Newspaper Page Text
athevsg\ze ite.
by s w minor.
THURSDAY, OCT. 5, 1820.
Farther about the eleA-on. Jasper coun
ty-Gilmer 297. Reid 420. Cobb 298,
Cuthbert 427.Tatnal 290. Thompson 212,
Abbot 378, Walton 250, Cook 299, Clark
113, Blair 12. „ ..
Elbert — Gilmer 310.. Reid 030, Cobb
470, Cuthbert 220, Titnal 309, Thompson
Waito* —Gilmer 112, Cook 30, Clark
-Gilmer 147, Reid 178, Cobb
10>. Cuthbert ÜB. Trad 79
309 Abbot Ilot Walton 150, Cook* 200,
Clark 19 ; Blair 170
It n w appears, from fourteen coun
ties, that the highest numerical order of
the Congress vote is tttus; Reid Ist, Cuth
bert 2d, Gilmer 3d, Thompson 4th, Abbot
sth, and Cobb 6th man.
Cushing and Meindeer's case
Developed. We under*
fluid that Mr Culhing went
to France tome year? since,
and.formed a connexion in
busiest at Marseilles wnh
Mr Meindeer,wtto was then
a man of fortune—that Mr
Cufhing lef, France with a
ship *.nd a large amonnt of
property belonging to Mr
Meinideer, to whom he ne
never made any remiuan*
ccs, and the carifequehce
wa* thai the latter wai ru
ined This truly unfortu
~tiate man then came over to
the U. States* and has been
more than a year seeking in
his partner, and will pro
ceed immediately to Alaba
ma, to secure the property
left byCulhing at Huotville.
every part of the country in
vain for Cufhing, in hopes
of obtaining something tro.
the wreck of his fortune--
Mr M. who is now in town,
received, by the above no
tice, *he firft infdrirfation of
the hiding place and fate of
Salem Register*
The Boston market will now
tie with ny, in abundance of
fruit nearly all kinds* Melons are
* rv plenty. Avery fine water
sn >len was brought to market last
w*tt< weighing 42 pounds ; and
w ate informed there is a larger
one on the vine in Waltham-’
JJesertian on a larqe Scale Pool
ioVs Philadelphia Gaazette, re
ce v*l .this morning, contains an
advert se went fiT more than three
coiamns, offering a reward of 30
dollar* each, for 73 deserters from
tfie Tth regiment UV S. Infantry.
satvxal cvniosirr.
In May last Mr* T. L- T. of
Camden,Del. in hunting for terra
pin eggs, found a terrapin of tfie
bigness of a quarter of a dollal,
which had two distinct heads,with
four eyes, fonr nostrils, and two
mouthsjit likewise had a lump up
on its hack of the bigness of a pea.
The terrapm was alive, and 3urvi
ed ftrseveral days. There are sev
eral respectable people in Cam
den that saw it, and can testify to
the fact,
Was lately (hot by Col. Rhodes his residence on Elk
horn, abont two and a half m ks
from this town; it was examined
by severnl scientific gentlemen*
and prononced to be of the crow
species it resembled the commen
black in every thing but its color
which was of a dingy white* Col.
Thompson had observed it for
some time among a flock of black
crows,and had ascertained its note
to be the same as theirs.
New Orleans, Tuly 8.
Henry Webster, who had bten
imprisoned for fteallng, wa dis
charged on Saturday, commitstd
larcentlv and was arrested on
Wedneseday following was indic
ed on Thursday tried and convic
ted on Friday, and teceived 36
lashes on Satuday. In addition tp
which punohmen he is to be im
prisoned two yers at hard labor.
Further particulars respe&ing
the Fire at Port au Prioce are fur
nished by Tetters received in this
city* Udwards of 600 houses have
houses have betn totally destroy
ed, and the loss of property is
computed at from 4 to s*ooo 000
of dollars The fire is said to be
the work of incpndiaries. and to
have orginated in a plot of the
blacks againflthe people o f colour
The solditry, instead o? keeping
order and assisting to save the
property, employed thsmselvs in
indi&rriminate plunder.
New Tork American 13<A insU
Six cases, and four fatal of
Yellow Fever have occurred in
Charleston* They ware of persons
unaccustomed to that climate, and
three if not all the snjccts of
the diseaes are s*id to; base been
recently rom Philadelphia. The
cases were announced with becom
ing promptitude in the Chatletton
Courier, and we are gratified to
learn by our last papers that no
new cases had occurred there.
Georgia Adv .
Unfortunate Accident . Yesterday
forenoon, while the Washington
Artillery Company were engaged
in fitrjng at a Target from Dor
chester Point, a boat .from Fort-
Independence, on board of which
were several Officers and men of
the garrison unfotnoately pas*
sed the track of their shot when
unperccived by the compauay and
• •
was struck by a six pouud ball
near the bows, which took off the
leg of one of the men, and the*
splinters severely wonnded ano
Boston Gaz. Ith inst.
Mr. Edward Weft, qf this towoi
has recently made a pistol on *.
hew scale which with loading*,
once, will discharge lour balls \m
sepa ate firings- The barrel ie
single; but it is so constructed
ilia the magazine attachen .to the*
breach has tour chambers, and
the leck is conducted, as to hava
four pans. We ha c examined th©
piece, and it is little more bulky*
than an ordinary pistol* Ky Gaz*
A catrp Meeting will com
mence on the fourteenth of next
moth, about five miles below
Greensboro on the road leading
to Powelton*
The line of bn tie (hip on the
slock! at the Navy Yard, Norfolk
will be lannched on Satuaday the
2 Ist October The name has not
yet been decided on As soon as *
(he is hunched the frame of ano
ther line of battle ship, now on ihw
sp ,t, and in every way prepared*
will be immediately set up*
Berlin , Pussia y July 11, 1820- r
The Spaniih Legation ic thi#
ccpital have presen acoirpiait to
his Majesty’e Ministers, that the
official Gazette of Btrlin wav in
the h bit -of dtuounciru Che
revolution in Spain t illegal ar.d
pregnant with evil .Since then the
tone of the Gazette has under
gone a totol ch nge.
Providence , R • I. Sept . 18.
A Sea tight. — The ihp wash*
ington, Page, of this poit, Irons
Canton for amfterdan spoke n
in the Strates of Sunday, M v 32.
takeing in water. Capt Page in
foimed, that* after clearing the
Grasper Straits, he was aitacfted
by Malay pirates prows, and beat
them off, after expending the
mod of his ammunition.
, Messrs Francois 8c Cos. mer
chants, at St Thomas, had sent
a brig to Araga, a small port to
the leeward of Cumana. The Ro
yal garrison at that place, amoun
ting to about 140 men. soon after
the arrival of the brig, revolted*
killed their officers, look posses
sion of the brtg, and compelled!
the captain to taka thvm into
Margaretta, where they were lan
The U S. frigate Congress was
in China recently 1 be same hon
ors do not apper to have bet is
paid to the American flag, by ther’
Chinese, as to the Enggiiih ; but
there is a disposition to d< mami
them The Congress is said to bo
expected to visit the Presidency
on her returning to Ametica- Tho
objrCl of her visit to the Indian
Sea* of course unknown,