Newspaper Page Text
J^M* o ?*** * -
Roods, chit! j ;si tW
fthacH a . ~ 8 ° r cf Jr aforesaid, the
W'ltr or n, ‘ n,a J -=cts, 50 distrain
ee thereof ** ->e restored toll l *’
! Wre 0 f u f£f: <»r, if, prior to tons
per offi Cer • * payment or tendc
on of tj» * be made to the pro
charged with the collecti
£Jt h ’ • „• full am. \M demanded, to
,? tr .v -with socti tVe for levying, anu
ik)m for the necessity and reasonable ex*
*es es removing and keeping the goods,
A'leis, or effects, po distrained, as may be
flowed ir (ike casts by lhc ** w * Qr pracoce
• xftlie >tate or territory wherein the distress
atiall have beer. rrtKitj but in case of hon-pay*
rrjvm or tender as affiirsarti, the said officer
fc ad proceed to sell the said goods, chattels
«r effects, at public auction, 4ud shall and
m*f teiaiv, tV'.m me jwoceed:. ot such saies,
the amount demand able for the useof the li
nked “tail's, with ihe said necessary andrea
foivtUh- s-ji tenses ui tlistress and sale as afore
#?-*!• aad * convnjiisßni of per centum
a h*r tm own use, renucriug the over?
plus, it any i lie re be,ro toe person whose
goM*,, chattU**, or i ffecis, sh-dl have been
‘lira r unci. Provided, That ir shall tjor bslaw
£yl t > make distress of ihe toois o impitmems
p , of 4 trade or pkofttinon, beasts of the pioegn
necessary for the ion of imptoved
land , anna, or necessary Household furniture
<jiUi apparel fra fadnly.
Sec. p. And be it further enacted, That,
• dll spirit* winch shall bit dlanUed within the
ted Mates or territories theieof, the duties
o.i which slid! not have been duly paid or#e-
Caire l, according rotiie true intent and mean
ing ‘*f this a(a, shah be f.aifeired, and may be
fre.zed a-’ forfeited by any cofecror of the in
le-na. du ie* : Prow-cud always, -That such
hot* shall not be Isolde to se;y<uifc and for
feiture in die hands of a bona tide purchaser,
without notice of the dunes not being paid or
fecitred to be pakk
Sec. 7. Ana \m it further enacted. That the
Owner, agent, or superintendent, of an/ still,
r limler, or other vessel used in the distillation
f * of cp.rits, who shall neglect or refuse to make
tVitr lad exatt entry and repori of the game
7r rc .o or to be do:*e any of the thing*
’ by thss act required to be ior»e a» aforesaid
excepting to pay the du es hereby laid in
oves where the boul required by the sec.mdi
section of t‘>is an t has ts£ri given, snail forfeit
lor every such ox refusal, all he sf>i-
distilled by o for h«m, arid the stills,
briers and otner vessels U3- J in distillation,
together vvj h the sum <d,oiue thousand dollars,
*’ -to he receiveand
- y *viih the vPlselx Comaiping the same
aht! this, b>A|,t;rs an.j 7 o:her vessels us>ed in di&-
* liliavm, ma; br /.c<l bv'su>y of the
iuieruil dn.w and held by turn until a deci*
Vico; -dia ; i be had .heiebrv according to law g
IhovUcd, s.i secure, be made vvi’hin three
” -s .fc ihe cauiu for. the suthe may have
Oi-■ inj,Mint .. r.? h p-.iostcunoii or action
s»ali Kaye t»«cii con.menced by
coHrctdr wnitlp. twenty.days after stiaorc
ff *>ec: ( l2. And be it further Thar
fio Iverson who -shall have i rftj&4 or necltct*
ootittpiy with thy provisions of this att,
ii .he errireyl, while such refucal or neglect’
o ihre i ) irceivo a liccurf rV-r ernplaying,
i ...-mm, any still-'or boiler,- or other
Yfci ‘I, or sha'l be entitled to creuit for any
.. duties on spirits thar nia> have accrued
‘■e- Id That evc.-y collector thall, give
•» i .-{its tor ail stuha by him coikcted under
Jhw ii't ,; “ .
Id nd be it further enacted, That
...V if ah appear to the satisfaction of «he col«
iimf*': i “ ti\r di tr;c . that any agent, dwner,’
’ ,or .p.. i e cl-n. of a still, boiler, or other
• . c,ed for distillation, who. shall have
g:y- :gt> uj tatlie Second section of
h. acl, a.d shall have ceased to use tfte’ same
fit oia-, ‘and made oaVhtor affirmation
y tin <•<-{', lodged with satd collector, hath
noted agreeably to the co-idinon of such-bond,
- . the collector shall causei uch hotid to be de
iivt r.-d to said owner, agent, or supermtendenr.
iSec do- Anci be it fun enacted, Vrtat aU
k ; v tW ‘visions of diis act, as well as the Vi Act
-i» iog duties on licenses to dis’.iilers of„spir
f•; ■ ;iu«--tis liq.u-‘r-», > pa bed the twenty-fourth day
*- of Jul ft one thousand eight hundred -and thir- ‘
“hall be deemed"n> apply to any still or
b iu . or * other veseei used in distillation,
whirl) shfcd b “ .employed in the rectificapoh of ’
•’ V-- i«J tiors, anti )tis 5J - ttictitted f I'.efe-
A t rfie aid rhticof. - y .
,-W ; 16.-And be it fuidher enactKb'That
AiV- u -in hvretof ie o- herc- ce’r grantc and
ft 4S’ r- b • : c o-her
, V I’ iVits from t >teigt, materia!s,
*. :1 fam.iofke the distilling .spirits from
rt"’ it- ilt ako v^
S. c -I?. .Anand
the ,* • Act lay iitg dutVs t;rv !rcynsc> to distil:
•• bpi/iiim . i?c|tjrrt5 t t* pas-Hti'die -f.vireii* 3
’ : MrW 1 •” «^ s thaui,aTKi e%bt.hun
,-aC,-V^:'vf>f ‘ i shall -be deintedro tematm ’
‘‘ 4f - as. to tne aiferarlons
I -;•«£ ctuuajned ‘ u\ K r his ac-, arid, thai rhe
t ™ r. 4; ‘-'dbf 1 An act making- fur- her
* T, v *hb c Ueaidn of internal dytict.
- Vc-.; appoiivm-rlt’ and 0 :
,•* e.,1 ;.-e v-cotKt du-. .1 August,
avami-e.gnt hundieil iand thirteen,
a> and -h h rt-tv u. . ,m*oapply in full
} V : nihe d\uies laid by arid d> be olkv ted
,J ’’’■■■derthis sis the ?an»e as if tauih duties a*id
act were m ogivaed therein, which said
y s ditties sha<» be.c*>nccted by tic same colkctors,
in the samr.mar.hcr, for the commissions, and
urdst-” tne d : .(\Aduwis a. ar -.thereby esiab
£■? ’ Ib hed h). rdia*i ipn m the other imernal duties ; j
apd ait ‘hr obligations, duties and penalties
thereby impb.sed,upon the cOUectoVs* are here
p. b> imposed collectors of the duties
o; :Uty act: Vr vided that if any person
lb.whom, aUceuse shall haveb‘ s en grained ac-,
e .- 4:< s.;«*!*£’ v> v t_heprovis»cji* bit the act, entitled
W ; t; f'ftl? '.i-atK s a licenses tp disnllcrs of
• i»naor.*' < mho shaff Kavir givttv
h'HmU''firyhe.juyQu;pt of the duties thereih
n •uo icd siaxtl n« or before the hrk day of.
dtsbomintie the
or v hr-... for dre use if which the said HcenW
shrih nV/e
■ vhcrc»o ttw’.^Qilvcio#'-df.i*ii> rnaldtuws for j
y’ >. the atn-»ct ;n w hich ghe earner aha|l%e siruc
lucti lipeoSe shad thereupon cejlse to 1$ sh
frry-. and seen person shall beholden to p:.-
f* ■■ ticf-'vA V .and Xti* ;Satne-'p?bceedii^'|
v- btf had Upon rhe bonds aforesaid, a* •
■ t.a;.’e-fhc $Zm ’Jccnse- had;b»en ortgUiaHy grar.
f:- theater ir duringwhich it shaii nave
, m- % ** 1 J£l i
Anabev <ns.‘Wd
■- ... j »*i Vvh e*
♦f the teoTfok &tWk tf&F
capacity theretfi
- Fora it ill or stflls, employed in dis ring
Spmt* from doniesrie materials fivetem*.
Fora boiler or boilers as de fined in the st'd
act, employed in distilling spirits from domes*
tic material* ten ckn is.
One half imiy of which rates of duty shall
be paid for a still or Stills, and boiler or beileiS
i employed wholly in the distillation of roots
Which said duties shall be collected m the
same manner and subject to the same provi
sions as the duties imf»®wd by the said act.
**ec- 19. And be it further enacted, f*hat
a deduction at the rate of eight per centurh
per annum shall be made from-the duty pay.
able for a license to distil spirituous liquors on
the payment thereof at the time of obtaining
the :.arae. !
Sec. 20 And be it further enacted, Thate
vety person who may be the owner, agent
or sujierintendenjof one still only whose capa
city shall not exceed one hundred gallons or
of one boiler only whose capacity shall nor
exerrd fifty and; rjf which shall be
whcjijy employed in distilling spurts from do
metiiic materials shall have t*:e option of
complying with the foregoing provisions of
thii act, and of the “ Act Ja\ing duties on
license* to dir filers of sjurivpous liquors,**
passed the twenty-fourth day of July one
thousand eight hundred and thirteen, or of
paying agreeable to the provisions of this act
$ ’ vtn y ti*ve ccnrr. tor every gallon of spirit,
d*A« tiled in sT?ch still or boiler : Provided That
u> end'le-apclijjerson to the benefits of the
ii n. .1 hr«native he shall deliver a written
statement of his desire to the collector of the
district in width such still or boiler may be
snuate specifying the contents of the same
previovsly to the times of using s:ich still Or
boiler in every year v And any person so ac
cepting the latter alternative who»shall fail to
comply with the conditions or. Avhich the
same, ijs, hereby allowed shall forfeit and pay
the sum of m«5 hundred dollars which said
forfeiture shall in no Wise aftect or impair any
other penalty which would otherwise attach
to such failure * , -
Sec. 21 And be it further enacted, That
it shill! be the ctniy -f .he collectors aforesaid,
In their respective di xrl m*. and they are her|p
! by a*»:.w*n | * coi: in ies afidn. .\t.*
by this act, and to prosecute for the recovery
of the wm«, and for the recovery of any sum
or sums which may be forfeited by virtue of
this act : and all fine*, penalties and forfei
tures, which shall be incured hV force of this
act, shall and maybe sued for and recover
eel in the name of the United States or of the
collector ,w£r± whose district any such fine
penally oTtv-Jet cure shall have been incurred,
. by bill, plaint or information, one ntoif t y theret
of to the Use of the Uuited States, and the
other moity to the use of the person, who if
a dill ;ctor shall first discover, if other than a
collect dr shalhfirst inform of the mat
ter or thing, whereby any such fine, pen
j alcy or forfeiaire shall lu e been incurred;
j and where the cause of action or, complaint
shall arise ir accrue more than-fifty npTeWis
l tan from the nearest place by law establish,
ed for the holding a district court, within
the district in which the sime shall arise or
accrue; snch suit and recovery may be had
before any court of the state holden within the
di haying jurisdiction in like cases.
St c. 23. ami be it further enacted, That the
collector shall f*;'nidi o each distiller within
the collection district an abstract >t‘ this act
and of the “ \cf laying., dunes on licenses ut
ciistillftis of spirituous hquors,** and of such
p'OvUiotis of the «« Act to amend the act fay
nig duties on, licences to retailers of wines,
spirituous liquors, and foreign merchandise,’
and for other purposes,** a> regards distillers ;
which abstract shall be prepared and furnish
ed to the collectors, under the direction of
the secretary of the treasury.
Sec. 24. And be it further enacted, That
in for ure it shall be lawful for the distiller or
distiller. of domestic spirits, and ail persons
from whose materials, such spirits sha# be
to” sell with un license, any qfihntity
thereof uot less than pne gallon.
s J'Jr j-Jr 2/1 \
Thurso at, jAXCAitr
?C7* sorry to be compol- s
-Ik'd- from the irhpossibility of pro
curing the necessary quantity of pat*
per* to issue the Gazette this week ‘
on a half Wc hope for the
f r.uce w e tshufl not be frequently
placed in the. same srti ration* f J
tCT* -The Augusta .Mail has again
fade Ito reachHm place* That two
failures* of this uduil should happen
>n succession at this time wheprthe.
public solicitude is so much a\Vake
for the fate of our seaboard, is ex
tremely unpleasant. It i» much .to
Afc desired that the proper authority •
would apply the proper remedy to
This evil
. - ‘ .-s> *
The enemy br.s at length com*
wcnced Uostilitii's on this southern
sectione£ tfee Union. In what man
ner he nu ans to conduct his warfare
domains yet to be -seen. 'tit is said
that before the surrender of St- Ma “
ry'a it was agreed - that private pro
perty should be respected.’
Os the enemy > approach Xo St. ,
Mary's the following ojßcial letter
diews-r ,> -
Extract of a letter fnm Cipt. A. A»\
to G-vi* TlopS doted
t ; T ‘ , \dihManuary t 1615.
si-R .{
u T he enemy moved agsiu-st I
Point Pctre Ihil morning, at half- past f
7 t/cloch witli hiswhoic ibree, (xtodxix
! 500 )i his operatinna were simui-
I reGeived'lHifoi'malicm o.T
r s approach on my picket, nevt»
Majbr 7 ‘ ..son’s with from about 600
to ,» C t#k men and tw & piece p pi* Ar-
VdU&yv Aw%e. pf his inteni'ob
place is,! Y H ar r whde he at
•»e same p«u* con-
XJvr ibiv ibipo m aUaCK the
i.tev- ; on t**« Su Mary's, with a p
>vpw iti4pii5 v €»iratvyl.|rcl biado ■}
j .x. -fHUfvbhg ui-u/ps:ilj'm-.of mv’ snvad
l 1 iwe -4 ■ 4
taMftta & kmic*. *i v
tfijefctivca* wiih onto* to
and fend it as long as possible, and if
he should be over powered, spike .he
’ ins, £re the train at the magazine
and retreat to me with tie remain
der, about 60 riflemen and infant
I moved against the enemy in th£
rear* determined to oppose his pas<*
sage at a narrow defile near Major
King'3 fc make good my retreat at
all hazards, at nine o’clock we came
up with the defile near maj. John
ston’s—it is flanked by a marsh on
each side, and has a complete cover
lor riflemen on the right and loft side
across which the day previous, l had
caused wme brve trees to be fallen ;
as we epteffed it On one end ene
invalid so on the other—it was my
intention to gain the Cross Roads
near Maj. King's, but finding mv
a* If stopped. Lieut. Holt of the 43d
Infantry was ordered with a detach
ment of riflemen to advance on ths
e,u riiy b left and Lt. Hadlee with an
other detachment to pass the thick
et/and endeavor to gain his rear /
this order -Was promptly- obeyed.
Capt. 1 atnall of the 43d Infantry
was ordered at the same time to ad
vance iivck>se column and pass the
defile $ at this moment their Bugle
sounded, a-brisk fire commen
ced on both sides i we had already
passed some distance Be t!he enemy
given way Jtwice when Captain
Tatnall, who stood near me received
a severe wound, which obliged him
to fall back ; this produced a mo*
mentary pause* when the enemy
pressed forwaui, but was received
with an unequal force/ it was at
this moment I received unexampled
tnpport from,Serg t Benson of the
43d Infantry and priv te Greene
of, the rifit, but our efforts was un
availing ; their numbers was too im
posing ,* and thousand to blXi Y was
too much odd*, and believing tlic
battery in Wc bands of the enemy,
bh hut thret guns liad been fired. It
was with rcluttanc.e 1 ordered a re
treat. w hich I am happy to state was
efrected in good order. I took the
path to Mrs. Gordon's on the North
River, at which place I had previ
ously engaged a large boat, in the
eyerit of not being able to pass by
jhe bridge near Maj. King’s, but
I sr:me or.-c* had p.otracted that plan;
the boat was taken away. I had but
ope resource left, and this was to
pass at Miller's Bluff with a paddling
I then sent orderd to Capt. Sr-dW
lings to retreat by that way* which
he promptly obeyed, the enemy foj,
*■ lowing him close in the rear- I la
ment the necessity of .informing you
of the loss of the fort at Point Petix.
The enemy** loss must be considera
ble; the dtJfilg was covered with
l blood. An officer of distinction wear
ing a pair of Epaulets was among
the slain. Our loss was In considera
ble. as Will Ipptßt* by the report ar*
nexed , and hjvg reason to hope
that some ot those missing tmi yet
♦’ I should not do justice to the
geptlemen I have the hopor to com*
maftd did I rot say they performed
prodigies beyond aii reasonable ex
rpectation ; all were equally brave,
hut if I may be allowed to .discrimi
nate and Tecomniend any to your
par'sc.ii!ar atn'rriorr, it win‘be Capt.
E. % Tatnal of the 43d infantry;
he was conspicuous in every act,
and gave me the utmost support. -f
I cannot but n>y little
band h gbty complimented by the
l member the enemy thought fit to
bring against them.’V
Very respectfully, 1
your ob 5 t serv't
, A* A, MASSIAS. Capt.
ICfih K. Regt- Com.
ment, U. S. 1 roopS.
Return of the killed,. wounded,
prisoners and missing in the action
ot the 13th January 1813, near Pomt
- Pet re. , _
; ’ 43d infantry, wounded* one capt.
- aip, severely, one private—-mbsing
4 privates—lot and fi. RlfUe Corps—
l private ; wounded, l sergV
f prisoner;) 1 private, severely/
missing 6 privates, total B—Grand
Toub u. ,
fa addr.ntf-tbs infomjatioo contained
in the \te have received the
adsee*se*l |
gemlemav, in this place, at Milledpville
Genera i Pioyd Which states that the enemy
have declared they will be in possession of
Savannah by the 22d I hope in this they
Wifi be disappointed as orders have been gi
yen to atf the volunteer companies jFrom
Burke down to repair to Savannah immedi
ately. Genera* B bek shear who was’ detich* :
cd from General Mclntosh’s command arid
since directed to rejoin turn is new at Hart
ford aad druei-ed W lire Governor to march
immediately to iit. &a*rv*s ; in addition t#hh
f wßcia consists of A the mil,, j
th on the se*coast are ordered oat en masse,
rwlvkH i: is supposed will amount &
- ffirag ■, v
*£** wdia »• jfcjr* >«r
A f . bv, and a.vvv publish ter the per«**} -ui*
■ **<&»« MfiSi|; s ;• -
tat*# tT? r^frSv?*
; and important article politely
forwarded ti* V the Post Master ii
Jefferson, and received by fieri fr m»
a gentleman oi* ranch ; xrediUilitv,
who extracted it a few. day* back
from a Shelbyviiie p'lbtrr*^*-^
’ ;**v *■
|Cr* Just afosfr go jv* ‘
to press, we were informed by a br ■»,
ther of Gen Carrrol, who left Mao’ -
ville on the 4th of January, that auo *t <
half an hour previous to hia leaving
Nashville the New Orleans mail
rived, bringing intelligence th.
Gen. Jackson had on the 22*1 of Dt
• ceraber a very severe eng gemin.*
with the British in the vicinity of <
New Orleans, in which the
was Successful ; and in at Geneva. ‘
Carroll had not reached Jacksojv <•’. .
the time of the- engagement, ini
was within a few voiles*
. v ——*sor-r L-
By the Mail.
The following articles obtained by
the way of are /he
only ones of much iwoment we hav*-
discovered in the last Msik-dge ville
papers, if we except those which we
have received by other sources
r ; 3 OaiEAKs. Dec. 03
The enemy having landed from 1
one to three thousand men at Nevre
plantation, seven railed below the
city; our troops immediately march
ed to meet them: a battle was
fought and the enemy were compel?
cd to retire -one unle* p* hulf an
hour the battle will be »ene\ved«**
and this day will decide the iete of
Orleans. ■ H,;* .
Philadelphia, January f.
| Extract of a letter dated Jbleto Tor A
j ‘ ‘January 6,
The report of the Constitution ha-’
vjng sunk the Maidstone is believed;
I, it was bt ought here by a purser of
I the Nkvy, direct from Boston, and
received there by Aura sea.
Our colours are now flying on the
occasion* The Muid&tpfie rated in
StciTs list as a 38 gun frigate, is
commanded by captain G. Bmdct,
& has very recently been completely
overhauled and fitted at Halifax
We are authorised to an
nounce Major Thomas Mitchell 0
candidate l6r to Command*’
the 1 bird Class of the Militia short
ly to be organized. ~,.±:d
i tCT 1 We arc authorised u- ktk
npunte Col ■ Ctiarlcs Sorrells a candi
date lor Lieutbrumt-Colonel to com
mand the Third Glass of the Militia
of the 4th Division of this Slate
and that’ Captain James Wars is a
candidate &>r Major to command the
Third Class of the Militia of the ffid
Brigade oi the 4th Division.
.f ■ ■ ~ —*
1 o the Second Cias's of Mi tit ia in the
counties of G reenel and
TDK undersigned respectfully de
- dares hnyiaelf a candidate, to fill tho
office of Major, at the approaching
election* On good grounds, it is ge
nerally presumed, that a candidate
for any ought to deem birmelf
competent to the punctilious dis
charge of alf the duties incumben
on one filling that office ; and that
after his appointment, ; he ought t
yer tp feel a responsibility proporti
oned to the importance of hfs station*
Eor the undersigned without experi
ence. to attribute or arrogate to him
self, those essential requisites, which
experience alone can give, t© a mili
tary officer of afiy grade, would just*
ly be accounted indicative of a most
deplorable degree o£: ignorance and
vanity But so far from this, his
r own diffidence will not permit him
to give assurance, that with the ut-
J. most application and assiduous at
tention to his duty, with every es
- fort in his power which he can
pledge wouid be exefted with the ut
most zeal } he would be able to ren
der to his country, the most impor
tant services whic h m i ght possibly
be expected from one- an
excellent military genius, and com*
pleteiy qualified by experience ;to
fill that station. ; /Cj ’-
’ It therefore becomes necessary,
regard being had to reputation,^to
assign the-reasons which induce him
to oiler hip services notwithstanding,
hij inexperience. Belieying -ihat-ii’
‘leiige may? under a skillful and ex
pcrienced commander, be acquired ;
r m ,:s, p “s
ness of thought,- and promptitude to
action, we must puss through a fiery
iCv , w . . *r’- •>'./’ . 1
. ‘ o * ‘.< 1
. -. .. ’ - r y %L *- 1
- - tiit- Vc 4*.-.* -wW %
‘*yur*mr?trV.A tfeigb
«&*dg t
• : ‘Bo4s
m<k |
musket tfr gird on a
shall direct* yfitlt wHoihajte’ H> to.pJh
fsii'>ate !11t he * jftfisst * Jts - ’ if ; f&;. •; “i *
toils ard dut’gv*a f|fc’
maintenance of t V-■ V
constitute a nation a tuu*
!* happiness and slory. ‘ **
Ogletho>pe, January 10, \H i5.
■*- HP >1; ’ ~/ j
NO ME * \
ALL persons having any demands
gainst Dame! Jackson, J.tte of tin*
county, deceased, are requested to
• present them tor payment a* the law
Jtreotsj and those indebted are re*
quested to make’ immediate [Kw
f .neot to *
Samuel Jackson,
•: John Jackson,
kwy 3s, -#(. _Lji
|V; V* notice:^/-’v> -
A ALL persons indexed to the
tatcofCaptain John deceas
ed, are requested to come forwaA
immediately and liquidate ‘their
counts as 40 longer induluondb ciia
be give#* > >*
.*• Susannah “Billups*
f ,( William Billups, r A,
of Jchn Uiiiuo-j
xjvnuftry ssth y s&is»
I do hereby caution all
from trading lor a note given by tried
to Sherman Grover % Cos. tor C}%,
barrels of flour, as the
has failed tor which my note was gi->
ven, I um determined not to pay.
,a j<|p> «» ..■!**» i
.T. CAL 1 i\>N» -v ‘A
I do hereby for wan. ml personja
whatever from trading for any
given m my name to captain Jbiij*
AiUupS, «W 1 have resolved not JO
discharge theiW until a settle.nexML
takes piav.e be.wccn me and tfr* \isj( \
ccuiors of said John
HOB ** k* BuJLUPt*. »
January 26. ; at •
■***- • ■ —«■»—- «*-«-» —m
Froth the subset iter on Friday
last, a bright «orrel horse, \vhiu>
spot on his lotenoud, gaiicd uiarkjji
on Ins back, and switch tail. Aiijf
information leading to his recover#
wifi confer an obligation on the
senoer* and> if required, be chetjljjp
fully recompensed. « f•,
\Vxi/dAi\l GKiinty.
&** ensi, Jan’UaKy 2 ** .• ■ I'M
‘ mm ’■ ‘-.yv® 71 •“mm r
* vjiirdviii. s aAi>U. t
Will he told on the first- Tuesday ijp
February nett ui the uour>JJousc tty |
the county oj Jac,xsan } pawetn tH
usual hours, i he Jblhwti.j; p. opu iy ,
One thousand of Dud,
the sat33J2 more or less, giaiifbd f
Weatneroy, joining iladou oc
on the waters of the Mulberry frnlT
of the Oconee, levied ou the p
percy of George VVeatnt rby at m
instance ol Joan lorrencc*
WM. TOi u,
January 5, lli-*
mpm r
/ Ad/ on the tilt*4 Monday in Frdruafjm
next, vftli be sold at Ltie hnutc q/W
* (Elijah Builtr, deceased* m 7
ti'.orpe emtnty, 4* v ,
” ALL the goods, chattels,’ &c*’bflj|
longing to said deceased. -: Ci\ di%
will be given tijU Jhe J6tii of D
ber next, the purchaser to give botjjjj..
with approved security.“
January S, t^lS>
T 1 L
v. 1 rr f _ f ;V
pfrill be sold at the Court Mouse on itii fli
Tuesday in February nexs,
*'£■■ tween the hcu>~ oj ten and three
clock, the following property, vi%.
a. FOUR negro women* j>»Wey an old wemefttf
Harriot, Loney and Fhoeby, young
levied on as the property of Benjamin Thor«*
man to rfatbfy an execution, *n favor oF
Daniel Trammell, v*. William Shields
did Tharman. IV-. IST
f 4J* Sheriff* V
January 5, ISIS.
— ™*j|
HV. . NOTICE. 1V f f ;
| Nine months after date applied J
tion will be mrale t:, the honorable*
the Inferior Court of Clark County,
when sitting for ordinary purposes* s
for leave two hundred acre£
o{ land ( the* same being more, ofi
\e*s>) lying arid being in said codntjr
on the waters cf
panted to Jdim Rarcett,
lands of Hrdwn, Moore ahd other*-*
Also hundred and sixty acre»
lying and being Jackson coumff
on the Curry’i creek* near ;
Jefferson, granted to
The off land to bci
s6ld for the pf Jhe Heirs &&■
ty&htoh *4
•'-f,tC ’ o’■'Ci^ 4-$i , ; >A