Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, August 16, 1806, Image 4

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POETICAL SELECTIONS. TO A FISH OF THE BROOK. From Peter Pindar’s “ New Old Ballads.” 0 IVHY feest thou away with fear? Trust me there’s nought of danger near} I have no wicked hook, All cover'd with a snaring bait, Alas ! to tempt thee to thy fate , And drag thee from the brook. O harmless tenant of the food : 1 do not wish to spill thy blood ; For nature unto thee , Perchance, hath giv*n a tender wife, And children dear to charm thy life, As she hath done for me. Enjoy thy streams, O harmless ssh ! And when an angler , for his dish , Through gluttony's vile sin , Attcmfit —a wretch—to /mil thee out, God give thee strength , 0 gentle trout ? To Jmil the rascal in. From the ( Missau) Royal Gazette. Prices Current at St. Eustatia. May 15, 1306. Good JVames —Very scarce—2oo w ill have quick sale at from 5 to 800 dol lars. Some honest gentlemen will en gage to take one monthly. Genuine Courage is worth from 8 to 14 dollars a gill. A quantity for ex portation will be wanted. At St. Kitts it will command any price, as the quantum they had there evaporated and went off in a strange way on the appearance of the Rochefort squadron. Honor and Honesty —of no value. False Oaths in demand , say 2s. each. Self Consequence, we are over stock with. Hos/iitality , much wanted. At one of the neighboring islands (St. Kitt’s) it is scarcely known. Promises —Dog cheap. Performances —Very scarce. Credit —Died last Wednesday. Merit —No recommendation. Gratitude —Quite out of fashion. Duplicity —Much in vogue. JJypocricy —We are glutted with. ANECDOTES. A NEW WAY TO PAY OLD DEBTS. The criminal executioner, common ly called Jack Ketch , was lately sum moned to the court of request by the landlord of a public house in the Old Bailey, for a beer score; and on being asked how he could pay it, the fellow sc rat lied his head and replied, thatAu sincss was very bad of late, they hav ing sent so money of his customers to Botany Bay ; and really he could not say how lie could pay it: but if so be as how the gentleman pleased, he had no objection to work it out for him or any of las family. On a passage to Jamaica, a boy who was amusing himself with a fife, sitt ing on the gun-wale, by a sudden roll ©1 the ship fell overboard, and was di rectly swallowed by a shark : A hook was immediately baited with a piece of beef, and thrown over the stern, which was seized by the shark, and he was presently hauled on board. On opening him the boy was found snugly seated between two ribs, and uncon cerned, playing a tune on his fife !! A Clergyman remarkable for preach ing many Sundays from one text had nearly run through the year from these words, Simon's wife’s mother lay sick of a fever. The church bell tolled early one morning. Mr. Minister dispatch ed a servant to enquire who was dead. The Sexton pretended ignorance, but returned for answer, “ That he believ ed it was Simon’s wife's mother , as she had been sick for a long time.” LOST, ON Saturday the 19th instant, be tween Mr. Willborns and Little River, on the road leading from Augus ta, to Washington, a Red Morocco pocket book , containing suqdry letters, among them, one to Governor Milledge, and one to George F. Randolph, likewise two notes ! of hand, given by Chatten D. Scrog gins to Claudius Magnan, with sundry other papers—any person leaving the same at Col. Willis’s in Washington, or at this office, shall be generously rewarded. Julv 26. 1— 7 T NOTICE. A have commenced the collection of the Road & Well Tax, for the present year, agreeably to an Ordinance passed the 21st of May last, and shall continue to collect until the first of September next. made on or before the time specified, the disagreeable consequences of de fault, ten per cent, additional execu tions, capias’s, kc. must immediately ensue. ABSALOM RHODES, Collector . August 2. 2 Administrator's sale . A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND, Will be Sold, On the first Tuesday in October next, at the Court-house in Columbia county, to the highest bidder : r I ’WO hundred and ninety Acres of A Land, be the same more or less, which said tract ojf land being a part of the real estate of David Perryman, dec. lying on the Great Kiokee creek, near the Court-house, adjoining Col. John Appling, and others—one hundred acres of said land is now in cultiva tion, with a good mill t! eieon, and a good spring, with a thriving Apple Or chard—The terms will be made known on the day of Sale. Elisha Ferryman , Adm’r. July 26. l__ Executor's Sales . On Saturday the 13 ih of Sr fit ember next , at he lute residence of Dixon Perry, man. dec. pa+t of the fn estate of said deceased. TWO negroes, Sam and Mourning, two guns, a Vv atch, a set of Sur veyor’s lustrum .-us, and other articles too tedious to mention, will be sold to the highest bidder—Terms of sale, made known on the day of sale. David Stanford, ) , Elisha Perryman, \ rs ‘ Columbia County, > July 26, ISO 6. 5 Administrator'’s sale. On Saturday the 1 2th of September next, at the late residence of Dixon Perry man, dec. Will be Sold, r whole of the personal estate A- of Jeremiah Perryman, deceased: To wit, one negro man, two horses, one set BLck Smiths tools, two guns, and one hand saw—'l'erms of sale, made known on the day of sale. Elisha Ferryman, Adm’r. July 26. 1 ALL persons indebted to the estate of the* late Dixon Perryman, «>f the county of Columbia, are desireu to come forward and make payment— those who have claims against said es tate, will forward them within the time prescribed by law for paymt t. David Stanford, } Elisha Ferryman, 5 X rS * July 26. 1 GEORGIA, Richmond County. AT a meeting of the Honorable the Inferior Court, on Monday the 7th Ju ly, 1806. Present —John Course, John Willson, John Catlett, Esquires Justices. ON the application of William But ler, stating that he is confined in the custody of the Sheriff, under a bail writ, issued at the suit of Michael and John Conrad, 8c Co. and that be is un able to pay the debt or give bail for the same, and praying the benefit of the act passed for the relief of insolvent debtors. ORDERED, That the said William Butler notify his creditors either in per son or by giving sixty days notice in the Augusta Chronicle and Columbian Centinel, previous to the first Monday in October next, at which time an ex amination will be had, and a discharge granted, if no cause is shewn to the contrary ; and the Sheriff is hereby commanded to have the body of the said William Butler before us, at 11 j o’clock, at the Court-house, on the said first Monday in October next. Taken from the Minutes. MATTHEW FOX, CVk. July 12. . 55 BLANK SHERIFFS TITLES F#r Satie at this Office. FOR SALE. | A YOUNG and likely coun try born Negro Woman, she is a good cook, washer, and ironer, and sold for no fault but want of employment....En quire at this office. July 19. 56 NOTICE. ALL persons having any bu siness with Capt. John B. Barnes, will please call on the subscribers. Nicholas Ware, Attonves, for James Beggs, eapt ' Barnes - July 19. TO RENT. THE BRICK HOUSE at present occupied by Doctor Harris Possession of which may be had on the first day of October. William Kennedy. August 2. 2 NOTICE. THE Co-partnership of Geo: Smith Houston and Jacques Cortelyou, trading under the firm ®f George S. Houston, is? Co. expired on the 13th inst. All persons having any demands against said firm, are desired to pre sent them for settlement, and those in debted said firm, are desired to make immediate payment to Geo: Smith Houston, who has taken Frederick Stoy, from Philadelphia, in Co-partnership with him, and Will continue to carry on the Clock and Watch making busi ness, in all its various branches, at the usual place, under the firm of GEO: S. HOUSTON, tfCo. , From Mr. F. Stoy’s talents as an arti ■ zan, having been accustomed to man ufacture and repair, repeating, hori zontal, patent and plain Watches and | Clocks, the subscriber hopes to merit continuance of past favors, which it will be the ambition of their united at tention to merit. Those Time Keep ers which have been rectified, correct ed or repaired, at said shop, and which have not performed satisfactorily, shall be amended to the best of our skill. Geo: S. Houston. May 24, 1806. 4g Fractional Surveys , FOR SALE. WE the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature to sell and dispose of the Fractional Surveys, of the counties, of Wilkinson, Baldwin I and Wayne, do hereby give notice that the sales will commence on Wednes day the 27th of August next, and con tinue from day to day, in the following manner, until the whole are sold. WILKINSON. Those of the iirst district, on the 27th of August next, and continue from clay to day, Sundays excepted, until the 2d of September inclusive. | Those of the 2d. district, on the 3d. of September, until the 6th inclusive. | Those of the 3d. district, on the Bth j of September, until the 10th inclusive, j Those of the 4th district, on the j 11th of September, until the 13th in clusive. Those of the sth district, on the 15th of September, until the 17th in clusive. BALDWIN. Those of the first district, on the 18th of September, until the 22d inclusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 23d of September, until the 30th inclusive. ; Those of the 3d district, on the Ist of October, until the 4th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, ®n the 6th of October, until the 9th inclusive. Those of the sth district, on the 10th of October, until the 16th inclu sive. WAYNE. Those of the first district, on the 17th of October, until the 24th in clusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 25th of October, until the 27tn inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the 28th of October, until the 31st inclusive. Tei ms of Sale. Os the purchasers bond, with appro ved personal security, for the amount of purchase money, will be required, in four equal, annual instalments, to be paid in gold or silver; the first pay ment to be made, twelve months after date, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. Moses Speer , 1 0 Reddick Simms, > i Patrick Jack, )?" Louisville, June 26, 1806. DOCT. BURKE, HAVING at length resolved, to make Augusta his future resi dence, informs the community, that he will resume the Practice. He lives in the large brick house, at the upper end of Broad-Street, belonging to the estate of Col. Watkins. July 26. (ts.) 1— Book Binding . THE Subscriber informs his friends and the pubiic, that he has re moved from the herald Printing-Of fice to the Office of the Columbian centinel, where orders in the line of his business will be thankfully received and duly attended to. Willlam Butler. July 19. 56 ADVERTISEMENT EXTRA. G. S. Houston, & Co? Respectfully inform the public that they have recently received from LEE’S PATENT AND Family Medicine WARE-HOUSE, NEW-YORK, an additional and Fresh Supply of those valu able Medicines, which, as annodynes, preven tions or cures of the diseases to which the hu man body is subject, either from imprudence, change of climate, accidents or natural causes, are unrivalled—in the words of an old physician on this subject, we may add, Experentia Docet— they having now been in general use through out the United States, for seven years pa**, and attended with general success, when used agreeable to the directions ; for, in the lan guage of Chesterfield, “ If ’tis worth while to use a thing, “ ’Tis worth while to use it right.” They are well known and attested to by nu merous certificates in our possession, as un parrallelled in the following diseases: Worms, Itch, Coughs & Colds Diseases of thet Asthma, Eyes, Consumption, Ringworms, Gout, Tetters, &c. Rheumatism, Inward weak- Sprains, nesses, Paisey, Nervious disor- Head Ache, ders, Tooth Ache, Ague Sc Fever, Corns, See. See. To those afflicted with nervous disorders, lowness of spirits, loss of appetite,indigestion, &c. kc. is recommended Hamilton's Grand Restorative. It is proved by long and extensive experience to be absolutely unparalleled in the cure of Nervous disoiders, Consumptions, Lowness of Spirits, Loss of Appetite, Impurity of Blood, Hysterical Affections, inward and Seminal Weakness, Flour albus (or whites) Barrenness, Violent cramp in the stomach and back, In digestion, Melancholy, Gout in the Stomach, Pains in the Limbs, Relaxations, involuntary Emissions, Impotency, &c. kc. Hamilton's Worm-Destroying Lozenges. Which have within four years past, cured upwards of one hundred and twenty thousand persons of both sexes, of every age and in e very situation, of various dangerous complaints arising irons worms and from obstructions or foulness in the stomach and bowels. Hamilton's Elixir; A sovereign remedy for colds, obstinate coughs asthmas, sore throats, and approaching consumptions.—They are particularly recom mended to parents who may have children afflicted with the Hooping Cough. The Anodyne Elixer, For the cure of every kind of head ache. The Damask Lip Salve , Is recommended (particularly to the ladies as an elegant and pleasant preparation) for chopped and sore lips, and every blemish and inconvenience occasioned by colds, lever, See. ! speedily restoring a beautiful rosy color and de-* : icate softness to the lips. The Gemtine Persian Lotion, Y Celebrated for preventing and removing blemishes of the face and skin of every kind, particularly freckles, pimples, pits after the small pox, kc. Gotland's real and genuine Lotion. Hahn's Anti-Bilious PUL , Are recommended for the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers. Restorative PovjderJor the Teeth Ip Gums . Dr. Hahn’s Genuine Eye-Water. A so\ ereign remedy for all diseases of the eyes, Tooth-Aide Drops. The only remedy yet discovered, which gives immediate and lasting relief in the most severe instances. The Sovereign Ointment Jor the Itch , Which is warranted an infkllible remedy in one application. Anderson's Pills, iPc. Hamilton’s Essence and Extract oj Mustard , Celebrated for the cure of the Gout,Rheu matism, Paisey, Sprains, Bruises, &c. A large and Fresh supply of the Indian Vegitable Specific , A safe, speedy, and pleasant cure for a cer tain dreadful disease—Prepared by Dr.Leraux. The above medicines sold only by appoint; ment of the sole Inventor and proprietor, at their Store, Broad-street, Augusta. January 11.