Newspaper Page Text
L vt«Rkf*ti **»«■ 1418.
<** < f
It U a matter of much re
witt troop* ««* *o badly
lupplied in »ht Citfk Bfatioii. It
was in theJiomane ottwkpt to re
lievc rprt-ScH, tfot Gtn (*
•vlTeiti the fldntßfclP't** *hith
had M nigs costlwn his life—
%V« a«e happy to learn hoivortr
trim a letter received by a gen
tie man in this place from a res
pe&ablt source, d<iled at Hanford
thcUtk inst. that the Genera! had
safely arrived at a place called
Mead-Quarter* 20 miles from Fott
Scott* FrvTJ the same source it
appears that a general scarcity of
provisions still prevails.
John Castdlavr was tried and
condemned at the last Superior
Court of Jasper County, and has
since been hanged, for the murder
of Henry Slaughter ! One of, the
forgiving precepts of Jesus Christ
is—— i'hou sh»lt not kill* How un
like the exterminating one of
M oses— Lita for life ! The Pint*
ttntic r j of vieorgia—oh, sacred
edifice 1 the very import of whose
name is mercy aud forgiveness j
what was it, for which thou werfc
built ? To make penitents of coo*
vi6ts by labor within thy walls—
and to repress the art of killing
with the rope and gallow»«Hm4
so to patronize the hofgjfljjltliM*
i of the divine love of
ty. Oh! Oh! WasthSksa
’as bad as the first ?
Skirmish with ihe^^Hfc.
Ti e fullomt g
Thomas to the
ceived oa Wednesday! iNffM ax
i press s ...
’ Hartford,
Sltt—l havc»thp mof!|t re
ceived information throflh Mr
la ham Jordan of
•fhich I rely on, of a Ikirwm vith
the Indians and some o(^p jßiti
°T» the *<sut&jpMn
•f Ike Otmulgce. in tha aCutfnoon
y* Ike 9;k ifint 20 or 1m piles
¥elow tka. ‘ .
On the night of the 3d Itat. Jo
seph Eush and his son ws&fired
Upon by a party of
takes killed, and the
wounded and, scalped Awkr
Vrcoiered as"to reachdflpc ifwo
Mays alter* The citizdKtaKgr**
log infoimation of
r fa£U asseti bled on the
to the number of 38
IbShrivcr to the lur
tedress Finding eoukijpgli digb
of Indians, they pun!! trail
leading from the rivJNjame dis
tance out, where they came in
▼ie# of a body of or
80, advancing within gtm shor. ’
*1 he firing was coramepdoi* by
•ach party and warmly’ kept up
for three quarters of an hour, A.
pnrt of tta detachment cfcOcd
their retreat, bringing off I badly
wounded, four art certainly kill •
•and, the balance of the detachment
has not been board from. Major
Cotton, commandant of the Telfair
Militia, it among the misting—
Four Indiana killed.
From information, the citieens
below this are muck alarmed and
leaving tbeir koines. 1 have tho’t
prope* tn communicate the fore.
£Mg to you by express.
Vhc Pulaski traop of Csrslrr
•** keen ordered out bjr ihe Exe*
•****, to scour the Frontier and
Moid proteftioa to the inbabi
* Un ‘iOUMh'Jinin^
the Otck Z
l >cUt.Mtb
««took tifu IndUft prisoners,
\ S?y**” to
&M. B|9lpM**.
&C# t|K>f« who ret
BSf, him, «ir un*
§&mm4 ffptmfykm mi wuh the
•» appfehMiroo of r.o? baing iMe
lo get subsistence r'n the direct
rrutc to Fort Scott, hare come to
Fort Hawkins, ami part of them
have since proceeded to Hartford*
In a case which has lately been
tried in Hartford of a prosecution
for crim. con. the Jury have awar
ded 5.000 dollars damage* to the
plaintiff. For the/ honor of the
country, we hopeA will belong
before we h car o (another cave of
tins description in our courts—
(No, it is very right so to punish
such a want ol good morals, and it
would be well to quadruple the
Lawyer's feta to effect tne pun
ishment ji, Gaz )
PIRACY. KonroiKy fi:d. 23.
Ftcrn our own enquiries, assisted
by the information of the Keeper
of the Steam-bout Hotel Reading
Room, we arc enabled to add
following particulars re>pec|rtflg
the schooner fitted out in this port
for supposed piratical purpose*—
It apptars th«t alter carry
wsjf hei main mast, she put into
Mill creek near Hampton to re
pair, when 7 or 8 of her crew de
serted her am! came over to Nor
fotik* On the.r examination before
tha Mayor, they stated that the
.rtd tclir. was purcbSacd at a tale
which, she was taken charge of by
one MitchtU> who watan oflWer
ih the Romp token jhe was ktsil
in York River about 18 months a*
Ro upon a charge of p raev. This
Mitchell has been scale time iwh
kfog about Noito>k, and had re
ermud * ! <*ew of about n en,
vhtcb he imbarked on board the
Harriet, to cruise in the Chesa
peake to intercept a It
this vessel, and after
*ea in her, lo assume \hS
ueliar. flag, under whieSp#
any thef29£
themsw Ifcs ;* p|-%
tohich *ihey were deUrdjp
to make, at all events, The «un
%4 * a tWk inforgtotioft. Md
that tiKy abandoned the
f°° n at they cotrid, after satisfy
ing themselves of'b£toMicil
> cbara£ker. The Colle&pcv mt
his usual alacrity, took tdvantsir
of tuc first intimation ok Z 7«.
ZT*l** n % ™ *#»**>*nded.
tjoiied Id lle ‘dtot article, was
arrested and committed to prison
la Baltimore on Saturday last.
A letter from New-Orfeans dated
January 28th, states that the Se
minole* and Creek Indians inhabit
ting the proraontosy of £mt Flori
da, against whom our Imas are
marching are 4,000 waAfors
strong; that they have demitomd
all their towns, placed
men, children stock and provisi
ons in a fortified camp situated in
the midst of an immense and al
most impassable mar h. This
account leads us to expel) a pro
traclcd war in that quarter
Nat. Intel,
MM nr 9LKJSS, JAN. 24.
New-Orltans at this moment of
the year exhibits all the ku tie of
a great fair. Here are crowded
together «iiult»tudcs of sellers and
buyers from Alabama tipftatchi
toches, and north to Kentucky,
Ohio,mod the extreme of Missou
ri. All seem eager to femp the
objefil, and many obttiftii, for it
U » country ricacr in lit protluc- /
tion. titan il it poM*nw«ith« nir—.
of Memo. Cottoo U
Mtd produce am*M »t Ihi, place
gs “aSa&S,,,!,,.
*nn on dadt, and Out rcpcat-i f
jroifi and again- , Tt is judged lhat
thcte will he more produce bro t
t )|his city during the present than
in iny former season The wea-
has been folder here this
whiter than has been known for
rnyty years* Ihe thermometer
!w been as low as 24 degrees I
*f«n ice 2 inches thick, and
has been covered with
**mt for sfrtra! days. n‘.t c jnr.
M 16. Remarkable Hull,
. oi the following dimen.
* raised on the Roanoke only
was exhibited in this
7* n on Saturday last, and is this
d*| offered to the inspection of
the curious at the stables of Mr
U IJall in Portsmouth. DU
mekstons, s feet high, 14 lef t from
l*il nose to the end of his tail,
v. Inch last is not more than 3 feet
so n k r * girth round the body 9 feet,
perk 6 feet, and his
**' m *W % 1,15 breast ,a not
nt y* Ajpchca lrom»tbe
gi#|ndb by competent
ju%e» to weighJfjOOO pounds ,
l*ir ABDor t ot Ga. has submitted
to Congress his views of the in
violability of the ngnt of expairi
at ion-
Feb * 27 General
Bernard of the Jinginecrs, and
of twtl opberaphi
cafCorps, have in
lh | »h ; P Bal *e r from New Uric
&4* We iearn has
bepn engaged in mgUgbihta
i> survey tbjfjßSi mi Mil, n
ti 4. i hcynrgnMgl^Washm^n
it i ■
ftPJ i a— •* 1 ‘
was the principal
jS e, » *« r « upwards of 13,000
Mara 1 la not this paying well
• the whistle*
,lWe iearn from the Messenger
tUaDogendaCow have Utciy
go>e mad »n Georgetown, taring
3 U ,llcft b r* **>* thne
gffPlyM TnmggF
hdpMl|'th& acts pf t MFv 3
MtfJfll 7, pmsJSgLl til
phAp pun
wMbs of which i ucui-
Be x ,\ith
T c BBE ttf a >•
♦noted J«hfe 1 BL Maisiul
1 r oMtti *VH v ‘ce
John Lhcas
a Ste*msßSebliftl em
bracing many valuable improve*
menta—lt is said 73 barrels of
nee /were cleaned end benched iu
tuiaenill in 24 hoore.
Jacob Parker of Pnila. has lately
u vented an tKltaordinary IMiup,
3 u> 4,000
Baltimore , £?tb» 2d* * i*he com
mander of the Brutus, Irom Peu
aaeefot who arrived et N Orleans
oo l|e 29ih ult. reports a piiralecr
sebrj* from N Orleans had beet)
captured, and curried into Pensa
oda 1 he engagement was ob
stinately continued lor two and a
half hours, and the Captain and
UfQlcnant of the privateer were
tpth hilled befqfe bhejßu*endercd.
Me following very Jugular Cact
WNaturaT Hi story is taken from
Pierson's Life of Dr Buchanan,
!#•( the most entertaining and
‘Mtereeting works of the English
language: ItllH that 1 write
at the bottom of the lolly
nbtmiaio felled Cape Carnovin,
rocky heed seeroa to over
hgng ita base. The birds which
ta*ld the pcnduloua neats are here
qatmerous At wight each of their
Wl« hebiiavions ta ligated up, u
if to sec company. The sagacious
li'tle bird fastens a bit of day to
the top of the nest, and then picks
Up a fire-fly. and sticks it to the
clay to illuminate the dwelling,
which con >ists of two rooms.
Sometimes there are three or four
fire flies, and their blaze of light in
the little cell dazzles the eyes of
the Batts, which often kill these
The aa of M iryland to regulate
Lotterie*, is too log for publics*
tion, but is not without interest*
A board of 3 commissioners is ap
pointed, who are to superintend
all Lotteries to be drawn, fit with
out whose agency none can be
drawn After all the Lotteries now
authorized by law are drawn,'Lot
teries are to be the exclusive pro
perty of the State; the rjfifesury
ot which is to receive the proceeds
oi sales, in the gross, and pay the
prizes, retaining,pn a tax or com
pensation for thi» agency, 5 p.* cu
on the amount ofall prizes draw 4)
which amount is aUo taxed on th« already authorized. The
com missioners are each to receive
1,200 and. salary, and t »eir clerk
1,000. rwo other commissioners
arc to he added to the <>oard when
the right of devising and drawing
all lotteries reverts to theStu£
1 bese provisions appear t>> us to
be prudent and equitable 1/I it.
The London Courier of the x6h
of Dec says Government will uo
longer give encouragement to per*
4ons who wish to proceed a> set.
tiers to his Majesty's domimo is
in North America, except to Iraif
pay officers, or persons under pe
culiar circumstances, as many
prho went there the two last years
Wtrt unable to cultivatr the land
Allotted to them, and who arc now
mb verv great distress.
■COPPEA TREE. At the beau-
Bful and magnificent palace of the
Auke of Devonshire Catsworth,
Kn the batiks a flue piece of wa
* ter, is a tree of Copper, represen*
t ng o Willow fram every a£
w nch water is made to issue, by
the turning of a cock, so aa to lor .a
aa artificial shower.
IC7* By some traveller'! irn
a report prevails in the low . -mi*..
try ih-tt the Indians iuv* taitcu «)„•
o« oui i’ orts, but they and j not say
which, and the troops thtieiud
Sticly made their escape a-» tney
kaw the Savages approach; the I* >t t
having 2 gates* at opposite sides
enabled them to do so ; the Sava
g.s coming up to and our
men retreated through the other,
VVe fetr Mobile er bl«K.ely is the
place alhided to, as the former in
formations toy ike people there
bad lately beeh scriou ly alarmed
by the mot on of a party known to
‘be not far off#
By Last Night’s Mail
tJasiumc, M3. in Orl. .11. pfe
per slates Fori-Crawford, on the
Florida frontier, has b cn stormed
by (he Indians, and the garrison
butchered. It is said more men
have bee 1 lost in the late rencoun
ters than were killed in the whole
Creek war. Five hundred Chero
kecs ate desirous of going with
Jackson to fight the Seiumolcs.
Savannah, March 18. We are in*
formed that a respectable Farmer
who was in town yesterday, re
ported that an Indian Runner ar
rived on the frontier of I'artnail
county on the 11th inst. brining
information that the Savages had
made an unsuccessful attempt to
surprise the forces under General
Jackton at a place called the Ham
mock, near Flint-Kiver. It was
night when the army was assailed,
but so well were their arm* direc
ted, that fine hundred of gne enemy
were left dead on the field, and a
mong them several whites and nr
groin. All the wounded were car
ried eff, so that their ex*a lots
«o«l>d not be ascertained. Jackson
is represented Ip have lo»t one
hundred men in killed end