Newspaper Page Text
N’Tie 3f'cr date application-)
vl I i »• f(-<* *c* ‘<ht’ i*t- 1* i «
tm r < <•♦!: t! r{ t; i-»- * 11> *\< i * lai Ue- f’ .
It av« ’o siH fht* UU< vVit'K uativol lai
t. \a t.os % lot (.[ I, ml mg m the 1“
te« r h district rl W ilkmson* Uuov it by
tin number ’ 65* Inn the waters oi R ‘
(-. V v river, containing lw\j huli*
cl <i »\vo ard a half acres, ic
l 7; nn« i\ uit sey— also one lot ol Janet ly
irg in the tvei'tjt first distnil.ol *l*
k nn n. known by the mind er 358, coi:-
tainirfr dvo hundred two and a halt acres
grartfd to F looker,—-also one
lot rfltthd Ivtjrg »n the ibirteenth Mis
tt ‘( ‘■ ot Biddwih,.known by the number
15,3 containing two hundred two and a
hab af res, on the waters of Cede* creek,
gT ahud to Moves Bennett : al&o one
trpc‘ ov land lyidg in the county ot
Clarke, on the Oconee adjoining lands
ol Hudson and others, c«*ntam.hg fitly
acres mor* or less, being part of the
r&f estate of j a f. Cos k late of Claikr
coititv. deceased, to be sold lor the ben
c!*t of the heir«t and creditor** of of said
Aaron Biggs, Adm’r.
Si ] temfcer sth, ißi<s.
V\ :ii be so.d to the highest bidder
cn t } e first 1 uesday in February ntx.
a’ *he *murt house in Jackson county
tin h’.bowing tract of land, or so tauen
there? I as will satisfy the tax and cost
du • ’hereon.
. 350 acres of land lying on the waters
of the not in Oconee River, granted to
W «jth/m Lawienct, tlur.d quality so
savs thiee freeholders on oailn ; the
above land tn ck h nh for the year’ 1809,
18 0 iB!V 18 i 1813 <£l4, 181 5, tax
du< 8 <iu»m - 65 *e >
Joseph Little , i# C. jb C*
July 11 1816*
Nine months ulcer date applicative
will be made o the honoi bie i .e i,.k
ri«>t reu tot v,adisoucounty when s
tnoi and run y purposes tor leave r
tt u Uiv real estate ol Price Russu ,
late oi am county deceased, to bes.
for tht benefit of the heirs dad creditor,
ofyoaid dec^d*
SamuelYVmtworth, adm’r
JuU ijth.
- ‘ • • • f. v i ’ ‘'Jr* ‘ •*»?*►* ‘"U'. * f..,‘
Nine months after date application
Will be made to the honorable the Court
ol ■ rdihary ol cdmkt county, w nen sit
tun. In ordinary purposes lor leave to
gth h eai estate ol idemy Bankston,
cite i std .
J Janies Lai gford Adm’s
daian licnkslon, sidni'x.
Sfcptn »•€: 26
W 'Wy v • t . „ li% .if
\\. w. vV OOD WARD
T Cy tv o large publications ou ham
V / : Dr G ii’:> C.dmu enuiry m-9 quarto
ii ts i be,New f tst unent m avret
vokin rs are ou* ol pros, also tht tu*>i
Vr im e X>i v> icl » e
l>i Ncotts tun. lv IJibl i . also pui>lidi
ed iwo t dll ion in a voUlill is quarty
v ■ (hate litany ail rlispostd m. Me
1, ; jy.w in \ It'S a thud eiii'ioii in a
vorun es * h ut the iM'rguicu
rtieirnccbut to couiain every odm
grt cle in ti e 5 volumes ; the notes
art ai rangeQ immtdiaieiy under the
vt rsts to w iden t ey btiopg, and tht
pu cdcal vatHjypy|< tqe end of Urn
IphapteM Vo l.f piviittil, 400 U copies
in press. f jL his wih be ine iiu>st popu
lar tdWiont ver yei pubiished, *7 dduars
‘i or and ioi the wot xuom
p ete. #
\\oi,d*»«rd has alsu recently
jubn bed a Royal Octavo Bib e. con
|i tanning vb'.uine ad JL»r* bcoa’s
Jb ig oal %teitnce^~- h»s iotioduction
to di U.-okV. and also to thu.Chapters,
an Iqg t-( mo thiary, with his General
’'p ; t ■ce tor 54ceJ^ : ts, and on a
j, i iiderior for 5 dollars. YnTs.
• m|ich acim i ed—the vo(» contains l3o©
y, ih.;t the Commentary and
I \ three yoi. quarto, and tbe Roy a:
Octavo u. one \oiume w ill be only 26 50
cei s il suo^MbciS.
ii \ |sa<s aie issued for re publishing
the bcotPs Jiffepiy to the |i‘Sh
o\ < t 1 rct li»<‘ in his KtiuCaucn ofi
( yiviifisrn—-2 voi. octavo. It vyßi make
a 6th at a 7rh volunie to his Misceduue-
Ot void St PM ale. ; <f>
W>“‘v* *• ‘ .(
i vtfi6- l Si
j?* W - V’ -M ,*’ •* jt* Mi. .Jl m,- *i
i coitF.rroPssAis. \
j Vi’.:; to _tht feigli-st bidtlet
the first Tuesday .in /fpril next#. av
court* house in Jackson county, tbt
oilownif* tract of land Qr so mucl
aitni ,s will satisfyftlit tax and cos
u- ’it-re 0n,.” *m
cOQ seres of l?nd granted o Wiljiad
eciiord, siina'ed in cap’uin Maddox.
on t| te waters c>t Bw tilbury
i'd on II *. vwk cieek, adjoining Kempi
! 1 ird qu t i»vy. So say thtee free bowers
on oato, the above land in default for the
years 1815 and 1816, tux due 2 dollars
i52 Scnts
J. Little, I. C J. C.
September 26 8 6.
! NO i ICE.
» Nine months after t ate application
w »ll ot made to the honorable the cour
of O ciliary * of Clarke 4 county, when
Sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave
to sell a tract ol {and iia said county* it
being a part ot the real estate of Charles
Dougherty, deceased, wherfeon
Doughtily formerly resided on Cedar
Criek near Athens, containing by a
resurvey, five hundred and twenty seven
acres* The above named residence
has the advantage of a veiy good dwel
ling House and othei outhouses, a good
apple oichard, an excellent spring of
of water Convenient to the House,
and the plantation in very good repair,
and sufficient to (Work ten or hifeen
| hands to advantage, to be soid for the
benefit oi the heiis and creditors-
Rebckah Guam
•May 23, 18 t 6.
Georgia Clarke county
Whereas, Edward Paine, administra
tor oi UeXauder G. dec’d.
a-. lies lor let ers ot Dismission irom
and estate. > ?
I nest are theiefort to cite and ad
-> unish all and y singular the kindred and
. editors ot said deceased to be and
appear at my office within the time pre
; bed by law, to shew cause, if any,
i\ said letters oi dismission should
\ , t br granted.
Given under my hand office this 29
.iy of august 1 816,
John IL Lowe c. c. o-
’ ■ •*
• EORCIA, Clarke county.
W i.ereas Sephen i nurman, artd Pol
y iimrnian* administrators on the es
tate of ben j. i hurinau, dec’d, applies
sor letters of dismission tram said ad
ministration. ?
•These are therefore to cite and ad
monish all and singular the kindrer
and creditors of said deceased to Dc
and appear at my office within the tmC
prescribed by law, to shew cause, if. n\
why sajd letters should not be granted
Given under my hand at otface to -
6 iky oi September 18*6.
v Jahn H Lowe , c. c. o.
Nine months alter date application
w* il jx made to iht Honorable tne Inie
ini Couft ot Clarke county, when sit
•>g ar . purposes, for leave to
■'til the wool, of tne real estate ol ohad
,ch Hudson tlec’d» iy ing m Clarke coun
y».on hose the benefit of me
November 7tin 18 6.
All persens indented to the estate oi
John Clement, dtetased, are requestt
o come forward and nu ke pay mein
and those having demands win presei
hem legally attested, to
Motes Hendon ,
ffns. Cum tin',
November k 4. Lxe s
Nine months alter date application
will be made io t..e Hon. ihe
iniciior Court of+the county oiCfark
when sitting for ordinary purposes i t
leave to sell ah the real estaie wlvk
was of V\ illiam Robinson eke’d
J-\NE KOblNbuN admr’x.
December 19
* <•
NOTICE* - ;” v
Will be sold at tilt Shoals on t}u
first Tuesday in Etbiuaiy next,
|ableu|o an order of tpe honorable C
cf Ordinaly oi Clarke county, a part o
he be-iongrug to We e ,a.c
Robert Koval oil, lice ease <i, te ms oiG.
cash. -• ‘ v; ” w
A'tebard Q Koyston A m i
DtCcmotr* 5* 0UA.4&0 W.u'united'.
Wpereii .
i bourns Hyde lot letter sos dlsp
the estut o of T
I Jen nett” hue ot tiff* county decM.* *
I hese are therefore to cite anti ufl
mcnish ail and singular the kindred anti
~ rectors ol said dtceased, to he and ap
pear at my o&iee within the time poin
ted out hy law. to shew Cause,- if all)’,
why said letters should not be granted.
Given tinder my hand at ofiiice this
sth day oi beptember 18*6*
tdwar Adams , C. C. O’
Nine months alter date application
Will be made to honorable Interior court
ol Clarke sitting lot ordtn
ur y purposes, hhr leave 10 sell a tract oi
4nt! lit the county of Wilkes on Uptons
creek containing two hundred and foftr
teeh acres* joins Simons, Ilooher and
others, it being the property of Mary
h, Jack, Samuel S. J«ck and John hi
Jack, orphans oi Samuel Jack dec’d to
be sold lor the benefit ot said orphans.
JOHN HeiL/Gb, Guuuiian.
October. 3 ISIS.
(jiLGi\(jist Liar ke county* (
YV here as'Henry Powell applies for
letters ot ctisiiiissir.n irom the further
ad yum t rut ion ol the estate ol 1 tmpst y
Powcd deceased
II ese are therefore to cite and ad
monish Utt aw and singular the kindred and
creditois oi said ueeb to be and appear
at my olVicc wmiiii the time prescribed
by aw,” to shew cause, il any, why said
letters should not be granted.
Given under my hand at office this sth
day of September* laid*
f'\, john 11. Lowe c. c o,
——— « i— r—-\
Nine months after date application
will be made to the rion- tire Inlcrioi
Court ot Clarke County when sitim.
for ordinary pus poses for leave to sell
It he whole of the real estate of Robert
iKoysion late of Cfarke county deceased
for the benefit of the heirs and creditors
<>i said deceased,
December 19-
!lsh , t ’ v*.Vh' B TV ! \
Georgia Clarke county.
Whereas William M. Strong, ard
EhzabsUh Hutson administiators of
T nomas Butsolir, deceased, applies for
letters of dismission from Irom said
; estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all and singular, the kindred and clean or sot
said deceases, to be and appear at my office
svithin die time pointed out by law,* to snea
cause, if any, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand at office this 12tb
day ot beptembea 1616.
‘John 11. Lowe, c, c, o, ,
Have received by tlie latest Europe
an aimais, a large and General assort
ment of,
Consistioiig of
Nelson and welch plains*
duffil and point blank*;rs,
* • “ i* “ > •. ,**•
Coating , Fearnoughts
\ t ■ ... -■i\-
VV inch they will sell by the piece or
:..package on the most liberal terms, v.
buvannah \ sth October 1816 - 6t.
Will be sold agreeable to an order of
the honorable the Court oi(Ji dinar y, tin
the first /tiescray rn February next, at
tne bkuli Shoals in Giaikc county, one
beg to feliow belonging to to the estate
oi i-sauc / hiasner deceased, sola lor
he benefit oi the hens auo creditors——
\ wcive mouths credit will be given,
\\ liliunt Pears. Adm*r,
Tiiiitfia Ain usher Adm'x.
Jccembcr 5*
i> an cTng sciiooX
ill commence tne lima vvbuues
. in Gexip.gton, and the iourth vved
r wsday jn Aihtns, ,in Junuaiy ( next
iltfr and spring'season * all those, who’
e advocates of the above mentioned
*,iitut.on will do well ib aLtencmg at
VViB. li. CLAY,
h. ißis.
Lour', S>pL Tern* iro.
> ThirtyA*|<* n\\vr elite ILpromive xtp
pav.'R|f| fii! t\ve?u^'jailors f *
Rtxeived-of >he Vuh-ti note from A.
M'Donnell i2 dollars and 50 cents June
Ist i8l 4 # j ‘ #
i hirty days after date I premia to
pay to Jfdfon Skeen, tv< nty dollars {,*
value received 10 April 3 s 12.
Samuel Viir.a t<
h-. *. «j|V M’Donnell.
Thirty Jays after ‘date I .promise to
pay to JanoSkeen tpfMy jdt L:
value received, |oth AptiY* ; lßH
Samuel }fchr>,*
A M'lXmtK !.
Thirty day nfter dale I promise to
pay to John Skeen ihvtiry ‘fodlu: * for v*.
lue received 10 April isi .
Sam nr! Mims,
A M’Donn; 11
Received of the wi!h 151 ntl{e - 4
|62 i-2 cents. 29th ,September fSi?,
jßeceived 4 dolls, 12 1-2 Gts . do. I«i
[Received 4 dolls 30 April,
Receded 5 clods feu me duitt*
Georgia Ctrtrhe coupj
Alexander M Donfelf, beiW duly
sworn deposetli and that ho wa*
security 10 iour several notes of hard
Riven by Samuel to John .Skeen,
jUiret oi which were for ti e Yum f
• twenty dolims each, and the*nthYr fur
twenty one dollars, ail dated .Len h of
April 18.2 and payable thirty d©ys a'lc.r
oi which said* notes and the credits
enured thereon, the ihthln and lore-o
u*r are true ccp : es-»that he the said
Ai Donnell as security paid the creHi’s
that arc on the said notes, as well as
ue whole ol the balance of said note.,
tiiiU no parrot satd notes were evbr paid
>y sa*d buii uel the puncpal—.
chat deponent having discharged said
notes as security and bavin- ru m in
m«* possession, transmitted them to \d#
din Lewis, in the Mississippi territory
•o be presented to the said Mims, who
lived in that quarter, or his legal re
preseuta-ives for pa*tnenf— that they
were committed to the ca-e of I deuen*’
&»t < *rlnndo Cary to be deiiveied t 6 11 o
said Lew is—that the said Lieutenant,
as deponent believes was murdered by
the-Creek Indian! ori his way and* be*
the su|(i notes w ere ‘tieiive:* and»
whereby the said noter. were but—’ tho
said notes when .established will be en«
tilled to a credit ol thirty nine doilurs
lor sqmuch owing by deponent to said
Minis. «
A ■ ( . .-sr* * it*’ v < ‘
A M,Connell*
Sworn to and subscribed before m©
ths 18th September, ifli6
T-i Mitcn <ll J. P.
Clark Superior Court. Sept- Term , \SQ
On motion of>counsel lor Alexander
M Donnell, who states upon oath. that
iie had paid off and had in his posses*
|sioH iour several notes of hand given
by Samuel Mims to John Sheen, to
which he was security and which w'ere
discharged by him as security, and that
ihe said notes are lost. Ordered that
the copies of notes now deposited
in this court, be established ui lieu of
original on the first day oL the next
term unless sufficient cause be shev/r*
to the contrary-—and that a copy ol this
rule together with a copy of the notes
be published once a in the Allien©
Gazette for six momlfsl
i rue copy troth the minutes of said
court, this 24th day ot September lßl'6.
|jp - D * , Sterling Eider y Ct rk
. *
All persons indebted to the estate of
Robert KoystoH)'dcc,d. are requested
to multe immediate payment and those
having demands to present them \v:th
m the time prescribed by by hi v, to tlie
subscriber, or John II I, owe, who 1©
authorised to settle all demands agamsO
or ior said estate
itichid'd C. Roys ton* adm’r*
iviih the no til annexed*
November 7*
——— “ ■ “ ■ - -- ! , 1
l Whereas lohn M'C :>y and Will- r
iam Wright, Executor;* of Hannal#
M’Larty, dec'd» ’ applies tfir letters of
distnissipn from the further admmistra
tion of said estate.
Those are tlflSrefore to cite and admonish at
and. singular the kiuOreci an<; ct editors of atiif
deceased to bo aauap cur at my office withim
the time rntrsctPoeU b> law, to ihew cause, (i#
any) why said ;--iters siVon'.d not he framed.
Given under my limn'd this Pin, day
Sr,. bwy.einoer ASIS.
Jew H. Lowe, CLrp