Newspaper Page Text
Hew Goods!
AUK now receiving nnd opening llicir stock
of FALL and \\ IM'lll
r wUiWj
Consisting in part of
Fancy Plaid and Plain Black Silks,
Cashmeres, Merinoes, ChaHies,
Figured and Solid DcLnincs,
Persians, Cinghams and Prints.
A large and beautiful assortment of
&&ES& &&&&&£$!&&
Their stock of CLOAKS, MANTILLAS
and SHAWLS, cannot bobcat in ibis market.
Swiss Jaconet and JVansonk .Muslins
Corded Checked and Clam White
Cambrics, Bleached Good v,
Linseyx Kerseys, Blankets,
Tickings <S 'c- Sc.,
AVOKSTED GOODS forG ntlem-n and Ib-yV
‘Wear, ill great variety. Olio of the largest anil
b. st selected stocks of
v er lefor<* exhibited in Cutliliert. Also, on
excellent assortment of
!sots SSsops,
Hats, Caps, Books'. Stationery. Hardware, Sad
dlery, Crock- t v,
They would my to the < itiz -tt- of Cntli!*rt
R nd -urroundiug country. tbl tber run and will
sell ilicm g nip’ a* cb up its at.V one t l-e.
O* Tile l.a li-s particularly are invited to cull
and examine tlteir Stock.
liuitertbc Brooks’ House.
Cutlibert, S pt. 2li-tf
failY winter
tjk’Kar receiving and opening one of the
v v mst desir *ble stocks . f FALL AND
WINTfiR GOODS tltal lias ever been ex.
bibbed in tins nr any n'biT m irket > , oitb of Mm
fin At Dixan’s line. The Stvlks Quami V and
ijoiv l 9 rici't
of I ttr cut re Stock speak fir tlic|nelvi:sn We
liave a largi* anti lioicw uj
-Foreign and American
Dry Goods,
comprising JCn ami
|-rn> nf fro n ijvJO to k7' ; ILiihUouh
WOKiSTLI) GOODS, f all lidOiO'i, :|M(] i.f
1 HCt •
*>J*r** UOOTtS
of every rpiali* v moi qmmtv. CALK ()
•froin ten cchl- up.
GitigliitniK, I>eLnines,
A l|nif ns, (.’uslimtT c ,
IMeriiioes, Blnck >ilk, Woolen Fluids,
Knilir>iiib tit s, Luces,
The IIIIIBONS we +. “ rmitmt be cipt dl-d
in tins comntry lor IHt’H N ESsi and BE \CI Y.
For once, die L dies can be amply sup|d,-d
ts ,i-,.i I <t 'fss(_ra v, SV9W ..if (V ’!
M swi-O. vs 4. is.
11.-W and i'resti from Fa- is
As to ‘ nr as sot Inn nt ■ I 11 u it till TV l -
num ittiil Sll*% w <‘ lujvh front SIM
lu .*, all diappi* ami c <!or.*> liiMt jitr
ItU*. so tint wt* iHti -nit it 11 t isles. I ittiii lint u.v
.•mti t° tli nook and urodost. Ain.
ii supply of VVliihf G*m*ln 11oiin*tpniijt f li- il
Ticking’ HU*;u ‘n*l *<t and ttrmvn
A xpieixlid urtmont nf
lltioik anti r >c,
I.adi <i . Morn nml Slippers, StAtr,, V*-
Kcrncvs, Rim ki ts, ami Linseyt*. IIATS
nnd C A 1*55 nf-every ►ltapo aid > *■.
llil.lill SLUE (LI)Tli!\S.
This, all jp ntlemen of taste are t < quest, and in
examine. Worm fit from boys of .mall statue
to men of the largest size.
Ha dware.Ctockeryj Jewelry,&n. We have
made op rial arrai cements with the Steamers
and Kail Koads, by which we can allow our
Goods to sell at a SIIOUT PltOF I I*.
College Street. 3d door below the I’. 0,
Cti'hUeri. Sept. 131 m
Mill; 111 PI. I VITUS.
Ware-house at Georgetown.
subscribers hereby in-9”
B form the citizens of Cloy.L *Jw
t Itandolpli and Stewart counties.
that they have taken charge
the well known
at Georgetown, and have put it in thorough and
* rome.lete repair for the reception of COT*
TON this season. They will keep constantly
on hand a supply of
which they will jell at the lwist m trket prices
Sl id attention paid i/> tip* recf*i\in? and for.
warding ot all Goods entrusted totheir cr.
O’ Liberal advances mad< on all Cotton in
From the past f-xperirnen of Mr. Riordan in
thi* bmdueiw. and h detnrminatio i on the part and
both to give they ask their friends
and the public to give a call.
Georgetown. Sept. 13-ts
Jtacon and Flour.
MITII &. LENNNARD are receiving from
Tennessee, .50,000 Pounds of Ba
con,of the best quality Also, ;t lot of
JBL> *-• *
Cuthbeit, Sept. C if
North East Cornet’ Public Square,
BEG leavo to call th? attention of the citi
zens of South Western Georgia to their
hick of
Furniture, S*i/nios, A'c.
They have no Hr added to their Slock, a largo
assort merit of
Gold tind Si/Vrr Watches Clocks Rich
Jewelry , Silver Ware. Silver
Plated (f are, tS*c £fcc.
Among the.r stock may he found Elegant
Gold Waclicn, f*r Ladies and GoMthmen ; Kle*
Cant Silver VVaic ics, virimis q.ialiti s ; Eight
Day and Thirty hour ('locks, h noisome Styles,
and warranted ; iitcli JEWELKY i.i great ta
ri tv ; Silver Sp .on*, Forks, Blitter Knives,
('ops. Acc ; Silver Plated Castors, Cake Baskets.
I 'aml!* sticks, &c.; Waiters. Spoons, Knives,
h or Us. Sic.
('oil in pa c t o f
Citaiis, Bedsteads, Tables, Bureaus,
yv nsh'tutids, Bieti Cluunbcr Setts,
Softs, Tetc a Teles, Wardrobes,
Centre laities, Book Cases, &e., &.
We liave n fine assortment of Cbickeriag’s
in Tyosewoml c.bsos of the newest styles, with a
good assortment of rich arid common .Mirrors,
W r iudow Shades, Matts, nnd ninny ol’ erartich s.
iI JT Watches and Jewelry rcpairedin the best
A Mvrtcu-*, Sept ] 3-4 m
Snbo rihers would inform WjSEj
m . liieir patrons ami the public gen- ‘SS
*• liy. lint t'iey wil* keep coust.uiily Hql
mi hand n very cxiensive assortment
of Gr ill’s BOOTS, and Lady’s Walking
Al-ftU. 2,000 pairs of NEGRO SHOESH
put up of the l.chi Cat ruigc and Wag
on IJarriess. doulilt and single. Repairing done
wiih despatch.
U.J* E.iroiots and Mhnr 1 * would do well to Call |
and ex inline mir inck before purchasing else- !
whore a* vv ai*- dt.lcruimcd to sell low fur c ash
or unproved pap or. GUI* E vSi CO.
(/Utiibcrt, \wg 10 if
C i r r a i<tir,g in A aiieiy.
rspEC I’FULLY informs the cilizes nf
“ Kaird'dph and tin* adjoining coinilteP,
dun in* t};ts loca'ed in Cutfihert, and is prepared
to tJ .iLi kinds ui
B'ir.Ts-ift shsjj®,
1 such as in !;ii• and r piiiing all doserijition” cf
G-.ii*, Pispds. Locks.Everyilimgdone in
lu> line will he at -tided t sii.f.ictorily anj
wnli d.*sjj .teh. Pairtiu.tge to hia cslublislinn.t
i> ■ e-peclJuliy *>!n il and.
il t i’**in#** cash t rjj
CII ill he rt. A -g. 1 B-ts
s3 EJC m’ r CB “ a e c - 9
C’PTII BE 111’, GA.
IGi II will faithfully execute
iJJ II hosmesu oiitrnstc 1 to his care,
1 v-an,J rt'.Tßjs himself, that if tho-e
who hav- dis’ iised I‘eetb, or wish Teeth insert
e<i. wili (.ill on him, he willfully silisfythun. hy
* <.-ei lenct* and ‘ tin i wise, that tlu-y need lint go
( i.NO\\ Lcre tu have tin ir wuru well done.
i * All vv-uk and no pay will be
tnpiired l sali kictioo is.not given.
i fOilire next door to the Post Office, or
second loo|* A\<hlot Webb’s Hotel.
Aug If> I v
“'.viiOM. ji. t*t;i ilAimy
vnninitKEß& jeweller,
(Cl II BERT, Ua,
Auar Hi !y
A <i T 8 C f. .
f. LL Exeixitors, Adaiinistrators and Guar
dims win* have not their annual re
turns mi my Dllice. for 1855. ure hereby notified
that mi leas they rile them on or before tin firs*
Mon ny mi Oct. her next, wind! he cut out of their
cumiussioiis, and will have executions issued
/ig it them for my coat-. This jOtli Scptem**
her. J. Lt. Ll;NN.\ftD, Ordinary.
k Sept. 10-ot
JUxecutors’s Sale.
A <3 R I.EABLY to mi Oriier of thu Court of
A O.dmary of Komlolph CimiiilJ', wiJlbi* sold
~0 ilm first Tu pkl 1 y in Novconber noxi, nt Crilb
bort in s iid I'oomy, tbe PLANTATION arid
p iHiH wino i on McKeen Cook, bito of skid conn,
tv. der./i-md, livi-d. .bn Mntntion is valuable,
lying in ibe Ninth District of said enmity. The
other place is healthy and well improved.
Terms inado known on tbe and iy of sale,
lIENIIY A COOK, Executor
A ntr. *2d ids
ill o lice
IS hereby given to all concerned, that I shall
apply tome Hondtable Court of Ordinary
of R.tmhfph county, at the next December term,
for leave to si-11 Lot of Land i\o IS4, i” the
N'titli District of said county Said lot of land
belonging to my, for whom I am natu
ral Guardi.'Hi. THUS. OSMORE,
Sept. *<-2 a Guardian.
JL cat her f Leather ! !
A SUPPLY <f Leather constantly on hand
;tL nd -tor Hide, by GOFF Sc CO.
Cuthbert-, Aug. 16
Hides Wanted.
highest market price paid for good
JL round I tides, by GOFF & fcd.
Cuthbirt, Aug. 16-ts
l-'oa Sale.
IrHNHEl r HNHE House now occupied by Newll <fc
JL Hendrix is for sale. If not sold by the
first of January next it will he for rent ft r the
next year. Apply to F. LEHMAN.
A tie 113 ts
7805 PiJIZIIS.
Prizes Payable without Deduction.
Jasper County Academy
[By Authority of the State of Georgia.]
CL As x n.
To be drawn October 13. K'5G. at Concert
Hall, Macon, tin., under thes.vnrn superintend
ence of Col. George M. Logan and James A
Nesliit. Esq.
ID” I’atrons will please eaktnine this magnifi
cent Scheme carefully—compare it with any.
oilier, and if it is no lbs feit over offered, and
tbe chances to ob’aio C ipital fir better than any
other Scheme offered, don’t pnr-hase Tickets.
f* t “CT” AT, 8.;
kiaA.uJ ttpMW.W WW
1 Prize of 01)0 is $15,000
I do ‘ 5 000 is 5,000
1 <lo 2.000 is 2.000
2 tlo 3.000 are 2,000
•5 tlo 500 are 2.500
75 dn 100 are 7.500
20 Appropriating of 50 are 3.000
50 do 25 are 3.250
50 tlo 20 are 3.0 0
100 do 10 are 1.0110
7,500 Prizes of s3£ are 60.750
7 805 Pr r,‘>s nmnunttng to $102,000
Tickets $lO Halves s■') Quarters $2 50
I lie / .500 Prizes of SSjJ, are deteriititied
hv the Number which draws the sls 000
Prize—if that number should he an odd
number, then every odd number ticket in
the Scheme will be entirled to $8 50; if tl
even number, then everv even iitnnber tick
et will be entitled to $8,50. in addition to
attv other Prize which may be drawn.
I’uri hnsers in buying an equal quantity
of odd and even number tickets tvill beget
tain of drawing in in ly one-half the cost of
‘he same, with chances of obtaining other
All those Tickets ending with 0. 2, 4. 6
8. are even—all those ending with 1,3, 5
7. 9. are odd.
Persons sending money by mail need not’
fear its being lost* Orders punctually al
tended to. Communications confidential.
Bank Notes of sound Banks taken at par.
Those wishing particular numbers should
order immediately.
Addre.s J VillE'S F. WINTER,
Manager, Macon Ga.
11. BRAKE, Agent,
Cuthbert, Ga.
■Sept. 25, 18. TANARUS
CUTHBERT, Randolph County, Ga.
SC*/11,1, practice in the comities of Kan-
V ▼ dol| h, Terrell. Dougherty, Baker, Cal
houn, Early, Clay, Miller and Stewart.
flj” Business intrusted to his on re sli;(H always
receive immediate and raourr attention.
Aug. 16-1 y
mltiM! ( UiiiMi; ITT
rSillll undersigned wmiijd r*pectfiilly inform
the citizens of Kandolpl.Afiid the adjuini g
counties, that they are prepSied to build lor
Cash, or approved Small Notes, Vehicles of
every description ilia si vie and finish not sur
passed by any shop South. We employ no
,® . T2t ’ B!*s. sa ms 9
and therefore can warrant all work done at our
O’ Repairing done neatly aml with prompt
ness. Thankful for past patronage, we solicit
a liberal share for tiie future.
Cullihert, A tig. 16, 1856-1 f
H AVE and will keep constant
. ly on hand, in Cullihert, a
large and well selected assortfoeut
■lriiKs. Medicines, I’niiits, (lili, lljrUluAt,
Ptrjumery, Sfc.,
and everything pertaining to their line of usi
ness, which they off r upon as reasonable terms
as they can he had in South Western Georgia.
The public are requested to “ take due notice.”
Cuthbert, Aug. 16-ts.
A turn am
KEEPS constantly on hand all kinds nf
Candies, Fruits, Cigars, fine Brandies
and VVines, Cordials. Syrups. Jellies, Pickles,
F’ire Works, &e. Cakes and Pastries of every
O’ Weddings and Parties supplied at short
Cuthbert, Aug. 16-ts
up Stairs, over the Drug
Store, where all persons ( I e
siring work, can have ■(
done as well and as cheap as jl), j| |
it can be done in Souti,west- L.J,
(tj- Terms CASH. -rVjg
Cuthbert, Aug. 16, 1856-6 m
For Ssile.
approved paper, Apply to
Sept. 13-ts P. C. PARIvERSON.
[Authorized by tbe State of Georgia.]
To he drawn in the City of Atlanta, Gn.
in public, on Saturday, Sept. 27, 1856,
on the
Hi.YI.2J2. FLi.IT.
O* Purchasers buying one odd number and
one even number whole Ticket are-giiiiriniterd
to draw SB. Halves and Quarter Tickets in
proportion, with chances of obtaining the larger
PriZ's, which are a hundred percent, better for
the purchaser than any other Lultery j n exist
SAM E SWAN,It’ COZ Managers.
204,0@0 Bolls
Will be distributed according to the following
15,185 PKIZESI!
1 l'r ze of $ 30,000 is SJO 000
2 do of 10 000. is 20 000
J do of 5.000 is 5 (iqo
1 tlo of 2.000 is 2,000
2 do of 1.000 is 2.001’
tl) do: of 200 is 2.000
300 do of 300 is 10.000
4of $2.00 Approx'iingto SIO,OOO aro 800
■I of 100 Appi'ox’ting to 10.000 are 400
J “f 75 Approx'iirg to 10,000 arc 00(1
4of (50 Approx'ting to 5.000 are 241
4of 50 A pprox’tin.g to 2,000 are 200
4of 40 Approx’.liiig to 1,000 are 1C(
4of 25 do do 3,000 are 300
40 of 20 do do 200 are 800
15,000 prizes of $8 are 120,00(1
15.185 Prizes, amounting to $204,00(1
There m e 30 000 Tickets numbered fruit
I to-30 11(10. There tire 35.185 Prizes a
mounting to 204,000. The drawing takes
place in public under the superintendence
of two sworn Commissioners, The Num
bers limn I to 30.000, corresponding will,
those Numbers on the Tickets, printed vm
-operate slips of paper, are encircled with
small tin tubes, and placed in one wheel.
lite first 31 7 Prizes, similarly printed
and encircled, are placed in another wheel,
The wheels are then revolved, and a Norn’
her is drawn from the wheel of Numbers,
and at tile satrio time a Ptize is drawn from
the other wheel. Tlte number and Prize
drawn out are opened and exhibited to the
audience, and registered by the Commis
sioners. the Prize being placed against the
number drawn. This operation is repeated
until all the Prizes are draft n out.
The two preceding and the two succeed
ing Numbers to those drawing the first 117
P.izes will be entitled to the 68 Approxima
tion Prizes, according to the Scljeme,
J lie 15,000 Prizes of $8 are determined
by the ntimbbr whi(-h draws tile $40,000
P-ize if that number should he nrt odd
Dumber, then every odd number ticket in
the Scheme will ,1m entitled to SB, if an
even pttmher, then every even number tick
et will he entitled to'sß in addition to any
other Prize which may he drawn.
All those tickets ending with 0. 2 4 6 8,
are even—all those ending wijlt !, 3,5, 7, !)
qre odd.
Remember av.en Prize is drawn, and
payable in full without deduction'.
Ofy” AM Prizes of $1 000 and Underpaid
inurt’ diately alter tbe dtawiug—other prizes
at the usual time of thirty days, in-full with
out deduction.
All communications strictly confidential.
The drawn numbers will be forwarded to
purchasers immediately after the drawing.
ibize Tickets cashed or renewed in oth
er tickets at either llicc.
As one-half the Tickets are guaranteed
to draw $8! we will sell Certificates of
Packages of 10 Tickets (odd anil even num
bers ) at the following rates, which is the
risk on tbe same : •
All that the 10 Tickets (which are tim-ie
decided by the number drawing the Capi-,
tab) draw over tho amount guaranteed ac
crues to the purchaser.
Certili. of Package of 10 whole tickets, S6O
“ 10 half “ yn
“ “ 10 quarter “ 15
It will he perceived, by this Plan, that
for SOO the purchaser has a Certificate of
10 Tickets, when if he buys Tickets he
would only get for that Sum 6 whole Tick
ets, thus -by the former plan he has four
more chances for the larger Priz s—Half
and Quarter Packages in proportion.
Address orders for Tickets of Certificates
of Packages of Tickets either to
.S. SWAN & (JO., Atlanta, Ga.
Or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala.
Sept. 13 ly
AGREEABLE toan Order of the Court of
Ordirary of Randolph county, will be
sold before the Court House door iii the town of
Fort Gaines, Cloy coulity, Georgia, on the first
Tuesday in November next, between the legal
hours of sale, half of Lot o( Land N, >. 66, con
inning One Hundred and Twenty Acres,
more or less, in the Seventh District of formerly
Randolph, now Clay county. Sold a* the |,ro
perty of John B. Swanson, late of Randolph
county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs arid
of said deceased.
Terms on the dnv of sab'.
Aug. 16, 1856 tds
- it up . .
Land Warrants Wanted.
which the highest market price wfll be
paid. Call and see me before you sell.
O. r. BEALL.
Cutltb-rt, Aug 53-ls
[Authorized by the State of Alabama.]
Southern Military Academy
1 o be Drawn in the City of Montjtomprv,
Ain., in public, on Fkilmy, October
10. 1850, on the photos
30,000 Tickets Only !
Frizes amounting to
Will be distributed actording (o the following
t Prize of $50,009 is $50,000
2 tlo of 20.000 is 40.000
2 tlo of 10.00(1 is 20.000
1 ds of 5 000 is 5.000
2 do of 2.500 1s 6.000
2 do of 3,000 is 2.000
20 do of 500 is
• r,(l ‘h> of 800 is ]<; 0(H)
75 do of 200 is 15,000
100 do of 100 is lO 000
125 do of 00 j, *, 5 yy
4 of S4OO appro* to SSO 000 is 1.000
4 of 800 do 20.000 is 1 200
4 of 250 do 20,0001, 1,000
4bf 200 do 3 0,000 is 800
4of 175 do 30 000 is 700
4ofJ 50 do 5.000 1s 600
Bof 60 do 2,500 1s 480
Bof 40 do 3.000 is 820
80 of 85 do S(H) is 2.800
200 of 25 do 300 i, 5,000
•iOO ot 20 do . 200 is 6.000
1.000 prizes, amounting lo $200,000
A hole Tickets $lO, Halves 5. Quarters 2^
il i I lie Alabama and Georgia Lotteries,
ns channels for investment, present induce*
inents over any other known -(theme. The
• xpertence the public have the man
agement of these Lotteries, the large n
iitHiiit of Prizes sold, the promptness w ith
winch they |,.,ve been paid, are the best
guarantees that they will always he cou
ilucted in the most honorable manner.-
There arc 80,000 Tickets numbered from
Ito ,10.000. 1 here are 380 full prizes and
620 Adproximatious—making in all 1,000,
1 he drawing takes place tn public. Udder
the superintendence nf two sworn Cottifnis*.
siottel's. The numbers from 1 to SO (MO
corresponding with the numhefs Oh the
1 ickets printed on the separate slips of pa
per, are encircled with small tin tubes, and
placed in one wheel, The first 380 prizes
similarly printed and encircled, are placed
in another wheel, The wheels are then re
volved* and a number is drawn from the
whetfl ol Numbers, and at the same time a
Prize is drawn (torn the other wheel. Tltd
tiunifier and Prize drawn out are opened
anti exhibited to the audience, and register*
od by the Commissioners, the Prize being
placed again-i tl-o number drawn. This
operation is repeated until all the Pihei
are drawn out.
ArrHoxniATioN ntizFir
FI n two preceding ami the iw -iieceed
ing Numbers to those drawing the first 380
Prizes will he eutitleil to the 620 Appfoxi
inaiioii Prizes, according to the Scheme
In Ordering Tickets. Enclose she money
to our address for the Tickets ordered, on
•eceipt of which they will be forwarded by
first mail.
‘l’iie List of Brawn Numbers And Trite*
will be sent to purchasers immediately alter
the drawing.
QJ s’Purchasers 5 ’Purchasers will please write their
signatures plain, and give their Tost Office,
County and State.
tt?” Remember that every Prize is drawn
and payable in full without deduction.
All Prizes of Si ,000 and under, paid
immediately nlierthe drawing—other Piisf
es at the usual time of thirty days, m full
without deduction,
All communications strictly confidential.
Orders for Tickets should be seut in ear
_ Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other
Tickets at either office.
Orders for Tickets can he addressed eith
er to S. SWAN & CO„ Atlanta. Ga.
or S. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala.
Sept. 13 ly
Randolph County. |
Court of Ordinary, Jugust Term. 1856
WHEREAS, John M. K. Gunn, adinini*’
trator oil the estate of Henry A. Goff,-
late of said county deceased, having fully ad
ministered the goods and chatties of said deceas
ed, petitions this Court for Letters of Dismiss
It is therefore ordered that all and singular the
parties interested in said estate shew cause at
the February Term of this Court, why said ad
ministrator should not then and there be dismiss,
i-d, otherwise, letters will be granted) and that
this Role be published in terms oflaw.
A true Extract from the Minutes of Randolph
Court of Ordinary.
J. D. LENNARD, Ordinary.
Ang. 16-mfirti
ROM the subscriber’s residence, a yellow
sorrel mare MULE, eleven yeara old, nn
ear has been bitten, and the top turns over, tiv
ward the other. Any infnrinxtron directed t*
me at FalLCreek P. 0., Clay county, will bv
thankfully received. K. Y. LOFTIN.
Sept 3 St