortunate by I
performing some unique act of |
Mr. Cooper contends that
nine-tenths of the diseases and i
ill health of the present-day |
American is due to faulty diges
tion and improper assimilation
of the food which finally pro
duces a stuffed up condition of
the vital organs.
It has been said that Tanlac,
his celebrated medicine which
is now accomplishing such re
markable results throughout
the country, not only quickly
overcomes all catarrhal infla-
mations of the mucus mem-
brame, but acts directly in the
correction of stomach, liver,
kidney and intestinal disorders.
Tanlac as has been so con
vincingly proven by the thou
sands upon thousands who have
endorsed it, is also a reconstruc
tive tonic of great power, and
has been known to entirely re
lieve the most obstinate cases
of rheumatism and blood disor
ders, in a very short time.
It is, indeed, doubtful, if any
thing ever placed on the market
in the way of a medicine has
sprung into such popular favor
so short a time. People
Conducted By NR. J. E. B. LYON
Mrs. C. C. Carlton’s mother,
who has been spending a few
days here with Prof, and Mrs.
Carlton, returned home last
Dr. and Mrs. West, Frank
and Edith are visiting in North
Carolina this week.
Miss Bessie Hammett and
week, accompanied by Mrs. J Miss Emma Stover, of Nelson,
Carlton and little daughter, the j were the guests of Mrs. Barker
former going to recuperate last Tuesday,
from her recent spell of sick-1 R. O. Evans visited his fath-
ness , ier at Dawsonville this week.
F. L. Boling, of this place has The Halloween party given
severed his connection with theiby Mr. and Mrs. ,J. E. B. Lyons,
mercantile firm of Lovelady & j Monday night, in honor of Miss-
company and is now associated ; e ? Bessie Baker and Elizabeth
with his father in the Standard'Simpson was greatly enjoyed
oil business. Mr. Boling is a by all. There were about thir-
hustler in any position and jfy-five guests and many inter
ns much as his manv friends esting games were played up
till 10 o’clock.
miss him behind the counter at
this accustomed place, yet they
all bespeak for him and wish
him much success in his new
line of work.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lovelady
visited the latter’s mother, Mrs.
Malinda Timmons, at Waleska
Sunday last.
Jim, the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Bettis, happened to a very
| painful accident Saturday last,
when a younger brother hit
him in the side of the head with
a rock, cutting an ugly gash and
causing very near a fractured
bone or bones. Medical atten
tion was given the child immedi
ately and at present he is doing
nicely. Children should be
taught how dangerous rock
throwing is and not allowed to
throw rocks if possible.
Mr. Bud Holcombe, of Creigh
ton is now with Lovelady & Co.,
here and is ready to serve his
customers in his pleasant, con
genial manner.
Mrs. W. S. Brady, of Jasper,
as she was enroute to visit her
sister out near Shiloh, spent a
day or so last week visiting her
daughter, Mrs. F. L. Boling.
Mr. Willis Boling, who for
merly lived in the vicinity of
Ball Ground, but who at the
time of his death lived near
Canton, died at his home Mon
day last and his remains were
brought to Sharp Mountain
Tuesday and placed in the ceme
tery there. Rev. Stephens con
ducting the funeral. Mr. Boling'
was an uncle of Mr. Lowery
Boling of this place and had
many friends who will hear of
his death with regret.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Lovelady
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
W. A. Bearden at Waleska last
Mesdames. E. P. and J. E.
Redd, of Orange, were the
guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hawkins
last week.
Mr. James Bailey, of near
Canton, visited his father,W.
11. Bailey, last wek.
Mr. Clark Cagle, of near
Jasper, visited here last week.
Dr. T. F. Hawkins and fami
ly visited Mr. E. P. Redd at Or-
jange last Sunday.
Mr. ami Mrs. Luther Green
visited Dr. Petty, at Orange last
Dr. John Hendrix, Rev. A. J.
Sears and W. S. Brady, from
Jasper, made a business trip to
Ball Ground last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Cantrell
from Talking Rock visited here
last Sunday.
Mrs. Gordon Price is visiting
in Gordon county this week.
D. S. Shelton and famliy
toured to Waleska last Sunday.
six months time. The demand
for Tanlac in Birmingham,
Chattanooga and in fact, every
where it has been introduced,
has likewise-been phenominal,
and the demand for it is con
stantly increasing. A total of
over one million bottles of the
medicine have been sold in nine
months’ time, and it is, without
the most widely talk-
world tb-
The candy drawing given at
the residence of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Covington Saturday
night was muchly enjoyed by
all present. There were about
thirty-or thirty-five young men
and ladies present.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, of
Murphy, N. C., stopped over to
spend the week-end with Dr.
and Mrs. M. G. Hendrix on their
wedding tour from Washing
ton, D. C., and New York.
Are you quite sure your sight
Your comfort depends upon
is perfect? If so, are you quite
sure they are what is required?
the treatment of these questions
By our scientific method of fit
ting glasses we can assist you to
answer them.
Call on us
Optometrists Opticians
-1,000 to $10,000 on good
Cherokee county farms at 7 per
cent. Loans made on basis of
1-2 the value of the land. Now
is the time to make application
for money you want about Nov.
1st. For particulars see
9-10-tf. Representative.
I have a good farm ,<|n the
river to rent, 40 acres of good •
land, I want a good tenant with
good stock and force enough j
to tend said land. This place !
has made 12 bales of cotton,
500 bushels of corn. Would ;
sell this place on easy terms. I
Onlv 4 miles from Canton. Jas.!
V. Keith.
“I feel that I owe the manu
facturers of Chamberlain’s
Colic, Cholera and Divrahoea
Remedy a word of gratitude,” j
writes Mrs. T. N. Witherall,'
Gowanda, N. Y. “When I
began taking thipsmedicine I
was in great pain and feeling
terrible sick, due to an attack
of summer complaint. After
taking a dose of it i had not
long to wait for relief as it j
benefited me almost immedi-1
We are prepared to write
Cotton Insurance covering
on cotton ?n bales any where,
and solicit your business.
We represent the best
Companies, and guarantee
prompt and reliable service.
Write us, call or Phone 171,
|§ F. IW. Blackwell & Co. Agents
For a limited time we will
sell one Feather Bed weighing
36 pounds and one ^)air of* Al
lows weighing six pounds all
for $10 cash with order, f. o. b.
Covington, Ga. NEW feathers
only. Best A.C.A. ticking, if
beds are not as advertised we
refund your money. In busi
ness over four years our best
advertisement. Order today.
Reference Bank of Newton
County. Send your orders to
the oldest bed company in
Dixie Feather Bed Co.
10-15. 4 t.
Obtainable every-1
One or two Dr. King’s Life
Pills with a tumbler of water
at night. No bad, nauseating
taste; nob elching gas. Go
right to bed. Wake up in the
morning, enjoy a free, easy
bowel movement, and feel fine
all day. Dr. King’s New Life
Pills are sold by all Druggists,
36 in an original package, for
25c. Get a bottle today—en
joy this easy, pleasant laxa-
As a gift for daughter,
wife, or sweetheart, you’ll
make no mistake in select
ing a dependable bracelet
watch. The height of fash
ion, it is also of constant
every-day service.
Our stock affords a var
iety of styles and a range
of prices to suit all pock
Fitted with accurate
Waltham or Elgin move
ments, each watch is fully
A pretty design is 14 K
Gold with Walthan or
Elgin movement, sells for
$18.00 to $25.00
Others $2.50 to $15.00
Canton Jewelry Company
Jewelers & Opticians.
Canton, Georgia.
V V -I- V • r* v v *!* «F V 'F
i Why do you put up with such a
nuisance? You don’t have to if
you furnish your house with a(
’ % » ^ v *
Cole s Original
Hot Blast
You build only one fire each
■* winter. It is never out from fall
till spring.
V You get up and dress in rooms
warmed with fuel pm in the night
before. This is not possible with other
stoves. Burns anything—soft coal,
hard coal or wood.
Come in and see this great fire
keeper and fuel saver.
**Cole’s Hot Blast makes your coal
pile last."
Palmer Bros
Canton Georgia
v *F »F *F v *F »F -F *F *F *F »F
How can you improve the
price of cotton? What have
you got to say atiout the financ
ing of this great country? How
are you going to help yourself,
if the money interests want to
step in and crowd you out of a
living and the comforts of what
you raise on the farm?
tells all in a nutshell. Fearless,
Straight from the shoulder,
honest reports of the things
which interest to farmer MOST
Only paper in the world owned
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ter four issues.
Now is the Mme to enter the contest
and mal»e a hit. Don’t wait.