The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, January 01, 1856, Image 1

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BY JAMES GARDNER, (Central LIVERY AND SALE STABLES. « WILSON' A A I.FORI), M -gv W m tb r-ar of tin I' >■ Jb-Qv%t2jo^^ /C/V- tel, Augusta, Go. x£/ r|A 11 i: Proprietors return (heir thanks lor the W liberal patronage‘-xtended to them, and beg leave to inform the public that they are fully pre pared to accommodate new friends as well as old. They have obtained the services of Mr. J. L. | MIMS, (formerly with Mr. J. M. Simpson,: whose t whole attention will be devoted to the business of the Stables, and who will guarantee safe teams and 1 careful drivers. Buggies, Carriages and Saddles Horses kept for hire at all times. Carriages, for Funerals, furnished at short notice. Covered Lots, for Drove Stock, and every conve # nience necessary, and every facility offered to Dro- ] j vers. If proper care, good feeding, and strict attention j I to business, will secure a continuance of patronage, ! | we are determined at lease to merit it. nov22 ts SEPTEMBER 26, 1855. CILARK iV((). have received the greater part d of their Full supply of Goods, comprising ' j WATCHES, of all kinds, Silver and Plated WARE, j f of every description. Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Cut- j Jl lerv, Fancy Wares, Ac. The stock of Watches and Silver wore is very | 1 full, and will be sold at smal advance. sep27 \. RSTEDT has received a I >me of SILK ; g dy y\ Bt < KJtide SILK; - which he invites attention. oe'.» * j MARINE, FIRE AND LIFE INSUR ANCE AGEXCV. CHI VRTER OVK Life Insurance Company, I J Hartford, Conn. Capital #3o",uno. Endorsed ; by the State—will insure lives ol' white persons; , iy, also, Negroes, Fire and Marine. Granite Insurance Company, New York. Capi- I f : tal, #300,000. Columbia Insurance Company, Columbia, S. C. i £? Capital, #lsu,nn". Farmers’ Insurance Company, Utica, New York. ' |L Capital, #2i>l,ooo. Ibe undersigned. Agent for the above Compa- | ;vuies, is prepared to take Marine and River Risks, i || . and insure Dwellings, other Buildings, Household j if: Furniture, Merchandise, and other personal propor §|g; ty, against loss or damage bv tire, on the most fa- ! volatile terms. J. 11. AS'DERSON, Ag’t, feb‘2B Mclntosh street, Augusta. Ga. ESTABLISHED IN 1780. PREMIUM CHOCOLATE. * WT ALTER ItVKER at Fkicnch Homierathio and Vanilla CHOCOLATE; Pro- M i'.ired COCOA ; Rmma, < jnooa ! HoMiKPATHtc and Dietetic. Co- H J&j'srsr*’’ ,w *"' <&mSP These Manufactures, to which first premiums 'y have been awarded I>y the chief institutes and Fairs |H| of the Union, are an excellent diet for children, in fc valids, and persons in health. They allav rather £ than induce the nervous excitement attendant upon t the use ol tea or coffee, and are recommended bv 6 Ors. Warren, Jackson, Hayward, Ware and &■ Adams, of Boston, and bv eminent ph\sicians | elsewhere. For sale by all the principal Grocers in the Uni- i ® ted States, and bv their Agents. 1). C. Murray, New ioi k; Grant A Twells, j jjj Philadelphia; Thomas V. Bnmdidge, Baltimore; ! f. Kennett A Dudley, Cincinnati. WALTER RAKER A CO., sep!4 tint Dorchester, Mass. A RNII'A UNIHENT, FOR BURNS ! l Ac. A ..apply of this very desirable, i % (which should be kept iu every family > ready for j use, may be obtained at the City Drug Si ore, where i it is for sale at only Jo cents per bottle. Having ' s been burnt severely myself with Burning Fluid, I I £ tried every remedy proposed bv my friends, but ! «s|i found, front experience, they were ntogo. On using i IT tlie Arnica Liniment, as per directions, it afforded ary immediate relief. I therefore can speak from ex- 1 K periencc. This invaluable oleaginous Liuanient , j? acts like magic, in removing the most acute pain, • 5 by Burns, and seldom requires more than two or i t three applications to relieve and cure those of a j severe character, cither front Bunting Fluid, Cam pltiite. Powder or Fire. This at tide is prepared j only by ntyself, and having tried its efficiency, be- : lieve it is the best remedy that can be used, vvliett- H i ever the case requires. For stile bv WM. HAINES, dec2o Citj Drug Sto . Augusta. COAL, COAL. f £ high TONS of Hickory White Ash GOAL; j 100 ton> Diamond Red Asli GOAL, will j be the wharf, Monday, Dec. : 24th, 1 855. Orders directed to the undersigned, j through the Post Oitice, or left at the Gas I)litre, . will he promptly attended to. Terms cash. dec22 ts GEO. S. HOOKEY. UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, Atiikns, December is. 1555. fgIHE exercises of tliis Instituiion will re-coin- ' I. tnence on the ltith of JANUARY next, and ! continue until the Ist of August, when there will l>e a week’s vacation, after which, studies will be j resumed until the winter vacation, beginning on ; ip;, the Ist. of November. The following able and experienced officers com- : pose the College Faculty—who are expected to he j at their posts, in the zealous discharge of their 1 duties: ALONZO CHURCH, D. I)., President ami Pro- , fessor of Political Economy and Mental Philosophy. ! JAMES P. \V ADDER, A. M., Professor of Ait- | cient Languages and literature. WILLIAM T. BRANTLEY. P. I)., P rofesor of I Belles Lotties, Evideuees of Christianity and His- j torv. JOSEPH LkCONTE, M. D., Professor of Natural Sciences, and Teacher of French. WM. I.EROY BROUN, A. M.. Professor of Math- j jjL ematics. Astronomy and Civil Engineering. CHARLES S. VENABLE. A. M., Professor of Natural Philosophy and Chemistry. lion. JOSEPH 11. LUMPKIN, L.L. 1)., Profes sor of Law. x DANIEL LEE, M. 1)., Terrell Professor of Agri- . |U culture. WILLIAM HENRY WADDEL. A, M., Tutor in ! P Ancient Languages. JOHN W. PARK, A. M.. Tutor in Mathematics. ■ Applicants for admission are recommended to be j present at the beginning of the Term. Parents and Guardians may feel satisfied that their sons and wards can here obtain a thorough ' education. ANBURY HULL, Secretary. dec27 +6 MR. D. F. GRIFFIN ¥ITII.U. re-open his school, on the corner of WW Ellis and Mclntosh streets, .>n Monday, Oc |. tober Ist. The Female Department will be conducted us ; heretofore, by Mrs. D. F. GRIFFIN. At the request of several friends, a Primary 1 school, for small hoys and girls, will be opened at the j same place, tinder the special charge of a faithful and competent Teachers, who will devote her whole j time to that Department. Rates of Tuition per quarter, of eleven weeks : PHI MARY OKPARTMiNT. Reading, Spelling, Writing. Primary Ge ography and Arithmetic #7.00 Spy Common English branches #IO,OO [:f Higher “ “ #12,00 Languages #IB,OO sept2o dtf LAFAYETTE RACE COURSE. ANNUAL Races %%#■%. M over the Lafayette •v* s * Course, at Augusta, will eom-_g*jy?^^ B d it nience on Tuesday, sth of January next, and con tinue the week out. All the crack Horses in the country will be on the ground. Fine sport mav be I anticipated. dS<*ctd “ decl DAYS afterdate application will be T made jo the Court of Ordinary of Richmond count.', tor leaveto sell the Real Estate and Negroes belonging to the Estate of Mrs. Sarah Harris', late of said county. Deceased. WILLIAM il. HARRIS, ) ... novS LEWIS N. HARRIS. j Adni rs * ' DAY s uf’, r date, aoplication will be made to the C -mrt of Orr’intirv' of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Leal Estate and Ne groes belonging w the estate of Davis B. lludlev, deceased. IGNAT ILS P. GARVIN, Adm r, nov6 The Daily Constitutionalist. (Bcucual FORMAN S IRON PLOW STOCK. 1111 E undersigned having J imrclmsed the patent right T I n> the above valuable and popu lai PLOW STOCK for the counties of Richmond, ; Columbia, Lincoln, Burke, Jefferson, Washington, Scriven and Emanuel, are prepared to furnish it to Planters at the Manufacturer’s price. This stock, which is made entirely of wrought iron, is a South- ( ern invention ; and has been sufficiently tested by the most practical and successful planters in the 1 i country, as numerous certificates in our possession i will show, to prove that, when provided with suita- : hie shares, it runs more steadily, breaks and pul- j verizes the soil more thoroughly, clogs less in rough i land, is more easily adjusted for deep or shallow ! I plowing, holds the shares more firmly, lasts irtcom- ! parabl v longer, and is, in the end, far cheaper than j ! anv other stock now in use. In the November number of the Southern Cuhi- i vator, p. the editor of that vv'ork, says: “After j giving this Plow a lair and impartial trial, we can truly say that we regard it as a most valuable im provement on ail common wooden implements of the kind now in use. For general efficiency and 1 convenience, as well as special adaptation to d<ep lilkuj■ or xvbxi.'Uimj, we know of nothing that sur j passes it; while on the score of economy and 'l'tro oility, it is altogether unrivalled. No Plow with | which we are acquainted is so well calculated to : resist the careless and destructive usage of planta . tion negroes, and we doubt not that its general in j troduction would be of very great pecuniary benefit | to the planting interests of the South. Such is the i opinion of the editor of the Cultivator, and such is the opinion of all who, like him, have given the | plow a fair and impartial trial. This stock is j adapted to six different points or shares, including I every variety which a planter will need from the i beginning to the end of the year. These shares * will be furnished with the stock when desired, I though any plantation South can make them after j once seeing them. Tlie stock is the ouly part of the plow patented. Circulars, containing certificates, and a more 1 minute description of the Plow, may be obtained | by application. Rights tor counties, shops or plantations, will be j sold on reasonable terms. Apply at the Hardware ■ stores in Augusta, or address dec I'j ctf i. C. FITTEN A CO. , FOR SALE, ACHES of LAND, lying in Jefferson county, on the waters ot Big (.reek, adjoining lands of A. J. Rambo, John A. Jordan and Col. John McKinnev. , There are on the place a Dwelling, Negro Houses, Gin House and other out buildings, all in good re pair. ‘ j Refer to Henry D. Greenwood, Jon A. Both well, , and also Henry Saxon, on the premises, who will j show the Land. ctf oc4l L AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANI-! » CAL IMPLEMENTS. ; .j 18 A< iIINTSTS’ and Builders’ Materials, ! if i HARDWARE, CUTLERY and House Fur nishing GOODS. We have now in store, and will j continue to keep, a large assortment of the most i approved AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, for'" Southern use, consisting of Single ami Two Horse Turning PLOUGHS, fifteen j v arieties; Double Michigan, Double Mould Boat'll, and Hill : . Side PLOUGHS; \ r Suh Soil PLOUGHS, several kinds ; I Forman's Patent PLOUGH ; Cultivators; liar- 1 ‘ rows, three kinds ; Corn She!!; is, six kinds; Straw J Gutters, ten sizes and kinds; Road Scrapers; Horse Hoes ; Horse Powers and Threshers, five varieties f< of each ; Fan Mills ; Grain (radios ; Grass Scythes and Handles; Smut Machines; Rush Hooks; e Pruning and Hedge Shears; Priming Saws and Chisels ; Sausage Meat Cutters and Sniffers ; Far ti titers'Boilers, for boiling food for Stock ; Churns; Hay and Garden Rakes ; Hay and Manure Forks ; li Hoes, Spades, Shovels, Grain Scoops, Wheel Bar rows, Field and Garden Rollers ; Corn Planters ; o Scales ; Store, Warehouse and Depot Trucks; Well and Horse Buckets; Pump Ch* ,:, .i amt Fixtures; w Rock Salt, for Stock. We keep Extra Points for our Ploughs, and will ii furnish, aisle•. I uoin . iieh parts of Plough and p other implements, as may be wanted to replace hro- ; ken pieces. Gentlemen's ami Bovs’ Tool Chests, complete, S 1 Ac. vVe are also Agents for selling the following aril- j I eles . Seot-Lilli.* Giant Corn and Cob GR USHERS, j s • imivvrs o > admitted to be the Best Crushers ever j j invented, and in the use of which, for feeding I 1 stoek, a saving of one-third is made, as has been I proved bio ond dispute, line & Co’s, and Welch ’\ A Griffith’s CIRCULAR SAWS and SAL AM AN DERSAFES. Rotary SMOOTHING IRONS, heated with Alcohol. No family should be .without this l j v < ry useful article. t All the above are offered for sale at fair and regu- \ ; lar prices, in connection with one extensive Stock 1 of HARDWARE! and CUTLERY. , CARMICHAEL & BEAN. Augusta, Ga. | M. t>. I \KMIOU X Ks., JOSEPH S. BEAN, OC2S OKOItGE P. Ai)\>l. efitn < MADISON FEMALE COLLEGE. j AT M YDISON, GA. fMYIIE SPRING TKR.II of this Institution M vviil begin on Monday, January 14th, lsoli, | i under the direction of the following Faeuliv : Rev. JOSEPH 11. ECHOLS, A. M„ President i and Pro). Moral l’hilosopliy, Ac. s Rev. JAMES L. Pierce, A. M., Prof. English ! and Latin Literature. i j Rev. WILLI AAI C. BASS, A. R., Prof. Natu- • j ral Science. ■ Rev. JOHN A. MOSELY, A. M.. Prof. Matlie- t unities. t Prof. GEORGE C. TAYLOR. Teacher of Harp, . I Piano, Violin, Crayon ami Oil Paintings. Miss A. E. ROBINSON. Piano, Guitar, Sing- 1 J ing. Water Colors and Penciling. i Miss MARGARET K. SHERMAN, Principal ; ; Preparatory Department, and Instructress in Em- < | broidery ami \\ ax Flowers. Board, (including lights, fuel and washing) per ( ! annum, #l".o. Tuition in Lit. Department, per annum, #-">•). No extra charge for Vocal Music and the Lan- , , guages, i French and Latin.) j J The first Thursday in July will he Commence- j j ment Day. ! Catalogues containing particulars may be ob j tained on application to any of the Faculty. j i W. C. BASS, Sec’v of Faculty ( ! nov29 c 6 I ! CARROLL LANDS FOR SALE. I imTILL HE SOLO, on the first Tuesday in J ; WT FEBRUARY next, to the highest bidder, 1 jat the Court House in Carrollton, that valuable 1 I PLANTATION, situated in the Sixth District, j known as “ Hominy In Com,' containing over non acres —about Id" in a first rate state of cultivation, ' producing equal with any lands of the West, ad joining lands of Baskin, Stripling, Chance and ] ! others — an excellent neighborhood, good society, ; convenient to market, and one of the most eolmthU i larum in CU county. It is sold at the above time, not wishing to rent it out. As ! live in Ala- . bantu, persons desiring to purchase will be shown the premises by P. P. Grow, of Carrollton, J. War- \ fen Carsons, or James Stripling. Titles indisputable, and if desired, will have 1 them perfected by Administrative sale. j Terms— Due, two and three years — small notes, with I'oad security, and interest from date. ; decl' *cS FRED. H. SMITH. NOTICE. 41,1, persons are hereby forewarned not to trade for two Notes given bv me —one to John A. ! Brinson, or bearer, for Five Hundred and Sixty Dollars, due ’ st January, lsdtl, dated Isth Septem ber, l.sdd ; and the other to Frances Skinner, or bearer, for Five Hundred and Sixty Dollars, due j Ist January, l*.V,, dated 18th September, 1855, as the consideration for which said Notes were given has foiled. dec2o c 3 WM. SAPP. UNITED STATES HOTEL. F. M. JENNINGS, PROPRIETOR. Till IS POPULAR and well known y-yys HOTEL, the most centrally situated in iijiii! this eitv is now open for the reception of cus-AwJL ' miners. The undersigned was for a number of years the Proprietor of the Globe, and flatters Idm svif that he has still the ability and disposition to affl.n! to hi s patrons the accommodations of yore. He will take this occasion tosav that he has secured the services of Mr. J. V. Clark, as his assistant, aud will guarantee to the travelling public who mav patron fse liis House, the best fare that can be furnished in i the Yimusia Savannah. Charleston and Nortl markets. The UNITED STATES isnow open under his management and supervision, and all he asks iof new or old customers is a call. It they ate not j satisfied, he will not complain. Board #1 50 per j j dav. F. M. JENNINGS, j oc3l dSc4m AUGUSTA, GA„ TUESDAY YfORN ING, JANUARY 1, 1850. General GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. 1856. FACIXTY : c. Y. BROWNE, President. P. JjOUD, Natural Science. R. D. MALLARY', Belles Lettres. J. R SEALS, Music. lIYIIG Collegiate year of 1858, will begin on M MONDAY. January 14th. Commencement will be held in October. Pupils from the low conn try will thus spend the sickly season in a salubri ous climate. Catalogues containing further information, mav be obtained by applying to either of the Facultv. R. D. MALLARY, Sec’v Faculty. Madison, Ga. ftJanl4 nov2o CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, AND GEN TLEMEN'S WEAR. 2A YT R Y fine black French Doe Skin CASSI MERE ; Low priced black CASSIMERE ; Steel and Oxford Mixed CASSIMERE ; Fancy and Colored do.; Checked Canada PLAIDS do ; Kentucky JEANS; Tweeds CASS] MERE ; Satinets, assorted; CORDUROY r ; Plain drab FUSTAINS ; Extra heavy black Satin VESTINGS ; Gent’s and Children’s GLOVES, in great- varie ty of styles ; Extra and low priced Gent’s and Bovs’ Sus penders. J ust received. ni> rU3 J. p. SETZFv JUST RECEIVED, RICH and Low priced Embroidered COLLARS; : Hemstitched and llevicr L. C. HANDKER- I CHIEFS; Rich Embroidered do. do; Mourning and second Mourning Linen CAM- j BIUC, very handsome ; Low priced plain L. C. HDK’FS, some large sizes ; Gent’s Linen and Fancy Silk HDK’FS ; do. Bandana do. novlS J. I\ SETZE. HOSIERY,” HOSIERY. JUST received, at GRA Y BROTHERS 3* ’0 dozen British made While Cotton HOSE; 200 do do State do “ j 200 do do Brown and Mixd “ 200 do Scotch made White and Brown “ 200 do do State and Mixed “ In do Spun Silk HOSE ; If) do English Spun Silk HOSE : Misses’ White, State, Brown, Mixed and Fancv HOSE; Gent’s and Boys’ Half HOSE, all sizes; Gent’s Black and White Silk Malt’ HOSE ; Childs’s Fancy Wool Boots, Ac., Ac. In the above assortment of superior Hosiery, cat) j be found all the numbers from o toss un\27 riYRIM KINGS.—SOO pieces rich Cloak and ■ Dress TRIMMINGS; 50 gross Dress BUT- ; TONS. Just received at decl3 GRAY BROTHERS. FOR SALE, 4 SHARES Georgia Railroad Stock. Ap- j -•'ll., ply at the ocSl BANK. CHEROKEE BAPTIST COLLEGE, CASSVILLE, GEORGIA. rjflllfK first Term of this Institution will begin j ■ on the first MONDAY in FEBRUARY, 1858, under tlie direction of the following V'ACULTV : Rev. THOMAS RAMBAUT, Chairman and Pro- j lessor of Ancient Languages. Rev. WILLIAM li. ROBERT, Professor of Math- j ematics. Rev. B. W. WHILDEN, Professor of Belles Let- ! Ires and English Literature. Rev. WILLIAM 11. ROBERT, j pro tempore) Pro- j lessor of Natural Science. Rev. B. W. WHILDEN, (pn* tempore i Professor j >f Moral Philosophy and Intellectual Science. Other Professors will be elected as soon as the wants of the College require it. Board and Lodging can be procured at a Board ing House or in private Families, at from >- to #lO ■ per mouth. Tl ITION : In Academic Department, per year #2B no j In Collegial.' Department “ " ’A oil ! SCHoLA RSHII’S. Tic Board of Trustees are now offering to sell j Scholarships for four tears at #IOO 00 I Scholarship for sixteen veals.u 24" on Thus making Tuition iner-lv nominal. The Annual ('ommenoemeut will take place on ■ ’1 111 RSDAY after the first Sunday in July. LOCATION. Cassville is a healthy location. Our College 1 Building is situated three-quarters of a mile from the \ illage, and is a commodious building. Here vouttg men will be comparatively free from the al- : Wemenls of fashionable life, the baneful influence of grog shops and the exposures of a mixed popu- | lation. Any information, as well as Catalogues, can be j obtained on application to the undersigned, or anv i of the Faculty. JOHN 11. RICE, ' j dec3o c-l Secretary Board of Trustees. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AND PLANTATION FOR SALE. WM7E offer Tor sale the Residence of the | w W late Mrs. Sarah Harris, lying on the t’!!s! , south side of Spirit Creek, ten miles from Wl{||, | Augusta, and within a few minutes drive of the Augusta .V Waynesboro’ Railroad ; and any one in 1 -"arch of a healthy location, cannot find a superior j in this portion of Georgia. There is a great varie- j ty of Fruit Trees. There are two hundred and six- I tv-tive acres, more or less, in the tract, well wood- [ ed. The Plantation lies on little Spirit Creek, eon tains three hundred and ninety-five acres, more or less, fine productive Land, well watered by unfail ing streams, having an unsurpassed Mill Site, abundant water power for a Saw and Grist Mills, or Factorv. NVe vviil take pi ensure- in showing ii to anv one j clesirinir to purchase. Titles indisputable. W. 11. & \j. N. KAURIS, novls ctf .Ailininistrators. RIVER SWAMP PLANTATION FOR KALE. 'awnix BE SOL!), on the first Tuesday in j \w FEBRUARY next, at the Market House, iu the city of Augusta, an elegant tract of LAND, containing about 2S" acres, lying on the waters of Savannah River—river bottom Land, known for merly ns the McLemurrav Land, situated in Rich mond county. Ga., adjacent to lands belonging to the estate of Benj. Foreman, deceased, of land known as the Bacon Tract, about 15 miles from the city of Augusta, near the place where Maehean Creek empties in Savannah river. Said Land will be sold on a credit of one and two years, with in terest from date. Said Land can be treated for privately, between this and day of sale, by application to l)r. John M. Turner, of Augusta, Ga. JOHN M. TURNER, novfl c Agent for estate Win. Bush. DOUGHERTY COUNTY LAND FOR SALE. IYVILL sell a PLANTATION, lying in the j . 2d district Dougherty county, containing GOO ! acres. There arc 3on acres cleared, Good Dwell ing, Good Negro Cabins and Out-Houses, new Gin House and Screw. The land is adjoining Mr. P. E. Tarver, Mr. Win. Moughton and the far-famed Cal laway place; it is Oak and Hickory of the first quality. I will sell on good long time. My rea son for offering this land is, that I cannot add to it. Persons wishing to purchase, will find me at Alba nv, Doughertv countv, Georgia. ap29 ' ctjanl T. J. JOHNSTON. 87600 GRAFTED APPLE TREES FOR SALE. rBAIIE grafting of a native Georgian at O mv Nursery, two miles of Me Don- -rjffl ough, Henry county, Georgia. The TREES are of one and two Summers’ growth, and embrace fif teen choice kinds, that ripen from the fifteenth of June to the tenth of October. I will mark each kind, do them up in good order, and put straw and cloth around the roots, and deliver them jit the Jonesborough Station, on the Macon <k Western Railroad, eighty miles above Macon, or on the Georgia Railroad, one hundred and forty rniels j above Augusta, at Eight Dollars per Hundred Trees. | Either of the one or two Summers’growth of an ! average size. Names; Yellow June, Red June, i Large Striped July, Horse, Large Queen, Maugham, Pound, or King, Limbertwig, Romunite, Red, N. C. Peppin, Foot Round, Lady Washington, Eng lish Crabb, Gloster Par Main, Ladyfingers. Register vour money, and send South Carolina, Augusta or "Savannah Bank Bills, at my risk, and i 1 will send the trees. My Post Office is McDon i oimh, Henrv countv, Georgia. 1 novl3 eoc3m* ' JOHN DAILEY. .#► * MANUFACTURERS i ' ! AM) DKALEKS lN : siiLAD y umm ©irfißbaej HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, CARPET BAGS, VALISES, SHIRTS, CRAVATS, GLOVES, STOCKS, Ac. BOYS’ AND CHILDRENS’ CLOTHING, Wholesale and Retail, No. *215 Broad Street, Two doom above Mem*. John, d: Thomus A. lione*'* Hardware Store, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. i ’ I! HAVE alvv ays on hand, a stock of CLOTHING, superior in quality and make, which we | j w * will sell at the lowest prices. Dealers in the City and Country vviil find il to their advantage to call and examine, before purchas- I ing elsewhere. N. B.—Always on hand, a good assortment ot CLOTHING, suitable for Servtmts. ocl3 _ ly JUST RECEIVED, HiK Warp FLANNELS; Saxony do; Welch"; do; Real Welch do; Union do ; Low priced and super Red FLANNELS ; Green and Red Twilled do; Salsbury Flannels, assorted colored for Sacks; English and domestic Canton FLANNELS. ! nov!3 J. P. SETZE. JUST RECEIVED, ANEW supplv of Rich Cassimeres and Mus lin DkLAINES; Real French MERINOES; Plain and Figured black SILKS ; French and Scotch GINGHAMS, fancy col’d ; Lates styles French, English and Domestic PRINTS ; Alexander’s and other quality Kid GLOVES; Ladies’ CORSETS ; I Velvet anil Galoon TRIMMINGS ; I Moire Antique and Cloth CLOAKS. not-13 J. P. SETZE. ! ms ORE BLACK sii.K. Just received, at I ITM T. DUNHAM’S, successor to J. K. Bancroft, Extra Oil Boiled, for 75 cents per yard ; Fine Portinmr make, fur #1 to #LI2Lj; Super, heavy Gro de Rhine, for #1.25 ; Also, another lot of Moire Antiques, in black and colors, for Cloaks, Ac. dec!4 C1 II K!S T M A S AN i> NEW Y E \ It’S J PRESENTS.- -The subscribers have just re ceived a large assortment of beautiful Goods, suit j able for presents for the approaching season, viz: ! Cabas, or Reticules, Portfolios, Pearl and Silver Card Cases, Silver and Pearl Portmonaies, Wax | Fruit, Satchels, Odor Boxes, of various styles, i Jewel Boxes, Rosewood and Mahogany Writing Desks, Kegur Cases, China an Papier Maclie Ink stands, small China Tea and Dinner Setts, lor Chil dren, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention. For sale at dec23 GEO. A. OATES & BRO’S., Broat-sl. rgYIIE ESCAPED NOV IC E, from the Si ra- terhood of St. Joseph, Emmettsbui'g, Mary land the Mother-house of tlie Sisters of Charity in the United Slates; by Miss Bttnkley. A Child’s History of the United State .; i>. John Bonner, in 2 small volumes. Napoleon at St. Helena; bv Abbott. Literal Translations of Ctcsttr, Xenophon, Ana basis and Memorabilia, and Cicero's Offices and Moral Works, for sale by dec IS THUS. RICHARDS A SON. r|HIE ESCAPED NOY ICE, from the Sis § terhood of St. Joseph. Kmnuutsburg, Mat v land the Mother-house of the Sisters of Charity in the United States; bv Miss Bunklev. A Child’s History of the I oiled States; to John Bonner, in two small volumes. Napoleon at St. Helena; by Abbott, Literary Translations uf-Cteear, Xenophon, Ana- I a-i- amt Meiiiorabilte and ('ioero’s Officers and Moral Works, for sal- bv dee::o OV.O. O ATES A 8110.. RICHMOND COUNTY FIRE AND WA> TER PROOF PAINT COMPANY. OPEEII respeetfullv, to the public, then v ari ous FI RE and WATER PROOF PA I UTS, suit able for all kinds of Paintings, front tlie roughest to the most elaborate, such as all out-door buildings on Plantation, where it will be found a great sav ing to the owner, to fin -st use in the hands of the artist. They have taken the premium .at the late Fairs m Charleston, Augusta and Atlanta, and have llte certificates of scientific men, for (he tin questionable superiority of these Paints. They have now a stock of the various colors of f Paints unhand, and orders will be promptly attend ed to, by addressing \\ . R. SCiIIR.YIER, General Agent. Augusta. Agents in the principal cities wanted. Augusta, Ga.,2'.)th Sept. ts sepillo Beautiful holiday goods. WARD, BURCH ARD A CO. have recently ; received many beautiful Goods, suitable for the present and approaching gift season, such us Jew el i CASKETS. Odor STANDS, Cigar STANDS. Jet j BRACELETS, Decorated GLASS, Toilet YETI | CUES, BISQUE FIGURES, elegant CLOAKS and TALMAS, Dress SILKS, beautiful Embroidered | COLLARS, HANDKERCHIEFS and SETTS, in : Lace and Needlework. To which they respocftilh i ask attention. dee 15 GARDEN SEED, 1855.] (HOP 1855. OUR SUPPLY ot warranted /red SEED, has just come to hand. They are front the most reliable Seed grown in the country, and are all Fitrsh, not a paper of old Seed being on hand. nov37 1). B. PLUMB A U<>. HARPEirs .MAGAZINE, for January, _ leaves cut; and Harper’s Story Book, No. il - English History. For sale bv detail ' Til OS. RICHARDS A SON. BRUSHES, a large assoi intent of Fine | Hair. Tooth, Nail and Shaving BRUSHES, just received. declf> Il A VIL A N D, RISLEY A CO. CIRANITE MILLS ELOI 11. 1500 bags H Superfine; 300 barrels do. flat hoop, in line shipping order. For sale by decl 6 LEWIS A ALLEN. rSIOH AUCO. —t" boxes of good medium TO SS liACCO, just, received, and for sale at G. \ OLGEIUK decll Segar and Tobacco Store. RHETT & ROBSON, |,l ACTORS AND COMMISSION MKR ■* CHANTS. No.'s 1 ,\xn 2 Atlantic Wiiakr, Charleston, S. (’. Liberal advances made on Con signments. Special attention given to the sale of Wheat, Flour, Corn, Ac., and from our long experience in the business, we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Rrkkhexcks. Hon. J. P. King. Augusta, Hon. ! M. A. Cooper, litowab, Georgia; Hand, Williams ! A Wilcox, Wiley Banks A Co., Charleston. I jvi Om flQl ORS. WINE ANI) CORDIALS. A 5o bids. Gibson's Superfine Eagle WHISKY'; 30 bbls. Gibson’s superfine Old live “ 50 “ Rectified ’ “ SO “ Rose GIN; “ New England RUM; 10 “ Santa Cruz and Jamaica RUM; 15 and !.( casks of Cognac BRANDY ; 10 bbls. Malaga WINE; ‘ 10 “ Port, Madeira and TenneriHi? WINE. For sale by decll! A. STEVENS. fiIEGARS AND TOBACCO. i 65,000 SUGARS, of different brands; 70 boxes of choice TOBACCO. For sale j by declt) A. STEVENS. SUNDRIES.— 20 “ " “ Cognac BRANDY; 20 “ “ assorted CORDIALS; 20 “ “ Port and Madeira WINES; 75 “ Ground PEPPER, Ground GINGER and ALLSPICE, Ac., with a variety of TEAS, SU GARS, COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, PICKLES, CAT SUPS, MUSTARD, PEPPER-SAUCE, Ac. For j sale by declß A. STEVENS. ON CONSIGNMENT 20 kegs and kits prime N. Carolina BUTTER; 100 bushels Tennessee APPLES; 50 bbls prime Eating POTATOES ; j 20 “ ONIONS; 300 bushels Stock PEAS; 25 “ White BEANS. For sale low by J. A. ANSLEY’, Commission and Produce Merchant. decl# lm J. N. FREEMAN, OPPOSITE PLANTERS HOTEL, AUGUST A G Y I UESPECTFU LL Y'invites the atten- ’ I turn of his friends, ancl the public in FvV I general, to his new stock of fine GOLDdk, Jk i and SIL\ Eli Y\ ATCHES ; elegant and fashiona ble Jewelry ; a full assortment of Silver SPOONS FORKS, GOBLETS, CUPS, Ac. The quality of the Silver warranted as pure as any sold. Fine Plated Goods ; GUNS, and PISTOLS ; all descriptions of CLOCKS, Gold, Silver, Steel and Plated SPECTACLES, to suit all ages and sights ; a large assortment of Gold PEN'S and CASES! Great inducements offered to cash purchasers CLOCKS, WATCHES and JEWELRY repaired with the utmost care and attention. 8m sept 23 THE SIGN OF THE TWO LARGE WATCHES Swatches, clocks, ‘ | M j y WU li Y. At Yew York pric.f. Tor Can!,. \ j%f ERCIIANTS and Dealers will do well to i iVB call and examine the stock of WATCHES I < LOCKS and JEW ELR\ ,at 2-li) King street, be- j lore they purchase elsewhere. Every article war- j ranted. A stock always on hand peculiarly adapted to ! country dealers. Save twenty per cent, bv calling on WM. MASTERM AN, • 21'.' King street, Charleston, j lour doors from Wentworth-st. OSBORNE & WHITLOCK, J EWE LE R S AN D Ol‘T I C IANS, -■"> /iroad-xt., umar l. S. tlntel , Am/uxta, Ira. HAY liconstuntlv on hand a fine assort men! of WATCHES ; CLOCKS; W7\ JEWELRY ; SILVER and t WARE; FANCY GOODS and PERFUMER t . | Jus! receivetl, Some very fine Watches, riauufac tured to order, and some of T. F. Cooper’s superior ! time keepers, m Magic Cases. Fine Diamond Pins of beautiful designs ; Fob and Vest Chains, 1 ol new patters, and a general assortment of the j ' finest and and juosi fashionable Pins, Ear-rings, i ' Bracelets, Ac., which we offer at the lowest prices 1 possible, wholesale or retail. In the Optical line. . 1 we lira Well supplied with whatever kind of Glass ! the detects id vision may require, aud we are pre pared to lit them with as much accuracy as’ittv me- i ehanical art can be executed. Come and test the i fact. | < WATCH ANI) .lEWKLIty KEl'AtrtlXG. A\ e stil have the services of .two superior Work- i 1 men a Watchmaker and .!, wellor all of whose work vvi- warrant. t’ebf4 i FINE WATCHES AND RICH JEW ELRY. i f 1111 H undersign, d n-spectfully request,, E the public to give him a call and ex WT\ amine his stock of fine WATCHEB | CLOCKS, rich DIAMONDS and other JK.WI.LKV j in great variety, feeling satisfied that they must be | pleased with bis goods and prices. F A. BRAHE X. 8.-~ He gives bis own pets, autitiion .. tlie repairing of Watches and Jew-m. dec 13 FASHIONABLE MILLINERY. MATTHEWS Ih -s to inform the Ladies' of Augusta and Hamburg, ’i ,£j that she has returned from New York. vvitiiHJ®, select stoek..f Paris MILLINERY : uls . 01,0 \KS DRESS TRIMMINGS, Fancy GOODS, VICTO BIN NS’ and Cl FFS, ERM IN, SWANS DOWN'S Ac., Ae. Miss M. has spent tin-, > mouth* at the North, and seemed the latest aud most desirable Patterns, | ami is therefore prep,tied to make to order Bonnets : and Head Dresses, at the old stand, opposite the 1 flutters Hotel, atid next to Beall A Stovall's. X. B.- Miss MATTHEVS has Wreaths for the Hair, worth trom lift) eetes to ien dollars each. iuo:' ; COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. r IJI II G undersigned ha e entered into a copart I “ tiet'sltip, under the u.. ne and style of REED : A O DONOIIOK, for the purpose of transacting a (lENERAJ, GROCERY \\|> PROVISION BUS!-, N i.SS in all its branches, and respeetfullv solicit i the patronage oftheir friends and pttlilicgenerallv, 1 at the stand, on the North sideoi Broad street, two , doors above the Planters' Hotel. .JERKY REED, JAMES O'DONOHOE. Augusta, Oct. Ist, 1>55. 3in ~e2 NOTICE. '■'mi. undersigned resjiecifnlly informs the I ■ . public, that lie is prepared to do all kinds ot CARPENTERS, WORK, m good stv le, ami on fa vorabje terms. All orders left at the store of J. j P. SETZE, will be promptly attended to. marelit lv ' C. E. CHARLTON.. NEW MARBLE YARD, BROAD-STREET. AUGUSTA. GA., ! , .1 few donrx nl,ore tk, Hridac Bant Bnildhaf. Pgmi'l subscriber has op'etied a new Marble i H. Y ard in thisciiy,- v.bere overv description of , M ARBI.E WORK will be neatly executed to order, | prinetpallv Septtleliera! Monuments, from thpplain est to the most elaborate in style. J ’articular til tendon given to eorreel I,ettering, and Sculpture in j , the highest style of the art. A line selection of TOMBSTONES vviil alvvavs j , be kept on hand, as also a tine collection of Draw- j mgs, which will enable him to suit Hi.) wishes of ; , customers. Orders are solicitill from tlio city and country, which will be promptly filled, and at reasonable prices. T. MARK WALTER. _Jy2B ly HATS, STRAW GOODS AND BON NETS AT WHOLESALE. IfiYlIU subscriber would respeetfullv cull the at- JB. tendon ot merchants to his large and well , selected, stock of H ATS, STRAW GOODS and BONNETS, comprising every variety that can be found at any bonse at the north, and at prices that cannot tail to please. As his Goods are purchased \ ti'om the manufacturers, and no second profits paid, i all we ask to convince merchants visiting our mar- ! ket, or that have contemplated going further, is to call and examine the stock, which Will be t'reelv shown, at WM. M. N iUHOLS, mb, it Opposite Bank of Augusta MACHINE AND BLACKSMITH SHOP, Corner Ta-iaax and* Street* AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Cl i,()R(i I‘LSI.A I fill, MauufaetiirerofSteam IT ENGINES, BOILERS, Saw MILLS, Grist MILLS, Ac., Ac., is now prepared to manufacture or repair any article in his lino, at short notice, and of superior workmanship. From his long expert- i ence and practical knowledge, as well as to his in creased facilities for doing work with neatness and dispatch, he feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their orders, novl/i ts Medicine chests.- A‘ia rge sSdlw . lnl assortment tor Plantations, Family or i Physician’s use. uov27 1). B. PLUMB A CO. M ADE TO ORDERS I have this daj r,- - eeived a new supply of Bovs’ blue colored i and black (Toth JACKETS and PANTS, besides! many other kinds of Fashionable Ready made Gar ments, for Gentlemen’s wear, which I still offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. 11QV27 J. J. CLAYTON. ON CONSIGNMENT-100 barrel’s fresh sendale Hydraulic CEMENT, for sale. Apply to JOHN CASHIN, decl4 General Commission Merchant. ON CONSIGN jl ENT—I,OOO pounds choice VEN ISON HAMS, for sale. Apple to JOHN CASHIN, deel4 General Commission Merchant. POT A TOES.—SO bbls. Irish will be sold low, to close consignment, j decls THOS. P. STOVALL A CO. ©ugimgg Carbs, J. J. MARTIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Ga. 01- . lice corner of Campbell and Greene-streets. '■ Will attend to the collection of claims in Edgefield, Abbeville and Barnwell Districts, South Carolina. dee2s d.vcly ” LUTHER C. ROLL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office on Wash . ington street, between Broad and Ellis streets, ! Augusta, Ga. ly ocT COL. JOS. LAWTON SINGLETON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Sylvania, Scriven . county, Georgia. apS ly WILLIAM R. McLAWS,’ 4 TTORNEY ATLAYV, Commissioner of : New York, Virginia, North and South Caro j Hint. Office, Clayton’s new building, opposite his i old office, Washington street, will attend promptly j 'to applications for Bounty Land under the late acts of Congress. apl_ j b. hayne7 4TTORNE Y AN D CO IINSELLOR AT . Law, Waynseboro’, Burke county, Georgia. Practices in the Middle Circuit. feb23 ly GEORGE T. BARNES, 4TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Geor gia, may be found, for the present, at the of- ! tic of Col. John Milledge, over G. W. Lewis’Store. ! feb2s ly UNDERWOOD & SMITH, 4TTORNEYS AT LAW, Rome, Georgia, will practice in Cherokee Georgia and North Alabama. ly jan2l HENRY J. LANG, ATTORNEY AT LAM , Lincolnton, Geor- ; . gia, will practice in Lincoln, Wilkes aud Co- j j lumbia Counties. All business entrusted to him j j will receive prompt attention. feb2 JOHN S. SALE, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Augusta, Georgia, i j A Office one door above State Bank. feb2 l,v KING & SWINT, A TTORNEYS YT LAW,B arnesvilleGeor- j iiia. Having associated themselves in the practice of LAW, will attend punctually to all bu siness entrusted to tlieif professional management. THOS. 1). KING. j SOSEPA SWINT. janl'J ly WILLIAM A. REID, ATTORNEY AT LAW, E atonton, Geor- j gia. Refers to lion. F. 11. Conk, Greensboro', steptff ts MARCUS A. liEt.fl. MAKUKMCS A. BKLI.. BELL & BRO., ATTORNEY AT LAW, Atlanta, Geor gia, will give strict attention to business en trusted to their professional care. Conveyancing and Collecting done with correctness, vigilance and i fidelity. 2-5?" Office in Granite Front Building, opposite j the Holland House. 6ni nm ili I WILLIAM J. WILCHER, j A TTORNEY AT LAW. W arrentou, Geor- | -rot gia, will practice in the Northern Circuit of Georgia, and in the counties of Burke, Columbia, Jefferson, Richmond and Washington, of the Mid dle Circuit. nov22 8m MACKENZIE & LAWSON, A TTORNEY AT LAW , Waynesboro’, j . m Burke county, Georgia, will practice in Burke, Striven, Jefferson, Washington, Tattnall, Mont gomery, Emanual and Richmond counties. At.KV VXDEIt MACENZtK, JOHN P. I.AWSON. I LAW NOTICE. [ IS AY E taken the office on Broad street, over | S 3 Drs. Barry X Battey's Drug Store, where 1 will j b f"Uiid in futin e, and nraetiee on mv own account. 1 deell ly GARLAND "A. SNEAD. j SAMUEL P. THURMOND, % TTORNEY AT L AM , Jt MUMSIUI, (.\-A*r- ; gia, will practice in the Western Circuit. All j business conliiled to his care vv ill meet with prompt j attention. febl7 ' | PHINIZY & CLAYTON, AItEIIOUSE AND COMMISSION) Vs MERCHANTS, Aianxfa, ißor./.a. A CARD. POI LLAIN, JEN NINES A CO. GRO UKRS AN I) COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 1 mjvxta, Btonjia. AXTOINK POtU.LAIN, THOVtAS S. JKXNIXfiS, ISAIAH PI li.-: J. J. JACOBUS, % TTORNEY VT LAW, Augusta, Ga. Os | lice on Broad street, over Chew’s Store. nov2:> \y j ALK\ AN'DER FOPE, JR. JOHN H. WKKMS. J POPE & WEEMS, ATTORNEYS AT LAM, Washington,) Ga., will practice in the counties of the North ern Circuit, and in Columbia of the Middle Circuit. ; All business entrusted to them will receive prompt i attention. ly jv2'.) j SLOAN & CALWELL, till PORTERS AND WHOLES A iff! DEAL j KBS in BRANDIES, WINKS, GIN, SUGARS. Ac., ,\iw. 17 amt 19 Cheajmde, Baltimore. On as. A. Dennis. lv j\l2 I WM. M. DAVIDSON, f MUORTER AND DEALER in BRANDIES, GIN, ALBANY ALU. CHAMPAGNE, and oth er Wines and Liquors, Teas. Sugars, Ae., Sox. Iss < r m/rixx and >7 i>t. Jalitn-tt*., Savannah (la. my d*< LAW NOTICE. ?§1!l!'l undersigned will practice LAW and «® EQUITY’, in Co-partnership, from this date ! using the firm name ot ,v Roukks. In ! criminal business, their practice will remain sepa- : rate, as lieretorlore. Office, north west corner of Broad and Washing- ! ton streets. EDWARD J. WALKER " ! ALPHEUS M. RODGERS. Augusta, Sept. Sth, 1855. ts septs) EDWARD F. KINCHLEY. PRODUCE ANT) UO.IIMISSION MER CHANT, and dealers in CORN, Willi VT B ACON, FLOUR, OATS, Ac., An. 7 Warren Block, Aui/uxta, Ga. IS Particular ateenlion given to the sale of all consignments. sept 3 LAMBETH HOPKINS, wm.r A REHOUSE AND COMMISSION MER » * CHANT, Auyaxta Georgia., Continues the business m all its departments. sep3o 6m J. W. GOSS, || r \ REHOUSE AND COMMISSION MLR. CHANT, .1 Hffwsta, (rtorfft • /., Will be found at the extensive Fire-Proof Ware house of L. Hopkins. d&e jvl-3 LINTON STEPHENS. It. M. JOHNSTON. | STEPHENS & JOHNSTON, 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sparta. Georgia, ffm. will practice in the counties of Hancock, i Warren, Taliaferro, Oglethore and YVilkes, of the i Northern ; Greene, Putnam and Morgan, of the j Oglethorpe; and Washington and Richmond, of the I Middle Circuits. decl' D. R. STANFORD & CO,. Manufacturers of the stodart . PIANO I'ORTE, ->"1 Broadway, Sew York. I ADAM STODART, j (i. MORRIS, j D. R. STANFORD, I (i. H. URIlt. Manufactories, Nos. 15, 17, 19 and 21 Tenth st., | between sth and Sth Avs., and 84th aud 35th sts., ! between >th and 9th Avs. sept" d&eßm ANDREWS & JESUP. COIIAI ISSION MERCII \ N TS—COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY . Steam En gines and Boilers, Machinists' Tools Belting, Ac. Importer*'amt de,iters in Manufacturer*' At- j tide*. So. 87 Pine Street, Sew York. S. B.—Agents for the “Woodruff & Beach Iron I Work.,” Steam Engines and Boilers. Exclusive Agency in New York for “ Lowell i Machine Shop” Machinists’ Tools. OC2 ly j 4jjJ ALT. S \ LT. I jjo sacks^YiverpoofSALT, I now landing, and for sale bv decl6 HAND, YYILCOX & CO. I VOL. 11-NO. 1. ocncml FALL AND WINTER GOODS. fgjHIE undersigned respectfully solicits a call ; -■ from the citizens of Augusta, arid those visit ing the city, to examine their stock of Fall and ’W inter GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, | Vestings and Trimmings, all of which we can as i sure the public to be of the newest and most fash ionable styles that can be found in the New York markets. Also, a choice stock of Fancy Articles for gentlemen’s wear, consisting of Gloves. Sus penders, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Neck Ties, Shirts, Merino Shirts and Drawers. All orders left with us, will be made in the most fashionable and work manlike manner. J 1 lv HAIGH & IIAGGERTY. BUILDING. 111111 undersigned having h>. ted permanently . in this city, is now prepare ... furnish Designs, Specifications, Ac., of all kinds of Buildings, to gether with Superintending contracts of same, for those in want of his services, at a moderate fee. AH kinds of building materials kept on hand, or ordered at short notice, such as Doors, Sash and Blinds, all sizes, Northern Tine ; Nails, do. a good article; i Providence Lime, in large barrels ; Gimlet-pointed Screws. WM. H. SALISBURY, oct4 3m Constitutionalist Range. ” JACKSON STREET HOSPITAL, ! AND SURGICAL INFIRMARY FOR NEGROES. fMIIIE undersigned have deemed it advisable 1 i to add the term HOSPITAL to their Surgical | Infirmary, for though the institution is intended principally for cases requiring Surgical Operations and Surgical Treatment, Us accommodation is not entirely restricted to these. We receive cases of any nature occurring in the Negro, provided they arc not of an infectious character. H. F. CAMPBELL, M. D Operating Surgeon. ROBERT CAMPBELL, M. 1). jv26 ts Attending Physician. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY STOCKTON & CARY. ON TIIE corner of Ellis anti W.- Mclntosh streets, would res-©Sg|Og£ijfc. j pecffully invite the attention of tin- vajy vs? i Public to TIIEIR MORE. Having the best oi | Workmen, and using none but the best materials, i thev are prepared to Build to order, all kinds ot CARRIAGES,BAROUCHES, liOCKAWA \ S, and BUGGIES, in a superior stvlc and finish, uusui passed for lightness and durability, and at a lower price, than the same can be laid down from the North. A good assortment constantly kept on hand, which will be sold at low prices. • REPAIRING done at short notice, and all Work Warranted. JOHN L. STOCKTON, my 26 EBENEZER CARJ'Ii , SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. rinilESE Machines h tve long sustained the ■ highest reputation in the United States. The firsi’prize—a Gold Medal -has recently been award cd to them at the great Exposition at the Palace ol | Industry in Paris, and thus they have the M orld s i verdict of superiority. Great improvements have just been added, so j that thev run without noise, u ith ease to the opera tor at double the ordinary speed, so ibai Tune* us much 11 orh can be done in a Day. The greatest Clothing and Shoe Manufacturing establishments in the country use these Machines exclusively. They are competent to perform every sort of work in the most perfect style. As there are very great numbers of interior or , entirely worthless SEWING MACHINES ot the i Lerow & Blodgett, Avery, Wilson, Grover A Baker, ; and other patents, which have been sold, but can j not be used to any advantage, we hereby offer t > j receive all such Machines, and nNo unimproved ; ones of our own manufacture, in exchange for new j and latest Improved MACHINES, on liberal terms. All old MACHINES thus obtained by us will be j broken up and destroyed. For particulars, apply : bv letter ,>r personally, at our New N ork Office. ! V1! laical Agents wanted to make sales of our ! Improved SEWING MACHINES, To persons ■ properlv qualified sis the business, a rare opportu j nit'.’ ’.'.ir profitable nd pleadat employment is of fered. I. M. SINGER & CO. Principal Office, "ciS Broadway, N. V ! IhtANCti 0, kicks: 47 Hanover sire, t, Boston; i4z I chestnut street, Philadelphia ; In; Baltimore street, Baltimore; Walnut street, Cincinnati; IS 1 ; ; St. Charles street, New Orleans ; Gloversville, New York ; 3'4 Broad street, Newark. New Jersey, i novgl 3m NOTICE. r«H* those kind friends to yvhoui 1 am so much a indebted for their gent! forbearance, and to ; those for yy hose patronage I am indebted, I. offer grateful acknowledgements ; and although, by sale, | mv MILLING interest has ceased for a while, l hope I soon to rally, and stand among yon a Hiram Smith,_ I when 1 siiall again solicit your generous support. JAMES I. COLEMAN ! NOTICE. rgoii. bu si ness connections of JAS. L. COLE- S MAN and THOMAS |)L XF.GAN have this j dav, by mutual consent, been closed. AH those | indebted to the concern will please make an early j settlement; and those to whom they are indebted ! yvill please present their claims at an early date at j the store, where Mr. Dunegnn will be found to h i quidate them. JAMES L. COLEMAN, THOMAS DUNKGAN i November 7th, 1855. no vs COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. rail 1111 undersigned have entered into a ('opart S nership under the name and style of ROWE i A ROBERT, for the purpose of carrying on the j Plumbing, Tinning and Gas Fitting; and respect- I fully solicit a share of public patronage. They yvill keep constantly on hand, Gas Fixtures of all kinds, Sheet Lead, Iron and Lead Pipes, of all size ~ to which thev invite the attention of the public. JOHN ROWE, JOHN A. ROBERT, Opposite the Post Office. Augusta, October Ist, !ssf>. l v oelO FOUNTAIN S INDIA STORE into Vim AY, New York, is full of Goods from CHINA, JAPAN and IN | 1)1 A, which embrace Novelties and Dress Goods, j which are only to be found at the above establish | mem. Seersucker, Concun, Pongees, Satins; also, ! Scarfs and Shawls from ?sto£soo. Scarfs, Hand kerchiefs, Dresses, Ac., manufactured from the fibres of the Pineapple, handsomer and more dura ble than silk. Fashionable Bonnets made of the same can be washed and remodeled to suit the taste, and worn for years. Also, thousands of lias tern • Asi atiei articles, well worthy of the attention of all. Milliners yvill be supplied per mail with samples of the'Pineapple, or, can have Pattern Bonnets of the latest fashion, black and colored, sent by expresa to any part of the country. P. S.— India China in sets and single pieces, i Vast s, Ac., Ac. my 29 j "■NINE BOOKS, for Christmas and New Year’s i .BP Presents: i Gems of British Art; Queens of England; I t trnurnent of Memory ; Scenery of the United States, illustrated with ! forty engravings ; ! Women of the Bible; Republican Court; j Byron Gallery ; Sabbath Bells ; Amelia’s Poems; Morning Gift Annual for lS;>t> ; Snow Fluke, Moss Bose, Temperance Offering, j Friendship Offering, Leaflets of Memory, Cecilian Gift, Our Country, the American Parlor Annuals, The May Flower, The Forget-me-not, Ac. Also, a very large assortment of Juvenile Books, both English and American editions. For sale a* dec‘23 G. A. OATES A BRO.’S, Broad-st mr i;w books. —Arminiun Inconsistencies 1M ■ and Errors. Dangers and Duties of Men of Business, and Hoyv much Owest Thou ? both by the Rev. E. P. Rogers, late of Augusta. The Divine Love; by Rev. Dr. Eadie, of Glasgow Moral and Intellectual Diversity of Races. Christian Life—lts Course, its Hindrances, and its Heins; by Dr. Arnold, Master of Rugbv School. Dr. Hawks’ Life of Oliver Cromwell. Modern Pilgrims; by the author of Peter Schle mihl in America. The Angel over the Right Shoulder. Geoffrey Moncton, or the Faithless Guardian; by Mrs. Moodie. Luther Christmas Tree— Knorv Nothing Almanac for 185ff—French Speaker—Philadelphia House- I wife. For sale by | dec23 TlfOS. RICHARDS k SON. R. S. MILLER, -rn *> -r MEETING STREET, Cbarles ■ ton, S.c. SODA, SUGAR, BUTTER, | WATER AND LEMON CRACKERS. Orders promptly attended to._jgtl j m»ORSE’S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, IIT I for sale by deci!2 WM. H, TCQ' Z \x 50 ‘ I