Newspaper Page Text
Latest from Europe.
Capk Rack, July 24.—The Rritish and North
Amencan Koval Mail steamship Canada,Capt. \Y.
J C Lavg, with Liverpoof dates to the 14th inst.,
passed otf here to-day. .
Liverpool Cottm Market. —The sales of cotton
on Friday were 10,000 bales. Sales of Saturday
8 000 bales. The market was generally unchanged.
On Monday evening the market closed steady.
The Neapolitan corvette deserted, and has gone
over to Garibaldi.
Nkw York, July 20.—The steamship Jura, with
Liverpool dates to July 10th, arrived here to-dav.
Liverpool Ootton Market. —Of the sales of three
days, speculators took 5,500, and exporters took
17 000 dales. The following were the closing qtio
tations :
Middling Orleans, 6,( n d. j Middling Mobiles, s>£d.
Uplands, s}<jd. |
The stock at Liverpool was 1,226,000 bales, of
which 1 049,000 bales were American.
Liverpool Genetal Markets. —Corn advancing.
Provisions dull, but unchanged. Produce gener
ally unchanged.
general news.
The Neapolitan government have resolved to
offer the Sicily Constitution of 1812.
The French Government refuse to denationalise
the two French vessels purchased for Garibaldi.
The Paris Patne says that the sitlge of Messina
has been decided on, but that the terrible hot
weather during July and August will render oper
ations extremely dirt'cult.
Garibaldi had armed nine thousand troops
The murder of the Police Inspector caused Gar
ibaldi to issue a decree of death against those
committing similar acts, as it was the special com
missioner appointed by those functionaries who
had oppressed the people.
Napoleon has authorised the formation of a
National Ride corps.
St. Johns, July 23.—The Prince of Wales ar
rived here to-day.
Nkw York, July 23.—Sales of cotton to-day 800
bales. The market was steady. Flour declining;
sales of 12,000 barrels ; Southern ut $5 35 a $5 75.
Wheat declined 1a 3 cents per bushel; sales of
85,000 bushels. Corn quiet; sales of 49,000 bushels.
Sugar firm. Spirits of Turpentine firm, at 37 a
B'.'cents. Rosin steady. Rice firm.
Fire is Marianna, Florida.—On Friday night
last, as we learn from a reliable gentlemen, a fire
occurred in Marianna,which burned Bassett’s store,
Powers’ store, and Nichols’ livery stable. Messrs.
Bassett aud Powers saved their books, but last
many goods. Entire loss by the burning supposed
to be about twenty five thousand dollars.
Rainbridge t_</.) Argun, July 21.
Mississippi— The last Columbus Repot it- >
comes to us with Douglas and Johnson lloating at
its mast head. There are now some fifteen papers
in the State supporting the National Democratic
nominees. The National Democracy will hold a
Slate convention at Holly Springs, to nominate
an Electoral ticket to sustain Douglas and
Son. —Selma (Ala.) State Sentinel.
Douglas Paper in Pstersbubg.—We, learn that j
a Douglas Democratic paper will shortly he start- 1
ed in Petersburg, under the editorial control of
Charles Irving, Esq. Mr. Irving was formerly j
editor of the Lynchburg Republican, and subse
quently ofthe Danville Republican. He is an able j
and vigorous writer, and will no doubt make the
fur fly from the hides of the Vancey-R reck inridge ;
men. Things is working.
Richmond (17/.) Whig.
A Cannon Discharged uy the Whisking of a
Lady’s Drkss.—On Saturday afternoon, June 16th, j
while the decks of the Royal Albert, in Leith har- j
bor, were thronged with visitors, the dress of a
lady, in passing one of the signal guns, caught tile
percussion hammer and brought it over upon the
fuse. The gun, which was loded with blank cart
ridge, went otf, and one ofthe crew, who, unfortun
ately, was either stand ng in front of the gun or
had been working about it, had his arm blown off
close to the shoulder.
Repudiating the Bolters. —Lddor Herald :
Having signed my name to a call for the Breckin
ridge and Lane (bolters) ratification meeting, I
now regret, and take this method of withdrawing
my name, aud going for Stephen A. Douglas and
the whole ticket Jas. Mclnkkhy.
In addition, we are requested by Mr. F. Over
stoltz to say that he does not sympathise with
the bolters.
Also, by Mr. Eugene B. Pendleton, who assures
us that the useot fits name was unauthorised.
Also, bv Mr Thomas M. Taylor, late a candi
date for Sheriff.— ct. Louis Herald.
St PLEASANT route"!
Leuti;al • \lai.l JLi.iu* !
rrnimt Gil TICKETS from New Orleans to New York,
JL via Mt-iilie, Montgomery, Augusta, and Columbia, thence
Comp eting at Weldon with lines for Baltimore, Philadelphia,
and New York, via Petersburg. Richmond, and Washington,
or By Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Portsmouth, and
-Steamers to Baltimore.
tickets good by this route
) are on! time the same as by any other Railroad Route.
I; , H.. S !t r ~.(* thnnah the Capitals of North ami South
and that por’ from Columbia to Weidi u is al
’ entirely free from i-i. swunirs. amt trestle wuik, pass
loxtnrotiKh ut, elev. ‘ed and healthy country. *
V?T Connections are rtm-n- at New York hy this litre to
Falls, Boston. White Mountains. Canada,
t oV. -o'j\ er * ‘~‘ve. wiili. their servants, bv taking
are subWrted on ! rul “ tl * e sutioyan-.e to which they
are conveyed between Dc
Be Careful lo Buy Your Tickets
Via Columbia. S. C.
WrtTlPohdaTfd A'A- T. r’ V CoTiroTo 017 .V" 48 ? 1 * D
gusta, thence to W t u . r \ Au-
Line, or to Was!.;. v Kei m IT w, , by
compauyiog it all the vxuv, L-W-ge Masters ac-
For further particulars, and Through Tickets ree small
cards, or inquire- • Nre0,;.,,.. ~ i. .
v;er s-reet ;in M de, at • x. pkain \KD U en7' , v U * r!l
W M rß o H err ’t” A - Vvt ' y - Ttkrt^Ant‘k C *
W P. R. R..or to LEW Its Lf;\ y’ ’
1 as-.. s . Lr t, Augusu. Ga.
t - D. noy DE\
assenger Agent, Montgomery, Ala.
J>' ls ‘ ctf
ON the Sand Rills, on Monday idernoon, a tiol.D
CHAIN, with a Jet Cross attached. The finder will
liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office.
n2B dtt
11(1188 nil LOT
r |'HK unders eoed offers for Sale his RESIDENCE on
.A Tellair street. It is Urge and commodious, with ample
Grr-unds and out buildings. The entire premise* comprise
over three acre?. Terms liberal. Apply to
For Sale,
*pHJB steamer VV M H. S I ARK and LIGHTER ; also
ii-T'HARF boat, will be sold at public Auction, at
u,r Lower Market Hutue, on the first I’L’EsDAY in AD-
T? previously disposed of. Terms made known
• ike day of sale. jyj <j lm
A Great Will Cask in North Carolina - One
Hundred NeoroksSet Free.— The Iredell (N. C.)
Rarest states that the case of Solomon Hall’s
will occupied the Superior Court of that county
eight days, and w as finally compromised after the
jury had retired.Mr. Hall had made a will leaving
one hundred negroes and other property to his only
child, a daughter, who afterwards married Mr.
Neely against Ins wish ; whereupon he made an
other will, leaving his negroes free, and leaving
most of his property to them. The suit was to
set aside the last will. Au hour after the case had
gone to the jury, Mrs. Neely’s counsel proposed to
receive thirteen thousand dollars and two thousand
dollars which the will gave her; the estate to pay
the court costs, eight hundred dollars, she to pay
her own lawyer five thousand dollars. The pro
position was accepted. The negroes will be sent
to Liberia. The jury stood nine against and three
lor the will; hut it is said the Judge would have set
aside the verdict if it had been against the w ill.
Something fob the Ladies.— A new invention I
has recently appeared, which, although useful to
everybody, is specially claimed by the ladies, as j
being exactly suited to their wants and require- 1
incuts. They are delighted with Spalding’s Pre
pared Glue. It brings up no disagreeable asso- j
ciations of sticky glue-pots aud stifling oaois, but j
is merely a clear transparent liquid, m a pretty :
little bottle, with a small accompanying brush, fit
to stand on the daintest toilet table in all the land, j
with cologne and perfumes and China trifles. And ;
so useful it proves, too, if any accident happens !
.to the ten thousand little knick-knacks that ladies ,
delight in. No sending to the manufacturer for j
repairs, at an expense scarcely less than would at !
tend the purchase of anew article. A few of the
Crystal drops, skillfully applied by fair fingers,
will set all right. For furniture, for work-boxes,
for books, for everything, it is a perfect little fami
ly physician! The amount of money that one of
these bottles can save in a month, would seem al
most incredible, and ladies rely ou their Prepared
Glue as a sort of a magician that can effect every
thing! And they know, too, when any article of
domestic reform meets the enthusiastic sanction I
ut their hands that Spalding’s Prepared Glue has j
received, you may be pretty sure it is something |
worth having on your closet shelf!
New York Dispatch, July doth. I
Royal Havana Lottery.
ri’IHE next Ordinary drawing of the Royal Havana Lottery, j
L conducted hy the Spanish Guv. rnnient, under the super
vision of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at :
1 Prize of sloo,ooo | 5o Prizes of 1,000
l * 50,000 6o ** ftoo
[ “ 30,000 I 153 *• 400
1 “ 20,00e| *2O Approximations 8,800
1 “ 10,000 I
Four Approximations to the sK>o,ooo of #Goo each ; 4 of
|4oo to $60,000 ; 4of sioo to #30,000 ; 4 ot s4oo to $20,000 ;
1 of sioo to f10,06e.
Piizes cashed at sight, at 5 per cent, discount,
hills on all solvent hanks taken at par.
Ad rawing will be for warned as soon as the result becomes
Alt orders for Schemes or Tickets to be addressed to
IX)X RODRIGITEZ, care of City Poat, Charleston, S. C.”
W. M. A A. A. BEALL,
\V E will contluuc the Warehouse Commission busi
it ness at the same stand, it. Metcali's hire I'rool W.ra
in use. en Reynolds, between Jackson ami Mclntosh stree’s,
Metcalf Range, In the centre of the city, aud convenient to
the Hotels.
living amply provided with good and safe Storage for COT
TON. GRAIN, and PRODUCE, we tespq Uuliy
solicit a continuance of the patronage hereto'ort so 1 j oral ly
extended, and that of the public gen.tally—pledg/ig the
strict! st personal attention lo all business entrust.ii to our
All Consignments to B. A- B. will have our prompt attention.
The usual Cash Advances made n Produce in store.
Orders for Bagging, Rope, add Family Supplies promptly
filled. Mm! M. If KA 1.1.,”
■vi- da dim
Formerly Simpson A Gardiner. |
( Warehouse formerly occupied by Simpson Gardiner.)
Mclntosh street,
Al G ST A, (i E()R Ct IA. j
\Y ILI. aiv.-their personal attention to the Selling of COT- \
r “ TON, or such other Produc us may be sent to liiein by J
tluir friends, and the Planting public.
Orders for Bagging. Rope, and Family Supplies, tilled to
the best advantage.
or • ’ash advances made upon Produce in store, when re- I
qgired. |yS darfm
*) 0 li VLKN Fine Hay ;
Oik Hhr>. Prime Western Subs imt iv.t ive*l <>n
t>v nitnt.&hd for suit-tv W. H. HOWARD,
<l6 Oencral OofumMou Men
f 111! K fr;- .is of this enterprise,'ally ihe snbseribr rsto
I th. capital stock of the Con nany, are r .quested to a'ti nd
a meeting, ior the transact on of important business, at Barn
well Corn t House, on the nth day of At,gusta next.
Special (’ommissloner.
Qlllisonvllle, S. Cm July 10. IBH. duet,l |y!6
Cabin Passage to Philadelphia sls 00.
Cabin Passage Through to New York 16 00.
Cabin Lassage Through to Niagara 24 00.
Deck Passage to Philadelphia 6 00.
From Augusta to Philadelphia, sold at the
South Carolina Railroad Depot 17 50.
The splendid Side Wheel Steamships KKt STUN E STATE
and STATE OF GEORGIA now run rrgn’arly every ten
dnvalri.m Chnrlestonand Savannah to Philadelphia.
The KEVpTONE STATE. Ohapt. Cnss P. Marhhuan,
will Mill Imm Charleston on the loth, -20th, and .“.Oth of t very
The STATE ‘OF GEORGIA. Capt. Jno. J. Garvin, wi*l
sail from Savannah on the Sth, lath, and 25th of every month.
For speed, safety.■’rid accomniodations, these ships are not
inferior to any afloat.
River navigation one hundred miles—only two nights at
Agents In Savannah II I NTER A- <L. MM ELL
” in Charleston T. S. & T. G. HLiHD.
** in Philadelphia ALEX. HERON, .In.
1*97 and in
r 11HE undersigned have this day associated themselves for
,1_ the transact ion of the Factorage and General Commission
Business, in the city ot Charleston, S. C.. under the lirtn nr
CHAMBERS, BARNES .V CO., and would most res ectfat
ly solicit the patronage of their friends and tlm puhl c.
Consignments of Produce, Manufactures, or Merchandise
made to their house, will receive prompt attention.
Os Charleston, S C.
Os Kershaw District. S. C.
Os Chat leston, S. C.
Charleston, S. C., July 16, 1860.
1 awlm jydO _
ritllK subscriber Las received ids regular supply of TCR
X > IP. and other Seeds, tor the Fail Planting which arc
Fresh aid Genuine.
Purple and Green Top RL’TA BAGA, Lirge Engli.h. Nor
folk. Large White Globe, Red ’fop Fiat. Flat Dutch TCR
M". *c.T Ac. J. H. SERVICE.
jyll dim
Ezekiel's in falli kJc
Ut AD the following certificate of our own townsman, a
1 gentleman well known to all. If this is not satisfactory,
call at ihe proprietor's, 0a Main street, and you can see certifi
cates tioiu all sections of the Union :
M Richhohd. July 10.1800.
faro,.. ‘ t - z * 1 -tEn —Dear Sir ■ 1 y.kt’ great pleasure in in
ißKftff-thy, I have used three hotties of your HAIR RE-
Lie jc ‘of ‘ er, ' at oatisiaction to myself. My Hair isgr iw
mg finely. 1 tewe me half a dozen bottles.
Respectfully, JOHN O. CHILES.
v V 2, LK Ala., April 6,1860.
k ! nii as to pre-ewTne ehmon ' l —Wear Sir You were so
tleof“ourHrißßEsToßKß wb^l o ';’ ho £T wit 1 U a ‘D’
anu will, th*t*fore, thank you to send nu- hKir a ,-i! u
by Adams’ Express. Sead bill with the p.u kuge? to £>collet
ed on delivery. \ ourearly comp-.unce will v!?y much oh!S
l ours, truly, v R i*
tar” For sale by all Druggists in the United
IW~ Frieeone dollar perbottie,
OT All orders must be addressed to the Proprietor.
iyil u 6S MiiQ itreei, R‘,d,mond. Va.
1860. SPRUNG AND SI MMER. 1860.
Wholesale ixiid. Retail Dealers In
Have now in Store, and will oe Constantly receiving during the Sprin-2an
Summer Months, the Largest and Most Fashionable- 1 ~
atnd Improved -Styles of
Which they claim to be EQUAL to any brought to the Southern Markni
Also, a Large and Oarelully Selected Stock ol
<s - :wBZTmai r mm. cmr isuieu um. ; mm<& r> & &
Youths’ and Children’s Clothing, of the Latest Styles Also
Os the Newest Importation and Greatest Variety, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, at the shortest notice
warranted to FIT, or no sale. All orders attended to with dispatch. Our be LOW to meet the
views of everybody. All persons wanting anything in our line, would do well to call and examine our Hod:
Unclor tlxe TJ. S3. Hotel, Augusta, CSrct.
Augusta, March 1, 1860. df
- —, — ■ ■ ... ... marl
Montvale Springs!
186 O !
P|TK \\ ELKRS on tho Ilallro (1 from Dalton or Cliatta
-1 noogu to Knoxville, Tennessee, reacii Montvale tiy tak
stage Coacht seither at Loudon or Knoxville, Since the
last season, new buildings have been added, the grounds en
larged and more high 1 > embellished, vineyards planted, or
chards, K*rdens. and tar ms extended, and *he whole place
made ore s nv tine than ever.
Messrs S. LA NIK II & SONS have been engaged in llote
business (in Macon, (4a., in New York, and nowin Mont
gomery. Ala.) for more than twenty years. Experience has
i i'ighi them the wants or the traveling public : aid they as
sure all who seek health, comfort, r>r pleasure, that no Sum
mer Resort is more complete than M> NTYALE SPRINGS,
in the extent and variety of means b • which these (bje; ts are
secured. They Invoke th- attention ol the public to their ad
var.tagesin all these respec*.
The apartments are a!l freshly fitted up; provisions are
a 1 dart, and prepared and served hy the best cooks and
wait: \ The ut’ crop is a full one, and adequate to ail de*
As to the curative properties of these WATERS, five ex-
P rience i resident Physicians testify as follows :
“Tney are in th* ir < tiVets on the human system, Diuretic,
D'aphor. tic, Aperient, highly Alteram, Exhilerunt, (indirect
ly), powerfully Tonic. They have perhaps no lival in etilca
cy, either in the mineral or vegetable kingdom, for all canes
comprehended under the general Lrru Dyspepsia, with all
their m; ny and varied concoti Hants, as Hypochondriasis,
Neur Igia. Chronic Liver Complaint, enlargement of the
Hpleen. .Sick and Nervous Headache, Debility, Derangement
of the Nerv us system, Ac.
Their Diuretic properties render them a powerful remedy
in ui st cases of Chronic Dropsy, and alfeeGonsof the Kie-
T cys. They are ..Iso efficient in Mero>krii&] Dißeas* s, arousing
t-he dormant powers of vitality, aud thus assisting nature to
dislodge and throw off any morbid or poisonous matter from
the system. In short, all cases of general debility and ener
vation will find a very agreeaole and reliable remedy In
W A era.
Oases of obstinate Chills and Fevers, and marfy cutaneous
disc iges, as Herpes, or Tetters. Ac., have been cured by them.
We do earnestly, therefore Inal’ sincerit , recommend all
pors ns su fl’enng with Chronic Diseases, to come and make
trial of the •* Mont vale \Waters.” ie9 c*2m
I\\ isn TO SKI.I,
Ist. My LA UNI APL ACE, situated in Madison parish,
La. It contains 1,085 acres of land, and lies on both sides of
doe’s Bayou, ff ndles distant from, and South of the Vicks
burg and Shrcvi oor railroad.
If desired, i will. l’ 1 m 7 N ECHOES with this place.
Terms *4O per acre f >rthe laud, and market price for the
Negroes ; one third cash, ut and the balance In two equal annual
instalments, bearing 8 per cent, interest.
Mr. LeMA Y , the Overseer, will show It to ai.y one wishing
to purchase.
2d. My HOME PLACE, also in Madison parish. La.,ami n
miles from the above place, contains about 2,ooo acres, of which
860 are in cultivation, and 760 more “belted.” It lies on both
ddt s Joe’s Bavou, and the quarter is just one mile from and
North of the Vicksburg and Shrevepori railroad. Joe’r Bavou,
from its mouth to where it en rrs this parish, has not been
overflowed within the recollection of tn* oldest in :bit ant.
‘Fills place is unsurpassed in quality of soil, facllilh s t.f drain
age : Ills about 150 acres of flue cypress timber, and there is no.
waste land in t he tract
If desired, I will sell 45 NEGROES with this place.
Terms—#so per acre for the land, and market price for the
negroes ; one third cash, the balance in one and two years,
bearing 8 per cent inter* t.
Mr. HUGGINS, theoverseer, will show the place to any
one wishing to buy.
?.d. My ROSS PLACE lies on the V/est bank of Bayou
Bartholomew,.in Morehouse parish, Ra., contains 1,257 acres,
of wh : ch 600 are in a high state of cultivation. On the place
there is a large dwelling iTmse and a very fine < rchard, em a variety of fruit, a quarter, gin, stables, Ac Steam
boats land at the place during most of the cottou shipping
season, and the Ouiehita river, on a direct line, is only five miles
Terms- S4O per acre, one third cash, and ihe balance in one
and t wo years, with 8 per cent, intt rest, or by paying the 8 per
cent , interest annually, and by securing the notes’satisfactori’y
1 will require no cash, and divide toe sum Into two equal
amounts, payable at 8 and 4 years time.
.Mr. HESS, the overerseer, will show the place to any one
wishing to buy.
4th.. Thirty-six hundred acr. sos unimproved land in Carroll
parish, La., lying between Boeutt River an.l Big Creek, and
three miles distant from the Vicksburg and Shreveport rail
road. It Is in a compact body, and on it there is a burn of from
300 to 400 acres.
With this place l will sell, if desired, 47 N ECHOES, now
on the Ross piece.
Term*—s2o per acre for the land, and market price for the
Negroes ; one-quarter cash, and the balance atone, two, three,
and four years, with 8 percent. Interest.
e-°> c€tn Dallas, Madison Parish, La.
1 OFFER for sale my PLANTATION, In Russell county,
Alabama, on the above river. miles below Columbus,
Ga.. adjoining the plantation of MiJ. James Wright, In the
Oawictiee Rend.
THE LANDS—The tract consists of between 1,600 and
1,600 acres, of which between ¥OO and 1,000 acres are river
bottom, ol the richest quality : the rernaiiiu>r pine land, the
mo t of it being ofthe superior quality known as Chocolate
IMPROVEMENTS—These are equal to any in the State.
The Dwelling is nearly new; and Is situated on a plain in the
nine lands, 2 Y t miles from the river. It contains 8 large, well
rooms on one floor, and each with a fireplace. The
outH^‘>esar-”* extensive, well built, and comfortable. ‘lhe
groundsare laid olf with taste, and ornamented with Ever
green ‘Frees and Hedges, with a choice colle t ion of Flowers,
large Orchard of Fruits of all kinds. Grape Vines, &c. In the
yard Is an unfailing well of the purest water. The establish
. mont, in all its arrangements combines elegance, wdh conve
nience and comfort.
THE QUARTER—Ison the same plain as the Dwelling,
2 miles from ihe river. Heie there is a first rate Overseer’s
House new, with conUortable Cabins, bavin* Brick Chim
neys, sufficient for the accommodation of 130 Negroes. Also,
Barn, Stables, Corn Houses. Blacksmith’s Shop, Wood Shop.
Ac. These buildings are all in good order. There is also at
the Quarter, a Chapel for religious services. The Quarter is
abundantly supplied with good water, as is every field on the
place. At convenient points on the Plantatirn are two
Framed Gin Houses and Scn-\v. In short, everything in the
way of improvements are to be found ou the place, and are in
repair. There is not a more desirable property on the Chat
tahoochee river, and it Is hardly cnce in a life time that such
is in market. .
1 reside on the place, and will take pleasure in showing the
Plantation to any one wishing to purchase. I can he address
ed at Columbus, Ga. JAMh> A. TURNER.
jel6 ; <*ctt
riIUE subscriber offers to sell bis FARM In Floyd county,
I six miles from Rome, and one and a half miles from the
Rome Railr. ad, containing four hundred and twenty acres of
good Upland, oue hundred of which is cleared and under good
fencing. On the place there is a good Dwelling and necessary
out buildings, an orchard of choice Fruit, and a wel of good
water Also, a Tan Yard, now in operation, and well located
for the business. A creek runs through the t ract, on which
there is a Saw Mill, but out of repair. Ihe above can be had
a bargain, as I desire to remove. For particulars, uldress me
ut Rome, or apply E
I will sell a Tan Yard, situated on the North side of Mariet
ta. about a mile from the Depot. It is well located lor pro
c„v , hc-kand eu(fainf: trade, belnftona road much trav
el’e-c -".ere are twenty-four vat*, with buildings necessary
forti'.eViinnees. anu a good bark mill, with a never-failiue
snrii’K runniuK thro'qch the yard. The re.>ureea for bark
arc abundant. There D now a supply of bark alike yard.
For particulars apply to WILLIAM s tweEDIDG
At Marietta, or addreos
|an6clamtf STEPHEN M. WILSON. Rome Ga.
Charleston Convention!
riJHK underatitned, deriring to mote West. ofTers for sale,
PLANTATION, on F.uharlee creek in
Polk couity Ua.. three miles North of \an W ert, on the
Rome road., containing 4ch acres-abont SO acres of good bot
tom in cui'ivalion, and as good upland as there u on the
Cieek ‘there are some 210 acres tn a good state of cultivation,
which’ lies very well ; also, hut a few acres in Ihe tract but
what is good cultlvatlble land. A beautiful and desirable sit
nation to 1 ve In, with good improvements, a never falling
well of water, and a good spring convenient enough. Thoie
wl-btug a good place In the Cherokee country, wilt do well to
buyray place- More could be added to it. If ned large enough,
1 desire to sell this summer, to move next fait relatives
Come and look. . D. CALHOUN.
my IS 04
1 A flare Uiiaucp For ,i
T?Olt sale, upon advantageous terms, a splendid location
1 I for the practice ol medicine. It is pleasantly situated iu
| Southwestern Georgia, in the midst nr a wealthy, intelli
gent. and refined community. The place has a small tarm
i attached, consisting of 600 aon sos first quality land—lCO
: acres cleared, and iu a fine state of cultivation, capable of
producingßooto 1,000 pounds of cotton per acre. Upon the
: place Is a comfortable Dwelling, uc it Office, Negro Cabins,
! Gin House and Saw, aud other buddings. The present in-
I cumb nt Is doing a paying practice of $2,500 per annum, with
a steady increase of patronage. Will be sold with the place.
Hogs, Cattle, Mules, Plantation Tools, Corn, Fodder, A-c,,
Ac. The present incumbent is desirous of going West this
fall. Possession given early in ttie winter, if desired. For
tern s, Ac., apply to the editor of (lie Constitutionalist.
Jvl etf
1.4 tl t outinuing to manufacture those superior COTTON
GI NS In this city, known heretofore as the **Oglesby dm;”
therefore, 1 need only refer to those that have used them, t..
establish their superiority. I am well posted in all the improve
ments, and my workmen of long experience. My prices will
be in unison with other manufactures, an 1, as the performance
of my Gins are trtia r antled, it is useless to multiply words.
Old Gins repaired whenever desired, ut moderate charges. Or
tiers s-lie.ted early, to prevent disappointment. Factory lo
cat-ed on Melntosn street, Augusta canal.
THOM A* J. v. IIKELY. Proprietor.
J. J. OGLESBY, Superintendent.
nov29 etf
For Sale,
A< 'OTTOS PLANTA HON, situated in Madison parish,
. Louisiana, within 4 miles of the Vicksburg, Shreveport,
and Texas Kailro id, containing about 3 000 acres of land, 700
acres cleared and in cultivation, and 700 seres additional, well
deadened, a large portion ot which can be easily put ir, culti
vation in 186 t. A fine cypress brake of about 200 acres fi rm
a portion of the tract, and almost entire r.-n. .in..., ja>t io
high, arable land. Avery ptv’t little lake divides the tract,
g;vij* fine froms for two pla J . 1 will st-11 the whole to
gether, or separately, as may be desired. The soil is a vary
rich loam, of uusutpassed fertility, andi-ya local system of
levees already constructed, is considered exempt from
overflow. The Improvements are good, consisting of Gin and
Mill separate, Blacksmith Shop, Hospital, Nursery, fine Cook
House, a’d quarters for from 7o to lu Negroes, together with
a comfortable Dwelling House, and a large Kiln of Brick. If
desired, tlnr Mules, Oxen. Gut tie. Fanning Utensils, Ac, to
gether with the Corn and Fodder, will be sold with the place.
For terms, Ac., address the undersigned at St. Joseph, Tcmtas
parish, l a. mydO c m E. i > Fa RKAR.
fltllK undersigned r tiers bis PLANTATION for sale, on i
I Petit’s Creek, consisting of 40’) a■ res, of open ’and. In a i
good state of cultivation, fiee from gullie.. It will pioduce j
1,000 pounds of Seed Cotton, 25 to 80 bushel* of Corn, and 16
to 20 bushels of Wheat per acre ; 380 acres of good Oak and
Hickory wood land. Th * farm is well watered hy the above
Creek, near the State Railroad, 4 miles N rth of Cartersvlfle,
on sahl road. Improvements g od ; 2* 0 two year old Apple
Frees, the finest In the country ; al-o. :i young Peach Orchard.
There is a huge Lime Quarry on the farm.
1 will sell 18 or 20 Negroes, Stock, and Plantation Tools,
with the farm, if desired. Persons desiring a bargain, and a No.
1 farm, would make it to theirinfeiest. to call. T< rms eay.
* urttrs\. 111*-, < j (r luly “, 1860. cSm jy6
VFFW weeks a.c,o, a man giving Ids name as W. S.e
phe s, and, as he stated, lived at Mobile, Aia., hired a
Horse and Buggy from the undersigned, to go to Hamilton,
Ga.,and he has n-t been head of since. He Is slow, chunky
man, dark complexion, and heavy beard. We will give #IOO
for the apprehens on or the thief, so that we can get him.
We will ah.o give s*>o for the delivery of the Horse and Bug
gy to us.
The Horse is a small Sorrell, and his right hind ankle white.
Him left ear has been b tten off snn*c inch and a half. He Is
about 7 years old. The Buggy 1 • of a light dove color—
Woodruff A Cos., makers. \ BLE & RRO.
Weft Point, Ga June 27, I£oo. c 4 iyl
mmmn of (;eori;h.
— -
C O \r M U N <3 U M E N T.
\\ , JULY 27th, Annual Meeting of Board of Trus
i tees.
Saturday, July 28th, Examination of Candidates for ad
in 1 a#|on.
Sunday, July 29th, Commencement Sermon, by Rev. Jos.
0. Styles, D. ft.
Monday, July 30th, Sophomore Prize Exhibition.
Tu sday, July 31s, Junior Exhibition.
Wednesday, August Ist, Commencement.
Thursday, August 2d, oration before Literary Societies, by
K v. c. W. Howard. je3o
1859! 1860!
Tuesda y Packet
if/f/n; RtirEii.
Xlie Magnificent and Fast Side-Wheel Steamer
J. B. SHERIDAN. Master,
WILE commence her regular Trips, as above, on the first
tl TUESDAY in September, and will leave Memphis
EVERY TUESDAY’, duringthe season. Shippers can rely
on this Boat remaining in the
And giving prolnpt attention to all Way anil Through busi
For Freight or Passage, apply to
James o’neau. Jr., or
Memphis, Tern., 185;i. sepit c
SIOO Reward.
WILL he pai l for the apprehension of WASH, a Negro
Man, lielnnglLg Ui the estate of the late Isaac Rain ey,
of Columbia cuuntv, Ga. Said boy is a inulaito, about 5 feet
10 inches in height, square built, weighing about 175 or 180
pounds : about 40 years ol age, aud is getting quite gray ; he
lias tost two fingers off of one hand—the little one i.ud the
one next to it; and has lost a front ti.oth in the lower .jaw
He is a Shoemaker by trade, and it is thought that he may be
lurking about Atlanta, or Marietta, as he has lived at the lat
ter place : or it mav be that be is about Augusta. I will pay
the above reward to anv one who will take up said buy, and
lodge him in aome safe jail, so that 1 count him.
a Pr ,-tt P. RAMSEY. Err.
Burke Land
THE subscriber Offers his PLANTATION, in Burke coun
ty, tor sale, containing four hundred ami sixty one (4ol)
acres, lying 12 miles West of Waynesboro', a l.iilining lauds ot
Cel. A. C. Walker, Judge Noah Smith, and others. On the
I tare are all necessary buildings, and it is in good rei sor.
Farther description is deemed unnecessary, as the j urcbaSer is
requested to examine for bimselt. Anv information desired
can be had by addressing me at Wajmesboro'.
INDAV offer for sale my PLANTATION, in Dougherty co..
10 miles North-West of Albany, containing 1.512 M at res
ofthe best Oak and Hickory Land in Smth-Western Georgia;
800 acres Cleared and in a high state of cultivation ; good
Gin House and Screw, Negro Houses enough fcrSOor ICO
Negroes ; Corn, Fodder, and Stock an he had with the place.
Any person wishing to look at the place, will cati on my over.
’ seer on the premises, or for price, write me at f oreyth, Mon
roe county, Ga ALOCHKAN.
jylO %
\V T, LL lie sold, before the Court House door, in the town
r ? w , f< Lt <lville ’ Talia'errocounty. under an order from
of -said county, on the first TUESDAY
ln ,. ,IBFK next, within the
wit: two hundred and fifteen acres of Oak and Hickory
.ami, be the same more or loss, lying in said county, about 14
n U. of ( rawfordvlMe—it being all the real es
itt'! otJnines \\ ear, of said county, deceased, adjoining lands
1 1 . ohn H irris oll , Mr. Butow, and others ; about one hun
.lrkd and tliirty acres 1,1 the woods—well timbered wlh Oak
.imt I me Timber ; the balance cleared, with indifferent im
provements on it. Terms of sale to he made known on the
day of sale. KEUBEN S. WEST,
,/t S5, M ,? nk me for Letters of Guardianship
V Bell and ( athetlne Bell, minors and orphans of
W iHiain Bell, of said county, deceased
theae are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to beam!
appear at my office within the time prescribed bv law, and
be^nurted 6 ’ ‘ aU> theJ l!:uv ’ W| ‘V ---aid Letters should not
t ’liven under my office in Crawfordville, thigl.itli
day ot, July, iB6O. GUINEA O'.NEAI.,
D lb Ordinary.
’ * ~n *’ sau Ellington, Administrators on the es
tatenr yvitllam Bell, late of .said county, deceased, apply to
tnc tor Letters of Dismission from said’ estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular,
tht kuidred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear
at tny office withiuthetime prescribed by law, to show cause,
it any they have, why said Letters should not begranted
Given under my hand, at office in Cr iwfordville, this 13th
day of July, 1860. GUINEA O’NEAL,
Taliaferro county.—% b~. u
VT vester J. Farmer, executor on the estate of Janes bar
nior■ late ot sai.; countv, deceased, applies to me lor Letters
of Dismission from said
’Fho-e are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu
lar, the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and ap
pear at myocnce within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, if any t hey have, why said Letters should not be grant-
Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville, this 15th
day ot J une, 1860. Q V IN K A O’N KAI „
( lilOiK; 1 V, FAI.IAi KKKO COUNTY. WiiereaT,
\ J Mary A. Askm, and Uieliard Gunn, have made anplica
lum to me for Letter* ot Administration on the estate of
h rede rick K. Askin, late of said county, deceased—
-1 hesi are.therefore, to cite and admonish a 1 hmd singular
the kimlret. and creditors of said deceased, to be and appecr
at my office, within tin- time prescribed bv law, gird show
cause, if any they have, w i.ysaid lettersshouldnot begranted.
Given under my L • ••:. at office in (’rawrordvilie. this 25th
e.av of June, 1860, j. QUIN KA O’NEAL, Ordinary.
(TKOltiil \ TALI \ F ttit UO (*0 Ui4 T Y.—W liereas, J t ihn
\ U. Mo<tre and innin F. McM>rv, Ada inistraton* on
the estate ot Elisha -r.', deceased, have made application
to me for Letters oi Dismission from said estate
. These are, therefuit . . eiteaml atlmoTiish.alland singular,
thekindfed and credit rti sos said deceased, to be and appear at
mv office, within the time prescribed hy law, and show cause
If any they have, why said letteisshou'd not begranted.
Given under tuv bind, at office in Oniwfordvlllc. this 16th
day oi March, llif.C. GUINEA O'NEAL,
’ “ Ordinary.
nEORBIA. IALIAFERRO CO UN ¥.—Whereas, y ,n
----’ Y c:s A. Billlngslea, Adniinistratoron Hie es-ale of Francis
B. liillingsl. ci, late of Mississippi, deceased, applies tome for
Letters ot Dismission from -aid estaie—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, at I and singular,
the Kindred andcredltors of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within the ume prescribed bv law, and show
if .my they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville. t is 16th
day of b ebruary, 1860. GUtN FA O'NEAL,
feblii I Irdinary.
(A liOH 1.1 \, TA 1,1 A bfc! RRO CO UNT V. W here as. Win”
* Alexandt ~ Administrator on the estate ofJAnderson E.
Moore, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Let
ters of Disinisicon from said estate—
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sirirular
the kindred an and friends ofsuld deceased,to lieand appear at m\
office, wlthinthe time jirescrilted bylaw, and showcaus”, ii
anv they have, why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office In Crawfordville, this 16th
day ol February, 1860 GUINEA O’N EAL,
Ichlß Ordinary
CI.YTY DVY-S alter date application will lie made to the
b/ Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county,
Ga., for leave to sell all the re and estate neionging to the es
tate Os Littleton Taylor, lat of said counts, deceased.a
IT* J<>KL O. W. TAYLOR, Adm’r.
SlVI’k 1 D VI S after date application will tie* made to the
Court ot Ordinary of Taliaferro county for leave to s dl all
tlie real estate oi James West, ‘ate of said county, deceased
myg REUB KN S. WES and, Adrn'r
®loßscock County
!iam J. Wilcher. JulusC. A. Wllchcr, Jerenriati Wilch
cr, Jr , and Wiley G. Ilraddy, apply to me for Letters of Ad
ministration upon tin- estate ot Jeremiah Wilcher, Nr., late of
said county, deceased—
'i'he;c are, therefore, to cite and admonish! all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceas.-d, to tie and appear at
my office within tin* time prescribed by law. and show cause,
f any they have, why sain Letters should not he granted.
Given nndei mv hand, at office in Gibaon, this 13th day of
i’ lit Ordinary.
(4 KOIt<;I \, GLASSCOCK COUNTY .-Whereas, Annul
X as Beckwortli. Administrator of Mary Howell, deceased
applies to me for Letters Dlsmissory from said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
t he kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed hy law, and show cuuse,
if any they have, why said Letters should uot b” trait ed.
Given under my hand, at office in Gibson, this 2.'>th day of
prtl, 1860. SEABORN KITCHEN’S,
11 ■ “ ______ Ordinary.
tUaricn Cotraig.
GFAMDiIA, WARREN (K)nNTY.--Wherfa*, Isaac
Harris Administrator, and Uath trine Stone. Administra
trlx, of William Stone, deceased, apply to me for Letters Di.-
mlssory from said estate
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all uad singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to be and appear at
jay office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause
if any they have, why said Let ter* should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 15th day
of February, 1860. HENRY K. CODY,
febls Ordinary.
KOmHA, WARREN COUNTY.-Whereas, Henry
VT VV r . Smith applies tome for letters dUmiasory from the
estate of Albert H. Smith, late of said county, deceased—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to bo and
appear at my office within the time prescribed by law. and show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should not begrant
Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 3d day of
February, 1860. HENRY U. CODY,
fcl>s < Ordinary.
ffIHK Batnbratgg Manufacturing Company offer their estab
JL linhment, aitusted nar Balnbridge Decatur county. Ga.
for sale. Terms liberal, both as to price and payment. For
farther particulars, see circular at this office, or apply to
either of tlie undersigned at Rair.brirge, Ga.
Mrt °Jrr Agent-.
H \\ |\(i determined to close up our business, we will
sell our remaining stock at low prices, for cash, or: cn
the usual time for approved paper.
jy_7 d6 ac 6
Hit l\(i sol tl out my stock of Ready-Made Clothiug.
Furnishing Goods, Ac , Ac., to Messrs. BROOM A-
I>AY, I solicit far them a continuance ofthe patronage ex
tended t. myseif. J. M. NEWBY.
Augusta. Julv 16, 1860.
H\\ l.\U formed a Co-Partnership this day, under the
name and style ot BROOM DA Y, aiid purchased the
stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Furnlsi ing Goods, Ac., A *.,
from Mr. J. M. Newby, No. 238 Broad street, under the
United states Hotel, we will continue the (Nothing Trade in
all it* b-anchea, *t the same stand, and respectfully solicit the
support of our friends, and the public generally.
C. b. DA\
oim jyii
omoen Counts.
II \ \ H alter date application will be made to tht
t ’ Hi noraole, the Court of Ordinary of Striven county, Ga.
for leave to sell a Negro Man, Thornton, belonging to Joab
W, Mears, a minor. jel7 B. K. MIMS, Guardian.
, iv , iv , NOTICE.
I \ DAYS after date application will be tna ’e to the
Cj Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Scrivtn county, Ga.
¥ r a Negro Man. Raymond, belonging to Herschel
P. Mears, a minor. iel7 B. R. MIMS, Guardian.
A, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas. Elizabeth
VA Newton applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Guardianship of the person aud property of Samuel M. New-
Thuv a.-e,therefore, t© cite andadmonlah, all and singular
the kinam! and friends ot said minor, to be and appear a
m> omce within the time prescribed by law, and show cause
lJ have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given mnie r in Y hand, at office in Svlvania.this l4th Jav
ot February, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
( •KHHi.ii.M KiVKA .ii'M'i -Whereao,Ran
\ X Eittlefiehis applies to me for Letter- Diainia-orv frmn
the Ouaritianahip of the person ami property of A'mamia
Ka-kley, formerly Amamla Lovett— ,
These are, therefore to rite and admonish, all and singular,
tin- kindred ami frier is.of said person, to be and appear at
my office within the tin prescribed by law, and show cause,if
any they have, whvsah’ Letters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this 6th dav
of.iuiy. rank iyt in f. Roberts, ordinary.
X X N unally applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Administration ofthe estate of iSarah Wells—
These are, tlierefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said person, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed bv law. and show cause
if any they have, why said Letters should m> be granted
Given under mv hand, at office in reyivßnia, tills 6th dav of
July, 1860. .1 yii D. F. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
I t HillGl %,BC’RIVEN COUNTY-—Whereas, I'eyton L:
” * Andrews applies to me for Letters Dismiss! ry from the
Admintsfration or Elendor Andrews, tit-ceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular
the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law, and st ow cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, inis 14th day of
June, iB6O, Jeltt I). E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
rl KOKGIA, SCR IVEN Cos L'.Vi V. -\\ her* ss, bub (at I
X applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the last will
anil testament of Moses Howard, deceased—
These are. therefore, toclte and admonish all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to tie and appear at
my office within thetime prescribed Ty law. and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, ai office in Syivania, this 2oth day
of February, 1860. I). E. ROBERTS,
Robbins. Executor of the last will and testament t.t
Christopher G. White, deceased, applies to me for Lettu
Dismissory from said estate--**
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors ot 9aid deceased, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by law, and snow cause
If any they have, why said Letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office m Syivania, tht- Bth day ot
June, iB6O. jet.3 D. E. ROBERTS. Ordinary,
VA Barker applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Guardianship of Joseph, Ann, Thomas Cate, Mary Oa.-en,
Elizabeth, Barney, and John Gale—
These arc, therefore to cite and admonish, alt and singular,
the kindred amt friends of said persons, to be ami appear at
my office within the time present,ed hy law, and show cause,
it any ttiey have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this Bth day of
June, 1861. JelS I>. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
I Barker applies to me for Letters Dismiss: ry from the
estate of Lawson D. A. Burk, deceased—
Theseare,tlierefore, toclte and’admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the timeprescrlbedby law.and
any they have, why said Letters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Svlvanla, this Ski day
of May. 1860. 1). E. ROBERTS,
my'ri _ Ordinary.
V JT Mims, Administrator de bonis non on the estate of Rich
aril Herington, Sr., deceased, applies to me for Letters Dis
tu -sory from said estate—
These are, therefore, tocite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law.and snow
cause, if any they liave, why said Letters should not be
(Even under my hand, at office in Syivania, this iSd day of
May, 1860. D E. ROBERTS,
my3o O-dinary.
” T Humphries applies to me for Letters Dismissory from t ire
tlie* estate of Amos Humphries, deceased—
These are, therefore, tocite and admonish, sll and singu
lar, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and
appear at my office, within thetime prescribed hy law, and
snowcause, lfany they have,why saidlettersshould not he
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this 23d day
of May, 186 u. D. E. ROBERTS.
mySO Ordinary.
\X Cooper applies to me tor Letters Dismissory from the
estate of Thomas W. Evans, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and
appea. at tny office, within the time prescribed by law, and
allow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given unde! my hand, at office in Syivania, thislSth day
t M *v. 1 -40. tnyfil D. E. ROBERTS, o-din ivv.
\ X \\ ade applies to me for Letters Dismiss, ry from the
Guardianship of Maty Kennedy—
Theseare,therefore, tocltenud admonish all and singular,
the kindred and friecds of raid minor, to lie and appear at
my office, within thetime prescribed by law.and slioweause,
if any they have, why saidletters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this 13th day
of May. 18*0. mv2;: I*. E. ROBERT . I'r.limirv.
* X E. I'nttle applies to ine for Letters Dismissory from tiie
Gtirrdfiuiship of Martha Morton—
Theseare, tlcrefore, to cite and admonlsh.all andsingulai,
the kindred and creditors of said person, tot.e and appea;
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
cans-, if any they have, whysald letters should not begrant
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania. this t.Mh dav
of May, 1860. ntySS D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
T A. Unysmore applies to me for Letlers Dismissory from
the executorship of last will, and testament of Humphrey
Bay? more, deceased—
Tliese are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceit ed, to he and appear at
mv office within thetime prescribed lv law, and show cause,
ll any I hey have, why said U'Uersshould not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in .Syivania, this luth day ot
April, 186*). D. E. ROBERTS,
*rp2s Orilinarv.
/‘I K/OlUalA, SCKIVEN (jOl NTY.—Whereas, Frankliii
UT Sowell applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the es
tate of Lucretia Conner, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular
the kindred and credito*s of said deceased, to be and appear ut
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and showcase,
if any they have, why s lid Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, it office in Syivania, this 10th day
April, iB6O. D. E. ROBERTS.
VT Hams applies to me f r Letters Dismi-.sory from the per
son and property of tarah M. Andrews, (formerly Sarah M.
Williams), and Frances M. Williams—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kin. red and creditors of said persons, to be and appear at
my office, within thetime prescribed by law, and slioweause,
it any they have, why said letters should not begranted.
Given under myhand, at office in Syivania. this 12th day of
March, 1860. mar*2o D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
VT Wade applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
guardianship of the person and property of Mary Wade—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at
my office, within thetime prescribed by law, and show cause,
if anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office ! n gylvanla, this 12th day of
March, 1860. i>, K. ROBERTS, Ordina
\T Mercer applies to me for Letters D smlssory from the
estate of Lewis Connor, deceased—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to he and appear nt
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, il
anv they have, why said Letters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this 6th day of
March. 1860. mari4 D. E. ROBERTS,Ordinary.
/ 1 CORGI\, SORIA EN 00l Nii. ii. H.
” X McGee applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Guardianship of the person and property of Martha Best—
These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred ami friends of said minor, to be and apppear
at ray office, wlßiin the time presented bv law, and snow
cause.if anv they have, whysaid lettersahould not begranted.
Given under mv hand, at office in Svlvania, this 14th day of
February, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
feh22 Ordinary.
/ 1 EOIU.I SOhIVEN COUN'i Y.—W hereas, .fosiah
VT Lee and Nathan W. Lee, Executors of the last will and
testament of Reuben Lee. late of said county, deceased, apply
to me for Letters Dismissory from said estate—
Thes? are, tlierefore. to cite ind admonish,all and singular,
the kindred cra creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within thetime prescribed by law-, and show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should uot be grant
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this 14th day of
February, 1860. I>. E. ROBER TS,
(ktow v.
KOKIiI \, STRIVEN COUNTY.-W hereas, Jame>
\T Brinson applies to me for Letters Dis-rnissory fr tr. the
Gnantianshlp of thepersons and property of Isaac J. and Sarah
J. Brinson—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends ot said minors, tobe and appear at my
office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if
any they have, why said Letters should not he granted
Given under my hand, at office in Syivania, this I4tn day of
February. IS6O. ‘ D. E. ROBERTS,
feb22 Ordinary.
/ 1 MmGIA.BTE#ART COUNTY.-Hjr virtue “I at, or
\T J.-r, granted t,v HD Honor, Judge J. L. Wimberiey, on
tire first Monday in tlie present month, 1 will sell at Lumpk n,
on the first TUESDAY in OCTOBER next, a valuable BL AN
TATtON, containing seventeen hundred and twenty (1.720)
acres of laud, belonging to the estate of John Talbot, late ot
Stewart county, deceased ; said lands t>eing tlie Biantation
upon which the said John Talbot lived at tire time of bis last
sickness; situated about 12 miles West of Lumpkin, and 6
miles Eas* of Florence. Aliout half of said land is in astute
of cultivation, with good Orchards, anil very fair iinprov,
ments In the wsy ot bouses; ana the balam e Is gcaa! wood
land, well timbered, and rich. A Water Gin. and a small
Grist Mill, are on the pre-mis. s.
Farmers wanting good land are respectfully invited to ex
amine this. Mr. Hurley, on the Plantation, will snow it to
V sitors ; or the subscriber can be found at Lumpkin, ready at
short notice to go with any one who may wish to look at the
place. The soil is rich, and easy to cultivate.
This Plantation is sold for the purpose of distribution.
June 12. 1860. jel4 ctd
iHootufu'ld JLeadewy* |
Five Miles West of University of Virginia.
W. L.BROUN, M. A_ Principal.
VItHK object of this Academy is to prepare Students far the
I University of Virginia, or to fit them for the duties nf
I life. The course of instruction embraces all those subjects re
quisitefora preparation for any of the Academic Schools of
l the University, and the method, as far as practicable, is adapt
ed to that pursued at that Institution.
The Fourth Session will begin on the Ist of September, and
will include two terms ot five months each.
The expenses for each term, for Braird and Tuition. Inclu
ding everything except lights, are *140; the payment, to be
made in advance—*l4o on the Ist of Septemter, ar.d *l4O on
the Ist of February.
The Instructors are all Masters of Arts ofthe University of
Jror Catalogues address the Principal, Ivy Depot, Albe-
I marble aounty, Ya. c 4 jyir
V OL. 15—]NT O. 175.
Columbia Couutg.
4 GHEK \UI.K to an order of theCourtof Ordinary of
Scriven county, Ga., will besold.-before the Court House
door, on ‘he first TU EDAY in o<’ TOBKR next, withltUhe
legal hours of sale, the interest ot David Lee, a minor, in a
certain tract, of Land, coniaining one hundred and thirty
three (183) acres, adjoining lands of .Tno. M. Mi ler, It A
Williams, and others—his interest being one-tlflh of said
tract ; sold for the benefit of said minor. •
_ jyll it. I’AKKEit. (iuardlan.
AV' I LL be sold, before the Court House door, in the town
„V,. .W 1 JVt.'..V° umt,ia county, Oa„ on the first TD*S
- ~1 ALIiLSI neat, between the usual hou Sis sale,
he following property, town ; .me yoke of Oxen, and one
°a \y agon • ieyied on as the prop rty of John Bynum, to
u tl. la., issued from the Columbia Superior (’ourt tn
layer of Emily M Stallingses. John
ginee, security. Property point, and out t.v John Meeahep
I*** JOHM E, LANGFORD. .-Leriff.’
VUIhL be sold, before lhe Court Hou-e door, at A ruling
Lolumtda county, Ga., on the first TUESDAY In AU
<il>l next, pur.-uant to an order of the Court of Ordinary
between the legal hours of . de. a negro buy named Isaac, be.
longingtothe estate of M. H. Reynolds, dec’d. Sold to ner
fect titles. JAS, A RKYAuLDS, Adm’r.
\V'M- b ” sol . d ,i- the first TUESDAY in AUGI;ST next
’ T between the usual hours ol sale fore tne < ourt House
Appling. ( olumbla County, Ga„ Ute fonowing pro
pert) ,to wit One tract of l.and contain ng two hundred at.d
t went y elghr acres (228). more or less, adjoin mg the lands of
A j La? 1 w r ‘ f ivnu,u ana others, levied on as the prnp
eri) of John Megabee, to satisfy a a. fa., issued from Ute Su.
IWiior < ourt of t olittnbi a 'ounty. In favor of William Schley
‘*■ *?""<■’ At* Jackson, principal, and John Megahee, secuti
tv. Property pointed out hv John Megahee
__L e lI JOHN E. LARKIN, D. Sheriff.
\ V 1; lnd l f, , ‘ ted t 0 tne estate of Benjamin lllanctiard,
1\ late of Columbia county, On., deceased, will please
make immediate payment; and those hob mg claims against
said estate, wili present them, duly authenticaten according
to ‘ aw - Js* ELISHA MocORD, Admit
A Isis. ersons indebted to the estate of John W. Drane.late
“j- °m’e aC ?H nty * Da., dec’d, will please come forward
ls 4k s?.“ llst Vf l| e“ • and those holding claims
p!t ' ase l ,reHC ' nt thcm.duiv authenti
cated according to law. A. J. SANDERS,
LrL_ Administrator.
A I, l del, *r l lr> the estate of Beniamin Berry,
IX late of Columbia County, Ga., deceased, are requested to
make immediate payment ; and those having demands
against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated an
cording to law. ILLIAM M. THOMAS.) r ,
m >’ n EMXI. Y K liEßßY.Executrix.
G KOK V jU..;oLIM | ,iA.'o. N, v. Whereas, fu -
Vfi L Gr.ffln, Guardian of Felix T. Griffin, applies to me
fo Lf e,,Prs Uismtssory from said Guardianship— V
J™ ar ?- therefore, to die and admonish all and singular
the kindred and creditors of said minor, to Do and appear at
my Office, w thin the time prescribed by law. an. show cau“
if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted
Cnen under my hand and seal, at office in Appling,’this
d°th day of June, 1860. lAM ES I>. BURNSIDE.
!L_ Ordinary.
V* stuvall, Guar, ian of N. M. Rob. r s applies t n, • for
irtters Disimssory from said Guardianship
i bese are, tnerelore, to sutnnnn and admonish, all and sin and creditors, of said deceased, to t.eand up.
pear at my office, within tlie time prescribed bv law, to show
ed 6,1 “ ny * iey havt “’ w: ‘ 5 ’ ■ ,ald letters should not be grant-
Jut~ dermy l,and al ofßei '. ln Appling, ibis 21st day of
J* BB JAMES p. BURnSIBE, Ordinary.
Cr , 'w*‘V‘.i . William
eSute'ofßP,’, -rim A <;r ; lii,! - Administrators on the
estate ol Richard Griffin, deceased, apply to me for Letters
Disnussory from said estate—
i hesc are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular,
the kindred and creditors <.f said deceased, to be and appear
at nt) office, within the Ume prescribed by law, and show
granted any th ‘ y llav<J ’ wt, Y said Letters should not be
M?v V iSim n ‘ ter mFhanJ - in Appling, this-3d day ot
( 1 EOHf.l k. COLUMBIA COUNTY—Whereas, Econ
\ 8 uidG. Steed, Guardian ot \ irginia E lieutly, (formerly
fnon *sald*G uardianslffpl- *° ‘" r Lettess Dlsn * ls9or >-
~(flee within the time prescribed by law ?ndXw cJuTe
if any they have, why said letters sl.ould not be granted
xi f V i2J. r nl> tiaiul, ’* l U 1 Appling, this Bth day of
M: ‘ v - James i*. Burnside,
mW Ordinary.
COUNTY. Whereas, Mrs.
Vfi Emily I. Beny applies tome lot Letters of Guardian,
ship on Beniamin P. Berry, (minor)-
These are,therefore, to cite and admonishall and singular
the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at my
m\ office, within the time prescribed by iaw, to show cause, if
ait) i hey have, why said letters should not be granted
Give” m der my hand, at oh ee in Appling, this nth day of
-May, tort., JAMES V. BURNSIDE.
m y ll Ordina.y.
/ n:tiii(i|A, COLUMBIA .'OUNTY.-Whereas, ... K
‘A anil .1.1,. Rowland, Administrators U James Rowland
‘ate ot said county, deceased, apply to me for Letters DU
mis- ,ry from said estate—
Thew arerbereror.. to cite 5.,.! -3),. all andsinc'lae.
tin. kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be anti appear
at my office, within the time prescribed bv iaw and show any they have.why said ictterashould not be granted
Oiveniimlermy hand, at office in Appling,this 14th day 01
April, 1860. JAMEs I*. liUKNSIDE,
a T rl ‘ Ordinary.
/ IKOKI.-’\, COLUMBIA COUNTY—V hereas, Mre
’ * -Martha A. Benton applie, to me for Letters ol Guardian
ship on the persons and prupeity ol Julia Be. tor, and Tulin,
lal. Benton, rumor heirs ot Neicn M. Benton, late of satd
county, de, eased—
These are, iherefot,-;. A” cite and admonish, ail and
singular, the kindren and friends of said minors, to ;, e audap.
pearat my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show
cause, ifany they have, why said Letters should not be
Given tinder my hand, at office in Appling, this 14th day of
a b r ‘ Ordinary.
niillKGl\. COLUMBIA COUNTY—'Whereas. Ajf
4 6 ( rawford. Administrator of John A. Staples, deceased
apojie- to me for Letters D stni.ssory from said estu'e— ’
1 he.reare, therefore, to cite andadmoulsh, alt atm singular,
the kindred aiid credit*rsof said deceased, tot)t?ai)d appear at
in> office,withinth^timeprescribed bylaw, and show’cause,it
any they have, wh v uid letters should not be granted.
Given under inyhand, at office in Appling, this l<th day of
April, 1860. JANIES V. BUKWSIDE,
aprl,* 0 dinary.
I*. Knox, Guard an for Kr,ox, Mary Ann
Knox, and Amanda M. Knox, applies to me tor Letters Db
nns'iory frtffit Mild Giardianship -
Theseute, therefore, to cite aud admunisball and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said minora, to bo and appear at.
my office witrm the time prescribed bylaw and show'‘a use if
any tliey have, why said Letters should not be granted
Oivn under myhattd. al office in Appling, this24th davot
March, IBCO. ~ \ MEE I>. BURN isl DE.
laal - Ordinary.
( IKOHGIA c.iLUMBI A o) 1 7 NTy'—WnereM. Weal
leyC. IVerrell, Adno.iistnttoi 1 ■ on : s non. with the wili
ant.exed, on 1 lie estate of Thomas If. White, deceased, applies
to me for Loiters Distnissorv from a. destJe—
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish allaan singular,
thekindred and creditors of sain deceased, to heandappear at
my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause
if any they have, why .said Letters should not b. granted
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 24'h .lay ot
Murh, 1860. JAMES r. BURNSIDE.
mar 27 Ordinary.
/ 1 : ORuj \ i ILUMBIA 001 N 1 v.-v
4* . Werrell, Administrator on th. estate of Alvin If
White, deceased, applies to me for Letters Distnlssory from
There are,therefore, to cite and admonish, al! aud singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, 10 be and appear
at tny office within the time prescribed bvlaw, and showcau.-e
if anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, tbis 24th day
of March, iB6O. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
wiw Ordinary. MUD ...I .si-V— )V It.-reiia. Dr
4* James S. Hamilton, Administrator on the estate o’
Tiiomas N. Hamilton, deceased, applies tome for Letters
Dismisaorv from said estate—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular
the kindred, and creditors of said det eased, to he and ap
pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, if anv they have, why said letter- should not he granted
Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 21st day of
February. 1859. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
* e “” _____ Ordinary.
4 1 hOittll \ * <>LL MKIA ttOL'N'l V.- ‘A heieas, Leonard
’ * Steed appht-s o me for letters dismiss.)!y from the
gu-mllansh p of John T. Wrig l t
Theseare.therefore, to cite aiidadmonlsh, aliand singular,
the kindred and Mendaof said minor, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause
if any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
(riven under my hand, at office in Appling, this vd dav nt
February, 1863. .TAMES P. BURNSIDE,
I ebb Ordinary.
ri KOIM.I V.CIU.I Mi.iA ad STY. Where**. Joieph
a M 11. Stocktonantdies to me for letters dismissory from
the guardianship of Joseph Bel!
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and
Singular, the kindred and friend- of sat. 1 minor, to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any they have, why said Letter-should not be
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 3d day of
February, 1860. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
/ (KOIIGH. < “1 ,
’ * H. Cliett ajtpllt- t< letters dismissory from ti...
executorship of \S iliiarn Cliett, deceased—
Theseare, therefore. Incite and admonish, ail and singular
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to heard appear at
my office, wlthiuthe time prescribed bylaw, and showcause,
if any they have, why said letters should not he granted.
Gives under my hand, at office in Appling, this 2d dav of
February, 1860. JAMES p. BURNSIDE,
fehfi Ordinary.
D\\ s alter and i'e’ipplirat': • will beinarietot. r
lid I ’■'.it ot Ordinary of Cuiuuiuu, ti.’v. Ga , for leave',
s.'l the re al estate or Benjamin Blanchard, iate of id count y,
deceased. Jylß E. McCOKD, Adu-r.
ciVTV D & after date, application wilier marie to th
H Court of Ordinary of (olurnbh county, Ga., for Jf-ave to
-ell on? lot of Land. No. 28*2. in Iterator county, Oa., belong
irjf to the estate of-John B. Browu. de^d.
jyl4 PRISCILLA BROWN, Aaminl*ratrlx.
nws.arter 1 te application will be made to the
n Honorable, the Court of Or ; .ary of Columb a county ,
j Qa , for leave to ‘ell all th? Lands belongirg to the estate of
IWiriam Thomas, lying in Columbia countv.
iyl2 * NAN •’ Y THi>MAS, Executrix.
. Honorable. th Oort of Ordinary of Columbia county
Ga.. for leave tv sell the interest in three Negro Slaves be!
longing to the estate of Joshua and Haidee Bridges, min is.
lyS JAMKS it. GREEN. Guardian.
wIX T 4 H\ 4 s after date, application will be made to the
L’ Lour: mi Ordinary of Lolurobia county, for leave to I!
six hundred acres of land more or less, belonging to the
of D. L. Marshall, dec’d, adjoining lands of Dr Jas. S. Ham
itton, N. Crawford. J. Willingham and others
“•® _ J. G. MARSHALL, Executor.
V l ' l ‘ aft, ma -Z ~
f ~ Honorable, the Court of Ordinary if Columbia county, for
Have to sell tne Land am! Negroes belonging to (he estate of
Leonard B. Smith, deceased. G. f|. CLIETT,
Administrator, with will annexed.
• CISTV days a o r uat.% :.ppt, -if., n will be made to the
i Cs I-’ourt of Ordinary of c.iiunilia i'...itdv. !<,r sen
j the rice estate of Beni. Blanchard, dec’cl, late of ,i eountv
■ iiium I , M ' ;sllA Mo’ORD.AdmT
Tennessee State Fair,
SEPTEMBER 10. 1860.
IMVK liurdr.-j D Kn 4 for the beat .
Stallion, Harm - Stallion. Durhiui liuti, ant Jack, be
sides a large Premium on Fat {Tittle, and all other domestic
animals, and manufactured aud domestic rticles. Com pet i-
I tion is invited from the world. No entry fee i- charged.
, Programmes may be had, iree, oil application to L. P. Wil
liams. Secretaiy. st Nashville. THUS. H. JOHNSON
| jl 8* Treasurer ‘fumewee State Fair,