The daily constitutionalist. (Augusta, Ga.) 185?-1875, July 26, 1860, Image 1

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    <Tbc jpiltt Constitutionalist.
Meeting in Walton County.
The following named gentlemen were appoint
ed delegates to the National Democratic Douglas
and Johnson State convention, which meets ir.
Milledgeville on the 14th of August.
Messrs. W. Kilgobe, J. Moon, W. J- I TEr > A.
Clat, and D. Rkt.voi.ds. _
From the Washington suites A Union.
Douglas anil His Principles.
These simple words, “unfriendly legislation
and inaction, thus spoken with no bad intent, and
which were just whai Senator Butler meant when
he said the Legislature “may do as it pleased,”
gave to the Lecomptou agitators a torch to kindle
up a blaze throughout the country. This harmless
statement of a mere truism alone induced the vio
lent tempest which still luges with such fury. Its
thunder is not yet spent. Mr. Breckinridge at
that time appealed as a pacificator. lie published
his famous letter, and sustained Judge Douglas.
This directed the Admmisiration pack to bark
and snap at him. But, oh I bow changed he is
now, the whipper-in and leader of that very pack! ;
The agitators, however, not triumphant in this j
assault upon the Judge, next paraded the Dred j
Scott case as the weapon of death fatal to his po- j
litical life. Here, then, was presented anew bone j
of contention, and a fresh field for discord. Yan
cey and Rhett clapped their hands and shouted
for joy, “Precipitate! Precipitate!”
And now for that Gordian knot, t'tie Dred Scott
case. The lawyers and the politicians—Davis,
Black, Breckinridge, and his inexorable logicians
have all been pounding away at the Dred Scott
decision, ever since its promulgation by the court.
No Delphic oracle ever uttered enigmas more diffi
cult to solve. The judges did not agree; it was a
divided court. No two of the judges traveled the
same path to reach the same port, and some nev
er arrived there at all. Law is, indeed, a very
uncertain and very doubtful employment. Ambi
guity seems to be its curse. Learned solicitors,
and equally learned political Thebans, are still at
work to solve this great legal problem. It has i
split the great Democratic party in two, just as
nicely as old Abe Lincoln ever split the hardest log
into rails. Here is Mr. Attorney General B ack, in
Ins last summers dissertations on its points, like
another Othello, “ perplexed in the extreme.” He
did not infer that it made the Constitution carry
slavery elsewhere. Here is Mr. Buchanan, who
rose from its contemplation with the avowed con
viction that this Died Scott decision positively
settled that the Constitution of the United States
carried slavery every when-, and ihut it established
slavery in Kansas josl as firmly and as permanent
as it existed in Georgia, or in any other of the
slave Stales, and that he could not imagine how
any one could ever dispute it. See his letter to
the parsons. This was rather a startling conclu- ;
sion, particularly as he had been the advocate of !
the Missouri compromise ; for the old story was,
that the Constitution did not operate over a Terri
tor? at all, unless by a special act of Congress; j
and that was why Congress claimed the power to f
pass the Missouri compromise.
When Florida was ceded by Spain, Gen Jack
son was appointed to govern the Territory, and
he claimed that lie had all the power of a Captain
General, under Spanish laws. He insisted that
the Constitution was not in force in Florida, did
not operate in the Territoiy, and that he was inde
pendent of all its regulations and provisions. This
led to asharp&ndspirited controversy with Judge ;
Fromentin, which resulted, if we mistake not, in j
his locking up the Judge in the public calaboose.
However u may be, Mr. Monroe and his cabinet,
iu which bright constellation Mr. Calhoun figured
as one of its most brilltant stars, sustained the
views of Gen. Jackson, and he governed there
with all the supreme powers of a Captain General
under the laws of Spain. Brit the President is not
the only person who has been puzzled with the
case, ileand his insist that Reverdy John
son, a great lawyer, who argued the case, has :
wholly misconceived the rulings of the court.
Are they to be sacrificed for their dullness of per
ception because they are at a loss to solve this
great vexing decision ? It is not uncommon for
the Supreme Court to reverse its own decisions,
and if the judges can thus unmake the law, surely ‘
even a,statesman like Mr. Douglas may be par
doned for a misapprehension of the case. One
thing, however, is certain, ihe law of the Dred
Scott case does not depend on the opinion of Mr.
Buchanan, Mr. Douglas, or even of Attorney Gen- |
eral Black.
Well may the Judge be pardoned for an error
of judgment in such a case. History proves that
even Monroe, Jackson, Adams, Crawford, Wirt,
aud Calhoun, did not comprehend the case—they
were but simpletons—mere dunces, who never
understood the Constitution of their country, as
extending slavery everywhere. Cannot some mo- :
dern Pope be found to immortalise, by another
Dunn, and the loug-eared men, who unfortunately,
at that time ruled the destinies of the nation ? Are
these statesmen to be compared with such men as
Yancey, Davis, and Rhett? Such comparisons,
in the language of Justice Dogberry, are indeed,
Tery “odorous!” Why should Douglas, then,
be not doomed to wear the same cap of bells with
Monroe, Jackson, and Calhoun? F’or the very
reason that in the Kansas and Nebraska act the
Territorial Legislature was empowered to legislate
on slavery, subject to the Constitution of the
United States. Now, this Kansas Legislature has I
only recently, and long alter the Dred Scott case,
thus legislated, and it remains to be, sei n whether
such legislature was constitutional or not. Judge ‘
Douglas had, lung before the Dred Scott case I
secured the repeal of (lie Missouri compromise, j
and the repeal of this law, and not the Dred Scott i must be observed, secured to the southern
citizen the light to take his slaves into any Terri
tory of the l nited Sta es. That was the doctrine
of Judge Douglas; so that, wether the Dred Scott ‘
case be right or wrong, it cannot effect or inter-’
sere with the right of the southern owner to re
move his slaves into any such Territory. This,
then, secured the equality of the States. Judge !
Douglas, too, was the very man who secured such
The Dred Scott case, provided the Federal Con
stitution gave the court jurisdiction of the cause, j
must act propria vigor e. If it has constitutionally j
settled the law, as Paris and Vaneev, and others ,
allege, that settlement cannot tie affected bv the
ipse duit of any ODe man. Judge Douglas, as a
good citizen, will submit to its decrees, just as ;
much so as if lie bad been a party to the cause. 1
Stare decisis is the rule. The Deun crane party in ‘
former days did not estimate it as a very heinous I
political offense to controvert the decisions of ihe !
Supreme Court. We have the example of General !
Jackson, Mr. Benton, and even Mr. Buchanan, all j
of whom boldly differed from aud acted agaiust 1
the decision of the Supreme Court, which ruled
that Congress had the right to chart r a National
bank. The Democratic party yielded no submis
sion to that decision ; it was peculiarly resisted by
Virginia, and it is surprising that any Democrat
shall now be scourged tyt a traitorto liis party for
such independence of opinion. No such resist
ance has been made anvwhere. Yet it is still more
wonderful, that the scourging and Hogging shall
be confided to such very obedient and dutiful pa
triots as Yancey, Rhett, and Davis. If such gen
tlemen can sav with impunity that they are*neither
for or against the Union, or can without rebuke
urge suth measures “ as may precipitate (that is,
literally rush) the cotton States into a revolution,”
they are not the persons to be held up to the nation
as qualified to control its destinies, to preserve its
existence, or even to designate the tnan who is
to rule the country. Again we drop the pen.
Tmt Charleston’ Custom House. —Orders were
received Friday from the Secretary of the Trea
sury for the immediate discharge of the architects
and workmen engaged upon this building, with
directions that the k*-vs be placed in the hands of
Collector Colcock. The Charleston Outirier is very
todignant, :tud refers to it as an “infamous order,”
“ a shameful step,” and says the suspension of
work at this time is “a calamity.” The Secretary
°t ‘he Treasury comes iu for a shower of eompli
rnents.—Republican, July 23.
An luukor Mothers.-—Drs. Behrend and Sie
uei recommend the medicinal use of sugar us a
curative means of great value in diarrhcea— one in
Y”' 1 a “- ed !i years-m which half an ounce
o p wcered white sugar given every hour, soon
gave a ! ivorabie turn to symptoms of extreme
gravity, whitn had long resisted all the ordinary
means of cure. Other evidence of a similar char- !
acter is promts ml. and it is believed that there are
manv conditions of diarrhtea, particularly those
in which there ;s a putrefactive tendency in the
secretions, where sugar will ln all probability
prove a most valuable remedy. “ ,
17XTK \CTOF BUCHU. for the K'adde !
_j Kkluvv, Grav< 1. Dr<p>y, Ac.
li ELM BOLD'S Extract o Buchu, for Secret and Delicate
HELM BOLD’S Extract of Buchu, for Nervous and l)e\ nl
tated Sufft rers.
HELM BOLD’S Extract of Buchu, for Loss of Memory,
of Power. Dimness of Vision, Difficulty of Breathin’",
Weak Nerves, and universal Latitude of the mascular >vsten?.
HELM BOLD’S Buchu, for all Distressing AU
nitiifs Obstructloi.s, Irrvgulur.tii s. Excess in Married Lite, • r
Early Indiscretions, src„ and all Diseases of the Sexual Ci
jeans, and whether t-xisiiug in Male or Female, from whatev r
cause they may have originated, and no matter of how long
HELM BOLD’S Extract? Buchu is ph *\*ant in it taste and
ties for #5, delivered to any address.
For sale, wholesale aud'retaii, bv PLUMB & LEITNEK,
Augusta, Ga.
Messrs. VAN SC HACK A GRIERSON. Charleston, are
the authorised Agents f r South Carolina. n<ar24 d*cly
E Hundred Dollars will be given by the subscril or to*
the detection of the person, with proof to convict, that
tired his Bam, betweec 12 and 1 o’clock Sunday looming, the
tKhliwt. jvli dtf CHAS. DELAIULE.
The Buckley Serenaders, it would seem, (with
Mi.-s Julia Gouli> as their ebon pritna donna,) have
made a great hit :n England in “Digger opera ”
burlesque. The English papers, it is said, are
laden with eulogiums of their performances !
They were last heard of at Birmingham.
The Milk in tiie Cocoaxct.—'The following im
portant item of intelligence is telegraphed :
“The Ceutral City Courier, the organ of the
Democratic party in Ceutral New York, Las taken
down the Douglas and Johnson ticket, and run up
that of Breckinridge and Lane. It is said that
other papers in the .State will soon follow the ex -i
V< e take the above from the Washington Con- ;
nUtation, the central orgau of the Yanceyites and j
the Administration. It omits to state that the
proprietor of the Courier has been appointed, by
the Administration, special mail, agent of the
Host Office Department, in place of Mr. North, re
moved. — Cincinnati Enquirer,
Elbeeton, Ga., July 28, ISC'L
Mr. Editor: A portion of the National Demo
cratic party of Filbert county convened ut the
Court House on the 19th inst., at two o’clock p. M.,
when, on motion of John C. Burch, Esq., B. C.
Wall was called to the Chair, and J. A. Jones ap
pointed Secretary.
On motion of E. P. Edwards, Esq., a committee
of five was appointed to report business for the
meeting ; who, after a short consultation, through
their Chairmau, reported the following resolu
tions, which were, on motion,unanimously'adopted:
Resolved , That we heartily and cheerfully en
dorse the nomination of Stephen A. Douglas for
President, and Herschel V. Johnson for Vice-
President, and will give them our earnest and
cordial support. Jn their known ability, unques I
tionable patriotism, and well tried statesmanship,
we have a safe and reliable guarantee for a wise,
just, and conservative administration of the gov
ernment ; and we call on our fellow-citizens of
every political organization, to unite with us in
their maintenance and election, as the only way to
rebuke sectionalism and fanaticism.
Resolved, That the following gentlemen, to-wit :
E. P. Edwards, Dr. B. Smith, John C. Burch, J.
\\ . Almond. E. P. Bailey, and Wm. M. Haslett, be
appointed delegates to ‘the National Democratic
convention,to be held in Milledgeville, lor the pur
pose of nominating electors.
On motion, the meeting adjourned.
B. C. Wall, Chairman.
J. A. Jones, Secretary.
Newspaper Improvements. —The.' Southern Chris
tian Advocate, of this city, (IS and 20 Hayne street)
has lately been induced, by increasing circulation,
and a laudable spirit of enterprise, to adopt some
improvements ,n machinery, and gives the follow- !
ing reports:
Addressing Papers in Type. —Our “Addressing |
i Press” is at work, as some of our subscribers will j
’ have seen by their own papers. As fast as we can I
get the names in type we are doing it, and, in a j
tew weeks, all our papers will reach subscribers j
with their names priuted upon the margin. It !
takes some time to get them in type, and until our |
! official becomes accustomed to this work, it may
| not be so satisfactorily done, in everv respect, as
I it will be hereafter —for it is anew process, and
like all others, it must be learned by practice,
j There is no doubt of ultimate success, and of con
-1 siderable saving to ihe office m every way, when it
shall be brought to perfection.
With the name, we print the date to which each
subscriber has paid.
The press we use is a recent invention of the Rev.
.las. Spencer.WesleyanMintster of Toronto, Canada,
late editor of the Christian Guardian. It has cost
us some trouble to get it into operation, from its
very novelty, much of wh ch would have been
i saved bad it been a Imle more accurately adjusted j
before it left the shop; but as with more expe- j
; rience in constructing it, such difficulties will dis- i
appear, it is worthy Ihe notice of all who desire the
means of speedily addressing a great number pf
Oar Caloric Engine —We have had a Caloric
Engine in use for the past five weeks, and think
| we can now speak confidently of its performance, i
We find it all that it claims to be, a reliable, uui- I
form, easily managed, motive power, no more j
dangerous (which cannot be said of steam) than a
I parlor stove. It costs us now about sixty-five j
cents a week tor fuel, where before we paid four ‘
dollars; and it can be managed by any ordinarily
cateful lad.
We are persuaded that where this engine has !
tailed to give satisfaction, it has been because ]
either that it. was badly constructed or that the !
work proposed has been greater thuu the size pur- j
chased was fitted to effect. In these engines, it is j
always best and cheapest in* the end to have sur- |
j plus power, and, indeed, we do not bJieve that!
any of the sizes now made are capable of working
successfully where a high power is demanded.
Our engine was procured of Mr. John B. Kitch- !
ing, Calorie Engine Agency, 104 Duane street,
New York, to whom we take pleasure iu referring j
all who may w sh to make further inquiries re- j
spccting this power.— Charleston Courier.
“j I V \ l\( returned from Europe, is now prepared to wait |
J tn those who wish his services. Office on Washington
j Street, corner of Ellis.
N. B.—ln a few weeks he will introduce some of the latest
improvements in Artificial Teeth, that are highly recom
mended in London. Edinburgh, and Paris.
Kllom live o’clock to sunset.
ISTFIIKST at the rate of I'l VC PFU VEST., and for
short periods at FOUR l’Fit CENT.
Office at the Insurance Bank, 249 Broad Street.
Famphiets containing the By Laws and Charter rea u for
W M. M. R’AXTIGN AP, l*rVt.
t’. F. MrCAY, Treasurer.
jyi dtf
f Iffl li undersigned offers for sale tlie liest Sites for a Paper,
A Flour, or Cotton Millinthe vicinityot Grani'evdle and
1 llaih, within eight miles of Augusta, aud contiguous to the
; Carolina Railroad, on Hnrsf Creek, with water power suffi
cient to keep in operation either of the above, on an extensive
] scale, at all seasons of the year.
! Tone!l er with the above, I will dispose of l,(X0 acres of
| Land, which is well timbered with Oak and Hickory, on rea
i terjM, and at a low price. Address
I >. .T. VVA I.K ER, Graniteville, S. C.,or
\V. B. DAVISON, Augusta, Ga.
my 2 dtf
I)t (’HI for the Bladder ; HELMBOLD’S Buchu for the j
> Kidneys.
Helmbold’s Buchu for the Gravel,
llttinibold’s Buchu fur Dropsy.
lOTtn hold's Buchu tor Nervousness.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Loss of Memory, Loss of Power.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Dimness of Vision.
Helm hold's Buchu for General Debility.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Universal Lassitude.
Helmbold's Buchu for Pains in the Back.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Obstructions, Irregularities.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Excesses arising from Indiscretion,
and all Diseases of the Sexual Organs, whether existing in
Male or h emale, from whatever cause they may have originat* j
ed, and no matter of how longstanding.
Helmbold's Buchu is accompanied by the most reliable cer- !
tificates from Governors of States, Judges, and Clergymen.
Price #1 per bottle, or six for #5, delivered to any address.
A trial costs but a dollar—’ rv it.
Depot 104 South Tenth street, Philadelphia.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by PLUMB & LEITNEIt,
Augusta. Ga.
M essrs. VAN SC ITA<’K A O HIE RSO N, Ch ar lest on, are !
- the authorised Agents for South Carolina. mar 24 dfa<*lv__
\\- K have tliis day formed a f’-> partnership, vmrt r the
\l name and style of GARVIN EK A* MOORE, for the
transaction of a General Commission Business.
Former! v Gardiner & Simpson.
Augnsta, Ga.. July 2. 1860. jyS _ daelro
0\ the first TUESDAY in AUGUST ext will tie sold, at
ILe I>i* Market House, in the ci'y r Augusta, with u
the legal hours of sale, ail that le t or parcel of Land, wall
the improvements thereon. situate in the e ty of Augusta and |
hounded on theJEast bv Washington stn’-et. West by Twiggs
street. South hy Fenwick street, and North by a vacant lot,
! fonneriv owied ty Edward Thomas, and occupied at this
; time by'U. A. Foskett, and uthrrs ; levied on as the property
: Augustus 11. Roe, to sat sfy a ti. fa.. Issued from the City
I’ourt of Augusta, in favor of William !,. F -idervs Angus!u*
11. Roe. jva ISAAC LEV Y. SheritrOity A 1 ue'.i,
ON the fir t TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next ail! Is
- I-l, at the Lower Market House, in the c iv of Augus
ta. within the legal hours of sale, Henry, a man slave, of dark
o-nmd lion ; levied on as the property ot David B. Ramsay.
■ ast-i. to s.,tify a ti. f.i. on the loreclosnre of a mortgage,
‘T-V„ , r " m *he Inferior Court of Richmond county. In favor
of o 1 iam ■ Ramsay vs. Ben'anrin F. Hall, Administrator
i tli ‘estate of David B. Ramsay, deceased.
- ; — P‘ WM. V. KERR. Sheriff. _
A Vvnl’mT.le vautioned against tra.lii.g for a
Foster' 1, l > E THOUSAND” DOLLARS, signed
. ->ra and ited Hip lnthlr to amea Gardner, (-1 Au
’ -intade payabl’e os or
j Thecons deration of The said note has failed and the parties
i t ; Ywnt mve notlfie ‘ l 01 ‘“ y
- a i )r2 ’- JAMES F. FOSTER.
tt*IXTV HA VS after date application will be made to the
; |~ Honorable Court of Ordinary of Richmond county sot
! leave to sell a Negro man named Abram, belonging to minor
. children of John C. ()’Farrell, deceased .
i GEO, E. W, NEI- W >N, Guardian,
1860. SPRINGAM)SUMMER. 1860.
“WTiolesale find J.ietail Dealers In
Have now in Store, and will oe Constantly irteceiving. duriAg the SprinySan
Summer Months, the Largest and Most Fashionable
and Improved Styles of
Which they claim to be KQ,TTAIj to any brought to the Southern Marked
Also, a Large and Carefully Selected Stock ol
Youths’ and Children's Clothing, of the Latest Styles. Also,
Os the Newest Importation and Greatest Variety, MANUFACTURED TO ORDER, at the shortest, notice
warranted to FIT, or no sale. AH orders attended to with dispatch. Our Prices shall he LOW, to meet the
views of everybody. All persons wanting anything in our line, would do well to call and examine our tork
Under tiro TJ, £5. Hotel, Augusta, Gm.
Augusta, March 1,186 G. jj marl
AT |
Commencing on Thursday, July sth,
Silks, Oigandies, Bareges, Muslins,Apple Cloths, Challies, &c.; Lace Man
lies, Silk Mantles, Dusters, Shawls, Porasok, Gloves, Lace
Mitts, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries, Ac., &c„
Ac., will be sold wilhout
any reserve at
X e w Voi* k Oos t ,
Which will, instance, be strictly adhered to. The public are
respectfully invited to call and see the Stock, before purchasing. 1
have a large lot of Negro BLANKETS and KERSEYS, which I will
sell at a Reduction of
“OLJB ■■ HO H #£ Bd r
liEL O W C O ST.
or nuns pujvct f .f#> jl i* j/ t u.voun to.
Boyal Havana Lottery.
f JMIF, next. Ordinary drawing <f the Koval Havana Lottery,
8 conducted by the Spanish Government, under the super
visi ’i of the Captain General of Cuba, will take place at
1 Brize sloo,ooo I 5o Prizes of 1.000
1 “ ™ 60,000 fio ** fioo
l “ 80,000 | 15ft •• 400
1 “ ‘ I 20 Approximations B,B<h)
l “ 10,000 I
Four Approximations to the sloo,ooo ofsCoo 4 each; 4 of
s4oo to |50,000 ; 4 of s4oo to sV>,ooo ; 4 ol s4oo to #20,000 ;
tot $ too to SI O,OOO.
Prizes cashed at sight, ut 5 per cent, discount.
Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par.
A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the result becomes
33?"’ All orders for Schemes or Tickets to be address'd to
I)ON RODRIGUEZ, care of City Post, Charleston, S. C.**
riIHE undersigned have this day associated themselves for
JL the transaction of the Factorage and General Commission
Business, in the citv of Charleston, S. C., under the firm of
CHAMBERS, BARNES A CO., and would most respectful
ly solicit the patronage of their friends and the publ c.
Consignments of produce. Manufactures, or Merchandise
made to their house, will receive prompt attention.
Os Charleston, S. C.
Os Kershaw District, S. 0.
Os Chai lest on, S. C.
Charleston, S. C., July 16, 1860,
lawlm Jy2d
“ The Irrepressible Conflict!”
IS* doing its part in this fight-. If Georgians particularly, j
and citizens of adjoining Slates, really feel what they say
i about Southern independence and hclfsustuining efforts, now j
! let them prove it. We have our work non Peach Tree Crock. !
’ live miles from the city of Atlanta, where we put up. at the j
! shortest notice, all sorts of SPOKES, from “Carry-Log*'to
the .smallest Buggy size ; all ?iz* sand descriptions of liußS
and RIMS, as well as the F nlshed WHEEL We not only
have in our works the latest and best machinery now used in
Northern Factories, but, when we flud thafwe lack a machine j
| of perfect adaptedneas, we have a Foreman of genius enough
to invent it. Our “Rim-Binder” is unequalled in the world. 1
Our stock now consists of 40,000 Hickory Buggy Spokes, with
a good supply of Carriage, Wagon, and Omnibus Spokes, all
of which are made of closely culled Timber. Huns of Ked •
Elm, Post Oak, a\d Black Gum ; and Kims oi s cond growth
White oak, which, for really, we regard as lufln* •
itely superior to any other whatever. We make a so. Ash
and Hickory Kims. Our Improved Lathe will turn any
shaped Spoke that may be ordered; and if our customers
wish any particular shape or pattern, t bey can ha * e .t. Now.
if, with our virgin forests, mild climate, cheap house rent, and
full accessibility to every section of country’*cannot manu
facture as good an article, in our line, and a* cheap as can be
, had at any Northern Factory, why*, thin, go North, as many
i arcMiow doing, passing by our doors to reach the shop. But
! if we save you nearly all your freight—give you as good and
fish on able a Carriage Wheel as you can possible get any
where, had W’e not as well keep Southern money here as to
| send it such a long way to help “John Brown . If any ac
-1 five business man, with capital, would like to have an interest
i in this establishment, proposals will be received for the sale of
a half or third Interest. Address I. C. HOWARD, or
mar dactf Atlanta, Ga.
l I! i-t-r-ons indebted the estate of Robert Clsrkc, ile
\ cea't-a late of Columbia County, will pleaj-e make
iiumeoiav payment; and thoee havinp claims amihet said es
tate will present them to the undersigned, properly attested,
ii, the time prescribed by CLARKE,
daw Extcutor*.
OX the Sand lillls. on Monday afternoon, a GOLD
(‘GAIN with a -let (Toss attached. The finder will
c fiheralty rewarded by leaving It at thlioffloe.
i i4B _ . ll ”
~V I'll I( t OF BUTtiU, for all Dlslres.- uy Ailmems—
Ci Obstriiciinn*. Irrepniarities Ex.-s in Marred L;fe,or
farlv I. diseretlons, Ac ; and all I'lseases of the Sexual Or
m.ns ! ml whetlier existing in Male or Female, from whatever .
eaust’- t hey have originated, and no matter of how long stand-
Tor sale, wholesale and total!, by PLUMB * LSITNKR. |
! A Xmre VAN SCHAUK A- GRIFKSON, Char’.estmi. a |
the authorised Agents for South Uarollna. mai2L detly
Cpuleal. Mail l
rf'IIHOI (ill TICKETS from New Orleans to New York, j
1_ via Mobile, Montgomery, Augusta, mid Columbia, thence
j Connecting at Weldon with lines for Baltimore, Philadelphia,
i and New York, via Petersburg. Richmond, and Washington. \
’ or by Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad to Portsmouth, and j
1 B iv Steamers to Baltimore.
Fare and time the same as by anv other Railroad Route.
This Route passes through the Capitals of North and South
Carolina; and that portion from Columbia to Weldon is al
most entirely free from dust, swamps, and trestle work, pass
ing through an elevated and healthy country.
OF” Connections are made at New York by this line to
Saratoga, Niagara Falls, Boston, White Mountains, Canada,
Sic. Southerners traveling with their servants, by taking
this line, will be relieved from the annoyance to which they
are subjected on other route*.
Those holding Through Tickets are conveyed between De
pots Free of Charge.
Be Careful to Buy Your Tickets
Via Columbia, S. C.
t*T* Baggage Checked from Montgomery to Augusta via
; West Point and Atlanta, or by Columbus an 1 ! Macon to Au
! gusta, thence to Weldon. N. c., thence to Baltimore by Bay
j Line, or to Washington via Richmond—Baggage Masters ac
I eompanying it all the wav.
For further particulars, and Through Tickets, sec small
i cards, or inquire—in New Orleans, of It GEDDES, 90 Ura
vier street ; in Mobile, at COX, BRA IN ARD A CO.’S office;
| In Montgomery, of A. POPE, General Ticket Agent M. A
W. P. K. R„ or to LEW IS LEY Y
Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga.
( . I>. nOYIH V
Passenger Agent, Montgomery. Ala.
| jyl3 ts
np HE subscriber has received his regular supply ot TUR
1. > IP, and other Seeds, for the Fall Flautiug, which are
Fresh and Genuine. .
Purple and Green Tup RUT A BAGA, Large Lneli-h, Nnr
folt, LArce White Globe, Red Top Flat, Flat Dutch TL-R
jyli dim
Ezekiel's infallible
KEAD the IoIlowir,(! certificate of our own towusman, a
, gentleman well known to all. If tnis is not satisfactory,
; call at the proprietor’s, 69 Main street, anj you can seecertitl
eates from all sections of the Union :
Richmond, July lO.lbfti.
Mu. N. Ezekiel— Dear Sir: I take great pleasure in in
forming you that I have used three bottles of your HAIR RE
STOREB, with great satisfaction to myself. My Hair is grow
iua finely. Please send me half a doren bottles.
* * Aspect fully, JOHN O. CHILE'S.
Battl* Hoesg, Mobile, Ala.. April G, IS'lO.
\ lzeuiel, Ksil.. Richmond —Dear S;r ; You were so
kin.i a- to oresent me. when a guest t.f our hoi se. with a hot
tie of your HAIR RESTORER, wbteh has t.een exhausted
fjr several days, and I have irquired in vain at your agent’s
i m ihis city, day after dav, to renew my supply. The trial of
vour RESTORER, as Ur as my limited supply permitted me
io ludge. is highly satisfactory. 1 wish to give it alai-trial,
-,,.j W ni’ therefore, thank you to send me half a dozen Bottles
bv Adams’ Express. Send bill with the package, to be collect
ed on delivery.’ Y -ur early compliance will very much oblige.
Youra. truly, E R. PEASE,
i nr tur sale bv all Druggists In the United States.
C3f Price one dollar per bottle,
JJF’ All orders must be addressed to the Proprietor.
| ( y-ji ts 6U Main street, Richmond, Va.
frtlirtfcvvo until,
WILL he sold, before the Court House door, in the town
* V ot Orawfordvilte. Talia’errocouutv. underun order from
111. t.oort of Ordinary of said county, on the TUBS DA Y
in .iKKTKMBKR next, within the lawful hours of sale, to
wit: two hundred and fifteen acres of Oak and Hickory
I-and, he the same more or less, lying in said county, about 14
miles North-West of Craw lord vt lie—it being all the real es
talc nt .larne.y West, of said county, deceased, adjoining lands
| of norm Harrison, Mr, Barrow, and others ; about one hun-
I llre ,u and thirty acres in the woods—well timbered wph Oak
and Pine Timber ; the balance cleared, with indifferent i;n
----] proventents on it. Terms of sale to be made known on the
, day of sale. REUBEN S. WEST,
lv ” __Adminl-trator.
V* son *>. Monk applies to me for Letters of Guardianship
&k?.- estt „ iB . eUand Oatheilne Bell, minors and orphans of
\\ llliam Bell, ol said county, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and
singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to tie and
appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not
he granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville. this 13Ut
day of July, 1860. GUINEA O’NEM ,
MS . Ordinate.
1 VX B. Monk, and Esau Ellington. Administrators on the es
tate of William Bell, late of said county, deceased, apply to
me for Letter? of Dismission from said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear
ai my office within the time prescribed bv law, to show cause,
If any they have, why said Letters should not to-granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Onwfordville, this 18th
day of July, 1860. Q CINE A O’NEAL,
Jyl_ _ Ordinary.
A X vesterj. Farmer, executor on the estate of James Far
; mcr, late of said countv, deceased, applies tome ior Letters
j of Dismission from said estalf—
I The e are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu
j lar, tin- kindred and creditors of said decoa-ed, to be and ap-
I pearat myoaice within the time prescribed liv law, and show
j cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not he grant-
I Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville, this 15th
day ot June, 1800. GUINEA O'NEAL,
J v 1 ■-* Orditiurv.
j OT Mary A. Askin, unl Rlcli.vil Otinn, have maUc Hpplicu
tion to me fur Leit*rs ot Administration on the estate of
■ Frederick E. Askin, late of said county deceased
j Thi s* are.therefore, to cite amt admonish alhmd singular
I ihe kindred and of said deceased, to be and appear
! at my office, within the tine prescribed by law, and snow
cause, if any they ha\, why said lettersshoulduot he granted.
Given under my hand. at office in Crawfoidvllie, this I'Mh
Ql’iN KA *)’N 1-: \ 1,. (irditiarv.
. /IBORGIAJAI &RRO COUjpiTY. Wherear, John
\T P. Mo.ire and !'• • imin F. Moor*-. Ado ini.strators on
j the estate of Elisha .V ic, deceased, have made application
to me for Letters ol i mamission from said estate--
I Theseare, therefor .;o cite and admonish,alland singular,
thekindredandcredlt.u sos aaid deceased, to he and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
it any they nave, why said letteis should not be granted.
Given under mv hand, ut office In ('rawfordvilh*. this 16th
day of March, 1860. QUINE A O’NEAL,
mar 20 Ordinary.
/ 1 lt)H<;i\ i ALIA FERRO COIN Y.- Whereas Fian
"T eis A Billingslea, Administrator on the ear ate of Francis
l>. Billingslea, late of Mississippi, deceased, applies to me for
Letters ot Dismission from said estate—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the Kindred andcreditorsol said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law and show
if any they have, why said letters should not he granted.
. Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville. t*• i 16th
day of if ebruary, 1860. QUIN EA O’NEAL,
feblß Ordinary.
” W Alexander, Administrator on the estate off Anderson E.
Moore, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Let
ters of l)ismbs : on from said estate—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular
the kindred and friend* ofsaid deceased,to heand appea: atmv
office, withinthe time prescribed bylaw, and show cause, U
any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in CrawfordviUe, this 16th
dav of February, iB6O. QUINE A O’NEAL,
__ leblS Ordinary
SI \T V DAYS after date application will be made to the
Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county,
Ga., for leave to sell all the real estate belonging to the esu
! tale of Littleton Taylor, late of said county, deceased.’
SIXTY II \Y$ after date application willbe made to the
Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county for leave to s Il all j
the real estate of James West, hue of said county, deceased.
m ‘*9 REUBEN S, \VKS f, A■! mV
®lasficock Conntg
VT Ham J. Wilcher, JulusU. A. Wilcher, .Jeremiah Wilch
er, .Jr , and Wiley G. Braddy. apply to me f<r Letters of Ad
ministration upon the estate of Jeremiah Wilcher, Sr., late of j
said county, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at
my office within the time p!escribed by law, and show cause,
f any they have, why said Letters should sot be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Gibson, this ixth day of
jell Ordinary.
(1 EORGI \,GLASS!H)PK (BOUNTY.—Whereas, Anani
X as Reckworih. Administrator of Mary Howell, deceased
applies to me for Letters Dlsmlssory from said estate—
these are, therefore, to cite and admonish, al l and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not he era a ed.
Given under my baud, at office in Gibson, this 25th day of
my2 Ordinary. .
Utarrcn £ountn.
VX Harii j . Administrator, and riath Ailmiiiistra
trix, of William Stone, deceased, apply to me for Letters Dis
mlssory from said estate
These are, therefore, to cite andadmonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to he and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause.
If any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 15th day
of February, 1860. HENRY K. CODY,
febls Ordinary. !
C W. Smith applies tome for letters dismisaftry from the i
estute of Albert 11. Smith, late of said county, deceased-
These are. therefore, to cite arid admonish, all and ,
singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and
appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show ;
cause. If anythey have, why said letters should not be grant- :
Glvenunder my hand, at offlceln Wanvntor. this,ad dayof ,
February, 1860. IIEARY R. CODY, j
few ftrdinary, |
rltllK Hal abridge Mapnfactnring Company offer their esl.ib
I lishment, situated near Bainbridge Decatur county. Oa.
for sale. Terrn.liberal, both u to price and payment. For
furrier particulars, see circular at this office, or apply to
either of the undersigned at Ralnhrlngt, Ga
apr6 c 8 rr Agent*.
H \\ I\G determined to close up our business, we will
sell our remaining stock at low prices, for cash, on ai
the usual time for approved natM-r.
lv7 (16* c 6
Hay iyg sold out my stock of Ready-Made Clothiug.
Kurriishlng Goods, Ac , Ac., to Messrs. BROOM A
| DAY. I solicit for them a continuance of the patronage ex
j tended to myself. .1 M, NEWBY.
Augusta, July 10, 1860.
HA\I.\G formed a Co-Partnership this day, under the
name and style of BROOM A DAY, and purchased tne
I stock of Ready-Made Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Ac., A'L,
from Mr. .J. M. Newby, No. 233 Broad street, under the
United States Hotel, we will continue the (Nothing Trade In
all its branches, at the same stand, and respectfully solicit the
support of our friends, and the public generally.
dim tyl6
Scriuen Ccmntn.
H< uoraole, the Court of Ordinary of Scriven county, Ga.,
for leave to sell a Negro Man, Thornton, belonging to Joab
\V. Mi ars.-a minor. jel7 B. R. MlMS.Guardian.
CLYTY i\vk after date application will he rme’e to tlic
D Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Scriven county. Ga.
for leave toeella Negro Man. Raymond, helongingto Herscliel
IP. Mears, a minor. jelT ‘B. K. MIMS, Guardian.
j /GEORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY—Whereas. Elizabeth
VX Newton applies to me for Letters Dlsmissorv from the
Guardianship of the person and property of Samuel M. New
Thu,. i e, therefore, te cite and admonish, ail and singular
Hie kinuied and friends of said minor, to be and appear a
my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause
it any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under ray hand, at office in Svivania.this 14th day
ot February, IS6O. I). E. ROBERTS.
GJ.EOKGI \. SCBIVKN < ‘ttUNTY—\\ hereas, SamnelH.
T Littlefields applies to me for Letters Dismlssory from
the Guardianship of the person and property of Amanda
Kaokley, formerly Amanda Lovett—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred*aud fricnils of said person, to he and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause,if
anv they have, whv said Letters should not te granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvanla, this 6th day
at July, 1860. jyl 1 D. K. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
VX Nun lily applies to me for I.etters Dismlssory from the
Administration of the estate of Sarah Wells
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all anil singular,
the kin .red and creditors of said person, to be anil appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause.
If any they have, why raid Letters should noi lie granted
Given under luv hand, at office in Sylvania, this 6th day of
July, 186 b. i yil D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
( * BORGIA. SCRIVEN CO UN TY■~ Whe r."~i s, UtytoiiE
V X Andrews applies to me for Letters Dismisst rv from the
Administration of Elendor Andrews, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite anil admonish, ail and singular,
the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to he and appear at
iny office within the time prescribed b> law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, tids 14th day of
June,.lß6o. Jet# D. E. ROBER TS, Ordinary.
X applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the last will
and testament of Muses Howard, deceased—
These are. therefore, tocite and admonish all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause.
If any they have, why said Letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, a; office in Svivania.this 2oth day
of February, 1860. D. E.4KOBEKTS,
fcb96 Ordinary. /
G 1 BORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas,Archibald
P. Robbins. Executor of the last will and testament i ‘
Christopher G. White, deceased, applies to me for I.ette.,
Dismissory troni said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors ut said deceased, to he and appear
ut iny office within the time prescribed hv law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not lie granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this Bth dav ot
June, iB6O. JelS _ D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
ft BORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY. Whereas, Janies
XT Parker applies lo me for Letters Dismissory from the
Guardianship of Joseph, Ann, Thomas (’ale, MaryOasen,
Lld.abeth, Barney, and John Dale—
These are, therefore to cite and admonish, alt and singular,
tire kindred and friends of said persons, to lie and appear al ‘
my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if anv they have, whvsaid Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this Bth day of
June, iB6O. i.-r D. K. ROBERTS, Ordir,on .
T Parker applies to me for Letters Dismiss ry from the
estate of Lawson 1). A. Burk, deceased—
Theseare,therefore, tocite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to he and appear al
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, it
any they nave, why said Letters should not begranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 23d day
of May, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
myflO Ordinary.
Georgia, scriven counts
Mims, Administrator de bonis non on the estate of Rich
arii Ilerington, Sr., deceased, applies to me for Letters Dis,
missory from said i state—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
tiie kindred and creditors Os said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
Cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be
O ven undermy hand, at office in Sylvania, this 23d day of
May, 1860. D E. ROBERTS,
my3o O-dinary.
/ 1 BORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY Whereas, Barbary
V 1 Humphries applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
tiie estate of Amos Humphries, debased—
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, si! and singn
lar, tiie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he anil
appear ai myofflee, within the time prescribed by law, and
showccuse, if any they have, why said letteis should not be
Given under my hand, at office In Sylvania, tins 23d day
of May, 186 u. D. L. ROBERTS.
myaO Ordinary.
dfi BORGIA. SCRIVEN COUNTY, Whereas, lo|. K
If Cooper applies lo me lor Letteis Dismissory inm the
estate of Thomas W. Evans, deeeased—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular, the kindred anil creditors of said deceased, tube and
appea. at myofflee, withiu the time prescribed by law. and
show cause,if anytheyhave, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 16th day
f May, 1860. niy2* D. E. ROBERTS. O-tlinar. .
\T Wade applies to me for Letteis Dlsu Isn iv from the
Qii.trdtul sidpef Maiy K, eueiiy
These are, therefore, tocite and admonish all and singular, i
the kindred and friends of said minor, to be anil appear at ;
myofflee, within the lime prescribed by law,and shnw.'ause,
if any they have, why said letters should not begranted.
Given uniter mv hand, at office in Sylvania, this 15th dav
of May. 1860. my#3 D. E. ROBEETa. Ordinary,
/ i BORG I V. SCRIVEN COUNTY.-Whereas, Ractiae
4 X K. i'uttle applies to me for Letters Disfiiissorv from the
Gurrdianship of Martha Morton—
Theseare, therefore, to cite amt admonish,all andsingnlai,
the kindred and creditors of said person, to tie anil appeal
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, if any they have, whysaid letterssb’ouldnot lie grant
(liven underlay hand, at office in Sylvania. this 15th day i
of May, 1860. in yd'! D. E. R'JBKRTS, Ordiuury. j
)C A. Uaysmore applies to me for Letters Dismissory from ,
ihe executorship of the last will and testament of Humphrey ;
Uaysmore, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, i
the kindred and creditors of said decea ed, to be aud appear at ;
mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
it any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this liuh day ot !
April, 1860. D. E. HUBERTS,
arp2ft _____ Urdinarv.
\ Y Sowell applies in m-’ for Letters Pismissory from the es
tate of Lucretia (Conner, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular
the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if anythey have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under mv hand, at office lu Sylvama, this 10th day
April, 1860. D. E. KOBE RTS.
aprlfi Ordinary.
/T EORGIA, DRIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas,>arah Wil
\X liarns applies to me fur Letters bismissory from the per
son and property of Nimh M. Andrews, (formerly Sarah M.
Williams), and Frances M. Williams—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all ami singular,
the kin- red and creditors of said persons, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed bv law, and show cause,
it any they have, why said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 12th day of
Marcfa,lß6o ’ nuuK) D. E. R< ti’.EiiT>. *>■
\ X Wade applies to me for Letters Dlsmissorv front the
guardianship of the person anil property of Mary Wade—
These are, therefore, to eit* and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause.
If any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in By 1 vania, this 12th day of
March, 1860. mar2o 1). E. ROBERTS, I Jr I
/1 EORGIA, SUIUVEN COUNTY.*~Whereas, John A.
\ JT Mercer applies to me for Letters D.smlssory from the
estate of Lewis Connor, deceased—
These are, therefore, u> cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, withirxihe time prescribed by law, and show cause, il
anv they have, why said Letters should not bogranted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 6th day of
Morel ,1860. marl 4 D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
X McGee applies to me for Letteis Disniissory from the
Guardianship of the person and property of Martha Best—
Phese are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred ami friends of said minor, to he and apppear
at my office, within the time present ed bv law, and show
cause.if anv they have, why said letters should not he granted.
Given under mv hand, at office in Svlvanla, this 14th day of
February, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
feb22 Ordinary.
/ 1 EORGI COUNTY.—Whereas, Josinh
\X Lee and NWian W. Lee, Executors of the last will and
testament of Reuben Lee, late of said county, deceased, apply
to me for Letters Dlsmfssory from said estate—
These are, tuerefore. u cite admonish,all and singular,
the kindred ana creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, wit hin the time prescribed by law. and show
cause. If any they have, why said letters should uotbe grant
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 14th day of
February, 1860. X). E. HUBERTS,
feb2*2 Ordinary.
\ST Brinson applies to ine for Letters Dicraisaory from the
j Guardianship of the persona and property of Isaac J. and farah
| J. Brinson—
I These are, there fore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
I the kindred and friends ot said minors, to be and appear at mv
i office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if
S any they have, why said Letters should not. be granted
1 Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this Mm day of
1 February, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
feb*22 * Ordinary.
_ -
G 1 EORGIA. STEWART COUNTY.-By virtu* ot ur, or
T der, granted by His Honor, Judge .J. L. Wimberley, on
’ the first Monday in the present rrfonth. I will sell at Lumpkin, :
on the first TUESDA Y In OCTOBER next, a valuable PLAN
TATION, containing seventeen hundred and twenty (1,720)
acres of land, belonging to the estate of John Talbot, late of
j Mewart county, deceased; said lands being the Plantation
! upon which the said John Talbot lived at the time of his last
sickness; situated bout 12 miles West of Lumpkin, and 6
miles East of Florence. About half of said land is in a state
„of cultivation, with good Orchards, and very fair improve
ments in the way of houses; and the balam eis good wood
land, well timbered, and rich. A Water Gin, and a small
Grist Miil, are on the premise s. *
Farmers wanting good land are respectfully invited to ex
amine thia. Mr. Hurley, on the Plantation, will snow Rto
v sitors ; or the subscriber can be found at Lumpkin, ready at
fthort notice to go with any one who may wish to look at the
placf*. The soil is rich, and easy to cultivate.
Tnis Plantation is sold for the purpose of distribution.
June 12.1860. |e!4
BloomtMd .iVeadcuiy,
Five Miles West of University of Virginia.
W. L. BROUN. M. A., Principal.
riill p- object of this Academy is to prepare Students for the
l Untver-ity of Virginia, or to Bt them for the duties of
life. The cour.-e of instruction embraces all thus*’ subje* ts re
quisite fora preparation for any of the Academic Schools of
t rie L'niversity, and the method, as. far as practicable, is a*lapt
ell to that pursued at that Institution.
The Fourth Session will begin on the Ist of September, and
will include two terms of live months each.
The emensea for each term, for Board and Tuition, inclu
ding everythlne except lights, at.- *140; the payment, to he
made in advance—*l4o on the Ist of September, aid *l4O on
the Ist of February.
The Instructors are all Masters of Arts of the University of
For Catalogues address the Principal, Ivy Depot, Albe
j marble county, Va. c 4 jylT
VOL. 15-ISTO. 176.
fiolumbin Countij.
AKHKKABLK to an order of the Court of Ordinary of
f-criven county, Ga„ will besold, before the Court House
door, on ‘he first Til Est'AY In OCTOBER next, within the
legal hours of sale, the Interest of David, a minor. In a
certain tract of Land, oon'aining one hundred and thirty
three (133) acres, adjoining lands of Jno. M. Mi ler, R. A.
Williams, and othert—his intrust being one-flfth of said
tract ; sold lor the benefit of said minor.
iyll H. PARKER, Guardian,
\\ T 11-1. lie sold, before the Court House door, in the town
11 of Appling. Columbia county, Ga„ on the first TU ES
yAY in AUGUST next, between the usual boms of sale,
the following property, to-wit : <'ne yoke of Oxen, and one
ox Wagon- levied on as the trop.rty of John Bynum,to
satisfy a fl. fa., issued from the Columbia Superior Court, in
favor of Emily M. Stallings v*. John Bvrinm, nd John Me.
gahee. security. Property point! I> out by John Megahee.
__Je29 l! u _L i UANUKORD, sheriff.
"\\ t ll.lj be sold, before the Court House door, at Appling,
XT Columbia county, Ga„ on the first TUESDAY in AU
GUST next, pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary,
between the legal hours of sale, a negro boy named Isaac, be.
longing to the estate of M. 11. Reynolds, dee’d. Sold to per
feet titles. __ JAS. A. REYNOLDS, Adm*r.
W 11. I, be sold on the first TUESDAY in AUGUST next
3 T between tlie usual hours ol sale, before the < lourt House
door at Appling, Columbia County, Oa,, the following pro
perty, to wit : Onelractot Laud containing two hundred and
twenty-eight acres (228). more or less, adjoin ng tiie lands of
A. Hall, and Mrs. Bynum and others, levied on as the prop
el; vut John Megahee, to satisfy a fi. ta., issued from the Su
peiior Court of Columl.i t County, in favor of William Schley
vs. Samuel M. Jackson, principal, and John Megahee, securi
ty. Property pointed out by John Megahee.
jefci JOHN PI. LAIiKIN, D. Sheriff.
ALL persons imlePted to the estate of Benjamin Blanchard,
late of Columbia county, Oa.. deceased, will please
make immediate payment; and 1 hose holding claims again*!
said estate, will present them, duly authenticated according
to ELISHA MoCOKI), Adndr.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of John W. I>rane, late
of Olumbta county, Oa., dec'd, will please come forward
and make immediate payment • and those holding claims
against said estate, will please present thera.dulv authentic
cated according to law. A. J. BANID KKS,
__ Administrator.
A 1.1. persons Indebted to the estate of Benjamin Berry,
IX. late of Columbia County, Ga., deceased, are requested to
make immediate payment; and those having demands
against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated no.
cording to law. WILLIAM 11. THOMAS.) ,
my 11 EMILY F. BERRY, Executrix.
iIKOItI ■I \, tV l j. 1 Mill A COP NT V... Whereas, James
X * L. Gritfln, Guardian of Felix T. Griffin, applies to me
for Letters Dismissory from said Guardianship—
These’ are. therefore, to cite ami admonish ail and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said miner, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by Inw, and show cause,
it any they have, win* said Letters should not be granted.
Given uniter my hand and seal, at office in A online thi.
30th day of June, 1860. JaMES P. BURNSIDE.
f hJlKi.l \, COl.l:MBIA COfTN 1 Y.— Whereas, Josiah
Stovall, Guan lan of N. M. Rob rs, applies to ms for
letters Diamisaory from said Guardianship—
These are, therefore,to summed unit admonish, all and sln
gular, the kindred and creditors, of said and, reason, to he and ap
pear at my office, within the time prescribed by law , to show
oaose, if any they have, why said letters should not l-e grant-
at office, in Appling, this 21st day of
JAMES B BURnSlDE,Ordinary.
f l EOIU.I VCOLy’ MBIA ('OUNTY—Whereas. Wiilism
\ a ooiiall, and R liliai:; \. Griffin, Administrators on the
estate of Richard Griffin, deceased, apply to lit for Letters
Dismisaoiy from said estate •
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular,
the kindred anil creditors of sain deceased, to he amt appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, it any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under niyhand, at office in Appling, this 3d day of
__ m Y 9 Ordinary,
x M ard G. Steed, Guardian of Virginia E Bently, (formerly
V irgmia E. Paschal), applies to me for Letters Dismissory
from said Guardianship—
These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular,
the klm.reu and triends of said person, to t>t -u.d appear at tnv
office, within the time prescribed by law and sliow cause
if any they have, whysaid letters should net be granted
Given under mj hand, at office in Appling, this sth day of
’ “ Kl " ll >'/ . Beny applies to me tor Letters of Guardian
slop n n Beniamin I*. Berry, (minor)•
These are therefore,'o cite and admonish a! I and singular
the kindred and friends ol sa id minor, to be and appear at no
my office, wit hint be time prescribed bylaw, to show cause, it
t li.'tw, why huid letters hlrmi Id not lie granted
Given u der my hand, at on re in Appling.'this Pth day of
m yll Ordinal y.
W ana J. B. Rowland. Administrators of James Rowland
late of said county, deceased, apply to me for Letters Dis
nnssury from Said estate-
Th’ -ie are.therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear
at in\ office, within the time prescribed by law. and show
cause, if any they aid letters should noth- granted.
! Given under my hand, a - office tr, Am,bug. this luh day ol
| April, 1860. JAMES I*. BURNSIDE,
I aprt? Ordinary.
f 1 KOKGI \, COLUMBIA COUNTY—V heteas. Mrs.
X X Martha A. Benton applies to me for Letters 01 Guardian
ship on the persons and properly ot Julia Benton and Tnllu
lull Benton, minor heirs ot Nelson M. Her. ton, late of said
county, and eased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the Kindred and friends of said minors, to be andap
pear at my office, within the timepres-ribed by law, and show
cause, If any they have, why paid Letters should not be
Given tindermy hand,at office in Appling, this Vlth day ot
{ April. 1860. JAMES IJ.1 J . BURNSIDE,
April Ordinarv.
II Crawford. Administrator of John A. Staples, .leceavd,
! applies tome for Letters I) smissory from said estate -
TTieseare, therefore, toette andadmomsti, all and singular,
the kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear at
; my office, within thetime prescribed bylaw, and sliow cause,! I
j any they have, why said letters should'not be granted,
i Olveimnder myhand, at office in Appling, this l"th day of
i April, 1860. JAMES I'. BURNSIDE,
aprlh Oidlnary,
pKtIKGIV.IOLI Mill A COUNI Y. ‘Ahereas. Cephas
XT R. Knox, GnanPan for Georgiana Knox, Mary Ann
Knox, and Amanda M. Knox, applies to me for Letters Dis
f nussory from said Guardianship
These ate, therefore to cite and admonishall and singular,
; the kindred and creditors of said minor;,, to be and appear at
my office wit! in the time prescribed bylaw and show cause ii
i any they have, whysaid Letters should not be granted
Giv-n under iuv hand, at ofti.. X i Appling, this 24th day ot
j March, 186(1. JA MEs F. BURNtsIDE,
mar 2 Ordinary.
X T leyC. W(*rrcll, Adm.nistiator de bon ? non. with the will
I annexed, on 1 tie estate of Thomas 11. White, deceased, applies
! to me for Letters Dismissory from s intestate--
j Theseare, theiefore, tecite and admonish ailaad singular,
l the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
i my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not lie granted.
| Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this-Mth day ot
; M ireh, 1860. JAM ES I*. BU RNSIDE.
tnariT Ordinary.
x IT vVerreil. Administrator on the estate of Alvin H.
I White, deceased, applies to me for Letters Dianm-sory from
| said estate—
| Tiieseare.therefore,toette and admonish,ait and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at mv office within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause
j if any they have, whysaid Letters should not be granted.
I Given under my hand, at office la Appling, this 24th day
of March, 1860. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
mar’7 Ordinary.
(TBOKUI \, COLUMBI A 7;oUNTY— Whereus. Dr".
T James b. Hamilton, Administra'or on the estate of
| Thomas N. Hamilton, deceased, applies tome for Letters
; Dismissorv from said estate—
i These are, therefore, to i‘.ite and admonish all and singular,
j the kindred, and creditorsof said de< eased, to be and ap
p-ar at my i.-tfice within the time prescribed by law. and show
i cause', If anv they have, whysaid letters should not tie granted.
I Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this 21st day of
February.lß6o. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
feb26 Ordinary.
( 1KOIU;i V COLI MBIA COt .VI V Whereas. Leonard
x W G. Steed applies m me f. i letters dismiss,uy from the.
guardians!) pofJ dmT. Wriglit—
! Theseare. therefore, to cite andadmonish, allatid singular,
the kindred and Hendsof said minor, to be and appear at
mynfliee, within the time prescribed tiv law, arid show cause,
| if any they have, why said letters should not he granted.
. Given under ray hand, at office in Appling, this-.’d day ol
February, 186). JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
feM , Ordinary.
(X KOIMiIA, COL i Mill A “OOUN f Y —WhereasT Joseph
T H. Stockton applies to mp for letters dismissory from
the guardianship of Joseph Bell—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and
appear at my office, within the time prescribed by lxw, arid
show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not tie
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, tills 2d day of
February, 1860. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
febß Ordinary
VT 11. Cllett applies to me for letter* dismissory from the
, executorship of william CBett, deceased—
Theseare, therefore, t ocite and admonish, all and singidar
I the kindredand creditorsof said deceased, to lie and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed bvlaw.,
It any they have.wny =ald letters should not be granted,
i Given under my hand, at office in Appling, thi- 2d dav of
February, 1860. JAMES p. BURNSIDE,
feUi Ordinary. v
.JIX T \ II WR after dateaprdh.ati'v will be made to the
t, I Ordinary of G ■■ ■’ * ,'<> . -V. *}a , for leave to
s*‘l: ttiereg) estate of Beniamin Blanchard, iat* • -aid county
deceased. jyl? E. McCORD, .'dm’r.
SIXTY DAYS ■ ■ e made to tIM
Court of Ordinary of * oiumhia c*traty. Ga., for leave to
-ell one lot of Land. No. ‘.'32. in Decatur county, Oa., btiui.g
----1 lug to the estate of John B. Brown de fa-trt.
’ lyl4 PKISCILI A BROWN, Administratrix.
SIXTY’ I)\Yti after date application wll. he made to the
Honorable, the Court of ordinary of < olumh a county.
Ga., for leave to -ell all ths Lands htlonslrg to the estate of
Wil iam Thomas, lying in Columbia c*'Unf.v.
iy!2 * NAN I Til* iMAS, Executrix.
S~ I XT\ in v s after date application wll* he made to the
Honorable, tb# Court of Ordinary of Columbia county,
Ga.. for leave to sell the interest in three Negro Slaves, be
longing to the estate of Joshua and Haidce Bridges, min rs.
tyS JAMES D. GREEN Ouardian,
ClJifl DVYt, after date, application will he mace to the
n < ‘ourt of Ordinary of Columbia county, for leave to sell
six hundred acres of land more or less, belonging to the estate
°f D. L. Marshall,ctc’d, adjoining lards of Dr Jas. S. Ham
ilton, N. Crawford, J. WUllngham and others.
.’* J. O. MARSHALL. Executor.
wIXTY I>\Y after dare, application will be made
. C Honorable, the Court of Ordinary f Columbia county, for
leave to sell tne usnd arc! Negroes belonging to the estate of
j Leonard B. Smith, deceased. G. H. CLICTT,
rnvln . Admit istratar, with will ana- xed.
days a uer date, arplnation will be made to the
cc Court of Ordinary of Columbia Conntv, for leave to *-.;
I the rice estate of Benj. Blanchard, dec’d. late of sad county,
j i 1-23 ELISHA M.cokd.Adm'r.
Tennessee State Fair,
JS T A.S I I V I L Lu K ,
SEPTEMBER 10, 1860,
T^l\E Hundred Dollars each is offered I r the best Blood
X Stallion, Harr,e**sStallion,Durham Bull, ard Jack, be
sides a Urge Prenduin Fat G trie, and all other domestic
animal*, and manufactured and dpmestic articles. Competi
tion is invited from the world. No entry fre is • barged.
Programme* may be had, free, on application to L. P. Wil
liams, Secretaiy. at Nashville. THOB. B. JOHNSON.
cs* Treaeurer ‘fecneasee ?tate Fair,