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*RtVT»: «
V. it H&baE at M'POmELt.
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«. iro THE PUBLIC* ■
I The con vention of Clark ccrMtr haiv
u taken* ftto consideration thepreseru-
fajjte Graft'd Xtiry of > thl:S ;tp ( t’in-:jl
’fc?t at. Maw-h tew, 181a, in they
I htvt attack ed odium lo our conflict fior
Ire-tdution* passed by this convention 6n
if the ,it.h of iVlarch, 1815 t having, as wc
*re forties I oUieve from certificated
OeremOo tf.tnexpd* wilfully, dtjibefateiy
Aid false! 3/ mid represented oar motives
f the of said reiolutious ri-ftcl
1 t We. rlettnr it otfr aailL xible
, duty for tl x sake of our honor, and for
.'the honor of the county at fajge, to ex^i
> pose to pu bite view the clamiesJbe mad*
trer in wW ch they obtained the passage
dfi said presentments. Here we will be
< Hjvfu! to observe that the well dispos
> cd. part of the .lary are opposed to tlx
* presenimv :?Sv and snu:r we :> ’would-not
wish ’t<* implied, and to them we
c’cboi?) .mend to dcsigna.'c them*
A • .elves by, pU dishing the course which
f.; p#ri ol the Jury pursuefh In order to
•p im, the pro. **entmerits on the rest, ’in ‘
‘whiert they i»fti rm that our resolutions
* certain a lit. l ue of falsshopds which h ■
nmoffousao t h e whole eoipity, for they j
p;)x p(/‘t to i>« y .»uen the’ re
a-erselo Tins we pro
> yjo-auce to be a; palpable falsity which we
ttnfnk. we b&V< • proved, and which we
cap p.rnve to a (. xmoustratiom add invite i
fcfycm to call Q n us to do. so ; for altho*
t ic i esoluucms/ were first m.idc thorough*
ly, a; >d laen it ken up .by sectionsv and
pubfi . invirations given to all,
if any objcctfor iS to in ike them, -yet not
<jp.e objection f ras made public, dr came
to on during their discus- *
snm . fix (|4 *nu Jury farther observes
that i ‘ siud’ to be countenanced I
igy mvsft who w ere notpresent, Hus we f
Ijljt-eii j ..deuy< abd defy them to make it J
■ppea forth ose woo ho v e read thi re
■olutroas kirn* ’ they coma n no such as*
j^jprtibi i’&’J auu •it ap lijiln tdual has said
.50 $ ntMther jiit': resoltuions nor conven
tion aie chai>s< #bfo wi.ih t it, and there’
foFC utterly a .ifounded* ; When men
will reoort to ; such shifts as
these to ttvboiriphsh obirxts, not only
■yvostdebo of. society, ,but fios-..
t\lt to oar irfoj Vital interest,’ by resort*
ingioim&insi mcefi which neVci exist* |
fcdl to; lihiuhil ate a principle in which
fomg v alu&hie deptmds.|4n Oitier
tb‘ : Cdlrdidace » v lieu thereof a |rfocipfo
\vh.cli, acord ‘ng to the pathetic Ut>-
jfViage ot the r csolut'oru of Washlagtoa
cnunr:, in u-utU say s, would entail ia»,
fttitiy *sid <! isgtsce on our last postenty,
dtim under the foieran obligation of,
the oath us a CvariS Jury too, which
.&>•* they iihwi present: liOrte through
ihaiice, t.n» y or. hatred— * hat symtoma
of deptayity, does it no’, exhibit indeed.
l It-onibi atieouipaaying cirtumslHii
\ ces toirctiie r with the annexed cerciU
catw, the wader esn judge wiiether the
wwsentn.eduvere .'nd*. founded in malice,
;c|vy orhatwsd f or ali, for we contend
iih£bi «»re r.o grounds for the present
us’ents, muc,a less a necessity for them.
•s** wo§ 5 UhS
tefo in their .presentments,, it wdi rssas
•- p. utical reputation. We ip-.
U.U u .. j ityublicun brethren in every
**.iW events drily passing in the
hare«,bsi s^to
J?J*~ ‘4 THUB :T> f'’ 27 is? 5.
. *>•’- tniiWr T#a
’ We r avt tskqp grtet pains t* ascertain
;*he temper of the people in the several
districts, in the county towards- their
presentments. ami from the best infoN
mation sve can obtain# there are at least
nine rientn* of the prop,#: who utterly.
?I!ba*ow their contents. These remarks
are made fWthe purpose ol retrieving
‘political character of the
khd ls the Jury think to the contrary,
fVp Challenge them to the adoption of
any measure byfwhich the sense of the
cdmtty Can be obtained. From the most
■’mature defloration on the contents of
bttt resolutions. w*e find no cause to re
tract# they were not the impulse of a
moment/‘ they were the result of ma
nure deliberation, and we hereby pledge
ourselvfej each to Jht. other for the main*
tenance of their Contents,
I/Barthcjomew 1U Medley * Jacob Kih
ton#’ William Muuie, Jesse Kmnqjf,
• Edmon.d Manning, Oh alum Dogger* Si*
yneon > Mahniligt Doggeu Philip
Alien, John Crouch, Farr H. Tiara me lb
Jbfin Rainey, Jun. WiHiapi M 1 Knight,
Robert FulJwoodT-WilhaiP Clmiom*
WillUni Morris. Parks Middleton# ’Aa
ronPaJker* John Parker. ‘Lesley Bank*
stem* Wiibinv Parker, Alexander Moor,
Joshua* Crow, Willdby Fenu. John Coi
hoon. J, P; Laban Sheppard, Joseph
;n &;.y ■•; :- \n -v
Wfi do hereby certify tjtat we were at
a convention held at Major Brow p’s bat*
taßon muster ground, in Clai k county,
on the 4th of March. ffcis, and were
presinrduring the examination of sun
dry resolution* passed on that day, and
do further etrlifh that there wai not one.
objection to said resolutions made pub
lic, or come to 011$ knowledge, during
their discussion, vapfeugh publicly and
repeatedly pallid . oh- If any objections,
to make them known. This
of May, 1313, ; ,
J Philip Alien* William Moore,* J* P..
Chaitcn” Dogget, Jacob Hinton, Banho
lomew L. Medley, Mark Dog get# Kd<
mofcd Manning* John Crouch, Simeon
D, Manning, Jesse Kinney, Farr H,
Trammel!.-Robert Fuhwocd, John Co*
hopn, J, P* John Herndon, Alexander
Moore, Zadock Cook.
True Copy from the original, MA >
I do certify that I was drawn and
.summoned to serve as a grand juror at
Clark Superior court, March term 1815*
That l attended with an expectation df
sewing as such, learning"that 1 1 was ar
bitrarily stricken ofi of the list, I asked
the foreman the cause, his answer was—
We dont want you there- ’ ’ * J
Given under my hand this first day of
May, f*US. :/ . * ’ ‘
. date Major.:’
Truir Copy from the Original.
- m+—m* X*r : OH 1...
from'..a Jft'UfTJrA paper, . ls
■ The TomJJowSme sailed from this
port on the 13th of January, in compa
ny with the late fj. S, frigate President,
and alobpSvof war: Hornet * & Peacock,
and private-armed merchant brig Ma
cedonian, and parted company with the
Hornet on the third day out, aikf ditln&f
fall in with her.agatn until the 24th* of
Maythfoff the Island of Tristian de Cun
ha.— Whea they first made.heri she had
in company the British sloop of war
Penguin, her prixe,. and apprehending
the Peacock and Tom-Bowline were
British crutfcers, she scuttled
following are the particulars of tins ac
tion furnished by Lieut. Browniew, of
the Mannqj} belonging to the Hornet,
who has in charge the colors of the Pen*
gain and despatches’ for government.
On the 23d ofMarch, off the island of
Tristian de Ciinha, the Hornet, Capt,
Biddle, rated IS and mounting 20 guns-
( eighteen 32 pound carronades and two
long 12 y s.j felf vn with his Majesty’s
sloop of war Pengv : n, rated IS and
mounting2l guns, (eighteen 32 pound
carronades, two long 12's, one I2&, car*
ronade on the farefc&stk, aud two brass
swivels in her tops,) with a crew of 15$
men ; and after an action of twenty two
minutes succeeded iu capturing her,
\rnh the loss on board the Hornet of
omy one man killed and 11 wounded.
The loss on board the Penguin was If
killed, including* paptaUi and'boat
swain and 23 wounded* 7
I l»i*iumi^C"«^rW*e r p*n^n'struck
to the Horace, and the ac tion hit ceased
a shot was fired from the Peng,tin,
whifh wounded caps. Biddle *emely fn
the neck, but from wich wound he was
much shuttered, having 33 round shot
in her fiull, her fore-mast ahot away four
feet above deck, and bow sprit cldSe. to
the night-heads/ The Ho; ,k-t canoe oft
grape inkier During the engage
ment Lieut, Condor of the Hornet was
wounded in the hand and * through the
thigh, and in that situation remained on
deck till the battle was over peremptori
ly refusing to be carried below. V The
dav after the action * the Tom-Bowline
; in co with the Peacock, fell in with the
Hornet, and then put into the Island of
! Tristiun'de Cun ha, in the Brazils whef?
theyXgmair»ed~2o ! days, and theft made 5
& carftlPof the Tom-Bowline* and sent
with the prisoners to St, Salvadore,
Where they were landed.’ Before- the
Tom-Bowline left Tristain de Gtitfha,
Capt, Biddle had nearly recovered from
I His wounds so as to be considered out
of The Horpvt spoke a neutral
vessel vw© or thee days before the ac
tion, who informed hipi of the peace,
hut C>pt Biddle did not believe it,
TfJhe Tom-Bowline did hot hear of the
peace until tHe arrived at St- Salvadore.
The brig Macedonian which sailed from
this port in co with the Tom-Bowline,
touched at Trjstian de Cuah& and then
preceded on her voyage to the East In
dies. Left at st. Salvador, the private
urmedbrig True Blooded Vankee, bound
to the Isle of France, and the privateer
Blakely* Williams of .Boston boded to
Havanna. Spoke on the 26th, in lat. 36
long. 69. Brig Trumbull, Hardy, from
Bath for Matanzies. ‘
JV*j& it in she bud !
u Free Trade and Sailors Rights, ** was
the motto under which the gallant Por
ter and nis brave crew so nobly ‘distin
guished themselves and their country—
« Free Trade and No Impressment’* was
the toast of the gallant Decatur— it is the
semimuii oi aft our N iMe Bars, and a»
defence of this sentiment they have
bravely fought and nobly conquered.—-
It was Expected that their repeated vic
tories over the boasted u woedfift Walls
of Old England,!* would have taught
their commanders better manners thin
they had heretofore shewn ,* but we
are apprehensive that hts expectation
will not be fulfilled. We cannot ima
gine a blacker series ms crimes than
England has committed against dig U
ftVtCd States respecting cni* seataen.—-
She- impressed themj she compels them
tp work-and u> fight for her Tor ‘ ‘ years,
wUheut pay, she theq casts them into
prison, and murders them in cold blood j
they wit© are fortunate enough to es*-
cape the massacre, and enter on boa and
an American ship, have scarcely put to
sea before a British press-gang again
Seizes them, by order of Admiral Flem
ing dr Admiral Cockburn, or some 6th
er buccaneer, to serve on hoard Ms Br*
“tannic majesty’s frigate. This is a plain
Statement of facts. Are such outrage
Endurable ? Can they be endured t Cm
the history; of nations exhibit such a
series of outrages against humanity, and
the rights of an independent nation i
tet there as© profligate ..wretches wio
boast otbqgig AjnerirtM fn* yet pal*
llyrneftfc~imd forsooth are the
WusUingtonUps, who claim the navy as
would, like the Jackdaw
with the Peacock s leathers, bedeck
themselves with the gloriour honors
which have been purchased by the blood
o f our
; service at Gibraltar.
we iM&y t(Kh twi
• &*, <L. i - A* * ’SS?. *S£L
Georg*tows* f strict and
£)upe*er Hughes, Cape a p .« Mass,
registered Cape Ann, who
reiea&W from Dartmoor orison* ‘pwo
others wej'e taken from on board We
I Spartan,* capt» Moqtv Not having *een
I Capt* Moon, I did pot learc the partis
culars of the last two men.
**;*! he officer informed the Captain* *
that they were taken by an order from
i Admiral Fleming, to serve on board the
j Ingate Eeaudef/’ W. iy
‘From the ;A r , }\ Columbian,
imphessmen r RENEWED!
r We have pur doubts of the account of
some oi ‘i be circumstances of the
reported impressment of American sea
men at Gibraltar, unless’ they were the
prisoners who escaped from Dartmoor,
and were rr-tf&en- and Heated as Engs
hshmeib and noi-ds Americans’ Cither-
J? did they get froth England to
CtfhlldUiS and In what American ves*
selscotikftbey have-gone there ? As to
there being no Consul there, we suspect
that Would » eke no difference after the
arrival of commodore Decatur in that
quarter ;he will suffer no man to be
impressed or retained (by the Leander
or any other vessel J under the reach of
his cannon* But the fact of the renewal
ot the practice of impressment, we dis
believe—-we do not believe it will ever
be renewed, and we tt.ust, that it ij, is,
war wiil immediately follow. If the
British haVc begun dgaii> our
government ought tq isssue ciders
throughout the navy department, for in
stant retaliation. Let a sloop of war
board , -every English vessel off th«
Hook# outward or* inward bound, and c
very English sailor found bn shore be 1
impressed,and tent into the Medtterra
neart to light the Algerines, W* which
would be equally just', marched Up thq
Missouri to clear the frontiers of the
hostile Indians. ,
The -follow mg Aivde we have fecei~
ved from mOuta qnd of the per
sons lately cotnoed in Dartmoor pris
on—.He ass;*re. - ;»is, it the accounts
which we have s»een of thikt hoWid mas
sacre are fa£ from fully describing the
infamous “conduct of our late enemies,
Or their officers—He-‘apeaM very badly
indeed of ihe Amcrjcm agent in London*
‘mjt We pass over thai ctVcumst&aee at
preastent, leaving ‘< to the exammity^i
of'thfc. 4merican govern metfC, and znH-p.
tq a fact WffKic'h rook pi»de in M the laud
Os steady habits;* and relate it
his own words—*lt is a notable instance
of the elßcacy 61 Attic Laws i and shews,
that a people may be exceedingly
arid; at the aasfle time, exceedingly un~
charitable ‘<
’ (-1 Several of the prisoners lately confU
lied in Dartmoor prison, tfho arrived *j*
the cartel ship Nepttinus, landed at Ne w 4
Haven, fend proceeded on their way to
New- v ofk— i hey- were entirely desti<
tute oi money, and were obliged to beg
for i&ead aiofcg the toad—. The saoi ,of
six St a quarter cents each man, wns dc
manddd from'them at a toll bridge on
the road, even alter their pitiable situa
tion was made known; at length the toll
keeper generously consented to take one’
of * their hats as a
Sunday the 18 th instant these poor and
unfortunate men s were ’ arrested and,
thrown into prison at Fairfield* for tra-*
veiling on foot on the Lords Day l**—#
Balt, Amtriccr* : ~i’
From tfa JBemOrrtni; Press,
j and I took a single captive, ami having
ishttt him up in his dungeon,'! then
looked through the twilight of his gia v
ied door to take his picture. 0
i£. _v.- ,„ A short sketch ‘
’ ‘ * - ... SEAMAN, ■
Written by one who knew bis worth,
r who loved his virtues* and hai often
; wept over his and his sor
|- row*# * - ‘-*,•■£,*’ .i|v „
li was in the year that jAngit
‘ Bnowtf; then ip the s3ftn year of his age
who had been married one year, and
vas the only stay of a widowed mother,
Wole* old and poor ,♦ it was* u%| well
J men btr ? m thv of IgOb tikat he