Newspaper Page Text
, w V'f. SHERIFF’* SALE*
On the first Tuesday in March next , in the
town of Lexington * will be sold, the
following property, to wit
also ■ V- ’
Fifty acres of land the property of
James Anderson pointed out by said
Anderson to satisfy an execution in fa
vor of Samuel Shields./
4,190 £
Three hundred acres of land taken as
the property of William Murry to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of Thomas
Collins ; pointed out by Murry,
V t/” (/ ALSO
Three hundred acres of land taken as
the property of (James F. Gorden to sar
tisfy an execution in favor of Robert
Bledsoe for the use of Robert Freeman;
land pointed out by said Gorden.
Three hundred acres of land, taken
as the property of William Kidd to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of the Trus
tees of Mason Academy ; pointed out
by Charles Carter his security.
Three hundred acres of land taken as
the property of Jesse Bridges, to satis
fy an execution in favpr of the Trustees
of Mason Academy ; land pointed out
by said Bridges.
ALSO . * J \ .
Two hundred acres of land taken as
the property of Mary Burn, executrix
of John Burn, to satisfy an execution in
favor of James G* Baldwin*
One tract of land containing one hun
dred acres, the property of Woody
Jackson and pointed out by said Jack
son, to satisfy an execution in favor of
John T. Lawrence.
Conditions cash.
Deputy Sheriff.
February Ist, 1815.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in Match
nest at Vifatkitisville, Clark court house \
between the usual hours, the following
property , VIZ* «
42 acres of -land* more or less, in
Clark county, on the waters ol Barber’s
cerek, joining Bradley and others, gran
ted to Marburyj levied on as the pro
perty of William Hopkins to satisfy an
execution in favor of Benjamin Huston ;
levied on by a constable and returned to
me. <;
1500 acres of land on Rose creek,
more or less, in said county, granted to
Carson arid Williamson, and thirty-six
negroes consisting of men, women and
children, to witLedia, Amelia, Joe,
John. Ned. Jlarry, Rose, Ben, Dhniel,
Hobier, Ephraim, Mariah, Orra, Phe
be, Early, Nash, Jolly, Anderson, Lew,
Cooper, Guty, Job, Yellow
Black Nance, Thena, Blvira, Milley,
Nisey Wyney, Mary, Julia, Molly,
Vina, Tabby, Mcses and Solomon-
All levied on as the property of Rode
rick Easley, Joseph Brown and Alex
ander Torry to satisfy an execution in .
favor of Scott 8c Radcliffe, vs. Roderick
Easleyr Joseph Moss, Joseph Brown &
Alexander Torry, and others vs. said
Roderick Easley—the above negroes
pointed out by Joseph Moss-
One hundred of land in said
county mere or less, on Robersons
erdek granted to Philips, and one and
three quai'tersvof an acre* more or less,
granted to Robinson, joining Reynolds
and others, with a valuable grist mill &
other valuable improvements thereon,
two hundred acres, more or less, m said
county, granted to Linsey, on the wa
ters of Freeman’s creek, joining Wright
and Martin, well improved ; levied on
?s the property of James Colwell to sa
tisfy thirty-six executions in favor of
Lazarus Summerlin; levied by Tiro
mas Edmondson, constable, and re
turned to me. * \ • / >
JOHN SELMAN, D- Sheriff.
February 2d, 18i5. ,
■ ‘ -»• ‘ l f ’ 1 —'"i
S .\V. ;V. ’• *. **r ■’ Y’ V■ +
Will be sold on the fir si Tuesday in March
w next at the court house in the county of
JaekSnn, between the usual hours, the
following property » to wit-r* i
575 acres of land, he the same more
or less, granted to Jones, joining M‘-
on the waters of v the Mulberry
fork of the Oconee* levied on as the
property of Thomas Jones by two tifa ;,
ope at the instance of Phini2y, Son &
Shields, and the other in favor of Ferdi
nand Pbinizy.
Vv ‘ALSO .
Four feather beds and furniture and
four* bedsteads and cords, levied on as
the property of Geoyge Cowen at the
instance of David Wni ; the beiorfe-
mentioned beds and furnitiirc anJ bed
steads to be sold by consent of the
plaintiff without being brought to the
court-house on the day of sale / the
property pointed out by the defendant.
Two lots in the town of Clarksboro*
the one whereon Edmund Mounger now
lives, & number 5 where James Wright
lived* 480 acres of land* be the same
more or less the grantee unknown, join
ing the towh of Clarksboro* with the
exception of the lots in said town which
Was sold by Eidridge Hargrove previ
ous to the sth of January, 1814, 150
acres of land, be the same more or less,
the grantee unknown* joining M‘Dan
nel, on the north Oconee river whereon
Bolar Moon now lives, 230 acres of
land, be the same more or Jess* the
grantee unknown, on the Middle fork of
the Oconee* whereon William Hadon
formerly lived. The above tracts of
land and lots levied on as the property
of John Wright. 287 1-2 acres of land,
be the same more or less, granted to
Culpepper* joining Thornton on Turkey
creek, whereon James Rogers now lives,
seven slaves* to wit: two women named
Phillis, Ben and Bob, boys, Judey and
Silyey* girls, and George a child ,* the
above tract of land and slaves levied on
as the property of James Rogers who
was security for John Wright on an ap
peal. The lands, lots and slaves levi
ed on at the instance of John H. Har
\ 504 1-2 acres ot land, be the same
more or less, on Bear creek, the gran
tee unknown, . joining Lowry* whereon
Roland Thurman formerly lived, levied
on as the property of said Thurman,
eight negroes, to wit* three women
Easter* and Betty* three boys
Joshua, Tobey and Harvey, and two
children Sandey and Levin, and a four
wheeled pleasure carriage, levied on as
the property of Early Harris. The a*
bove tract of land, negroes and carriage
levied on at the instance of Dudley
Jones and Robert Malone.
Conditions cash.
, Deputy Sheriff.
January 31, ißls. ‘ j
Sheriff's sale*
f ‘’ .•.■<. -v>: . ‘ ...... t .
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March nex,
at the court house in Clark county, within the
usual hours, the following property, VIZ.
One house anti lot of about thirty a
cres of land, adjoining the town of A
thens, it being the house formerly oc
cupied by Mrs. Gauvain, and one other
house in the town of Athens, it being
the store house formerly occupied by
Worham Easley. The above property
levied on as the properly of Michael A.
Gauvain to satisfy executions vs. said
Gauvain, one in favor of Josiah Powell,
one in favor of Stevens Thomas, one in
fator of James Camron* Indorsee* one
in favor of A. Cam field, a one other in
favor of John Caseys and sundry other,
executions* The above house and let
of thirty acres of land will be sold under
the incumbrance of a mortgage given
by said Gauvain to F- Phinizy. The
property pointed out by Steiens Tho
mas. Conditions cash. jj
January 30th, 1815.
.I? \ Hi, n.,; i” i.jiiji.'*j
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in March
next Cat the court hoyse in Jackson
county , between the usual hours , the fol «
lowing property , VIZ :
V One sorrel hors 2 and man's saddle
levied on as the property of William
Hughes at the instance of Reuben
Beavers for the use of jacob Braselton*
One crib of corn supposed to be twen
ty barrets or upwards* levied on as the
property of Alexander Martin at the
instance of Benjamin Echols ; the pro
perty pointed out by Moss Grimes.
Three cows and two two year old
heifers* levied on as the property of
James M‘Nees at the instance of An
drew Pitkins ; the property pointed
out by the defendant. :
;>/ ’•: ’■ Sheriff. „
January 25* 1815. *’
Will be sold at the court house of Clarke county,
on the first Tuesday in April next,
A negro slave named Aaron* now in
the possession of Edward Paine, levied
ori by virtue of sundry executions
against White Rosseter* at the instance
of Joseph Longworth and others.
samuel Jackson, sheriff.
30th January, 1815. , ; *
That on the Jirst Thursday in April next,
at the plantation of James Elmore , de
ceased, will he sold i/’
ALL* the personal estate of the said
deceased, fnegroe* excepted ) in the
county of Jackson, consisting of stock,
household and kitchen furniture, wag
gon and gear, &c.
, Terms of sale made known on that
Simeon White,
Administrator with the Will annexed*
February 10, 1815.
Notice to the Heirs, Legatees, or Distri
butees of James Elmore, deceased,
THAT on the first Monday in March
next, application will be made to the
honorable the court of ordinary of. Jack
son county, for leave to sell the negroes
belonging to said estate* to wit—Pom
pey, Fanny, Jane and her child Athy,
Charles and William—for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Simeon White,
Administrator with the Will annexed. .
February 10, 1815.
Nine months after date application
will be made to the honorable the Infe
rior court of Jackson county, while sit
ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all the real estate of James Elmore,
deceased, consisting of two hundred a
cres, more or less, lying on both sides
of the middle Oconee river,—the same
to be sold for the benefit of the heirs 5c
creditors of said deceased-
Simeon White,
Administrator with the Will annexed.
February 10, 1815.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
James Elmore, deceased, are hereby
requested to make immediate payment
to the subscriber, and those who have,
demands against said estate to bring
them in properly attested as the law di
rects, and within the time prescribed by
Simeon White,
Admintstrator with the Wilt annexed.
February 10, 1815. s
“Sheriff’s sale..
On the Jirst Tuesday in May next, at the
/ Court House of Oglethorpe county , will
... bt sold, between the usual hours ,
One negro man named Warry, tpken
as the property of Charles Carter to sa
tisfy an execution in favor of Christo
pher Bowen on the foreclosure of a
mortgage ; pointed out by the plaintiff.
Deputy Sheriff.
February 16, 1815.
Will be sold on the fir'st Tuesday in April
next, at tne court house in the county of
< Jackson , between the usual hours , the
following property, VIZ . V 1
353 1-2 acres of land, be the same
moreor less, being part of five a thou
sand acre survey granted to D’Estaing,
oh Parks creek, joining Carrigan where
on E. Harris now lives, levied on as the
property of Buckner Harris at the in
stance of Walton Harris and Samuel
Gardner, on the foreclosure of a mort
Conditions cash. ‘ -
WM* POTTS, D. Sheriff.
January 31, < ‘ y. ‘ . y-,
I do hereby ferwarn all persons what
ever from trading for any notes givfen
in my name to captain Jphn Billups,
as I have resolved not to discharge
discharge them until a settlement takes
place between me and the Executors of
said John Billups.
; All proper officers who have, or may
have any judgments or executions in
their hands for collection, in favor of
John Billups 5c Co- of Clark county,
and others who are indebted to said
concern, are hereby strictly forbidden
to pay over amounts or dues, unless
to the subscriber, who is the only sur
viving co-partner of sdicl firm, or to
some persun who must be authorized
by me. *.
February 14, 1815.
GEORGIA, Clark County.
Whereas Hugh Martin and Christo
pher Bowen apply for letteis ot admi
nistration on the estate of Robert Mar
tin, late of said county, deceased- _•
These are therefore to cite all and singular
the kind Ted and creditors of said deceased, to
be and appear at my office within the time
prescribed by law, to shew cause, nt , an 7*
why said letters should not be granted. .
Given under my hand at office this 2d
day of February, 1815. I.* ‘
Deserted from Camp Covington on
the 19th day of last month, John
Ball and Jacob Kelly* privates in my
company of infantry of the second
regiment of Georgia Militia, their
heights and ages not known, dark
hair and dark complexion ; their
place of residence in the co\mty of
Clark. The above reward will be
given to any person who will appre
hend the above deserters, and deli
ver them to me, or coniine them lit
any common jail in this 3tate and
give notice to me, or ten dollars
will be given for either .of said de
serters and all reasonable expencesf
. v 4 ‘ Captain •
December 1, 1814,
Court so Ordinary
Os the application of the Heirs of John
Brownfield, deceased, stating to the court
that James M*Camnion, .deceased, in his life
time, made ,and delivered his pertain bond t q
the said John Brownfield, deceased, in his life
time, conditioned to make to the said John
his heirs or assigns, a good, sure and indefea
sible estate of inheritance in fee simple of a
certain tract of land containing two hundred
acres, gunning round the western cqrner of a
tract surveyed for Elijah Stenion, (then me
property of Benjamin Knox) James M«
Gammon’s land, lying and being in the coun
ty of Oglethorpe.
On motion, it is ordered that the Adminis
tratrix qf the said James M‘Cammon do make
a title to the said land, according to the con
dition of the said bond and the acts of the
Assembly in such case made and provided, to
the said Heirs ; unless cause be shewn against
the same at a court of ordinary to be held in
and for the county of Clarke on the tirst
Monday in March next.
NINE months from the date here
of application will be made to the
honorable Inferior court of Frank
lin county, for leave to sell the real *
estate” of Drewry Huchtns, late of
said county, deceased ; for the be*
nefit of the heirs and creditors.
, .y > Joseph Martin ,
r. ? p ; : Administrator.
January 12th, 1815. * /.
\’ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 -* i•. ‘ ‘Vi * *• ft . ,
NINE months from the date li et 1 ?- ,
of application will be made to the
honorable Inferior court of Frank
lin county, tor leave to sell (he real
estate of Joseph Shin, late of said
county, deceased ; for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors,
jj Edmund King, Jun.
January 12th, 1815. e
1 <: “■ U, V •
At the plantation of Weldon Easley ,
near the High Shoals , in Clarke
county , on the first Monday in March
A considerable part of the perso
nal property of Roderick Easley, dje*
ceased, among which are/ horsey*
cattle, farming utensils, household
furniture, and a variety of other ar
ticles. The terms of sale will be
made known on that day.
Joseph Moss ,
V;; k Weldon Easley,
January 13tb, 1815.
I — ii
ALL personshaving any demands
against Daniel Jackson, late of this
county, deceased, are requested to
present them for payment as the law
directs ; and those indebted are re
quested to make immediate pay*
ment to
Samuel Jackson,
John Jackson ,
v _ V Administrators, . t
January 25, 1815. V
——— -—” “* “**
That on the first Tuesday in March
next , at the Court House in Watkins
ville, between the hours of 10 an£
r.. i 4o'clock ■'| •• £•> ’f v '»:S\
At Public Sale,
ALL the Negroes belonging to
the estate ot John Roberts, deceased
—for the benefit of the creditors and
distributees, agreeably to an order
of the court of Ordinary of Clarke
ff Is Avery Roberts, \
January 2,|1 815.