The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, August 21, 1875, Image 4

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JOHS H. SISALS, - Editor and Proprietor. MRS. MARA K. BRA AX (*) Axxociate Editor. ATLANTA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1875. The money must accompany all orders for this paper, and it will be discontinued at the expiration of thejtime, unless renewed. OUR WEEKLY ISSUES! OXLY 4 MORE XUM11ERS! 100,000 New Subscribers for October. After two more issues, The Sunny South will visit its thousands of friends every meek. Tell it to your leiglibors and send us their names. Specimen copies will be sent free to any ad dress. We are bound to have the names of all good Southern men and women on our books; so send them along. Don’t wait for agents; make up clubs. The paper is now the pride and boast of the Southern people. It has grown steadily in favor and public confidence, till now it is generally called “our paper.” Every one seems to feel a special and personal interest in it. Its suc cess has long since ceased to be a question. A Just Admission.—A long, illustrated article on carictures of women, in Harper's Monthly for August, closes with the following just recogni tion of the fact that woman's inferiority in busi ness careers and unwonted fields of employment is due to previous condition rather than a natu ral want of capacity, and will be fully remedied by a different education and training: “Equal rights, equal education, equal chances for independent careers—when women have en joyed these for so much as a single century in any country, the foibles at which men have laughed for so many ages will probably no longer be remarked, for they are either the follies of ignorance or the vices resulting from a previous condition of servitude. Nor will men of right feeling ever regard women with the cold, critical eye of a Chesterfield or a Rouchefoucauld, but rather with something of the exalted sentiment which caused old Homer, whenever he had oc casion to speak of a mother, to prefix an adject ive usually applicable to goddesses and queens, which we can translate best, perhaps, by our English word ‘august.’” Tile Riclimoiifl Office of Tile Sunny South is at No. 3 South Twelfth street. R. G. Agee, Esq., a most reliable and courteous gentleman, is in full charge and duly authorized to transac* any business connected with the paper. Callie Carson’s Lovers.”—This thrilling story is continued on the third page. Gustave Dore.—Dore, the world-famous artist, whose brush and pencil have realized for him a magnificent fortune, lives very simply in a re tired street of Paris, with a studio of one story occupied entirely as his artistic workshop, but furnished with a plainness in striking contrast with the Pompeian magnificence displayed in the London residence of his rival, Alma Tadema. Visitors find him busy with his pencil or absorbed in creative reverie—wearing, instead of the or thodox artist robe of black velvet and tasseled cap, a closely buttoned-up blue coat, with his long locks disheveled and a chronic appearance of dust and carelessness. When a friend remon strated with him upon this, and declared that he looked as though he lived on paint and it had mildewed on his exterior, he replied: “Ah! when I am at my work, I am a mason.” Though an elegant man of the world, he is singularly un pretending and even child-like in his inter course with his friends. Letter from New York.—While making tip our last form, we received a most excellent let ter from our regular correspondent, which must await our next issue. “Reflections in tlie Shade.”—CoL H. D. C., well known in Georgia for his culture and fine attainments, is writing a series of excellent arti cles under this caption. Peasant Poets of Scotland.—We publish the third beautiful sketch of the Scoth poets, writ ten by our highly-esteemed and most charming contributor, “ Picciola,” of Mobile. Washington Monument.—We publish an in teresting article in this issue, giving an account of the efforts of the ladies of Washington City to complete the long-neglected Washington Monument. “A Plea for the Birds.”—We invite special attention to the excellent and timely article on this subject. Robin Redbreast must not stop till the needed legislation is had. Let us enlist everybody in its favor. Putting Girls in the Stores.—Colonel David E. Butler, so well and favorably known in Geor gia for his splendid off-hand humor and practi cal good sense, overpowered the recent large Agricultural Convention, at Dalton, with a sud den burst of eloquence on education, and among other things, he is reported to have made the follov ing sensible and happy hit. In speaking of the education of our girls, he said: “North Carolina is ahead of us in this respect. While our State is educating boys, I want the denominational colleges to pursue this noble work as well as the other. In fact, I want to see everybody educated. I want to see the negro educated—and let him pay for it himself. (Laughter and applause.) I want the boys made into sturdy, honest farmers to a great extent. I want to go into the stores and counting-houses of the cities and take every nice young man who raises a bed of down on his tipper lip (laughter), and parts his hair in the middle (laughter), and perfumes his pocket handkerchief with the es sence of roses (laughter), and sports his little cane and tenderly buttons on his white hands his soft kid gloves (laughter), and makes his boots so bright that a poodle dog can see himself in them (bursts of laughter and applause), and turn him out from behind the counter or from keeping books, and send him to work like a man in field or factory, and put our educated girls in his place.” (Loud applause.) A Great Modem Drama.—We want a great modern drama. Shakspeare still occupies the highest place on the histrionic throne, notwith standing some recent flippant efforts to decry his genius; but since Shakspeare’s day, there have been new outgrowths of feeling, intellect and passion. We want a drama that will em body the spirit-of the age—the intense, thought ful, earnest, varied life of the present. Mr. Tennyson's new drama, beautiful as it is, fails to do this. Among all the dramatic writers since Shakspeare, the one who possesses the ele ments of modern success in the highest degree is Goethe. His “Goetz of the Iron Hand,” as translated by Walter Scott, has the fire, the ra pidity of action, and above all. the terseness and condensation that recommend it to to modem tastes. The translation is in prose form also— the only form suitable for stage rendition. The blank verse style is a relic of the past, and should have disappeared with the powder and patches, the exaggerated rouge blotch and affected stage walk of a bygone era. The rules of blank verse (rhythm and measure) are set at naught in nearly all the so-called dramas and dramatiza tions of fifth-rate novels that afflict us to-day; but if these rules are strictly conformed to. it is held highly incorrect to preserve the rhymth of the verse in reading it. and still more in speak ing it upon the stage. To be rendered perfectly, care must be taken to read or speak the blank verse as though it were prose. Why, then, should a play intended to be spoken, be written in verse? Why hamper the terse force of expres sion ? Why cramp the freedom of dialogue, which must often be broken and irregular, as befits language of passion ? We have materials for a great national drama in that succession of tragic events which shook our land to its foundation and struck the nations of the world with awe—the assassination of Lin- 1 coin, the death of Booth, the execution of Mrs. Surrat, and the downfall of the Southern cause. A mass of grand material! But to arrange and marshal it in order, to comprehend and recall the spirit that produced it, and to throw over the whole the light of ideal beauty and imagina tion, will require the highest order of genius. No inferior hand should touch the theme. scion of nobility, to the effect that he was a vig orous kicker, and that his physiognomy, the tnouth especially, bore an astonishing resem blance to that of his distinguished grandpapa. We venture to express a hope that this resem bling member will not follow the ancestral ex ample by never unclosing except in the capacity of a cigar-holder, a dog-whistler, or a receptacle of the strong waters that steal men's brains— when they happen to have any to steal. , BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. Inebriate Asylum.—The special attention of our legislators, and of all the people, is invited to the able and exhaustive report of the commit tee aj/pointed to memorialize the Legislature upon the establishment of an inebriate asylum in this State. A Clever Postmaster.—Our papers for Lafay ette, Georgia, were sent from this office to Lafay ette, Alabama, through mistake, and the post master there in a kind note informed us of the fact, and proposed to send them to their proper destination, if we would notify him where it was. Surely, such a postmaster is an honor to the department, and we return him, thus pub licly, our warmest thanks. “Honor Thy Father,” etc.—A certain mer chant not a thousand miles away, who pays taxes on a hundred and fifty thousand dollars and . , , , i u e , , , ,, , , i so patiently and delicately perform the nameless has an old father starving on a back alley, took ■ , .. ,, , . ... . „ .... * littln oltnntiATio tliot an ltirnlid vnAnirno 9 W It a Where Her Best Charm Lies. — Woman’s loveliest mission is the briglitener of existence— the mission of the star to smile behind every cloud. Her presence ought always to carry with it moral perfume and beauty,—the fragrance of gentle deeds, of kind words fitly spoken to stricken or despairing hearts, pleasant smiles, and the indefinable, elevating charm of purity and refinement. Nor must this brightening and cheering influ ence be a holiday charm—worn for the outside world, but laid away as too costly for home use. It is at home it is most needed,—to dispel the clouds of care, to gild commonplace realities, to make the nourishing sunshine under which children’s minds expand into healthy life. It is needed as a crown to prosperity, but yet more as a consolation in the dark days of poverty and despondency. It is needed beside the sick bed, when the hand of disease makes the strong man as a helpless child, and throws him upon the care and tenderness of woman. Who beside can a survey of his stock lately, and pointing to a barrel of sour flour,” said to his under-clerk: “John, did you try to get that flour off at the book-binder’s?” “l’es, sir; but they wouldn’t take it. Said paste made outen it wouldn’t stick. ” “Did you try the caterpillar pizen agent?” “Yes, sir; it was no go there.” “Well,” (plaintively, after a pause) t “you can get the hand-cart and take it round to the old man. The Bible says we must honor our parents.” t little attentions that an invalid requires ? Who can be so unwearied under the thankless fret- fulness ? Who can so cheerily hasten convales cence by her encouraging words and hopeful smiles? Watering-Place Toilettes.—We had lately a glimpse of some costumes just from the hands of a fashionable modiste, and meant for ladies about to try a flitting to Saratoga Springs. The first dress displayed was a summer silk The Midnight Sun.—With no disposition to emulate Sir John. Franklin, one can get near enough to the North Pole to witness some of its remarkable aspects without discomfort. But the | feat had better not be attempted before the mid dle of June, and then Tromzo, in Norway, is suffi ciently high latitude to behold the phenomena of the midnight sun. Many American tourists visit Tromzo for this purpose. The sun does not set there from May 20 until July 22. A recent traveler gives this description of its ap pearance: “On the night of July 1, we had our first view of the midnight sun. It lasted only twenty min utes, when an island mountain shut out the view. But just then we got a sight of one of the most wonderful displays of color which the most experienced among us ever saw. Ahead of us, ten miles or so, were several lofty islands. Around these the midnight sun cast a wreath of the most delicate hue of purple—a shade which no painter could match, and so unearthly, so glorious was the sight, that for some juinutes we all stood in mute admiration. “We had cloudy weather the next day, but the third day opened perfectly clear and re mained so through into the next day. We were all on deck watching for midnight, and as soon as the minute-hand of the clock began to move I into the first hour of the fourth of July, sun glasses were brought out, and the power of the sun’s heat at midnight tested. One man burned a hole in the top of his hat, another lit his pipe; others burned holes in the dresses of those ladies who insisted on having some fairy memorial of the occasion. It was a wonderful thing to see the sun at midnight shining in all the splendor of midday. His distance above the horizon was about three or four times his own diameter. For 1 a couple of hours he did not seem to change his position relative to the horizon, but appeared to move, if at all, horizontally. “The birds fly about, and the cattle feed at midnight as in midday. We see people walk ! about the streets of Tromzo at one and two o’clock in the morning, and even little children j run about at midnight.” Early Kings of Norway. Portraits of John Knox. By Thomas Carlyle. Harper A Brothers, Publishers. Naturally, one would not look for any very co pious or interesting historical records among a people living in such a bleak corner of the globe, walking about in fleece and furs all the year round, and feeding on fish and bear’s fat instead of roast beef and French rolls. The re verse is, however, the faet. The Icelanders, in their long winter, had a “great habit of writing,” and being “ excellent in penmanship.” em ployed themselves with transcribing upon their peculiar parchment, numerous Sagas (literally “Says”) or narratives of their nation and gov ernment. In these records, they show themselves “laudably observant and desirous of accuracy”— a conscientiousness which our modern history writers would do well to emulate. From these “Sagas,” as collected and adjusted by Sturleson, in his “Norse Kings,” and by the learned Dahlmann. Carlyle, has drawn the ma terials for his sketches of the early kings of Nor way. He welds these materials together in his usual forcible and massive way, seizing salient incidents and striking characteristics to paint the wild, bold life of those times, putting fire and vigor into dead details, and giving in flashes i of vivid delineation, rapid, picturesque outlines of those old Titans, the earlier Norse kings, who with the tragedies, crimes and heroisms of their reigu, loom up cloudily upon the remote horizon of history. These sketches occupy two-thirds of the neat i volume before us: the remaining pages are de voted to critical comments upon the various portraits of John Knox (the portraits themselves 1 being reproduced), with shrewd, suggestive re marks upon the character and conduct of the great religious reformer. Livingstone's Last Journals. Harper & Brothers, Pub lishers. The many admirers of the great explorer and philanthropist will find a peculiar interest in this publication of his last journals, and of the full account of his illness and death as given by j his two faithful attendants. Aside from this, the book has a geographical value and a narra tive and descriptive interest that will commend it to. general readers. It is handsomely bound and embellished with a portrait of Dr. Living stone as a frontispiece, and with graphic illus- ; trations of his experiences with the wild beasts and wilder natives of Africa. The Odd Trump. E. J. Hale & Sons, Publishers. A very agreeable, wholesome story, and one which proves that the author has succeeded in his design of giving to the public a novel that will interest and charm without having inwoven in its texture any assault, either open or insidi ous, upon morals or theology. Our Mutual Friend. This beautifully bound and profusely illustra ted volume belongs to the new household edition of Dickens’ ever popular works, which is now being brought out by Harper & Brothers. The Fatal Marriage—A Drama. By Gen. Garlington. The plot of this drama is partly taken from | one of La Sage’s stories in Gil Bias. It is admi rably carried out in the dramatization; the scenes are strking and effective in a stage point of view, and the language chaste and forcible. We hope to see it brought out by some enterprising manager during the coming dramatic season. „ [For The Sunny South WOMAN’S WORK. A woman toiled in the quiet, patient way which best befits a woman. Neither great nor strong was she if measured by the thought of those unreasoning ones with whom she brushed on life’s crowded way. “A sweet, quiet body— commotiplace," if phrased in the world’s poor lan guage. This they said and thought—nothing more, nothing wider, higher, nobler; -— that world so wise in its own conceits, yet so blind. The angels looked down, and their spirit vision pierced beyond the calm of this outer life; they saw that to which, mayhap, we all are blind,—the glory of the commonplace lives around us—the glory of the seraphs who wait the call to heaven. The woman toiled on silently—no token given that her life was other than it seemed to the careless eye,—a quiet, effortless performance of duties, a thornless pathway, pleasant to the feet, comforting to the heart. No word passed her lips of struggles, sacrifices, weariness. Behind the woman’s life hung a long, viewless drapery, shielding from the curious eye—in deed, from sight of those who loved her best— another life of which they did not dream. In the dim recess within tiie vail, she spent the broken bits of days her many duties lett her. working, working, earnestly, doubtingly. A snowy image Was growing neatli her stroke; chisel and mallet touched it here, there, and she stood aside to view the form. More work still. And so day by day, year by year, the work went on. Now she thought it complete, now found it faulty, and so kept clipping, here a little, there a little, until it grew, in fact, a very mar vel of loveliness to her: still it did injustice to the model in her heart after which she worked. But the angels looked down and were satisfied. A very beautiful day dawned, and God’s glo rious sunshine flooded all the world. The woman still toiled, a little weary in the heat of day, but still willing to labor till the cool of evening came and time of rest. But the angels saw the tired face, and glancing through the vail, smiled upon the spirit-image, pure and perfect in its snowy whiteness. The work was done. The weary woman folded her hands in slumber and was happy. The poor, tired body lay down in the cool, sweet earth, forever at rest. The soul—that beautiful spirit-image— passed beyond the vail with the angels. The woman’s work was deemed meet for heaven. PERSONALS. Col. Sam Weil. American Mock Royalty.—American snoboc- racy toils panting after European aristocracy upon every possible occasion. There is an in creasing propensity to bend the knee of courtier- like truckling to wealth and adventitious place— a servile fawning very different from the whole some, hearty reverence for talent or well-earned position which is compatible with the repub lican spirit. An instance of this was afforded People who do not know Sam Weil ought to. He has been in Georgia so long that he is really one of us. When he first came to America he peddled. In Alabama he made the acquaint ance of a man who affected the most intense piety. He was constantly relating how bad a man he had been, to show effectually his present piety, and to what lengths the grace of God will go for a sinner. Among other things, he said that his father was a tanner, and as dog skins made good leather for some purposes, he made a secret trap-door over one of the vats filled with tan ooze, on which he kept a tempting piece of meat. Every dog which visited the tannery, from hunger or curiosity, would nose the meat and at the same instant sink into the vat. The door would readjust itself, and the dog was dead. Mgr. Nardi, of Rome, recently lectured on “Europeans in America before Columbus.” Wendell Phillips’ oration at Boston on the sixth was pronounced the greatest effort of his life. General James Shields has removed to Kan sas City, Missouri, where he has opened a law office. Wales will go on a tiger hunt in India. It will not be the first time for him to “ buck the tiger. ” Hon. Daniel Dougherty, “the silver-tongued,” it is believed will be the orator of the Centennial celebration. John E. Owens recently offered $00,000 for the Augusta Opera House, but it was refused by the owner. Charles Francis Adams will deliver an address before the Northern Wisconsin fair at Oshkosh, September 28. Mrs. General Breckenridge will give up her residence in Lexington, Ky., next fall, and re move to Arkansas. The famous Danish author, known principally through his stories for children, Hans Christian Anderson, is dead. A $2,500 monument is to be erected over the grave of William Gilmore Simms, the novelist, in Charleston, S. C. Mrs. Nancy Kelsey, the first woman who crossed the plains to California, is now living at Lompoc, California. James Gilfillen, the present cashier of* the Treasury, has been appointed chief clerk of the Treasury Department. Hon. Fernando Wood will attend the next Georgia State Fair. General Hawley also, of the Centennial Association. H. T. Helmbold, the once well-advertised drug gist of New York, has just arrived in Boston after an absence of three and a half years. Ex-Senator Charles Toby, a well-known South Carolina planter, died recently from injuries re ceived by being thrown from a horse. General Alexander Hamilton, son of the dis tinguished Revolutionary patriot and statesman of the same name, died in New York last week. Tennessee has given her country three Presi dents—Jackson, Polk and Johnson—and it is queerer still that they were all born in Carolina. Charles O’Connor, of New York, acknowledges the compliment of the doctorate of laws con ferred upon him by Washington and Lee Uni versity. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston has declined the po sition of President of the Arkansas Agricultural College, recently tendered him by Governor Garland. One thousand American travelers in Germany alone held letters of credit on Duncan, Sherman & Co. when they failed. Many of them were left destitute. Atlanta Newspaper Enterprise.—No South ern city, large or small, can boast of more vim in all departments, and especially in the pub lishing line, than Atlanta. The untiring energy displayed by the two large and excellent morn ing dailies is really astonishing, and in addition to their morning issues, both send out evening editions. The Herald has recently started an excellent and cheap evening paper, and most laudably seeks thereby to utilize in this city the unappreciated pennies or copper cents which Southerners have never learned to value. And now comes into this evening arena a new, bright and shining candidate, with visor up and sparkling costume, bearing the broad and com prehensive title of Xational American. It is in the hands of able and experienced journalists, and we earnestly wish it success. Hanleiter, Peterson & Perdue understand the business, and deserve the richest success. The Homemard Star.—This is the title of an other paper published in this city, and we are heartily pleased to chronicle its decided success. It has reached the tenth month of its existence, and is steadily growing in interest and popular ity. Colonel G. W. Hinkle, its genial editor and proprietor, is an untiring worker worthy of the success he has achieved. His paper is largely devoted to the interests of Texas. We heartily wish all our confreres here and ^elsewhere abundant prosperity. of white and black check, made with a basque mation as to the weight of this scion of the royal , ,, , . - .., T , , , „ rro. . . i ---- - , » . , . - ,, Mr. W. W. Lumpkin has been elected to the by the advent of “Nellie s baby. The Amen- It chanced that this good man, under rather un- chair of English literature in the University of /.or, ronckn. fairlr /rir + zti/t Limcolf* it, /iroirim, faVOTable cirCUIUStHnCeS to lliS reputation, be- O.nor/.a D, .1 1- / i o, ■ /• came the debtor of a neighbor. Sam heard of it, talked the matter over with his friend and ad vised him to settle it at once. He refused. The Colonel's only reply was: “My opinion is, you would sink a dog yet 1” Arnot. can rooster fairly outdid himself in crowin over this “event;” the telegraph flashed the news over the American continent and the cable carrie 1 it across the Atlantic, with exact infor- long and slightly pointed in front, and a skirt (there was no overskirt) composed of length wise puffs in front, ending in a number of nar row ruffles, while behind the back breadths were caught up in two large poufs, and the bottom of the skirt was finished by a flounce. Between the pufl's, in front, was a trimming of black thread lace, and the puffed sleeves were trim med with the same. Next came a suit of black grenadine, which tree. The Jenkinses of the press interviewed the remarkable phenomenon, and furnished an anxious public with an inventory of its charms, its wardrobe, and the numerous presents it had received. We were assured that it was a subject of universal regret that the august infant had not been “born in the purple,”—that is, within the walls of that “temple of liberty” which the ignorant masses persist in styling “a den of thieves,” and where the baby’s potential ances- Georgia. He is a son of the late eminent Chief Justice Lumpkin. A Berlin letter writer states that Bismarck’s two sons, Count Herbert and Count John, are exceedingly vicious, and give the Prince (their ! father) unceasing anxiety. The news of ex-Governor Graham’s death, at Saratoga, caused a general gloom at Raleigh, Little Ben is our five-year old, and like most I North Carolina. The flag on the capitol was Bennie’s Solution of a Meteor. continues to “hold its own” as the most lady- tor smokes the cigar of “peace” over the coun like and serviceable of summer costumes. This one was mounted with folds (not pleatings) of black silk, and had bows and sashes of the same. At the neck and sleeves there was a pleating of crepe lisse. Another charming costume was a combination of pale pink and blue faille, with crepe de chine of the same shade. This crepe de chine was used more as a trimming than as a part of the dress, and was bordered with soft, mossy, crimped fringe. There was no tablier or overskirt, but the skirt of one was crossed diagonally with scarf-like folds of crepe, finished on the lower edge with fringe and forming drapery at the back, which was ornamented with lovely varie gated roses. There were tinted clocked stockings and fancy shoes to correspond with the dresses; a parasol of black silk lined with white, and with a pearl- inlaid, ebony handle; a chip hat with a trim ming of black silk, black lace, and bright flow ers—a wreath inside the brim and one upon the outside. * oils of the nation.” Even Olive Logan feels called upon to get into a flutter at the announcement of this royal birth, and tells us that the ladies of her boarding-house cried out with one accord: “Oh! I wonder if she would let us kiss it, if we should call upon her and ask her?” And thereupon Olive goes oft’ into what is meant as a pertinent anecdote about her once meeting the nurse of the royal British babies, and having the woman confess to her that, though she was forbidden to kiss the infant, she often took stolen opportunities to vent her fondness upon its feet And then, Olive solemnly declares that she does not believe Nellie would be offended at any one performing this labiary operation upon the toes of the august infant whose blood has flowed from the royal reservoir (or tan vat) of Grant. Snobocracy also fed our loyal interest upon other crumbs of information regarding the young i of the “wonder eyes,” ever so fond of hunting up the stars. One night when we were on the piazza star-gazing, a brilliant meteor flashed suddenly across the sky, so bewildering poor Ben that the perpetual little tongue could only whisper: “ What is it, Katie?” “A meteor,” forgetting, in my delight at the miraculous beauty, that Bennie was not a whit the wiser. “A what?” creeping closer. “A telegram—a message sent from star to star. “ at half mast in honor of his memory. Jenkins avers that Mrs. Secretary Fish has “large, serious eyes, where smiles mean some thing when they climb from her lips to sun themselves there.” That is just what Mrs Cata- cazy thought. Mrs. Oglesby, the wife of the Illinois Senator, is so lovely that a correspondent is puzzled to tell whether her beauty is in the large, dark eyes, with their soft lustre, or the pretty mouth that is always smiling. Lotta, the actress, is small, pretty, has $300,- “ Oh, no !” shaking his head; “I can’t see any i 000 in her own name, and can earn her $250 per poles, and it came almost down to me. Before I could think of any other reply, he added, brightening all over: “I know—I know. Some great big angel stumped his toe and knocked a piece of the wee- wee star off.” We offer Bennie’s solution to the careful con sideration of the savans. K. C. W. The Atlanta Benevolent Home. The Home Committee of the Atlanta Benevo lent Home, at the Tremont House, on Marietta street, in view of the many applicants for relief who claim that they cannot find work, have de cided to make the Home a medium of communi cation between parties desiring situations in service and those wishing to procure white ser vants as nurses, cooks, seamstresses, etc. La dies who would like to secure such, can apply to the committee at their regular meeting at the Home on any Wednesday at five o’clock. night on the stage; yet that mother of hers kinder takes a fellow’s breath away when she puts on her bonnet and shawl and says: “Oh ! yes, we will be delighted to take a ride.” The Galveston Xevos says that Antoine, the negro Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana, was recently in that city with L. G. Smith, a white friend. They took passage in a steamer, but wh< n Smith found that they had been assigned to the same state-room, he raised a row with the ticket agent. J. B. Ford & Co., of New York, charge their ruin to Beecher. They say he was paid 810,000 cash by them when he signed the contract to write the “Life of Christ,” and that they then invested nearly $100,000 in engravings and other preparations for a very large issue. Beecher procrastinated, and, after a delay of over six years, the work is not yet finished, while there is so little demand for ‘it that it is considered • useless to complete the publication. dbtinct PRINT