Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, September 13, 1856, Image 1

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15, F. WHITE & CO., Proprietors. VOLUME 1 €l)c €utl)bcvt Hcportcv IS PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY BY T. H. BYRD & R, H WHITE. Teims of Subscription The Ctitlibrrt Kupnrtcr Is pit’ liehud at TWO P()l.- I-AR* l per annum, in Advance; *ne Dollar for Six Months, and Sixty tits lor Three Months. In no case will an order for tin* paper he attend ▼•) to unless accouipaiiieti with the money, or a satisfac loty reference Rates of Advertising. General Advertisement* will he inserted at $1 per square of 1- lines or lea*. t'r tilt* tir-t insertion, and •i h>y Cents for ea h snhsequent insertion Professimia I Cards, not exceeding ten lines, will be inserted at fnO n year. Announcement of candidates for office $5, to be paid in advance .V nr rinses and Deaths inserted gra'uiiouslv. (f'V • Obituary Not ces and Tributes of Krspect, ckarg oil as alvertisemcuts when they exceed ten I ties. Articles and signed to promote pri vate or individual ill fcrests, or of a personal character, will be charged as advertisements Regulations of the Reporter. T utters and communications containing news from all quarters are respectfully solicited. No letter ore uiitiu nicalion will be inserted unless the name of ihe author accompanies it. • Ml oniniuuications must In* written on one side only of the paper, to insure tuseiiiou Lpgal Advertisements titles o! li.mds and .Negroes by Ailm inistrn b>rs. I..xecuiors or ( •nutilians, are required by W lo |m bold on tb liist Tuesday in ihe month, b’ lween the hours of ten in the forenoon, and three hi flio afternoon, at tin* Court House in l!u’ o unity in wli.e.h the properly is situated. Notices of these sales must he given in a pub lic gazelle forty days previous to sale day. Notices lor the sale nl personal property nuts* be given in like manner leu and ays previous to S lie and ty. Notices t< debtors and creditors of uti estate llilist he published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sei! Land or Ne gt'oes. must be published lor two mi mills (htaiiou* hr Celt- rs of Admn i'iraiion. (ioar diausliip. &c , must be published Ibirtv days— lor Ihsmi'.si'>ii from Aduiiuistr<ttinii, mo tidy, sx nun; th---f r L) is mission lV<nn <*uarliunship, forty and vs Ktiles for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly for four month:*; for esiablisb* itifT lost p;:pcrs f-r the lull space of’ three nmnibs ; for e.o.npidltu” iiib*s from Kxectitors or A dun ist rators. where bond lias been given by ilu* deceased, to be published the full space of iliree months l)umo vo us. If) oil want to see n black squall, look at a negro baby attacked with cholic. • The live great evils of life are said to be, standing collars,stove pipe hats, light bools, brut whiskey and cross women. What is the difference between a young Js:il and an old hat ? .Merely a difference of time—one has feeing and the other has felt An :ir.i -1 painted a cow and a cabbage so natural that they had to be separated the cow having commenced eating the cabbage. The phrase “fighting on his own hook,” is now m>'St elegantly rendered, “waging war upon the prudent individuality of his personal curve.” A country girl writing to her friends says of the polka, tint “ the dancin’ does not amount to much, but the huggiu’ is heavenly.” To succeed in the world, all that is necessary is a swee heart and ambition “We care not how lazy a man muy he, on ly fret him in love, aud lie’ll work like a beaver fed on beer. A young gentleman out west commit ted suicide in a novel manner last week, lie ate a pint of dried apples and then drank water until lie bnrsted. ‘I lie rash act was caused by his father forbidding him to grease his moustache with the but ter knife. “I say, Clem,” said one darkey to an other, “can yon told me why a nigger is never dead broke “No Ginger,’’ said Clem, “ I don't know ; and darefore drops de subject I without a spression.” “Well, dsn,’’ returned the other dar key, “I’ll tell you why a nigger is never broke—it’s bekase he always has a scent about him.” Fruit Jellies —Fruit jellies may be preserved from mouldiness, by covering the surface one-fourth ol an inch deep with finely pulverized loaf sugar. Thus protected they will keep in good condi tion for years. A Pickpocket Detector has been inven ted down East. It consists externally of a case, resembling that of a watch in size and shape- It has a fob chain or string, and is worn in the pocket like a watch Within the case is a bell and spring ham mer, the latter connected with the fob i chain. The supposition is, that the thief I wall suppose the fob chain to be attached ■ to a buna fide watch, and will accordingly I pull the chain in order to obtaiu the prize I But instead of getting the watch, the I watch gets him. The pull sounds the a | bell, the owner of the watch crabs I the rogue and the police ccr/jucts him to I limbo. CUTHBEBT REPORTER. illisccllaucous. From the Spirit of tile Time*. Kcmiiiiscnccsi of Sarcnif S. Pren tiss, of Mississippi. BY T. B. THOKI’E. . luihor of “ Tom Owen , I lie Bee Hunter.''’ The dentil of Sargeant S. Prentiss has called forth an universal feeling of sorrow; the consciousness that “a great man has fallen” is depicted upon the faces of the multitude. I he eloquent offerings to Ills virtues and to his genius that everywhere follow the news of his demise, are hut slight to kens of that sorrow that fills the heart of all who knew the gifted Prentiss. Hav ing known him long - , and having had fre quent occasions to witness exhibitions of his great mental powers, 1 cannot refrain from paying an imperfect tribute to his memory. i first met Mr. Prentiss when he was in the full maturity of his power, but 1 have the pleasure of knowing hundreds who were well acquainted with his early history and early triumphs. Volumes of interest might be written upon the life of Mr. Prentiss. And then his high sense of honor, his brave spirit, his nobleness of soul, his intense but commendable pride, his classical attainments, and his deep knowledge of the law, can scarcely be il lustrated, so universal and superior were his accomplishments and acquirements. in his early career, 1 consider Mr. Prent L-s both fortunate and unfortunate. I often imagined the shrinking but proud boy, living unnoticed and unknown among the wealthiest citizens of the south. Bu ried in the obscurity of his humble school, he looked out upon the busy world, and measured the mighty capacities of his own soul with those whom society had placed above him 1 think I see him brooding over his position, and longing to he free, as the suffocating man longs for flic bound less air of heaven. His hour of triumph came, and surpassed, perhaps, his own as pirations From the school-room he en tered that of the court—a chance offered —a position gained—the law his theme, lie ut onpft not only equalled, but noared even beyond the aim of the most favored of his compeers. The era was one of extravagance. The virgin soil of Mississippi was pouring inio ihe laps of her generous sons untold a bundunce There were thousands of her citizens, full of health and talent, who ad orned excesses of living by the tasteful procurements of wealth, and the highest accomplishments of mind. Jnto ibis world Prentiss entered, heralded by naught save nis own genius. The heirs of princely fortunes, the descendants of heroes, men of power and place, of family pride, of na tional associations, were not more proud, more gallant, thau was Prentiss, for “ he was reckoned among the noblest ltomaus of them all.” Each Slip in bis new fortune seemed only to elicit new qualities for admiration, i At the forum he dazzled—the jury and ! the judge were confounded —the crowd carried him to the stump, and the multi tude listened as to one inspired. Fair la dies vied with each other in waving tiny hands in token of admiration —the stolid •judges of the Supreme Court wondered at the mind of the apparent hoy —even the walls of Congress echoed forth paeans to his praise. His course was as rapid and brilliant as that of meteor that sud denly springs athwart the heavens, but he was human, and accomplished his task herculean as he was, at the price of an injured constitution. In personal appearance Prentiss was eminently handsome, aud yet eminently manly. Although of medium height, there was that in the carriage of his head that was astonishingly impppssiva T shall never forget him on one occasion, “ in ’44,"’ when he rose at a public meeting to reply to an antagonist worthy of his steel. Ilis whole soul was roused, his high smooth forehead fairly coruscated. lie remained silent for some seconds, and on ly looked. The bald eagle never glanced so fiercely frem his eyry. It seemed as if his deep blue eye would distend until it swallowed up the thousands of his audi ence. For an instant the effect was pain ful ; he saw it and smiled, when a cheer burst from the admiring multitude that fairly shook the earth His voice was clear and sweet, and could be heard at an immense distance, and yet, to be all like Demosthenes, he bad*a perceptible impediment in his -peech. Asa reader be had no superior. His narration was clear and unadorned, proper sentences were subduedly humor ous, but the impressive parts were deliv ered with an effect that reminded me of the elder Kean. His imagination was unsurpassed, and the rich stores of bis mind supplied him with nevor ending material, quoted and origiual. The slightest allusion to any thing gave him the key to peculiari ties—if he had occaeioo toTdlmle to the diamond, its bed in the Golconre, its dis covery by some poor native, its being as- CETIIHERT, Gl., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, ISr. sociated with commerce, its polish by the lapidary, its adorning the neck of beauty, its rays brilliant and serene, its birth, its life, its history, all Hashed upon him. So with every idea in the vast storehouse of his mind- lie seemed to know all things in mass and in particulars, never confused, never at a loss—the hearer listened, won dered, and dreamed. Thoughts of mo ment came forth as demanded, but thous and other thoughts, rare and beautiful, continued to bubble up, after all effort ceased. No man had a. more delicate or subtle wit than Prentiss, or a more Falstuffian humor when it suited his purpose Who will ever forget the spending of a social dinner hour with him, when his health was high and his mind at ease ? Who so lovely ?—whoso refined ? What delight was exhibited by sweet ladies who listen ed to his words ! Who could so eloquen tly discourse of roses and buds, of lilies and pearls, of eyes and graces, of robes and angels, and yet never offend the most sensitive of the sex, or call other than the blush of pleasure and joy to the cheek ‘!— Who could, on the “ public day,” ascend so gracefully from the associations of tar iffs, and banks, and cotton, and sugar, to greet the fair ladies that honored him with their presence? How he would lean to ward them, as he dwelt upon “the blessed of all God’s handiwork,” compared their bright eyes to “day-stars” that lit up the dark recesses of his own clouded imagina tion ; and how he would revel, like an other Puck, among the rays and beams of smiles called forth by his own happy com pliments —and how lie would change from all this, and in an instant seemingly arm himself with the tliiind.rbolts of Jove, which he would dash with appmlling sound among his antagonists, or at prin ciples he opposed, and yet with such a charm, with such a manner, that these very daughters of the sunny South, who had listened to his syren-song so admir ingly, would now stare, and wonder, and pallor, and yet listen, even as one gazes over the precipice, and is fucinatcd at the very nearness of destruction. Prentiss had originally a constitution of iron ; his frame was so pc feet in its avion, Unit, in spite of the must, ev traordinary negligence of health, his mus cles had all the compactness, glossiness, and distinctiveness of one who had speci ally trained by diet and exercise. It was this constitution that enabled him to ac coni]dish so much in so short a time. He could almost wholly discard sleep for weeks, with apparent impunity ; he could eat or starve ; do anything that would kill ordinary men, yet never feel a twinge of pain, 1 saw him once amidst a tre mendous political excitement; he had been talking, arguing, dining, visiting, and traveling, without rest, for three whole days. His companions would steal away at times for sleep, but Prentiss was like an ever busy spirit, here, and there, and everywhere. The morning of the fourth day came, and he was to appear liefore an audience familiar with his fame, but one that had never heard him speak ; an audience critical in the last degree. He desired to succeed, for more was depend ing than ho had ever before had cause to stake upon such an occasion. Many felt a fear that he would be unprepared. 1 mingled in the expecting crowd ; I saw ladies who had never honored the stump with their presence struggling for seats, counselors, statesmen, and professional men, the elite of a great city, were gath ered together An hour before I had seen Prentiss, still apparently ignorant of his engagement. The time of trial came, and the remark able man presented himself, the very pic ture of buoyant health, of unbroken rest. All this had been done by the unyielding resolve of his will —his triumph was com plete ; highwrought expectations were more than realized, prejudice was demol ished, professional jealousy silenced, and be descended Irotn the rostrum, freely ac-1 corded his proper place among the orators and statesmen of the “Southern Metropo lis.” Mr. Clay visited the Sonth in the fail of ’44, and, as he was then a candidiste for the Presidency, he attracted in New Orleans, if possible, more than usual no tice His hotel was the St Charles ; to ward noon he reached that magnificent palace. The streets presented a vast o cean of heads, and every building com manding a view was literally covered with human beings. The great “Statesman of the West” presented himself to the mul titude between the tall columns of the fin est portico in the world. The scene was beyond description, and of vast interest. As the crowd swayed to and fro, a uni versal shout was raised for Mr. Clay to speak ; he nttered a sentence or two, waved his hand in adieu, and escaped a midst the prevailing confusion. I’rentiss meanwhile was at a side window, evident ly unconcious of being himself noticed, gazing upon what was passing with all the delight of the humblest spectator. — Suddenly his name was announced. He attempted to withdraw from public gaze, but his friends pushed him forward. A- NO PROSCRIPTION FOR OPINIONS’ SAKE. gain his name was shouted, hats and caps were thrown in the air, and he was totally compel'ed to show himself on the portico. With remarkable delicacy, ho chose a less prominent place than that previously oc cupied by Mr. Clay, although perfectly visible, lie thanked his friends for their kindness by repeated bows, and by such smiles as he alone could give. “A speech! A speech !” thundered a thousand voices. Prentiss lifted hits hand ; in an instant everything vus still—then pointing to the group that surrounded Mr. Clay, he said, “Fellow-citizens, when the eagle is soar ing in the skv, the owls and the bats re tire to their holes.” And long before the shout that lolloved this remark had eeas cd, Prentiss had disappeared amid the multitude. But the most extraordintuy exhibition of Prentiss’ powers of mind and endurance of body, was shown while lie was running for Congress, lie had the whole State to canvass, and the magnitude of the woik was just vliat he desired. From what 1 have learned from anecdotes, that canvass must have presented some seeues combining the highest mental and physi cal exertion that was ever witnessed in the world. Prentiss was in perfect health and in the first blush of success, and it cannot be doubted but that his best ef forts of oratory were then made, and now live recorded only in the fading memories of his hearers. An incident illustrative of the time is remembered, that may bear repeating. The whole State of Mississippi was alive with excitement ; tor the moment she felt that her sovereign digni y had been trifled with, and that her reputation demanded the return of l’reutiss to Con gress. Crowds followed him from place to place, making a gala time of gether. Among the shrewd worldlings who take advantage of such times “to coin money,” was the proprietor of a traveling menagerie, and he soon found out that the multitude followed Prentiss. Getting tho list of that remarkable man’s “ np pointments,” he filled up his own, and it was soon noticed ns a remarkable coinci dence, that the orator always “ arrived along with the other lions ’’ The reason of tins meeting was discovered, and the “hoys’’ decided that Prentiss should next time speak from the top of the lion’s cage. Never was the menagerie more crowded. At the proper time, the candidate grati fied his constituents, and mounted his sin gular rostrum 1 was told by a person who professed to be an eye witness, that the whole affair presented a singular mix ture of the terrible and the comical.— Prentiss was, as usual, eloquent, and, as if ignorant of the novel circumstances with which be was surrounded, went deep ly into the matter in hand, his election For a while the audience and the animals were quiet, the former listening, the lat ter eyeing the speaker with grave intensi ty. The first burst of applause electrified the menagerie ; the elephant threw his trunk into the air and echoed back the noise, while the tigers and bears signifi cantly growled. On went Prentiss, and as each peculiar animal vented Lis rage or approbation, he ingeniously wrought in its habits, as a sac simile of some man or passion. lii the meanwhile, the stately king of beasts, who had been quietly treading the mazes of his prison, became alarmed at the footsteps over his head, and placing his mouth upon the floor of his cage, made everything shake with his terrible roar. This, joined with the already ex cited feelings of the audience, caused the ladies to shriek, and a fearful commotion for a moment followed. Prentiss, equal to every occasion, changed his tone and manner ; he commenced a playful strain, and introduced the fox, the jackal, and hyena, and capped the climax by likening some well known political opponent to a grave baboon tliat presided over the “|cage with monkeys;” the resemblance was instantly recognized, and bursts of laughter followed that literally set many into convulsions. The baboon, ull uncon scious of the attention he was attracting, suddenly assumed a grimace, and then a serious face, when Prentiss exclaimed— “ I see, my fine fellow, that your feelings are hurt by my unjust comparison, and I humbly beg your pardon.” The effect of all this may be vaguely imagined, but it j cannot be described. Os Prentiss’ power before a jury, too* much cannot be said. Innumerable il- j lustrations might be gathered up, showing that he any living advocate j “ The trial’of the Wilkinsons’’ might be cited, although it was far from being one j of his best efforts Two youug men, on - j ly sons, and deeply attached as friends, i quarreled, and in the mad exciterneut of j the moment, one of them was killed.— Upon the trial, the testimony of the mo- | ther of the deceased was so direct, that it seemed to render “ the clearing of the j prisoner” hopeless- Prentiss spoke to ; the witness in the blandest manner and | most courtly style. The mother, arrayed in weeds, and bowed down with sorrow,! turned toward Prentiss and auswered his inquiries with all the dignity of a perfect- 1 ly accomplished lady—she calmly uttered the truth, and every word she spoke ren dered the defense apparently more hope less. “ Would you punish that young mun with death ?” asked Prentiss, pointing to the prisoner. The questioned looked, and answered : j “ lie has made me childless, let the law | take its course.” “ And would wringing his mother’s heart, and hurrying her gray hairs with sorrow into the grave, by rendering her childless, assuage your grief ?” AH present were dissolved in tears— even convulsive sobbing was heard in the court-room. ” No I” said the witness, with all the gushing tenderness of a mother— "No! 1 would not add a sorrow to her heart, nor that of her son.” Admissions in the evidence followed, and hopes were uttered for the prisoner’s acquittal, that changed tho whole charac ter of the testimony. What was a few moments before so dark, grew light, and without, the slightest act that might be construed into ;m unfair advantage, in the hands of Prentiss, the witness pleaded for the uccused. Soon after Mr. Prentiss settled in New Orleans, a meeting was held to raise funds for the erection of a suitable monument to Franklin. On that occasion, the lament led Wilde and the accomplished McCuleb delivered ornate and chaste addresses up on the value of art, arid the policy of en riching New Orleans with its exhibition. At the dose of the meeting, as the audi ence rose to depart, someone discovered Prentiss, and nailing his name, it was och ! oed from all sides—he tried to escape, , but was literally carried on the stand. Asa rich specimen of off-hand elo quence, I think the address he delivered on that occasion was uiiequalcd- Unlike any other speech, he h and the arts to deal with, and of course the associations were iof surpassing splendor. I knew that he j was ignorant of the technicalities of art, | aud had paid but little attention to their | study, and my surprise was unbounded to see him, thus unexpectedly called upon, instantly arrange in his mind ideas, and expressing facts and illustrations that would Imve done honor to Darke; wncri dwelling upon the sublime and beautiful. Had he been bred to the easel, or confin ed to the sculptor’s room, lie could not have been more familiar with the details of the studio—he pointed with all the brilliancy of Titian, and with the correct ness of Raphael, while his images in mar ble combined the softness of Praxiteles, and the nervous energy of Michael An gelo. All this with Prentiss was intui tion—l believe that the whole was the spontaneous thought of the moment, the crude outlines that filled up by the intui tive teachings of his surpassing genius. His conclusion was gorgeous—he passed Napoleon to the summit of the Alps—his hearers saw him and his steel clad war riors threading the snows of Mount St. Bernard, and having gained the dizzy height, Prentiss presented “the man of destiny” looking down upon the sunny plains of Ituly, and then with a mighty swoop, descending from the clouds and making the grasp of Empire secondary to that of Art I bad the melancholy pleasure of hear ing his last, and, it would seem to me, his greatest speech, Toward the close of the last Presidential campaign, I found him in the interior of the State, endeav oring to recruit his declining health. He had been obliged to avoid all public speaking, aud had gone far into the coun try to get away from excitement. But there was a ‘‘gathering’’ near by his temporary home, and he consented to be present. It w r as late in the evening when he ascended the “stand,’’ which was supported by the trunks of two mngnifi cent, trees, through which the setting sun | poured with picturesque effect. The rav ages of ill-health were apparent upon his face, and Ins high massive forehead was ipaler, and seemingly more transparent i than usual. His audience, some three or ’ four hundred, was composed in a large | degree of his old aud early friends. He seemed to feel deeply, and as there was ! nothing to oppose, ho assumed the style of the mild and beautiful —he casually | alluded to the days of his early coming j among his Southern friends—of hours of 1 pleasure he had passed, and of hopes for \ the future. In a few moments the bustle and confusion natural to a fatiguing day j of political wrangling ceased—one strag -1 gler after another suspended his noisy de ! moustration, and gathered near the speak er. Soon a mass of silent but heart heav ing humanity was crowded compactly be fore him. Had Prentiss on that occasion held the very heart-strings of’his auditors in his hand, he could not have had them more in his powar. For an hour he con tinued, rising from one important subject to another, until the breath was fairly suspended in the excitement. An unin lerested spectator would have supposed that he had used sorcery in thus transfix ing his auditors. Wbile all others forgot, he noticed the day was drawing to a close, BYRD & WHITE, Publisher*. he turned and looked toward the sett ng sun and apostrophized its fading glory— then in his most touching voice and man ner, eonclndcd as follows : “ Friends—That glorious orb reminds me that the day is spent, and that I too must dose. Ere we part, let me hope that it may be our good fortune to end our days in the same splendor, and when the evening of life comes, we may sink to rest wi h the clouds that close in on our departure, gold-tipped with the glorious effulgotce of a well spent* life 1” In conclusion, I would ask, will some htst.oi'ftm, who can sympathize with the noble dead, gather up the now fleeting memorials that still live in memory, and combine them together, that future gene rations may know something of the mighty mind of Prentiss. The remains of the orator must ever bo imperfect—the tone of voice—the flash ing eye—the occasion, and the mighty shout of die multitude, cannot be im pressed ; but. still Prentiss has left enough in his brilliant, onroor, if treasured up, to show posterity that he was every inch a man. Let his fragmentary printed speech es—let the reminiscences of his friends that treat of his power as an orator, be brought together, and unsatisfactory as they may be, there will be found left in trinsic value enough to accomplish the ob ject. There will be in the fluted column, though shattered and defaced, an lonian beauty that will tell unerringly of the magnificent temple that it once adorned. Baton Rouge, July 9, 1850. Model ICqiM-st liiinisni. A correspondent of Life Illustrated, gives the following as a portion of the ex perience of a cadet at West Point : “When I came back from my fnrlongh my class had ridden for a year I only for a week or two. Nothing daunted, how ever, by this, and blindly trusting to for tune, and my own powers, I buckled on a pair rusty spurs, bound myself securely to an enormous sabre w ith a ponderous iron scabbard and sallied forth. A drac on brought me a rawboned, vicious-looking animal, which, after some preliminary difficulties, I succeeded in mounting. “ ‘ l’rot !’ Horse started— so and and 1, half <iff iny saddle I had never been taught to keep my heels turned well out, and accordingly my spurs went in.— Horse ‘ went in’ too Motion peculiar Began to suspect 1 was losing my balance. Sabre flew out and hit the horse on the head. In plunged my spurs deep among his ribs. Another jump. Sabre flew back and hit him on the flanks. Spurs worked convulsively among his bones— jump, thump, spur ! Horse reared ; seiz ed Ids mane ; kicked up ; caught his ears and saved myself It began to grow ex citing. Finally, horse started off. Such a race ? Pulling on the mane had no tendency to cheek his mad career. Ra ther seemed to irritate him. Had a good hold with the spurs, but did not consider myself perfectly safe. Sabre flew up and hit me in the face. Blind for a moment, and heard something drop. Looked up into the saddle and saw I was not there. Concluded it must be me on the ground. Horse standing near eating grass aud looking at me with a quiet twinkle in his eye, adding insult to injury.’’ Influence of a Newspaper. A school teacher who has been engag ed a long time in his profession and wit nessed the influence of a good newspaper upon the minds of a family of children, writes to the editor of the Ogdensburg Sentinel ao follows I I have found it to be a universal fact, without exception, that those scholars of both sexes, and of all ages, who have ac cess to newspapers at home, when com pared to those who have not, are— 1. Better readers, excelling in pronun ciation and emphasis, and consequently read more uderstandinglv. 2. They aie better spellers, and define words with more ease and accurency. 3. They obtain a practical knowledge of geography, and in almost half the time it requires others, U3 the newspaper ha made them familiar with the location of the important places, nations, their gov ernments and doings on the globe. 4 They are better grammarians, for having become so famliar with every var rictv of style in the newspaper, from the common place advertisment to the finish ed and classical oration of the statesman, they more readly comprehend the mean ing of the ‘ext, and consequently analyze its construction with accuracy. 5. They write better compositsone. using better language, containing more clearly and correctly expressed ideas. 6. Those young men who have for years been readers of newspapers, are al ways talking the lead in the debating so ciety, exhibiting a more extensive knowl edge upon a greater variety of subjects, and expiessing their views with greater fluency and clearness in their use of lan guage. “Do you drink ha 1 in Ann vica V ask ed a cockney. ‘Hail, u w dr ok thunder and lightning,” 6aid the Yankee. NUMBER 5.