Newspaper Page Text
_ l ojp its.
JULY 25, 181© |
~ jrr&ijs^thkyi*
Coteae! Ed wash F. TasYsacl, has
| icq #p(K'(tjt.’ vi ta the Governor of Iftiorgia,
Solicitor for the E i*J.ern BW.rift, sh pi*ee
ti josaph S. iMot. esq. resigned*
ilTo£T*lwVr LYFO*li£Ji&bM
X < BWPJL.ETofi,(A. I C.) June 89.
3. Mr. bttphen TuouieiSon, who pass
ed through this place on Wadne*d*y last,
Tireet from the Clierskee.’Nation, s hare
r p: e i* ed tte flowing iut,#oftaut inforcoa- j
tion ‘ *•
k'hat n M'ttJhy* the lfth instant, # |
six miies from the Turnpike, I
g, entupany of waggons, five in number, ■
<verepH%sing through toe Nation, loaded for
JftvtSfS. and Sons, they stopped et
fn'itje, to repair one of the wagrro **, A
of Ike name of D aVis, wb
ayn# drivin* one of the. woggous, pUntl
Lis father, was attacked h/ en Lid: n, vlnr
urns iqtnxiaated, for applying to ! : m so ,
fire. The Indi an pnrsh *d bun Vonud the j
•vraggons, and made several attempts to stnl
stiin. The yd'Jtig man, at last, picked up r ;
Jhatehet, and tOrevV it at the Indian, whiel
btrqrk him on the week, and gave him e
kevero wound, of wfeieh iie died Six a few
Hboiies. Aa Ir.diun who was present raised
fthe war whoop, and in a few minutes about i
Thirty were assembkd, lit arm <l. Th *y
jtrftn* diately iei*d the yduoger Mr. Davis,
bind kept hi id confined until the Indian died;
they then took htiq out of the house, and
* but him, in, presence of kh father—frftm
■uv&'om car irforuaiiit obtained the above iu*
ptirntH n',An express w s iuiitiedidtely
k.ntonto the gove-oor of Tennesse. He
* iso stated, t!at the Indiana Had left their
viHajes, on'at count of the murder, and a o
f-aid to be |p>n9 to hp-xf; b it, it is feared,
fa do more urUfihLf.— JMe*sensei.
)MAPEl)omSfouifkn., ,
t We have the nJeasdre to announce the ar
frral in Ann ’.polls Roads, of the frigate Ma
a-edoni'in', fVjRR l tvoYdv i from fy*r*
fhageoa. having ou board CkristupheY
kfilgbes. ju u. esq. of ttiis aitjb who went but
*■ commiissidnor from our government to
liejn -ml the release of the A merican prison
ers nt that place. Mr. Uu-hea has sdc
r eeded in the object of Tjii mission, and hi
brought home in the fiigtte aM the Amsrik
rails that remained in prisou at the iirde of
Lis arrival at Otrthagena, and at Sftxnt*
fSAarlha; they #ere immediately dh'ivbred
f;Q U prison bn his dehi ind.
Among them hre W. S. Copper hd Lewi*
Count**, 6? this plice, ahd Mr. Bimtti, ruaie
es the sehr. Adeline. This getiUeman was
severely wounded in ah attempt to force (he
guard sbpje months sinhe at Sarita Martha*
end suppssed bv those who escaped fo.haye
Veen killed. Norri, of Ilart
tVrd, Con. is alio mug thhse released—•
Mr. Hughes landed at Annapolis y esterday
turning and arrived at his owe bouse, in
this Ckiy, lb lixo evening, iu perfect health.
iJditimre pup. Sth itest.
\Ttt. KndersUntt (ssys the Balt. iM.riol)
(i pasaergers in the f.Jgate Micodonian,
that the description, as ppbliSlted in our
}4,sprt , of the cruellies suffered .by the r.h
fjappy Ameri aos and otbere, “h<* ftere iox
juisonod at Carthegona by Murillo, and
ybo belonged to merchant whs
trot at at! an txr.ggeruted picture: but that
♦he they underwent, ivtid lift <h?fsb
rat* barbarities inflicted on them by the
Hpaniirds, would be scarcely credited in a
%-Uid of Chrietsttn?. The dons would not
f'iveixptfte pr<*p?r(y. \Ye bopi that some
fiiyhrcthfr, our. countrymen will be eoitt
yieas&ted fur the fbsses both of liberty afrd
)’properlyr wSich they havfc so nnjttstly s,ui;
i*ii*ed from our Ppaotsh neighbors, and thui
will yet he itiilirted en the .vages.
We h ere also Ueert i;’fo?med, that a mi hi*
&>r af Kfigltsh and French pritdiers, who
>;titined their liberty, were received on
Jfco&rd ti e IVkste ty captain to thes > deslitute men, the same
was giveij to his
Englishmen ivere, with their own. ap-
transferred by captain Warring
•Ml {cl, Cho English sloop of car Tav, which
vessel came iifio Santa Mar!hr. to receive
*se. English prisoners. ‘l’his act is eharao
teristl a) of the humane and gallant spirit
Ti uiK t oiir naval olaeers.
‘there arrived, at Cadi* from United
sites, tile pyde, up to ti <; lEh May,
Atnprleen Vessels ; 87 of whit-b wfre
losdeil t with flour, corn, rite, staves, &e.
Also, 81 fi reigrt vesicls folded* in the Unilsd
4h‘alU -V'Ufc’ similar vnryoea*
A l . T. Com. Advocate.
United £tule*' > JJank The N. ‘York
t'fabian s:.*y, that ou Monday last. 1
•lojjars vvere so inscribed so the U. Sinii s’
X%clt io N’evr-Vgrk. We tmdorytnj.d ililt
(.iilf-j city (he same day ,B‘Jt) f QOQ dallurs
subscribed to the iVunk—-tLo sub-
active, und is i xpccud*
#rio do even to ihfe iot andv _. TLu
tfro t-f
T? e.snbsiY-piwn Rcoha to tie £i.*t *.t't
tJnHkd States, v.irc. cjer.ed on Mrutiajj
1r.6!. es dart to contiuuc <7>sr for twenty<.
dtys. VYe undcritabd three or fur
thousand shares err already subscribed i'oi
iu this tbvfn.-- Boston fruity Mvtriwr.
The. British Government SEVEN’
armed Vessel, of djfleient size**, on Leke
ferie; and are abont to build a FRIGATE
at Malden. They, lor gome lime -past, hav e
been cringing CarjWHPsxers from the Stntca,
at throe dollar* per day, to work at the
F‘rigte. These facts must b‘a known to
the Atiiftricen GorcriirncnJ,. und .eugh't to j
eXcite a c ; >r e-pumhug ( vjgilcucn and ae-i
tivity.'— EkUauelphiu Jurcra.
F'iattsi/Urg , j>* T. Juiie 23.
MaYxe Scq\k ti c Hoard of Assess*
ori; of tho iowu oi‘ hove takeu an
estimate r: the qun\ity ol Bngur tLe
lat season, by each individual assessed—-
wilih Eve* up aggregate vtfsixtfrfour tkou
uvnd ptVair’s. - Mach of this Sugar is if a I
quality not inferior to Alus jov&do—which !
is k.eiilnps at 25 cents per poun i. At an a- J
of sixuen esnts, the sugar made io *
town would amount to something more than j
ten thousand, dollars.
Fra'Ri the Virgin I*l amt s’ received
nt Norfolk. j
frf The Ernaii'rq.wt h g Jinny <4 Venezuela
i he expedi ..u fiu.o Aux-Layes, pUnnao
I by the jeM. sen. Bolivar, under (he
ico itßan'd of HcVixfr&l Tunis Bhon,failed an j
the 3tt of March, from ilrat port,
j After a very favorably voyaae, wy
i mdde the Islands Terrigos on the Ist May,
Und the Heights of Miuguerita the duy al
Iter, whim a topsail schooner and a brv
f were descried, whereupon the hdfnirul t*.
/dtrerl the squadron, for the purpose of de-
I tactile,(j tb&Sfs from the shore, and
I(4 ascertain from wiuwe they, sailed, to
pursue them : this being effected, the line
of fettle w.i formed and the Nf'tion.ii
Flag, noiled to the mninmast. The GoE
! manaustl followed lhe brig and ehou'.H*v>.
! the Uttqr being a better s tiler hauled hoc
i wind, when the seta* Urn. Mmino, Jupi-
I atV3 Ooaejq,ebi-*Bd her; the odier ve •
4 ft.l lowt Os? the admiral ip chase of the
i.britf, . i.l, the sqhioner af
tacked tie Ifrig on the Wf’mard side end
tVtfx CfihiihilMfleute tb-operated on th? .?*>':•- r- !
board, the brig mufciiu; a., vigorous ileicn* e
witfi the great guns aod musketry :in ‘
uecy shoVt time the hoehiy was di-nnuilt and,
hut eoaUnu’ and to resist with great ten tcif u■*:
ness. At this tpuitnnt, the admiral b<-iug
Wcii,uV:dj, the eahtaii, tteoatb belli -It, toofe
the com maud of (ho jOmplnapdanie and < : f,
l?ie squadron,. That, vessel, fhercuoon,tin
der u dreadful fire, hoarded (be euetny, v/f h
endeavored to repuls? HB, but’
oilr vaftant sailors having taken pnsxessioa
of the quarter deek, obtiggfl the tjnemy to
Irdsre ti> the hold, and struck the Spanish
Flag. The eapUiu wup found dead in the
| cabin, having revived a, shot th>obon (ho
i heed, as were also tf.r- liEst. afiii KUigeoiv ;
{ on diode’ k* and in the fold then* were 42
| kdled rpd 31 wouuttaJ,; besijletrijr number
! who ju'r p'e i overboard, aod were drowned,
The ti>ig is a man of war, eaiieil the ia
-1 trepidoof Heiglit pouodcrsj among whl.-h
Were lit brass GulverinX, aiii) she hud on
1 board HO nm; her fombuainVr wfc lieu
tenant of (he Iglesia frigate. , .j.
At 5 v. u. r.fier exchanging o fetv lirood
aides the *;fiobner struck I tereolor* to the
General Marino just a the latter was in art
of hoarding lier ; the waa bdiy
wundrd ana Sva ft*md 15 of (he men kill
ed iiU f w ounded. Fixe il a„kitag , s schooner, j
e- 11, and she Rita, mounting uiie Jong on 1
£> jyel, two 24 pout U earronndes, and fwo !
Ji.tihlw fortified IS pounder*, with a ue’v’
r.T wO men, her commander was a secocd !
Ift men iut of the frigate Mateo Cainpo.’* j
... On oui bide there were only on bqjm) the}
ifong (he ftirrj'.er was the byavgofliftey
helena. 4 .The General Marino had u,l
men slightly wounded,
TL Admiraß ami ebjilaik Bolueh ron
dueted thews ia tht* day** battle wish
all that bravery tiod abilfty which were
jueily Jui expected from their judgement
nd valor, und the cap loin-gene ml big.hjy
B?xti ! li?d therewith, Isas raised thsi fortner
iodic rank of admiral, end the latter to
that of captain. ‘J ho offtcew hd cifew* en-i
gall’d iu the ihemstdvo*
j in a tnolfgalisfact ,y manner, und the re-;
mainder regretted their nut having met
any enemy to combat Wit h.
The events r.f this, ddy have terminated
the blockade of the north side of thi* Is!-
end, the only foreejt whieh supported it
havixig fclUn into .ytsr Jncmls, which would
have been (freed*? ’Aitli a* rhatiy"'rs upgbf
have ftpempted to onppte pi* ■
IHFep.d quarter*. ,No/th Ciiy gi Margne
riia, Sd'MaV; 1816. .
*£u miacoM a; ko* ,
> Jlnjor- Owettil.
mm FEcoAfr htiLKyj.v,
Os the Lmtßcipating Army of Ventzue
la. sties an recount cf (he flattering re
etfftiW&fe ‘ftf fyf Kwtt Ci-j
l t. cci of tie r'ait ti er* *;y ur
A;i.*:r,eiu!t. It teotht.< ti<- yulssU j
.evoe*/(e<t 4Ji* j is t . ,t.fee 2*l h et. w-ll j
futb pifripitat'y that ifct’y leii iLtir t;m*j
♦rid prtfiisic'je. arid uur weniftr* crojpkiij
&H their iff sd, .without f.ritg aj
musket.. Th City of Assun piion preeectsj
• ttielenchuly gpeetsefe of degotetiob ; thejj
RoytlFstg have not l-^t< wp stone i bovt* on ;
ether, tvely imiHliog, Las been by j
tire. ..
On the &th the In&prmlc&t. j
coirintMet! the Moidtade ts P/impaui * !
I' he rot my weie funifyurg-then-M-lve*. luv’
wvahl mu>u hi.vr to fihuotu* the tltercatiteJ
of eul enjoin* or perieh'.og.
lit-i and Quarters. liortli City of3Vlargue-i
ritA, S.iiMay, 1816.
frA'xriAGV Mabiko,
Jrloj or-General*
Chnrle-stcn> July 18.
We learn from eapiaiu Mathew, oi the
British kebm-oer St. Utsuia, arrived here
Yesterday trocn the West lnrfie, that on i
the 27tSf of Tune lo*t he was in Chrr.fc>;i?fi, ;
on tliC Spai!?:di Maine,.about, twelve leagues
Bjuth-Ohbt or Margarettu* where he savi &
c.onVerstd with gMifral itedivsr, (lie header
of the South Arhcrtean patriot army.. tten.
B, iuforinrd hto. that he Usid about five
thousand men under Ins cumin* ml,’ weil arni
ed and ‘disciplined, that his force was rn- |
pidly inoreasijjg-—and that nearly all the
eßeetive men ui the vicinity were joining
his lien. B. was waiting Che ar
rival Os general Marine, his second in :
command, v>h was shortly expected from j
titiers, with an of ‘five hun- 1
dred mini to his three which hud been re
cruited iu that neighborhood j when they
famed him, he w io.t! immediately proceed
to the r.tfaoli df O.unnoa, against which
the most feangoine exr.ecl&tiojaa were ete;-
taioed of suecea*. Ilia the opinion oVtap
t- in M. (who v piscarf writ versed in Sottih •
American afiaif#) that should this expedir ;
tion prove successful, general Bolivar will
push his cot quest tommy ether places,and
eventually be tune noisier of li the strong-.
eat posit to; sos the enemy oa the sea board.
‘lfie report received at Baltimore, of ilm
capture oi Cum urn, Luguira, &*% is not
rilm ■■-- (
Norfolk, July 1 1.
Wc haw eet a tetter from & geui.lepucn
at Bon* a frtet&re, to au officer of iie navy,!
i in this pljuc, dtttbd TVue 2%, which states,!
Olid, at tbo HiQsnmt of (!e&jrtttesuts hSa let*
I ter, cj>e cv.devint general .HEWIIY JUKE,
wk> h 9 neen thcra for some lira©, was a
• bmt tb tke his departure for Provldehce
—itbt honsUtntiou is nearly worn out--
ahd that ,he not long for this;
v.cild. Suejtkiog of the patriots, it *ajs
1 We fravc jfeit kvatd of tie success of
fKe p'drio‘s, tut theMu:.a.. They have ta
ken Cu oiicn, Barcelona, and Mar
tlia, vV’ ere they m tssacreea f to 800 of tit*?
roy'di,tt.<. They drove general Moriilo in
to Carthagena, of, w hich they no
J(iuvr po ; 9 ‘ssion long are this, f'hcy have
inareheu fir La Ouyra r and front all th§
late aocuuots, tf.ere is no doubt
weeea. 1 the teller eout ijn nsj the a*
hove ,tew, mvgelf, A vessel Stiied from
this place, four hours after the d.*ws ar
rived. wi ( h, r ‘vv d<y for tlv? P'Jrjpii*. 5>
rjm -.■t&imsm-tmv'vviv* - ~*>sn,x-xz. ■vaunraa^etmmm,
will beTsoliS,
Qt\ Thursday the sth. Septem
ber next, at the late residence o&
Mil ben Fulford, dee.
i .
j All the personal property of
! said deceased,
Consisting bf
i Horses, Cattle, Hohse
'hold and K.itched rurniture,- a
Adminteiratoi ,iM behalf of wife.
. July 23, tß’>6.
. W r<j s S’
The nrm of Fleming Si Marks ,
was this day desolvecl by mtual
consent. Those who have any
‘demand, against firm, are re
quested to'forward their accounts
and those who are indebted, are
requested to call and settle by
frote or oUier wise, wi t h K. Idem
mg, Jo n.
July 25, xBI<S.
hmnk mink /*>r r
at ihe J'rintwg-GJficv Luuuviue*
* y. •?,- “/•’ r t r T’ r~- rA• V
Jl*a iO wV**. ii i. 4 } oi*• i
1 Ori the Fth ins|. a gro ie'N
j low, calls liihi?el! Y'ATO, says
|he belongs to a Mr. Powers. ‘1 he
! fellow speaks ro broken that he
can’t be undetstood. Thc owner
is desired to call, nay‘charges and
take him a wav.
’ L. IL MAUKS, Jttilor,
1 B tl j. July,
brcjught to j ail.
On the 12ih inst, a negro man,
who calls himself hHJDY, says
he belongs to ’Fitzsimmons, Isa
new negro, and speaks very bro
ken. T i:e owner is requested to
call, pay charges 2nd take him
away. ,
L, 11. MAHALS, Jailer
JSthJulys, 1816.
AFKIL lEIcM, 1816.
UPON the petition of Jesse
Brown, praying the establish
ment of a Receipt in full from one
Mordlca M’Lain, dated the Sd of
April, 1814—a copy whereof .as
neaVly as can be recollected by
the ‘petitioner is annexed to said
petition : and probable cause ap
pearing to the Court, that tne>
same is lost and ought to be es
tablished \
It is therefore ORDERED,
That at the expiration cf
months, the said receipt be es -
tablished unless sufficient cause
,be shewn to the conn ary.—-And
I that a copy of this order be pub
iishted in one of the public gazettes
of this state, once a month for six
months, in tenhs of the rules of
court in such cases ina'de and
Extract frer. jhe nDat(?B,
’ 1)1 CLARKE, CJkh
I suwcer^
| AII persons are hereby for war*
j ned not to trade tor a certain
:judgment, against the
; subscriber, in the Justices Ccur!:
jof John Williams and Abraham
; Jackson, Esq Vs. in the year cigh*
I teen hundred and two.
The above was len tto Sir. I* ah
ah Carter ,of the Courxy of Burke,
in eighteen hundred and six.
As the judgment has been set
tled by,a note for the bailance
; due qn the same, I am determine
ed not again to be accountable ios
I the amount, unless compelled *sg
! to do by I aw.
June 1, 1816.
OF iitE STdlt OF G&GSGI&
The stockholders of the Bank
I of the State of Georgia are hereby
Inoiificd, tliat the second install
i nient of twenty per centum iviU
Ibe received at the State Bank id
i Savannah.; and for the acconu
jrncdaiicn of western stock::chte
i'ers, an agent will be appointed to
(attend at the Bank of Augu.-a
for that purpose also, from tl;.>
Ist of August next, ‘i’he hold?
lers of stock are required to nsr
‘this installment within six month*:
from the time of nibscribing fev
tbe same, or notes cl
the baaks of Geoigia.
w. B. BuHqqli, PrftC