Athens gazette. (Athens, Ga.) 1814-18??, October 10, 1816, Image 4
. . — wfip; ’v*-. “w!* ywr a***- N : ne tnont&s after date #tH be made to the honorable the Infu not Court of the c oiinfy uU larke. jgt •lc* ve to sell thefol lowing tracts of lab?, ti with one lot of land lying in the fit letnth district 1 of the number the waters of tip- O kmulgee river, containing jwo hun d M two ind u naif granted to P,dm» Humsey-*als!> uie lot oi land ly« inff m the twenty di*tt»ct of Wil kinson. know# by the number 358, con taining twofffindredtworanda haifacres granted to W»M tm Flooker,^—alio one lot nf land in the thirteenth Ois trict of Baldwin, known by the number 153 t containing two hundred two, and a ball acres, oQMthe water3 of Ceder creek, grant*d to Moses Bennett: iso one tract o! land lying in the county of Clarke, on the Oconee adjoining lands of Hudson and others, containing fifty acres, more or less, being pan of the real estate of F. Cos .k, fate of Clarke oountv,deceased, to be sold foifthe ben efit of the heirs and creditor* of of said deceased. gfflp Aaron biggs, Adm’r. September itn. ’Bh>4'r:’ mJ? .ii ■ | v n i ■ ■■ ii ■■ ■ GEORGIA Clarke county. W herdas’ Robert Tray wick, adminis cf Lunsford Tray wick, dec’d ap plies for letter* o dismission * from the further administ of said estate. ‘Hilie at% -.herefore to cite- and ud- Ipomsh all and singaiat the Kind, ed and orediturs of said i erased to .be and appear at my office wintn the time pre scribed by lavr to shew cause, if any, V'hy said letters should o ft be granted. Given under my har.J at .office this 1 \ day of J uly 18 i6. jJ(r John H* Lowe c. r. o GEORG LI Ctarxc County , Whereas Thomas Hill executor of lane tUon. decda&ed. applies lor letters of dismidsion from the further adminis tration of said estate* £The»e are therefore tp cite and admon* ish all and’singular.. the kihdred ahv! oreditors of said deceased to be and a;, pear at my office -within the * tmv prescribed by law, to shew* eause tny> why said letters of *msmissiob should not be granted* Given under my hand at office this 4sth flay of July , 1818 If i. John JA. Loxps, c r. e. T ’ COLLECTOR’* SAL.E ; TVill be sold to the inquest bid.ter pn the first Tuesday in February next 4t the court house in Jackson county the following tract of land, or so much thereof as will satisfy the tax and cost due thereon. * * 350 acres of land lying on the waters of the north Oconee Liver, granted to William Lawrence, thud quality so says three free holders on oath. ; the above land in default for the years 18.09, 1810,1i1t,i812. 1823, 1814, IS 15, tax dut 8 dollars 65 cents Joseph Little, TANARUS, CL J. C. July U. : ~~ “SoticE Nine months after dale appl> k'i m will be made io the honorable tin iftfe l*ior court oi Madison county when sit ting for ordinary purpose* for leave to aril the real .state o»* Price Russum, ilate of ‘aid county deceased, to be sold for the benefit of the neirs and creditors of sakd f SamuelWhitwbrth, adm’r. J. -V 11th :v . --IHH ■— •» 11 RGIA Clarke teualy* * Whereas Charles Broach, guardian 4verilla Bioach, minor, applies for )t tiers of dismiision from the further guardianship of said minor. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said minor to be and appeal at my office within the time prescribed .by law o shew cause, if any, why said Teuera should not be granted, , Given under my hand at office this 80th day of May IBt6 , „ John H Lome C, C. 0 • Nuu mentns after date application will be made r o the liono able the Infe rior Court ol .gtethnrpe county when sitting for oid nary purposes, for Wave .-to sell a certain tract or lot of land con taining 202 .-2 acres, drawn by John Jkerby Golde>by, m Lie 2*st district of -the county ot Wdkinsqn, (now i ajtd cistiuguished by No* f6l, being s.H- rtaf estate of th* satd John k deceased, to be sold for the of the'neus and creditors o, said “ill* •' 1 K Gei4eekj t Sen'r- JArn'r. i ** - “W, KvVTTSB. , i. | QOTUhs after date appii&tidft 1 iv il be made to the honorable the court J iff ord!nnry of Clarke county, when j for ordinary leave toyed a tract of land in said comity, it beihfjpa.pavt of the* real estate of Charles Dougherty, deceased, whereon said Dougherty formerly resided, on Cedar Creejk near <Athens t containing b f a resurvey, five hundred and twenty seven acres. The above named rcii ienc'e has the advantage of a very good dwel ling House and other out houses, a good apple orchard, an excellent spring of J of wafer vtjyy Convenient to the House, ! anil the plantation in very good repair, ‘ and sufficient to work ten or fifteen hands to advantage, to be sold for tho benefit ol the heirs and creditors. Rebckah May 23, 181*. _ « Georgia Clarke county W hereas, Edward Paine, administra tor of Alexander G. Straehaiß dec’d. applies for letters of Dismission from »aid estate# * s*''£'? ‘ A “‘’ $ Tfiese. are therefore to cits and ad monish all and singular the kindrect creditors of said deceused to be and appear at my office, within the time pre-’ sensed by law, to shew cause, if any, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. ‘■ Given under my hand at offico this 29 day of August iBl6. John E Log* c. c. #• IP* r ™Nine months after date application’ wiUHae made to the honorable the Infe rior court of Clara county, when ait ting for ordinat* purposes, for Leave to sell the follow lands via: one tract coytaimng SQ. teres more or less in Ciarke count ? r* Me head of Wild Cat creek, M’Cree and oth ers. and a lot <1 490 acres in the county of Wayne, granted to Wm. 7*hurman, deceased) No an'd*distsict not recollect ed, to fct sold for the _*of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. #/ Phil. Thurman, ** * James Thurman* Admr’s March &1. Nine months after date application wid be made to the honorable Inferior Court of Oglethorpe county when sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell part of two lots in the town of Mad ison* Morgan county, it being a part of the real estate of John Billups, deceased —to be sold for the benefit of the heirs and Creditors. Susannah Billups Exr v. William Billups £x*r» March S. •...•%* * ** ** NOTICE . Nine months after date application will be made to the honorable the Infe rior Court for Madison county when sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the real estate of Ancell B. Strickland deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceas ed. Cade D , Strickland , Thompson C. ‘ Administrators. April 4th, 1818. ” -m*’ •*- ‘■*? » -* ‘ k OGERGIA Ciarke County , Whereas George W Moore, adminis trator of John Garrett, deceased, ap plies for letters of dismission frdrii the further administration of said estate. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to shew cause, if any they lfave, why said letters should not be granted. *< - _ . Given under my hand at offico this 7th day of March, 1818 John h. Lowe, c* c. a. WB*- eaftSL-. . . Sjjp &BSL «■■■■ * ; mJZmmmmm ■ - fogy*” \ ‘ • il, •*,* m -Vi . /“■ > .■ GEORGIA, Clarke County • Whereas Rowland Taylor applies for letters of dismission from the fur ther aumiuistration of the estate’, of James Ay cock, dec*d and from the fur . ther guardirnsh *p of;Seaborn, Richard and James heirs ot said dte’d. „ These are therefore to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred ana creditors of said'de ceased to be and appear at m> office within the time prescribed by law, to snew cause if any, why ■aid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office due 21st day cf March lbih. . ‘ tfb'rtca j Iwo ©wfi.ih aticr data application %tll be made to the honorable inset iur court c* C larkc hen titling for ordinary purpose lor leave to divide or sell the negroes of Mary Hi ppm dcc’d- J yin. fitppi n- adm'r topetfber ‘fa, ‘ JL< >+& Agrocable to an order of the Honora ble the Inferior Court of Clarke county when sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold on the fiisi Tuesday in Movent’ her next, two hundred two and a half acres cf land, lot J\o. 90, 24th district V Wilkinson, part of the real estate of John Robinson, deceased, sold for the benefit of the heirs aneftft editors. Jjj|4 ” tlT’ ? Seancah Robinson, Aam*x» John Id. Lowe adm’r. * September a. GEORGIA Clarke conn?/*. Whereas Henry Crowell applies % letters of dismission from the further administration of the estate of Lempsejp I’owell deceased- -wj - Tlie|e are therefore to cite and ad monish ail ami singular the kindled and creditors of said dec’d to be and appear at my office within the time pretenbed by taw, to shew cause,'if any, why said letters should not be granted* ’ * Gwen under my hand at oftice tui|s»h ‘d*y ol September, John 11. Lorre a, eo . -- -jSSttST■■■ w Nine months after dato application will be made to the Inferior jJourt of Oglethorpe county for leave to sell a tract of land, on the waters cf Indian creek (three miles from Lexington/ I with a mill and valuable mill seat there on, containing?two hundred acres ; it being the real estate of James Jenkins, dec’d. sold for the benefit of the Heirs of said dec’d* *y ? W - Collej Adtu'r. Paficj Jenkins Admx lebt tiay ~Qth,—l6 t* r 0 TJT r NOTICE. * Nine months alter date application will be made to the honorable infe rior Court of Clarke County wheft sit ting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sel- four, h mid cod’ and sixty acres,of land? more or let* lying in Clarke Coun ty on the north f•* * of the Oconee Ri ver*, joins Jesse White an# others, be ing the real estate of James Anderson of South Carolina deceased to be sold or the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. JOSIAU NEW l ON, Administrator. April ithy 181 6. -f. * - : ■ - A DM IN IST RAT O H ’ s* SALE. Will be sold ofi Thursday the third day of October nest, at the plantation of the late John Wier, sen. deceased, all the personal property of said deceased, consisting of cattle, hogs : sheep, hous ehold furniture &c. twelve months credit will be given npon the purchasers giving his note with approved security. ;V John \Vier, . Isaac IVier’ r Admr s. August 22L ■ .. * ‘ ~ Jr, c % 1 •-- _, • i*’’ 5 * _. ‘ ‘ •: ■ EXECUTORS SALS* j W ill be sold on the first Tuesday in : October next at the court house in Clarke county a tract of lan# containing BU acres more or less in said county theplace whereon William YV now lives. ] ALSO On the same day will be sold another tract of land containing 345 acres more or less in Ogle thorpe coumy, whereon James V Brown now lives, it being part of the real estate of Thomas Brown dec’d. Terms of sale made known on the day of silo-#- M - djfcfcypi^ ELIJAH BROWN Executor. August Ist, . Georgia Clarke county. Jf W’hereas William M s Strong, and Elizabeth Hutson administrators of Thomas Hutson, deceased, applies for letters of dismission from from said y estate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and ctedhors of •aid deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time pointed out by law, to shew cause, if any, w% said letters should not be granted. ‘ GSyen under my band at office this i3ih John H% L<KOCj <vcj o« f■ ■ _ cotiLtrftfh \V‘K l»r -o’.'Ff?* t highest fetd*U’ ?% uVc fifsWTuHdsy /fprn next* at the court to Jat IriHh the following -tract of C9SI due thereon % ♦ % * aig'• * 300 uteres of land granted <o WiHinux redford, situated in captain . Muddo.jf, district bn the waters of the Muibury. and on H.twk creek* atljoiniog &e*np, third quality. so say three frfre holders on oath, the above ilhd in VitffAtt for th 6 rears 1815 and 1816* tax due 3 doll a*. 53 aents. w _ y. Liltle, 7. c. y. c- September Be- 9 ’ *\ «* ia <&i£ik * ‘#* v ‘ ♦. - ■■■ ■ -■■ > em (/•teORQIA, Clarko county . Whereas Stephen Thurman, end Pol ly Thurman* administrators on the es tate of Bcnj* Thurman* dtc*d, appli** (or letters of dismission from said ad* ministration. These *re thereforo to cite and ad* monish ah and singular the kindrW and creditors of said deceased to bi» and appear at office within the prescribed by law, to shew cause* ifusv why said letters should not be granted ;Given under *my hand at office tr*3 26 diy of September 18i6. * John II Lopc» cr. &• 7 . •. IspTICR : Nino months alter date .application, will be the honorable the C*ourß of ordinary of Clarke county* f w»ien sit ting for ordinary purposes, for leavs to’ sell the real estate of Henry deceased- JL ‘ i» > * * James Langford Adrnt* b'arah Bankston. September 20 P • A l *- %&■ 4 CJOLLECTOrS SAt2. Will be soJd to the hignest bidden on the first Tuesday in December next at the court house in Jackson comv.ju the following tract of land or so (touch thereof as will satisfy the tax and £<>4t due thereon. 920 acres of land, lying on the Wal nut fork of the oi.onee River, in captain •Garrison’s district* granted to John. iMefton three hundred and fifty acret*. !of the second quality and the balance ir ithe third, so say three freeholders or 1! forth, the above Und in default for tins iyears 1787. i783, ’789 »790, 179i, 17P3 tax due 11 dollars 22 cents 4 mills : y Little , TCI September 23. ? I. I ■ >1 i'w■ »■ l* i«n- NOTICE. H Agreeable to an order of the court dT Ordinary of -Madison -county, will lx* sold in the town of DamelsviJle, to they highest bidder, on the first Tuesday iu November next, one hundred and sixty acres of land, lying bn Bcverdam Creels Oglethorpe county* joining land ,oF Bridges and others, and ope lot i ti> Wayne county, so; r r hundred anil ninety acre*, sfccond district No- 185, being? the real estate of James Starling dec’d. sold lor the benefit of the heirs and r.rey ; ditors of said deed Credit given until khe. first day .of March 1818* by»tKp ■purchaser giving notes under thirty dol?f Jars, with approved security, p Charles Suns, Ex‘r ! August 20th. [: ■— Georgia Jackson county , Whereas Daniel Dupres applies iot letters of administration on theestateroc Thomas Dupree, line of sa''d coiiUyf deceased. These are therefore to cite and monish all and singular the kindred tq creditors of said deceased to be a< ci appear at my office within the time ]£• c«* scribed by law, to shew cause, if any why said letters should not be granted* Given under my hand at office this*- 22 day of * August, 1816. -j Edward Adams c s? a, * 4 4Nf. ;17 ~.v • • at Georgia Jacksoo county* Whereas Cornelius M’Carty as,d Thomas Hyde, applies lor letters of and» f* mission from the estate of Thomas ‘i* Bennett, late of this county dec’d. These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased,*to be and ap pear at my office within the time poin ted out by law, to shew cause,. if any*, why said letters should not he granted* Given under my hand a’ office ting, sth day of September 18*6- Sj - - Edward C* G Os-