Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, September 23, 1856, Image 1
I?, F. WHITE Ct>., Proprietors voi.u vs i: i. £f)e £ut!)bcvt Uepovtcr PUBLISHED fcVERY TUESDAY BY T. H. BYRD & R IT. WHITE. Teims of Subscription The Ulllhberl R*pmH*r is pn Hs.'umJ al DOT.- LAR-* jmm annum, in nMvitiure ; 1 ‘m* Dollar-for Six Months and Sixty C fttft tor Three Month#. ft*/ 9 In no ca*o will an artier f* r tin* paper In? attend ed tniinleM hccoiiipanted with the moniy, or a satisfac to.y relereitce Kates of Advertising. General Atlwriun Mien'# w ill lie inserted at $1 per tqnare of I*J lutes or Iww for ft first insertion, and t iijr <>m* f**r earli taha |ii*iit ihetTtuut J'lofessiona i I’auH, nol ex e ten lines, will be Imonted at S.O ; year. AiniMiiiiccintriii of camltJate# Tor office Jo, to be p;td in adv.ttin* .Varrinee# unit Dead is inseried zraniiously. {ft Uhuuarv Nm an and Tiihuft-n ..f licepert, cl VS* el a# advn iieenie'iiis wh u they ♦ xceed ten-lu es. \r:ielc dsi pied to pioiMoie pi i vitt? or indivnftinl in i( res #, “fid a p, will le oh a<l\tril> tin t<l> - - * ■— ■■ - ;•", “ TT'- Lpgal Advertisements. Sn!i*i of litiurfs and ly AfJminiFtrn tors. i .xi. ruitor** or (Junfilia an, *l l o fi*(jiirt*ci Ly liw to h- lit*!i| uiih'&fKt Tnertihiy in the month. *b *DVi*oi tlu* hours of ten in the Orreinu n, ami tu*i* hi tin* i fierii .nm. at the Court House ill ill* nullity tu \vh oh tlo? property •; Hituirted. Nidtnes il tiu ” sif’.ea must l>* given in h pub lic ifa/ett** forty day-* previous to Kflcutay. Noitci* for iiu* >ah* oi p'T' jiropei'V be njv.u, ia lik* lUiwncr Uu d-<y.*< pttvioijs to * I day. Noin-.n t dubtnre hin! crecHtofs of an e*’ore Qint ho puh| alirti 1.u1 ; .’ <l:iy*. Notice that app'in.ilimi will he made to the Court if Otdiiimy f.rlenvn to gel 1 Land or Ne #me<, must lf jynbliahfd for two m nths * Citation* f r Letb rs* !’ \dmn t*?raii"ti, Gu-r ->li.4i**h)p. , must bn puliitdmd Unity (lavs— for DntnisM u from AdminiMrdtion, mo lit v, s x month f*r Uwmisiiion from Gnurdiunthip, forty iLy , t Kulo.s for forncloaurn of Mortgage truiet be puiili hoti iimutlUv for tur imdiUis lor il>Uj*h iug Jut pf-r the lull >uace ol -three m.mills: fir nompelling iitl*s from Lxnentors nr \dmrui)>fratoie. vvhore bond has been :vn hv the d‘*niMsti*l. to b- published the full sp u-e of ihreo months. (Original. IVlinen *->r the Reporter. A hs<!m. Twilight was deepening into night.— U|m the r.K'irc >ky w re set the golden gems of I leaver., the sweet song-ter* 1. 1 nil retired t” flic v owr. little homes, and the m.w ; e of the trees, ns their brandies (.waveddo.and fro, war. le rue to me upon the cleat air-, as, seated at u.y window, I pi zed upon t lie scone. As T sat .iiere wrapped in thought, a being robed hi white with a tiara of di m mds upon her brow, rose from tlw moss chui earth ; her eyes of the deepest blue, w ere bent upon me, and in a voice as gerl tln as the sigh r 1? a outli wind, she said, “Mortal, wonldst thouTcnow !sow to meet the world's frown nnmovod ? Wonldst thou hear in thy momenta of sorrow a voice of melody and love ? Wonldst tirou, when ti.y strengtl. faileth, have t. over to walk -amid dangers ?. Wonldst thou, when thine eye is dim, behold be fore thee a land of beauty and a shining crowd ? Wonldst thou, when ti ou est the dark valley, have light and a guide? YY# last thou have inexhausti ble treasures, and a seat in thy Father's Kingdom ? With Milre I answered, “Angel vis itant, I would.” ( a-thignpon me a look of pleasure, she replied, “Then take me for thy companion and conductor, follow wherever I may lead, us v/ when thy path lies among deep ravines and craggy steep*, and the storm is around thee, as wuen through flowery vales and shady groves, thou umyest pass ” Desiring to cultivate the acquaintance of so lovely a being, 1 nquired her name She answered “Religion,” and waviug her hand, vanished. A slight noise which sounded like the tinkliug pf fairy bells roused me from my reverv Tiie moon had just emerged from her cloud-couch —the dew-raised foliage of the foiest lit by the magnificence of the Grmameut, sparkled eyen as the crown of royalty, as the voices of loved ones called me to come aud receive the “good night 1 ’ greeting. DELLEAX. Cuthbert, Sep. 10. A friend that you buy with presents ■will be bought from you. 'i; nißs?:gsT, ga m Tuesday, s:j, isr6. For the Reporter. Mr Editor:—l i ave somewhere read, that Satan, to secure more certainly his j dominion, places in every habitable -pot, a number of little emissaries to watch his cause, undo the work- of Christ, trails plant virtue, and give loose reins to vice, “here the voice of prayer is heard, here these little ministers for ewl, cluster, and with determination, industry and ready tact, even whisper temptations, well suited to each saint and mourner, to draw them back to sin Thus, as virtue prevails, the work requires g eater effort., and their number increases as the call demands ;■ but if vice lias the ascendency, t-atan’s cause is so well established that but few remain to protect and envourag it. Now Mr. Editor, how many of these little imps | ol destruction do you think are stationed iin ( uthberl 1 How many do you think arc needed here ? I)o you not suppose : Satan with all his cunning, is too wise to leave force where none is needed, while h s cause is thriving and so well establish ed in our midst ? Depend upon it, he has taken them from us lately, and they are swarming iike busy bees out at Shiloh Rohnbeth and those other churches where the’ souls of Christians are prospering and sinners arc awakened. Perhaps he lias left one. I think I can see that lonely one .now perched upon the Court-House root, a shrivelled miniature of his Satanic majesty, nodding to every passer by,— for why should he keep awake, when there is nothing for him to do, when sin stalks baldly, without fear, beneath ? From morn till i. ght he sleeps, and if by chance some noise should break his rest, his fien di-h laugh te'ls his delight es some aban doned drunkard staggers to his Home end imprecations echo and rc-echo through our streets, Wednesday and Thursday nights he tries to rouse himself as the chureh-uoing bill calls up a feeble baud to worship Qod ; but lie knows how few are gathered there, and in mocking delight he laughs a chuckling satisfied ha! ha! and again he gives himself to slumber.-- Did you ask if lie trembled on our Sab - balk] Alas! no. He hears the sound ol praise and prayer with lit tie or no alarm. He hears the gay laugh, the fri volous conversation—he sees the display, the ostentation and pride that often fill our sanctuaries He sees, too, the crowd that lounge in our streets, to while away the tedious hours of the holy Sabbath ; knows that though decencj has closed the front doors of his engines of destruction, the lack doors are open to welcome nil who can shake a penny from their col lapsed purses Arh I severe ? Tell me not of severity where the sovl is concerned ; while I .end from the lio!y word of God, “ no drunk ard shall inherit (lie Kingdom of Heav en while our very air is tainted with whiskey arid rain, and while I see the poor wretches in tatters lifted tenderly from tippling shops by the hands of their destroyers, and then wheeled off to a — Comfortless home, to worse than orphaned children, to a sed sad, aching heart Severe! A pen of flint , and ink of gall , would be fur jnr tpo mild. ‘ was among your first editorials, Mr. Editor, that you referred to the morals of oar village, and as I read, my soul was stirred within me to think so levely a was so polluted by sin. Nor were you forgetful of the “ ladies of Cuthbert,” and I I, as the representative of the eox. thun k ! you sincerely for espousing our cause so manfully. YVe have suffered some by having our husbands and children yield to ; the temptations of the town ; and those, of us who have been saved this affliction, | constantly feel a natural shrinking from a place where drinking establishments are so numerous. Our merchants suffer, too, for shopping is a dreaded task, and not a pleasure ; and often, often do we deny NO PROSCRIPTION FOR OPINIONS’ SAKE. ourselves articles which would be purchas ed were the town more atinetive. Now, Mr. Editor if you will but begin a work of reformation in onr midst, you will find rea ly helpers in the Indies and Cuthbert Br ng your sling ; tec w ill fill it with smooth pebbles Iron, a crystal brook, hn'rt them with a skillful hand, and il we have but David's fniii, Goliath mu>t fall. PliiListia will be vanquished, and then will onr maidens sing, King Al cohol has slain his thousands, but you have saved sad, bursting hearts , ten thousand tunes ten thousand pangs. PARTA. WriitHi f>r the Reporter Unveil the past in imagination, and lo> k back throu.h the brilliant vista of a few centuries, and see how our predeces sors advanced without the influence of that magical machinery, which Education has placed in our own favored hands.— Iho situation of this now bright and beautiful world, must have been gloomy amid its rude and uncivilized, illiterate condition. Scarcely a spark of intellect, which now shines so brilliantly in the countenances of tire inhabitants of this fair laud,, could he seen to illumine their faces. The most ignorant were the fe ma es, who now render .the world happier ami more refined—her de position being so loving and gentle, so pure, guileless and untainted with faults so common to mortality, that she wins the love of al! may kind by her amlabilty. and her virtue What wretchedness must prevail within the bosom of every thinking human being, where the pure fountain of Knowledge has never yet opened its sparkling and glittering gems into the hearts oi the fair, sex. As this vast Univer e has advanced in •Science, woman has become more and mere educated it is Imped she will con tinue to render the world happier and happier', by the brilliant; career she is now pursuing, until time is no more. It is true, the lot of woman has been deemed humble insignificant by the hemtless and thoughtless satirist; but whether sire possesses the intellectual power of the “ lords of creation” or not, who does not know her silent . rid resistless influence ? From home, man may rule, but at home, woman rides. In domestic life, woman’s authority is supreme ; and is it not here that some of the most valuable lessons are taught, which will lead to everlasting happiness? If the warning voice of an affectionate mother be heard and cherish ed, though her lovely form may be laid in the silent tomb, yet her words are remem bered usif spoken yesterday, and will ov er be the beacon-light to lend you onward and upward, to the glorious standard of all that is high, noble and great. It will make you boldly shake off the cold chains that binds your soul to earth, “ )nd up artd d* pari, To.lif#* Ariel to ft nr y, With an Cndiituiayed Jipftrt.’* When, in after years, you have become one of those of whom “ Fame speaks loud with her clarion voice in regal halls,” and each shaft of your lofty and sublime intellect is followed by the long, enthusi astic peals ot popular acclaim, sweet memoiies of that dear mother will come over the wearied soul like angel’s whis pers, calm its raging passions, and make it purer and better, and prepare it to fin’d a blissful home in the Heaven of the Righteous. Knowledge is indeed a tie between man and woman ; ignorance a barrier aud torment, ’therefore, if you wish to pro duce happiness around, educate women, and you will refine the world. Yes, make it an Elysium, such as were the shining fields ot the Ashfodel. Man may woo the bright and burning star of Fame, may bind around his brow the undying wreath of immortality—his wild and way ward heart may bow to none, not even to iis Maker, yet if woman be educated, she | will truly be his guardian angel,and will, j by kind words, lead him to place hia brightest and most radiant hopes on ano ther world, where the storm-clouds of s now never come, aud the peans of glo ry forever dwell. ELOISE. Cuthbert, Sept. 1856 Written for the Reporter. 1 rue Beauty. Much has been said aud written upon the beauty of the fair. The elegant form, the rosy cheek, the arched brow, the flashing eye, aud the glossy ringlets of the maiden, have .been described by the poet, and delineated by the pencil of the artist. They have formed topics of con versation in the private . circle, and fur nished a theme for the l OsM’um ; aud from the fact that Hiece attributes of the fe male have been so frequently spoken of by otlier poisons of every rank in society, un opinion has obtained to a very great ex tent, that they constitute the real beauty of the fair. A handsome person, decked in a drapery of the most beautiful and delicate texture, setting off tho figure to the best advantage, and vicing with the master piece of the world’s great artist, is thought by many to be the perfection of female beauty. There are thousands, too, with hoary hairs and time-honored brows, who yield to the opinion. But do these traits constitute the true beauty of t he female ? It must be admitted that there is some thing in the syfmnetrieaf form, the polish ed brow, the dimpled cheek, and the s! in ing tresses of the young girl, that please tiie eye and enchant the heart. But how soon do they perish. They fade like hues from the flower, when nipped by autum nal blasts. Con we adm.t that the female possesses nc higher charm, no more dura ble beauty than lira ? I lie true beauty o‘s tho female is Mind, i lie God of Nature has endowed Woman with an immortal mind, susceptible of tie highest culture, whose tires are destined to burn with hndimmed lu-.tre tinoujh in terminable ages. To the Mind—not to the exterior grucefe of the person-*-we are to 100,, for thp real charm of female cha racter. Ihe true beauty of YVoman, is tire beauty of intellect, with a cultivation, of the finer feedings of the heart, these united, constitute the character of one calculated to make all happy who may chance to fall within her sphere The sphere of Woman is home ; there she sways her sceptre, nd if she governs by kindness and affection, has the power to accomplish whatever she may desire, — YVe are sympathetic creatures, and when force or threats would have no power to move—but rather tend to aggravate kind looks and gentle smiles can melt the heart < f stone, and cause it to be su bordinate to the one that offers them Yes, the- electric soul is quickly charged with the same kind and gentle spirit—the same heavenly (ire burns npoti the altar of eafch heart, forming a unison of feeling and concert of action. Hence, the fe male who lias an amiable disposition, and well cultivated intellect, possesses a divine charm. When a man connects his fate in the most tender of earth’s alliances, with the , chosen maiden of his heart, a few fleeting months will pass happily. Beauty of per son will make up for other defineiences ; but when blasted, or become familiar, her so. icty v/i 1 lose much of its interests, and if he be intellectual, he will secretly re proach himself for his folly, in not look ing at the beauty of the ntiitd, instead of the beauty of person—ho will reproach himself for the hasty and indiscreet step by which lie has indissolubly connected his destiny with one who has nothing whatever to recommend her but outward charms. j Beauty of person, like magnificent’ scenery, loses its interest. The pleasure with which we gaze at first sight, is soon i BY HD & WHITE, rib!i*her*t followed by indifference ; aud if there be no beauty of mind on which the contem plation can rest, it is well if it is not fol lowed by a feeling of disgust. But where a homely looking maiden has improved her intellect ami her heart, tlioligli she may have no peculiar grace of person, she will never fail to be an object of intetest to him who has chosen her for his partner in life. Os course I mean if tiie man bo worthy of her, and capable of appreciat ing her worth. In sickness dr in health, in adversity or in prosperity, in the crowd or in thq privacy of domestic life, as a w ife or a mother, she will always carry with her an attractive charm. If this bo so, with what, untiring ussid uity should the female cultivate her mind YVith what eagerness should she press ulong tiie path of Science, and treasure up its imperishable stores. YVith what industry should she strive to improve her moral nature. Flow perseveringly should she cultivate the virtues that shall secure to their possessor a fadeless beunty. RINA EDO. Cuthbert, Gn., 1856. Advertise, Advertise. Nothing increases the business of A town more than advertising People look to the’ advertising columns of papers to see the importance of places where pub lished, and if they find then’ columns des tduto of advertisements, they very natu rally wime to the iconclbsion that the country is also destitute of business, and not of much importance Then, Plivsi eians Lawyers Merchants, Hotel Keep ers, Mechanics; etc., should advertise, not for the especial benefit of those engaged in publishing a newspaper, bnt for the benefit of all Advertise, that the im portance of our town may go abroad, in a proper light, and not present the ap pearance of being deprived of all kinds of business. It will cause numbers to visit it who < tlmrwise would not; and greatly increase it-: importance and business Co lossal fortunes have been acquired by ad vertising ; and tell us not, as some have whom we have approa hed ou the sub ject, that “it won’t pay —it is money ex pended for nothing.” If advertising does not pay, would like to know why it is that so many thousands are expended yearly in this way It dees pay—pays well —and no business can thrive without it. the merchant can never kow tho advantages of advertising until he tries it—tries it thoroughly— West Point Bea con. Cax do their own Kissing —Not a thousand miles from this village lives a very exacting landholder. He makes his tenants “ come to time” on the very day the rent comes due, and will only relax liis stern decrees when a handsome wo man is. in question. Not long sinco he called for his rent of a very worthy me chanic, who by the way, rejoices in the possession of a very pretty little wife.— The husband was not at home when Shy lock called, and he Was enchanted with the pretty little wife of the tenant. Shecoiild not liquidate the amount due ; but the landlord becoming really enamored, told her he would give her-a receipt in full for just one kiss. “Sir,” said she, boiling with indignation ; “myself and husband are very poor; but 1 tell you, sir, we're not so poor but that we can do our own kiss ing !” Ain’t that a glorious consolation for poor folks ? The hardened creditor rfiay take all their property, but can’t de prive them of the privilege of kissing.— Elmira Gazelle. A i.ast look.— There is a feeling that resembles death in the last glance we are ever to bestow on a loved object. The girl you have treasured in your secret heart, as she passes by on her wedding day, it may be happy and blissful, lifts up her laughing eyes the symlml of her own l'glit heart—and ‘eaves, jn that lo k darkness and desolation forever. Ihe boy your father-spirit has clung to like the light of your existence waves hi* hand from the quarter deck, as the gigantic ■ship bends over the breeze ; as tears have dimmed his eyes, for, mark—he moves his fingeie over them— and this is a Jgst look. ‘Go to thunder !’* is now rendered, thus : “Take your departure to the abode of the reverberating echoes &f artillery !” ft Ol fill IIS 6*