Newspaper Page Text
Will be sold at Daniclsvtlle, Madison j
County , on the first Tuesday in August j
nexti between the usual hours :
One hundred and fifty acres of land,
tnore or less, on Lamar’s creek, adjoin
ing Christian, having thereon one grist
mill, also one sorrel mare, and one iron
grey colt* levied on as the property of
Thomas Connelly and Absalom Barnes,
to satisfy an execution in favor of John
Farington—the land pointed out by Tho
mas Connelly*
Conditions Cash.
- Sheriff#^
June Bth, 1815- ‘
— RIVF , s SALE.
Will be sold on the first 1 ucsday in August
next at the court houJe in Jackson
county , between the usual hours , the fol* ,
lowing property, VIZ :
Ten * head of cattle, viz.* three cows
and calves, and three 2 £ears old and
one yearling, levied on as the property
of John Cail at the instance of Henry
Cox ; the property pointed out by the
dt fendant.
One cow and calf and two small bulls
levied on as the property of James H.
Kidd at the instance of John Cormick ;
the property pointed out by M'Duff*
1 V 7 V \V. M*KINNEY, «
, Sheriff.
June 23, 1813. _
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August
next, at the court hot*se in the county of
Jackson , between the usual hourSj the}
following property, VIZ,
187 acres of land in the S* E* corner,
and 438 acres in the N. E- corner of a
five thousand acre survey, be the same,
more or less, granted to Count D’Estaing
on the waters of the north Oconee river,
joining M *Kinney and Thomas ; the a
bove land levied* on as tne property of
Michael A Gauvain at the instance of
Thomas Hurst for the use of John
Coleman ‘ , \
Conditions cash.
WM. POTTS, D. Sheriff.
June 22, >Bls* . .
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in August
next , at the Court House of Clarke coun
ty, between the usual hours , the follow*
ing property « to wit—
-1290 acres of land lying on the Oco
nee river, granted to l albert, joining
Dougherty’s land and others, now in the
possession of Aaron Biggs, Benjamin
Wade, Benjamin M‘Cree, the adminis
trators of Daniel Trammell and the ex
ecutors of William Strong, deceased,
levied on as the property of George
McF all to satisfy an execution in favor I
of Charles Bedingfitld.
102 pieces of leather, consisting of
saddle skirting, sole and upper leather,
arid a number of other pieces, levied on
Ly virtue of an attachment returnable
u> the Inferior court of Clark county at
the instance af Bedford Brown vs. Rich
ard Shackleford, which is advertised to
be sold by order of said court. , t>
June 2*Bth, 1815.
> On the first Tuesday in August next, in the town
ot Lexington, Oglethorpe county, will be sold,
within the usual hoars of sake* the following -
property, viz—?
Ope bay mare, saddle and bridle, ..le
vied on as the property of Ezekiel Price
to satisfy an execution in favor of Charles
Wheeler and James Long,
Joseph Long, deceased, property point?
ed out by said Price*
Conditions cash. s >
WM. L. PONDER, D. Sheriff.
June 7, 1815. ‘
Nine months afterdate application
will be made to the honorable the Infe
rior court of Clark county, while sitting
fpi* ordinary purposes, for leave to sell’
the real estate ofAJames M*Bee» deceas
ed, consisting of three tracts of land,
viz* one tract of land containing one
hundred and eighty acres, more or less,
on the Ooonee river m said county-**
v one tr*ct of land containing two hun
dred acres, lying in the county of Ogle
thorne, the waters of Little river,
joining Gresham and others—one other
tract Os land containing two hundred
two and a half acres in the Bth district
of Wilkinson, No. 361 i the same to be
sold f6p the benefit of the Eeirs and
creditors of the said deceased.
Administrator. “«
March 27, IQ# _. . . . 4||
To be sold on the first Tuesday in Septem- ]
ber next at the court house in Clark
coiintyt the following property , to wit—
Two hundred and thirty seven acres
of land, more or less, in said county, ly
ing: on Big creek, joining Moss, Hinton
and others, being a part of the real es
tate of Elijah Strong, deceased, to be
sold for the benefit of the heirs of said
deceased. Twelve months credit wiR
be given and bond and security required*
John Km B inford)
’ Guardian. •
Jane 29, 1815.
Will be sold at the house of Weldon Easly
near the High Shoals y on Saturday the
twelfth day of August next,
. Two cows and calves and the chance
of two or three yearlings in the range,
and the chance of a few hogs also in the
range, the estate of Roderick Easly, de
ceased, and to be sold for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Joseph Moss f
Weldon Easly,
June 29, 1815. 2t
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in September
next, at the court house of Jackson county, the
following tracts of land, or as much thereof as
will satisfy the tax and cost due thereon—
-250 acres of land of the third quality,
granted to Jones, in Jackson county, on
the Mulberry fork* joins M‘Bride. re
turned by John Defur for 1814; tax
due one dollar 16 1-4 cents.
IPO acres of land of the third quality,
on Jackson county, granted to Fishhurn,
on the Appalatchie, joins Winn, return- ,
ed by Horatio Kennon for 1814; tax
due 75 cents.
47$ acres of granted William
son, third quality, on the Appalatchie,
in Jackson county, joins Foster, return
ed by William Nicholas for 1814; tax
tJhe one dollar 74 cents.
100 acres of land, third quality, gran
ted to Marbury, on Marbury’s creek*
joins Humphries, in Jackson county,
returned by Zachariah Morris for 1814;
tax due 75 cents.
June\l6, 1815. tds
v,;- • ‘*■ . ✓ •»’
. vTT ■ m f
Agreeably to an order of the court of
Ordinary of Madison county, will be
sold at Danielsville on the first Tuesday
in August next,
Four hundred acres of land, more or
less, situate, lying and being in said
county, on the waters of Lamar’s creek, -
being part of the real estate of James
Harper, deceased, and to be sold for the
bonefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. Terms of sale twelve months
credit, the purchaser giving bond and
approved security.
* Joseph Brown ,
May 31.
i ‘ . •
GEORGIA , Clark county •
Whereas John Strother, Executor of
John Stroud, Sen. deceased, applies for
letters of dismission from said Execu
These ar£ therefore ‘to cite and ad
monish all and singular the kindred &
creditors of said deceased to be and
appear at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if any,
why said letters of dismission should not
be granted.
Given under my hand at office this
sth day of June, 1815, M'*’ •
John 11. Lotoe, c. o.
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
William Bohannan, of Clark county, de
ceased, are rcquestechto make immedi
ate payment, and those having claims
against it are desired to present them*
for settlement. . *
Barbei ry Bohannan ,
James M k Cord y
William Moore %
tew-f Administrators.
May 2. >
NINE months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
‘lnferior; Court of the County of
frankimj for leave to sell the real
istatc of Thomas-t Williamson, de
ceased ; for the bencfit of the heirs
odd creditors. ‘
k f. V’ * “ Administrator .
‘December 18 Us |
k*. r •« 1
i- k * • . - ■'% u ■ <■* •**>. 4 jopt •• * *J3£.
GEORGIA, Jackson County: A t
Whereas William Qeyton applies For
letters of ad mini strati on on the estate
•f Lettice Kitchens; fi/ late of said county, r
deceased. s V
4 * These atfe ‘therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular the kindred and creditors of said
deceased to and appear at my office within
the time prescribed by law, to shew cause, (if
any) why said letters should not be granted.
*’ ■, Given under my hand this 9th day of May
April 6, 1815.
I do hereby forworn all persons what
ever from trading for a promissory note
■given by me for sixty dollars, payable
last December, the s*id note has been
transferred to Alexander Reed; there is a
credit on the note for 29 dollars 25 cents
-—and I have stayed an execution a
galnst said Heed for 30 dollars ; and as
I am bound to pay off said execution*
unless done so by Reed I am determined
not to pay the balance due on said
note* and therefore forwarns all persons
from trading for it.
| Lexington, June 10 th* 1815# 3t v
’ NINE ponths after date application will be
a mde to the honorable Inferior court of Clarke
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for
leave to sell the real estate of Robert Martin, de
ceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
i of said deceased.
I Christopher Bowen,
XMarch 23, 1815. “ > ‘
All persons having claims against the
estate of Robert Martin, late of Clarke
countv, deceased, are requested to pre
sent them legally attested within the
time prescribed by law, and all those
indebted to said estate aTe requested to
make immediate payment*
William Woods,
Christopher Bowen %
< Administrator.
April 5, 1815.
ALL persons having anv demands a
gainst the estate of James M‘Bee, late
of Clarke are request
ed to present them within the.time pre
scribed by law ; and those indebted to
make payments.
Administrator .
jb9M|—ui Jo q -i vMV ‘uotSuiijsoM
•pfjoai oq; jo
jjtid Xut! Xq l° u diqsuumqaoAv
oqi pun ‘o; papuowu Ximuipouiuii aq
qp»qs aSavqo siq o; pauiuiuioo RV
—•uiotsno 4ioq; q;iM unq joavj Xuui ivqi
asoqi uonoyjsnns puouaS 3mS übj
aq ;sqi jpsuiiq saaRUR aq *sniua3 fc
-am«u siq or pappc ‘aauauadxa Suoi siq
uiojj pire-“33Bi(l siqi ui ssauisnq aAoqn
aqi paouamiuoo s«q aq ;«qi ‘oiiqnd aq;
suuojut ARnjipadsaj jaquosqns aqj 4
anv ,
The Subscriber has received a supply
of the Abstracts of the Acts of .Con
gress relative to Distillers, containing
instructions and forms of keeping and
rendering accounts which he is. ready
to deliver tor Distillers on application,
to deliver. MERIWETHER,
Col. Rev. sth DU. Geo.
June 29'. _ _
’ Will be paid to any person who will
deliver JOHN to thfc Subscriber or
lodge him in Jaih He is a mulatto of
middie sizte and lean,* and is about 30
years of age. He is probably in the
neighborhood of Athens, or near Capt.
Redd’s in Clark*county, where he has
acquaintance. He has also been seen’
near Mr. Wm. Lumpkins m OgkUiorpe.
Near Parks* Ferry, Oconee.
Green county,
June 15, 1315.
Georgia, Clarke county# . • : k f u
Whereas Stephen Thurmond and
Polly Thurmond apply for letters of ad
ministration on the estate ot Benjamin
Thurmond, late of said county, deceas
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and
singular the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased to be and appear at my office within the
time prescribed by law, to shew cause if any, why
said letters should not be granted. # ,
Given under my hand at office this 20th day
of June, 1815. ’ ‘•
i ■h ■ - .- - • ’ v i
NINE months after date application will be
.made to the honorable the court of Ordinary of
Jackson county, when sitting for ordinary pun*
poses, for leave to sell all the real estate of How
ell Jarrett, deceased, all lying in Jackson county.
David H* APCleskey,
Nathaniel C. Jarrett,
May 1, 1815.
N*NE months after date application
will be made to the honorable inferior
Court of Clark county, when sitting for
ordinary ‘purposes, for leave to sell
202 1.2 acres of land, lying in Wilkin
son courfty, 22d district and No 146*
also 150 acres of land in Clark county#
on the Oconee, below Hutson’s ford*
joining Wheaton and others—both tracts
of land being the real estate of Thomas
Hutson, deceased, and to be sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
William Strong Administrator •*
June 5, 1815.
NINE months after date application
will be made to the honorable the Infe
rior court for Jackson county, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell all the real estate of James Hen
dricks, deceased—for the benefit of thb
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
Fennell Wiilson , , v\ J\
0, Administrator
Hannah Hendrick's,
April 4, 13 l i. ;
All persons having any claims against
the estate of Peter Goolsby. late of O
glethorpe county, deceased, are request
ed to present them according*o law and
receive payment—also all indebted to
said estate* to come forward and make
payment. r
Richard Goolsby, Executor.
April 4, 1815. #
List of Letters remaining in the Post-of
fire at Athens the last day of July 1815. ‘
• Principal Assessor of the 4th collection district; 1
Nicholas Baker,,Margaret Browning, Lucinda
Betton, Widow Carson, A. S. Clayton, Jame*
Caldwell, Edward Cox, Eunicy Dean, Miss Jane
Dougherty, John Famtmn’gh, John Evans, Rich
ard Herring, Josiah Hailes, Paschal Harrison,
James Lowry, John Mayes, James H* Murphy,
Wm. M‘Murray, Daniel . M‘Daniel, John L.
Wright, Gh,ristopher Darlington. ‘
JAMES D. COLE, P. Master.
$0 TICE.
Nine months after date application,
will be made to the honorable Idfeript’
‘ court of Clark county, for leave <:o self
a lot of land containing 202 l r 2 acres,
situate in the sixth district in the coun
ty of Wilkinson and distinguished by
the number 96, and granted to Saiah
Kice. Also* another lot of 202 1-2 a
cres in the twenty-sixth Wilkinson and
distinguished by the number 16 and
granted to Charles Dougherty, it being
a part of the real estate *of. Charles
Dougherty, deceased, tp be sold for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of said
deceased. . .
Rehekah Dougherty ,
March 29th, 1815.
-•: - ‘4.J- - ‘ „i
NINE months after date application
will be made to the honorable the Infe* /
rior court ofJacksdh county, while sit
ting for ordinary purposes, for leave4o
sell all the real estate of James Elmore,
deceased, dbpsisting of two hundred a
cres, more or less, lying on both sides
of the middle Oconee river,—the same ,
to be ’sold for the benefit of the heirs &
creditors of said deceased.
Simeon White,
I Administrator with the Will annexed.
February 10,1815.
On the first Tuesday in December next at
. the Court house in Clark county , frursw*
ant to the order of the Court dfOrdina
- ry of said county, for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of the deceased Cot
Peter Randolph ,
ALL that tract of land lying and be*
ing in Clark County on the middle fork
of Oconee river, containing five hundred
and sixty acres, more or less, adjoining
Josiah Freeman and others, & possessed
by Col. Randolph at the time of hir
: death—The terms of sale will be one
third of the price in bash on execution
of the titles, and two annual instalments
for tfe balance with bond and approved
Administrator of the estate of
Col. Peter Randolph
Juns 29th, 161 ft m4m f