The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, November 27, 1875, Image 1

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VOL. I. JOHN H. SEALS, | raoPRnrroR ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY, XOV. 27. 1875. TERMS, XO. 28. [For The 8unny South.] THE SIGHT I WATCHED WITH THEE. BY GUILLERMO. I stand beneath a threatening shy, And storm-fraught clouds are trooping by. Darkening the waning day; I stand alone, and what reck I Of cloud's or wind's wild minstrelsy? My thoughts are far away. I miss the hand whose touch so soft Has stilled my restless spirit oft; « I miss the clear, calm eyes; I miss the voice whose low tones seem An echo heard in some sweet dream Of songs in Paradise. I look back on those vanished hours— As children upon stream-borne flowers, They've scattered wantonly; And fraught with deep, heart-thrilling pow’r, Comes back to me, in this lone hour. That night I watched with thee. Hast thou forgotten how we stood Amid the holy solitude Of that still, summer night— With solemn moonlight falling through The vine-leaves wet with trembling dew, And crowning thee with light ? We spoke—ah! not of hope and joy. Or passion dim with the alloy Of sorrow and despair. We built no castles fair to see,— The future was a mockery To think of save in prayer. We spoke of those grown cold in youth, Because their wealth of love and truth Must bloom and fade alone, Like garlands thrown 'mid glaciers bare, To wither in the freezing air, Where stiffening torrents mean. Then, amid tears and deepening gloom, We rolled the stone from the cold tomb Of the long-buried past, And shared in its most sacred sense An hour of purest confidence, isst. - j And self-forgetful then you sought To charm away the bitter thought That wildly came to me; Your dear band clasped mine closer yet— Your low voice bade me not forget. But bear unmurmuringly. Forget! I am forgetting all,— My withered heart—my life’s gray pall— The future that I see Stretching before me, void of light,— All save that summer moonlit night On which I watched with thee. i Colonel John Burton, and I don’t live in Ala bama, U. S. A., when I’m at home !” He resolved to do a little planning and plot ting, and in a few minutes he struck the table with his list and whispered: | “ That’s the shingle exactly ! I’ll get a French detective to follow him and trip him up and ! and turn him over to me!” He pulled the bell, and when the bov answered, said: “Tell the clerk to send out and get me a de tective !” During the half hour which elapsed before an officer appeared, the Colonel laid more plans, and chuckled a good deal as he arranged in his own mind how “his boy” was to be brought to his soberness. The detective was a keen-looking fellow, and a very polite man. ” “You wanted to see me !” he remarked, as he opened the door in obedience to the Colonel’s “come in.” “ Or I shouldn’t have sent for you,” replied Burton. “State your desire, if you please,” continued the Frenchman. “ What I wanted to see you about was this," said the Colonel. “ I’ve got a young man here— a regular square-built American—who can fight like a tiger, and who’s smart as a whip; but he’s got into bad company, and I want you to help nie^et him out.” “ How ?” asked the official. “How! Why, follow him around and see where he goes, what he does, who meets him, and what for. You can do that, can’t you ?” “Icould follow a bird,” quietly answered the detective. “ That’s a whopper, but I’ll excuse it, and also pay you well if you do your work right. Come up closer, so that I can whisper my plans. ” WALTER WRITES HIS NAME IN BLOOD DRAWN FROM HIS OWN ARM. [Written for The Sunny South.] WRITTEN IN BLOOD; OR, The Midnight Pledge. A Story of the Last Napoleon’s Iteign. CHAPTER X. Walter Travelick had a great deal of romance and tender sentiment in his nature, and beauty and admiration could lead him where compul sion would not have moved him a foot. He was stirprised and startled at Queen Imo- gene’s words of entreaty and at her earnest, lov ing look; but after a moment, surprise gave way to admiration. No woman could have been more graceful, no face more beautiful, and the bare thought that she loved him threw him off his balance. She saw what was passing in his mind, and she continued: “These men are nothing to me—nothing more than members of my band. We are banded to gether for a purpose, and we are all to labor for its accomplishment. Some of these men I do not even know by name; but all respect me, and although you find me here, you have no right to question my character.” “ These men were willing to become my mur derers,” replied Walter. “They were only prudent in desiring to save their own lives,” she answered. “No higher or nobler purpose ever actuated men, and God grant that we may accomplish it!” She spoke with such enthusiasm as showed that her whole soul was in her work, and Walter asked: “What is the purpose?” “To rid France of a tyrant and give her a republic!” she answered, rising up in her excite ment. “How?” he asked. “By striking down Napoleon the Third, and calling upon all true Frenchmen to rise, throw off the yoke, and set up and maintain a free gov ernment !” She was royally beautiful as she drew herself up before him with heightened color and flash ing eyes, and the young man's admiration in creased each moment. “My father and two of my brothers are in the council chamber there,” she continued, “and another brother is on guard outside. The Le- Clercs have never bowed to tyrants when they j could strike a blow for freedom, and they never ! will! We come from a line of famous soldiers, , Fome of whom have led armies into battle and dictated to the rulers of kingdoms, and the name may again become world-known.” “The law of France regards you as conspira tors,” said Walter. “Yes; and if captured, we would be carted to the guillotine or sentenced to New Caledonia. Therefore, we are secret and cautious; we must be so up to the very moment when we can stand on the public squares of Paris in broad day and proclaim France a free country. We are living lover a powder magazine. We may be captured ;any hour; but we shall go forward with our work until we are betrayed aud overpowered, or until it is completed. Will you join us?” Travelick had caught a portion of her enthu siasm. She was a patriot in his eyes, and he could sympathize with her purpose and hope the band success. But he had not lost his cau tion, and asked: “In case I do?” “You will meet with us.—you will work with us,—you will have my full admiration !” she an swered. “ Imogene, may I love you ?” he asked, taking her hand. She was Queen no longer. Her eyes fell—she blushed and stammered: “You are brave; 11—like you very much.” “If I join your band, I can see you often,—I shall have the right to call on you,—our love may lead to marriage?” he queried. She did not answer by word, but let her eyes reply. “ I will join!” said Walter, after struggling for a moment with the thought that he was desert ing his own country's banner and leaguing his fortune with those of conspirators and political outlaws. The president of the Red Band had failed to terrify him into becoming a brother, but Queen Imogene could lead him. “They will give you a hearty welcome,” she replied, her face wearing a look of relief and satisfaction. “Come with me.” He followed her back into the council cham- j ber. Not a man had left his place, and each face wore the same stern, determined look as when he last saw them. He stood in the center of the room with Queen Imogene, and she raised her I voice and announced: “Brothers of the Red Band, the American will join us. There is no force; he willingly enrolls his name, and will obey all orders given by your Queen.” The men rose to their feet, and in chorus ex claimed: “We welcome the new brother!” “Aye, you will find him. brave and gallant,” she replied. “He will now take the oath.” The President rose up and read from a paper a most solemn oath, binding Walter, who repeated each sentence after him, under the most terrible penalties, to become a true and faithful member of the band—to obey all orders, and to peril his life whenever it was required to advance the pur pose of the band. Should Walter prove faith less to his oath, he would subject himself to assassination; and as he repeated the words after the president, he saw that there would be no escape for him while the band hung together. If he felt like hesitating, he had only to turn his eyes to the radiant, earnest face of the strange and beautiful girl beside him to give him firm ness and deeper determination. “Brothers, he has taken the oath that all of you have repeated before him !” exclaimed the Queen, as the president finished and sat down. “Welcome! twice welcome!” repeated the men, rising again. “The pen and the lance!” whispered the Queen to the president, and he handed them to her. “Remove your coat!” she whispered to Trav elick, and he obeyed without hesitation. “There, give me your arm!” she continued, and she rolled up the shirt-sleeve until the arm was bare above the elbow. Then, taking up the lance, she whispered: “ I shall draw only a few drops of blood—just enough to dip the pen in.” She touched a vein with the point of the lance, and the blood started out and trickled down the arm. Seizing the pen, she wet it in the blood, handed it to Walter, and said: “Write your name on the list; all have done so before you!” He complied, and Queen Imogene held the paper up and exclaimed: “ See, brothers of the Red Band ! He has writ ten his name in blood,—he is a full member !” “Welcome! thrice welcome!” said the men, rising and waving their hats. Then they came forward and congratulated Travelick and shook hands with him. The faces which he had seen look so grim and murderous were now covered with smiles, and every brother seemed elated over his having become a mem ber. After 'a brief recess, the council was called to order by the Queen herself, who took the chair night and his continued absence, but he was without one, and he became confused as the Colonel pressed him for particulars. He finally . . explained that he turned into an alley, was pur- 1 week,” replied the official; and he went away to CHAPTER XH. Colonel Burton’s idea was that his young friend had fallen in with a lot of roysterers, and might be led into bad ways if he could not be made to see his conduct as others saw it. Real izing that all men like to give advice, and that few like to receive it, he had declined to push Walter to the wall, and had taken another course. If Walter found out thAt he was being watched would mend his ways at once. This was the Colonel’s theory when he sent for the detective, and he said to the official at parting: “Don’t crowd him too hard, or he’ll turn and fight, and like enough discover that I employed you. If he and I go out together, follow us; if he goes alone, follow him. Stick right by until you know all about the case.” I shall be able to tell yon at the end of a sued a long distance, and finally, when finding j make some preparations, himself safe from the assassins, had discovered : “Now, then, I’ll have that young man on his back, in spite of his smartness,” chuckled the that he was lost. “Lost! and why didn’t you take a carriage and come to the hotel when morning came?” ex claimed the Colonel. “ I—I didn’t know exactly what to do !” stam mered Walter. The Colonel looked at him earnestly for a mo ment, and then continued: “Boy ! you have been up to some strange behind the desk and said: j dfeviltry, and I know it! I thought the roughs “We will hear the report of the committee on had stabbed you in the back as we ran, and I police.” turned around and dropped three of the crowd. One of the members arose and reported that , I've had the police looking high and low for you, the existence of the Red Band had not yet come and I’ve nearly worried myself sick over your to the knowledge of the police, and that they j absence. Now, then, I want to know just where were safe to go on with their plans. you’ve been !” “It is well,” replied the Queen. | “I’d rather not tell,” answered Walter, after a ! pause. | He did not want to tell his friend a deliberate CHAPTER XI. : lie, and he had decided to leave the affair a mys- Two hours before daylight the meeting of the j tery to the Colonel’s mind. Red Band broke up, and the members left the j “Well, I’m blowed!” exclaimed Burton, sitting building by various ways until Queen Imogene down on the edge of the bed. “ I can’t say you Colonel, as he sat down for a smoke; and he never once dreamed that he had cast the shadow of the guillotine across the young man’s path. The detective was Dupont, one of Napoleon’s secret spies, and the Red Band had more feai of him than of any other five officials in Paris. He had exaggerated but little when he said that he could follow a bird. He had discovered and broken up half a dozen bands of conspirators, been the death of several political plotters, and there were men who grew pale and trembled as they found Dupont’s keen glances upon them. It was noon before Walter’s sleep was broken. He dreaded to meet the Colonel again, having a guilty conscience, and only for one thing he would not have returned at all after joining the band. He had accepted several hundred dollars as advance salary, and he could not pay it back yet, and he would not speak of his desire to ieave until he had the money in his hand. It was to come from Queen Imogene, who knew his situation, and who was to hand him the and Walter Travelick wore alone. I ran away through fear, for I’ll swear that you | money. “We will now go,” she said. “I desire your j peppered ’em good and strong. I accept your j The Colonel chatted on this subject and on escort home, that you may know where I reside, ! statement that you became confused and ran into j that after Walter joined him, and not a word was and because I have more to say to you.” ' the alley, and that they pursued; but something I spoken in regard to the immediate past. At She led the way through a dark and narrow happened to you after that—some adventure or j three o’clock that afternoon, Travelick had hall, up a short flight of steps, through several other which you v/ant to conceal. Will you tell promised to meet Queen Imogene at the base of vacant rooms, and finally opened a door front- ! me, or won’t you?” j the Column \endome, when she was to hand ing the street. Having made sure that no one' “I had rather not,” answered Travelick. j him the money and detail new plans. The young was lurking around, the two stepped out and j “Very well, my boy,” continued the Colonel, j man feared that he could offer no reasonable ex- moved softly away, meeting no one until they going over and laying his hand on Walter’s cuse for absenting himself from the hotel for an were several squares away from the building. shoulder. “You refuse to trust me, though I j hour or two, but his anxiety was suddenly re- Having become a brother, and being bound feel like a father toward you, and I haven’t slept lieved by the Colonel, who said: by a solemn oath to work with them, Walter was an hour since we parted. Very well, I repeat, j “ Well, now, it s my turn to sleep, or, if I can t free to rejoin his friend, the Colonel, but he but I’m going to get to the bottom of this devil- i do that, I’ll write a letter or two. lou may go must not leave Paris without permission. Queen try—mind that! I’m going to keep my eye on ; out for a walk, or kill time any way you can for Imogene had work for him to do. The other you after this, and if you try to run your neck a couple of hours.” members of the band were all residents of Paris, into a halter, I’m going to be on hand to cut the | Walter was thus free to keep his appointment, many of them under the ban of suspicion, while rope. Paris is a big city and a wicked one. It He stopped in the office of the hotel for a mo- the American could go anywhere unquestioned j is full of adventurers and conspirators and two- j ment before going out, and a little sharp-eyed and unwatched. legged devils, both male and female, and you man rose from his chair, lit a cigar, and passed Queen Imogene had decided in her own mind are just the right age and make-up to fall in with i down to the street behind the young man. Wal- that she would delegate him to strike the grand them and get yourself guillotined.” | ter beckoned to the driver of a carriage, the lit— blow, which should, in her enthusiastic estima- The Colonel had nearly guessed the young j tie man beckoned to another, tion, give France her liberty. The mission was man’s secret, and he spoke so bluntly that Wal- “ To the Column I endome, said waiter, as one of greatest peril, and would require nerve ter was almost alarmed. To become an active he entered the carriage. and daring beyond that possessed by any other member of the band, he must leave Burton, but ; “Keep them in sight, said the little man member of the band. * he found himself not only without a reasonable his driver; and the two vehicles rolled away During the long walk home she whispered her excuse, but under new obligations to remain. from the curbstone. ^ plans to Travelick, and though he hesitated at “ You are a brave young fellow, and full of At three o’clock, Valter stood at the east base first, he finally caught her enthusiasm, and fight and git-up-and-git,” continued the Colonel, j of the column, and in a moment or two, a lady forced himself to believe that the success of his “and I’d hate to see your head drop into a bas- j passed near him and gave him a quiet signal. It mission would earn him undying fame in the ket. Paris is full of spies and informers, as ; was Queen Imogene, but so disguised that the memory of the whole world. well as conspirators, and if the police get a hint j American would have passed her by without rec- “ You shall strike the tyrant down, and I will once, they’ll dog you to your death. I like you, j ognition. He followed her, and the little man proclaim the freedom of France!” exclaimed the and I want you to come up to-night; and as I j was there to follow him. It was Dupont, the excited girl, and Valter promised to become an said along back, I’m going to keep an eye on j spy, and there was a dangerous smile in his eyes assassin for her sake. you.” ' as he walked along. That square was no place He carefully noted her residence-place and its Nothing further was said about the affair. The for lovers to meet, and he knew that the lady surroundings, and in the gray of the morning Colonel had his theory, and he had expressed , was not of the vile class. She walked a distance he entered the hotel which he had left two even- his opinion. Valter had preserved his secret, ! of two squares, and entered a little confectionery ings before in company with the Colonel. The and he was glad enough to have the subject store. Valter followed her in, and when Dupont clerk and a few early-risers in the office recog- dropped. He had had no sleep of any account ] passed by, he could not see either of them. An nized him at once, and there was no little ex- for two nights, and he was glad enough to drop | old woman sat looking out of the window as she citement. A boy dashed up the stairs and into his old room and seek rest. waited for customers, and she was alone, aroused the Colonel before Travelick could pre.- The Colonel was puzzled—more than puzzled. “I’ve learned something new, muttered the vent, and Burton had tumbled out of bed and Vhere could Valter have gone? Vhat sort of! detective as he crossed the street. “Iheres was dressing as the young man reached his room, company had he found to detain him? Vhat more deviltry afloat, and there s where it is be- “Ha, ha !” shouted Burton, rushing forward; ' mischief had he engaged in? Burton asked him- | ing planned.” “blazes and drum-sticks! but I thought you self these questions, and then he blurted out: j He was certain that the lady, who was a stran- had been dissected before this !” j “Confound him, I say ! He’s fallen among a I ger to him, had entered the shop, and also cer- Valter had been trying to invent some reason- lot o’ scallawags, and if I don’t find out all ' tain that Valter had followed her; and he se-J able story to account for his disappearance that about ’em in less’n a week, then my name’s not | cured a position where he could watch the door. INSTINCT PkINT