Newspaper Page Text
flea* * w? pn*- hbpu?, .ourc^tri-
wive** we only therein
de, U»6 ship, the cart* ,n«* n>w, r
* to carry Hr .Ever, if 4he southern tn.Yil
happens to fail an its dYrrval, we are as
sinfiid ibs orvfs for waiit*of matter to talk
about i unless some Hostpn mob, excit
ed by the Junto, has attacked a custom
house officer! In that caajfc wfe have
ter talk about, and console its
’ for the non-arrival of the southern mail*
J lie fact is, fanaticism is out* dog r star,
and delufc'.on guides, the holm,
athwTlj AZL TTt.
yV« Tnunsiur , fKnu'jAitr 23, l 8 1 3 r 1
Our fptu!'hopes and expectations, we
tegret to s ate, are rot realized by the
mail of last evening! however,we did
not sunguiuclv anticipate a confirmation
of the news of Peace, but hoped to dis*
covec something which lead to
, the presumption of a result so anxiously
looked for., On tins head the knowing
article from the Charleston Times fur
nishes some such matter for speculation’
vhiqh we forbear commenting on, kuv
s ing our readers to dra .v conclusions for
The sloop Charleston, capt. Smith,
arrived this morning from Amelia Isl- ;
and as a ca.ttl. Capt. Hilliard of this
city, and several French Gentlemen, ar
rived uv her. Capt. H. informs that the
sloop was boarded by the fiebrus Uritisti.
frigate on bou’ and of vvhich was an Amer
ican Capiarn, f who stated;
that he read on board the »Hchrus, aO- 1 :*
JEfjglish newspaper, received by a Swe
dish vesSel from E Urope bound to 14a
v|nnah accounts of the signing of Prelim*
inaries of Peace between Great Britain its
Amenca. i his captain was on board
the sloop, intending to come on to this
; <#* itdbeibjf optional with him eiiher
- to come on here, or await an opportune
tvpof gefthg immediately home. He de
titled bn the 1 alter, and remained on
board the fligate * \V\.> ,Vs- ‘ ;
‘We arc further by passen
gers in the carte!, that the
was gcra-Tajf, and the greatest confidence
’ -sty by the British oiiicer ; aUSu Mary ’s’
*C. that a PEACE had been signed
‘On Sumlai last despatches wd’e put bn
board-the Commodore a ship, which in*
. due eel fi esh and confirmatory opurmson
the lußjat f,
.Vifjlf addiiiontb this,
‘f>iktr.ct hasTeceVye-d:. a
ihilmer, cf the Ilcbruy, statiug a$ fib
jdpopion, tiui peace'u\u made “between
the>wo countries / and contains tdso,
we understand, a sentence somewhat
similar to the following i that should
&e (the vlarsha!) receive infot*daafian
fi%m Washington of iguing oU
th| treaty, capt P. would be obliged to
it he would send nis men
to him otf Charleston, wheTe he should
continue cruising. J
The wo.ds> the treaty,” in capt. P.
letter, appears to us to refer, and in
gmmmaUcal construction it
dojbs, to spme treaty’ of *4inch ae had h (
knowledge ; otherwise, we should sup**:
|u**e he would make Use of inr indefinite
arjrcle. .. ft o. ‘
For our part we persuaded that j
sotr 4 thing import md has transpired,-*- i
in shyn t Uv«h Preliminaries, have been j
sigift cl ;* t >ur readers hi course
jocko ix't tiff n;Sjt Ives, till the expiration
of a b J: v days, wnen the v ‘ glad tidings
juv, tinust be officially annoiin
oed, ortiu. c reports, be returned from
whence they came— to the wind - ; y
Charleston Times, February IQ.
We are sorry the Savannah mail of
} and sleven in g, has not bn ft us. a confirma
tion of the report of pt>ac£> which has
circulated here for these few days ua r
der the full conviction ot it* authentici
ty ; for our own part we are not disap
pointed, as it never m our J 3Ol ' 0
the least appearance of probability / the
atory nio doubt originated in an €?xten
sive and wide laid of speculaii
on sand if many have profited by then
infamy, many have also suffered by
their credulity.
- C /f ■' 1 glugusfa Chronicle •.
t Our apprehensions for the safety of
Susannah liave.»entirely
state pf the fortifications, with thcud.n-
ber nnd spirit of our troops havb at lasi
inspired its citizens with a confidence
in iheir safety against any attack of the
enemy. It.ys also ascertained, that the
enemy on Cumberland Island, does hot
exceed IOOQ- men. They nave evacua
tedSt Mtlry’s Sc Point Phtre. aftci
troy ing the fori ana barracks at
place, and are ho\V engage#m
•the diffei-eut pomts of che Island- f V f |
array under gen. ha?
, rccalioJ flljl
• im^ligifncFfrorij Darien, was within a
fc'.r thills of fort Barrington, on the
Alatamaha ; thb force, witu \he troops
stationed atTLrien will be able at least
to confine the predatory incursions qJ
f the enemy to the Islands on the se aboard.
1 Ibid. %j*
MARJUED, on Thursday # evening
* last; in this ptace by the • Rev. Hope
Hull, Mr. Thomas . Low of Columbia
I county, to Miss Ann W. Carnes»daught
er of Got. T P. Carnes, of this town.
j f y ; ’’ *** ‘X’
| ’ By the flfitleflgevilU Mail*
Milledgeville.'Wednesday MorningßTo 22.
‘ r *'*'*'& 1
By Mr. Lewis Cooper, who arrived
from Augus aHi 15 hours, as an express j
we are enabled to lay before*;ur readers, ;
the cheering and Welcome news of Pea del
Mr. C. arrived about twelve o’clock at
night, and left here about one tor Jfort c
A TRE ATY of PE \CK between the
United States and Great Br itain haying
4 arrived, you will forward the accompany’- :
ing ‘ettgr directed to C :h. Winchester. J
by Express without delay regardless of j
the expense, which, may save the effusi- j
on of human blood,. .
Will be sold at Danielsville , Madison
court’Vi >n the first Tuesday in April
ttexi . between the usual hours s
fwa nundied acres of land he the
sane more or less, adjoining lands of
Dabney G hoi son and Atchinson, the
grantee unknown, levied on *»s the pm
pertv of Dawd Creswell to satisfy an ex
ecution in favor of Stephen Gaftord—
the above land pointed out by James
l liQinpson.
Conditions cash.
Sheriff, t
[ FeVuarv 4, 1815* ,
L iWViereas Wißiatrt Vi ore, ‘Barbara Bohannap %
, and Jafties. •.
j;*traiiuxi on the est&te of William Bohannon, late of
said county, deceased. yj
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and i
singular the kindred and creditors of said de- j
ceased to. be afict appear at my office within the i
time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any, why
taid letters should not be granted -j
Given under my hand at office this 6tfi day of
February, 1815.
y^ x r ‘ JOHN H. LOWE, C. 0. O,
Georgia, Clarke county j
Attendance wilt be given by the Col
lector of the,Fifth Collection District of
Georgia, or his'deputy William Mont- v
gonitry, bn the following days-* and at
the following named £laces* viz: in
Lexington, Oglethorpe county, on Mon
day and Tuesday tfie 27th 8c 28th inst.
ion the Thursday and Friday following
in Madison, >•. Morgan county, and on
tfye Saturday theieafterin WaVk’nsville,
Clatke doittfty, for the purpose of de
ceiving entries of Carriage* with the
harness used therefor, and granting li
censes to retailers, stilfers, Seth v
Those in arrears on bonds for still
l duty are desired to make payment, as
all bonds due are pointedly directed to
be put in nuit by the commissioner of
the lieveuue*
James M* C . Montgomery,
CAR. 5. C\ JO. G.
February 4, 1815* T C ~
Is hereby striven that the land and
plantation whereon James Garrott, de
ceased, 4iveo» ‘Will be sold to the high
cst bidder, on the first Saturday in A
pril next, on a credit of twelve months,
bond and approved security will be re
quired, and possession given on the first
dayof Jafluwr, 1816; 1n conformity to
the will of the testator. _ lC ,
IVm. Elkins, Guardian •
February 6, 18 1 5* ‘ .- v
■ —*— • I T ’"* ~ * —** . • “ T '"” ■ «-■
Wilt be sold on the 28th day of February next, at
V t Ke house of Anna Barnetts, between the usutf
■C h'oors,V- ‘ ; **f. ‘ ,• NegrO man, ope leather bed
mth cl furniture, the pr.>p r of Fr.m
-ties ‘Crawford, dect of - vfie
colmtjr; due attenv a will .veaby
‘Pursuant yp an Order of the Inferior
Court , f sitting fjr Ordinary purfio
} . scs) of the county of Clarke , v ’
[ , W7L't SOLD ‘* C
on the first Tuesday of March nex*,
at the court~houffe of said county ,
! ’ f SPefcn the usual hours, X
! hundred & eight and a half acres
of land, on the wafers of the Appalachie ; the
oeai estate of Philamon rh ompson, deceassd ;
to he soid for the benetit Os the heirs and
Creditors of said deceased. ’
December 8 th, 1314.
NirtE months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable-,
prferidr Court of Clarke county, lot
leave to sell 84 acres of land on Bar
ber’s creeiU joining lands of Parker
and others, being part of the real
estate of VVdham Bankston, deceas
ed—to be sold for the benefit of the
heirs and creditor > of said deceased
]^[lNE months after date application will
be made to the honorable Inferior Court of
Ma.ason county, for leave to sell a tract of
land containing 160 acres, on Bsavecdam
creek, Oglerhorpe county, joining lands of
Bridges and others Also one lot itt Wayne
county of 490 acre -, second district, No. 185,
being the read estate of James Stallings, de
ceased ; to be sold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased.
( I H.ARi. ES Si l s, Executor.
James Thomas, \
vs . ( -RULE NISI- #
Michael A. Gauvain.) ‘
UPON the petition of James Tho
mas praying the foreclosure of the e
quity of redemption contained in a
certain mortgage, given by a Mich
ael A. Gauvain to the said James
. Thomas, on a certain tract of land
containing six hundred acres, being
‘part of two five thousand acre tracts
of land granted to Charles Ilenry
DHistamg, including a tract of one
hundred and thirty acres, lateiy oc
cupied by John Thomas and sold to
said M. A. Gauvain by said John j
Thomas, the said land lying and be- j
ing in the county and state aforesaid
on the waters of Trad creek, tor the j
Better securing the payment of a
certain snvn thertin specified.
ir is ordered, that the said
Michael A. Gauvain do pay into this
- court ill twelve months from thiv
date, the -principal and interest ti.
said mortgage contained, and tht
cost expended in and about tthe fore
closing the same, or be baired o
bis equity of redemption in until’
the same. And that this rule be pub
dished once a month for twelve
months in one of the public gazettes
of this stater, or served upon the de
fondant six months previous tp the
time required by tnis ride, to pay ofi
the sum contained m said mortgage
A True Copy from the Minutes of said
Court this sth day of Jammy, 1814.
- ‘
f-l Nixs months after date applica
tion will fee made to the honorable*
the Inferior Court of Clark County, ‘
when sitting for ordinary purposes,
for leave to sell twa hundred aqres
of land ( the same being more or
less ) lying ani being in said county
on the waters of Porter's creek,
granted to Join Barnett, joining!
lands of Brown, Moore and others— j
Also two hundred and sixty acres ■
lying and being in Jackson county j
on the waters of Carry’s creek, near
Jefferson, granted to Brantly—.
The aforesaid tracts of land to be ]
sold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of John Barnett, deceased j
late of Clark County.
i ; X Administrtor.
July 7, 1814. y V _-V
HINE months after date applica
tion. will be made to the honorable
Inferior Court, of the County of
Franklin, for leave to sell the real
estate of Thomas Williamson, de
ceased ; for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors, -.'y.r ,
f Administrator*
December 8, t B 1 4^ ” X
Til 111, Subscribers having catered
into Co-Partnership under the Arm of
Have taken far a term of years that com
modious and well known establishment,’ for
merly Ashton’s Tavern, but lately occupied
by Messrs. Calffrev & Bus-in. Genteel tra
vellers with their families may be assured of
the most attentive treatment,,and mi enjoy
a degree of privacy and retirement <eld*roi
met With in Public Houses, as they hare ad
jacent and convenient buiidirfg>, altogether
unconnected with the bustle .of the Tavern
They are at present, and ias end to use eve
ry exertion to be constantly supplied yth
whatever will contribute enh«r to the com
forr of convenience of Travellers, In general,
or Regular Boarders.
They feel a degree of confidence udteu hey
.invite Strangers to therr House, since
are determined to devote njost uuremuted
attention the accommodation of their cus
tomers, and trust that by meriting, *hey
will receive a liberal share of public patro
Augusta , ( Geo.) 2 si Octobe r 1814
Madison County. . -
v OcTonk,h Term* 1814.
HE petition of John H Marks shew
eth that he was lately the purchaser at ohe
, riff’s Sale in said county, of a tract nf land sold
as the property of Absalom Hendrick, vdo
then resided upon the premises, cou* u t ’
two hundred acres, roo.c or *s&, lying on ibjjtf
sou ill fork of Broad .river, adjoi.n.,g
granted to Noali Cloud, on the east and oil _
the south, bounded on Broad rive ~a*.d
stating that there was an otfgioai dee .1 of
Conveyance of said land frpm one Samuel
Nelson io sia.l Hendrick, and undo-which
deed the said Hendrick derived doe—which
said ofigmal deed is lost or so that it
cannot now be touncl-—and that a A copy of
said deed so near as can be recollected, V>ge
ther with an affidavit of its loss are filed -it
the chirk’s office of said coprt —and pray Wjg die ’
establishment of said copy in lieu of the
nal *
On motidn of counsel for the it
is ordefed rlwfa copy of this petition add or
der be published Mice a month fir the term of
yix months in >ne of -he public:_'gazetrfcVfl!'f
thiss-ate—and hat unless*uffieil?nf imif.ts.i't
then shewn, the said c6py will be
in lieu of the original.
I hereby certify that Hie \
is a r.riie exM /ct/rom the
October 7, 1814.
V,~ NO'liCZ. ’
NINE wombs after, date
tion will be made to the honorable
Inferior court of Clarke .fair
leave ta sell the real estate of Col.
Samuel Jack, deceased, consisting
of t vf> tracts of land in the county of
bti the waters ot Uptonhi
ci- bounded by land, of Simons, •
’ JUchJ K Brooks’ and others'; far the
benefit of the l#irs-and creditors of
said deceased.
- Acltniniitrator, ,
A 5
i’ mtirnok‘
’ -\ ‘... Nu 1 ICE. „’ . ‘ .
ALL persons indebted to the es
tate of Captain John deceas
ed; are requested to come forward’
immediately and liquidate ac
counts as no longer indulgence caii
be given. ;
Susannah B>lhps.
I ’ < y .. ; •,. “. w> •’ E x ecutrix* ; ;>
: -:.y ~ p:”- % William BftUtps : ;'l
V V / , Executor,
of John Billups, decked.
January 2 5th , ißis
I d<t hereby caution all per sorts
from trading for a note given bv me
to Sherman Grover Sc Cb. for six
barrels of flour, as the conskleraUpn
has failed for which my note w is gi
ven, lam der rnt tmd Oo‘ > b it.
January 26.
‘^ADminisfitatorS SALE.V ‘
Will be sold at the plantation of spaniel
> ” ‘Trammell, deceased, in (hark cjun
- ty on ■ Wedn sday tht %M day of
February next , the foilomhg pro.
pertji being part of the estate of
said deceased —
Consisting of horses, cattle, hogs,
sheep, cart & oxen,; a cardmg and ;
spinning irachiue, with other avif!- ■
cles. Tecwisr a CTedit Hit the ft rat.,
of January, 1816,'lhc punch ser giv
ing bond and approvetLsecurity.
’ ‘ Fanny Trammeiiy <
» & . v . / A dminrsirsitrix.
Fratffts ill. Trammell,
. ; Adaiintttrstcr.
Januaty ii, 1815#
. -.-2 ‘ -y % ..^