The sunny South. (Atlanta, Ga.) 1875-1907, December 13, 1890, Image 1

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VOLUME XVIL-NO. 782. ATLANTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, 'DECMEBER 13. 1890. A PUSHING LITTLE CITY. That’s What Madison, Florida, May be Called. A Fine People Who Are Full of Pluck and High Purpose. EW TOWNS In Florid* I have as many substantial I reasons to be called boom- ’ ing, as Madison. Situated on the F. C. and P. railroad, In the sub stantial farming country, Bhe is near enough to Jack- sonville to go and return , without sacrificing much time. There are two other roads making thtir I way here, one completed almost and the other will try to overtake the rival— thus adding ways and means to ship the produce and reduce our freight to a min imum. Madison is in the hill country of the State, and one has a faint idea of the bracing atmosphere just far enough from the coast to temper the salt breeze with the resinous ozone of the pine forests. Invalids, hunters and cotton buyers find just the thing desired in the ever pleasant climate, the virgin forests fuil of game and the hundreds of acres of cotton planted in this section. Situated on a plateau much higher than the sur rounding country and drained by a hand that never 6rrs, the town is singularly free from alt malarial troubles, and the people have complexions more like mountaineers than “low country folks.” From a business standpoint this place is particularly inviting. The trading center for three counties, she otters rare inducements to rII locking for a home. From the v. inflows cf the hotel, or the cupola of the court-house, one of tho handsomest in the 3tats, one can sac almost everything one raises on the farm. In one direction the smoke and waving masses tell ns a sugar boiiirg is going on, and the waving acres in uncut cane. In another we see the cotton fields, and jnst across the street we see the wagons and hear the bum and whirr of the gins as they separate the fleecy staple and roll out the bales ready fer market. Tf,en we ara told of tlw " •’*- ‘ themselves. Ope man sends about four thousand dollars’ worth otf every yea”, and he don’t buy them from any one esoeolally—just picks them up from people who make a surplus In such ^Tobacco and rice grow well here, but neonle are too much absorbed in cotton to°nay it tne attention it deserves. Melons do well here, and some plant lareelv Pears and pecans are more «Habie than oranges, although they are raised In this county sufficiently to form aulte an Item for the one fortunate enough t o have them for sa.e. While no occupation Is crowded, there ia no cabinet-maker nor tinner here. We ■** d the milliner say that the reason she did not advertise was. she got more than she could attend to now. An other milliner and dresB-maklng estab lishmeot would do well here. . The only vessel In this sea of Journal ism la the Recorder, and true to 1W name we have all that’s worth the reconi In that eight p8gc—an established venture that has been h. re many yearn and whose list of subscribers and advertisers “bows that a good paper Is appreciated In Mad ison and thatMessrs. Davis and Pond know what goes to “make up one, and do not allow “form” or unholy “pi” to drive them to verbosity When space stares them In tbe face. Bide by side with the newspaper we must put the Central Park” the most home like hotel in the state. Plentyof room, attentive servants and a chief that knows his business and considers cook ing a flue art. With a’bus to meet every train and a tospitabie greeting upon vour arrival one must be far gone to trouble about how be will get cn. Situated on Main street one has a pic ture, worthy an artist, in the magu.n cent oaks that are on all sides and tue glimpses or the lake as it sparkles In the sunshine and the busy life a bit further down tbe street. Among the prominent people one meets in business here are three lawyers that in their several lines are ur.ques tioned authority: C il. H. J. McCall, Hon. Angus Patterson and Col. C. B. Ashley. Col. McCall Is good at anything, but especially so at collecting bad debts. A mighty power in the Knights of Honor, he may be so imbued with their nobility one feels rebuked when he appeals to you and forthwith pays; ary way he gets * S Patterson’s forte is land titles and righting the defrauded. He is a K»yal Arch Mason and takes that worthy order as a role in business, and things are “plumb and square,” we can assure you. Col. Ashley la eloquent and is popular and for a ycung man quite a power in the land. „ . Among the merchants wo will first mention the pioneers. Men who linked their fortunes with Madison when she was a country place getting supplies from St. Marks and Jacksonville by means of wagon trains. Fust cornea A. Livingston, whose early Investments In the mercantile line have, bv unfailing honesty and low prices, turned over until the result la oolossal. 8. 8. Smith has watched this same town develop from a yellow pine forest Into a “citified plaoe” and kept pace with It In all his former lines until now to please hia patrons yon can get any thing from a “blue beck speller” to * carload of salt. . W. H. Dial takes even rank with urn other two and if one peeps into his ware room and sees furniture and hard warn “to the beat of ruin” and In the main ■tore sees all he keeps they see the secret of hia old customers staying right there. W. J Witherspoon has not been long In the race, but he’s a farseelng young man and keeps a fall line of fresh family groceries. He sells so cheap and delivers so promptly his goods never get stale. Shaw & Smith in that pretty brick store across the street argue that all of life la not spent at tbe table, and carry nioe line of dry goods In addition to their family groceries. Henry W. Smith, a most accommcdat- irg young man, serves hot meals at all hours and keeps on hand ail sorts of cakes and contectionery, so that unex pected company is no longer a bugbare if jou nave some one to send to Mr. Smith’s to buy whatever you lack. H. V. Morrow is the produce merchant IN SHAKSPEABE’S THE. Curious Description of Life Lonsr Ago in Stratford-on-Avon. Sidney Lee’s Book on the Things That Affected Shakspeare’s Imagination. Many are the books that have been written about Shakspeare’s native town, but one more may be worth exam Ining, particularly at this time when thers is talk of duplicating In Chicago the memorial theatre erected a few years cash. He has just paid the sturdy farmer for meat or bis thrifty wife for lard, chickens or eggs. J. H. Southall has only been here a few months, but he proves to be a man of his word, and bis stock of general merohan also Is all ho claims for it and he has a good trade. T. W. Dale oomes next on the list as dealer in general merchandise, and his customers sigue that he can’t be beat in anything. From onr acquaintance we endorse Mr. Dale’s praises. J. B. Brinson’s is headquarters for drags, eye glasses, perfumery and seeds. A good pharmacist, deseivedly popular, bis stock never gets old, and bis word Is his bond. A person must be purely blind net to find a pair of eye glasses to salt him in his stock. Fralelgh. Coggins & Fra'eigh handle a superb line of goods, ladies’ dress goods, notions, fine shoes and a full line of gents’ furnishing goods. This house has the men for the work aud tbelr t«st*> and discrimination can be relied on Who comes to Madison and -- /, Capt. Market Genial, clever ana wnae | awake, be is deservedly popular As a j real estate agent he can’t be“tnrn*d , i down,” and you may be certain that it I i he says there’s phosphate in this county | ” he honestly thinks so. Just now he h»H ' three bargains in real estate that he of • ■ 1 fers so cheap it would take you ;• breat h. away. Captain M. says even h s string I I ___ . .— l-.ngs can’t stand It more tnan nt • f vra-?! days longer. ImgM&m ' p ~_P±? ot Infoimation will bo cheer!u ly feiv-.->. I 1 any one that contemplates movie* • Florida. Like Hamit t with the ghost u hoj d be a letter from here without mentioiii the lakes Iteming with fish; tne oscc ae where natnro peiforms a word, r ui ini: g j and has adorned the spot with toweriug magnolias, trailing vines and ot desofj yellow jtssemin-; the B:uu sprir g deeper than my regard for my veracity altows me to put in print, and the water beautifully blue and so e'ear one ctu select the ilbh th:y especially want and drop a dynamite there, and the fish is yours. Or, if it is game you want, real ga i.e likG bear, deer, etc , Just get Capt. Liv ingston and Editor Pound to take you to their lower plantation and your heart’s desire wili be granted. Ail these places are near enough to be pleasant drives, aud thi3 county has nothing “slouchy” in lha way of hors--s Tatra Is a beautiful d:iv6 around a lake aud the display of fine stock one fees exercising there will mako you almost enviout; but nice folks don't do that, you know. Some one says, Where are tho sceools ar.d churches,? Right here, and ail you want in cither way. Just come and see, and if you come you’ii be sure to stay. We guarantee that. Why need any more bo slid? As a final, let me impress upon you this: Madison of Stratford hsTTHWW fff-what we under stand by corn! t. In the smaller houses fora long tlm chimneys were rare. A hole In the wi allowed the smoke !o es- caoe. In mai casts the internal space was not pari loned off. The ground fl jor formed t Ingle ball, and -‘each one made hi* firci ainttarereflosln the ha l where be din and dressed his meat. The opening < the ’rant door revealed the pot hook#£d bangers with which the cooking The tables, aa a raleTwere m. i with flami to “torn up.” Capulet, In “1 h«o and Jo let,” when be wants room f< the dancers in bis ball shouts out to I I servants to “turn the tables up.” TtJfi^N clothe or arras were features i all Elizabethan houses, wht ther rich o poor Shakspeare writes of these hangli ;* in “Lucrece ’: Who fears k hb« inee. or an old man s saw, Shall bv a pain d cioti be kept in awe The floors wtte qirewn with rushes or people will welcome you in the old fash toned hospitable style, assist you in a 1 you undertake, have you riding behind those fast horses ai d as a ‘ clincher” give you a drink from the artesian well, the only one ia Florida that goes through eighty six feet of granite, \Kpan.«»■- HIS MUSTACHE. THE ROOM IN WHICH SHAKSPEARE f AS BORN. s.veet smelllni herbs. Grumio bids t':e rushes be strewk 11 Petrucbi Vs hous ;and Romeo bids waatooe light- of heart, Tickle the senates 3 rushes with their heels. The sanitari ooatlitions of the town worn wretched. The clay fi tors of the houses were at loom swept} refuse was thrown on the street. John Shah8 v e'.re was an habituM ed’ender in the latter respect. 8 i p'jwyi !n tbe town were ao- polnied for amassing ihe filthin lega'izod muck hli's They woto near enough to the houses to make them a constant source <«’ danger to health and li r e. M Halit well Pnli 1 !," has suggested that William Shaktpeare’s devth in 1616. like that of msny of hisj-tv-iinen, was due to tbe tainted ’“’fsphsreof his environ monfc. The ai ket’Hr ick visited Brat, ford in 1769, &:t cribed It at that t i m - • ■- apssemjy, wretch d A Sad Romance of Bostonian Life in Our Own Day. CHAPTER L Georgo Van Doczandyke and Matilda de Bumblethorpe loved one another fondly and passionately. Had yon seen them on the evening on which onr story opens you would have thought so. They were In the palatial parlor of Reginald da Bumblethorpe, Matilda’s proud par ent. The lights were low, and in the glimmerirg gloaming the young people ® — ..loaned to each other’s heart, with a patent ?lasp adjusted on the lips, com m G“or|fw« g“ng away for three long months. The clock on the “antel struca m 11 1° and yet he tarried, but as the hour o ’ i chimed he tore himself away and hastened home. CHAPTER II. A young man Is standing before a, •». b ■ In.o.ltlv nt, asllcll ago at SIritford-on-Avon. Amarioan companies have already pisjed on the stage at Sbakspeare's home; and the } ic ture of an American actress. Mis3 Ada Rshan, adorns the walls of Memorial Hall. That Si ratford was the birthplace ol Shakspsaro has given it in the view of tho modern world Its chie'attr.etiou. A graater attraction, however, it has in the fact that the poet spent there fuily two thirds of his ife. Completely as the r6 sourc s of civilization have remodeled the town in many of its aspic’s, it still boasts scflicient survivals cf the age of Elizabeth to give the eojourner a far-off glimpse or Sbakspeare’s daily environ- menls. The nineteenth century manufsc turerhasnot s tbis mark upon i*;the Inhabitants Know little of life at high pressure. The chief streets still beer the names by wh^oh Shak,-—— *T** — fers on btratforo have en Pomw w’• » attention of thestu deayored to. fis t b ® 0 n points of Shak ; .^rean inUrest, not giving an idea o spearean i i Hevelopment or social the theurasentwork,“S.ratford- ^vonlromX traditions which Influenced the life and sisStK ffiaa’issK- benuS^e to create for us a picture of the (tncietv in which he actually moved. Avon Is the Celtic word for river, which as afon Is still good We sh. Arden is the Celtic “ard,” high or great, and “den” the wooded valley-a combination which supplied Luxemburg with itsi dls gar, mainea in this condition of dependence until tSe close of the Middle Ages. Agrb i cu t ural pursuits chiefly occupied the . i, ueoDle in the Talrteenth century; but look I several turned their attention to trade, tfirSfe* J"- anssemly, wretch d citizens disc-ortali vivid picture ortne u*ii ” i-Vattacked, and Clopton mauo Charlotte Olop-^ri ,,’ing girl of the family, whose »w>sl i i<0 , 8 falr b , ae eyes and pale ; j falling la wavy ringlets on ttb1 I B,cken *d of the disease, and, 'appearance, died. The body was hurtled Into the family tomb beneath Stratford Church. Befor ln t giassf gaz^g lntedtly at a sllgiit'ex ^wWundatlc, of*^m^est inSus 5MSS on hi^upper right-hand Up- | g-have continued to the present an excrescence that might have been ^ D«k Ages the town caustd by someone hittlDg gave birth to several men who rose to ?aysthe fingeiS*upon the excrescence, ^e,’‘particularly for Its religious atrac T ^;, b h t r s k // 8 ‘“rhave s y ucc3edod! V.c tn ^ kHpeare knew Stratford onlv after torv has crowned my * ilorls. A P°f°®® Reformation had stripped it ofeccle- nlaeter applied with a gag every night I ^^‘i^uncttons; but the majority Fo?three months has prcducedthede- m had been solidlyembcdledhi effect I have a mustache! When ., b wh j c h time in his day naa left Matilda de Bumblethorpe the proud nnkina ly. They w«w menu laiden refused to become my wife ( until “ ent8 eDS hrinlng traditions not wholly should have produced a mush, an „ iij e i e8a and may well have helned a poet now I have done 1>! Tomorrow I return re( , hze th6 setting of scenes, UkeKing to Tlalm her as my bride. Wie geh.s! John’s death under the windows of 8 wln^ And he went to bed. 8te ati Abbey, or Gaunt s last moments in CHAPTER III. E, . y t wasthe institution of the guild in It is the de Bumblethorpes’ mansion th Foor teenth centv ry which deprive*! again We would have It somewhere J he b1stopB ofthe power andIpu^intnute tfcrp,.->■ "ffig §-^*tk*-KSin3fi?SS in early manhood. A tradition recorded bj Aubrey states that there was at that lime another butcher's son in the town that was held not at all Inferior to him for a natural wit, but died yourg What could the world have done with two 8 jakapearest Shakspeare as a child must have wit cesstd many dramatic performances. The plays were mostly brief moralities, with the faintest semblance of a p ot. When the players first came to a town they waited on the mayor or bailiff to inform him “wbat nobleman’s servants they were, and so get licenee for their pnbllc playing.” If the mayor liked the players, or wished to show their master respect, be would invite them to play for Heir first performance in the guild hall before bims if and the aldermen. After wards they would perform in the court yard of an inn. It is quite possible tbat John Shakspeare occasionally took bis eon over to Coventry to witness tbe mir acles or mysteries on Corpus Christ! day, the Thursday after Trinity Sunday. Tne Strat'ord townsfolk had for an early period b.en wont to witness these per forman ces. in “Tue Hundred Merry Tales,” a pop ular just book of the Sixteenth century, whence Beatrice taunts Bsnedick with having borrowed his wit, there is a story of a Wai wlckshiie priest wbo ended his sermon on the articles of the creed by saying, “1? you bsrieve not me then for a more sufficient authority go to Coventry, and there ye shall see them all played in Corpus Chrlsti p’ay.” E-itertaiumeuts of rudimentary dra malic interest were gorten up among Stratord people at Christmas and Whit suntide. Fageauts and Interludes werb piajea at Intervals at the neighboring c.untry houses, wrare strolling compa nies often ttt'ered their sorv c 3B. Shak speare’e rather may have taken tl e b-jy wben 11 yeaia old to witness the perform ances at Kenilworth with which Lord L: ic:ster honored Q »een Eozabetu’s visit in 1575 The rererences to the occa sion in ‘’Midsummer Night’s Dream” are unmistakable. It ii interest ng to follow Mr. Lee ia his description ol the rural sports of Old England and in his ci.ation of pas-ago.-, from Shakspeare wh:cn show the pOtt s acquaintance with them. “An a teat! uaie uot skill in the hawking aud hunt ing languages I'll not give a rush for r.i-n,”says one of Jonsoa s characters iu ‘ Every Man iu H:s Humor,” atd there is no lack of evidence that Shakspeare studied them both. No more vivid pic ture of tue purcuit of ‘ poor Wat’’ is found in literature than'in the poet’s “Venue atd Adori". ’ His fondness for deergot him iu trouole iu his youth with Sir TuODjas Lucy, master of Chariecote Hall. Tne testimony of Archdeacon Davies, who was the Vicar of Srp non, G oucestemhire, late in the seventeenth century is to tne effect that Shakspeare -was much given to all uuluckicess In stealing venison and rabbits, particularly from Sir Tnomas Lacy, who uad Mm oft whipped andsoun.tlm.ts imprisoned, and at last made him ffy his native country to bis great advancement.” „ nl ,i tue bf-.uguige, ado' eii4i'*cftr PRICE! $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE The Other Man’s Wife. MOST CHARMING STORY OF EARL^WE. BY JOHN STRANGE WINTER. CHAPTER V. “Time it a file that wears and makes no noise'” Four years had gone by. Jack Trevor had long ago become an established fa vorite in the Fighting Fifteenth, was keen on soldiering, gay as a boy, blessed with a delightful fund of good humor, though, on occasion, he could, and some. Uses did, blaze up in a very pretty show of fiery wrath: The Fifteenth wero quartered at Chert- Buy Camp. Not a particularly lively spot nor one in which a soldier is ever very well pleased to find himself. However in a soldier's life, place is altogether a q restlon of chance, and or, the whole the Fifteenth had not been very hardly used. From Brighton they had gone to Leeds and rrom Leeds to Norwich—where tfcoy were utterly spoilt—and now they were in camp at Caertsey for two years, with ths pletissnt prospect of a ioDg spell in Ireland when they should ff ad the mselves on the move again. Howover, after the manner of soldiers, as they had nearly two years in front of them which must perforce bo spent in Ubertsey, tho regiment on the whole b ttied itself down and made the best o f the present witfcoat more ado than a few groans at the mention of the future, The mess hut had bean smartened as much as possible and all the windows were gay with bright flowers. The little enclos ure in which the leng hut stood had heec planted thickly with tali moon daisies. r i crH vniIntsf p.n.lrf'mnrip.p. S lakspeare ha\l his revenge for waat 1 ever rndignitteB ne suffered, for he im mortaiizeu Cnariecote and its owner ii the character of Justice Soallow. Slen der in “Merry Wives of Windsor” alludes to Saahow’s “dozen white luces” on his od coat” of arms This isa blunder ing jast on the arms of the Charlecote Lucys, described by heralds as “three luces hauriant argent. ’ A luce is it modern English a pike, a fact that ac “ h “ nk FalstatFa comparison else where of Shallow to an “old pike.” One f?hJ?. nl ? < L nt<>f the Luc y s In Chart* cote Epg ?! 1 has ». ^““rtering of their arms with three fish in each of four divisions. Thus Slen ter may not be talking alto- gather at random when he speaks ol the dezsn luces. Mr. Lee's account of Stratford on the whole throws new light on many a page or Shakspeare, adding to the sum of in ternal evidence that the poet was the author of his own works. TUB AtMSF LUCV. a week had pats«l either of the house followed her ad Wabnrne to tho same vault. A d thei th bearers saw by their torches <> thateps leading from the church to ti spul vhral chamber Charlotte Clop! i! her grave-clothes leaning against! wdl. She was dead then, but It was ar bat the plague had spared her. Aftsheiad been laid in the gloomy vauhere had been a terri ble straggle for. In the light of this storv one reads in with added interest tho great speecUalht in the potion scene. Is it aithtr unlikely that the superb imaginatuthurst was inspired by Charlotte Ciq’s fate? "Sich detailsro given help one to form an idea cs life led by Shaks- peere’s father his contemporaries. As the authors: “We can picture John Shakcpef a morning wrapping his gown abotn and cursing the pigs tbat impede hugress as he hurries past the markes down High street when the cloches 9 on his wav to a meeting o' ttfv council. We can watch him on fleet day purchasing pewter ware ortnd at the fair driv ing a brisk trails own aosount in wools corn, . , , Everj night in winteirefully har gi a lamp out before his land before 9 o’clock Thrilling Experience. The telegraph operator at the tunnel, about eight miles above Penu Haven Junction, on the Lehigh Valle/ rai lroad had a remarkable and thrilling expert ence, says a letter from Wilkesoarre, Pa. The place is a very lonely one. Thers is not a dwelling within over two miles of it, tho nearest one being at Mud Run, where the awful railroad disaster occurr- ed two years ago. Oa either side of the railroad the mountains stretch away for miles, covered with dense forests. The operator in the little cabin hardly ever sees a human face, except on the passing trains. For a long time no one could be got to stay there long, but six months ago Edward Smith from New York city took the place, and held it up to Thurs day night. He has often seen many bears and wildcats around, and of late they have grown very bold. Thursday night he was awakened by a noise outside the cabin, and, on looking out, eaw two large bears attempting to get in. He shouted and beat the door to frigh ten them away, but they replied with ion Mouq paw saodweM ou psq on SB 'poaus XgwojS omwaoq oh -ui jo3 oj sjjo^o jjoqj poiqnopw paw s(moj3 ooiog red ^eraciunib and yellow caiceolariaf’, while odd corners were fllied up with brave attempts at rockeries in the crev ices of which little hardy ferns we;e SrurisnlDg as cheerfully as if they were gropin'' on a wild west country cllil in- ttcad of an arid and ousiy cainp. Well, well they were conscientiously watered twice and even thrice a day, .Perhaps the little ferns knew no better; let us hope not. Anyway, certain it ia that the er-c’osure around the mess hut at Cnert seywas abb z 3 with bright hued flowers to gather which was to incur the severest penalty ofthe law, something very dread- ltseif. apMcinTSe ; 0«?8>BF..the o.vjV£a& Jnrf. sometimes scarce** thing, yet in most cases fostered by every arti ficial means within reach of camp life, every window had its little garden, and within the huts now that the first bustle of removal was over everyone was busy making the best of the situatior. In those of the married officers, the wives were most of them very busy—and let me tell you tbat there is nothing at which a really smart army woman will stop when sne is doing up her quarters. There was much puzzling over a certain column in the Queen, wherein a sister in arms for a long time was wont to dls course learnedly out of her own experi ence on cosy corners, upholstery, paiat Ing, papering and the like. Some busy with needle and thread, others with hammer and nails, or paint and brush, and in one of the unmarried officer'ahute or I should, to be quite correct, say out side it, orr friend Jack Trevor with about a hair dozen Dots of enamel was exces siveiy busy converting an exceedingly shabby collection of chairs and tables into what would be described in the trade as “a suit fer a bludolr in ivory white.” J ick himself was very hot and very much bedaubed with paint and he had also got an ingenious way of putting it on which, though entirely satisfactory as to tbe resnit, involved a great deal more trouble in the actual process. This con sisted of putting it on hot—and let me tell you that to re-enamel any article of furniture out in the open air and keep the pot c-f enamel hot the while, is any thing bat an easy business. “Hi, Tod.t—Todd,” Jack called out, having discovered that his paint was beginning to show signs of the brush— “Todd, I must have some more hot water.” “Well, ’pon my soul,” saida voice be hind him, “I don’t know much about saintlng chairs and tables, but I never inewyou did em with hot water be fore.” “Ah, is that you, Monty. Come in, old chap,” Jack auswered “Come in—I’m very busy.” “»o I see,” said the new comer, push ing the little gate open and strolling into the tiny enclosure. “Are yon too busy to come down to the town with me?” “Monty—Monty—stop—don’t sit on that chair—it’s wet,” Jack yelled—then r. rTgat the~£ri.“s^e"^hes I ^contTm^d.”The bod£ at first the door, and is c'asped In bis religious, was ultimately a sort *>f city 2dS, tS the“ coraers. Sniy !t 1. the gKiapupi's The master of the guild same coraer for both—a little corner in ld hlm an annual salary of £10. It waa S® n arlor where the lights brightly I this school, somewhat altered in shine! where ttiere is a larp> armchair,is “flap”, that Shakspeare was afterwards ask ter if it tickles retain. I will wait «nl ecstasies over it.” Sufi 1 she°goi into j T ^iy d he was ciSed'btfore it ahjUnirftad to leave the city. A anbetantial “ducking The momenta roll by and still she | ltool » with iron staple, look, and Mnges » w. not of it. She asks him about his j waa ke pt in good repair. The shrew was N| trtlpj makes Mm swear that ko.*^*“ot J atUo hed to itTand bj means rfwyw. *■ flirted with a single, single girl (he la I plankS) and wheels was plunged two or very glad* tbat she says nothing abort F brM times into the Avon whenever the stock aud can sell flirring with widows), and everything ponncll believed her to stand in need of S 2. lovely. But she says nothing about emotion. The cltlzsn who sp^edU- >i IresnaetfaUv ton town offioer wee com ® flilv oeorge becomes deeperete. SSed to s^nd three days end nighta in W .Ma^he. “do I—have you— I the open stocks. No one might «*oeive Darllng, **7 Notice any change in 1 a stranger into his house without tho liSSv-woSSmfr’ I baiUff^s permission. No servant or ap- y °“Whv U ve^Georgejq” she replied fond- prentice m'gat be out of hie mester e i *•! y «o*> looks ever so much sweet- nouse after 9 o’clock at night. A ehouss ly“I«jo! OoiooM ovw"; I keepers, of whom there were thirty in er, ducky oo really o« I afntford in Shakespeare’s day, were “Nothing else Biraie£ g . r jctly under tbe Connell’s oontrol. ^.»Lta d exuD«reted, but he holds on, Every inhabitant had to go to church C^prge P® No b gays no more. 1 once e month, and absentees were Mable W “pltfv^Lavs hef‘ iSn’t yon remember to a fine of £20. In 1577 there were many Potty wy » - we -s amgy—bo me I fines exacted for faila eto weerthe pieio I_er I • “uToS; « *” tk ® b “ hv dou*t you raise cne? Ycu in his youth, but obeyed sedately 'b * 11 , 8 ---we, to please 'or U.tle | Stable to that of bailiff’ and Ceief Alder uoau, betw an 1557 ana 1577; and tbe poet from his boyhood haunt have b3en fami liar with every detail .ol municipal or- ® The interior of the Elizabethan houses KB B MEMORIAL THEATRE, STRATFORD-ON-AVON. he and cannot i respect I deedthl pro isle | hisch"* >nae ire et rest. He wri t he has a distant -1 ig. Nothing in- i i done amid hia lorn i likely to invest Ith tag skin to tbe P J .\!’-umaio tbe maidc-n from him, rises, H. V. Morrow is the pre-dues merenanr, ® e h ^ r , h . vfrinkies from his trousers, of Kiddie Florida. His business is im brushra the wrings ir outlatue rr.cnsi, aud ho has cause to be preud of B,aps on M “‘i the shipments of eggs, chickens, etc., he j cold, :old ’ uct ._Paul C. West makes. Naturally, he keeps an Immense | Thns ends a romauo-. cheap for the I in Boston Traveller. 'rs 1 waxed warm in eon f > 3l tr 4 “cational equip ment faoB am Shakspeare. There ly rest believe that i is mastef him i grasp on Latin, at leaf ed hiato Horace, Sene ca, aiftus. brrt and worst typesfural si nasterhavebren pictuf Shabi s in his plays. Hologi ‘‘Lov ’.her Lost” is the best-job is, p 8> the worst. Wf" not S leareonquitlirg BChtfe an ary apprentice, gccJtmston ic is litiie doubt th»w® nt l2ei m he had known at sw® his i ate companions to do. Hie alarm Increased whens third J*" sndeeversl wlldests joined the two been outside, end they sh renewed their efforts to get in. Smith tried to call up the operator at Mad Ran to ask for help, but could get no sniwer. Meanwhile one ofthe beers had got on the roof and was tearing off tho shingles. Another one broke the window-glass and thrust threugh its bead. Smith, seizing a heavy bar, struck the bear with all his might. This seemed to daunt the assailants for a while, but they soon renewed tbe attack. At last Mud Run answered, and Smith told the operator to send help down on tbe first train or be would be a dead man. Ee did so, and the train only just reached the seer e in time. The bears had torn all tbe shingles off and were forcing a way tl.rough the rafters when theap- proach of the train drove them off. Smith got on beard the train and started for bis home iu New York. at the sight of the jump which Monty Carlton gave, he went off into a gay paal of laughter. “Monty—Monty—Is there another man in the world bat yourself who would go near white paint in his best uniform?” “Then why the d 1,” asked Carlton with Imperturbable placidity, “do you spread paint about just wher a fellow is likely to go? By tne by, old chap, are you thinking of getting married?” “Married! No—why?” “This bridal-like display,” with a ges ture which included the old chairs and tables. “Oh, they’re not mine—they’re for Mrs. Stratton, poor little thing. She can’t manage them herself and 8tratton won’t try. I say, Todd, Todd.” “Yes Sir,” said Todd, putting his h*»nd oat the door. “Mora hot water,” said Jack—“and bring Mr. Carlton a chair oat—tbe big one. again*’ 8 * r ’” ***** Todd disappearing “I’ll tell yon what it is, my friend ” re marked Carlton when he had got the ehair and had comfortably settled him self therein—“you’ll have to look out.” “Why?” Jack asked, as he stirred the pot of point with Tbit of ■uOK* “Why? It’s dear enough—pretty wo man—indifferent husband—no money- friendly subaltern—old chairs and tables —new cost of paint—I say look ont.” 'What an ass yon are, Monty,” said more famliar than she chooses ms to be.” ‘ Yes, I know,” said Carlton, taking his cigarette out of his mouth—“but I've noticed several times before that very pretty scandals have arisen out of the mildest and moBt platonic Intercourse with just tbat type of mild aud good little down trodden woman. However, it’s no business of mine—only I’ve had it on my mind to give you a hint for some time, and now I’ve done it it’s off’ my mind and we neodn’t say any mors about it.” it was p3rhaps tho longes' spejeb that Jack had ever heard from Carlton—who was a man of remarkably few words He laughed a l'.ttle at. the lecture and put cut a rither paint daubed band to his com rade. “Old chap,” ho said, it’s awfully g od of you to tel! me if you tea anything which makes you thiuk I’m going Into danger; but I assure yon in this case, th: re is no danger, I like Mrs Stratton immeuse’y-‘immensely, she’s one of the best little women I ever knew, out I’m not even a little bit in love with her, and if i wero it wouldn’t be any good for she simply adores Stratton—worships the yerv ground he walks on.” ‘ Good Go?! ’fjacuiatsd Carlton, piona- ly. “Yes, I know—but it’s true ail ths same. And Stratton don’t care a brass button "or her, not a brass button ” “H’il!” murmured Carlton thought fully—then after a moment’s silence, h e continued In a difl’ereot tons—‘ By the bye, you’ve heard of course, that La?r- rence has arranged his exchange?” “The Major? No—I never believed he meant it. Who is it with?'’ “A Major Dsnnis of the 2itk L ncirs.” ‘ Ah!—Do you know anything about him? ’ “Notathiog.” “What does the Colonel say? ’ “Very little, ?or he knows very little; he’s never met him. But he said just now ‘I've heard of him a* a very mart so dier,’ so I suppose it’s ali right.” “Ah” and Jack -vent on with his paint ing and finished off the leg of a chair which he than very carefully set aside to dry. “I wonder who he belongs to ana where he comas from? ’ * Something to do with—witi-oh! 1 forget,” answered Carlton carelessly. He sat watching Jack til! he had fin ished the last article of^ furg^rs— “You’ve done now. h ”*" * W: “-HSciy"theflrat c rat, answered Jac i. “What! Are you going to do em ai over again? ’ ,, T k re _ aI f “Wlrr.yes, of course, I am re, coat or paint .u«. .uw.-,; table with at “How should I know? A table'm’ght have a hundred and fifty coats of paint on It before 1 should be any wiser; but look here, old chap, can’t yon drop It now and come out with me? They can’t ba dry enough to go over again ytt.” “What as I ax?’ asked Jack with much gravity. “No, not as you are; get yourself cleaned if you can and come along, I want you to see a plate down there." ‘ Oh, all right. Well, you go and "et out of your togs and I’ll be ready in a jiffy,” said Jack, having carefully cleaned his brushes. He disappeared Into his hut and Todd presently came out and cleared the paint and brushes away. “Ain’t such a bad hand at it,” he chuckled to himssif as he examined his master's work, “i expect if he knew I’d been in this 'ere v^ry line he’d start me on painting for the ’ole of the blessed barricks! Aye but Joseph lodd am t such an ass as to let oa what’ll Jack, beginning fo ply hie brush'again “Perhaps. Keep it in mind aul the seme,” answered Monty with absolute good nature. “Whet that yon’re an ass, old chap? Ob! I needn’t trouble to do that—yon’ll not let me forget it,” with a gay langh, Monty laughed too. “Yes, I know all that. It’s a c estnnt bnt no matter. Just mind what I say, that's all.” “All right, old chap, I will. AU the same up to the present moment there’s been no netd of it. I’m sorry for the lit tie woman, for she’s bad hard Urns all Rway as of trying to prtsatne on my ac qnaintance or get the leaat little bit et hlsself a mint o’ work without less 3d penny to show for it. No Joseph Todd ain’t quite such a ass a<> th»r." In less than ten minutes Jick Trevor came out of the hut looking as 3p!c and span in his light summer clothes as if he had never heard of such things aa old chairs and tables in all his life. He went across to Carlton’s hat and knocked on the door with the handle of h!s walkimr- stick. “Rsady, old chap? ’ ho shouted. Carlton opened the door. “I was just coming over to you,” he Eaid. And then the two officers turned and went away together in the direction of the town. They bad got about half way the: e when Carlton suddenly uttered an ex clamation: “It was Frothingham,” he said in a tone of relief. “What was Frothingham?’ asked Jack, little puzzled to know his meaning, “Well, it was Lord Frothingham that the new msjor is connected with,’’ Carl ton replied. “I’ve bten trying to think of the name ever si.- ce. 1 fancy he was next to the title at one time, and that old Frothingham married when he was about a hundred and had several chil dren.” “Hard lines for the Major,” said Jack, then walked on in silence try-lug to piece together certain recollections which were hovering in his brain—“Dennis—F,oth- Jngham—next to the title—why I have it!’ he cried alond; “ne was the man who married Ethel Mordaunt.” “And who was Ethel Mordaunt?” Carl ton asked. “She was the greatest pal I had when f « ^ oy ’ her people's place was next to the Palace at Blankhampton, where 1 was born, you know. By Jove, what a jolly litt e soul she was.” Carlton looked aside at him. “First love?” he asked with a comical expres sion in eyes and month. Jack laughed. “Well, perhaps.” “u’m!” with a disgusted tone. Jack langhed yet more. “Oh, nothing of that kinds I haven’t seen her for—for —oh! for over twelve years. She was a child in short frocks when I remember her. She’s been married for years.” “She’s younger than your’ “Oh, yes, several yean.” “Than aha can’t have bean married so Any yean, old chap. I suppose now yonTl spend all your time thoreT” “You foraet. her husband will perhaps break my head if I try that on.” p “It’s devoutly to ba hoped ha wilL” aMd Carlton, who waa nev«WM*py^, when with Jack, and greatly res rated hu Jala? snob a favorite aa ne waa with all £* m ** r J*d women with whom hawra brought into contact. CHAPTER VL “0, for yesterdays to come" In due time Major Lawrenoe bade fan- wall to the Fighting Fifteenth and de parted with the usual honon, end in due time Major Dennis appeared upon the scene. The first impression he made was a distinctly unfavorable one; he was big and loud-voiced, with a hard, weather beaten face, and an unmistakably cruel mouth. Tbe first day he sh iwed in bar racks, or I should say in the mess room, and aloj’cl little woman too and Isiiou d j lu^ch^aud 1 introduced 1 bi n tifaH^thn as soon think of cutting my throat right officers^“Seibtod thSw. Mmta Carlton Rway as of trvinsr to ortsumn on mv nc I opened his eyes a little mora than u«uil remembering that Jack Trevor 'had