Newspaper Page Text
-jnv vi-rzzn.zzM
*t;;trd *Whin »’n* jviriwiic.ix; iii
*h.- U >led Sth fiolftikm
*»f ♦Vir neuiriiu*, Comma lure
iwdtiktn *».)«;>; mc-»-
#«ire* to capture add bring in the
wrfyasaer. The JVcv-Orleans
*’ i*i ill ffifitjl upon ths ocx*-
*j th, 44 anzi'j'.v/ia wS are for j
.fbti.'ucaess <*f the Patriot!, we
‘•«*< not les*. a> tb it
tf'vmld be c» reject the
■JRftrs and the diguity. oi ;he Uul
«Ki Mates. fjjrj# vjtjr> ; ‘ * i
, Pah. Pat.
V ~’ —»»«»* ■
.1? ‘J.. finery \Q.
A Sflut yh >ck of an £sr;h*
*q*ke was id; in this place about
S o’clock on wc lne?div morn*
*V Ust—sotus persons wetc a
-1 w*i:;*ri by it— ar&l several vvho j
tstre aw*« at the time it h,;>
wen* bd; ii>iy s*ffjc<ed by
iremuiou * motion of the hou&
irt whidb th*y lodged- -Tttc
Ylioek we understand \yas aisa ]
felt at rite iandiiilfc.
‘gt ■* v"? jk J ■ ■
-4 £'«/* Lho(ftnf} : > •„ 5
su. I? f|tepofttd> ( t; goVcrctacat -i
ioie ds to a frigate to ’
. mand cf Chvhtophe the pay- j
itv ?u of about su r e hu.odred thou
*anddollars, t\ie amount of his I
«*;>diauons upon our c-immeifce.'j
‘lra* CK-pe/imem is wor:h trying, j
k *c *use there is but little daunt
. s»f us success Christophs, it is
i own ib rich m specie, as well
as in other resource s. f\
JtVw Pa hsr
f ■*&....> __ i ,- l _ ,i . _ jj-’
Qti i‘j ‘ll *Kl’ S SAIRi
*n ti’ be fold ati si Tuesday in Aiarch
«rje_t at the £>m> t House in AlMtsvn
coantv th* ffdfoxfiiift ptabtrlj _h
. * “>V© Tclite. s><?<*** add furniture, one
one *vde’ b*ard» “six emirs, 6m/ ’
j*uand tine oven* aWo nine mt idred 2c
vw'^AiyJVve a%r«sof foul lying ou/the
>» .»k*v fork ot ttread River, adjoining
. iJutrds Ware ai»d ou hs
; .it ?»ropci ty ol i ienry S<Ochlou-dv UocVi
H« viiiueoi sundry cx?;cui»th;i, to wit :
;< f vmia Gr.naju;, v» themy InnckUnd,
o William (or Che use of ’Jwhtriky
fenaigtJ v» iixnry StnckJund* also Uic
&£*•-uatort of J[;»hn
k- S: ricUlaf»d, property ndmied out by
I’ J
v«,;. !• r^t/irotb*
Cofuliiinnh CaMi.
VKTiu\H WILUt OllD S!;2f
*t — *
l’ ‘Sol iut the Ctju . i use in ad
t&ton couxtj oh the j,rst • Ttusd.jv fa
Jprily tuxly between tke usual ho/u^s
•~% r sale. ; : ‘ / ‘« t
- >ne KecTotnan hy the name of Jim,
Wivd, n«Ktro>on»s'n hy Anky
‘?:i i to» tv saw p/oi*
Vy<b>»ic feai lm, levied on as the
% oi Henry Smcklidd <Jr.eM by Virtue
an cxecutuaj uticd upon the force.ll
- it eU in favor of Win.
tfti i Felix (rubert—• pi k opro{»erty pomteu
iiui by Altikaader T aompson, eMp
i> viCiitioiis tiash.
>;p.|KATiiA?4. wiLLtFoan s^a*
yr‘*.v ** ‘
‘43BT-iT3 Dv! » *&*&s. .V-’ ‘**^.*-*<.r< . >/.%* f \ *'• V
Klne months rftcr
>M nc made umlic honorable Interior
e. art of Jackson county when s ‘tfciiig. ot
o. dinary .I’urpobes ioodtuve to sell al*
r K ii« real Hill dec t <l
(;><: benelu ol tlx hoi 13 «uU evtditos-a
«l said dcce ased. ’Swifts
„ JV6HUA Illfct. A'din’r. *
January 46. r
” i mi --«■■. ij, mu ■ ;
... ■*,,:■ .• &»trayed Fa
P'om m» [)Uiiu:iu i on the
S'vct a
81no U: ami that l remember- Anv
e r * on ‘ v "° ‘'ill bring him to me. ot give
V'cn inform >tion th it l shall fi„j Utm
•*u;i be gener-ausir rewavrtcil by
rfi-tHard* th: un.versnr of G*o f ’-
l ii ■»*’< in*; it til. «-> present thru i*n Ti“*
<1 ?eni»cither to A- S*
CUvum Lp or v» tft# *ub*crilu*r
M)H !o^Ol>efifefe V «
Athens* January i4
’ SALE^I/,
Oa Siiurhy ?2 of March *«?*Va«;rfc?r£.’
tiU to airprdcr o! Court >m us gratifett
Stir be sojd the r.cgitqei.he'Pr'Hng to the
of tlearr BunkVoir ri~c*d to trjt.
Charity and her children ind «Kb on
ihe *j:ur day aii .Cue movable property
o i stud cl«ceased.
jnmtt I,ang'f'~> r{lm *V
Sarah Bankstvn. dd AJ'k
J Jo.
s£ it |il i” ft L li. ‘V: _ _
tV.i! k *-»! Ut ttijcWc Uoa.e of Ctvicecsaatf
v* tf|« r fc k\v
iv/w*rsi rhtf usiiAi h >an L>£?Wuts pcor&fty
ta wM. _>-*
4 ?<V acres of land in gjjirke tre
t£e n:HB .liar'; or l-s* ou the wrsri of
I’ort'ifs creek, granted to Rape joining
Rone andwell improved levied
on an the p-op-jrty of J\k> ;pa Rr-nvu to
satisfy ;tA execution ::i tkvor of Philip
Wray, property painted out oy defen
A L 99
One negro gi.’l e*,g r. «r nine v-ears
<HJ •>y the name of Cciley levied on as
the property of Edniana W. Taylor to
.satisfy a i execution in favor of iiowel
Cl iiii't pointed out by defendant
Atd ‘■ * , *.
Onenegro woman by the name ofCfcfcy
ami 147 acres of la id in d*b‘He County
bo toe same rpw’e 01 leaS oh the waters
ol C trees. not itnoV/n, jb n
pUg Thomas Wilidbev a?»d others it be
ing the f au<t formiriy occupied by
\Vliliam Robert sort dec’d. w'*ti impro
ved and levie l oa a» the property of
»*!4 dec'd- to satisfy an ex cu:ior\ mi
Jta,yor ol John Deane, of
\y»UWfu itiimcy Julies t urner,
surviving executor oilWatUaus tiobert
sb'ii- uec J d. . - ■;?*,
Cond’o ions cash* -
• JOHN SHIPMAN, Sheriff.
January 2, lii7
hist of letters remaining in the Post
Ofhct at \Y ai kmsviiic, Georgia ‘first* •£’
Ititru ary jßi7.
A VViiJiß Atkiijs. -
li Mary B Carnett, Robt- tl, Bil’ups,
C VVm Coptiand, Samuel Cole* Jas.
Cold w tin
D 4«hn M* llobb'ni. Wfh Durbin
K Peter Early 2 Houenck £.^icf.
V John Pjcyci, 3
ii Dr Cnarics iCatbh riaynea, ,l«aich
Flails, Joan Uoiticiy licotckua Htun
r.p-bnej. 1 : and ‘
M Wm* Wtan ftblc JosepSt Mid his, Jo
*»eph M* Mi;lie»vo at- Ha
duil AJUtciiJ, David iVlenwethor, Hd-
Wurd U Malone. Evi»u,u:i:l .si* Coy, Ga
bntl A Alotftcti, Win* Moos, Wiu
Al’ *Vhl nay
-14 Jolu* Nicholson, Wm. Nutt.
U D v ivid a, Phihp Ryan,
fc> \V rii* iSpudock, Josh
ua Stenntnsi
1 Jumea Turner, Win. Turner,
VV lienjamm .tt Rach -i Ward, ij.xcdh .
Wardi tieorge We Itch 2, Win Wood.
William Wlight, j?. M.
Notice \i hereby given that on Ui-e
fi rst Lues Jay in April will lie *,13 at
-Lexington iu the usual hours at pub
lic auction, all, that tract of laud lying
ah the vratera of clo id* Creek,’ nine
hundred and uinetytive acres, be the
sanae more or ies* the hind is uhder
iiodet'ate cultivation to he sold on a
twelve mouths credit, the purchaser gi¥
mg bond with approved security, full
possession will be given of the Lind k
premises, oh the first day of next Janu
ary the above land being the real estate
‘ff Junes Garrett Deceased, sold for
the tSencHt ol the heirs and creditors*
WILLI A M EL SLI iNi. Guardiaov
January 7th. f
v -■’ lanuT /
To be V'dvl at Grecnshorough on Sa
turday the Bth of March public
sale to the highest bidder a tradt of
land m£ the tirst quality comai.iing
471 3-iQ acres, lying and being ou town
creek a* tbc County of Green, $ miles,
irogi greetisboraugh, on the road Lad
ing thence to the femr ; mi the Oconee
‘called Colham's I'lSrry being part of the
i cul estate o{ Jvilrn Hohiies decM and to
ue sold for cue bened& of the heiiS and
creditors, iu virtueicf an order of the
court &i ord. nary of said county Lena*
mil be made kdown on the day of sale
’ ■ *rvx .n AV ID H )LMES.
Imwy ?.•- wtau-*«.
2btjitfr& fr jibit. - i*‘s
.'Whereas the genera! Assembly of
this si tic, at their last Session, having
ppbendly, pi iced within the power of the
Trustees, the means »ccev<arv for con
ducting IheTnGim-s of the University,
wuh m confident h»pc of success.
ivesolrtflr that the Collegiate exerci
ses \yi?! compirnce on th? fir>t'Monday
in January nekt* under the controiil and
, of the Honorable Pefei
*?£s?• as Presrdrtfr pro tem until the
itidUKtffration of the Hev Robert
TiMey, eppointed President at the pre*
sett meeting* ami under the immediate
•in struct run of Mr. Professor
Golding; and Messrs rutors Cam
'ak and .'lull* And that this resolution
he published in the Georgia Journal* the
Chronicle, and tile Savannah
lie publican
* l*y order of the Hoard of Trustees*
of ihe University.
Editors o» thr Georgia Joitraal
the * ighsta Chronic!* and
Republican, are requested to give the
aj>6ve three insertions in their respec
tive papers and forward their accounts
to this office li>| sellfeiueht.
acr notice
The earnest a’ tention of those parents
and guarvhins and other persons whom
it may concern, is respectfully solicited
lo the loliowing extract'ot u resolution
ofihe Biurd of Trustees of the Univer
Sfty of Georgia, passed at Grcenesbor
ou£h on the lOtii Feb. last, as the same
wdi be rigidly enforced ffi.
r - And it shai) he the duty of. the said
officers,” fine ‘Officers of College}.togc
tht;r wiihthe 1 rcastircr* to collect the tu
ition, as the same may, regularly become
due, & appiy ibe same to the discharge of
them salaries. And for .this purpose the
said officers shall-assemble ‘in the Pre
tideilt s chamber, on the first day ojf
each quarter in the year, and require of
each student the payment of hi> quar
tuition in advance, m cash , and
#:iien collected to be applied in the
manner beio re directed. And in
caye of failure to pay srid tuition, the
person so-neglecting, shall hot be filiotr
ed-ito proceed to the business of his col
legiate duties, until he complies with
thi* resolution ; and if such student be
per on ted to pursue his regular studttx, k
i&ftatiorn without payment as aforesaid
ihb said officers shall be answerable for ot his tuition in the propot-
Uoh of their s : aiariei».
ote * The first Wednesdays in Au
*Noyeftibei% Pfebruai y te May, are
the .first days in each quarter of the cob
legist* ‘ytar* ; y^ .. “ *jp
’ . Tr. and swc*y of the tijoiversity
December, £6 >ll6*
f he editors of the Georgia Jour
ni») Augusta Chronicle* are reques
ted to insert the the above three times
in their respective papers and forward
their accounts to this oficc for settle
*■—— ■ ’ ■ ■ ■ ■■■
Ail persons who heve any ‘demand*
against the estate of William Hickman
Ja|ckson county deceased, are
requested to render them in to the sub
scribers properly attested within tfie
tiffife prescribed by law, and all persons
indebted to said estate will please,make
immediate payment.
Joseph Hickman .
:y . X.- Ricoard Heath*
December Id Executors.
I-hereby forwarn all persona not to
trade for a note of hand given by my
self a**d John fit own, to Benjamin Sims
for fifty dollars, payable on the 35th
December next,, as the consideration
has failed and Ido not intend to pay it.
Nathan Camp,
November 28th, 19id. *. 4 v ¥
• V •
*'’ 4
&EOjR&IJy Clark County .
Hichitrd Shackleford. apphoa
for letters of administration on the es-
Jqhn M’Sparrau, deceased.
ore therefore tp cite and ad
monish ail and sidguiar the kindred and
creditors of said deceased, to be and
appear at my office wiunn the liihe pre
sc n bed by shew cause, if any
they have, wily, said letters should not
be granted. ♦. .
Given under ajy hind at office this sth
day q! a her, iSlf
Lcscy c. c. r-
So* S4T A
TT.* the Athena f» v»effe. W
the o*Tice i» a large font of Long Primer*
another of Brevier almost new—and *
? miil font of English about half worn#
For further particulars app y to the
January ?• John Ihdg
1 he Subscriber will attend at Greenes*,
bo ro, oh Wednesday the »th February,
at the Re?. B Blanton's, on Fridap
the Tib February, and at Carnes'*
Mills on Tuesday the llih Feb. next#
for the purpose of collecting the
due (be Trustees of the University for*
rent. I tie leases of the several tract*
oi University land who are in arrears
r for the last and preceedmg years &re>
requested to attend, at the times and
places above mentioned, and avail them
selves oi the convenient. opportunity*
IhCn and there offered them of taiu;i£
In their papers. Those who failto d> so
•*a»L not calculate on m iod indulge new*
M\: fchn Hodge.
I'r. of Unttershpk
&r.mry 2, IBir.
N r pncE. T~,
Proposals w:|l be received in
by the subscriber, until rttd tlitrd Mon
day of March ne\t of the terns u ( > *
Which* any person or persona will unde-*
take the oifks ot Steward’ of F,*f§nk’-jsl
1 ti&> Steward, will be hirrudi*
ed by the trustees of the U mversjty with
a house oi one story, consist h> of tw.*v
rooms, each twenty feet squats, and a
passage twelve feet wide, to which wlty
U-': add;*d a dining roon the wholjv
lefigfi oi the house ; and ipch out horn
ee as are The fare and aU
tendance rttjjti r - l will be such as ara
customary in common fain,lies in thai
tofrn of Athens.
John Hedge,
f _ag • e: y. of sho Ur..vcr t iix\
fikttmzty 3, fll?.
i nc. editors of the Giorg a Journal,
and Washington News, are requested
to publish the above notice once in tw®
weeks till the third Monday tij.
March next and forward their bills to
tHv for
OiA LKlfri'b o v »*.«/.
Will 6s Mold on the ft si i ursda/ ir tefoua*
ry„nent at tki court house 3n C\arjk&,
erjnty, between the usual hourtftlis J'jU
lowing property r VIZ :
be yen ty three and a half hcra* oj l
land, well improved, it being the -plan*
tation whereon James Running Sv& frrwr
lives joining Harris*, Win, Stear*
and others grave lto byiiuf
on the Waters & the aebnee River i evict!
On to Satisfy an Execution an the lute-*
yior Court of Clarke County, Vs, James
and Samuel Cunningba xi pointed odfc
by tha defendants.
January, 8 lii7
Will be seld on the Ist Vuesday in Fcbytj’&m
ry next at the court house in the counts
of Madison between the usu il titfgtrs, they
Yolhtiting property , VIZ,
Two hundred acres of land, more at*
lesson the waters of fork Creek, adjoin
ing lands of Graham and others, be-njj
the plantation whereon Janies Rhodes
now lives levied oh as the property of
David Ch res well dec’d at ttys instanco
®f Stephen Gafford, pointed out by sawj
Conditions cash,
. if .A tii An wtlli frd, sh&
January 218 IT. > - C
List of lettem rem lining in the post 4
Office at Athens on the 3ist day of Dc*
ftexnher, if i 6. ’
B Mra. E* Brown* James Bran?#
ford, Mrs Elisa Billups* Mrs Martha
Burton* Jones Brand*
.';C Dr* Cox, 8 Mrs* Joyco
B. Coppage, Rev. James Cook, Milua
Cooper, *
D Fredrick Drew, Nathaniel Douflr*’
lass, Alexander M’DoimeM, a Boswell B.
»^graff ; nreed..
!'• Wm* Flipping, Francis Farrar, 2
G J. Gerdine, John 8
Aobert Grant John Gann*
H* judeth Henning, George R- IIun»
ter, Patrick W- Hayes. ?/
J. Mrs* Lucy Jones, Wm. P» Jacla
s°»* f¥,‘ i
Li James Lowry, 2 Johp Loving.
M. fohn G. Meriwether PleA»aw|
JMayt 2 Uon’- M ’chell t Thomas Moore,
p Q. Thothas Genes.
P. John B- Pendleton Wm* Parh
Z. Phillips, 3 John A. Paxton.
R Dav.d TolilUa. %
S. J. Si hi, in Struigß, Wrj.
iSirVc|j Mary - * f-
V A. V.-r/niaL • ;V-
W fait, t AW *
JAM« ©. CfL& B» MV