Newspaper Page Text
VOL. t
i- • FRIKTED #&KKL*» *%*
> nr HQDGZ ts lOmjQNtfZLL.
stir ■ h ‘sW‘ *9C’ -r* 4/*§■ k
y • “Fjfr * <* *yr A
f*i The Annual Subscription w*l! be
• thuee .half in advance. 4
&• Sub&ribm living ouc of thf “State.will
f 4 lay the whole subscription upon the deli
very of the first
Sri. Vto Subscriptions Will be renewed for
.less than one year; and ho paptw-shall be
‘ i*? until arrearages atepafd. £,
4th. Advertisements will be inserted aV the
v customary rates. , ‘
Letters addressed to the Edi
, fdߣ ‘intis) be pos) paict. _ j.%, ; * “V
Tfffi following o&NTth atE Jf are re
quested and futhqnped to tecehe* Sub*
SfripiitotS and givp r&eifts fop >/rij
Waltims^titasX} r. With ;£i
Jlf. JoscpiVMbss. ■.
’ “, Jackson ** ■: <
Ze x ingtortr—T ht Post Master.
/■ Greece MrV iVyky
bam, M. Greetiesbai'o’} Mr. Grant/
V. r M. ’ ‘Grafotsville, arid’ the -Poift
Maste r, ’ P owe lip>■;. >
Wilhes county —-Mr. James Wing-
M. Washington, and M>»
Hobert Grier. .• - .
fidysville-*-} & John Barnett.
Colombia Master..
Hancock —Mr. Abercrombie, P.
and Joseph Bryan, Esq. *
filberton-~» Mr. Wno. Woods*
bugusta —Mr. Fraser, P. M. and
4lajor F* Phtriizy.*. / ~■*
? Morgan- —Mr. Cunningham, 15.I 5 . M.
Jasper —Dr. Shotted
/*i/<pamr^*Brice Gaither, Eso.
Mffi&ge<bm rr Post Master.
“,p *Madif*m jctivntJ~*r Mr; Long, B* Mt.
irid William HodgivEsq., 5 /
the Rev. Messrs, Thomas JJeVtori
• arid ,t>atripspri Lane.
ih oj* Post.
• %iri^tt,
. John E. Fraser, Esq.
” \.St- <i
Abbt'oilU', S* Ct~-Mr. Moses W.
Bobbins. v ‘ ‘y'"S-sy
moiaa% ;
• *-• i ‘■’
; |i is wch known to the H> Spates,
that las', winter thb BHtish crossed
‘•et Lewtstown possessiontrif i
Niagara, and the |
linusea froqi'Kiagara to Buffalo, ek- •
bousea #rar |h# Yalis,
and d|te.;f|ct writch
St John,l,i veclT—how these Houses*
I never bSrt T
whole which were bUrriedt And
thre# that’ remained last I\tly ; wlven ‘
1 cro ssctj iu to Can ad aand W*tH
Mah&b* Brown, v J
arid encamped, \vith;ri’ abont one Wife )
Hall of port George ;
cowardljr yritirdereejf^prudently
in their frik and durjvt not look us in
the face xtntill \vr l etumed bacli .to
When i oa th#
ground* i bad Aard oftne fnur
<ler of Dx'Milliy, and all thehfck and.
voundod.seldicrs,; and ,had f l heard”
of this savage barbarity, ’l would
bavc.lopked into the remains of
vp>nt houses, and ! make ’no doubt *
I ‘worild seen the poor soldier*’
Wues jkriumfc the/rubpish- TeSrs
mAY fey#s when I attempt'to piW
horrid barbarity oi‘ this say
age Bt;iiisri, whojvave $6 many par-”
tij&ans. amoHg us, who endeavor to
Excuse or palliate all that-our enV
.mies do—-this conduct will not al
'Ke en(etTl riia*nfltJ*«s
world Letthisserve
to perpetrate the nietnory of this
mail, If any citizen can read this
narrative without shedding a briney
t««f, 1 confess Ms neryes are strong
er than mine v,v* ~<t%:‘ ,y x '-?■*-
\ I was not frilly determined to pub
lish this narrative or l should have
obtain ecfieave to have published theji;
names, for they lived tfn*tje then
dnd are still*living* at Eleven Mile
Creek, arid while I was theVe I quar
tered mohe of their nouses. In
ness to this I h&reunt >’ set my name
and station in the army. - /
- ‘ £>AV|D'fWSS,”
Chaplairti Qtkdlstrict. •* £-/*/■
wiv ./ ■ : l- ; . , .Nipember 20 > 1$14; .
**v^ t ■■BBS ’ v
< ; An important lately,
deceased in Europe,’ has
its*mortaEcoil wiih so Jittle no
ny, ihrit scarcely a rdnraVk has
ejtcitod* by the event, arid aot even a
Newgate Ordinary's obUuafy'sketch
appeared on tlio The hia
tus jit the biography of the day we’
<rhal|* not to but con- ’
teritouraolveßi with a mere newspa
- per touChf without a .si
on the ifltistrioQs. defu;>ct, or *sfc
transit gloria. isurdt over Its remains
The e%i*acter we'.allude td wa>j6ah :
l«»T.a. misgpttyn'inapi arid ushered*
into existence at; Ghent, under the
patronage of three “gthn'lemen of
the name of Gambler, Goulbourn
and* \dam.(ridio mot only stood spon- r
“sera at the christening, but pr<&*
mised to support, arid maintain ths.r *
pr&tegt % «di’ : ;ihe chances “of
trials, better or Worse, wfiich A it
• might {en.cOuhittr; doruigj its mortal
. stage
en on trio day. of its bmh which was
the, 1 9th day of ‘ August in the pre> v
sent yeaij, to fiye Vlmeticah” gentle,
men, to, wit, Messrs., Asams, ouy
-nnd> (:-Cl4y^Jraliatri|,Russell
Tor the ir acceptance and adoption r
with a yjjiew to rtiakw# a oommo
charge ar\d joint e*pepse to the
friends of the three first and five last
named gentleman 4 ; A Mr. Hughes’
officiate/1 as. Qccjticher ip, the ceremo
ny ir arid the brat, as *4 ‘'afterward*’
proved tdbe # was called by its pa-’
rents Sin e (JiXa Noy
The five Ajjfi er-cau <h M essrs v A.
B. C. &Q. siypck vv|th the - dis
torted features pf the urchin, N #riic;i
had bur bpe- leg,:
blafrk as the oaol-SmokeM St; James
cqsld ; make hrib, a&J altogether .so -
odipus so the Americans, and evi
dently so , i nau picious ifi its^ongin
and appearance, to their fedllqg anjd
interest, that they rejected him at
Wpce as -a ‘'detestable abortion with-’
<>i&. of blood
spirit ip Mm* His godfathers* hdw
■jb'vfty mahiolly insisted on the iSones*
ty and merits iiip child, and dfci
dared ; * c s
thoUgfii v they came. S™ar te make a
match and obtain An heir to tbejaiiu
property, con pierce and to
both .siioufd.retnrn childless
unless they; took the thing home A«d f
see :what they could do. iwiHi. >
they should have that or nope- . But
: the inflexible ;
‘the # mpre they thought ol th&m&t
terutile worse they liked tiie lU-fa
voted cub y add' : they made up thtlr
minds to leave , little %iae io per- <
eri the «anie rank*.
where suspected he di ,v
gendered, aiid. take Utemselves off,-
the first opportunity. A ; \ ! ~
<; In the mean while Mr*JC. one of
the five .had presented* in yetum for
*a dose oLW&kingten incursion handed
Mm by; Mr. 6. ofthe three, a strong
of the, FaI LS r [ rom the
British side> of Niagarp : coloreds
T £r o nm by aae’ Scott and made Rff
iLEy by ih < paih*si of a'atiW mix- -
ed by * a of what ‘ was
W4h a d'Otthfe portion of GKAMn. ai u
Wriler/ al firsU by British J
c<mnc^ clirs , for and
V LATfsbrrrnLS, prepared by
of JLac&moltgk hnd Mgcopibs v V hese
iAmericaw patent Medicines, It i»
, sussed :rwevd taken by the three
Jbflcitih-.’ ecntitrnfciv lp&
ICbSJ y 111 Imp ? W«y SOfnfilthcfC civ
‘little iv t o > » ■ ‘ * * 1
’ t’ i“ k ‘*l ’2k C * *-£**> ‘ I
October ; and *OS examination of
tIVe ttslik of the brat on tie 21 si
°f e J^ an * e 4 U#<wh* 4 the , symp v ’
toms oC terror and Jhonfors of ap
pro aching dissolution weee found
So strongly impressed on the hapkss
objeef that .the patrons g «ye up at
<mte all fcopetof its surv*ving and
submitted quietly to its fate, suffer
ing their offspring only in the 17th
week of its agei to descend to the
tombs of tne Caplulcts, with‘all its,
imperfectiorls on, its head. * ,1
sorroW of his friends:, from
Lord Castlereagh. to John Low
;eU at its untimely exit., is to be
onlv, as. we h:ve account
but a few days subsequent to the
dateofits itiurnm nr Or surpriz
‘at its sudden ext)nguislune nt is . nW
be expected as we al ways though l
it a fungus ofspuridus origin, doubt
fill, questionable goblin sh.q>e,.orra-
that at all than t* *at it and 1 I
dp so soon- this ff
mods, noisy# .short-hyed cqcknreV-e!f,
may possibly come forthift the T? c
6i' t £u:rier*&%p ,4ee which
wait^ the time when cbancs shall ’
bring them to ‘
An attempt to continue the race
,ol the.defifhct. in the shape of an
Uti PossEDftt'jSr had made its ap
pearance in the sable family. I his
UTt : is q'’i‘.e a decent looking am
m J compared wit i ivhich in
ifet was a soA 6f mongrel _betwe6i?
a Iron-whelp and. a. bulT-cal { Bu%
tnAilie o pin on of many, U?i, with
all the licking and tinkering he mav
receive, will: scarcely survive the
number of the days of iti» pfedeces*
sm. Apd ft thought by some,
that*an old fashioned child, by the
hamft, of Status Quo, , has fcfefore
now them both* with the *
general consent of both parties. • Os
tl>is. ho rvevtr.’ft We wjiU say no fur
ther at present, has gone
>ft bout, a pitying tea?. I Hie facet
will be gladly ‘inscribed on .Uti*;
-md iC -we diust and* shall hate Sta-
T’h* the sooner ibe {^eUer*
Front the Burlington {V.) Centinel of
‘ ’ December. ... > ~
We learn from unquestionable au
thority, tfwit the erfemy are prepar
ipg* tor build another fleet
and fsle avix ?JVnw Four large fri- -
gkfes- and seWr#! smaller vessel* tl ’
3s. said v are. coritr'tr6ied-.ff.(r* 41 id to be
built and ready for the lake seryiob
early next’ he ; enormous
pbipe of th ee ■ per day js of*
terqd America carpenters to work
on these vessels* We are happy toy
leaihv that only a few. wettches are
found enough to accept qf tGiS
offer. . : 1 -y:£: V ! i -te’ ‘
Late Jnjtii Canada.-—\*J e ‘.received
by this,mb v cuing , s mail, .Quebec and
Montreal paper* to the 4th Decem
ber* v Wan* of room aad> time, pre
vents us from making manv selec- ’
tiops from them to day. We per
ceive it *stated jtf bne of t he*papers»
(tile : Montreftt that , the
Psyche, one of the frigates Jhat was
stnt .therb ‘ from England iff frame,*
has been arid lengthened
t® as tb : carry .5 0 giaf* long *4j* &
to\b£ launch
ed ©it the hsth pf ibis month.; A
new ti? *to Ik called the Ontario,
has-been laid down,a* KingStodM
the v is to be fitted
leeii «acbdeck, and
ts, to be ready for the Lake by tfue
U r^* te - sf M * rcl » »ex't- A number
«of transport boats for the service ©L:
the different posts on the are ;
also constructing at Ki/i gston. ?
l l* e re •arrived _4, port of.ftue
bee from the 22d 29th~of No**
vember six ships eight brigs, all
grnrtient account, except three
ir ,?s?
r '” V
■f,K, SAYApKftJv. Dedust. 18U. ;
m. < xlix.
ed for the completion of 3»desirab!e
r an object, • f;, ‘7“v r;-
‘ In tiio fiaYe the guirdians ofthO
public interest appealed to the patri*
otis m of the for that ass is-
Unce which the c»i-»is ‘demands
Xheir solicitations and admonitions
have been bat partially regarded; na
longer justified in reiving on th* zeal ,
of the many who, as‘though to
the dictates of reason, and common
policy, and as it were regardless of?
the preservation of that interest
which is so readily placed iq compel
titlon with the pitbli; good, seem
willing to leave to chance those ad
vantages Which may have been se*
cured by art, and industry. Undef
these perplexing circumstances, an
tppeal jias been made to the army,
them from their cantonment, ;
(vvhich has been . established at
ihe expense of much labor and fa*
rjgue J tp aid imf\e erection of works
for he preservation of the
city. Willing to contribute by all
the means In my power to the secu'«
r;i>; of those whose patriotism, and’
merit protection, the
invitation will be complied With, ia
toe expectation, that minor consid- .
rations will now be yielded to ob*
jeas at greater inspor a nee-and that
every exertion wdr be made on ‘the*
|.>ai'tr of the citizens unite their ef
forts with thHr
rlie speedy accomplishme&t .of the
object. Kemember thats although
i uty wear. the babilitnefits of soldiers’
m<my ol thfcm are as unitccus omed
ip, labor as you arc : all have- left 1
tl|eir homes, their interests
and enjhyments-v for the ‘ hardships ’
obedience to call of|pci? court
trX**’“r.eady’ to toil, snd bleed in yopg
defence. s Will a mordent/
hesitate to second, examples or.
to. imitate tbejcorklbct of citizens of •
other states—-the Iruiof;whose ip* \
tiustry having rendered t!bt«u secure,
increase'your dan gt r so long, as yQU
oJe i ; : .v
Let officers vof districtV militia? V
march their meifby companies, with
Suitable tools k eturench’the ground
whetl they may sooti have to defend
taeir bwn riglits arid their country
honor. Yoii ph^dge^
yourselves *vbluntariiyt t# gp w
lengths iff support of the , co|uaßft ; .
tausei-tbe ddys “pat
tiotism are parstyand tfte hdur lor f
action has at rived; prove yourselves
worthy ot your coun try ti> - order
that your;names may be enrolled: a
.mongits defenders* Us“
H'aiii.eis! send a liberal
ttonUof your laborers, with their
plantation toclsyyou a »*£ie equally \w- #
i-erested. t - them be placed un- ‘
der yonr own-choice, or
such as may be appoin ted to super-’»
intend them*. HAIjIONJi will be
furnished all persons who render set*
; bhpuid last’appeal for yolun«T
tary contribution afrd labor be disced v
gkrded, the dernier resort will be re
gulated jy the laws, and usages of
war, when it may be too late tp c
vade sacrificed wbich^bußtfiupmenesst
has invited* - Persuaded tfcfc yod will
no long** view With . indifference
the. duty which yt>uows f our
Country and y ourse Ive s, f ‘ atn, •* v* r /
respectfully *wir * obedienp friend
and fellow-citizen. , * ■
: immt FLt Brg. Ceji. \ :
■'* * “***’” *’ ** * ‘•* f ;
WOR ; rftY i>fi.NoricTE.,. ; ‘
x Art incident iq ttie.dcbat©
on Saturday , of earlier no-
tice tiian irwill receive in the regular j
publication of so diffuse a debate.—
to-be recoded and re- ?
membered. “ 1 %.
In the full tide of of
as replete With tyrann^f #
and despotism ; unconstUuH&td?; dn- ;
precedMtedy such never entered the “
as execrablys deserving the con*
tempt'of all good worthy ?
wicked ru|ers of the present day,
toi» t
I>rO DO Si ms *ft pi &Ti { O l v ■ til C