Newspaper Page Text
From, the National Intelligencer,
Who of all the martial hast,
That has fought with vaFroda mighty
‘Gainst the flower es Britain’s boost,
la this second war x>f right,
Clainn the ioufldst shout of praise
From'Columbia’s thartkfal states ?
Whose honor’d head oow wears the richest
A?>l future gfaricasfame no injury awaits?
SJ-*, to whom the nation bows,
And its Noblest ehrmnioa.
YHc’ victor’s deeds NVw-Orlerri* shows,
And vanquish’d fata of Albion.
<Liive me. Muse, the Tbcfbac lyre
Os various sounds, and sweetly strung;
Then strike i!ie strings with ail the The*
ban’s &re,
And let New-Orleani’ Chief from evety
chord be ruing.
8 jre of victory, they came
From Britain’s sea-girt land,
Doom’d to *” nd one common tomb
On the MiSsiisipi’s strand.
•Bee th- mighty legions pour
I’error from their marching lice t
cl Beamy and Booty” brighten on their lotar.
And urge the eager host the dreadful fight
t<vjoin „
’They mirch to death, notto victory,
For freemen front their mad array 5
Tly swift the sure artillery,
Till England’s hoisted troops give Way*
They turn or rashly run on fate,
A saeratiee to Biitains*’ pride
Ho hi’h renown and song their name elate
But every future age their memory de
be the glory thine;
Tbou, the first in honor’s place !
For <fi*e,tho brave and fair combine
To twine the wreath thy brows to gritee,
’Thine was the toil &u<l skill and zeal,
The rage of battle and the noise,
‘Tiune be the rich reward, the patrios.’* weal;
And thine thy (•oaiitry’te prime, its lustre
and its joys.
K. G* O.
’C'larlotte Bally &t Marts Cos.
It will be recollected, that cap
tain Smith, dare of the navy (de
ceased) went to the Havana about
the conclusion of the war, with
the hope of recovering his health.
While there, a part of the British
force which had been against
New-Orleans, arrived at that
port. Several of the officers put
up at the house where captain j
Smith boarded, among whom Was I
a colonel who, not knowing him,
and probably taking him for one;
of their countrymen, one day de* j
scribed to him, in the most ter- j
Able terms, the ferocity of the I
jtCtnttueftians . u Why sir,” said he
they are absolute murderers!
&hey shot anas as deliberately as
If we had been squirrels, and
sometimes they seemed ready to j
grapple with us, and to knock j
out our brains with the but ends
e>£ on* own (baskets, after wrest- j
Sng them from us 1 God forbid (ad-!
ded he, while his blood seemed |
to curdle in his veins at the idea):
ithat 1 should ever fall into the i
hands of these savages V* Captain i
Smith humored the colonel to the ;
full, and very seriously eongratu- j
Sated him oti the escape he had
knade— u for,” said he, 11 I knowj
fche Kentuckians well, and if they j
caught an officer of your rank, j
Hhey certainly would have roasted!
you alive, arid have eaten the half j
of you before the Other half was!
dead/ 5 which the officer seemed
70 think was likely eUoiigh! But
7* fter a good deal of conversation
vn the subjeet of the defenders of
INew*Orleans, the colonel was not
a little surprised when eaptain
£?mith looked him fairly in the
iace, said, with animation—
ui am proud, sir, to declare my
self a fellow-citizen of those you
IVtve so much abused. Ido know
&nischk*t£'*' theLr heart- F
the seat of honor, o? comrade and
generosity-•-I Wish I coaid say
that of those who traduce them.
My name is Smith, a captain in
the navy of the United States, ab
sent from duty for my health, &
you know that i lodge in this
house.” On which he turned on
his heel and left the colonel, not
a little miserable that he could
not congratulate himself on esca
ping a roastingby the Pcntucklans
without actually receiving one in
a neutral port, and from that time
forward he kept his thoughts -to
him seif— NUts’ Register,
Singular Case . —The follow
ing singular Case, is copied from
a London paper of the 6th of A
pril last.
“ A gardener’s wife at Vierma,
was at the age of 24 years, seiz
ed by a violent head-ache, which ;
continued for several years, and
drove her almost to despair.—-
She was at last advised to take
SNUFF as a remedy, in order
to promote a discharg of mucus.
Happening to have some assakc
tida in the house, she mixed it
with the snuff, on the supposition
that it might increase the effect.
The consequence was, that a
worm was discharged from the |
nostriL, similar in appearance to
the common grub. This cir-j
cumstance induced he? to contin
ue to use the mixture of assafe
tida and snuff. Eight more
worms Were discharged. In short, j
by the use of the remedy, 481
worms in all were discharged, J
the head-ache was completely re- j
moved. Dr. Frank, who relates j
the case, supposes that the!
Worms had been lodged in the;
frontal sinus.”
Dueling Anecdote:*--A Few \
years ago a gentleman of a south-1
ren bar, (Mr. D.) having given
some case of offence to a brother
lawyer, received a chaknge from
Mr. T. whom he had insulted.
D- accepted the chalenge, but
having come upon the appointed
ground unorepared for a bloody
termination of the quarrel, T. re
quired a written acknowledgment i
of his error and a suitable apolo
gy which D. very readily gave.
These papers Were published
throughout the country; and a
friend of D. meeting him soon af
terwards, enquired why he had k>
foolishly, so basely consented to
such a public exposure of hi! con
cession; declaring that life was
not worth having on sufch terms*
“ No no A replied D. u take my }
word for it , 2 had rather Jill forty |
Hewspapere tha7i one coffin
Columbia , S, C. Tdograf;h,
A young gentleman stept into
a book-store, and said he v/anted
to get Man’s Companion.*
u Well sir,” said the book-seller,
“ here’s my daughter’’-—True A•>
A Bath paper mentions the
marriage of a Mr. Good to Miss
Evil. The lover, on the morning
of his nuptials, might have ad
dressed his beloved in the words
of Lucifer—“ Evil be my
Good,+~London paper* (/
‘the subscriber offers for sale,
the plantation whereon he now
lives, four miles below Louisville,
•on the South side of Ogechee,
containing three thousand fits hun
dred acres of land, lying in an ob
long form. The land is for the
most part admirably well timber
ed with a great growth of White
Oak.—Four hundred acres of
!which is under good fence, and
cultivation —With an excellent
orchard of peach and apple trees
thereon. ‘On the premises, is a
two dwelling house, con
taining four rooms 18 feet square*
brick cellar—with barn, stables,,
kitchen, smoke-house, and evdry
other necessary building—a black
smith shop and tools, a ghrist
•mill; a well of water in the yard.!
Terms—one third next Christ- j
inas, one third the 25th Dec. 18 17
and the ballance on the 25th Dec.
1818. Those disposed to pur
chase, will call and see for them
Jufie 6, 2 816. r (ti ) ,
Will be sold, on Friday the
-30til day of August next, at the
residence of Benjamin Green, in
Jefferson county, the following
property belonging to the estate
of Isaac Harris deceased.
One set Blacksmithtools com
plete, £0 head of cattle, 3 horses, j
1 secretary with drawers, 1 set
Tables fit ends of Walnut, 1 dot
Windsor Chairs, arid many other
articles of Household and Hitch*
en furniture, too tedious to men
tion, 1 set of Carpefiters tools,
I elegant Cold Watch, 1 Lot of ;
Books, among Which are the life 1
of Washington, the Spectator. Ja- ‘
Cobs Law Dictionary, Biackstones
Commentaries, BulleUo Nisiprius
<kc* j
Tenhs s*ade known oh the
day of sale.
All persons having demands k- j
against the estate v Jl render
them in as prescribed by law.
Maryann Maria Harris,
Daniel Green, ? .. .
JohnShly, j “
Uth July, 18 ]S.
Will be sold, on Thursday 5
2sth August next at the planta
tion of James Spivy( late of Burke *
county dec.) on ‘Williamson’
Swamp, Jefferson county, the
Stock of Cattle belonging to said
estate, with sundry other articles
too tedious to mention.
Terms to be made known on
the day of safe.
LittUtm Spivy, > M ,
John Cock , S
Bnrice covirrtif, July IS, lbte.
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the honor
able the Inferior Court of Jeffer
son county, for leave to to sell all
the real estate of Hampton Hud
son, late of said county deceased.
James Hudson*
June 1% 181#, ‘ ‘
THE Subscriber wishes to
hire ten able-bodied NEGRO
MEN, to work in clearing out
Ogechee rivet for* which, four**
• teen dollars per month will be giv
! en. Also, a liberal price will b&
given for BACON and WHIS*
A?ent for Company*
2d My, 18 re. * j.
a!3st .
OF LETTERS the Post-Ok
fee at Louisville, on the f rsfc
day of J uly, 1816,
iohn Alexander, Alexander-
Augby, Samuel Andrew, Buy a
Alford, Eliza Atkinson, Ebene®
! zer Bothwefl, Kindred Braswell*
j 2, Martha Braswell, 2, Andretfc-
Crossley, David Cotter, Sarah
Cobb, Charles Cunningham*
Howell Cobb, 2, John Cowart*
John Coleman, Ann Daniel, John*-
athan Drake, Benjamin Dav%
Ludwell <k John Earnest, Tho
mas Fulton, Alexander Good
gamb, Alexander Gordon, Juni
per Hall* Francis Hefrcn, Jame&
Jordan, John Kenedy, Stephfcnt
Kelley, William Lewis, Aquilia*
Lowe, William Lit tie, Rev. Jo
seph Lowery, % Aaron Low*
John Land Jun % After Loft*
Alexander Morrison, Caswelk
Moore, Samuel Moore, Stephen;
Mihtoh, Miss. Mary M’bride*
Thomas Mathis, Jehugh Mash,
Hugh Montgomery $ John Nor**
Wood) John Overstreet Sen# Johra
GverstFeet Jun. Mrs. J. 0 Pos*
her, Redden Pate, Folly Purvis*
John Powell, Aden Powell, Wil
liam Renn, Isaac Robinson, John
Hicks, Charles Salter, IVlosen
Smith, James Stofcfer dt Bilie*.
Fountain, George Stapleton*
James Stofte, Elijah Sutton, Dan
iel StUrges, Margaret Triplet*
Jos. G Telfair, John B. Terre!!*
Thomas Wells, H. B Webster*
Samuel Willson, Isaac Woods*
INathan Warner, Jonathan Wi&-
! gate, Hugh Willson.
A. WRIGHT, a. *. sr.
:!y ; ; - ■ ‘
Nine months after date appli
cation will be made to the hon
orable the Inferior Court of Jef
ferson county, for leave to seh,
all the real estate of Ichabud
Ledbetter, late of said county
April 9.
During my absence frottt thto
State, Col. W illtam H. Jackson
St James Jackson, will be my
agents generally, and in all legal
cases Messrs. T. M. Berrien be
R. L. Gamble, my acting alter-*
14th May, 1816.
‘ll. - liMil.l ... I'H-ii
AND WHEAT, are wanted. Apply &
t&e Frifitio§-08iee Loaiwilk*