The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, August 26, 1876, Image 1

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I VOL. II. JOHN H. SEALS, ! PHOPRIETOIt. ATLANTA, GA„ SATURDAY, AUGUST 2(i. 187(5. rri TT'T') A r o t $3 PER ANNUM. IJliillYlO,) IN ADVANCE. NO. 15 [For The Sunny South.j ORIGIN OF THE SPHINX. BY LILLIAN ROZEJ.L MESSENGER. In a far memorial year, long dead, lost in the dust of centuries, A king once reigned, who is never named By a lord, or land that is. In that golden realm, in the dawn-land East, where Light and Time were born, This grand old King, made for conquering, Slew men with power and scorn. He Baid to the seas, “ Yeare mine;" to the lands, “Bring forth your purple and gold." At his word, men paled, and high crowns failed; But one to him ever was cold: Ayl a stately dame, royal and famed, he sought with a new-born power. But she mock’d in scorn, this woman, born Of th’ heart of life’s passion-flower. He “would give his kingdom, love, life, all, if her smile and soul were his!" But she laughed, and went with a gay content To a summer-land of bliss. He cried, “ She iB false, and her smile is death.' nations shall leave her alone,— Her basil eyes of smiling lies, Shall be left in hideous stone 1” And he bade hiB servants her image carve,—they toiled through ages vast; And her great, blind eyes through the centuries Oaae dumb at the Future and Past. A ROUNDABOUT ROMANCE. BY S. M. A. C. CHAHTER X. THE VOICE OF THE TRUMPET. Among newspapers, the Trumpet is sui generis. 'jr Partly.' that it it Gnblished of a (Tuesday—partly, ►f\that avowedly|political, it is never partisan — * I >AB.B I* snl/^TrottflP^tos Afr.' ^ Aylett Ing“. fras a „cii:forUuiiA ii •ome /asi ie from the paper, so can afford to -make it an ex ponent of ideas and opinions without regard to the sovereign people’s acceptance of the san e. It circulates in several States, though subscribers are just numerous enough to pay running ex penses, Mr. Inge’s independence of pecuniary results allowing him to make it decidedly above the average popular level. It is somewhat a so ciety paper, too, for the editor has a large ac quaintance with the “ first -pflQple,” and is greatly in request at their 'fetes, though I am bound to say that the “Editorial Notes ” thereof, which ladies generally find “so nice,” and “just j like Mr. Inge,” are, most often the work of Mr. Stipes - a lank, lathy, yellow-haired personage, with one eye fearfully a-sqnint, and a pen of three-adjective power, who is second in com mand of the 'Trumpet—indeed, hardly second, prove me that you really bear no malice for my unlucky pre-judgment?” “How?” “Bv agreeing that henceiorth^we shall be friends.” “As you like. 1 think we are about quits now.” “That is a half-hearted assent.” “ How’ particular we are over our treaty of amity and comity!” “Voices like yours are often more expressive than the words they utter.” “How very inconvenient! As my words do not please, shall we shake hands upon our cove nant ?” “By all means.” It is certainly a curious clasping. The hands that meet have a certain generic resemblance, in the expression of latent power and educated ability to accomplish whatever may be the pur- • pose of the governing will. The woman’s is scarce whiter than the man's, and returns unre servedly the firm pressure it encounters, the play of its muscles showing that a strength of almost steel lies locked in those delicate fingers. Lyt was through all her youth the playmate of her brother, and in unstinted measure of air and sunshine, grew lithe and tough as a young ash, into a perfectness of physique rare among wo men. She has given her hand in frank friend- ; liness, without trace or affectation of shyness. Why is there such a loverly lingering in the nervous, masterful fingers that seem so loth to I loose their hold of her. It inclines her to revoke the scarce-made compact. The betrothed of her friend is, of all men, the last with whom she would choose to indulge in a summer flirtation pour passer le temps. Already more than once she has been galled by an indefinable something in his manner—a far-off dawning adoration, as it were—which it is alike impossible to repress or rebuke, without betraying Norah’s confidence. She will give him warning that he may heed if he chooses; if he does not—well! at any rate she has no fear for herself; and if he means willful trifling, it may be possible to make the design return to plague the inventor. He bends through the starlit j dusk to look into Ijer eyes, saying almostsolemn- i “ fiends for ever, I hope,”) She answered; i r She runs down to parlor for a final grand survey i« th 'ore which she turns slowly around.' “Friends always—unless you willfully de ceive me. Falsehood, duplicity, double-dealing is the thing of all others I most- hate. Give me truth in word and deed, and there are few things I cannot overlook. ” . “I accept the condition,” says the Colonel, hurt and chilled alike by words and tone, but determined not to let it be seen. “ When I so near equal,” Ella answers readily, while Mr. That gentleman bends toward Lyt." unheeding jnge, in a stage aside, “ wonders if that can be I Colonel Windsor frowning on I v other hand. Randolph McLean coming through the gate?” “Don’t be angry,” he says, ‘lean explain.’ “No, indeed; I understand. Mr. Randolph ways of the that made it more beautiful to the educated eye, especially when, as now, the dark background gives it the perfect relief of some rare cameo. The sun has dipped below the west wood, and the sky is full of flying, fantastic clouds that catch stains of deepest crimson, and gold from its low light, and pour over earth a mellow tinted radiance like that which streams across the sculptured glories of some gland cathedral. There had been partial showers to-day. The air is fresh with the scent of new rain that fell a Drove recreant to my word, you are freed from this bond.” “Yes,” from Mr. Marcy. “I ought to have , met him at the depot, but this game makes me added a few notes of his own.' forget train-time.” “How came you so wise “I hope he brought the Trumpet. I want to | Egyptians?’ see how yon reconciled and executed your va- j “l have eyes and see—but hush ! we have lost since between Mr. Inge’s business, pleasure and rious instructions,''says Lyt to Mr. Inge. _ I know not how many notabilities already, disinclination, three issues out of four maybe. “Here it is.” says Mr. Marcy, thrusting r.n-! V hat is it now?" counted the work of Stiges, who has, however, ceremonious fingers into the pocket of Ran- “Lastly, as in duty bound, we mention the enough of correct taste nnd literary discernment dolph’s duster, w’hence the paper peeps out. i s t*te of our ‘unible self—to speak a la Ileep. , mile away. In fields, the sheep and cow bells to keep the difference from being appreciable by “Sit down and listen quietly like good ehil- ; Anomalous, as itmay seem, we are serene. It is | tinkie merrily; nearer, clouds of low-flying swal- most readers. To Mr. Inge, journalism is both dren, all. It is strange what added interest in that the intensest calm may be found in J lows wheel in wide circles above the chimneys, a recreation nnd an outlet^-the .escape-valve for ' a woman’s eyes printer's ink gives to the most j center of a whirlwind, and that calm we e re they dart downward to their nests. Lyt the superabundant energies of his sanguine na- j ordinary thing that may be said of her.” | know, so equal, so varied, so opposite, are the j watches them intently, unheeding or unnoting ture. He adopted it from sheer inclination, in ; «Passing strange—especially when you con- f l hilr "L s 1 a , roun ‘ 1 ns ’ equilibrium lost by Gel. Windsor’s steady gaze. He says: spite of strict training in another profession, siderthatmen are quite above the weakness, and • e W1 ra ." a ,° a e * > v 'f s ou ‘ “We shall have a storm before morning. Cast by circumstance m a metropolitan instead . never> no never at H al] , e Luckld delightedly over j ^vitably be drawn to our destruction and > x here is thunder in the air.” of a provincial grooife, Be would inevitably have no tj C es' of ‘ Our esteemed fellow-citizen, so-and- i ®I 01 , ln ,° f r 111 ls ess * Ilae * 10i b j “S 0 j think. But don’t be alarmed; mv nurse been a man of mark since.equally by nature. s0 .. or, ■ Our distinguished townsman, Hon. I ?. f bea ? t y- Conscious of our danger, we yet ' ... .. and habit it is always his disjoin to stand first .. and we are kn %„ n to as in duty ' linger immovable, in such a cause preferring among equals; but lacking* this wholesome j bound ideas afad rrinci ples from you.” death to exile. _ stimAUU.S of superiority, he will remain for all , T . • ... ‘ . . . ’.. T “Prettily said, Inge: but m strict truth, that time Iff* critic, censor and oracle of a provincial , kee P Miss Satire .q$iet until I poqr .famous animal betwixt the bundles of hay capital. 'Occasionally some vital question of the yonf eloquence into these tansty ears. ‘ Foreign would have better symbolized your state.” day reaches>be depths of the man’s nature, and •* f °J? 1CS 0t ^ \ Sr ~ j Lyt adds aside: then the Tn'aaiet gives no uncertain sound—-i .A* 0 ? 1 . Correspondence. ‘Dear Trumpet,— '. “ Yon should promote Mr. Stiges for that in crisp, clenr-iSs^-vigorous „Saxon sentences, ! 11 sk JP * h « special train an5 who it brought, , genions comparisbu.” sometimes wJfhtV with facts or merciless in f? everybody knows that. Arrived at Elmndge, I “How?” with an expressive shrug. “ He is banter; interpenetrated with an the scene was fairly bewildefeng - an elegant the head of affairs now.” iiony tl? almost praise, or ris- i ^DRD^ry home, its wide, sbacly level Ot lawn ( “ Miss Camnore,.’* (the Colonel's stately voice ing to'inv(^jtiv<»*fciat cuts like hall or withers *° overflowing^ot^ the*etttq^ the very creme de j utters the name very softly) “you are not afraid like frost; i breath of Violets, or 'swelling to praise, hearty j like frost; sJIuetimest'ull of a pathos soft as the I( *<f eTne couldn’t you write English. I'd like Q f the dew; suppose we go out to the Great Elm, llin« to nraise. hearty *° know •) °* the county-side, radiant in every : there to rest from that overwhelming notice ?” and nncynical as the glow of generous wine; j but most often its tone is one of light indiffer ence, that often comes near irreverence for the sternly real features of “ this masque of the passions called life.” The Elmridge lawn is a paradise of croquet- level, shady, velvet-turfed, with wickets “just right ” as to distance and position, and rustic seats conveniently remote for such as tire of flirtation a-foot. Few days of the year do not see it alive with the click of ball and mallet, and the confusion of gay tongues; fewer still see their parties so well-matched and strifefully charm that nature, wealth or fashion could 1)6- Lyt assenting, as they march away Mr. Marcy stow, while over all was a mingleFenchantment ! murmurs sotto voce: of music, flower-breath and sunshine, which so “ What a stunning couple -periyct match in affected even that very material thing-dinner— ; everything !” and Mr. Inge stops short in some that it seemed nectar and ambrosia to this depo- , ver y delicate flattery of Koran Ale Lean to say: nent. Pretty good, Inge.’ . 1 “ I see AVindsor means to have some gro’unds “ Of the hostess, Mrs. Marcy, in saying that she , f or an opinion he is to give -me,” whereat Miss was fully herself we exhaust the power of lan- ( Koran begs explanation, and at last pouts: “Gentlemen are so mysterious.” gnage," a gratified bow fropa that lady, and “neat, upon my word,” from her husband, “while her worser-half, by his ubiquitous and indefatigable assiduities ” “If you have anything against me Inge, why I don’t understand obstinate as the one which has held high con- j T 011 sa y,^ plainly te6t from four o’clock to sunset the Tuesday : ubiquitou——- following the picnic. Ella and Korah are cap- “Showed the benefits oi Home Rule, inter- tains, and in the “tossing up” the latter was j polates Lyt. . . first choice.” and immediately named “Mr. Correct, rejoins the reader, “though the XJe » Afx, CHAPTER IN WHICH STARK Al.SE. The Great Elm is known to all habitues of Elm ridge as something equally sacred and famous ; for the number of tender speeches and serious l declarations it has heard. In full ^view of the i west piazza, it is yet far enough away to prevent what is said under it coming to other ears than Inge,” who had declared he would not play on Trumpet* has it ‘their happy accordance oi those for which it is meant. It is immense of the side with Miss Lyt, as he meant to avenge j tastes ;’ ’ . n | girth, with wide drooping branches, and swells his defeat of the morning. Ella chose Aliss “ AYe tank some of the gentlemen from M , of fantastic, gnarled roots breaking up through taught me ‘lightnin’ nebber strikes whar swal lows roose’es,’ and you see we are amply pro tected.” “ Certainly—if that be a protection—but I do not know that Daneville enjoys it.” “ Don’t insult the General’s hospitality by such a suspicion. His welcome to all comers certainly extends to swallows.” “Is this belief your reason for watching them so intently?” “Ko. I like to see them wheeling about—es pecially when I happen to feel like indulging in a brilliant fiash of silence.” “Shall I go away?” “'Kot unless you wish to do it. Just now I shall prove a splendid listener.” “Do you like monologues?” “That depends about equally on the subject, the speaker, and my state of mind.” “Following Air. Slatter, shall I.speak of your self?” “Of course that would be supremely interest ing. but wbat can you possibly say ?” “First, confess the very erroneous opinion I had regarding you, and then beg your pardon for my presumption in forming it.” “ ‘Pardon U ridiculous. You certainly had a right to yonr opinion; and that it should be er roneous was inevitable. Our friends’ minds mirror our characters about as accurately as a spoon does our faces, even when they have the best intentions iD the world.” “Then the mis-j adgment of strangers does not trouble you?” “Kot a whit. If I never know them what does it matter? If I meet them, I can set them right Morton. “Let’s us slip around and get at Cousin Bella's watermelons. That's better than looking at folks that don't want us.” To which Miss Alercy somewhat ruefully as sented. All the players have been rovers this half hour, though none will play oat for fear of ultimate loss to his party. Lyt is saying: “Play out, Mr. Inge, you may beat us. A dead Douglas wins the field, you know.” “Thanks for the idea,” he says, striking her ball and sending it gracefully against the stake. "Kow for you, Windsor.” famous Colonel W , it would have been j magic, of the place understood by most, that the j highest and only compliment they could pay strange indeed had there not been * an eye to J fi rs t who there station themselves are seldom in- j me. ” mark his coming and look brighter when he j terrupted; indeed, if tber^be even a suspicion I “I hope I am not of that number.” of a love affair between th(m, such a proceeding'j _ “Of that you must judge for yourself. As con that poetic | j s understood as almost t declaration of serious ' feesions are in order, I may say that I am hap- intentions, which the mo a * fn iWH ilanf who A a I nib SiMniminto^ in mn ” to loiter away a summer intentions, which the most indifferent who dare | pily disappointed in you. twilight in its charmed , * Indeed ? May I ask in what respect ?’’ preeincts, are held henceforth as near the per- “Oh ! in finding you more a man and less a down which Adam’s politician than I fancied you were.” “Positively masterly. Mercy, muslin must have suggested it” “To strike the balance of even-handed jus tice, we must mention that Miss Lon E , of Scott county, fully demonstrated that even the ilous verge of that precipice victorious Danes are capable of subjugation. j race are prone to tumble into that ecstaticinsan- “ Certainly a wide difference in distinction “ That’s better than the trotters, Wash.” ■ ity, whose endurance is ii pain of joy, and recov- wish you would define it” “ Our own lovely Miss Korah Me (do you ery from which is—next to death—the most cer- I “Well, as it seems to me, the one i “You forgot the law: no other stroke from the acknowledge the ownership. Aliss-Korah?) was tainly predieable fact of our existence. Lyt make any sacrifice/or his principles croquet of a dead ball. It is my turn now,’’’I vll but universally acknowledged as Queen of : leans idly against the great bole, one hand rest- : of them.” says that gentleman, scattering his adversaries ‘ jjearts, though some incline to give that dis- . ing on the rough root beside her. It had none ; “You are caustic at our ex like leaves in a storm, and leaving all his own. traction to Miss C., of Morris, who was, as of the soft prettiness and babyish dimples which unpleasant region the world party conveniently near the winning post. j> usual, attended by the Knave of Diamonds as are usually held to constitute perfection in that there any power in it which co “ Oh ! let's give up,” says Korah, “ I am so i left bower.” member, but there is a grace of outline in the see ourself as others see us ! _ tired.” * ! “pretty good for Slatter, but I’ve seen fellows j curve of wrist and palm, in the moulding of the , l “You provoked me to dis: “Against my will, I’m sent to bid you come to supper.” Mr. Inge halts midway the elm’s i circled shadow. “And furthermore, Mrs. Marcy [ bade me tell you that this flirtation in the dew had gone quite as far as was wholesome for either party.” “ Mrs. Marcy should remember that self is not always a fair standard by which to judge others.” “ Are you two exceptionably hardy ?” “ I did not refer to that.” “ What, then?” “I never flirt—in the dew or out of it.” “ Except sometimes.” “Yes, except sometimes—in those cases where every woman worth the name will and should ; do it.” ] “What are they, may I ask?” “In self-defense or in retaliation.” “Or to spite another woman.” “I thought that too well understood to re- I quire mention.” i “Tell us now—we are all friends here—upon | which* of these heads do you excuse the en- ! thrallmect of le bon Slatter?” “Colonel Windsor, As we are only a pair of commonplace mortals, had we not better leave this imaginative gentleman to the companion ship of stars and his own fancies?” “ Most assuredly,” says that gentleman, rising, while Mr. Inge murmurs sotto voce: “lam left to infer that it is a clear case of the moon drawing the sea, and certainly there is an ‘ uncommon heavy swell ’ in the case. But guess, if you ban, who is to be here after sup per.” j “I hate guess-work,” says the Colonel. “ The man from the moon, perhaps,” says Lyt, walking with skirts held daintily above the dew- . besprent grass. “Our friend (?) Dick Bethel. Isn’t it too de lightful ?” “Of coarse,” with a tinge of savagery. “ But how, in the name of wonders, comes he here?” “He is general Southern agent for the Inter- Oceanic, Trans-Continental Mutual Life Insu rance Company, and traversing the length and breadth of the land in its behalf, brought up at the General’s this afternoon with the dashingest of turnouts, and is so impatient to see his friends—yon and I—that he cannot wait our re turn to Daneville; hence this apparition.” “Is it Korah’s friend, Major Bethel, of AI- asks Lyt. “ That is what he writes himself on hotel isters, but it is a peace-grown title. He k army plain Dick Bethel. Do you knoj “ He—I—ye6—that is, I have ally.” “I have persuaded Miss J ing is due solely to his i whom he has heard, an, this half hour, uq cabala to enhanq ing eyes and tided to : toilet And call it a drawn game; we are badlb euchred by a left bower, Inge.” long, taper, pink-tipped, filbert-nailed fingers, ' “And by no means comph 1 INSTINCT PRINT