Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, OCT 5, 1820.
LONDON, August 9. Trials for
hjgh treason continue to <gq on—
At Sterling, Augu(t 4, twenty-two
prisoners were convidled, and sen
-I£ned to be executed September
B—Six were acqu : ted
It hath been officially an
nounce! th it Tuni.s is bloc
kaded by an Algerine squa
dron. Other Algerines ap
pear to be crulhing forTus
can veflels.
At Bordeaux a mob of
men and women have by
the fuddennefe of their af
iauh rescued a soldier con
demned to be (hot, from a
guard of gend’armes.
An affray took place at
Glasgow between fome fail
crs, in which 2 police men
and ore sailor were fired on
and killed bp the former*
A letter from Bayonne,
dated July 20, dates on the
authority of private letters
from % i £tbaftian, that the
I>titchan<f & Algerine fqua
dr-os have had an obflinate
ergcgement off the* cnaft of
Anda!ufia,the refultofwhich
was, that the latter was com
pletely beaten, and 2 of his
(hips funk.
The Dutchef* of York
died Aug. 6 : She was the
elded daughter ot the lrite
King of Pruflia, by his fit ft
consort Elizabeth Ulrica
Christiana—She wafr bom
May 7th, 1767, and was
married to theDukeof York
Sept 20, 1791, at Berlin:
She has left no children,
jaontbl? noticed ,
NINE Months after date appli
oat on will be mad** to the Honor
ah’ Court of Ordinary of Clark
county, for Itiave to sell the real
pr perty of the Minors of Joaiah
M >rton of said county, deceased,
for the benefit of said Minors.
Fibrua y 4 IH2O.
NWF. MONTHS after date application
will lie made unto the Honorable Inferior
Cour, vvitvp sitting for Ordinary purposes,
for ieive to|ell the claim of the Heirs of
Benjamin Thurmond, deed ; it being two
thkds of f paw fifths ot a iraft of LAND
,tying in Count*, on ‘he Ocmne Ki
ver, granted t>.> Micajah W illiamson, con
taining five hundred acres, more or less.
whereon brands M. Trammell now lives,
adjoining Benjamin M’cCree and others.
March the second 1820.
Georgia. Clark Couny% Where
as Aquila Greer, administrator of
Bailey George, deceased, apples
for Letters of Dismissioft from
the administration of the estate
of said deceased :
• These are therefore to cite and
admonish all the kindred and ere
dltors of said dec. to be and appear
at my office within the time pre
scribed by law, to shew cause, if
any, why said letters should not
be granted.
♦ Given under my h&nd May the
Ist 1820. John H. Lope, clk.
NINE Months after date appli
cation will be made to the Honor
able the Inlerior Court, silting for
Ordinary purposes,for leave to sell
all the retd estate of Philip Tigner,
deceased February the Ur i 820
*""^*** 1 "• • \ • •M *7
The Ruffian Government has
adr.'ffed a circular to the princi
pal European epurts, exprtffing in
(Long terms its disapprobation of
the revolution in Spain. After
dating the obligation of the Mon
nrchs of Europe to prevent revol
ution; , and the efforts they have
made for that purpose, this docu
ment proceeds——But in vittue of
his engagement of the ( 3d) 15th of
November 1818, his Majtfty is
bound to mark with the molt for
cible reprobation tee revolutionary
measures set in a€lion to give
new inilitutions to Spain.
A gentleman boaffing of his in
timacy with a per*ou, observed—
We were so very intimate fir,
that we we about fighting a duel.
NAVAL. The New-York Ga
zette informs its readers that the
stem ard stem of a large frigate
have just been raised at the Navy
Yard, and remarks that almost ev
ery piece oi live oak to be attach
ed to her is shaped to its piace, St
ready to be put up I°e tafcl is,
we underftsnd that all timber lor
the use of the Navv is ent to
moulds in the sorest, and when col.
letted at our Navy Yard, although
parts of the same frame may be
tut hundreds of miles from each
oth other, and by different per
sons, the pieces are ready to be
put into the place originally des
tined for them in the ship By
teis plan,,’wlnch is different from
that pursued by molt nations, no
ustleft timber is procured and a
great saving is produced in the a
mount ol freight, the bulk ol the
timber being greatly teduced by
this preparation.
St N. IL Sept 4. .
The Hoop Sophia, in the service
of the BritHh province, to look
after the American plaster traders
has had a number of rencontres
with these veffels* who appeared
determined to suffer no molcfta
iton in their pursuits. ‘I he
pie along the Amertan shore had
encouraged the plaster men to de
fend themselves, and in some in
stances they have gone off to tber
assistance of vtffels.
On the 7th inst. Mrs Hester
Williamson of Ne* York while nn
a visit at Hacknsack, through
mistake toek a dose of saUpvne,
supposing it t* be salts She was
soon taken with violent pain and.
expired in less than an hours, and.
before medical assistance coulc! be
procured, This (hould prove a.
warning to these who keep medi
cine in their houses, to have the
same carefully labelled ; inftancefc
of fimilarfatal mistakes have very”
often occurred.
I>£MARARA, July 10,
This fs the ftrangtft country l
ever saw ; the people aie dying
In great numbers by the yellow
fever—yet the survivors are eat
ing in parties, drinking, singing,
fiddling anddancmg with as much
unconcern as though all things
remained as they were. I have
‘seen nothing like sorrow express
ed at the death of a person except
by two younn men who had juft*
returned from the funeral ot the
eleventh out of their mess which
confuted ot, thirteen Dr M.
physician of fk 1 and exrerience in
the diseases of th'S climate, toid.
me a few evenings since that a
foreigner flood no more than one
chance in seventy five three sur
vive three years.
September . 25.
The Mayor of Savannah, Me
Charlton, continues at his post
—manifts ir.g a faithfulness and
diligence.which few,very fewmen.
we believe, would have exhibited
under circumstances so peculiarly
alarming by disease.
With the concurrence of Aider
men Harris and Bourke, theouly
Aldermen I can at dersent conselt
I hereby offer a reward of Five
Hundred Dollars for thr arrest or
designtion of the person seen last
night in the act preparir g to con
flagrte this city, or Two Hundred
Dollars for information that may
lead to any certain or useful dis
T. U P. Charlton. Mayor,
Second edition—7th Sept •
• Well’s trial came on yesterday
and he was condemned for mur
der. The Jury did not make u[*
their verdidl until about twelves
o’clock at night. We understand
that Messrs Upren and Cobb were*
his counsel. His Honor Judge*
* Clayton will this day pas* ti e Aw
ful and afHi&ing sentence of deaths
upon him, agreeable to law.
Mushroom . W ashington-Citj.
We are informed a respectable*
family in this city, very lately*
suffered severely from the use of
this produ&, which however pal
atable, is so frequently pcrnicious
in its effect, that it ought to be
universally thunned.