The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, December 06, 1890, Image 2

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THE SUNNY SOUTH, ATLANTA, GJ Si Burday morning, December e, issa st rioted by all tbe t«diousn*M of • con- vtntlonal education. E.bel, who Nad been lb good almost at oumbing tree* aa lie tva», who would patiently dig for bait or watch for a rat with all the seal of a real sportswomai—Ethel who despised dolls aua had been used to turn up ter sweet little nose at all girls* games! Well, It w»s unnatural oomtho v to think of ner being tied cown to iieedle work and piano practice, to minding her m*u nets particularly and taking care of her coiupltxionl True, it wa* a lovely corn plexiou—he remembered that—hut Jack had never thought it so lovely as when tae red roses had b oomed through the browu o the san e li sei; aud now she Was pale. It was slmpiy norrld to think of, aur> J.ics shuddered a little as he rode through the pleai-aut morning air, with a pang ai his heart at the thought of now she in use many and many a time have pincr. for i er old playfellow ag ;iu. “I suppO'eit had iislnfluoncj upon her at last,’ me sa d to himaeir, as he strok d his horse s ears with his whip, ”1111* pine .log has on a Chinese woman's foot. At all e e its sue aave up sending me a valentine. Poor liitiegir.!’’ C 3APTER IV. T-ie manliest thing in this world is to do j oui duty lu that state of life to which it shall please God to call you. Alter this time Jack Trevor's life un der went a great change; it seemed to flow into different cnanntls altogether. In fact, he was then thrown entirely upon bis o wn re iponsi oi llty, as mac h so as was possible with a young man not yet of ago. “I think, J.-'k,” Lord Gascoigne said to him the night before he went down to joint his regiment, "I think that you had better have an allowance of say £400 a year. It's quite enough for a newly joined subaltern, in fact, I never had more till 1 was five and twenty. You will have your full Income, of course when you coice of age, but till then It will really be far more to your advantage if you only have a part of it.” “Ail right,'* said Jack. Ha was not extravagant, he had no large ideas, no love of show, and to, him £409 a year seemed q die as much as he wan likely io want ior the present. "All the same, Unale Dick,” ue said, “1 don’t see quite how I am io buy my chargers out ol it ” • No, no; you must oe started properly, of Cjurne,” Lord Gascoigne replied “•You'L find three horses enough for you, 1 should ihiak.” “I s ippose so,” said Jack, “uLless I eh .uia want a polo pony.” “i don't tee notv yuu'Udo it on £400 a year," Lord G scoigne said, tnougut luily, “out ol course, Jrtck, If you really want more, tae money is mere and you can it, only I dun t want you to gut Into the way ol spending it simply oe- cause it is tUero to be tpint, Go you seeT'* “Oh! yes, I see,” answered Jack easily, “1 dare say i snail make lour hundred uu very well.” Lind Gascoigne had, bo.vever, some* thing mure to say. "Yoa see, Jack, twelve hundred a year is a very good in come fer oacuelor, and as long as you re main a bachelor you are ail right, hu i if you should want to get married, way, you'll iind twelve hundred a year just- next to nothing at all.” “I d keep It in mlud,” said J tek, care fully peeiiug a walnut, “l’li keep it in mind all tae time.” “Yc«, tu*L*B j*A8t What I want,” sa d L>ra Gascoigne, K reatiy relleyea by tbe xecu.t ot ms cuavsrsauou. Ha had been trying lor several days to mention the ma.ter to J eg and now felt quite Clever and pieasud with him seif at his success. Lora G .tcoigue was a very nervous man Who hated luierfcr leg lu otner poope's buiiuess Although he was Jack's guardian he invariably tnat he was tiiremely linptriiueut to oe interfering with nis private affairs, aud probaby, had it not oeeu for nis moth er's strong r. presentations on tbe sub ject, he would have qul.tiy let the q ies lion ol money matters slide altogether &zid J«ic£ would havv juiutd his Hew rout* meat in tna uarosiricied eiij jyaieui of his fall income. d^r boy,”said o!d Lidy Gascoigne as tiiey sat together at breakfast tne iol* j lowing morning, “I never lectured my I own eon vviieij be went Urn worlu, ! and I m not going to lecture you. rsut j youll try and kef p out ol scrapes, won’t you?* 1 • Ye?, Granny looked at ner wil eits and his fattier ___ tm.le, and tneu he btretched ouchls strong young hand to her; v.nd if 1 no have inch bad ruck as to get into any, I’ll let you know at ouco.” Lidy Gascoigne laid ner beautiful oid banc, plump and white ts a baby’s, in Iris. "Tnat was ail I want d to say ” she .fiaid, “rx.'ept—excipt ’ * “Yes, granny, - said Jack, “except ” “Well, except that wnen you marry, dear, 1 only especially for two things lu your wiie—that she will be a good gin ana a lacy You won’t forget that your mother was both? •' J .ca edged ms cuair a nttle nearer to tue old jadj’s a. d put n.s arm around uer id a winning way peculiarly his own. “Dear Gr-tuuy, ’ he sa.d, • I never knew my mother, out 1 nbver forget taut my grandmother is the very id-ul of newly Joined subaltern ever so bleeted with • good opinion of himself, ho oan not help admiring ths ■nbaitern'of two months’ or perhaps two years’ standing who happens to bathe one to reoetve him when he makes bis first appearance in wbat is to be his home for the time he remains in her Majesty’s service. The subaltern of standing is used to the place, he is used to his uniform and his boots make more noise and hie spurs jingle more perhaps than any other boots and spurs to be found in the whole reel meut. He swtg 'ers a good bit and yet it is not an offensive swagger—he snouts for his man Jinks, or :or a mess-waiter, or for •Attention’ when be enters a troop- room, la such a voice of command that outsiders cannot help positively respect ing hi in for b-ing able to ao it! Jack Trevor nai lived all uia life in an atmosphere of command, bat he thought Dorriugton one of the very finest fellows he had ever came across aud his very admiration made the dreadfnl ordeal cf joining come tbe easier to him. ••I suppose y u ve got your chargers,” said his new friend as they walked across the square toward tue office. ‘ Ou, yea—tney re coming down to morrow, my onargers and my own gee.” Harrington Ocgaa to bite the end of his thnmo in a thoughtful kind of way. “1 wonder where tne devil you’ll put them?’’ he remarked. “Whj?” ‘ Because there isn't a stall to spare in the whole barracks. What a joke it will be if they have to tarn the Colonel’s for age out to pot a roof over your horses' hrada! Now, here we are ” He ope red tne door of the office and Jack found himself in tbbpresence of tue commanding officer, who was sitting on tbe corner of a large square table which stood lu tne middle of tue room. “I’ve brought Mr Trevor to see you, sir—-he new subaltern,” said Herring tun. “Er—how de dc—how do do? Very glad to si e you,” s-iu the Colonel, get ling off ihe table for a minute and then immediately sitting down ag-tiu when i.e had snakeu Jack <-y the hai-d “I nope you 11 like your work and ffud your quar itrr comfortable. Mr. Hon lug ton must look a ter yon and—ana put you up to' our ways a Ultie.” Bonington put up his hand In a ges ture that was half a salute and half an expr s-ion of esstr-. to ihe Colonels words—Jack made nasts to as.ure the commanding officer tnat this naa already oet-u done, or ra.ner had already been begun. “Tnank you, sir—I’ve already be. n aw— that Is uncommonly well looked after,’ be said, in his pleasant, easy voice— Air Horrington na* beeu quite me Good Sa manta j io me.” • Not because you have fallen amon„ thieves, 1 mope,”said toe C douel q ilea iy, then wen- off Into a fi, of taugtuer at his own j ike, Hornugtou ana J ck both joining in as if w'rt so brilliant had never fallen upon taeirtars b-fore. “Let me s :e,” said tue Colonel, when tney had recovered themselves a little, ‘Lord Gate -igue Is your guardian ” “And my uncle, sir,” Jack answered. “On, really! Then your mother wat ” “Lady Constance Gascoigne, sir.” “And your lather?” “Was Bishop of Biankhampton.” • You don’t say so. Wny 1 once dined with hi in at the pataca. 1 remt m ner him well. He was once head master of— “Yes, sir, he was.’ “Aud a very flue fellow he was, too. am very glad to have his son among my officers. By tbe by, have you got your uorets down yet?” “No, sir, tney come to-morrow,” Jack answered. “At! yes; and how many?” “ I'nree, sir ” “Three—1 see. Well, we haven’t much room, but—er—Hr, Horriugtoa, y ,u might speak to Mr. Loug about it. He must flan roam for tium, of couise.” “111 tell him what you nay, sir,” said Horrington with grim humor, and Jack, remembering his little story aoout the roller s ted, was seized with a wild desire to gooff into atttoi laughing. Happily t *e Colonel dismissed toe in thou, and they were able to go oat into the open air and laugn as much as they p easeo. “Here’s oid Long coming,” said Bjr- riDgton as they walked hack ac.o.s the square. “Ling, torn is the new suoa- teru, air. Trevor ” Tue quartermaster put out his hand. Very giad to tea you.” “Ho w d you do? ’ said J ck. “Mr. Trevor has brought down three j horses—it least, they re coming tomor- j row—L -ng,” sa’d Horrington, getting I straight to iris sutijiict, "aud tee Colonel i says you’ve got to find room for ’em Sir Richari’s Proteges. The Wild Freak of Little Wife. a Sweet And the Opportuneness of That J^’u “ter Quality the World Calls Tact, my ” ha answered, and ho BO '“ ehj * ° r othoT ” 1 with ms s viry o,va - f1 0OD t kL . ow w *»tr6,” said the Q -wr atners frank aud fellas .I* 1 the Coien-oi thinks Urlghton biT-cra are eiastlc. 1 don’t know wutro t reeex.ra hor-ea are going, unless 1 turn my own horses out mio me yar J.” “Well, you’ve got tonight to think about it in, Long,” sale H-niugton, soothingly. “Anyway, tnat was what tue Lief .old me to leii you ” ‘ Weil, of cnuis .—l: the Colonel says so it’ll have to be cone; thrug.i ho -- would puzzle the P ipo himself,’' the Quarter muster declared. “Tbt re’s always the roller shed,” sug gesteh Horrington, slyly. “Ah! yes, tuere is; and til re’s the mess- room and the ffire, ’ crLd the other with a loud laugh. • Bum old chap, Long,” said Horring ton, as they walked ou. ‘ He’ii manage it soon how, and you 11 probably have to For the Susny South. MiBCH night in the valley and all tbe Winds unleashed. Cat tails and marshmal lows all a riot, tbeir e'ash and rustle mak ing continual rltorel io to the splashing of the water about the old bridge’s pb t ou its rhythmical sweep to ward the sea. Tae moon flung a bolt of light across the wa tors, bat its very bril llancy served to render the surroundings blacker; and whea at Intervals the shitt ing cionds shut this slight window into heaven, the night was “outer darkness/ In one of the spells of moonlight a woman, slight and graceful, half breath less from her hurried walk, came down the castle path and panaing, with one foot on the bri ge plank, looked earger.y across. She drew a breath of relief and reached a little bare hand impulsively from the shelter of her cloak as a man came toward her from the shadows on the other side. He took the hand gently in his own, ami led her Into a .pace of light. Framed in fcair of tue per eot Titian hue, wniuh strayed from her hood at the will of the mind, it was a lovely, childish face uplifted to him; but tbe light kin nled iu cheeks and eyes was of some thing more than a wind battle. Tae breast q ivered with half broken sob?; ihe hand he held tremb.-.d aid was cola as a ath. ■ Hash!’' his voice harsh with intenss emotion. There was a kind of horror .n tne keen eyei o^nt on her I«cj. "I have left bior,” she said Releasing her hand, he went a little way ai rots the b ldge, and coming back stood loosing down oq her, a half smile on nis strong” nandsome facs. "Child, i*» tnat unhtppy little note that sammo..ed me here you appealed to our old time friendship. Now, 1 was not only your friend In those days, yoa know; 1 mvea you.” he spoke very gravely, and paused at tbecrlmsoD flush that covered ner face, nhs raised to Him a pair of frig rteutd, be seecui. g eyes -Ah, surely. Sir Richard, you have not mistaken me? Listen, listen, I love my Uirsbtud, o i, with my whole strengtu ol heart! When he eald he loved me tnat May day, not yet ayear ag >, my cup wassofuitof bltssing, 1 thou-ai heaven could have nothing in reserve—notnlng more precious. 1 gave him an idolatrous devotion. He was my king, crowned ao- solute.” t he voice died fall of sobs, and she hid her face in her band-. Well,” said Sir Richard, smiling, and his tone growing tender as to a frigeten ed chi d, “1 know ail tuls, lit le one, but even I, madly j salons as I was, coma not say that Salon made an unkingiy king.” “Would yon have thought,” she cried passionately, “that he would cheat a little schoul-giri? Win her to laugh at hei? Win her, not at all for ths pour neart she gave him, not at ail ba cau-e ae wautsu such a little simpleton for his wile, but because he war in debt and s e was rich? So ths creditors were kind enough to delay proceedings until the ceremony rendered them nnutCas bury. She flung the phrases oat in a mad torrent tlr..t rei used interruption until sue paused for breata. Tueu ner companion anrwa.el ; with impatient tone aud gesture: •■ 1’hat is ail uonsenoe,” he said. ‘‘Where is Sot-jti? ’ “■Probably on too way from to wn.” “Y'_ u must oe there to meet hi n, G me, aud c ,ax forgiveness for this escapade.” Never! Y’ ru may decline to nolo mt— time [advancing a^Lhat the southeast of the incloeure, some hundred distant around the angle from Pil- on the western wait On this .Americans encountered numerous d deep cuts prepared to inl and defended by infantry shelter and by fortified bat- The storming parties under Maj. Twiggs pressed on “Merer 1” sue gl^ual to that displayed on closed his band hu Hkv was severely wound- BW*v,leavio!rtue p*pf' kilJed at tbe head of heroics*‘ roughly the r ouse dour closed sFS ou *' the trenches you want to kill bim?” \ ' Sue gave a teir fled litwith New York and runniug across tuu grass to the nil Col. John the SWEETS FOR (fflSTIAS THE VAST QUANTITIES TURNED OUT BY THE MANUFACTURERS. dim, fldug it open aud sprang iuto Setuli-s library. H > was standing bus dr the fir;-, and did not lo-rk round or speak at her ea trance; to sue utooa tPfilcUy the window, one hand gra-piug tire heavy curtain convulsively, me otaer noialug toward him the unfortunate bit of a letter After one glance ner e^es were cast down “My Lord,” she said, sc-ftiy—and as she went on nearly every word was broken byatob—"perhaps yon ought to know how un wormy a girl lc was you married. When you nave readtnls, if not already, you wi,t despise me ar 1 du myself; you will be asnamed of me, as I am or my- seir. Before you read It may 1 say just a few words to you? He shot one brief glance at her of bitter Euff-r'iig aud r. proacn, aud made a mo tion or a-sent to ner request. He was in a Black Frmci costume, and (he rich black of the velvet Intensified tbe paiior of his face and lent added severity to tue sternly strut lip: anl troubled eyes, while tbestyleofthedrensieveaieat ts rengtn and grace or his due form aod suit, d t,ne princely carriage of a very handsome ue ad. Gene placed her lett r on a stand near aud, clasping uer nands together, bent ber nead to meet tnem, till tns real gold curis a rove hef'*P #."-ical strayed down over her welding flog. When you had gny*_ "jps morning.” she said, "I reuietuovfo&Syiy diamonds would be needed for tonic, t. I decided to drive up to the bank fir them, and give you a surprise call eir route dome. waited a second, wniie Mr. Gordon was engaged. As he came from his room your Uacie Trenton wa^-yith aim, and I heard a few sentences aif-iu-jy piss-d by Boxes of Candies Banging in Value from •SO to 9100—Tho Humble Toilers Who Make the Gay Toys for Christmas Trees—A Contrast. In the weeks intervening until Christmas enough candy-will be turned out in the United States to make a good sized mount-. ain. In and about New York alone Christ-1 _ poVrPntftVa.hre being manufactured by I fcao "**** low railing anffferyat the rate of 6,000,0001 tax <1 KtiviirH imr . uon i... -’HI 1 t . * CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired ffom p: had placed In his hands by an Ei India missionary tho formula of aimplo vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent core of Consumption, Bronooitia, Catarrh, Asthma and ail Throat and Lang Affections, also a post ■*yo and radlcd care for Nervous He i billty and all Nervous Complaints. Hav- ! lag tested its woederini curative powers in thousands of cases, and desiring to relievo human suffering, and I will send free of charge to all who wish it, this re cipe in German, French or English, with fall directions for preparing and nsing. Sent by mail, by addrp A. og.with stamp, *— upon it, buried her race ijf'm v* ^~r - broke into an lncontioilMrie burst off \ passionate tears. f Tue first sob out Seton to the heart-. “G me!’ ne cried, lifting her to his brea t and o a -plng her trembling nanus about bis neck, “Hash! indeed, my dailing, I cannot near tnls.” “Au, my Jova, my king,” sobbed, his j sorry little wife; ‘ don’t tell me you fur | give mo. If you say you forgive me 1 j suall surely die!” j Meantime a be «itching little Priscilla j came upon Sir Richard, ltauing id y up ’ agamet a ooorway. 1 “Y;ur Majesty looks distraite,” s’ e ! sale, demurely. “Oar climate is cold for you, pe. haps andyoudieam regrstmiiy o r ruddier fires ” His smile on her was very ready and brignt. “Maiden,” he said, the spirit moveth me to suy unto tbte that ail tne Ur s of my kingdom ary powerless before tniue eyes.” “Well, now, considering the kingdom and my proclivities for mischief, tuat is not ungrateful news. I tnank the spirit that moved tnee,” with a very Puritan b >w and laug ing eyes. “It lurther mov. 11 me to say ” ‘Wait, your Maj st., 1 eat eat. Tne fir-s of your kingdom have gotten into yonr eyes, and l am airaid to si ay. Bn:, b fore I go, would yoar Mrjssty inform me of a certain knight, Sir Bic.iard Lriiiy iu earthly parlance, who has been kid- ’ napped ay a spirit of your country?” “Un, has he not been among toe spir its,” said Sir Richard, laughing; “he tias brea all night managing the affairs or a pair of lunatic lovers. Aud iei me tell fs a pleasant cares all Bil- digestlon, all dies, Kidney of appetite. Heart, and disordfred fcja, tbe first ases 50 cts. gists. a,Ga. OPS. col is, take Lemon Hot Off for Fitirope. “I really cannot tell yoa, Georjre. Hovr \ tlrea<l to go, BecVJise I’v? Dover been Ix’fore. And this boat trembles so '* *Tve studied up the maps and thiV.^s, And plamie-1 out all the routes: Fin still afraid to go, and -u^h. i'ly heart is in my boots ’* “But there must be someth i i do for yo surely ; if you’d just ir; soon, eyour boots for me.” —Journal of ivt ;i call on For Drops. For sore throat and Bronchitis, take L non Hot B ops. For Pneumonia and Laryngitis take Lemon Hot Drops. Far Consumption and Catarrh take Lemon Hot Drops. Fur Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases take L emon H >t Drops, a-i elegant and reliable preparation. 26 cents, at druggi-ts Pr-oared only by Hr. H. Mcz’.ey, Atlanta, Ga. Nulliiii- to Ho I'roti makes rue very tired. ■ of. “Sire “Over wliut?’’ “Uer having got engaged. There are 500,000 men in tbi3 city, mid out of them 499,909 don’t bother themselvc.- at all about her. One does. I don't see what there is to grow proud over. Pliiiadei- phia Times wntrel was Bestediothe’’.hRdow. I think you, Miss Priscilla, he has ready acquict j i/ heart!® 1 hlnrsslf creditably: he des-ivc» soice | tae words are burned into in/ no art ; *»•«-■=»» imumu;, uu ue forever! | encouragement. I %ould sugge-t -Mr. Gordon said: I moonlignt promenade and a few sooth “ *8o 8 ton rs home from the hooey '■ 1,J S wotds, for iris nerves have be ,n much moon, aud very happy Mieir ’ i ssasen ” •Ou, 1 dare s uacie ans v e * ! 11 8e6K hJal at onae, Sir;” said ed; he oagut to b ; the Ultrc girl woa.d j Pdsci.ld, wita a prat-y courtesy before evidently give her rife fur a smllo fro n I bilfe r;u * laughing asvay. Then, hal; teo.-o brown eyes of his, and lit—.veil, lie “cross the room, she threw him a Bright 1» quixot'c enough to keep dark ah >ut ■ Ciance over her snouider, a little rt-iei t the uu ueuSi hurry over ihe Wedding.’ jing. a little pigueo that ne was still it is a fact, tneu. that the erta.u was le-zuiag nonchaieut y—thOiigh his eyes in some da ger from the old gentleman s followed her—against tee 11 rtel, may decline to nelp mt- very well—but I snail then fi rd my way to me station alone.” She passed, wltn a slight g/sturs ol good mgn:; out Sir Kic rard ’ walked 1 quietly DU3ide ner. "At ieasc,” he s.Id, "you svi.i say how you meaut me to s.-rve you.” “8 e me ou my train, aud ieave Brigh ton yourse .f by the next,” H.r Uieuard liusuei faintly. * Aud your object, L idy Seton, in plac ing yoursbif, not to mention your Uumbie friend and servant, in so false a llgnt be fore your uusband and friends? ’ "To make turn Buffer, too.” And she give a low cry of wild grief. “It will dot break his heart i can never touch tnar; out his pride 1 can toucu. Hi snail not iaugn at me again.” S-r R chard looked tionb'ed, yet ha ! f a uuasd. And you think it will ease that wild liille heart oi yours to see Lord Satou’s Uand8oine head la ths dust?” Ue assed; debt-? Certainly. The creditors ware only kept off by 8 -ton’s promises. Ha was ceep in mortgtgv s itiearents tne very day of his Wedding.’ ••‘^nd the lady none the wiser,’ said Mr. Grid in. ’A very jeomfortable ar ransemeut.’ Thun they beta laughr-d, and 1 crept away without the diamonds, and came home, and wrote taat letter.” S e paused as if for breath and leaned back, shivering aud half fainting, against the curtsies. S stun crossed to her quickly, and, slip ping off her hood aud cloak, lifted ber into an easy chair and wheeled it before the fire. L’be cold little hands he took ana cuafed gently wittiia ids own. “I do not la the least understand,” he said, in a tone grave iefieed, bat fall of co npasslon for Uer distress. ‘Dm’tyou?” She leaned her e’ eek, wet with tears, against his hands "B -n’t yon Sue how terrlDle it was to remember now easily I was won? How rearm! to know tnat yon never cared at all, but langhed at heart ai the little dunce who believed ana treasured, a rove the whole worid, a:i the lovely th.'ngi - ou said to her? ’ “Ah,” said Seton. with an oddly long- drawn breata, “I begin to uudsrstand.” “On, it drove me mad—mac! I did not once remember bow tender you have always oeen with me; how hard you have tried never to have me guess tne truth. I thought only of iny mor.ey, and warned vengeance. 1 thought of your old jsal- ! ou-y of R chard L ;is!y—” Seton put her ' quickly away from him and turned to the nre—■ and how it would cat your pride to the quick ill couid make you believe that 1 nad forsaken yon far nim. So I “To be continued in our next, yonr Maj sty,” she called to him. G. CALVES POR FIFTY CENTS APIECE They Make Hob Veal, and tli<- Industry Thrives in the Catskills. They are selling calves for a half dollar apiece up in the Catskills. One night a number of farmers met around the stove in the oflice of a Greeoe county hotel to talk the matter over. They seemed to think that a half dollar was a fair price for tbe calves, inasmuch as the meat these very young bovines afford is a questionable article of diet. It is ordinarily called “bob veal. ” One farmer said that n neighbor of his was making a great deal of money buying these calves from the farmers, l ie sends a wagon over a wide extent of country, buying all the new born calves, which the farmers are anxious to get rid of, because ! they say it pays them better to dispose of - the calves and to sell the milk which the - calves would require to make I hem good] veal; so the dealer buys the calves at 50 j cents apiece when he takes them from tho ! farmer’s barn yard, and sometimes he | pays 75 cents or $1 when they are delivered at his own premises. lie kills and skins the little animals, fortheir hides are worth a trifle, and sends the dressed carcasses by the hundreds to New York, where, in spite of the prohibition against bob veal, they are sold in great numbers. It happened that evening that a New Masterly Inactivity. Primus—Do you think that buildi_ = monument is the best way to keep Gen. ! Grant's personality before the public? i Secuodiis— No; a surer way is not to ! build the monument, and let a great city j like Chicago keep worrying herself about ■ it all the time.—Munscv’s Weekly. ■ foolish lov, i this land nortal fools, rs stand Cadi thinks that uit N one other can cot W things! they il<» Is twouty times as After tlie Iloneymooi She—But. why Jo you s iy 1 for you any more? He—Oh! you. Only 1 know I’m nothing more to the other d.iy that puppy died, ! and you h id it stuffed. Would much for me?— Yenowitie’s News. The lii a.-vii. Sentimental Maiden—There goes Jack’s wife; she is never happy when Jack is out ] of her sight. Is it because she loves binj so much? Experienced Widow—No It’s liecause she knows him so well.—Lift fFake Up. If you wake up hi (tie m d’iiing with a bitter or bud taste in your mouth, Languor, Lull Headache, J.)' jspond on ay, Cons t ipa- tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects the bilious stomach, sweetens the breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adults sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness—a good dose ol Regulator will • give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken by . the youngest infant or the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never fails in doing good. Making Sun You threw me a kiss last n With a smile, to the maid But the nit;bt was dark ; it eluded Pray, have you another to spare?’ iaid h©, assed Sir Richard to i.o ms to the sta tion and go ,v>me gflt, ’.fiimrelf, aud 1 left a wretcLM-tf--§ A fo/-ym. to read.” l t I ’ - Baton turned a verFM.jsn look on her downcast facs * "Yu ay era not going with him. then? ’ ‘ No Or, no How 'j ■ ic tone aod t-Mr-lo at Tiioi were so fj: of tout Seton half j.uile.l perplexity aud dismay. “Besides,” added G;nc, “3lr Richard is ! not tne kind of maa to steal anybody’s wife, even if he c-ruld.” i Sctou walked the length of the room, i several times, then pan^d beside the tire ‘ with Gsno's letter ia his hand. After a j York commission mn ers in the hotel office. i sat with the farm- His business in the Was well taken by a Judge in a Georgia citt’ recently. A highly respectable and usually prompt citizen, who had been summoned to serve upon the Jury, depended upon > cheap watch, and arrived twenty minutes 'ate. The Judge promptly fined him $50, indicating that in this age of fine watches it reasonable prices, bis excuse was not efficient to relieve him of the fine. This expense would have been avoided if ’he citizen had been wearing a Stevens I Watch. They lead all others for durability ,:,,ire ' j and accuracy, and prices are very low. Cal) mt to m arry . J. p Stevens it i3ro., Jewelers, 47 White- ,.ie up, poor iall Street, or write to them for a catalogue. A Veil”' iny dear, that’s true; but' PlcMe mentloa tm “ «'•“’•*. 2 P “ r “• li get, rid of your young man, too, * -Harper’s Hnzar. i one," said the blushing mine, s we ref l, approaching near i the risk of losing this; ure, I will take it here ” —Cape Cod It-aai A Militating Cirrunv Ethel—Of course, papa, I w jiin, but you’ll have to give then \vt you see. lid It” glance jfifloaeiT; fKuery spite ol his G^skiJIs seitiy .l to be to stimulate th£ bob 1 lustrr/and he tried to persui/ffeone * of col- | t there Ac- 1 de, l Teal industry, and he tried to \ old fellow to go into the bnsiriesi going | lecting the calves, telling him tin was really a good deal of money in cording to his story very little ufcouey is : made fr< n one oT these calves 'filess it • weighs, di'essed, about si.vtj* pounds. A . calf weighing from forty to fifty pounds brings onh’ two or two and oue-iialf cents ! in the market, while a large calf is often sold for several times that amount a. good nd the purchaser therefore reaps a j large profit. Easy enough—he did the | day’s work this morning tha j five years.”—Epoch. ttd the head :u1 out?” iiiggest half he’s done in \ Ur As sly , l fux was , .x . „ u-r to aea tue ups ih&s met yours Miv ge. over that,” said Jack, ; day stilt and cold?” * both. 1 suttll never erng any 'wif«‘ to H^ow'shrm ” JOU, Granny, that you siuld no ashaurtd „ ooa natureilv i .tor c r ve; youu^vespuilt ms lor sccjua- 6 jy e i : .f. u . ,ir 3 j a ,-» - ea u_ n _ I . raised her clasped hands sudd jnly, rale women. - we.., titer tn.s ja i really got on uu- . irrtEolutely, to her fa >». J "My dear buy,” she cried. comuiomy «eii—na was. ‘drawn’ the first j -‘it wouldn't ” She stooped wi’h “Ana tl that isn’t a pretty speech lor a ' n . I ‘ s , n * “ lai ' 110 8ie . t>t *“ bis , ortin quarters, [ q rlvuring oruath. 1 ’ c iu of twenty to make to uia e-aud- ' wulc *, Wfcr f, S!na * 1 a-nd poky ana rise the ■ • Us, yaa, it would,” said Sir Richr-d mother.’ J mKcrted, “w.ry, bsafufu“ou royttl f We ’ express.d more tnaa the e coolly; “dead as a door nail.” ±tlelli ‘ d ’ caa, Gr»buy. tn .t » ail.” ' I t0 . KUd , tlle a^coudnigut, sno luraea quicily back toward the **«• jj ; ^ t V J “V t ua ^ I he had made the day. Yet on tue V u,:; man * r U i r ’, bl “.® ru,!al a “ y ; whole he got on retoarkaoiy sell and innow- 1 r J I>U iti. s-ty- ha gut j was soon at home among c.s oiotncr »t U< ’ w ^ “a LOM<l have ex- officers, sooner than he was ia the strange pcct .i or wished. He nad never seen tue mazes of Brighlou society, whose 250 second of hesitation he poked it into the j J filrnicrs wcre curious to |. now what hott-st corner of the gr-tte. was done with this sort of meat, which the , *No^ Gane,” he said, "let us end this j New York health board prohibits. “Well,” j wretched business. I.snail never mention i said the commission man, "if you come It to you agaia, and in return I’ll make a down to Now York vou are likely to eat ■ small aemauiof you. N.x; time you, hob veal without knowing ii You step’ have a ouaplatut to make of vour has- i 1 , r , ... , ? band oti ig it to me In lead of Leisly.” 1 t0 a " lil J hnd on the sideuoard ; r-t— * i some chicken salad that lc Am soft as the tl A'i’l so he wrote 1 That spoke of his de; But he wrote them ail And thus she had bei If she hadn’t, in fact, i Am fast as they were he, and sh lty dove, a bushel < ith a fading ink. j deceived, lotographed then —Philadelphia Times. A Str ‘Why didn’t y rnv letters. Ju ‘He “It is to 3 late,” »he muraiured, has letter bu'orj dow.'‘ / bir Ricnaxd drew her hand firmly througu nis arm aud led ner on. “(ieue, if 1 had not known yoa from a t . ... , » c.early Uefiued and distinct cliques so. n 5 ^*$7? up to ihd cih ine^s and loosed out at ma8e he unwarv one who Joes th«ro ' : , lo ^ knowhow bit iow of windows all d..c it d oat in love and charitTwitn all min i \ e ‘ ly W ^ ^ rie7 ° this rt fl.we,b,xeto tilled wilh wnLtread liie aweirFDiitrimon 1 "ouM beiieyejou the most ne artless —^ ^ - - learn to treaa use a weary pilgrim on woman invented since E e ate the pippin witnout paring.” Tne wind luued as they left the water. crampea -l “ie barracks, oat as ne or ;ve G«ne flushed pitn uUy. ” j some chicken s ilad that looks appetizing, j were so m:ig “You ure nut g ling to 3end me awav. ! Tlle U snlail nine times in all my lime i ai from Orange, Greene or ’ zar t g>ing to 3end me away, then?” she ask-M, a pathetic sur- I ten 1 ike of Genius. m write oftc-ner ia answer Jack?” she Asker], tearfully, •nrest,” he remarked, “yours aid interesting that I spent ad ing them.”—Harper’s Ba- Harbaugh’s Skin Lotion, For Saddle, Collar and Harness Galls, Bruises, Con- tus ^ ous > A-brnsioatf, Bnrna, -V Scalds, and all Skin Erup- ti»» is. Price, 3 .C0 a quart, 60cents a pint. For Hoifida and Mules aud Many Other Spsciflcs, Any of the remedies may be purchased at regu Jar prices, or, all of them, packed iu a case with a Balling Iron to administer bal’s. an Injection funnel and tube for giving injections, aud the Horse Owner’s Hati l-Sook. for 31 ? 60 Send for TH K HOUSE <MVNEK’S H AND BOOK,” a con-HRe and pract cal treatise on the most frequent diseases of horses an-1 mules HaRB'TTOU VETEttINARY ttEMEDY -CO M 7671v Nor»oift, Va. ^.BR^HELD’S . .*> - ue d-.ubl with smart b.uomlug moon duisius aud red geran Inins. Du thougut the place was as chetr- tu. and home .iae as any place Ue had ever lived In; and then he get out of tue c-rjldgu aud wondered wuat, would be come of ulai next. Welle he was waiting there a tall young man c .me out and ace sted him. "I suppose you're Mr. Trevor? How d’you ao? • ••H in do y >u do? ’ said Jack “My itui; la iJ .rrLjgiiin,” said the tall young man, "orotrly officer for the day, more s tae pity.” “Vtry glad to meet you,” said Jack In Lis easiest voica. “Aud canyon tell me where my things are to go?” “Well, you are to have the rooms next to miue,” said H irrlugtoa, had batter go tevl you waa; quarters aud you evu dress there. ‘ On! thauks a.viuily,’’ s*id Jack. Hurri'.gton locked aside at ulm, ‘‘Let’s Walk round Look hero, my friend, 111 give you tne stra git tip—don’t Jet the Colonel hear you say a<vfully ’ It s like a red rag t > a null, and sit s atm off' ou the se. v.Cs gvlug to the oogs, hort of fi;eis us.o to ue g ntieoien, ana a.l that tort of tiling, aud all the f-.i ovvs who have to su and listen to bio tommy rot Will hate y ju like poison.” “Thank you, ’ J-ict said, gratefully. one, who goes there unboiled peas. ITo be Continued.) Tue moon shut in all her beams behind a Animal Flower. Belt ol b ack c:ouds. Tarough vistas The inhabitants of St. Lucie have lately ' the oak branches tne c vs tie win- discovercd a most singular plant. In a dows flj.shed, brilliantly lighted. It was cavern on that island near the sea, an im- J Salon’s masquerade. mense basin of brackish water has collect- when the soond* of mn!op S oo?' Cllard ’ . - i waen tne sound ol music and merry ^ , .',’,'.‘ Lurs “'. e ““ clear as crystal and voices unaouaced their nearness to tne reveal millions of varied colored pebbles house: “Take your charge to seton. i on the bottom. Each of these pebbles fur- j deny it for him e nphaticaliy. I never nishes a resting place for from two to five ' heard of his having a debt taat he of a most remarkable species of plant—a c ’hldn’t pay fi ty times over, and his in- plant much more nearly allied to the aui- j c0 . a ?, 0 ^ aa alw Last treble yours.” mal than to the vegetable kingdom. The __1 „ Ut ,ou ar ° “Staked. Indeed, I can- shallow waters around the edge of the J Knt^S^o wrongs Is tiue as Heavenly i yon in at this side eu- lajority trance, de ton will have had no time to ‘minding one of the marigold uiibs you. Hj wlh think y »a among the . !y that the tint is much brighter. ; ““qters. Rin up and do a your c <8- eeming flowers, ou the approach tunic aud put this blessed paper into a 11 — nnr. rgb nrn ” a mH ho o.Lvn ,i4 « ‘roundto fh^ a o*acX°and C IM ^ T ^ “T* "7'f i— r ut your traps into my r , a! ?. and wonderful liowers; aU writ. I snail take 3 you can dress there ” bright anu sinning in color, the majority trance. St ton will of them family, ofthetandoraslkCreLire,"ake"a*'snaa! f 0 * coal flre -’’ Aad ha Slipped a letter out of sight. On examining them closely.' “dlre snot an eager, questioning them eiosely. the mid.lie of the disk is found to he p^ ' gia^ce from it tohlS^W^SeS vi<Jea with lour brown filaments, resen*- smilingly in aanwer. hliug spider’s legs, which move around the “I guessed there was a storm id the air petals with a brisk, spontaneous motion, wheu X had read mine,*' he said; ‘ s-> kid These filaments have pinchers with which napped this Irjrn deton a deaktoa vait to seize the food upon which this He Lad already had a little cx^erie- co animal plant subsists, the food of the 2 f ol c -’“ a * aa ‘ 1 !'’g effis rs, and strange creature being spawn of lish and marine insects thrown into the pool by the action of the tides.—8t. Louis Republic. knew tue v»;ue of good advice wueu he saw that it was go d. “Wnen do your things come—chairs, tables, cot ana ail tuaD?” Horrington a^ked. “1 believe they’ve come already,” Jack rupiied. “Tuea tbe sooner they are started mak Ing you comfortable or the night Ihe b ..ter. Or stay, I ve got i s; c >ud little cot ia tuy room, i prt my orotuer up sometimes wnen he oonics to Bee me. The Discoverer of the Telescope. developments. Tuank God for the in stinct.” rwo trembling hands were hald out to Li n, aud a pair ot eyes uplifted, full of tears. “I don’t know,” she said, “whether I shall ever be happy again, Sir Rionard, but I snail love you always, aud chaak Dr. Sebastian J. Wimmer, the eminent yun wltn all my heart,” New York gynecologist, is preparing an ftiin Jff •?{ •“■waring her motion, * ., , , . — - J? -, 1 . 1 f bir li ebud foit tra© cusj uf a cjoI fi*m important paper for tbe French ^cademy hand ou his wris:. Mo was put aslue. £ » I’LL • 1 ~ ——— waa ow naio J> ilQ WAS P ut HSillt), °f bciencL-M, of which he is an honorary &nd Lord Setoa aloud in the narrow piia member. The paper de.ils with the dis- before bis wife, aooking down oa her covery of the microscope. Dr. iYimmoc keenly and in amazement. Will you steep there touightU Ir.’U be claims for Galileo the distinction of huving Her nands uad fallen to her sides, let • much more comfortable than y’Ourowa " q jart rs can pos. ibiy on,” “1 ts really most—u:.c immonly good ol you,” said Jack, who had been on the point ol using theoonoxtous word again. “Not at ail, not at ail C >ina Into the metsr.iom and have a brandy and soda, and then I’ll take you round to the t ffice and introduce you to the Colon si. He s not in the best of tempers to day—be discovered this morning that tue big iron roller bad Oteu left out i.j the rala and has got tusiy. days its simply scan dalous that tuere ia a proper Sued with ‘rolier'shed’ marked 00 tne door as large as you please and tbe roller Is left to spoil in tbe rain slmpiy because it's Gov ernment property and oelo gt to no one In particular Nobody dire tell btm that the roller sued is used to keep bis for-ige la. TheyJJ tell him by and by when be s got over tne rnst on tae roller a little.” Jack Trevor burst out laughing; he foresaw a Very good time in the Fighting Fifteenth. 1 i do not know how it is, bat be the i discovered the microscope as well as ths ting the pap.r escape forgotten. Sue telescope. The doctor has discovered a helplessly against one or tae great book primed in 1010, according to which "‘f 8 , s'*" lliQt n ‘ out from a near window snowed him how Galileo In.-i already directed his tube fitted, ghastly pale, how pitifully frightened witii JeuMHM to the observation of small and guilty, she looked, near objects. The philosopher himself Tbe dead siieno wasflaally broken by stated shortly after this date that Ue had htr iiusband, in a voice strained and been able to observe through a lens tha stern: movements of minute animals aad their 4< *s it not time you were among your organs of sense. I 8“®*“’ 8eton? ^, In a ictb-r written In 1614 to 1 Si™<* But my lady seemed Incapable of speech <rL,i ) , . , bignc* | or motion until he stooped to raiss the Tarde, lie says that he has witu his micro- pap^r she h-id let fall, when sue flung her •cope seen aud observed tiies as large m seif upon his arm and caught his hand ■licep and how their bodies were covered wLdiy in both ber own. with hairs and tliey had sharp claws.” The ! “Ah, my hushand, spare met” she cried date usually assigned to the di .covery oi ' out. “I meant to hurt you; 1 was frantic the microscope is 1621, and the i rventionia attributed to one Cornelius Jicbbel, a Dutchman. But according to Dr. Wim- mer tlie date must be thrown back elevea years, aud the credit of tbe first coasti enough to hurt you a little, bat never to see that look on yonr face!” She tried with clinging, beseeching fingers to open his hand, and c tattooed passionately; “For the bitter knowledge ittat came to me today, for the love tuat tion awarded to Galileo.—N ;\v York Teta> you surely may not despise, for meray, let gram. me take back what I have written.” prise ia her eyes. So.oa looked down on her with a half smile again lighting tha stern gravity of his face. "Do you want to go a vay?” S ie stooi up with a sudden hauteur iu tne bearing of her pretty heal, but a wist ul pathos in her lo v voice. “I think I want co go away to the day before 1 met you, my iord,”shj said, and mov.d toward cue door. 8etoa went quietly to open tho door for her. “VVaat a failure I mast be,” he said, gently Oa the threshold she panssd and look ed uo at him. “Yoa have been very generous to me tonight,” she muromrod. and her voice quivered very much; "I—I thank yoa,” S toa leaned abruptly and kissed her cheek Then as sue pa>sed, flushing and confused, he said, ligitiy: -By the by, Gene, I brought your diamonds down with me. They have been reset and some vhat added to. I hope yoa will like the arrangement.” She turned her flushed face to him again and seemed to cry to speak, bat Seton good-naturedly mutioncl her away. “Nonsense,” he said, with an odd little laugn; -‘it Is your own money,you know.” Her head drooped lower, aad she went silently away to ner dressing room. Seton went in searc 1 of Sir Richard, Whom he found pro vling about in a suit of Mep'iistopbeles’ domes and io >kiug rather anxious and restless. By a common impnis-: tney draw aside together. “I want to f, tank yon,” said Seton, “for taking sue': ,good care of my impetuous little wif r”_, “Ah” cried S r R'cvard genially; ‘.‘it makes me vary happy to hear voa say so. In return, let me congratulate yoa. If ever a j jwel of a wo nap. yields her whole heart of gold as irrevocably and atter y into my keepiug, I snail esteem myself a very happy man.” “You -uid not misjudge her, then?” “O ju:d §ny one?” sou the kolght; and the 1 he told Gena's passionate word* at the bridge. While Satan flushed alittle and smiled. , “But now came that t.b3url idea about your greed of gol 1?' c iniiaaed Loisiy. Tho bank conversation was sketched, and dir R chard loose 1 rather amused. “O'coureo,” he saldj “you have set that right?” “Why no, J have not.” ‘ Z mods.Seto i! yeuareaqueerfsllow,” adding, with akaeo glance "bat perhaps there is a tinctnre of malico prepense here—eh? Yon relish a little retails tion? ’ “Not at all. I was hart at Uer doubt, and simply didn't know how to defend mvself.” “Ah, old fellow, do me a favor.” “Yes let me tell hetl ’ “With all my heart.” A quick wave of the hand, and Mephis- topheUs was off in search of his hostess, who had left the hands of “er maid and was making a bravo effort to do duty among her guests. Sir Richard draw her out to a qutle bal cony and spoke abruptly. “Yoa remem- b r that detestable bunk discauioa?” She nodded, wonderingly. “Well your guardian was a knave, a dunes! They were yonr debts, do you under stand? The fi-liov confessed to Seton that he could not even pay for your trousseau, and Seton hurried a p the wed ding so that he could save the estate, and yoa must not know. See?” Sne brushed the hair back from her Herkimer county, or some other cattle producing region. A good deal of canned , chicken docs not contain an ounce of chicken, bob veal being made to uo noble 1 service as a substitute. j “Tlie great public does not stem to know ' the difference. Bob veal, however, flour- J ishes chiefly ou free lunch counters and on excursion steamboats, though butchers j both in New York and Brooklyn are known j to palm it off as good, honest veal. There is a demand for every bit that comes to New York, and though once in a while a load of it is confiscated by the health au thorities, the most of it enters into the consumption of the two big cities.” Some of the farmers present did not seem to regard it as exactly a legitimate busi ness, but every Tone of them said that if they had any calves to gel ritl of the dealer in bob veal was welcome to them at from 50 cent., -a $1 a head.—New York San. Core She Knew. i 1 ,laud—I really think he loves you. Ethel—I am so glad What make: think so? Maud—lie hasn’t proposed to over a week.—New York Herald. you me for tie Slion The uiai I u\.s a a 1:1 St f» mid of many charms, rued down lore. I Hut the youth didn't know ho I And she .smii; re to use his arms j to go —Cape Cod Item Kfic-orled to Church by the Fuotmao. A week or more ago of a bright Sunday morniug, while the organ at St. Thomas’ was pealing forth the voluntary and the people had risen to their responses, a curious and most wonderful thing hap pened. In the middle aisle-., just a seat or two from the front, is one long pew simply upholstered in dark leather that has for a year been quite empty, but which bears on it a silver {date holding a name wc-ll known in Wai! street. Tlie pew’s owner we all know has made a pile of money. He has , a family cor., isting of a wife and two 1 daughter.-, who for the last year or two | have iived abroad. Or -, have we wjn- j dereci if when they came back to America j I would th v gain an entrance to ihe upper j 1 circli-s, and much speculation concerning! J the pew rod : t- holders has been indulged in by iuademive worshipers. Sunday Uiore last curiosity was in one way satisfied and again whetted anew, for, as the services began, the double green in side doors of the church flew open, there was a In a,l cl feet ami up the way came first ills li rdsi.ip—the most prosperous man iu the street—rigged out in London clothes, a flower in his coat, and followed by madam, radiant i:i much rich silk of a sober tone, and half leaning on a gold headed, tortoise shell stick. Behind her came the daughters, types of English maid ens, severely gowned, prim and haughty; but publie astonishment stopped not there, for in the footsteps of the daughters moved with stately stride a gigantic footman ia full regimentals', his high nose held well up and a bag of books on one stout arm. The family filed iuto the pew, settled themselves, the footman unbent, opened the Bilk embroidered hag, doled out the books aud noiselessly stepped back and down to another empty pew, where h« humbly said his prayers. Service over, he collected iiis hooks and charges, marshaled them out to tlie street aud followed them three blocks to Fifth avenue, watched the entire way by an amazed audience of St Thomas’ frequenters.—New York Cot Chicago News. One Mitigating Feature. Jack—Mabel, will you lie my wife? Mabel—Indeed, 1 will not. I will not even be a sister to you. Jack—Well, thank heaven for that— I Boston Courier. I11 the Way. Billy—Say, Fred, what made you shave off your mustache? Fred—Oh, Edith told me it always made her feel down in the mouth.—Journal of Education Compensation. “Can you learn to love me, sweetheart?” And she, smiling, answered, ‘Wo." Then sdi - smiled again and twittered; “ Cans ; i learned to. long ago.” , — Wa lrington Star. jEfFEMA fjA5P£uHt: l! Regulator MENSTRUATION OR MONTHLY SICKNESS lv ThVttN OUF;\NG c.vxangl ot uvt • 6RLM h M4LLR M, SUFFERING WILL BE fWQlUtfl jBOOK TO'' W 0 M A N "'MAltfOFREf BSADFIELD REEULfiTUR CO. ATLANTA GA. L CRUG51 STS 749 ly Incredible! Mr. Youughusband—Yes, I’m caught** last. Old Fisherman (in surprise)—Aud she didn’t throw you back?— Harper’s Bazar. A Bright Scholar. Preacher *to 3-year-old scholar)—Lulu, what do you go to Sunday school for? Litlie Lula (with linger in her uiou th>- To^sce Dickie Johnson.—Jud^e. Tho Worst of All. Many an ailment from kissing starts, lint of most outlie maladi-. It causes, not one’s more ser }Vimt is known om heart disease —Philadelphia Time TBE Oil) RELIABLE Louisville a Nashville R. R. 18 THE BEST LINE TO AND FROM ALL PARTS OF THE SOUTH. For any information write to FRED D. BUSH Dist. Pass Ag’t., or C. P. AT MORE. Gen’l ° a ’ Lo nsville Ky, ; than A Fraud. BET BROWN’S IRON BITTERS Cures Indigestion, Biliousness, Dyspepsia, Mala ria, Nervousness, and General Debility. Physi cians recommend it. Alkdealers sell it. Genuine has trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. “He said you were a pellucid pellicle.” “A what?” “A transparent skin.”—New York Even ing Sun. How He Liked It. New York Waiter—How do yon Hits your steak, sir—rare? Lord Albert Hall—, plentiful}— Puck. A Sad Mistake. “My love i: like tho red, red rose,” lie sang She did not like the air; For others now his music flows, You see his love had auburn hair -Washington Pan, FOR MEN ONLY! H POSITIVE £ cr DOST or FAHJRG MANHOOD 'L’jL.lA'lr fen.ral ana NERVOUS ULSIXTTY Lubast, Not!, n »NHOOe iklT," 742 ly. C !?i?. , iES’ En,S ENGLIgiir PENNYROYAL PILLS, Uo»i Cross Diamond ttran<L ,oian»|.s) for particulars amj “ Kellef 4u Vbmmlnltl. taStaii S^.'.VbhlfeClg 7231} In Siam the habiee ne earned on the Shoulders or hips of the ■Mther. ai ,,] j t j, notan uncommon thing to we a child a couple of years oid sitting sstrid.* of its lather’s s*!i^■ 1 ^rv.- smoking » c-i - .»**»».. FARMERS! A DeLOACH Bin’eS Saw! Grist Mill t Horse power dcLoirrru i ocloach mill co., Atlanta, ga Please jueuiioi* luih |mii«i 747 ^ THE MUSIC HOUSE OF GA. Freyer & Bradley, Atlanta, Ga. Steinway & Sons, Kranich * Bacn, E. Gablet A Bro., Newby & Eva g P erce, Wfi- son «fe White OniHiis. ai *d deliver at your nearest at* "“I- Wti.T.'ler. I, si»m„„ U ,„ SJfif~]|«>'m ^ ■* - “ “™«i ■ s&sr iouh 27 Whitehall dtree., Atlanta, da.