The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, December 06, 1890, Image 1

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• Vi ■> THE SUNNY SOUTF-a= „ii'i X’A, GA., SATURD. by a mlnle ball. Tk»-i*n«twM mtndtd by Colonel I c in’* get back our fla:s, I am clear is no Few to prevent the old soldiers returning tbe sword? Mrs Arp sbe wishes she e aid tret beck her b__ . _ _ _ ful little work-tab'e that the tel* | A I U S, ops rator culled i>» ■! H? wrV ' W I r\ I Lvi that he wr — ^ By p«4-ER. _vne effect, In fact. Then sbe essayed to rose aod made ^ retouch tarnlsntid places in some ol the , hall At the auL.qu,' oila # and in doing bo utterly j mute, p e- B bot»i d fu.uDfed tneir value. Bvbu more an ! hl« pr«?ence aodlaid not r novir g, Hay mood oil all occaaiooB 'P6m j Ma hhouidera, cm«p n? 1 “^.a'Wunm.siaaabie aversion of Be- T^on^aprsm^teand nlgua, Whom U hud been ardently noped - her tbe fendertst loos ti tut mile fellow would uumstasebiyj but lw con A 1.01 sp aj^ love. If K ba addec that in several l- so t W/dte a ms anoj stances Beuigua had muedateu to.the I upo h.r c,.^d w ho-se unknown young genlUuien as her , impassior ••cousins.” the salient specifications of eff -rt. he f _ l er sinning might be summed up as com ! * 1 J pit to—at lea si so far as tne knowledge of ; Co ■he .lawthorue.weut. I i L k^u «« 3 On tue otuer rjind, she had been we 1 I his body, as^ fv.tnlnoil tllfOU gaak-^XCCi*'- Ot | Q'i contained coujpALiy, co;dtai. . ***a tin Mm (J^ t h « YOLUME XYII.-NO. ATLANTA, GA„ SATURDAY MORNING, DECMEBER 6, 1890. PRICK* SOUTH’S GREW GROWTH. Editor McClure's Impressions of This Favored Section. Col. A K. McClure, editor of the Phlla delphla Times, who has returned from a Southern trip, publishes the following ss a leading editorial in his paper: “A recent hasty visit to some of the leading centers cf Industry in the South era States east of the Mississippi, dem onstrated the wonderful progress the South is making in eveiy line of indus try. If the people of tbe North under stood tbe material interests of the South as they really are, and appreciated the steady and iapid advatc: rnsnt not only in the development of the mineral wealth of those States, but also in the growth of the agricultural interest, it would be of priceless benefit to both sections. The Montgomery Exposition, now just closed, was a most interesting study to any Noithern visitor who has been accus tomed to tbe State Fairs of P. nnsylvanla. It exhibited tbe remarkable progress that the South is making in tbe cultiva tion of the fertile lands of that region. We have seen many State exhibitions of the agricultural products of Pennsylva nia, where we point with just pride to our excellent farms, but we never wit net sid a display of tbe products of tbe field that < qualed the display of the farm - era of Alabama. Tbe common idea o' the North is that the Industrial progress of tbe South Is wholly or chiefly in the coal, iron, etc., of that section, but it is a grove error. Our people know of Birmingham and the many other industrial centers whlca have sprang tip as if by magic because of the development of iron, coal, etc , but the very important fact is very generally overlooked that the advancement of eg riculture in the South is fe'ly abreact with the growth in other it-dustrits. In all the Scuihern States eaet cf the Mis siesippi, from the Virginias and Ken tucky down to the Gulf, there has been a rapid growth in the farming industry. The old system of large plantations is rapidly yieiolDg to small farms purchas edfor leased by both races who work tneir own fields, ana the result is that the pro ducts of the land are doubled or trebled by tbe better tilling that pievails. Ten ye; rs ago the Times pointt d out the advantages of the South over the West for farming emigration, and each year has proved more clearly the wisdom of that suggestion. There are today cheaper and moie productive lands, with better climate and access to markets, in ail ti e States esst of the Mississippi, Including Alabama, Florida and.MIssissippi, than can be round in any of the Western States. Georgia was '.he earliest of the reconetructer States to advanco in ag riculture, but the Viiglnias, the Caro linaa, tbe Gulf States of Florida, Ala bama and Mississippi, and Tennessee and Kentucky have ail advanced in rapid strides, and the ol 1 plantation system has almost entirely disappeared before tbe p.-igrc.f s of oettT m'thoCa of culii t avion. Even in Mississippi, where there is lit tle or no mineral development to attract the capital and skilled labor white so speedily transform every community in tbe South wbere they locale, there Is now visible ai.d substantial advancement. Tbe city of Merldon, with only agricul tural wealth to quicken its&rowtb, today exhih its more energy, more progress and better architecture than can be found in any of our agricultural towi s In Penn sylvania, ana capital 1b as safely invested there as In any section of the North and at increased rates. The growth of agri cultural advanced', nt is naturally slower than the growth of communities created by mineral development, but the one most grslifying prospect in the South now Is the positive, steady and substan tie 1 improvement of the vast agricultural resources of the reconstructed States Alabama logically jieads her sister States of the South in the development of wealth, because there is no State in the Ur.ieu with an i qual combination of wealth in field, in forest, In mine, in mill at d in natural highways to tbe markets of the world, aue- it is specially gratify irg to note that while her cities, sudden ly created by her profusion of iron, coal and limestone in proximity, have sprung up in startling suddenness, but on sure foundations, her fertile lands, capable of outstripping Pennsylvania in wheat and corn and tquaiiDg any State ir. cotton, have mado her agricultural Industry rapidly advance in both product and profit, ana her forests of virgin timber are now greatly swelling the wealth of the Stato. Ten years ago Birmingham, the first of the iror. centers of the far South, was a straggling village skirted with forest, and conservative business men feared the permanency of its growth, but today it is a lubstuntia! city o‘ 30,000. with imant cities springing up around it, and busi ness credit is new as well established there as it is in conservative Philadel phia. Ncr is Birmingham aior.e as a landmark of industrial growth. A score of industrial centers have grown up in Al abasia,as well as other scores in Georgia and Tennessee, with Atlanta and Chat tanooga as their centers, and ail of them give every evidence ot cerUin, safe and marvelous advancement. It is a fact not generally understood in the N rth that the industrial growth of the Mississippi, and especially the agri cultural growth, has been mom rapid, more substantial and more satisfactory to emigrants than the industral growth of the new States of the West. The cli mate is more salubrious; the access to markets Is vastly better; the certainty of crops is much greater, and the variety of prodccts is many times multiplied. In deed, If the industrial people who start from the Eastern States to find new homes for their families in new sections of the country were intelligently advised of the coontless advantages the Sooth offers them over the far Western States, the whole tide of industrial emigration wou'd speedily torn from tie coasted sway of empire toward the setting son and settle down In the Sunny Sooth. It most be so sooner or later, and soon at the latest; and the sooner it is so the soocer will onr migrating industrial peo pie best employ their opportunities.” The Cosmos Fibre Co., of C harleston, S. C., bas, according to the Charleston News and Courier, been making rapid progress in the preparation of vegetable and wood fibres for the general market. Its latest achievement is said to be tbe perfecting of a process for converting the fibre of tree moss into a comm -rcial form In a few minutes, Instead of snbmittirg it to tbe slower, old fashioned method of rotting in earth for a term of weeks. The mechanical device employed is pro pounced simple and i gjnious, and the economical featnre of it is that tbe cov erirg ter.g js is saved and utilized as a fertilizer, u containing 2 02 per cent, of ammonia. Bales of this prepared moss find a reed? market among upholsters and carriage makers. company’s securing a depth sufficient for tbe passage of ships of the largest class within a specified time. A correspondent of the Fort Wort h G zstte states that tbe oompany, composed of Northern capital ists, has completed ail its arrangements, and that it had purchased the steel and other materials for building a doable track terminal railroad from the new city o'Aransas Harbor across tbe bay and island to tbe point where tbe two jetties Will be erected, between which will be the deep-water channel crossing the bar. Ooe jetty will have St. Joseph’s Island fir its base; the other will be boilt from Matogerda Island Work will begin at once. The probable cost of the railroad, jellies and docks will be between §1.000,- 000 and §2,' 00.000 It is also stated that two Wes:, rn trunk line roads will build connections to the terminal railroad as soon as a sufficient depth of water over the bar is assured. Very few people know anything about the amount of freight transportation a single iron furnace requires. There are five such furnaces in Sheffield, Ala., and the Enterprise of that city has, in a re cent publication, shown what demands thi y must make upon the railroads cen tering thore. These five consume daily 2 500 tons of ore, 1.600 tons of coke (which is equal to 2 241 tons of cos') and 80 tons of nmestone. The tonnage of raw ma terial required to keep these furnaces in blast for a year is nearly 1 800,000 tons. To mine this material and put it on the cars for shipment to Sheffield would re qnlre the labor of 2 500 men in the min eral region adjacent to Sht ffield. At the lowest estimate this would compel the disbursement of flS 750 per week to the miners and other employes. The amount of material required and the products of the furnaces would, loaded on cars, re quire a continous frieght train 975 miles long, to be drawn by 1.640 ten-wheel Baldwin consolidated locooiotivi 8. This enormous business is what has estab lished tbe reputation of Sheffied as a great iron manufacturing center. Tho cjntract for the construction of the Waco, Lampasas & Llaro Railroad was let to tbe Llano Construction Co , which is composed chiefly of Texas cap italists ol d has its bea ’quartere at Lam pasae. The road between the latter place and L'aeo will be first constructed, and it is !o be completed within twelve months frcm October 1 last. The com ple-tion of this road will make available tbe vast resourc.sof the Llano district, to which attention has b c en call d from time to time in these columns. Tucre is already in existence a strong organlza lion for the development of Llano’s vast stores of high grade Bessemer ore, aad the company has only awaited the build ing of a railroad to go forward vigor ously with their plans. Contracts have already been made for tbe location of several large enterpriser at Llano. THE PROPOSED GRADY HOSPITAL, ATLANTA, GA. In January last the city council, on motion o’ Hon Joseph Hlrsch, passed a bill for the founding and erection of an instltn lion in Atlanta to be known and maintained by tbe cite as the Grady Hospital. A committee of three members of council and a number of public spirited citizens were named for tfceourpose of carrying Into effect tbe te ms and spirit of the enact ment - Messrs Joseph Hirsch, H. T.(Ioman and Albert Howe il, of council, together with Messrs. S. M. Inman, M. C. Kiser. W. A. Mbore Jffiius L Brown, Dr Hunter P. Cooper, J W. English, R B Bullock W. A. Hemphill, A W. Calhoun, and other citizens were selected to act in concert. The plan of the handsome structure here reproduced was drawn by Messrs. Gardner, Payne & Gardner, architects, and r presents the institution as it will appear when com pleted. By contract it is to be finished in twelve months, or by December 1891. PHRASES AND THEIlt ORIGINS. The ltoinance of a Window. The first morning I came down on tl e Third avenue elevated with the bald headed man lie called my attention to a XOBir wh-Asat sewing near a window not more than thirty feet from the sta tion. She was both good-looking and happy. • “Often Bee her husband np therewith his arm around her,” said bald-headed. “Cosiest coup'e I know of. Always look in on them. She’s devoled to him and home, and my ideal of a wife.” After that 1 always looked for the wo man. Sometimes the bald-headed men and I exchanged words about her, but tbeiewas nothing new. One morning, after about three months, baid headed observed: “She’s got an anxious look. Husband Is probably sick.” Three days later he said: She's awfuliy worrie 1 . Husband is probably worse.” Tivo or three days later we saw her in mourning, and it was nc me to tell each otter that her t usbaud had passed away. •‘Too bad! Too Dad!’’ sight.d my friend. “Well, she ll reverence his memory ail tho rest of her days.” Almost e: cy morning for three months we saw her at the sewing machine as the train pulled up at the station. On one occasion n:y friend blurted out: • Sadi She’s got into second mourning already! It's probably a case ofnecessi ty I suppose she can be just as sorry in that.” A month later we saw her attheglsss curling her hair. My '.riend didn’t say anything, but he looked uneasy it wasn’t a fortnight before her second mourning had disappeared, and wa hoard her humming a lively air as sbe threaded a spool I looked at my !r end. ‘ Probably visits nis grave overy Sun day,” he replied. “Light-hearted women never got over grlevir g. She’s Binging to ease tne pain in her heart.” Just a month from that day she stood a! tae window. There ^as a man hbsido her. She had her head on his shoulder. Married again, by thur-deri” almost shonted my friend. “But I thougtityou said she wouid nev er . “Durn her!” he cried; and now we never look into that window, During the recent session of Congress a bill was passed by which the general govtmmon 1 surrendered to a corporation ail Us rights and interests at. Aransas Paso, Texas, and give it tho exclusive right to ob’ain deep water at that, point, hut made its gift conditional upon the A Mint of His Word. It was a boiling hot day in August, and a St. Louis clothier was mopping his brow at the door when an acquain tance observed: “Y yu seem to be taking it hard.” “My soul! but I vhas proke in two in der mlddh I” ‘ Heat affect you that way?” “Heat Who said heat? I can shtand fifty degrees more of dot. No, it vhas something else. I find a man who ke< ps his word mid me.” “How was it?” “Veil, dis morning der mate of a shteamboat comes In here to boy cloth ing. He vhas a werry honest looking man, nnd he says he can pring forty deckhands to my place. I says if dot vhas so I like to gif hlm.a suit of clothes.” “Rather risky, Moses.” “Oh no. I fix him like die: I bundle up dot suit und leaf him next door. If forty mens came and enquire for clothing der suit vash his. If not he doan get him. He has shnst gone avhay mit der suit “But you are a long way ahead If yon sold to forty men.” “I doan’ sell nottings to a single man. How yon suppose I vhas tooken in? It vhas a great game. Ash dot, flS snit he took avhay only cost me ft 20 I can al most laugh aboudt it myself. Here is how she vhas. One man after anothir comes in, looks abant, nnd says: “‘Good day, Moses. Say, Moses, I vhas going down to Florida die week, nnd I like to take a far trimmed oafercoat along. Show me somethings for about twenty dollar.” “Eatery man said dot same thing und vhen der last one vhas gone oud: und I vbas lying on dc-r floor in a dead faint, dot mate comes in und says: “Vhell, Moses, I take dot suit alODg. If you doan’ haf some fur-trimmed oafer coat for rny beys I haf to go semawhere else. I vhas a man who always keeps my word.’ ••Und dot’s what ails me,” gasped Moses, ss he fell upon a stool at the door. “Fur trimmed oarercoats vhen it.vash 105 degrees in my ice box!” If You Don’t Believe These Genu ine, Get Better Ones. ’I The phrase : I acknowledge the corn” originated with a slave in the South. Ha was charged with stealing corn for nd in his possession. Havi ng a sack with him he was also chrrgedwuh stealing tbn‘. His reply wns, “No. sir; I ’knowledge de corn, but I ain’t gwine to ’knowledge to “Tipping the wink,” generally regaid de. as a vulgar phrase, is to be r found in a grave historical ;rouiancr. It occurs In • Valerius; a Roman Htcry,” by John Gibs; n Lockhart, Sir Walter Scott s son ic-law, and for many years editor .of the Quarterly Re view. 4 Any co!o', eo it’s red,” originated among the class of characters called Jakeys in the icca! drfi. a O e of them, being on a committee pro cure a new fire engine, was asked what color the com pa ny desired the Apparatus painted. He replied. “Wby,*S.ny color so It’s red.” " . » The origin of tbe phrase “lEa^JaSee it” is tract?-! to LordNcisWh, wl’JW«f>ie t-J- tie of Copenhagen was told that a signal was given to cease firing and the dlrec tlon pointed out to him. Seizing a tele scope he applied it to bis b lied eye and exclaimed, “I can’t see it.” “Ha I^ijovtr r e coals’’ dates s'x or seven centuries back, when feudal barons oft n us d harsh me .hcds of exacting gold from the rich J. wsby suspending their victims above slow tires until they paid ransom or died. There is a scene of this Bc.rt in “lvauhoe,” in which the Templar endeavored to extort money from Isaac of York, father of Rebecca. “Barking np the wroDg tree” is a very common expression in the West. It orig mate d from the fact that a dog will bark at the ft ot of a particu ar tree to ictii cat d to his masltr where the game Is lo cated. Whl e end< avoring tn see the an imal he discovers it on another tree, and it finally escapes him altogethcr. In its application it denotes that a p. rson has mistaken Ms object, oris lookiLg for it in the wrong place. Anxious mothers often tell their hai d some daughters that beauty is but skin deep.” The phrase prooably originated with these two i nes: B uuty is but skin deep, and so do ]i [all Short of those statues made of wood or stoae which occur in Rev. Robert Fleming’s poem, published in 1691. The term “bluestocking” wasoriginal ly us d ia Venice about the year 1100, to designate literary c asies by colrrs. In Mill's “History of Cnivairy” v»e are told that members cf tho various acadimi'. s were distinguished by the color of tbeir stecfclings, bluo beiug tbe prevaiiii g cot or. The application of the term to wo men originated with Miss Hannah Moore s admirable description of a “Blue Bl: eking Uiub ’ in her • B ;s Bleu.” ‘ Corporators have; o;sou.a’ Is a much older exprss ion than must people im »g ine. It originated with Sir Edward Coke, vvhc in the 16th emtury was con side red one of the best .'c^al writers of the age. Ho says, in one of his treatises, * Corporations cannot commit trespass, nor be outlawed, nor t xcominunicated, for they have no souis.” “Dro ning the mhiei” originated from the following faoi: If the mill stream below the mill is dammed or stopped, the water is ponded beck, and the mill becomes what the ir liters call tailed.” There is toa much water, tbe in; 11 will cot work, and the miller is >a'd to be “drowned out.” Hence, when too much it is called of any one sr.icle is put into a mixture, “dteWuing the miller.’ There are few such common-sen e pro verbs as “every man is the architect of his own future.” Applas Claudius, a Roman censor, used it lu a speeen oeliv ertd by him 150 years before the Chris tian era. “Better late than never” was used over 800 years ago by Thomas Tucker, In his “Five Hundred Points of Good Husban dry.” Later on Banyan nsed it in Ms “Pilgrim’s Progress.” Not a few of the phrases In use at this day originated with Lyly, and are found in Ms * Euphnes,” a popular book pub lished in 1580. Among them mlgnt bs mentioned “canght napping, ’ “a crooked stick or none,” “brown study,” catching birds by putting salt on their tails,” etc. When people do not particularly like each other it Is sometimes said “There is no love loat between them.” The phrase occurs in the old ballad of “The Bibee in the Wood,” aad in a tale of the days of Suakeepears, entitled “Moiitchensey.”—Detroit Free Frees. What Sarah Said to Mary. It was on a Madison avenue car at 6 o’clock. Among those who had Beats were eight men. Among those standing up were two shop girls. After waiting for a reasonable time for some one to of fer them seats one of the girls said: “Mary, it’s too bad, isn’t it?’ “What, Sarah?” as«ed the other. T hat they are all bow-legged.” Who?” “These eight gentlemen. I have pat ronlzed this line for five years, and I nev er saw a bow'egged man give hLr.setf away by standing up In acar. It wouldn’t be reasonable to expect it,” ‘ Of courss not.” In just five seconds eight men were on their feet, bowing and entiling and ask i ing Sarah and Mary if they wouldn’t be so everlasting knd and obliging as to take half the car, in fact, and they took ' it. Her Beautiful Booms and How They ai£,.Furnished. An Atrerican princess wtose fatter it; a cotton king, hss just completed in tht. paternal marsio:. the furnisbi-gs of her private apartme They are four in number, and crnld NiDon <’el’ Erdos or even the late Madame de Pompadour be shown through, certain it is th> se an cient devotcos ot tie toilet would lose t heir heads and star d embarrassed before tbo glories of Mi.. Parvenue s boudoir. Even in their 'd'tfest drsams those lux ury-loving ladirs rerer corceivfd the minute details of elegance surrounding this daughter of s millionaire From the te fiver-wreathed Psyche mirror that “'swings to reflect nor full-length loveli ness to the repot e spirit lamp burning tOrvarm her lotto- t, mademoiselee isjen <kphpassed by as. nptuousnessunknown toyiaeens Woo rcbeme >f color decorating the * dhlte to blush pink in r\Mlet and reception L. -oty Her. bed- Frieda cBeighm'd for f/ maiden, so fine is 'ili . Mural decora \lp ,nd silver. On the V *n~ ONE GIRL'S LUXURY. dogwood blossoms f, 'ndi-rfol bit of fresco save warms fro the bath, and rooms rut-(te 1 ebttmbcr Hans Andersea Its Immaculate] tions are in v 1 wide silver fr bloom, while by 1 ? a cloudy, drifting J: g. Here and thcr v tbe soft mist curls about vaguely outlined figures, with a sharp rift in the cectrc from which tango a crystal chandelier blown to resemble a bouquet of lilies. All of tte white en amelled furniture is finished in silver, and from the carved bed depend draper ies of heavy silver fi .ur de lis. The spot lees fie tee ot Iceland sheep provides a fluffy carpet for the hard whitewood floor, and glancing over the many tall screens, low rocklne chairs, long divans, and even rare bas reliefs on the wall, one is impressed with tho dszzling white ness of every part. Gorgeous as the bathroom proves, with its piok maibies end roseate hang ings, it is in her boudoir that this young moneyed womtn bts evidently found her most sjrnpaibelie surroundings. The apartment Is a study in that rare shade of ro.-y lilac which, when found, btauti lies all womankind. It is called the w isteria room from the wealth of paio purpie flowers decorating the walls and woven into curtains, and through the mesh of the thick carpet. Here ail the woodwork is of black ma hogany. upholstered in a warm helic imps silk, m.Rny bronze ornaments, v»iu«b!e otefcim s, and mirrors io carved frames.—New York Sun. For the Sunny South. DBEAMIKG OF THEE. I am dreaming, fondly dreaming, In the silent twilight, gray, Ol a spirit ever teaming, Giving out the purest ray. Eves so pensive! tresses golden, Oliceks a bonny blooming line: Form so statelv! mind beholden Always to the good and true. I am dreaming dear Viola, Of thyself this eventide, Thou w lio art the very solar Light to me, my own, my bride. Dresming, saying: ''Will life’s river Flow serenely for us too? Will the waves more gently ..uiver Than they e’er forme would do?” Dreaming, asking, tender maiden: “Will the angels envy me When I realize my Aidenn— When I live my days with thee?” ‘‘When I place my heart, that’s yearning, ’Gainst thy gracious heart divine, Press thee to this bosom burning— Meet those rut y lips with mine?” Dreaming wondTlng, holy ma’den: “Will the seraphim a bote Chant, our happy union, laden With the grt atest. deepest love? “Chant, as omen of the pleasure Heaven will send us from on high, Chant the joy that has no measure, Heaven will send us from the sky?” Love can hear sweet voices warning Him how bright will be the day When our new life has its morning, Thence forever, and for aye. I am dreaming, fondly dreaming, In the silent twilight gray, Of a spirit ever beaming— Giving out the purest ray. William L Ea«ley. A $50,000 Dinner Set. The Astor family poeeeases a gold dinner service that Is the envy of every woman who has ever seen it. It is one of tho most ooetly in this country. It is valued at fifty thousand dollars, and is Soothe property of Mrs. William Astor. It bas been In the family’s possession a long time; It would be hard to deeoribe, as it was made In different parts of the world and was picked up on odd occa sions. It is unique and has been talked about more than any other dinner set In this country. The larger dishes consist of an immense p’ateao and centre piece, end pieces, cacdelabruma, wine coolers and pitchers. In tbe design is repre sented fruit of all description, together with the unicorn and lion ia repousse work. Mrs. ABtnr uses a white linen tablecloth of the finest texture, lna^e os recialiy for ter, with a wide leco border Blowing a liri’ g of pink sptin. Her table ie alwuys dtcorafced with Glorio d© roBt s. their f xquis te shade of pink matching exactly 'he satin underneath. —Ladies' Home SKETCHES OF DEAR GIRLS. Just as They Were Seen and Heard in Various Places. This little comedy might ba called “Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman.” Tho £C6no ia in one of those lovely now cream-colored carrett, s that have just begun running on Fifth avenue. The characters are three very pretty girls, one with brown eyes and b ond hair, an other with gray eyes and dark hair, and the other with violet eyts and auburn hair. The eirl with violet eyes and au burn hair has just entered thb carrcite, and, rrcogrizlng an Rtquaintance in Miss Browneyes, sits down beside her, and receives effusive greetings. •’On, I’m so glad to see you my dear.” cried Miss Browneyes, fairly bobbing up and down with emotional jiy. “How love’yjou are looking How perfectly sweet. Oh! let me introduce you to my dear friend, Miss Grayejes You must like each other, for I love you both.” “Beautiful little jacket, my dear. Such svi et buttons.” fPosltlvaly don’t have ilrne to dress. Always ava luncheon, a c inner, or some- thing else. I can’t look ’'veil to save me.” “Dearest boy in the world. Wants to give me a Baddle horse, but mamma won’t let me accept it.” “Horrid. Did you er j oy yourself abroad this summer? Delightful; yachting was the best fun. The Prince is so charming.” “Papa is going to cut my allowance, he sayp. Jelly gny on him. He gave me a hundred tiday, and I’m going down now to spend ev ry cent of it on a hat, a pair of Fnoef, and—(whispered, corsets.” ‘ No; I’m not engaged, really. I can’t imagine how that English follow should have started that story. To be sure he’s a viscount, but he’s awfully fast, and I never did more than go riding in the Park with him on one or two occasions, and always his mother drove in a car nage near us.” “Yes, I am a little stouter. Oh, please don’t flatter me, I know it’s no. bscom ing. Oh, bush! Your friend will laugh at me if I sit cp and take your praise. I’m rea’ly losing whatever good looks I ever had. j “Yes. do cal!. Come,tend I’ll show you a j lot of pretty dresses I brought home from t Paris. H-. re is my street. Good-by, dear. > Gsod morning, Mies Gray eyes. When ( my dear fr erd calls you come with har. I shail like to know you better.” Ml,,a Vloleteyes alights from the car rette and flutters io the sidewalk. The two young women left to themselves mate a few remarks. ‘“Isn’t she downy? There isn’t tho slightest use of her going alrosd. She never gets a thing that’s pretty.” “Well, she used to have a sort of wash ed-out style of Dtauty that a few of the rn. n liked, but now she hasn’t an admir er, I think she- puts something on ter hair to make it auburn. I’m sure it used to be s a dusty trowD.” ‘ Quite ouisids of society, you know, I never meet her except on the streets. Her mother is a^reat schemer,and man ages to get ter daughter’s name into the papers.” “Her father is a shirt manufacturer. Makes money, but vulgar to a degree.” “Well, she flirts, you know, and the gossips dosey ” At this point the listener reaches bis destination and escapes frem the cairette, saddeDed by tbe lescon he has learned from this comedy of feminine frendship. —N.Y. Sun. The Other Man’s Wife. A MOST CHARMING STORY OF EARLY LOVE I!Y JOHN i-TRANGE WINTER. We Didn't Understand Him. When I get to the depot half an hour ahead of time, or when I am compelled to wait for an honr or two at som e junction. I like to be social with my fellow victims. Hang the man who makes a churl of himself under any cir cumstances, particularly when he trav els. Eight or ten of us bad been thrown o ff at a railroad junction In Indiana to watt for two hoars, and it wasn’t ten minntes before we were all talking, visiting, amok* ing and yarning. All but one. I am, of coarse speaking of the men. The ladles held the sitting room, wMIe we took the platform. This one was a middle aged man, who took Ms valise and sat down at the far end of the platform, as if to K t as far from us as he could. Every dy noticed his action andhewmspnt down as a sour-minded chaplwho could have added nothing to onr comfort. We sfmply did by Mm as he did by ns—let him severely alone. About ten minutes before train time I noticed that the man was asleep. I made bold to approach him and callout, but he did not move. Going closer, the peculiar pallor of hie face alarmed me, .and in another minute I discovered that he waa dead. He had passed away while he slept. When we came to lift him np what do ;you suppose we found? He had been writing In a note book with a pen cil, and the last lines he had written were: “A stranger in a strange land, and sick unto death, and yet no one has a word of sympathy—no one will even come near mo. May God forgive them for being so stony-hearted. I hope that by to-mor row ” But no to-morrow ever came to him. It c,mie to ail the rest or ue, but, come as often as it may, none o'us will ever fee'just rigiittowf.I'd ourselves. We had misjudged Mm. CHAPTER III. I remember in the sunshine o; my childhood's happy days, A little maid with fpir blue eyes and sweet ai-d simple ways; We wander’d ’mid the fragrance of the smiling summer flowers, And we play’d among the shadows of the fire-lit winter houis. Yea-s came atd went—springs gave place to summers, aud winter snows nipptd the last gleam of beauty from aulumn foliago, and so lime passed on. But Jack Trevor nevor wont back to his fond and faithful little playfellow at the Ciiffe. Crummies settled down In his new hotr. c and straightway forgot the young master whose hoart had been so sorely wrung at parting from Mm. You see 'Crummies is very young and it is only old dogs who have anything to boast of in the way of memory, and altkongh Ethel talked to him often cf Jack, it must be confessed ho was more than sat isfied with the change. And Jack never went back. Not that Jack was to blame; but w! on his first holidays came—that was at Christmas— Et: el was lying ill with a mild attack of scarlet fever, and the long talked of visit was of necessity put off. And at mid summer—it was before tho time of long Easter holidays—Mrs. Mordaant and Ethel had gone to Svi'zerlaud to spend the summer, ar.d apparently Mrs Mor- daunt never thought of asking him to pay his visit there. So t‘ e time went by, and gradually the correspondence between tho two, which bed a first been regular and voluminous, fell off, not with apparent intention, but really insensibly; it dwindled from week ly levers to letters on occasion—birth days, valentines, Easter eggs, Christmas and New Year’s cards, acd so on. Then at last there China a day when Ethel did not send Jack a yaleutine and Jack did not tend Ethel a birthday gift, It was not Ethel’s fault in the 'east; she hfd bought the card, but her mother had renerstd in an acid sort of voice that really it was time now that sh9 should let Jack Trevor alone. Jack mis red the card sorely, though he said nothing abont it to any or e, and Ethel cried over the want of the birthday gift and confided her grit/ to Crummies, who W’iS getting >> stain dog now and hao aiwaye been uij crcet in keeping the cot.fidences made to him—and the links of the chain once broken, the friendship between the two seemed to die out. By this time Jack Trevor had leit his first school and had gone to Eton—he was in fact nearly sixteen. His career at this time was not especially remark able. He had, owing to his father’s fore sight and prudence, a fortune of about fl,200 a year and was therefore as well off as waB necessary for any Bchoolboy. He e:ill lived with his grandmother and was still the very light and life or her old age. Like most parsons’ sons, he was re markable for great proficiency in all manner of sport and was very daring and ?uil of courage. He rode well and drove well, too, he was good at all man ner of games and was a handsome lad, well made and fair-faced, with frank eyes and a pleasant mouth. He had that charm, too, which is perhaps the very greatest charm in a man, a sweet spsak- ing votes. It was no wonder that old Lady G.s colgne loved him so, for he waB fur and away the flower among her grandchil dren. Lora Gascoigne, her eldest son, nad married late and had two little sons in his nursery who had no trace of the Gascoignes about them, but strongly re- simoied ttelr snappish, sharp nosed lit t.'e mother both in face and in disposi tion. Mrs. Hnih Drummond hsd an im mense number of sons a: d daughters, ail sandy and frccklal lice ttu-ir Scotch iat '-er. Her second girl had only one very delicate boy, who spent most ot his time lying on a sofa, and the little Marclioneas who had given herseif airs to Conty, was childless. Small wonder then that the cld lady liked Jacktim best of all. From Eton Jack Trevor went to Sand hurst, and from Sandhurst he was ga zetted :o the Fifteenth Drtgoons Then hts sou! was satictied and he set himself to enjoy the two months’ leave as only these who are young and unburdened with care caD erjoy anything. ^te spent part of his leave In making a round of country visits, and among ethers he went to stay at the house of the lA>rd Lieutenant of Blanks', ire, some half-dozen miles from Blankhampton and hla old home. As a matter of course he met the Bishop, and equally as a mat ter of course : e was introduced to Mm as the ton of his predecessor, and naturally enough he was asked to dine at the palace. S x years had gone by since he had seen the place, but the dreadtulfamlllarity of everything struck him most painfully— he sat at tne same table, on one of the self same chairs on which he had sat as a boy, the same heraldic device was bit zjned on the plates and dishes, graven on the spoons aud forks—nay, the very batter was the same, the same who had served his father faitbtnlly duripg ten years and called Mm “Mr, Jack” just as he had done half a dozen years beiore. Once the old man apologized for Ms fa miliarity and Jack looked roned at him with bis flank eyes and ready smile— “Why, Smithers,” he said, “what would you call me? I don’t suppose if 1 was at home here still that yon would have learnt to call me anytnirg else.” “No, sir, I don’t suppose I sh-uid,” Smithers answered with a gratified smirk. “Mr. Jack's just tbe same as he used to be,” he remarked to the cook, who had also been one of the late Bishop’s ser vants, and whom Mr. Smithers had hopes of marrying one day; “I don’t see a bit of difference at all. And ’pon my word out It’s a treat after this stuck-up lot that’s afraid of opening tneir mouths for fear of what they may let out.” , “Afai Mr. Jack was always a dear boy,” said Mrs. Mennell—she was a spinster still, but enjoyed the brevet rank In the household—“many’s the time he’s come to me for Ms cakes, or milk for the pup, or something of the kind; and he gave that bull pup to Miss Ethel over at the Ciiffe. 1 remember it as well as if it was yesterday.” Nowlt happened that just at tnis very moment Jack was saying to Ms •lostess— “By the bye, Mrs. Jon a, doycu s:e much of t he JVlordaunts now? ’ The Bishop's wife hesitated. “Well, we do end we (ton-1! Jast now they are abroad and the couse is shut up,” She answered. “Is th so?” said Jaik. “I’m sorry. I used to know them all very well. The Major was always awfully good to me— he tsught me nearly all I know in the oo.’dior line. And Ethel was a great friend of mine—a grea: friend.” “A<! yes!”—Mrs. Jonep, who waa a beautiful woman, turned hirface a little aride and looked pensively at a tray of flo ■ ers in front of her— ‘But y^u have not reen her sir es you were here?” ‘ Never,’’ J^ck answered. “We always meant to spend orr holidays together, but we never did—perhaps Mrs. Mor- daunt didn’t want me down here, and my grandmother is not young and perhaps she did not want two of i s bothering her at I don’t know how it was, but we never saw each other again after I left Blankhampton. What is Eihel like now?” “She is pretty,” said Mrs. Jones quiet ly— 1 decidedly pretty.” I wonder why it is that there is no dis paragement so t ffectual as damning with faint praise. In that sho.t coi vernation Jack Trevor gathered something that was utterly unjust toward Ethel Mor- daunt’s lcoks. Mrs Jones said ao more on the subject and neither did he, but presently she said, care’e3sly: By the bv, jea know, of course, that Ethel Mor- daunt Is going to be marries?” Jack stared at her in astonishment. ‘ Going to be married? ’ he echoed; “you don’t mean it?” ‘ Oh! yes, I do She is to be married early in September,” the lady replied. ‘You surprise me,” he exclaimed; “but — but—isn’t she very young?” “Yes, I suppose she is—about IS, 1 think. She has been introduced nearly a year.” “Aad who is the man?” “A M ■ jor Dennis cf the Twenty fourth Lancers. They have been quartered here for nearly two years.” “But he must be old enough to be h6r father,” Jack broke out. “Scarcely that,” said the Bishop’s wife indifferently, “but he is older, of course. You see it is a good raaiiage—ilajur Dennis is nt xt to the Frothingham title— that makes such a differer c “Yes, I suppose it does,” Jack agreed. I hardly know how it was, but he left the pa that evening with h!s earliest aad teuderest ideal aha 1 Although he had never seen Ethel since they part ed, just after his father’s death, he felt as if he had lost something—something dear to him. He was romantic < nough, however, to borrow an amount the following morning and ride over to the Ciiffe, where he found a strange lodge keeper, who did not know him, but who told him that the family were away and the house in charge of Mrs. Sommers “Mre. Sommers?” repeated Jack, “that was old rutse’s name, surely ” “Mrs Sc-m.61. “Li use ti be ,MiS3 Mof • daunt’s nurse, sir,” replied the lodge- keeper. ‘ Tnen I'll go up to ths house to see her,” said Jack, and rode through the gate and along the well kept drive to the white wa led mansion where his first love had lived all her life. A neat housemaid came to the door. Yes, she told him, Mrs. Sommers W3S at home. Who should she saj ? “Mr. Trevor,” Jack answered; and in two minutes Mrs. Sommers came to him. “Dear heart,” she cried, “if It Isn’t Mr. Jack.” ‘Yes, nurse,” aiiswered he, holding out both his hands, “it is. And who is this, not Crummies sureij?” “Yes, it is, sir The master and mla. tress and Miss Ethel are abroad and Crummies stays to keep me company.” The bull—well, I was going to say Dad- pup, but Crummies was long past the days of his yruth—the bull dog came quietly up to Jack and investigated him suspiciously. “Now, now, cld chap,” said Jack easily, “you don’t, know me. of course, how should you? but you may teire me on trust, old chap, give you my word for Inal.” Apparent y the investigation satisfied Mr. Crummies, for after walking several times around Jack's chair he sat down beside him and rested himself in a humpedup sere of way against hiaieg. “D. e3 ha do that often? ’ J tek asked. ‘ Not often, Master Jack,” answered Mrs. Sommere; ‘ only when he’s most pleased with »ny ooe.” There was a moment’s si'ence, Jack smoothing the dog’s brindled head ti e while. At last he looked up at the old lady. “Nurse,” he ssid, “I hear Ethel is going to be married.” “Yes, I believe she is, Piaster Jack,” answered sae, shutting her lips Very closely and smoothing her silk apron down in a severe kind of way - . ^.“Don t you like the marriage, nurse?” he assed. Mrs. Sommers’ Zips took a yet severer curve. “I haven’t been p.sfced to give an opinion, Master Jack,” she said, ia a ras- sion'ess kind of voice. Jack knew by experience that wild he rses would not drag ano’her word out of the old lady, so he began to stroke Crummies again and then to after various old servinta and persons about the vicinity of the palace whom ho re membered as a boy. “You used to say you were going to be a soldier, Master Jack,” said Mrs. Sonr • mers, wieu they had came to an end of that subject. “So I am, I’m an officer of the Fif teenth Dragoons now. 4 haven’t joined yet, but I shall do so next month. I say, nurse,” he wont on, “have you a photo graph of Miss Ethel anywhere? I should like to see her.” “I’m afraid I haven’t, Master Jack, but there may be one in the drawing room,” she answered. “Will yon ccme and see ?” Bat Jack was doomed to disappoint ment. Either tbe albums had been put away or Ethel bad taken them with her, for Mrs. Sommers con d find nothing but a faded old picture of Etbel taken yean before in the garden with the dog Crum mies sitting beside her. “I’m afraid that’s the only one,” she said. “And that waa taken about the time you left the palace, Master Jack. Miss Ethel has altered a good deal sinoe then.” “How altered, nurse?” “Well, she’s tall and pale, sir. She doesn’t know what it is to have her own way. The mistress fancied she had got to be hoydenish, and sbe bad gover nesses for this and masters for tbat, till all the life seemed to be taken out of her.” “Aud yet she la marrying early.” “The mistress wishes it, sir. Tbe mis tress believes In early marriages if there is money in the case. Ard there is money here, any amount of it.” “I see,” said Jack. But all the same, Jack only thought that he saw; and presently he rode away from tee C iffa where he h d spent so many happy houri in the days that were gone by, feeling—well, as if. e had been to iook at some fond'y cm-rUhed and carefully hidden treasure aad hiu found that it hsd oven sto'eu away long before and only a blank !ett.. Poor dear little E .nel I He did not like to thiak s imetoiv of that br*v« and fear less little soul being cramped and r9.