Newspaper Page Text
®|)c i1 ij dTonstxtutiaiui 11st .
St. Louis, Missouri, July 26. —An extra from
lioDham, Texas, dated July 17tb, contains a letter
from the editor of the Dallas Ikrald, stating that
a fire at that place had led to the discovery of a
plan to devastate the whole of the northern por
tion of Texas. Two preachers, Messrs.
and McK iNNEv.tvho w ire expelled from that section
last year, are the instigators of the plot. Their
plan was to lay the whole countiy waste, by de
stroying all arms, ammunition, Ac., and get the
section into a state of helplessness, and then on
the election day, in August, organise a general
Thev were to be aided by emissaries from the
North, and parties friendly to such devastation,
who were in Texas. Their plan was districted
and sub districted. Each district was to be under
the direction of white men, who were to control
and direct the negroes. Several white men and
negroes have been arrested.
The following tires are reported to have occurred
on the same day of the fire in Dallas:
A mercantile house in lilack Jack Grove, with a
loss of thtrtv thousand dollars.
Three business houses at Denton, with a loss of
one hundred thousand dollars.
A large storehouse at I'ilot Point, withsa loss of
ten thousand dollars.
A storehouse at Ladoma, loss twenty-five thous
and dollars.
Eight stores at Belknap, and the town of Mill
ford, were totally destroyed.
Several other smaller fires have occurred, and
great excitement prevails throughout the country.
Prompt and effective measures will be takeu for
the preservation of life and property.
A Simoon.—-Something like those parching
winds which pass over the great African deserts,
seems to have visited certain portions of Western
Miss mri Monday before last. The Border Star of ‘
the 14th says:
“The weather last .Monday in this neighbor
• hood was a little different from any ever before
experienced .even by the oldest inhabitants. About
two o’clock, a warm breeze commenced setting in
from the South, which increased and intensified
into a hot wind that continued with slight inter
mission until night. We have read of such steam
ing breezes on arid plains, and over immense
deserts, but we never before experienced anything i
of the kind. It is no exaggeration to say that the
wind was like the breath of a furnace. An inter j
mission ot winds—a calm—was a relief, as the j
sultry stillness of the atmosphere was more !
pleasant than the scorching, blistering breezes.”
The Independence Herald of the 11th says:
“Our climate has played such strange freaks
within the past few years that we feel prepared for
almost anything; but yesterday we were lost in
wonder at the tempoiatnre of the wind. The fore
noon of the day was even more pleasant than that
of many pr eceding days, but about one o’clock a
wind sprung up from the South, and continued to
hlow r until, about sunset, as good a simoon as could
be gotten up upon anv desert in the tropics. Tiie
heat of the wind was like that ot a furnace,
intense as to almost scorch the lace. We heard of
many who closed their doors and windows for
comfort, though the thermometer stood at one
time as high as one hundred and live degrees.
That a tornado was not the sequel, is a cause of
special wonder.”
Archbishop Hughes on the Kitchen. — Arch
bishop Hughes, attending, recently, the exhibition
of an academy of young ladies, he made there an
address, in the course of which lie said :
Although it is of the utmost importance, young
ladies, that you should have a good education,
should be accomplished, -cultivated, graceful and j
relinoH, ret there aru other things that cannot be I
lost sight of. Before another year rolls around. I
propose to arrange with the sisters for anew
branch of study in the academy. That branch of
study is what the French call the science of cuisine. I
It is the science of keeping house, and that, we all
know, commences with the kit hen. Every young
lady, I don't care if she be a queen's daughter,
ought to understand that department of hfe. Even ;
though she may not have to practice it, though I
she may be able to Jiire her cook, vet she should I
understand it herself, for it may happen that some ‘
day that the cook will dismiss her. Great laugh- i
ter.] What a predicament she would be in then. ;
Well, what I was going to say was, that the sis- j
ters should arrange it so that all the girls, over
thirteen years of age, should be enabled to spend
a portion of the time in the kitchen, and become ;
acquainted with cooking and housekeeping. Here j
will be anew bureau of education. Laughter. 1 |
We shall then have the theory, and some prac- |
tice too.
Another point, and l will clese. At the end of j
another year, if living, and my purse is long
enough, I aut going to give a goid medal of not
less than fifty dollars in value, io the young lady
who will write the best essay, not exceeding five
pages in length, upon this great new science I
have spoken of. Laughter and applause.]
The Chicago Zouaves in New York.— Judging
from the reports in the New York dailies, and the
excitement among the military, the light infantry j
company from Illinois appeals to have completely I
turned the heads of the citizens and soldiers. Afl i
express themselves surprised, uud seem to think j
them as great a novelty as the Japanese or the Great 1
Eastern. It certainly shows bad for so large a !
city, that with its immense military establishment, |
there should be ignorance of the existence of “ Col.
Hardie's Tactics,” which has been in print since
1854. The truth is, that the heavy infantry drill
has always been a sortjjf hobby at the Nor h, and
the citizens of New York are so much accustomed
to see tiie Seventh and other heavy infantry regi
tnants parading Broadway, with measured step
and unbroken front, that any other sort of foot
soldier is a curiosity. Now, we have noted the
“ words of command” and the performance of the
“Chicago Zouaves,’, and we are certain that they
have been instructed principally from “ Hardie’s
Tactics.” Os course some of the evolutions would
be hand to find in any mihiary text-book, but
these are few, and are thrown in, like some among
the volunteer corps of i.ttr city, for effect on the
outsiders—not an unimportant part of the pro
gramme, as is well known. Add to these little items
the very funny costume of the strangers, and the
effect is accounted for.
The double-quick step is an every-day occur
fence with us, as our citizens have seen. The
Citadel Cadets do it admirably. The “ rally by
fours,” the “ rally hv company to resist cavalry,”
the “deployment as skirmishers,” hv the right or
left flank, the firings “by files” and ‘ hv company,”
cannot he more promptly done than by our Cita
del Cadets, and bv some of our volunteer soldiery.
In fact, the “ Zouaves’ have woke the New-York
ers up, and thev are about learning that there have
been some very useful military text-hooks publish
ed since “ Scott's Tactics.”
Chart,elon J lercury, duly u 4.
Alabama. —“ How will Alabama go V” is a ques
tion we are asked by correspondents almost every
day. Why, there is no more doubt about Alabama
going lor Douglas and Johnson than there is ot
tbe election taking place. In 1350 there were sev
enty-five thousand two hundred and ninety-one
votes cast for President—forty-six thousand seven
hundred and thirty-nine for Buchanan,and twenty
eight thousand five hundred and fifty-two for Fill
more. Aa the indications are now, Douglas will
■fT e ffortv-.-'x thousand, Bell twenty-two thon
th i a , ‘’"•eckinridge about seventeen thousand
, ’" eclju J r 'dge crowd cannot seduce more than
o.i. in th usaud Democrats from their party
filmier ‘uaad" and the bart ’ l!n and sale of Sam Rice.
‘ t lit;n Chilton, at Montgomery, will
not affect more iha- seven thousand Whigs and
h'f'JT S ” u ’* if our electors
wil. open toe canvass and boidlv defend the cause
of Democracy, there is no difficulty about the
complete triumph of Douglas and Johnson.
Consumption.— -This malady seems for the pres
ent destined to battle all attempts to discover a ce>-
tamcnre. The hjpophosphites, cod liver oi> and
other supposed specifics, do not seem perceptibly
to diminish the havoc wrought bv this subtle de
stroyer. About one-twelfth of our race are stated
to die from this disease, notwithstanding all the
etf-rts to check its melancbolly march by our reg
ular physicians and their irregular allies. The
fact, doubtless, is, that the nature and causes of
the malady are by no means uniform, but vary, to
an indefinite degree, in different cases. Dr. Cut
t> n. of lhe Bromplon Hospital for consumption in
Knifland, recently reports that he lias found the
iodide of iron act beneficially in a fair number of
consumption cases, especially where the disease is
in an early stage. The prevention of consump
tion is usually possible to medical skill ; the cure
very seldom. Hence the necessity of carefully
watching and guarding against the first symptoms
f its approach.
f |tWO ROOM.S on Oentre street, suitable for small Store*
A or offices. IV- <-v-.ion given Immediately. Inquire of
Comer Broad and Centre streets,
>' u SaTuaTbSw
itfob I’vintini) (iKfice.
Having recently added some twenty fonts of New
Tvpe, all of the latest pattern, to our former very com
plete assortment, and a number of New Cuts, we are pre
pared to execute every description of
Letter Press Printing,
in a* good style, and on as reasonable terms as any office
in this vicinity.
Great Southern Weekly,
l J ubliUe<l at AuguHtH, Ga.
Oil the 2Gtli of ]ALay
Tiie Second. “V'olum.e
TIME most distinguished Southern writers will adorn its
. columns, constituting au unrivalled galaxy of talent
SIM V s .
A Iso, the most popular writers of the South, and especially
niauy Lady writers of established literary reputation. will
contribute to the forth volume. Judge LONG
STREET will furnish a series of
GKOft GI A is A’ p: jsi jh; s,
never before published.
~'l he Second Volume will open with a Tale by JOHN ES
-1 EN UOOKE, author of “The Virginia Comedians,” Ac
entitled - THE PRIDE 11F FALLING WATER;”—a Tate
ot the Old F renc-li War of 1756,
AU papers arc topped at the expiration of the time paid for
No order for the paper attended to unless accompanied by
the money. .1 \>li;.S GARDNER,
Sl\Tl DA VS after date application will be made to tiie
Honorable < -curt of Ordinary of Richmond county, for
leave to sell a Negro man named Abram, belonging to minor
children of John (O’Farn 11, deceased ,
Q&O K.W NHI w IN,Qoa
HVYI.YG returned from Europe, is now prepared to wait
. on those who wish his services. Office on Washington
Street, corner of Ellis.
N. B.—ln a few weeks tie will introduce goraeofthc latest
improvements in Artiricial Teeth, that arc highly recoin
mended in London, Edinburgh, and Paris.
no-a dt!
ISTEttEST at the rate of FIVE FEU VEST., and for
short periods at FnFV. FEE VEST.
Office at the Insurance Bank, 249 Broad Street-
Pamphlets containing the By-Laws aud Charter vea’ - for
V\ tl. >l. Il AM ltiXAC.PreVi.
, <’• F. MeCAY, Treasurer.
; _ iyl dtf _
fJTIfE undersigned offc rs for sale the best Sites for a Ha per,
I. Flour, or Gotton Mill in the vicinity of Gram wille and
i Haili, within tight miles of Augusta, aim contiguous to the
Faronna Railroad, on Hois* Creek, with water power suffi
cient to kc**p in operation either of the above. onanexten.Niv*<
I fcule, at ah seafons of the year.
Together with the above, 1 will dispose of l,oro acres of
Land, which is well timbered with Oak and Hickory, on rea
! .-tollable terms, and at a low price. Address
JL J. WA LKEK, Graniteville, S. C.,or
W. 15. DAVISON, Augusta, Ga.
j my*> dtf
I>l < 111 for the Bladder : HELMBOLD’S Buchu for the
> Kidneys.
llelmboltTs Ittichu for the Gravel,
llelmhedd's Buchu for Dropsy,
llelmbold’s Buchu I*-r Nervousness.
Ilelmiiold s Buchu for Lossol Memory, Loss m Power
Ilelmbold’s Buchu for Dimness of Vision.
Ilelmiiold’s Buchu for General Debility.
llelmbohlV Buchu for Universal Las.-itude.
Helmbold’s Buchu for Paius in tbe Back.
Helmbcdd’s Bm-hu for Ohstruetious,'lrregnlaritlea
Helmhold's Buchu for Excesses arising from Indiscretion
and all Diseases .■ the Sexual Organs, whether existing li
M ceor F cmale, from wiiatc.-er cause rhey m:>\- have dnint
cd. and no matter of how long standing.
Iteimbold’s Buchu is accompanied hv the most reliable eer
titicates from Governors of States, Judges, ami Clergymen.
Price $1 per h-.itle. >n : ,x*ors7, delivered to any address.
A trial costs but a do.'F.r—•
Depot 104 Soutli Tenth street, Philadelphia.
For sale, wholesale and retail, hv PLUMB & LEIYNER
Augusta, Ga.
Messrs. VAN SCHACK & GRIERSON, Charleston, arc
the authorised A gents for South Carolina. marM dacly
\\ L. Invo- d?\y form* tl u Gm.partnership, and r the
“ ;•<’ aiid style of GARWNEU & MOOIIE, for the
triiii.Kuctiouool a General Commission Business.
Formerly Gardiner & Simpson.
Angubta, Cia.,_July_g, 16G0. jvß ilaclm
/ v \ the first TUESDAY in AUGUST next will be sold, at
i / the Lower Market House, in the city ot Augusta, with'n
the legal hours ot sale, all that Lot or parcel of Land, with
the improvements thereon, aftuatein the c ty < f Aumoia and
hounded cm the*East bv Washington street. West hv Twiggs
street. South by Fenwick street, ami North by a vacant lot,
formerly owred by EdWard Thomas, and occupied at this
tirne by I>. A. Foukett, and others ; levied on as the property
of Augustus H. Roe, to sat sfy a ti. fa., issued from the City
Court of Augusta, iu favor of William L. F lder vs. Augustus
H, Roe. jyß ISAAC LEVY, Sheriff City AigUßta.
A\ the fir t TUESDAY in SEPTEMBER next will be
\ f solo, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augus
ta. within the legal houreof sale, Henry, a man slave, of dark
c*mpi xlcrn : levied on as the property of David 15 Ramsay,
deceased, to satisfy a fl. fa. on the foreclosure of a mortgage,
isMicd from the Inferior Court of Richmond countv, in favor
of William A. Ramsay vs. lb ißamln F. Adi'ninistrator
ot th • estate of David 1. Ramsay, deceast u.
WM. V. KERR, Sheriff,
OY MONDAY MORNING, at 10o'clock A. M.. the 30th
inst . will be ao.d, at the store forn erly occupied by
O’Donolioe & Wray, No. 317 North side of Bro and street, a few
doors ado ve the Planters’ Hotel, the stcck of two Retail Gro
cery St-res. consist in/ of Brandy, Whisky, Rum, Gin, and
Wine, in barrels, begs, and bottles ; Vinegar, Bacon, Sugar.
Candles, Tobacco, Segars; F>our, in bags ‘and barrels ; Torn,
Peas, .Salt. Soap, Pepper, Mustard, Ginger, Snuff, Starch,
M itches. Powder. Ohes'sof Te >. Pipes, Spice, Pickles, Can
dy. Boxes of Sardines, Lobsters, Tomatoes, Ac.: lilce. Water
Buckets, Tin Measures, Soda. Axes, Kegs of Nails, Tin Buck
ets, Glass Jars, Playing Cards,.Tin Ware, Arc., Ac.* also,
lit • -ts. Ladies* and Alisst-s* Shoes . Dry Goods, r-insisting of
Culic'', Homespun, Ac.. Ac.; also, 1 Horse, i Mule, I Buggy
and H 1 Wagon, 1 JSaddie atid Bridle, 1 1< t o* Lumber
and Shingles, Ac., Ac., levied on as the property of James Kel
ly, and sold by virtue of an order Iron tne llonorat le, th •
Inferior Court of Richmond countv. gr i ted under an attach
ment in favor of Richmond A Reed vs. J Hues Ke’ly. Terms
made known on the morning of sale. WM. V. K ERR,
j >’2o Sheriff of Ricbmona coun’y.
fit |l K undersigned, desiring to remove to t* e city, offers
| for sale his RESIDENCE, situate three miles from town,
on the Milledgevilh- foad.
The place contains forty-four acres of Land, adjoining
widt h can be bo ight twenty moie, in wood. In point of
health fulness, the place cannoa be surpassed. I might speak
of the Vineyard, the Garden, and other advantages, but
would prefer to let the purchaser see for himself
• i v ; kTASI E.
\j j, persons are hwhv cautioned against trading for a
certain note for FIVE THOUSAN L> DOLLARS. signed
hyjas. F. foster, and piyubic to Jan,eft Oardner, of Au
gusta, dated the loth of Starch 1880. and r lc payable on or
nlmnt tbe 2'jlh of IKcomlier lßC'.i.
Thecansidcrstionof the said note has failed, and the parties
■ ding it, have been notified ot my determination to avoid
U oiymcnt.
aprt-2 dtf JAMES F. FOSTER.
I?\TRA(TOF BUCHU, for Diseases ot the Biaridc
J Kidney, Gravel. Dropsy, Ac.
HELM BOLD’S Extract oi Buchu, for Secret and Delicate
H ELM BOLD’S Extract of Buchu, for Nervous and Del i.l
tated St;fit-rein.
HELM BOLD’S Extract of Buchu. for Loss of
t‘ owor * Dimness of Vision, Difficulty ol Breathing
ami universal Lassitude of the mascular system.
S Extract of Bu bw, for all Distressing All*
L' lr , r D Irregular.ties. Excess In Married Lite, * r
. I ., n r i T re l ionß * Ac - aTI, I all Diseases of the Sexual Or
■ai'U t i 1 X lit *ng In Male or Female, from wbatev r
standing 7 may “ ave originated, and no matter of howling
odor S ‘an ! d^'S’E. E^trac,ofßuchu Up**-*vsant in it tasteai.rt
SS n “ “ on - *rice *i I-r jottle, or sty hot
lift-lor *o, delnered to any address
AuMsSjGir h °‘*“ leand hr PLUMB 4 LEITN Fit,
IMIK Hundred Dollars will be given by the subscriber toi
the detection of the person, with proof to convict tti-.t
tired his Barn, tietween 12 and 1 o’clock Hundav mornlni the
Sihiiiet lyll dtf chas. uelajgl’e
1860. SPRING m SPMMEB. 1860.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In
Have now in Store, and will oe Constantly rteeeiving during the Spring San
Summer Months, the Largest and Most Fashionable?
and Improved Styles of
Which they claim to be EQUAL to any brought to the Southern Market
Also, a Large and Carefully Selected Stock ot
Youths’ and Children's Clothing, of the Latest Styles. Also,
Os the Newest Importation and Greatest \ arlety, MAN! FACTIJREI) TO ORDER, at the shortest notice
warranted to FIT, or no sale. AH orders attended to with dispatch. Our Prices shall be LOW ,to meet the
views of everybody. All persons wanting anything in our line, would do well to call and examine our tock.
Uncior tiie TJ„ S. Hotel, Augusta, Ga.
Augusta, March 1, 1860. (it marl
Commencing On Thursday, July sth,
Silks, Oigaudies. Bareges, Muslins,Apple Cloths, Challies, Are.; Lace Man
tles, Silk Mantles, Dusters, Shawls, Porasols, Gloves, Lace
Milts, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries, &c., &c„
&e., will be sold without,
any reserve at
New Yo r k C o st,
vVhich will, instance, be strictly adhered to. The public are
respectfully invited to call and see ihe Stock, before purchasing. I
have a large lot of Negro BLANKETS and KERSEYiS which I will
sell at a Reduction of
sso ■— #pcbi mrz'WEZ'mxraom
outwits i-t.vtr i.l ti i- ,rr r t:.vnl it to.
THOS. PHI Ii ns.
Royal Havana Lottery.
fITHK next Ordinary dr.wing <.t the Royal Havan . Lottery,
I. conducted by the Spanish Government, under the super
visi aiofthe Captain General of Cuba, will take place at
S.VITIHIAY, a 1 OUST 4, 1860.
FT ?
1 Prize of SI OO,OOO I f>o Prizes of, 1,000
1 •* 60,000 60 “ 500
1 “ 80,000 j 153 “ 400
1 “ 20,000 { 20 Approximations 8,800
l “ 10,000 I
f our Approximations to the- < |l<>o,ooo of S6OO each ; 4 of
#4oo t<; $50,000 : 4 of $1 >0 to $30,000 ; 4 ot s4oo to
4 of s4oo to SI O,OOO.
Prizes cashed at sight, at 5 per cent, discount v
Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par.
A drawing will be forwarded as soon as the result becomes j
All orders for Schemes or Tickets to be addressed to
DON RODRIGUEZ, cure of City Post, Charleston, S. C.”
net 12
fTt II K undersigned have this day associated themselves for
L I be T ransuction of the Factorage and General (’on.mission
Business, in the dtv ot Charleston, S. C.. tinder the firm of
Oil AMBERS, BARNES & CO., and would most res ectful
ly sc licit 1 ho putronace of their friends and the publ c.
Oonsigimjeiits of Produce, Mantttacturcs, or Merchandise
made to their house, will receive prompt atten’ion
.! A M F.S S. (HAM BEKS,
OI Charleston, 8. C. !
Os Kershaw District, S. C. i
()f Chat lest on, S. C.
Charleston, S. C., July 16,1660,
1 awl in jy2o
“ The Irrepressible Conflict!”
18 doing its part in this fight. If Georgians particularly,
and citizens of adjoining States, really reel what they say ,
about Southern independence and self sustaining, efforts, now
let them prove it. We have our work-ton Peach Tree Creek,
five miles from the city of Atlanta, where we put up. at the ;
shortest notice, all sorts of SPOKES, from “Carry-Log” to
the smallest Buggy size • all Mz*s and descriptions of HUBS
and KIMS, as well as the Fitiished WHEEL We not only
have In our works the latest and nest machinery now used in
Northern Factories, hut, when we find that we lack a machine
of perfect adaptedness, we have a Foreman of genius enough
to invent It. Our “Kim-Binder” is unequalled In the world.
Our stock now consist* of 40,000 Hickory Buggy Spokes, with
a good supply of Carr axe. Wagon, and Omnibus Spokes, al l
of which are made of closely culled Timber. Hubs of Red
Elm, PoT Oak, ad Black Gum ; and Rims of s cond growth
White < tak, which, for really faithful jobs, we regard as in tin- -
itely superior to any other whatever. We make also. Ash
and Hickory Kims. Our Improved Lathe will turn any
shaped Spoke that may be ordered; aud if our customers ;
wish any particular shape or pattern, they canhaweit. Now.
if, with our virgin forests, mild climate, cheap house rent, and
full accessibility to every section of country, we cannot manu
facture as good an article, in our line, and a? cheap as can be
had at any Northern Factory, why, theu, £<* North, as many’
! are now doing, passing by our doors to reach the shop. But
iif we save you nearly ail your freight—give you a* good and
fish onable a Carriage Whees as you can possibly get any.
| where, bad we not as well keep Southern money here as to
send It such a long way to help “John I v ro^’ ** an J a ‘‘;
rive business man. with capital, would like to have an interest
In this P3t.ililt.ihm. nt. proposals will be recet‘he sale of
ahslf or third lot .wit. Address J• a
mar dactf_* J Atlanta, Qa.
VI I ..prsons indebted te the estate of Robert Clarke, de
ceased. late of Columbia County, w’.U plea-e. make
In,mediate payment: and those bavin* claims against said e. ; -
1 late wlil pr esent them to the undersigned, properly attested,
| in the time prescribed by lavr THos CLARKE,
,t„w Eaecutors.
V -md Hills, on Monday afternoon, a 0014’
O CHAIN with a Jet Cross attached. The tinder will
1 rewarded by leaving thisotfice.
| je"B - <IU
, v ■ H VI T OF BUCHU, for all Distr. olnu Ailments—
R <*-onuions’ Irrogulnrdie-. Eicess in Marr ed Life, or-
LriLlmhiTretions. &e ; and all Diseases of the S, vital Or
and whether existing iu Male or Female, from whatever
I they have originated, and no matter of how ion* aland
lnf-or sale, wholesale and retail, by I’LUMB A LEITNKR,
van SCUACK A .GRIERSON, Charleston, a
! ihe authorised Agents for Sontfi Carolina, marts d.cll .
Cteatra! Mall hia© l
ritllKOt <. 11 TICKETS from New Orleans to New York,
I. via Mobile, Montgomery, Augusta, and Columbia, thence
ComiPCtine at Woldcm with lines for Biltimore, Philadelphia,
and hew York, via I'etersbiirk, Uichmond, and W’ashinr'ton.
or by Seaboard ami Koanoke Railroad to Portsmouth, and
Bay Steamers to Baltimore.
Fare and time the same as by any other Railroad Route.
This Route passes through the Capitals of North and Sout h
Carolina; and that portion from Columbia to Weldon Is al
most entirely free from dual, swamps, and trestle’work, pass
ing through an e levated and healthy country.
Z9f~ Connections are made at New York by this line to
Saratoga. Niagara Tails. Boston. White Mountains. Canada,
Ac. Southerners traveling with their servants, by taking
this IFe, will be relieved from the annoyance to which they
j are subjected on other routes.
Those holding Through Tickets are conveyed between De
pots Free of Charge.
He la refill* to Buy Your Tickets
Via Columbia, S. C.
*?f“ Baggage Checked from Montgomery to Augusta via
West Point and Atlanta, or by Columbus and Macon to Au.
i guHta, theuceto Weldon, N c., thence to Baltimore by Bay
Line, or to Washington via Richmond—Baggage Masters ac
i companylng it all Uie way.
For further particulars, and Through Tickets, see small
! cards, or inquire—ln New Orleans, *f K GEDDES. 90 (*ra
\ier street ; m Mobile, at COX. BRAINARD A CO.’S office;
iu Montgomery, of a. POPE, General Ticket Agent -Y . A
W. P.K. K,,or to LEWIS LE\ Y
Passenger Agent, Augusta, Ga.
(. I>. DOYDKY,
Passenger Agent, Montgomery, Ala.
jy 13 dtf
fTtllE fubsctllrha< -rived Ids regular supply ot TUR
JL MP.audotber Buds, for the Fall Flanting, w liich arc
Fresh amt Ueoulue. , „
Purple amt Green Top RUT A BAG A, Lirgo tngli-L,.Nor
folk, Larrre White. GK-'.i. , Red Top Flat, Flat Dutch TUR
KIP, 4c. Ac. J, 11. SERN ICE.
|yl l dtm
ExekieVs Infallible
KE\l> the following certificate of our own townsman, a
, grnlteman wel! known to all. If this is not satisfactory,
call at the proprietor’s, 6a Main street, and you can sec certifi
cates from all sections of the Union :
Richmond, .July 10.1860.
Mb N. Ezekiel —Dear Sir I take great pleasure in in
forming you that I have used three bottles of your HAIR RE
STORER, with great satisfaction to myself. My Hair is gr >w
iug finely. Please send me half a dozen bottles.
* y- Respectfully, JOHN O. CHILES..
Battle Horn. Mobile. A!a_ April 6, 1860.
N Ezekiel, Esq., Richmond— Dear S<r : You were so
kind -i to present me, when a guest of our bouse, with a bot
tle of'your HAIR RESTORER, which has been exhausted
f or several days, and I have inquired in vain at your agent’s
’ in this fit V, day after day, to renew my supply. The trial of
v-ur RESTORER. as tar as my limited supply permitted me
to ludge. is blghlv satisfactory. I wish to give it a far trial,
will therefore, thank voutosend mchaifa dozen Bottles
i by Adams’ Express. Send bill with the package, to be collect
! ed on delivery. Your ear iy com p.iauce will very much,
Vour?, truly, E. R. PEASE.
n/r Fur sale by all Druggists n; the United States.
zW” price one dollar per bottle,
1 fIT AH orders must be addressed to tiie Proprietor.
iy.ij ts 69 Main street, Richmond. Va.
i Calirtfcvvo £ouuti).
\\’ ILL be sold, before the Court House door, in the town
’ 1,1 Crawfordville, Taliaferro count v. under an order from
, lie Court of Ordinary of said county, on the flrat TI ’ ESDA V
in SEPTEMBER nest, within the lawful hours of sale, to
*'*t l° hundred and fifteen acres of Oak and Hickory
band, be the same more or less, lying in said county, about 14
j miles North-M e-tof Crawfordville—it being all the real ts
! ■"/oi, I antes i\ eat, of said county, deceased, adjoining lands
| m John Harrison, Mr, Harrow, and others ; about one hun
l dred and thirty acres in the woods—well timbered with Oak
1 and fine Timber ; the balance cleared, with indifferent im
provements on it. Terms of sale to be made known on the
I day,°t sale. REUBEN 8. WEST,
j lyU Administrator.
* “, son B. Monk applies to me for Betters of Ouardlauship
! J!* la tn Bell and Catherine Bell, minors and orphans of
i V\ illlam Bell,ot said county, deceased—
I , Tbaae are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and
i singular, the kindred and friends of sabb minors, to be ami
. appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and
, show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not
j be granted.
Give,, under my hand, at office In Cr iwfordyillc, this 18th
day of Juiy, 1860. QUINE A OW E \i ,
rjEOßfil.4, TALIAFERRO COUNT!.-Whereas. P.
A a B. Monk, and Esau Ellington, 4 dministrators on the es
tate of \\ lillam Bell, late of said county, deceased, apply to
me for Letters of Dismission from said estate—
these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear
s'my office within the time prescribed hy law.toshow cause
if any they have, why said Letters should not begranted.
Given tinder my hand, at office in Cr wfordville, this 13th
day of July, 1880. QUINKA O’NEAL,
J>’lß Ordinary.
Gi kokuiv Taliaferro county, \\ >■ ■ sv.
f venter J. Parmer, executor on the wnlr of Janes Far.
mer, late of sab: county, deceased, applies to me for Letters
of Dismission from said estaif—
Thc-e are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singu
lar. tile kindred and creditors of said dcrea-ed, to he and ap
pearat within the time prescribed bv law, and show
cause. If any they have, why said Letters should not be grant-
Given under my hand, at office in Crawfordville, this 15th
day ot June, 1860. {QUINEA O’NEAL,
_ Ordinury.
nEOIMjIA. IAM ,\1 K&&0 I Dt; NT! _WI
* f Mary A. A*kin, aud Richard Gunn, have made applica
tion to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of
Frederick E. Askin, late of said, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish at I and singular
the kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to he and apperr
at myofflee, within the tirm prescribed bv law, and sliov
cause, if any they have, whysaid lettersshou'ldnot be granted.
Given under my hand, at office. In Crawfordville, this ’-sth
dav of June, 1860, JeiT QUINEA O’NEAL, Ordinary
n E0R421 X.TALI M EKKOCOOaTV.—Wnerens, John
AT P. Moore aud i ■ i unin F. Moore, Ad . mlatrators on.
theestatcor ElishaM deceased, have made application
to me for Letters of Di .aiisslon from said estate—
Theseare, thereto.. tu cite and admonish, all aud singular,
thekindredandcrcdi: rsof said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the • i me prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they nave, why said left eisshou'd not he granted.
Given under r.-.v hand, at office in Crawfordville. thisl6th
day oi March, 1860. QUINEA O’NEAL,
mar9o Ordinary,
AT cis A. Billingslea. Administrator on the estate of Francis
B. Billingslea, late of Mississippi, deceased, applies tome for
Letters ot Dismission from said estate—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the Kindred andcreditors ot said deceased, to he and appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
if any t hey have, whysaid letters should not he granted.
<liven under my baud, at office In Crawfordville. t'.is 16th
day of t ehruary, 1860. QU IN EA O’NEAI,,
Alexander Administrator on the estate ofJAnderson L.
Moore, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Let
t<rs of Disilit-s o’ fr. ni said estate—
Theseare,therefore, toc.ite and admonish, all and singular
the kindred and friends ofsaid deceased,to beand appear at mv
office, withinthe time prescribed bylaw, and show-cause, it
any they have, whysaid letters should not be granted.
Given under my band, at office in Crawfordville, this 16th
day ot February, iB6O. QUINEA O’NEAL,
lebiff _ Ordinary
SI VI’V II Ua alter date application will be made to the
Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county,
Ga., for leave to sell ail the real estate belonging to the es
tate of Littleton Taylor, late of sail counts, deceased. 4
OIVTY I! \Y si after dale application will he made to the
i ’ Court of Ordinary of Taliaferro county for leave to s'-ll all
the real estate of James West, imp of said county, deceased.
tnvi) REUBEN S. WK-M', Adm'r
Glasscock County
i l KOIKiIA, GuASSCOUK COUNTY .—Whereas, Wib
VT Ham J. Wilcher, JulusC. A. Wllcher, Jeremiah wilch
er, Jr, and Wiley (S. Braddy, apply to me for Letters of Ad
ministration upon the estate of Jeremiah Wilcher, .Xr., late of
said county, deceased—
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at
my office within the time prescribed bj law. and show cause,
f any they have, why said Letters should rot he granted.
Given tinier rav hand, at office in Gibson, this 13th day of
jelo Ordinary.
t 1 LOHLI V.GLASSCOCK CUl’ N T V .—Whereas. Allan!
\ Y ms Beckworrii, Administrator of Mary Howell, deceased
applies to me fur I,otters Dismissory from said estate—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be era n ed.
Given under my hand, at office in Gibson, this 25th day of
my 2 Ordinary.
—*- .--.1.., Mill-. 1 „
lllarvcn County.
GKOH<;i\. WAKKEN OOlJNTy.—WHercjw. Isaac
Harris AumiListrator. and Gath trine Stone. AilminUtra
trix. of Wiliiam Stone, deceased, apply to me for Letters Dis
mitwory from said estate
Tbesi are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all c.?id singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to be and appear at
mv office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause
if any they have, whysaid Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Warrenton, this 15th day
of February, 1860. HE-NKY R. OODY,
ft 15 Ordinary.
AKOR6IA, WARREN COl KTI w hereto, flenrj
\T W. Smith applies to im* for letters di?missorv fr<Wu the
estate of Albert H . Smith, late ofsaid county, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred andcreditors of sai l deceased, to be and
appear at myofflee within The time prescribed by law, and show
cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant
Given under my hand, at office in Warren ton, this 8d day of
February, 1860. HENRY K. CODY',
THE Hainbridge Manufacturing Company offer their estab
lishment, situated near tiainbrldge Decatur county. Ga.
for sale. Terms liberal, both as to price am* payment. For
further particulars, see circular at this office, or apply to
either of the undersigned at Balnbrlrge. Ga.
it>r6 cSir Agents.
H\\ ING determined to close up our business, we will
sell our remaining stock at low prices, for cash, or: on
the usual time ft* approved paper.
lyT d6*o6
HAT I\G sold out my stock of Re.edv Made Clothlug.
Furnishing Goods. Ac, Ac, to Messrs. BROOM A
I DAY, I solicit for them a continuance of the patronage ex-
I tended to myself. J. M. NEWBY.
Augusta, July 16, iB6O,
HAY l\( formed a Co-Partnership this day. under the
name and style of BROOM & DAY', and purchase! the
I stock of Ready-Mule Clothing. Funds ing Goods, Ac., Ac.,
from Mr. J. M. Newby, No. 233 Broad street, under the
bnited States Hotel, we will continue the CiOthing Trade in
all Its b-r r.ches, : t the same stand, and respectfully solicit the
support of our friends, and the public generally.
’ J. J. BROOM.
Scriucn Countn.
CIXTI HAY’S afterdate at plicatlou wilt be made to the
~ Ht-noraole, the Court of Ordinary of Striven cdbnty, Ga.,
fur leave to sell a Kegro Man. Thornton, belonging to Juab
W. Mears, a minor. let? B. R. MI Ms, Guardian.
SIXTY DAYS after date application will be made to the
Huuoranle.the Court of Ordinary of Seriven count y, Ga.
for leave to sell a Nekro Man. Raymond, belonging to Herschel
I*. Mears, a minor. ibl7 B. K. MIMS. Guardian.
Newton applies to me for Letters Dismissory from tbe
I Guardianship or the person and property of Samuel M. New
Thio^^:e,therefore, te cite amladinonish, al! and singular
the kindred and friends of said minor, to be and appear a
my office within the time prescribed by law, and siiow cause
if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted.
Given under ruvhand, at office in Svlvauia,this 14th day
o! February, 1860. * D. E. ROBERTS,
febM _ Ordinary.
r Littlefields applies to me for Letters Dismissory from
the Guardianship of the person and property of Amanda
Rackley, formerly Amanda Lovett—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said person,to be amiappear at
myoflicewithinthetimeprescribedby law.andahowcause.if
anvthey have, whvaaid Letters should not bo granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvanla, this tith day
Os July. 18 to. jyll I>. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
/1 LOlil.l \. SCRIVEN COUNTY. - Whereas, XV. H.
YT Nun illy applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Administration of the estate of Sarah Wells
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said person, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law. and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should noi, tie granted
Given under rnv hand, at office in Sylvarda, this 6th day of
July,lß6o. jyll D. K. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
t t ROItGI A,SCRIVEN COUNTY—Whereas, Peyton L.
\ T A udrews applies to me for Letters rv from the
Administration of Elendor Andrews, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aral appear at
‘my office within tire tirne prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Svlvauia, tills 14th day of
June, 1860. .jels D. K. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
Georgia, scriven county.—wnereas, ButTcon
applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the last will*
and testament of Moses Howard, deceased—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular,
Ihe kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law. and show cause,
If any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, a. office in Svlvanla, this 20th day
of February, 1860. li. E. ROBERTS,
feb-26 Ordinary.
f X KORGIA,SCRIVEN COUNTY.-Whereas.Archibald
Y Jf P. Robbins. Executor of the last will and testament r i
Christopher G. White, deceased, applies to me for Lettu u
Dismissory from said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
tin-kindred and creditors ot said deceased, to be and appear
at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
If any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, in Svlvauia, tin- Bth day ot
June, iB6O. .let 6 D, K. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
IT Parker applies to me for Letters Dismßsorv from tin-
Guardianship of Joseph Ann, Thomas Caie, Mary Casen,
Elizabeth, Barney, and John Uale—
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, alt and singular,
the kindred and friends of said persons, to be and appear al
my office withiu the time prescribed bv law, and show cause,
it any they have, whv said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Svlvauia. this Bth day of
.June, 1860. jel l . I). E. ROBERTS,Ordinary.
/ 1 EMHGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY. Where** ‘, .
\ T Parker applies to me for Letters Dismissory from tut
estate of Lawson D. A. Burk, deceased—
These are, therefore, toelte and admonish, ail and singular,
the kindred and friends of said deceased, to lie and appear at
my office, withiu the time prescribed by law, and show
anvthey have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at officp ir: Sylvania, this 2-'<d day
of May, ISOO. D. E. ROBERTS, ,
my3o Ordinary. >
i 1 KOltt.i \. SCRIVEN COUNTY. Wh i. 8.
V X Mims, A dnunistrator de bonis non on the estate of Rich
ard Heringion, Sr., deceased, applies to me fur Letters DX.
m'ssory from said (state— *
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and snow
cause. If any they have, why said Letters should not be
O ven undermy baud, at office in Sylvania, this SSd day of
May, 186'. D E. ROBERTS,
my3o O (Unary.
/ I EORGIA, SCRIVEN COUNTY.-Whereas. Barbaiy
\ X Humphries anpllesto me for Letters Dismissory from the
the estate of Atnos Humphries, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish, ail and singu
lar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and
ippear at ir.yofflce. withiu thetime prescribed by law, and
showceuse, ifanvthey have, why- saidletteisshould not be
Given under my baud, at office in Sylvarda, this 23d day
of May, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
myltO ordinary.
V T Cooper applies to me lor Letters Dismissory fiom the
estate of Thomas W. Evans, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and aatr.unish, all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, tobe and
appea. at my office, within the time prescribed by law. and
show cause, ts any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given undet my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 15th day
f May, 1860. myU I). E R >BEBI 8 Q-dlnat
{ IKRil\.‘-'’RIVEN ‘ ’(UN :V. V.
V X Wane applies to me for Letters in- rj from th*
GiiHrdiHMship of Mary Kennedy—
These are, therefore, tocite and admonish all and singular,
the kindred and friends of„eaid minor, to bound appear at
my office, within thetime prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 15th day
: M:i\ D. K ROBKK V .
F". i uttle applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Gurrdianahip of Martha Morton—
Theseare, therefore, io cite and admonish,all andsingulai,
the kindred and creditors of said person, tobe and appea:
at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, If any they have, whv said letters should not be grant
Given undermy hand, at office in Sylvania. this 15th day
of May. 1860. ‘ my 23 D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
“T A. Uaysmore applies to#? e for Letters Dismissory from
the executorship of the. last will and testament of Humphrey
Uaysmore, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and cr editors of said deceased, to be and appear at
mv office within thetime prescribed by law. and show cause,
it any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 19th day ot
April, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS.’
arpSfl * ‘Jrdinnr,'.
f 1 KOlUal \, SURIVEN COUNTY.—Whereas, Franklin
VTT Sowell applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the es
tate of Lueretia Conner, deceased—
Those are, therefore, x ■ cite and admonish all am! singular
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at
rny office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office iu Sylvania, this 10th day
April, ISM. D. K. ROBEK I S.
iprlft Ordinary,
4 i EORGI %,S DRIVEN COUNTY. \YI.. • . - . v. .
Y7T liarns applies to me b-r Letters Dismissory tr>m the per
son and property of c-arah M. Andrews, (formerly Sarah Al.
Williams), and Frances M. Williams—
Theseare, therefore, tocite and admonish, all and singular,
the kin*.red and creditors of said persons, to be and appear at
my office, within thetime prescribed by law, and show cause,
it any they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Sylvania, this 12th day of
March, 1860. rnartO D. E. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
X Wade applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
guardianship of the person and property of Mary Wade—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said minor, to he and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause,
if any they have, whvsaid Letters should not be granted,
(riven under my hand, at office : n ciylvanla, this 12th day of
/ 1 RORGI Y.SCRiV kn COl N! v üben ■. 4
\T Mercer applies to me for Letters D.smissory from the
estate of Lewis Connor, deceased—
Thesearc, therefore,incite and admonish, all and singular,
tlie kindred and creditorsof said deceased, to he and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, 11
anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted.
(liven under my band, at office in Sy! vanla, this 6th day of
March, 1860. marl 4 1). K. ROBERTS, Ordinary.
T MeOee applies to me for Letters Dismissory from the
Guardianship of the person and property oi Martha Best—
These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends of said minor, to he and apppear
at my office, within the time preserved bv law. and show
cause.if anv they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under mv hand, at office in Sylvanja, this 14th day of
February, 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
fel*22 Ordinary.
IT Lee and Nathan W. Lee, Executors of the last will and
testament of Reuben Lee, late of said county, deceased, apply
to me for Letters Dismissory from said estate—
These are, tnerefore. to cite said admonish,all and singular,
thekludred nu\ creditorsof said deceased, to be and appear
at my office, within ihetime prescribed by law. and show
cause, If any they have, why said letters should not be'grard
Given under mv hand, at office in Svlvanla, this 14th day of
February, 1860. t). E. ROBERTS,
feb*2*2 Ordinary.
Jf Brinson applies to me for Letters Dbmissory fruir. the
Guardianship of the persons and property of Isaac J. and barah
J. Briuson—
These arert here fore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and friends or said minors, to be and appear at my
office, within the time prescribed by law, and shew cause, if
any they have, why said Letters should not be grarfted
Given under my hand, at office in Hylvania, this Hrn day of
P c-bruary. 1860. D. E. ROBERTS,
feb2‘2 Ordinary.
/"1 EOKGIA, STEWiKT COUNTY—By virtue of ar, or
l T der, grunted by Hia Honor, Judge J. L. Wimberley, on
the first Mondavin thepresent month, I will soil at Lumpkin,
on tin-first TUESDAY in Of’TO BLR next, a valuable PLAN
TATION, contatnißß seventeen hundred and twenty (1,73n.i
acres offend, belonging to the estate of John Talbot, late ot
htewart eounty, deceased ; said lands being the Plantation
upon which the said John Tnlb,’ t lived at the lime of bis last
sickness; situated about 12 miles West of Lumpkin, and 6
miles East of Florence. About half of said land Is In. a tatf
of cultivation, with g, nd Orchards, and very fair Improve
ments in the way of houses ; and the balance is good wood
land, well timbered, and rich. A Water (Jin, and a small
Grist Mill, are on the premises.
Fanners wanting good land are respectfully Invited to ex
amine this. Mr. Hurley, on the Plantation, will snow 1t to
v sitors ; or the subscriber can be found at Lumpkin, ready at
short no’lce to go with any one who mav wish to look at the
place. The soil is rch and easy to cultivate.
This Plantation Is sold for the purpose of distribution.
WM. 1.. MANSFIELD, Adm .-.
June 12, 1860. iel4 ctd _
Bl.QGDill.eM Academy,
Five Miles West of University of Virginia.
W. L.BROUN, M. A., Principal.
W. i.iROY *Rb>UN, M. A.. H.w. LUCKETT M. A„
fPHE object of this Academy is to prepare Students for the
|_ t T niver-itr of Virginia, or to fit them for the duties es
life. The course of instruction embraces all those subjects re
quisite fora preparation for any of the Academic Schools of
! trie University, and the method, as far as practicable, is adapt
| mI rotfcat pursued at that Institution
The Fourth Session wilt begin on the Ist of September, and
will include two terms of five months each.
The emenses for term, for Board and Tuition, inclu
ding everything except lights, are $l4O ; the payments to be
made in advance—sl4o on the Ist of September, and $l4O on
the Ist of February.
The Instructors are all Masters of Arts of the University of
j For Catalogue* address the Principal, Ivy Depot, Alba
; marble eounty, Va. c 4 jyli
VOL. 15-NO. 177.
Columbia vLauiuj)
A UIIBBABLK loan order of the Court of Ordinary of
£IL ,-crivvu county, Ua„ wi.t he so id, before the Court House
door, ou *!ie first TLKb “AY ir, OCTOBER next, within tii ■ hours of sale, the Interest ot David Lee, a mlaor. in a
certain tract of Land, con airiing one hundred and thirty
three (138) acres, adjoining lands of Jno. M. Ml ler, K. A
Williams, and others—his interest being onc-lifth of sabi
tract ; sold for the benefit of said minor.
Jylt H. I’ARKER. Guardian.
\\ T ILL be sold, before the Court House door, in the tow:
* “ of Appling. Columbia county. Oa., on the first TUES
DAY in AUGUST neat, between the usual houisof sale,
the following property, to-wit: line yoke of Oxen, and on,-
Ox .Wagon * levied on as the property of John Bynum, to
satisfy a fl. fa., issued from the Columbia Superior Court, in
favor of Emily M. Stallings vs. John Bynum, nd John Ml -
gahee, security. Property pointi P out hy John Megahee.
\V ILL be sold, before the Court door, at Appling,
“I Columbia county, Oa., on the first TUESDAY in Al’
GUST next, pursuant to an order of the Court of Ordinary,
between the legal hours of sale, a negro boy named Isaac, he'-
longing tothe estate of M. It. Reynolds, dec’d. Sold to per
feet titles. JAS. A REYNOLDS, Adm’r.
WILL he sold oil the first TUESDAY In AUGUST next
1 T between the usual hour.- 01 sale, before the Court House
door at Appling. Columbia County, Ga,, the following pro
perty, to wit: One tract ot Land rontain'tig two hundred ami
twenty-eight acres (248). more or le-ss, the lands cf
A. Hall, ana Mrs. Bynum anil others, levied on as the prot>-
erty of John Megahee. to satisfya fl. fa.. Issued from the Su.
penor (yourt of Columbia County, in favor of William Schley
vs. Samuel M. Jackson, principal, and John Megahee, securi
tv. Property pointed out by John Megahee
i eS3 JOHN E. LARKIN. I>. Sheriff.
• A l-I. persons indebted to the estate of Benjamin Blanchard
XV late of Columbia county, Ga.. deceased, will please
make immediate payment: and those holding claims against
said estate, will present them, duly authenticated according
t(l MW - ELISHA McUORD, Adnffir.
A LLnersons indebted to the estate of John W. Drane, late
XA .if ( .Hnnbia county, Ga., dec’d, will please come forward
and make immediate payment -. and those holding claims
against said estate will please present them,duly a uthc mi
cated according to law. A. J. SANbERS,
. ~ , NOTICE.
A *fV Pef 3 ?n indebted to the eetatc of Beniamin Berry
* a l® < /'lumbia County, Ga., d(*ceaned. are requested to
make immediate payment; and those having demands
against said estate, will present them, dull aurhei* Icated ae
cordmg to law. WILLIAM M. THOMAS > „ ,
ii EMILY f . BERRY, Executrix,
f t LOKLI COLUMBIA COI’NTY.-Twhereas. James
VT L Griffin, Guartllaa of Felix T. Griffin, applies tome
for Letlcr? Dismissory from said Guardia- ship
-1 hese aie. therefore, to cite and admonish all and singula*
the kuiilred and creditors of sai l minor, to be and antasr at
“roflke. within the time prescribed by law. and show cause!
ll an\ they have, why said Letters should not be granted
under my hand aud seal, at office in Appitug lbi
■tOUuiay of June. 1860. JaMES P. BURNSIDE,
—Hr- * ordinary.
f IKOIHHA, COLUMBIA COUNTY.— Wuerua- tosiali
IT St ova! 1 , Guari ian of N. M. Rob rs, applies mfm
letters Dismissory from said Guardianship!. * v
* “ e !t Dd-p'ort, to surom n ami admonish, all and sin
gular, the kindred and creditors, ofsaid a- ceasen, to he and an
pear at my office, within the time prescribed bv’law ,o show
ca ‘se, if any they have, why said letters should not be grant-
June! e ?9Sj dermr han<l at A JT>ltc, this 21st day of
> 23 JAMES P BU Ha SIDE, Ordinary.
nEmihM’UOWMIIUUOUNTY.-Whereas. William
Vte of rl* hV‘d GWm ‘“a A Administrators on the
Bln, deceased, apply to m- for Letters
Disnr.sbory ir*m said estate—
Theseare, therefore, tociteaml aomonlsh, all a” and singular
.i mvoffl 4 a "d creditor? of sab: d-ee .sed. to be and appear
9? A Within the time prescribed bylaw, and snow
granted 3nJ tiav ’ e ” wll >’ sa id Letters should uol be
Given under my hand, atofflee In Appling, this 3d day of
??.._ Ordinary.
X t I.,!!{(. I,COLT. MHI A f'OUNTY —Whereas, I.eon
, “lariban u Virginia E Beutlv, (O rmerlv
.rglnht L. Paschal), applies to me for Letters Dismissory
fr-un saidGuardianshlp--
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, a. md ongular
the kindred and friends ot said per oi„ ui ia ,t and appear ai mv
J2£ hL the U ?‘ e hepscri-ed by lav, „and show cause
if icy they have, whysaid letter* should ~,.t |. e *raT ted
M°, lV^,ro U<1 * r ra> hand, at office in Appling ibis eih a..- ot
tmiG-.i- • Ber.y apptms tome tor Letters of Guardian
ship on Beniamin P. Berry, (minor)—
, i Tl !. e :! t .’ lre i ttie r?. f ? rt - ’° cl tv admonish all anc singular
m** r* l: ***** friemls or s&lfi iniuor. to be nno ai'r>t’!Ar at mv
myofflee within the time preecribed bv iuw, to show
anv they have, wiiy said letters should not he granted
Olvpt! ’]■ der my hand, at oi cc it. Appling, this Bth day of
M y- ‘'• James p. buknside,
- m Tir Orttlna y.
\ k ana J. H. Rowland Adndnisrrators , f James Rowland
late 01 said county .teceased, apply to me for Letters Dis
missory from said estate—
These are.therefore, to cite and admonish, all and -ingnla
the Kindred and creditors of tab] deceased, to be and appear
al myofflee. within the. time prescribed hy law, and show any” they have, whysaid lettersshould not he granted
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this t4thdavot
April, 1860. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
frPri* Ordinary.
\ * <lariha A. Benton apjdiestome for Letters ot G'lardiat -
ship on the tersons arm property of Julia Bei ten and Tallu
lah Benton, minor heirs of Nelson M. Benton, late of said
county, deceased—
These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all and
singular, th 6 Kindred add fricudj of said minors, to >e audap
pearatmyoffl :e, within the time prescribed ny law. and shov,
cause, tt any ti.ey have, why said Letters should not he
Given under my baud, at office in Appling, tliU lith day of
April, 1860. JAME- P. BURNSIDE.
a P r i” Ordinary.
\T Crawford. Administrator of John A. Staples, deceased
applic, to me for Letters I) smissory from said estate—
Theseare, therefore, tocite arm admonish, all and singular,
the kindred andcreditorsof said deceased, to be and aopearat
my office, within thetime rresori bed bylaw, and show cause,!!
any they have, why said letters should'not be granted.
Given under my hand, atofflee in Appling. Ibis loth dayo
April, 1860. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
a hrlß _____ Ordinary.
/.1 F.OiU;i \, COLL - V 151A Cos UN IY. h.-reas. TJephas
\ I P. Knox, Guardian for Georgians Knox, Mary Ann
Knox, and Amanda M. Knox, applies to me for Letters Dls
missory from said Guardianship—
Theseare, therefore, to cite and admonisball and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said minors, to be and appear at
niy office witt in the time prescribed bylaw and show cause It
any they have, why said Lettersshould not hepranted
Oiv-n under my hand, at office in Appling, tills 24th day ot
March, 1860. JAMES l*. BURNSIDE,
ni:ir4 • Ordinary",
JIEOiUiIA. COLUMBIA < ri\!Y. Whereas Wei
\ T ley C. Werrell, Adin.nlstiat, r dr- >.on'snon, with the will
annexed, on the esiaU of Thomas H. * bite, (lect-ased, applies
to ine for Letters Dismissory from said estate-
Thesearc, therefore, toclte and admonish allaad singular,
the kindred and creditors of salu deceased, to be and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed bylaw, and show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not he granted
Given under my hand, at office in Anpllng. this 24 h day ot
M ,reh, 1860. oAMESP. BURNSIDE.
™ar27 _ Ordinary.
\T C. Werrell, Administrator on the est of Alvin H.
White, deceased, applies to me for Letters Dismissory from
said estate—
These are,therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear
at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cau-e
if any they have, why said i.etters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 24th day
of M arch. MI6O. JA M E.S P II V KNS ID E,
mar27 Ordinary.
VY James N. Hamilton, Administrator on the estate of
Thomas N. Hamilton, deceased, applies to me for Letters
Dismissory from said estate—
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular
the kindred, and creditors of said dc eased, to be and a;
pear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show
cause, 1 f an v they have, why said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office In 4piling, this 21st day of
February. 1860. JAM E.S P. BU KNSXDE,
febifi Ordinary.
f 1 KOHGI \ <OLUM til A COUNTY Whereas, Leonard
’ < G. Steed applies to me for letter dismissory from th -
guardlansh p of John T. Wright—
These are. therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular,
the kindred and Mendsof said minor, to be and appear at
my office, within the time proscribed bv law, and show cause,
if anythey have, wiry said letters should not he granted.
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, this id day ol
Kc roary, 1861. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
| febß __ Ordinary.
(21 EORGI V,COLUMBIA COUNTY.—Whereas.,l - -(j).
M H. Stockton applies to me for letters diemissory from
the guardianship of Joseph Bcli—
These are, therefore! to cite and admonish, all and
singular, the kindred and friends of said minor, to he and
appear at my office, within the time prescrified by law, and
allow cause. If anythey have, whysald Letterr should not he
Given under my hand, at office in Appling, thin 5d day of
February, 1360. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
febd _ Ordinary.
\T H. Oliett applies to ine for letters dismissory from th>-
executorship of \\ illiatn Cliett. deceased—
These are, therefore, toclte and admonish, aliar.d singular
thrkindreriand creriltorsof said deceased, to be and appear at
in y office, within the time prescribed bv law. and show cause,
H anythey have, way said letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office In Appling, this 2d day of
February, 18*0. JAMES P. BURNSIDE,
II AYS afterdate application will be madetothe
i H Court (•fO-dm try of Columbia county. Ga , for leave to
I sell the re al estate ui Ber Jamln Blanchard, late of said county
deceased. Jylß E. Mecoßlt, Adm’r.
SIXTY n\Y h after date, application will be lua-’e to the
Court ot Ordiuarv of CniurnMa purity. Ga., for leave to
] sell one lot of Land, No. LV2. in Dcratur county, Ga., beloi g
! ing to the estate of John B. Brown rie ea-td.
i Jyl4 PRISCILLA BROWN, Admlnlstrmtru.
* C*IXTY I> \YH afteT date application wii. t*e madetothe
| kl Honorable, the CVurt of Ordinary or < ©!umb a county,
Ga , for leave to i e!l all tfc j Lands bv'nxuU gto the estate of
WUlianyThomas, Ivingic <yuntv.
iyl2 * NAN Y THOMAS, Excottri*.
DAY * applicntb n wii be msde to the
Honorable, the ('ourt of Orel-; ary of CohityMa countv,
Ga., for leave to sell the intirest In three Neern Slave#, be
longing to the estate ot Joehua and Haidee Bridges, min re.
iyS JaMES U. GREEN Guardian.
QIXT\ DA\B alter date, application wiil be ruaoetothe
n Court of Oral nary of Columbi. county, leave to s*.l
i six hundred acres of lan t more or lef-a, belontdng to rL- estate
: ?/ P- Marahail,. ec*iL adiotnln* Ui ds tDr Jas. h. Ham
i ilton, ]N. Crawford, J, Wiliingbaru acu others,
j J. G. MARSH\LL, Executor.
<I.XTY !) \YK after date,applicatior wii; btr made
Honora.-.e, the Court of Ordinary *f Columbia county, for
j * r eave to sell toe and Negroes belongtu* to the esta*e of
j Leonard B. Smith, deceased. H. GLIKIT.
i m vl6 Admit.!s*rat >r, with will anrT led.
CIXTY day-a ter date, anplication will t.e made to the
Court of Ordinary of Columbia County, for leave to neb
| the rice estate of Bent. Blanchard, dec’d. late of -a and countv.
; McCORD Adm'r.
Tennessee State Fair,
SEPTEMBER 10. 1860.
IJiIAE Hunc-ed Dollar, each la offered h r the i*t HtcoU
Stallion. Har-.c.s Stal ion Durham Bull, and Jack, be
j side* a large Premium on Fat C trie, ar and all other domestic
j animals, and manufactured and domeatlc rtlcles. Competi
tion la invited from the world No clrv f t e Is charge,!.
Programmes may ■> had. free, on application to L. P. Wll
llama, Nashville. THOS. B. JOHNSON.
cA* Tr -aaurer Tennessee State Fair,