American advocate. (Louisville, Ga.) 1816-????, November 28, 1816, Image 1
MERICAN ADVOCATE. SL' TiT .1 >.* \,'nKiit ‘V . • % ii) •*. ite ‘ .. 1 - t V?* * I * 0. XLI.3 Bit thuusday—, WHBEI.ER As*'B I ipps ROOM OF THE tim— AT THREE ANNUM- —ONE ’ rsr Avebtibeukki wiLta inserted’ %t sEVEwTt-v?iv* cejit % squac ? and eon .ftifei# i FIFTY cents per week. All All- exceeding oue qre, * o d not *w*rtj, ban two, will be charged at tw & e , Xep i liberotslfowanee made to those w ho idrerfisf by* the year. \ s 1 wi "'.ii’ .nisiw Notice. The Subscribers hiring entered Into co-partnership on the iirst , instant, under the firm of S.&W.BATTEY, #fg stand formerly oueupied by W. BAT '* Mm have Jost received a large supply GOODS. From New-Tork, Boston & Provi dence, Among which are the following Articles : 12 - . - sper£ne black,blue, brown, mixt, green, jcoliye broad cloths Common do of all colors Superfine black, green bine mixt, brown & drab kerseymeres ■fatent Cords s&tn & scoekingoiU Blankets assorted yearns light# Goslings •“>; Greet Coate, ‘ Vlanneh Tabby felvet# * Cotton do. ViMtiig# Worst'd and lambs wooHese Men* and women’s cothn do Whib & black cam brisks I*ho & book uiu3- iim Salic*®# Bimitias Cotton shirtings White and brown LiIMW. Gfi and tow ]£kuhnins gittehams Wmitefa plaid north- QfaSfo dn>e,^00i White, black and ye 4 •fi-.W Crape* ■ Xai e & silk thawla Cotton do Tteg A bandanna hfs. Cotton do assorted GtobreUf# b porra -ob. . *zL: a *'*,, v , o earn ip.T® mitb tH : ■ *Ha* tfs Wamap?, misses and f.hncrerssfeces *i ibb*sj assorted jffi. ■ Tttii*w*y iu , ‘"fM(nhh altnrt #• fooable di'W'j'iX&.tr, ,eoc. ting of watch ..'tjist!* fitch aiaa, i fthth will be sold low for CASH IOF Those wishing (o purchase, so eo|! and see for thctmelres. ’ eheldon baitet. < ,4 ‘ W ILLIAM BATIjIV. r.\l Nov. L O VJI s V toil. T HUBS DAT, NOVEMBER 2 8, 1816. bracelet, breast pins, ear and flu gar rings,, silver thimbles, &<r. Pen & pocket knives Butchers & carving do Case knives & forks Shoe knives & ham mers t Awl blades Scissors Tailors’ thimbles Basors R isor eases & strop* Plated and common stirrup irons Bridles St bridle bits C.grry combs Horse & shoe brushes Girth webbing Snuff boxes H. HL & blit hinges Drawing knives - Carpenters compasses Iron squares Stock, pad, splinter, chest and cupboard leeks, gun ditto Mill au£ hand saw files f Saddle basses and | ‘buckles f'.j'l;'* Black Iviad'-peneiiu ‘Mealsieves • ‘ , ; Horse whips Coffee mills Oandlestieks Coffee potn Prying pant Smoothing irons Trace chains Nails, assorted l Screw augers f Gimbfets Wool ,*tid cotton owl® 4, 4pHef cfkot Lead Iron & steel Flints ape# o;", Cro-.kery and glas9 ware A valuable and eom pie&t ausortment of druga and medi cines , Likewise, a general assortment of GROCERIES as usual Also one elegant FOUR WHEELED CARRIAGE, with harness epmnleat, with or without HORSE 3. NOTICE, i The subscriber respectfully ■ ififormshis customers, that he has [ nowon hand a general assort ment of goods, and daily expects 1 his winter supply; which he will be enabled to dispose of on rea sonable terms. All thdse indebt ed to him v/ili have an ty of pay ing off their accounts In seed cotton, of a good quality, at five dollars per hundred. Those who do not avail themselves of this notice, cannot complain ii mo*e harsh measures should be reseated t,p. Those indebted to Docto; B. D. Thompson will have the tame price allowed them* in paymehtj by calling on ;WMj. HAHMAN. November 7. - TAK^J^iICK, The subscr 1^21,5 have formed an establishment, at the old State House, Louisville, where they intend to carry on the BOOT & SHOE making and repairing bu siness, in all its various branches. Having constantly on hand the best of Leather, those disposed to give them custom, may depend on having their work executed in the best manner. Etheldrcd Moore > Hugh Murphy, November?. |~. .iUmm.mAm 1 . n NOTICE. WILL BE SOLD, On Friday, the li tk day of De cember next , at the late residence of Benjamin Davis , late of V Jefferson county, deceased, A part of the PersonaL Pro perty of said decease^ Consisting of One hund red bushels of Corn, and stinury other articles. Cre dit will be given until the first day of March, by purchasers giving small notes and approved secu rity, Elizabeth Davis, AdnCx John Cock, 1 g. Elnathan Davis , ;> 3 Wiley Belcher, j Oct. 30. ADMINiSTRATOR’3 ‘uALti. Will be sold, on Tuesday the 10th of December next, at the late residence of John Green, dec. in Jefferson county, All the personal property of said dec. consisting of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Household and kitchen furniture, and planta tion tools—Together with the crop of Cotton, Corn, Fodder &c. Conditions made known on the day of sale. Rachel Green , Adm'x. Warren Green , l ldm'r . October 24. 6w (£J* WE are requested to state that Mt. John Herring is a candi date for Receiver of Tax Returns of Jefferson County. v - P§ME SUBSCRI/feK, to the ‘f-jj the Ist April to attend some f business in which he is much interested in western cour try, offers for sale the establishment of thf Borgia gazette. ( ronige of the paper is md increasing; the city and country increasing iiv im provement, and every tiring in the state bears the lace 01 pros perity. The office is large, and the materials all entirely new, consisting of a superroyal press of Romage’s make, used only a bout months, a font of long primer of more than 800 weight, ;t fount of ten lines pica, one of five lines do. one .of American cannon, and of double English, one of double pica, one of German uoct, one of pica, entirely new, all sulEcientiy large for any Work necessary to be done with thenVj also a fount of small pica and ene q£ brevier, a little worn, and an elegant assortthent of new flowers : Several pairs of new cases a large imposing stone, also new, and an old x&ediinft press, which may be repaired at a small expense. Possession will be given on the Ist of January, or one or two months later if required. A mo defate lease tiff the Ist of Octo ber next on the house cor nected 1 with the office will be assigned over to the purchaser if required. A few articles of household fur niture and a small let of sutiona , ry, procured for job work, will also be disposed of. The office, it is believed, is bet ter calculated for doing job w ork on a small or large scale, and in an elegant manner, than any other in the state, as every pains have been taken by the proprietor to fft it for that purpose ; and noth ing but the absolute necessity of his leaving it for a great length of time would induce hint to dispose of it in its present promising con dition. Terms will be one and two years credit on the whole pur chase—price 4,000 dollars. A very liberal deduction will be made for cash or bank acceptan ces, at 60 or 90 days. Letters addressed to the editor, past paid, will be attended to. Editors with which we ex* change are requested to give the above one or two insertions, and forward their accounts if they re quire payment. George W- S. Pearrie . November 4. - „ - ■ m - ■■ Nine months after date appn cation will be made to the honor able the Inferior Court of Jeffer son county, for leave to to sell all the real estate of Hampton Hud son, late of said county deceased. James Hudson, Executor. * June 12, 1816, From the Loteisville (JCy.) Comspoiident, ON PARTIES. In my former remark* on *hi ra?*jet its answer to Caesar, tbe editor endeavored to show the substantial similarity of the parties of our country in the great leading principles of government, religion and man ners, to a most remarkable degree. • I as sailed the fugitive, perishable nature of the former grounds of party differences, and the total transformation of parties at this time* To support this latter assertion, we kav* only to reeolieet v- hat we formerly differed about. Were they hot, after the adjust- ment of the objections to the present federal constitution, banking, revenue, uaral ar.3 establishments ?—What the par ticular incidental reasons were, are imma terial ; the essential point is, that the fed eral and republican parties did differ about the policy’ those branches of legislation* which form Ti*o body and substanea cf the administration of any government; and that they now notoriously cease to differ about these very identical topics. Why then, ia the name of heaven, do we still continue* to revifo each other, and hold our respect ive pat ties up to the hatred and distrust etf the nation ? Parties in tbe United States are at this time little mere distant in politic eal principle than they w ere in the empires of Liiiput, where, according to Swift, they were divided about whether they should break their Eggs at the big or at the little end* giving rise to most uotalde parties in the state, called the big endians and Utile <miL* ions. The subject, however, is too serioue for this strain of remark; party proserip tlofc is a in eoeiety ; it points the public mind against the profmindeat loAtfong, the inobt exalted talents and the purest patriotism, which h not within this ptla of party politics. The dogmas of th* day, the prevailing humors of the passing moment, the slavish sycophancy of party, these are the abominable substitutes of vir tue, learning and fcniud. It is strangling tho beet .hculties of society, ai><* cutting oh thet most valuable member -of the community, whose exertions wo? 1 It* reefouhd to the pros perity atul glory of ih-A repablie. 1 not then imperiously behove every honest man, every citizen attached to the gctul c*F his aountry, (and what virtuous man can be? iusenstbfo to it) to shake off his party bigot, ry, atid to despise the prostituted press thst exerts Us irfiuends over the public mind y t# to debauch it with party bigotry av.d eiclu* si ye prelensi ?ns F Shall w e never, my eeun try men, put an end to this civil vrar t. Why should not eaii iito our service the* he arte* and beads that are W * eakuiated to promote the welfare of cur .’ mis on country in despite ami contempt of old The disputes ought to he burred under ths ail sauce which has virtually been made by the parties of the country pursuing tfcu same plana of policy. Fat how shall wo effect thia desired harmony ? by adopting tbft idea of the National lighter, to denounco every distinctive epithet, except That of ro publicans. The appellation is certainly the. most happily eXpretsive of the whole tenot* of oar government/ and which is in tha name, and for the good of the people, ia opposition to the interests of an hereditary prince; and though the term federal it &• qually destructive of another feature in onr complex system of government, which if its confederate character, it is unfortunately associated with eueh obnoxious recollee* turns of ancient differences, (yet given up by the republicans of late) that the suc cessful coalition of all good and capable men is utterly desperate. Let, then, tha federalists imitate the republicans so far as the latter have notoriously, aad to the satis faction of the nation, renounced their oidl plans of government in regard to armies, internal taxes and banks ; let the former rent unee their name. The republic cans are now substantially federalists in the leading and t 'rmaneiit policy of governments lets the latter, meeting their old adversaries on the middle ground of friendship nod mod eration, and denouncing a name which has ceased to designate them exclusively, be come republicans ia name, as well as in faet. The republicans have abandoned the sub stance of old party difference, and now let the federalists magnanimously abandon the form. Let all unite in tha holy bwid of brothers and countrymen, determined to ox alt our admirable republie to the highest pinnacle of happiness and renown. What may not be anticipated of our country when this shall be the case ? What glorious em ulation of the proudest days of Ureeiau va lor and Roman patriotism may fcot be ex pected ? Why then delay tbe blessed work? Let as, ia the tongnage of the sacrod volume* [VOL. I.