Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, August 02, 1806, Image 1

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--.. . - ■■■■»." ~— ' . /&il . . ___ - VOL IV. No. 158] Three dollars per annum. J PUBLISHED BY GEOilGr. F. RANDOLPH, NORTH BROAD-STR T, i. f Half in advance CONDITIONS OF THE COL UMBIAX CEN 2 7A 'E L. 1. THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL will be published every s a t u r day, on ademi paper, of an excellent quality, and on an entire new type, of which w this is a specimen. 2. The terms of subscription will be three doi.lars per annum, oue Laii to be paid at the time ol subscribing', and tl'.e balance at the expiration oi the year. . 3. No subscription will be received lor a less term than six months, and all subscribers papers will be continued from year to year, unless ordered to the reverse at the expiration of the year, or six months. 4. Advertisements will be charged sixty-three cents per square lor the * first publication, and forty-two for each succeeding, and in the same proportion for those of greater length. The following persons have subscrip tion papers in their hands for the accom modation of persons who may please to subscribe, and thru are duly authoi isrd to receive the same. Pctersburgh ; Capt. 3. V. Watkins. Elbert mi: Middleton Woods, Esq. Ogle!harp County: Win. 11. Crawford, Samuel Shields, China Grove , and at the Store of Major Phinizy, Lexington . Washington , II bikes County: Col. Francis Willis. Maj. Patrick Jack. Green County Maj. Young Gresham, James Nickelson, William Grant. Jackson county • Samuel Gardner, Esq. h'rCinkUrt county - Thomas P. Carnes, Esq. Hancock County: Hines Holt, Esq. Doct. William Lee, Eli Harris Worren County Capt. Thomas Dent, George Hargraves. Lincoln County John M. Dooley, Esq. Charles'Stovall. Columbia : William Ware, Esq. Solomon Marshall. Burke County William Whitehead, Col. John Whitehead, Col. John Davis, Jefferson County: George R. Clayton, Esq. James Bozeman, Esq. John Bostwick, Esq. Scriven County Reuben Wilkinson. William Oliver, Esq. Major Skinner, Savannah: Seymour, &c j. printers, Bacon and Malone, Mclntosh County : George Baillie. r 10 Dollars Reward, FOR OLD DICK, WHO absconded on Thursday last, from Varrills, South-Carolina, four miles from Augusta, he is about forty years of age, pitted with the Small Pox, very large broad nose, one of his fore fingers stands straight forward, he stammers when speaking in haste, has a wife at Columbia Court-House, Geor gia, Avhere it is probable he mgy lurk about, but as he is acquainted through out the two States as avcll as at the Northward, he may probably march off; he Avore away a long blue coat, has a greatcoat lined with spotted wool len cloth, different other clothes which cannot be designated. Whoever will deliver him in any jail in South-Caroli na, or Georgia, and give me informa tion so that I can get him, or deliver him to me at'the place above mention ed, shall be infilled to the above re ward, with all reasonable costs., W. H. DURKEE. j May 31. 49—! AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. FOR SALE. 35 Tracis of Land, LYING in Edgefield, Barnwell, O rangeburg, Abbeville, Union, Green ville and Pendk ton district, in this state, containing together about 25 982. For price, terms and further particulars, apply to Me. Lc Roy Hammond, Sur veyor at this place, or to the subscri ber. Such of them as may not be dis posed of by private sale, before the Ist day of October next, will on the first Monday in December following, be sold to the* highest bidder at Edgefield Court-House, by public Auction. In disputable titles will be made to the purchasers and terms made known in due time. C: 11ARLES GOODWIX, Attorney at Law. Town Creek Milts , •V. C. ) July 5, 1806. 5 NOTICE. DURING the absence of the sub scriber, the business of SPUR GES If BUTLER, will be trunsacted by Mr. ralpii ketchuk,to whomthose who have demands, will apply for their money, and those indebted, make im mediate payment. Mr. Kktchum will also attend the collection of the debts due the estate ol Asa Shaw, deceased. All those indebt ed to that estate, are informed, that un less immediate payment is made, suits will be instituted wilhout discrimina tion. Those Avho have demands will render them in as the law directs. JOSIAH ST URGES. Augusta, June 3d, 1806. 50 Fractional Surveys , FOR SALE. W 7"E the Commissioners appointed VV by tile Legislature to sell and dispose of the Fractional Surveys, of the counties, of Wilkinson, Baldwin and Wayne, do hereby give notice that the sales will commence on Wednes day the 27th of August ti-xt, and con tinue from day to day, in the following manner, until the Avnoie are sold. WILKINSON. Those of the first district, on the 27th of August next, and continue from day to day, Sundays excepted, until the 2d of September inclusive. Those of the 2d. district, on the 3d. of September, until the 6ti» inclusive. Those ol tiie 3d. district, on the Bth of September, until the 10th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, on the 1 1th of September, until the 13th in clusive. Those of the sth district, on the 15th of September, until the 17th in clusive. BALDWIN. Those of the first district, on the 18th of September, until the 22d inclusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 23d of/September, until the 30th inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the lsi of October, until the 4th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, on the 6th of October, until the 9th inclusive. Those of the sth district, on the 10th of October, until the 16th inclu sive. WAYNE. Those of the first district, on the 17th of October, until the 24th in clusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 25th of October, until the 27th inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the 28th of October, until the 31st inclusive. Terms of Sale. Os the purchasers bond, with appro ved personal security, for the amount of purchase money, will be required, in four equal, annual instalments, to be paid in gold or silver; the first pay ment to be made, twelve months- after dale, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. Moses Speer , o Reddick Simms, > i Patrick Jack, ) Louisville, June 26, 1806. NOTICE. THE Subscribers being appointed to receive the names of persons in the county of Richmond, entitled to draws in the Land Lottery, under the Act of Assembly, passed the 26th of June, 1806, give notice, that they wilt attend for that purpose at Capt. Collins’ muster ground on Wed nesday the 30th July, and on Monday the 11th of August; at Capt. BealJ’s muster ground on Thursday the 31st ol July, and Tuesday the 12th of August; at Capt. Wm. M*Tyre’s muster ground on Friday the Ist and Wednesday the 13th of August; at Capt. McCombs’s muster ground in Harrisburg!), on Sa turday the 2d anti Thursday the l4thoi August; at Mr. Harrison’s for Capt. Fee’s district, on Monday the 4th and Friday the 15th of August; and Major U’AnUgnac’s lor Capt Smith’s disti ict, on Tuesday the stb aiut Saturday the 16th of’jne said month of August. ‘ ABSALOM RHODES* MAI i HEW FOX, ’ July 19. 1806. 56 THE following is a list of LhTrtßs now remaining in the Posi-Gjficc, at Columbia Court-house — viz :— A E. B. Jenkins Miss Betsey Allen Ann Jones B K Edmund Bugg Jas. Kendrick Gab), or John Baker L Mrs. Francis Bur- John Lindur, 2 roughs, 2 James Landers Charles Barham M William Bit net Geo: W. Moore, 2 Jos. Bltdsor, 2 Doct. Thomas M. Jos. C. Brown Combs, 2 Wm. Beckham John Moore C Jos. Marshall Daniel (J<yu»oty i imk. IYI o,niwflllif-P Peter Collins Abraham Marshall 1) Jesse Morrisse Mark Price Davis John MTvay k Ma li com—Halters. Solomon Ellis O William Evans Wiliam Ogle Humphry Evans, 2 Master Nat. Periie Daniel lillis Robert Pollard F Thomas Phelan Thos. Failing Q Wm. A. Puller Jos. Crooks Quinn Zach. Franklin S G William Stephens Miss M. Gardner T William Going Dr. G. Tankersly William Gum John Tankusic-y Lewis Gardner U II William Upton William Harkins W Thomas Hanley Francis Webb J Beiij. Williams William Jordan John or Geo. \\ il- John Jennings mot James Johns Phillip Williams. John Lamar, D. P. M. July 19. 3t. 56 GEORGIA, Richmond County. AT a meeting of the Honorable the Inferior Court, on Monday the 7th Ju ly, 1806. Present — John Course, John Willson, John Catlett, Esquires Justices. ON the application of William But ler, stating that he is confined in the custody of the Sheriff, under a bail writ, issued at the suit of Michael and John Conrad, k Co. and that he is un- | able to pay the debt or give bail for the ! same, and praying the benefit of the j act passed for the relief of insolvent debtors. ORDERED, That the said William Butler notify his creditors either in per son or by giving sixty days notice in the Augusta Chronicle and Columbian Cenlinel, previous to the first Monday in October next, at which time an ex amination will be had, and a discharge granted, if no cause is shewn to the contrary ; and the Sheriff is hereby commanded to have the body of the said William Butler before us, at 11 o’clock, at the Court-house, on the said first Monday in October next. Taken from the Minutes. MATTHEW FOX, CTk. July 12. 55 SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1806. TO Hi NT, AN eligible stand for business, at present occupied by iVlr. (liego rv. For terms apply to DONALD M‘IVKR. June r, 1806. ts. 50 ADVERTISEMENT EXTRA. G. S. Houston, & Co. Respectfully inf mi the public that they have recently received from lee’s PATENT AND Family Medicine WA It E-HO US E, NF. \V- YORK", an additional and Fresh Supply of those valu able Mcdicjues, which, a aunoth nes, preven tions or cures of the disease , to width die hu man body is subject, either from imprudence, change of climate, accidents or narin a! causes, are unrivalled—in the words of an old physician on this subject, we may add Expert) itia .D»cet they having now been in general u.a through out the United States for sect n years' past, and attended with general success when used agreeable to the directions; for, in the lan guage of Chesterfield “ If’tis worth while to use a thing, “ ’Tis worth while to use it right.'' They are well known and attested to by nu merous certificates in our possession, as un parrallelled in the following diseases: Worms, Itch, Coughs & Colds Diseases of the Asthma, Eyes, Consumption, Ringworms, Gout, Tetters, he. Rheumatism, Inward vveitk- Sj trains, nesses, Palsey, Nervious disor* Head Ache, ders, Tooth Ache, Ague h Fever, Coins, Ike. &c. To those afflicted with nervoag disordets* lowness of spirits, loss'til appetm.',TnTigestion, Sec. &.c. is recommended > Hamilton’s Grand Restorative. It is proved by long and extensive experience to be absolutely unparalleled in the cure of Nervous disorders, Consumptions, Lowness of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Impurity of pined, Hysterical Affections, inward and Seminal Weakness, Flour albus (or whites) Bammncss, Violent cramp in the stomach ami back, In digestion, Melancholy, Gou in the Stomach, Pains in the Limbs, Relaxations, involuntary Emissions, Impotency, kc. fee. Hamilton's / Vorm-Dcstroving Lozenges. Which have within four years past, cured upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand persons of both sexes, of every age and in e very si nation, of various dangerous complaints arising from worms and from obstructions or foulness in the stomach and bowels. t Hamilton’s Elixir; A sovereign remeely for colds, obstinate coughs a*thmas, sore throats, and approaching consumptions—They are particularly recom mended to parents who may have children afflicted with the Hooping Cough. The Anodyne Mixer , For the cure of every kind of head ache. Tiie Damask Lip Salve, Is recommended (particularly to the ladies as an elegant and pleasant prepara*ion) for chopped and sore lips, and every blemish and inconvenience occasioned by colds, fever, &c. speedily restoring a beautiful rosy color and de leave softness to the lips. The Genuine Persian I Mian, Celebrated for preventing and removing blemishes cf the face and skin of ever , kind, particularly freckles, pimpies, pits after the small pox, &c. Gowlund's real and genuine Lotion. llahn's Anti-h Hi us Pills, Are recommended for the prevention ar.d curt of Bilious and Malignant Fevers. Restorative PowderJ or the Tet th Cf Gums. Dr. Hahn's Genuine. Ey<-Hater. | A sovereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes. Toath-Atac uixp. The only remedy yet discovered, which gives immediate and lasting relief in the most severe instances. Tim Sovereign Ointment for the Itch, Which is warranted an infallible remedy in one application. Anderson’s Pills , He. Hamilton’s Essence and Extract of Mustard, Celebrated for the cure cf the Gout. Rheu t matism, Palsey, Sprains, Bruises, See. A large and Fresh supply of the Indian. Vegi tah !c Kp eel Pc, A safe, speedy, and pleasant cure for a cer tain dreadiul disease—Prepared by Dr Lera-v. The above medicines sold only by appoint ment r. "r sole Inventor and proprietor, at their Store, Broad-street, Augusta. January 11. 39