Newspaper Page Text
,v VV'fcfcf
in • \;'.u\vWs ■■ I #f ; *r* sul^*!p
• * as c of ;j#bv.’ c.r-c*- l%t#r cuf*
4 ‘jhy ß ' f and i° obp it iheicclf
f ft> J>HPt hetjp « nd by <|mve cf
tkf n
jpflo WK HVilliqm V *^ur } ,
I- of \ii
iiLt>iGcr!y,c©iKluik tu his store,
1 iCjy*»M t«f &p|iih« If, as Vc *be!eive
individuals to
;.o\v-’v r n%wl f (l.i :ldt*!y > r>l itions' pf
“ • irt*o 1 tip# (hts'frjccful in a ma
s: ; *r:\'.«V whole duty it is ‘in his ofTitiaj
to suppress everything df
»h;s Mitt*, to bctnme the prompter of
\’ cit immorriitjus- ** * |
‘Vc ttijiVr olr thajiks to h:s honor
Grediaru, for his promptiuVde in
/li-.r i y.vj of ‘i<» rCiOial dutu&
»4 »* iv •..! rift Term. t w. .T?
c i :iji|jept that the above be publish
fd *»|i the ARnn* G;fcette.
Janie* Meriwether, Foreman,
WiJiurusQt C. Reece* \Vm^S-afnj>s^
+ %>\.n iiwmard, Bnff'tn Eidev,
twmdf fU!L George
Y Absalom fiurney,
/•l'epii rVToss. r *toina» Booth#
i.'.'t, t! Ratify* Gecy;;e i'anui* /
t.haifts BroceU* ‘ A1 6x.*. nd/;d T*> rr ,
• > Jonr.s, Lai ref VV. i I arris,
t J ‘A. ißfc
s *tlic- ttfhrt tooli up lije present mentis
©f in : Grain! .fury, o iieted iffem
~ r f U published ; to'll.c jretpfos,,,>
i rue iti *vd es i-.
Court ill’s s4r. b oiv ot’Scptsnii*;;? 18T6.
il* , J» !
y—--»■ ■ ■ i n.-w'r —■’- - ■ n r :,
It b itinji drenicd cxjUkT'?- t M the j
ov r i) irectops tint lastaS- J
it oi ltv: stock of the ilfeiik of th'fe
P late oi Georgia ,t J lid htf 1’ to,
and thatuh.*v bnjickii itclers shornd be re- *
qutpJa lo pay a pTportibiv thereof m
.specie. U
1 m . t
8 NoTiCflyh hereby given tha* agreea
hlv to a Lesotutiob of fcfie Director> of
olis dat;j» twenty three per ceiutj
r;*<ch share, oi tpe stock of the lsiiuk,4i»
|e:]Ui. be paid by 6ie
on tor be fore, tie second M >aiUv in
ii /c .dollars In spe-
; c be paid on partol lue
rdud Ujiiaily-thWe per cent $ and the
balance *n biiL of either of the Uanlts of
Cltot }-:ia,
Th • Sjpckholders are farther notified,
he issued ini lieu of tiic -To
r.crtih..atus,*hcid by the,. Stockholders
r upon th- delivery of tlie (Jomnitssioa*
z- s certificates at tlie time ol pacing
j. Western Stockholders aye informed
fbat they may p*y snd instalment* and
receive their -S^oc k-ceri /n deli-
Vermji the CornuusSioncr's certUVsates,
ateithei of the ofiiccs established u i'l
. and Millddgevme, soon as they
in operations ivmcii will be in
sftott time. 0
Eleaaar Earley,
i tiSavtonofii the ZQth o
■Afct&rar reraainfiig in the Post Office
4 lt*WGeorgia, 1»t Ottajer^
L-hn \rfderi>on,
Mrs Sarah Banks, James; Brantford,
Jit:dfoed Brown. 2*
a ’ ole. 2
‘Joseph Kctof. y .-4
Dav«d German, John Gorman.
P*u menus Maynes- Laird W* Harris,
san\ a Hinson» William Herring, Rich/ 4 *
%ira kysr * m
Utex Jackson *,f j3$L ,
James H Ktdd. T
William Lumpkin. , ti ,
Joseph Mathews, 3 Ethan Mdtoq
Janies Robinson* White
\V ilsSii Joseph, dr btephen
Xlesttr- 4$
Piulip T-gnef, Mrs Phaby Torry.
Puiner. % *
V under ford*
Lcnjanmi Wdid. J oh niWi 11 1 a,
yV-iods, Thomas
Wright, ♦
Wa Wright, P. M.
TT 5 ”—TTTiCi:
♦Si Will be sold pn.thejhird’ parlay .in
oventber next, at the plantation near
.the Cjiei'pkee C of late
the property of said
Phn.izy, morses, catd%
hog3, corn fodder, house hold , and
titi ndure. Ic. Xei;rln 3 of sale will”
be made kaowo on the day of n§ie.
’ V r: Irtyb VlJmz y,
kjt v bn . Pbiinly.’ *-■•
% Almth-vr^rs.
‘Mipvr* *• Term, Id 2
!•” T!fKt'V ? aWe* date’l’ prW*m«*e to
I Sk :•«■!■»* twenty £s3rs for
vaiue received, trus 3 0th clay of April,
13*3. ‘*£* %-f ■* ?
Siimu&JfimsMl !$
■JS3F <§£*.#&»*<!!.
Received of the with iff mwb f:e*m. A.
Ttl’D anc| 50 tents June
~ .J'luvtv ~cUys after date I promts!; to
p£y*to John Skeen, twf-ntv dollars for
Taitiw received 10 l : Si2.
« Mims,
.; , A M’Donneil- •!
after cfiie I prermre to
.pay to Jcfiji Siteja tvrei tv C • iars for
loth Ap.jJ, isrL
,-m S.umiel M’ips,
y A M'Dbnnrll.
Thirty day efer date I'pri?n«sflNb
pay to JobiV hljeeu thvn*y dollars for va
lue received lb April t.3i2 •*'.■■
Samue, Mims,
V ,\n).»-;.V I!.
Received of the vrifbtn note, *4 dollars
62 i-2 cent*. 2Sth Sep fn.Dt r !8»2.
Received 4 anand
Received *1 drttt ~ ,> 5 .
It t. ce ■ vr*•’ .5 tfo L td date.
Geo rgict tiurjie c,un ty
Alexander M Jammed, being duly
sworn deposeth ahtl saitii that he wa-
security to four several* hdies■•;«£ hand
plveud’f S^Tnuci ,^| ! ms to John Skeen
three of which were for the sum u
twenty dollars each, and the other for
twenty me dollars, all dated tendi of
/tpr;l 1812,’and JaWifter .
dale, of which said notes and the cr <#»
entered the rcon* the within and forego
ing are true cop ; es~* hit he the -said
M r Jonv»eii\s security paid the ere .iff*,
that aye on the said , notes, jt* well as
the whole of toe ha to nee of, IjrWfc notes, *
that no part of said gotes wgre ever pa j
by sard Samuel Mtnm, l—
that rLepongnft having discharged s&fd
notes is'security and having t h un, in
his possession, ti them to
,din Lewis, fn thy Mississippi Vernier
to .be presented tfc- the said .M ms, who™
livtcMn that quarter, or his legal’
prpeutauves for pay;nen • —tnatg-th-y ;
were commuted to the ca-e of Lieote ■
ant * U'lnndo Cary to b. debvei vh o the
said lje.wis-31.fhat the said L cr. tenant*,
as deponent believes wSs fnimitred by
[oq Creek Indians on his wavgaod be
fore the said notes were cfoiiveitd,
whereby-the said note* were lost—the
said notes when established, will be eu
ftiHfed tena crg4jt of thirty nmo dollars’
for so much d&fog by deponent to said
l Mmi, ‘ ■
■ ojgf*. ••■•a McDonnell.
Sworn toand subscribed before me
tbs JBlh September, *Bi6
T. cn ul J. P.
Clerk Suite■ ior C9tirt, Scp& Term,
On motion of counsci ior Alexander,
M’boiinell, who |ta>es upon oath that
he had paid off ana had in his p >sses
sion lour several notes hand gi.Vjen ‘ 4
by Samuel Minas to Z ohn Sktcn, to
which security, and ivftich were
discharged by him a 3 security, and mat
the said notes are fo|t.. Ordered that
the copies of said notes hbwj deposited
in this court, be established ui lieu oi
original on tiie first day of the ;.ext
term unless suftk ient” cause Shewn
to the contrary—whu that a copy oi this •,
together with J c s£sk " b
hg published one a month m ..Athens
Gasette for; ux montlif.,. yjjPb *
i Sic minuter of said *
court, this 24tn day of September J.3 16
1 / ‘Sterling Eider, (Tlhrk*
*■ p.
Geoi g;a C 1 arltd county.
Whereas vqu iif and Deldah
George applies for letters of aduiinis
iiHou on Hi#’ estate George.
■ eceasedjgl^
1 hese lire therefore to cite and ad
..a,onisn aln h singmar the ‘kindred and
creditors oi said deesased, to be and ap
pejsir It my oHice wuoin the time pre*
cribed by law, tg shew cause, if auy,
iiy saitl lettets should not be granted*
„ ‘Gjfcven under •) fianil at office thi..
ibih day oi October, 1816.
*’ .” . John B. J owe f C (Ftem
‘i he copartnership of A* & L Liwm
k eb/if thinly dissoivec by mutual
t onstiit, all persons having any u use tied
b> .i vss with the la-e firm, either ai
the#, or Cheiokee Corner"will endeav.
beiore the hrst oi Deteinber wili
Liti iir & Wallis at Chei kee Cohrer
authorised to Uansuct ail
t to said firm
m j. I. wall all
O«6bcrio. . r ,£ v
A&aunistar’s Sak. 1 >•
J Will be sbid at the lit - ‘-f/idsncs of
debased,*** 1 Frid/jr the
22 lof November next, ali the utgrovs
ot said dec"d. V
October 10.
*• ; .#• x» ‘lg/fC ~-
no rrcii.
.Wall tie sold, pursuant to an order
pf the honorable conrt«of Ordinary of
Carke county, on the first r l*tivsday in
OfcCr.jiAicrmext at the court house »n
said county, a tract erfland in said conn
jjjjr - twotfubdied acres. pin- ;
nig Floy • and sarntfel Hester, being
the late residence of Stev/art. j
d # *yea!»eci,'*and. .i part of'the real estate pf j
saw deceased,‘:.o he sold for the benefit *
of ihe hejr-, and credi ors—4erms made !
known dh the day ot* sale. J
Jjhn Fhjd, tidm'** j
<)cthb‘»r 10. W* mJ
* i— »■■-■'■ j
?*■:’ # m>\\
Nine months after .date application -
made ta honorable Inferior court
of Clarke county when sutiajr/oj orddi- ,
ary pu« po es, for It* aye to sell a tract,of a
laud in the county of Wilkes on Optons ;
m'c ek Containing two hundred and foile- j
“tefcn acres, joins Simons Hooker and j
others, it being* the property of Mary |
E. JaCk, Samuel S. Jock and John M
Jack, orphans of Samuel Jack dec’d to
be sold for tne benefit of *&d orphan**
JOiitf HODGE, Guaniua.
October, 3 ISI6. *
A List of Letters remaining in the
Post Office in A*hens, (Seo. on the SOth
September! I‘Bl6.
Jacob Albright*
Joseph .Beaty, Joseph Bevan.
Mrs M Ley Combs Mrs Mary Cooper,
VFm Calaham
Fredrick Drew. Baker B* Degraflin
e dt* Henry T. Doit- David Dixen*
George finest.
M \ Giiuvain* Kevd David Garrison
solomon Garrison
. Jaoo »,Hutton ea k David Holmes 3.
OeojaaLn May good ,\1 j Jerdun Harris,
balm Wm. Johnstou- G* prge Jones,
sq. Docjor Gv >rg • J > Jabea Jones
N. vi Jones Ksq. Sarah G* Jones
Mrs Noble W Jo<ns,2
, ‘ Li-eut^ John Kemp
F r Allen Morris,
$ Sa-THK*- W* Olfirdr, ... *&; o . \
Lewis Sewed, or John W. Thomas
Julios Sanders, r nomas Sfßffherd,
William Th.»m]>sbri'?:
* r Jame, Wilson, fhomas Wood Pat
terson Wise, N *t!ev* Wbrtliam, Boling
Whitlow, J a-.lie > W Wayne, Eq John
W \Vobd Mrs N*ti v vV right
■ J D’ r.oLK. P- M .
| ■*. ; >v »- y , . rm n
# siiL,ii iF Fn oi\ L.h.
Will bfi sold on the first Tuesday tn N’o
vernier next at the cju : t, house in Mad:
son county between the hours of ten and \
three o'clock the /oU')ic:ng property v;z
- 1 )ne Thousand'acre aof land lying
Kku’’ Shoal Creek, adjoining land of
j Creswdi aadotners-
Also One hundred acres on the waters
apf JPork Creek, adjoining Long and otn-
Also, i vrenty acres ot land more
or less, adjoining Vaughn Moon and
btbers. Also, 20 acres more or less ad
joining Atchenson arid others. Also
Thrive hundred acres more or less ad
j-mihg Thompson and others- The a
oove described land levied on *Ol3 the pro
pertp o David C> eswell decM at thd
Instance of Felix Gilbert vs. said Cres
well, property pointed out by Mathew
Conditions cash. ||
M A r a AN WLLIFGRD. Shff.
October,'*3 1816. *
Will be sold on the fir» t Tuesday in Novem
her next at Wfitkinsvillc, Clark court
house y bevoeen the usual hours , the
following property VIZ* 4
\ s- 1 acres of land in clarke county;
»i u% or less on Lairds creek, granted
j Mar berry, jommg AWen and others»
ccunied by Alexander Lorry.
ab rteMo£iiind»iapre or less* in said
mnty on Lane’s Creek* granted as
aforesaid* joining Fulwood and others,
ccupied by
>OO acres in said county on Lane’s
Oie*. k, jbrning Mantling* occupied by
.Spiders* all well improved, and all level
and on as the property of Rodrick Easly,
,k ceased, to satisfy twjo executions, ortei’
. favour of Ann Farrar* and Francis
Farrar, and the other in favor of the
v , rusteess of the University, said pro
erty pointed out by the plantiff, F.
Conditions cash,
. Qctcbar S*.
iV.'iVrsSrV r.Jz • ‘ ?/ *f•;* ; v
r--; 4
’f- t}Kf&<rtiiJg>pr?P'~:ij
*o®| fe&Wn Hor*,<-.* j .c’ €0 >f# 2?
property of
an* execution in lav or -if iv
l yW: * Li ih. ceja. Au *» -fli
: *j£3£: A ■
Wilkbc sold ciWhe fiept* ut« ; ■>*
NnyenTOr r.ext at the not
Jackson epunty..-the pret^fy*
°W° «u£h iter<%C
tax and cosi due thereon, to f
Sevend -gross. to w;', dJku.tMrro
by the name of K ab> - w J
Hail, a negro -woman bv tjv ; n, f
Cealv and her two children J ■’ »and
Harrwt, and twos;«rb by tue n if
Pal!as| vnd take • *»e p»u, \ *
Nancy and Adams, ai
default for their tax. J\r* they.a 8; 5,
tax dne eight dollars iWy edit *- -
alove negroes to he spid
life time of the sa M Nancv si. \ciam L
J.*LirfUE T. C. “
September 26 1816. *
Will be saU! on the first Taoesfiav iVOciolier
next, ai the court house in 1 baciison c..u:v
tween rUe uours of ten-arid three ©’clock, ,
following prouerty, viz—
I \vo urid c • aud sixty nine acr* sos
land,.more or less, uu the waters of Sou’ u
Broad Kiv.-r ? adjoining throve * .Aid ti
er . ievie ion a tV: »r* y ■{ ~
L. T4t»to satisfy hn execution in fayot*
of William Colbert, pbmted out jv s.ud
Tak. ■< - , :. \ •«
, ALSO *
Ninety acres of land no ye orlpss, im- ■
proved, on the waters of Brushy Cre-fc,”
adjoining Joseph Sanders and others,
Levied on as the property of William*
Gilhe.rt,| to Satisfy an execution in favor
of Walter L Campbell, pointed out bv
said Gilbert. * .
Three hundred acres of Jnnd, more or
less, well Improved, on the waters cf
South Broad (liver,'adjoining Stephen
Smith, afid others, levied ort as the pro
perty of Daniel Orr,-„to s.itis V ;.w > ex
ecutions, to wit : Fennel Wilson ad
ministrator of James Hendrix, ddc’d ys.
Danief Orr and H inert Freeman f >r t;i6
use of ,’ W. Cobb, vs Darnel
On*, pointed out by s*isF Oir.
Conditions + casi,
August 29. ■ /j, - *
, . • \ “v, >,{&s• v
no rrcE. •-
The subscriber respectfaHv infor.ns
the.inhabiiiliits of Clarke that he tm.-r.da
carrying on.the tavldring business’ in
the tenement occupied by S imuhl and
John Jackson in \Vatken>V'H-, fitters
himself that a due assiduity will ertsdre
him a liberal Jftirtioii of business,
Septv 19 18 6. ts,
so*’ if. ‘■?%]": ‘% V/ m j&fob 3
-Jv - i;$W ■ * ‘ / - ? ’fw .. r %
The Presbytry of Hopewell is to ncet
in Washington. Wilkes county on Satni** ¥
day the 9th of Nov- next and me synod
South Carolina ancf Georgia, at Whiting*
ton the Thursday following.
AW porsohs inci|bieci to Anthony F.
Golding & Cos. are requested to c.di :uM
settle their accounts. Great bargains
will be given in goods.
September 25, 1816.
Will be sold to (he highest bidder
on the first Tuesday in /fpril next# at
the court house inJacksorf county, the
following tract of land or so much
thereoTas Will satisfy the tax and cost •
due thereon.
SOO acres of land granted to William
Tedford; situated in captam Maddox,
district, on the waters of the Muibury,
and on Hawk erfeek, adjoining Kemp,
third quality, so say . three free holders
on oath,.the above land m default f : tpe
, years 1815 and 1816, tax due 2 dollars
52 sents.
J. Little , T. C 7. C. Jfj
September 26-
— --—Jk! 1 .
Two months after date application
will be made to the honorable Interior,
court of C larke county, when siting fm**
ordinary purposes foe leave to divide or
the neg roes of Mar lAippiu dec’d o
-.1 Wm* ’ Jfttpsi'i. kdm'iif
September $»