Columbian centinel. (Augusta, Ga.) 18??-????, October 18, 1806, Image 4

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POETICAL SELECTIONS. From the fN. T.J Commercial Advertiser. The following satirical song is re published from Mr. Fessenden’s “ Weekly Inspector.” In perusing it, the reader will recognise the well pointed wit of “Terrible Tractoration” and “ Democracy unveiled.” THE FOP. A 60N0 BY DR. CAUSTIC*. LORI), only look ! there goes a fop ? As nice a thing as e’er did hop, And dangle round a lady ! A dainty dapper bit of man, As fine as spangles on a fan, Or pincks Upon a May-day. See how it flaunts about, and stares, And how it ogles, winks, and stares, With painted cheeks so rosy 1 All essenc’d up with burgamot, Powder’d, Poma*tim’d, and what not, O, what a pretty posey 1 See round, and round, and round it skips, To twenty lovely ladyships, And chatters like a pie, Sir 1 It talks ns much as tho’ the brains Its little squashy head contains, Would till Musqueto’s eye, Sir. Now see it balance up to Sue, And now it tramps away to Prue, And now sets out to stalk a Mu met —the fiddle squeals; Grand as a turkey cock it feels, , With Miss KetUrah Gawkev 1 And nqvv with deary, down it squats, And chats and grins, and grins and chats, Like some baboon’s relation j And, bless us, look* what loving works ! One simpers, and the other smirks, All flummery and flirtation! I “ But,” quoth Tom Tawdry, “ mark how well “ Sir Fopling suits each dashing belle— “ Your rai'ing I’m afraid is “ The effect of disappointed spleen, *• Because the beau is formost seen “In favor'of the ladies.” He please the ladies! very good, Why then I would’nt if I could, So my spunk is; I’d let them sooner seek gallants From Afric’s coast, or that of France, Brisk Sans Culottes—or monkies. Amusements of Modern Young Men. Gaming, talking, swearing, drinking, Hunting, shooting, never thinking— Cha tering nonsense all day long, Humming half an opera song. Choosing baubles, rings, and jewels, Writing verses, fighting duels, Mincing words in conversation, Ridiculing a 1 the nation Admiring their own pretty faces, As if possessing aii the graces : Ant' tlv.i’ ;io bigger than a ox at, Peeping under each girl s hat. ■■i • *ip f* AMIABLE INSTANCE OF LIBERALITY. DURING the latter part <>t’ the A merican war, Captain (afterwards lord) Nelson had the command of a ship on that station, and took a schooner be longing to Plymouth (in America) a bout forty miles-from Boston, the Cap tain of which was put on shore to go to his home.’ Some time after he observ ed Nelson sailing up the Bay of Boston, and his prise at a short distance. The Captain of the schooner immediately fitted out a bout, put one or two sheep in, u;*i filled it with vegetables with which he sailed for Nelson, and on coin ing alongside threw the articles on the deck, and jumped on board, and desir ed Capt. Nelson to accept them, which he did, but observed to Captain Carver that he must have some motive for his kindness, and desired to know what it was ? Carver, with doubt and hesita tion, said he had. What is it? was replied; he answered, that he could scarcely expect it, but it was to return him his schooner again, it was his all. Nelson immediately wrote the following certificate, and gave it him : “ These- are to certify, that I took the schooner Harmony, Nathaniel Car ver, master, belonging to Plymouth; but on account of his good services, have given up his vessel again. Dated on hoard his Majesty’s ship, Albemarle, 17th of August, 1782. “ Boston Bay. HOR ATIO NELSON.” The above certificate is framed and glazed, and now hangs in a gentleman’s parlour at Boston. LIST OF DEFAULTERS, lii Columbia County, for the year 1806. Cafit. Whitcombs, District. JOHN KING Charles Fox Daniel Dubose Michael Shannon James Oats Isaac Rowe John M‘lnto'sh Charles Clanton Middleton Cone Jesse Bagel Cafit. Moors , District. James Reece Abraham Mosely Robert George Cafit. Avery's, District. Joseph Sharp Absolam Howard William Eurnest Patsey Welburn Robert Welburn Jane Luke Abraham Steed Cafit. Isaac Willingham's , District. Charles Franklin Cafit. Allen's , District. William Gordevvay Cafit. Wilkin's, District. Lewis Gregory Israel Blades Widow Tuder Henry Hayns Jarad Powns James Matthews Isham Powns DjVid Jones Archibald Walker Jonathan Gamron Michael Cosby Benj. Youngblood Cafit. Dranes, District. John Walker Ephm. Youngblood Win. Harrison Thomas Rivers John M‘Cny Lewis Loyd Patrick M*Swine Elias Jones Maconre Pallison Nathan Powell William Barden Jesse Lott James Williams Joseph Matthews Cafit. Lenungs, District. Thomas Few George 'Kir Egeller Howard John Hudnal John Nitkson William Short Benj. Svvtdson Daniel Phillips James Lock John Cobbs Julias Sea John Hieason Win. Walson Cafit, Langston's, District. Ruhu Rice Abraham Smith Moses Ivey Joel Robertson Richard liodo Jessee Baggett Stephen Baker James Allen Stephen Johnson Joseph Armstrong ! Mary Hodgin John Baker William Wilson Turner Ivt-y Cafit. Armstrong's, District. Nathan Jones Wiley Davis John Gordon James Bryant Drury Bishop James Layson Josiah Haregin James Mappin Elisha Brown John Mappin Clayborn Huskey Bui well Richards Nathan Beall ValtntineAdkerson Edward Walker Shepherd Hamsun Joseph Inglett Tetity JVFCoun ■ Lesle William Lingo George A. Brown John Sanby Cafit. John G. Willingham's, District. John Weimut Daniel Johnson John Farden Thomas W. Murrell^ Receiver of Tax Returns, for the Coun ty of Columbia, for 1806. October 4. 11 Ft actional Surveys , FOR SALE. T \ 7E the Commission! rs appointed \ V by the Legislature to sell and dispose of the Fractional Surveys, of .the counties, of Wilkinson, Baldwin and Wayne, do hereby give notice that the salts will commence on Wednes day the 27th of August next, and con tinue from day to day, in the following manner, until the whole are sold. BALDWIN. Those of the first district, on j the 18th of September, until the 22d inclusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 23d of September, until the 30th inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the Ist of October, until the 4th inclusive. Those of the 4th district, on the 6th of October, until the 9th inclusive. Those of the sth district, on the 10th of October, until the 16th inclu sive. WAYNE. Those of the first district, on the 17th of October, until the 24th in clusive. Those of the 2d district, on the 25th of October, until the 27tti inclusive. Those of the 3d district, on the 28th j of October, until the 31st inclusive. Terms of Sole. Os the purchasers bond, with appro ved personal security, for the amount of purchase money, will be required, in four equal, annual instalments, to be paid in gold or silver; the first pay ment to be made, twelve months after date, in addition to which a mortgage on the premises will be required. Moses Speer , J 0 Reddick Simms, > § 'I 4 Patrick Jack, ) ? Louisville, June 26, ISO 6. BLANK SHERIFFS TITLES For Sale at this Office. . 1 • ■ * AUGUSTA U SAVANNAH Line of Stages .. THE Augusta and Savannah line of Stages will be continued by the subscriber, who trusts his unremitting attention to the LINE, in endeavoring to render passengers safe and comfort able, will secure him a coutinuance of public patronage. He at the same time informs them that the STAGE OFFICE is removed from Ashton’s Tavern, to Mrs. LONGSTREET’S Boarding-House. LEWIS CALFREY. September 20. 9 FOR SALE, OR LEASE. On the first day of November next, will be offered to the highest bidder, either to sell or rent for three years , a Valuable Plantation ON the Uchee in Columbia County, adjoining the land of Tho- ; mas Gumming, Esq.—There is about j 160 acres cleared thereon, under a good ; fence, and nearly all frtsh land of the first quality—A considerable quantity of Corn and Fodder will be sold the same day on the premises. Philip Clayton. October 4. 11— Administratrix Sale . On the frst Tuesday in February next, in the town of Waynesborough , be tween the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock , Will be Sold, TWO lots in the town of Waynesborough, containing one acre each, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of John Dickson, dec. agree able to an order of the Honorable the Inferior Court of Burke county. Margaret Dixon, Adm’x. September 27. 10— Just Received, and Jor Sale at this^Office, CAREY’S FAMILY BIBLE, Jilegantlu printed on quarto, and bound ; in Morocco, containing ten maps and twenty historical engravings. ALSO, The much admired work, entitled , SIDNEY ON GOVERNMENT. Gentlemen who have never read this celebrated performance may form some idea of its intrinsic worth and im portance to our country, by perusing the following extract of a letter (to the editor,) from his Excellency thePresi , dent of the United States. Washington, Dec. 13, 1804. Sir, YOU ask my opinion on the sub ject of publishing the works of Alger , non Sidney. The world has so long and so generally sounded the praises of his “ discourses on government,” that it seems superfluous, and even pre sumptuous, for an individual to add his feeble breath to the gale. They art in truth a rich treasure of republican prin ciples, supported by copious and co gent arguments, and adorned with the finest flowers of science: It is probably the best elementary book of the principles of government , as founded in natural right, that has ever been published in any language.... Arid, it is much to be desired in such a government as ours, that it should be put into the hands of our youth, as soon as their minds are sufficiently matured for that branch of study. Should you proceed to the pub lication, be so good as to consider me a subscriber; and accept my saluta tions and assurances of great esteem and respect. TH: JEFFERSON. The Revd. Mr. Weems. October 4. 11 Book Binding. o THE Subscriber informs his friends and the pubiic, that he has re moved from the herald Printing-Of fice to the Office of the Columbian centinel, where orders in the line of his business will be thankfully received vnd duly attended to. William Butler. July 19. 56- >- for sale. That Valuable Plantation, LYING in Edgefield District, in South Carolina, sevta measured miles from the city of Augusta, con- . % taining between six and eight hundred acres—five hundred acres of which is prime taiable land , one hundred a'Crek of which is under good improvement; a peach orchard containing twelve or fouiteen hundred bearing peach trees ; a good gardeen ; a convenient two story dwelling house, and suitable out houses; twelve stables, all separate and conve nient, which will hold from two to six horses each, with an excellent well of wa ter in the yard. This plantation contains one of the Cherokee Ponds—lt bounds on the road leading from Augusta to Columbia, and the Five Notched road leads by the house which is now occupi ed by the subsci iber as a tavern. The situation is healthy Sc pleasant as a seat of retirement, and as a tavern inferior to none in the country. For terms ap ply to the subscriber living on the pre mises* CHRISTOPHER SHAW. October 11, 1806. 12 ~ NOTICE. NINE months after date applica tion will be made to the Inferior ! court of Burke county, for leave to sell , a tract of land belonging to the estate j Mackey Macnorrel, deceased, contain ing one hundred acres, lying on Savan nah river, 25 miles from Augusta ad joining Edward Ellaby. and others. FEELING FR¥ER> , JOHN FRYER, 5 Adm rs * October 11, 1806. • 6t 12 NOTICE. ALL persons having any demands againstt lie estate of Rebecca Smith, late of Columbia county dec. are requested to render them in within the time allowed by law, and all persons indebted to the same, to make imme diate payment. Thomas H. Flint , Ex’r. September 6, 1806. 7 SHERIFF’S SALE. On the Jirst Tuesday in November next, at the Court House in Wayneiboroiigh , Burke county , at the usual hours , W ill be Sold, A NEGRO Wench by the name of Hannah, taken as the proper ty of Samuel M‘Cormick, deceased, at the instance of Elias Ball. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in Baldwin County, second district, known by the number of three hundred and thirty four, lying on the waters of Crooked Creek, bounded North-East by lot N e * 344, North-West by lot N®. 335, South West by lot No. 333—taken as the pro perty of James Esther, at the instance of Isaiah Carter, and Allen Esther. ALSO, Three cows and calves, taken as the property of John Megomery, at the instance of Nathan Barr. Conditions of Sale, Cash. Gross Scruggs , S. B. C. October 4. 11— SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in December next , at the Court-house in Warren county at the usual hours , Will be Sold, ONE large bay mare, seized by execution on a mortgage from John M‘Kinzie in favor of Joshua Williams Conditions, Cash. J. Beall , 5. JV. C. September 13. 8— SHERIFF’S SALE. On the first Tuesday in Aovember next , at the Court House , in Warren county at the usual hours , Will be Sold, 178 ACRES of land lying m Rockvconifort, levied on as the proper ty of Hezekiah Williams, to satisfy an execution in favor of Jacob Castleberry. ALSO, 350 acres of land lying on the waters of Ogechee, Warren county, le ved on as the property of William Nance, to satisfy an execution in favor of William Harden, and others. Conditions Cash. Jeremiah, Beall , s. w. c. September 27, 1806. 10 Notice is hereby given, THAT after tbe expiration of nine months, from the date hereof, an application will be made for the divi sion of the estute of Elizabeth Chad wick, late of Richmond county dec. by the heirs of said dec. Thomas Everingham. July 12, 1806. 55