Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, February 09, 1815, Image 1

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    VOL /•
■ •'' ’Jb'y
PRIXTKt'» ■v.(3. ‘I
3T uCJOB DQ&lXi<Un : ;'i
So. The Annual Sei bscripionwill be Tftl*E
Dollars, haif i)i advance. t
Subscribers living ■ oat of the State will p*y
the whole subscription upon the delivery of
the first number* f h t
Ho Subscriptions will be feceived for less
than one year; %Md no paper shall be dis
continued until JUT'sarages are paid.
%h. Advertisements, will be inserted at the
customary rates/. 5 |
Lett firs addressed to the Eos
+*s must be post paid . ( •
Nashville, Jan. 11.
Extract of a letter from Col R* Butler
Adjutant General , dated Camp 6 miles
bel tv) ts, Orleans, Dec . 30 .814.
‘* lam here surrounded with the din of war-*-
Dttillery and small anno al?srnately playing j On
Ibe 23d Bjftn arc&ckrid’ the v. : awis mti
reported by deserters, we kitted, , wounded ana ?j
took prisoners about 500. Our loss comparative
ly very small Cols. Lauderdale and Henderson
have bit the dust, and are njo more.—The latter on
the 2Sth a: which tlmie rhe enemy advanced
on us, with a view to stornrt our works » but they
found us too strong to attempt tt We trpened
our artillery, a deserter says we killed 14d men
that dav—among themSMrjßeveriy Evansou of the *
25th We cannot estimate their force as yet cor
rectly—we are in fine spirits, and have no doubt !
♦f drubbing the rascals.’*
Jfxtract of a letter M his etkllency Gokr.
nor Blount . from Vhis excellency Gov .
’ ‘Claiborne dated O lean,., [)er, 30-.) \ ‘
The enemy remains encamped abour seven miles
from’ this city, within fall/view of out army under
the command of Gert. Jackin'. The fo<ce of the
CneVny isvariouslv stated from 4 to 7 thousand
In tte att tek on the Evening of the 23d insr he
Buffered considerably, arid but for the darkness of
the night which caused some little confusion in
our ranks the affair 1 am fold would have been de
fVt fist son r nary feVriv* men t and a
t»ong the number l am sorry to mention two high
lv esteemed officers Os vour state, Coi. tjendeisoi,
of the Rifl^ 'Corps, and Col. Landetdajeof the
■volunteers. The Tennessee troops equafthe high
expectations which had been formed of them p
Dor is it possible for men ho display more patriot-,
isnty firmness in bat fle or under fatigue
• and privations. The Louisianians also deserve
find will receive the highest approbation Wr,
at* united as one man, ,arid a spirit prevails whten
ensures our safety W<; may have, and calcu>
late on having some bard fighting; but you
Deed not fear for the rtfult
( The general inspires /much confidence in all his
■troops, regulars volunteers and militia are in high
ipirits, and anxious to [be led against the enemy.
This will be done in clue season ; the Kentucky
troops are datiy expected ; until reinforced by
■them the general has prudently determined to main
tain his position—a pjosition which completely
covers the city, and from which the enemy cannot
dislodge him. The American army indrawn up
in aline extending froth the Mississippi to the
Cyprus Swamp, having in front a wet nitch and ,
»n cptrenchniem impenetrable to muskesty and
smaller pieces of right flank cover
-4d by the river and the left by the swamp, and the
whole defended by several pieces of cannon of va
rious calUbre, 32, 24,12, and 6 pounders.
Extract <f a letter from the Postmaster at
New-Qrleaas to the Postmaster in jVas/i
--dated Dec* 30. ‘ v ,
; You will have heard l presume of the landing
of the British here, and of an actiou which took*,
place last Friday, in which it is thought they suf
sered much. Since that time our army has en
trenched itself very strongly about 5 miles from
tbW*LgLas|W ednesday the enemy attacked our
tines, yfiepulsed with cowSidet zble loss, ours
triflmg Previous to the M attack they succeeded
in destroy ing a column belonging to us by meas
of their artillery, of which they have a tew small
In this state the affair rests—the Kentucky
troops being momently expected, which added to
iWyo^^dan* 1 UIS tllC countr f conceive, cn-
Worcester, f Mas.) Jan. it.
Another Natgl Triumph.
It U with the most unfeigned emotions
of pleasure that we inform our readers
of another wreath of glory plucked!™
/ <* ee P b F the gallant and daring frig
ate the Constitution . A passenger in the
fc*gJ2 N^ w . |,ort ir f, rms ’
Constitution had arrived there—that she
h*s ha Un engagement with the Maid
fttone of ■sand sunk her with
three broadsides. The American Lap
be* 1 * hilled, and a nu;«,
rescue |he screw of the Maidstone.
% A - Jan. 3. H
t* C ° Urt l ra » rti » l has bscn a s * s #" 4
*t •:•>«. •. • h ‘ -m: ■
in this city for the trial of major gener
al Proctor. The specifications,
fv«s- bet ft pH>m*b
cd ; and it is expected from the fulness
of the evidence, in supporting that
the court will close its sessions in a
few day!) with a verdict of condemna
tion.* ; ;
[ Kingston U. C, Dec . 25.
Yesterday an attempt was made to
launch the frigate Psyche, which did
not succeed owing to the severity
cold* 1 his day she.went salely into her
elen%nt in a most handsome style.—
She & a beautiful ship.
v Pcattsbuug, Dec- 31. -
We have late accounts from the Isle
Aux-Noix, which put it beyond a doubt
that the enemy is preparing for a win
ter campaign.
His force is represented at sixteen
thousand men in the vicinity of Montre
al* and Chambly. All communication
»s cut off above, and no one is permitted
to P tls ' i the La Cadie Woods,
: i. wiy p *4pa* auoh ** nu-aule to give;
them a grand entertainment, and we
wave no doubt the exhibition will meet
their most sanguine expectations.
Flattsburg Republican*
Best on Jan. 9.
Extract of a letter from a very intelligent gentle
man of Boston, to his friend received by
the 1 hens arrived at New York. . •, *
Ht. Bart's, Nov. 30*
A* Martinique has at ieogin Uccu giv-’
en up to the French ,i he Congress
*;ad as at Vienna and the first
principle proposed Was, mat FREE
Savain aah January 21.
Extract of a utter Jr ..m Captain Massias
to Brigadier General Ftoyd. datedy
Fort Barrington , i 2 o'clock
Wednesday Evening 18th, Jan. Is»^
• , n ■:-,v near Dart-*
cn—bis fleet has anchored inDoboy
Souncl—he keeps close by me j yet it i.>
aiy belief SAVANNAH vs his object—
-1 shall watch his motions.’* f
Extract oja letter from Lieut Got. Scotty
to Brig. Gen Floyd dated Browns Ferry
January 18, 1815
Slß—i had the honor to receive
v-. ur’soiihe i 3th *uisu by the express,
in you r< quisled rile to send t a niy
eport which L annexed to this Jutier.
1 his morn ing a gentleman arrived here
from Sf. Mary’s, who informed me that
Admiral i had landed W
town with an additional force, number
mpknown. I have .since been tol l that a
number ot ***** troops nad been landed
since thy arrival of the admiral, from on
board of a bomb brig* # 1 hb enemy arp
t aking possession of all the provisions
they can find* and putting them on board
fiieir vessels, and are takiftg in watef—
t ey are likewi isc ;>fountiiig gtins on car
mages arid training hofses, for what pur
pose I leave you to judge—*»they have
not as yet-attempted any
in the town j oir tne contrary they have
reduced Fort Physic : and, it is ay o
pMi* n they will not march by laAd. 1
should nave wished very much to
made a stand tit River Bridge;
out Captain Massias would not co-opt
ra.e wnn me, which was the cause of
iii> falling oaek to this place,yesterday,
i have been informed by one of tne
i atnots of Florida, that their spies had
I.*c< v*red two indians on the south side
oi St« Mary’s near Underwood’s mills;
the Indians seeing therm retreated, and
were loiiowtd until an encampment was
discovered with a Considerable smoke ar
dificrtnt places, when they thought pl^
.*r to retire, I have four ti usty sines
out to give me immediate notice oiling
approaching danger. Tl# distress of
•i j *e families of this county is beyond
description “ *’ #. , : v* „ ±
t he editor of the Savannah Republi
can has just conversed with an mtdli
gent gentle nad, who was taken pibo
ner at _ St. Mary's by the enemy on their.
nr < landing ; and who made tits esc***
night last He aalevthut »
WBW men %re tiH»wn
j > iary s, wbichf;were a k+Sat ■
number of, *****»— tuat the day beioye
lift left t> e one transport, two rocket
v and one bomb ship arrived off
i c iov/n of St V. yV with a number
of troepg, fromy Cumb* rlami Isiuiul—
that lie vis in for tiffed by ap Englist
officer that Admiral Coe kbit rn had ar
and had brought with him Thr; *
1 hull sand Men, which were on hoard
of several transports, then laying off
the bitr—that the enemy had not arm
ed any ****** but a lew who had en
i ru voluntarily —that all the hoires
nd tores in the place were plunder 1
r?l of every thing, in them and put on
>oai'd An?', r ‘ n -Vessels, taken in >t
Jiveij which were ordered down to
Cumbei land ; that the town of St.VJVi .
ry’s did not capitulate ; butwastkhei?
possession by the enemy without tft,
slightest opposition ; that he saw cap
, ain Jackson of the Lacedemonia*, who
a great deal of anger agains
oavaknah, and Observed that he hopeo
ne would have a chance yet in helping
vo destroy the place ; and that it was I
the general impression in St. Man's
that the Ifntish would soon make an «it«
large reinforcements from BermUthu-.
Out fnfdrmaht states that he thinks
the force of the enemy, between 4 and
We understand that iwo regiment*
of South Carolina troops are ordered
for Savannah, to aid in its defence.
t Savannah Republican.
j Latest fr m the enemy .
VQr* An express to the Governor ar
rtyed ,ate last evening from Savannah
ivith despatches from Maj. Gen. Pinck
ney and : prig.. Gen. Floyd- The dis
patches state that by recent and authen
tic / accounts the enemy’s force on otu
coist has been ascertained to be only a
bout a thousand* a large portion pf whom
are ****#», and he whole very sickly*
In copssqiience of this intelligence, Gen
PincVney has dispensed with the late re
additional troop’s, the vdb?
Uhym ccmpamcs excepted, believing
the force pow in the field amply suffici
enr ton the defence of the sea-board
1 be works at Savanah are represented
io be in such for s as to bid defi
ante to the present force of the enemy,
who by the latest information from tha
quaffer ha*e evacuated Point-Petre and
bt. Mary's and gone td the island of St.
Frcm the Georgia Journal .
A friend of the Editors unites from
Savannah on the 21st uk. as
Our situation being calculated to
pficite much, interest, particularly with
those who are remote from us* I shall
‘write you frequently,* In fact, it is dif
tieuit for persons here to know what fs
really passing a little distance from us.
Reports are so numerous and often so
contradictory* that it is impossible to
disciiminate between truth & faUhond*
The head-quarters of the-enemy are
established at Cumberland from, whence
they make excursions by water up the
different rivers* ; After the fall of Point
Retire and the surrender .of St Mary's,
Mas3ias retreated to Jefferson from
thence to the Altamaha, where he was
when the last accounts were received
Hci appears to be of opinion that the
British would inarch directly.for this
*place. This Ido hot apprehend, for I
suspect their force is at present too
simdl; but I have no doubt that as
soon as a fore shall have arrived off our
Bar, that now at Cumberland will adopt
every calculated to,’ harrass the
southern country and distract our at
tention, with a View to the division of
our. forces *Jt is probable
Uteri at Brunswick, where there is no
thing to oppose them ; and an express
arrived this morning from an officer
commanding two companies deLfeacd
&>m the drafted militia Gen. Floyd;
statjng that Darien was also in their
JJjpfessian ,* this however is incorrect,
•though there is little doubt I think but
jthat they will visit it* --If they wid de
lay Jt a few
meet with a warm reception, as ju ad
ditioa to the local militia anti the two
Companies detached zy Gen. f the
ft wo companies of cUvalry from
place under Col. Berrien will probably|
be thore. p F They marched this morn-
ing for Dariew, should the state of
of things require fheir beiogsent there.
Our preparations are progressing* and I
# irus*U*at when we*%ne we *h H
make an honorable defence if>e should
not obtain a victori. We have gfeat
confidence-in Gen* Floyd# and have ev
ery th l n g to stimulate us to exertion Sc
’** / 'v ‘ •*_ P* j * ;: ,v ,fr % fvj •; V \v
January 24. * ‘}
The storm vrhifch has been lonpf
threatening is now fast gathering, and
;n u little tinoie we shall in all probahHU \
ty feel its inmost violence. To day wc
Have had pretty correct information cf
the enemy's force- It consists of be
tween three andgfour thousand men *.
Oo reinforcement has arrived as we bad
heard a fear days since was the case.
ockburn was certainly with thrnn
‘Vhether they will make an attempt on
us with their present force or wait add}-
tonal ones, it is uncertain ,* but that
‘hey mean to attack this place there is
J think very little doubt. We are ma
iing every exertion to meet them honor- >
*-H 7 * The chj reg raent is now in ser«
vice, and the town has the appearances
of a camp. We can ordy hope for tha
best; i a sue 19 with Providence.
No person is allowed to leave the city
without a permit rom the’ Gener 1. Wo
men and prop, riy are flying in every
direction, apu all is confusion and ills*
An officer in Gen. Floyd’s bri*
gade writes to his friend in the neigh**
oorhood of Milledgeville as follows :
Camp Covington , 22d January .
I was yesterday in Savannah and no
ticed that almost every merchant and
shop keeper was making preparations
*0 ccnvey away his goods and chattels,
I fear the citizens think more about se
curing their property than making suit
able preparations to repulse the eneu>y*
They appeared to be under the influ
fluence of alarm. Waggoners re
ceived frpra ten to twenty dollars pi ?■ :iav
to transport to the inte
rior* File general I think was impress
ed with the opinion that the place would
be abandoned, for he yesterday i
,an order for all the elective men t<*. >
take the field Wq expect two* 1 regi
ments Trum South Carolina ; when «hey
arrive our force will be respectable.’
By this Brigade, and tne -fin United
Stated regimeiV, the appearance of the
enemy is eagarly looked for. ar
rival will be greeted with many a hear
ty cheer from the mouths gs our can*
non and muskets.” *
’ The Convention of Delegates at Hart
ford adjourned on the 4th iitst. after ma
king public a pamphlet of reasoning and
preamble, of which-the following resolu
tions are the conclusions; -< v * V / y;
Resolved, i hat it be and hereby is re
commended to the legislature cf the se
veral slates represented in tins Conven
lion, to adopt ali such measures as may
be necessary effectually to protect iha
of said states from the dperHtion
and effects of all actsTvhich have been
or may be passed by the Congress of the
United States, which shall ‘contain pre
visions, subjecting-the militia or oilier *
to forcible drafts,conscriptions*
dr impressments, ndt authorised by the
Constitution ol the United States. ..
Revived, i hat it be and hereby is re
commended to the said Legislature to
authorise art immediate and earnest ap
plication to be made to the Government*
of the United Spates, requesting Uveir
consent to some arrangements whereby
the said stales may, separately 01 jn
conceit, be empowered to assume upon
themselves the defence ol their.terr ito
ry against the enemy ; and a 4 reasons*
ble portion of the taxes collected within
said states* may be paid into the respec
tive treasuries thereof, and appropriated
to the payment of Ahe balance dueTaid
states, and to the future defence oi M
Same. The amount so paid into the
said treasuries toWcredited, and the
disbursemepu made as aforesaid Vo be-
the United States.
f. liesolved, Thht it be, and hereby is:
th«rC6^o*s y oKj*omi»»iWtfrs, crSf