Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, December 02, 1856, Image 1

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B, F. WHITE & CO., Proprietors. VOUIWK 1. v!ll)c vHuthbcvt Hep alter PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY BY T. 11. BYRD & R. H. WHITE. Terms of Subscription The Cuthbert Reporter In pn’ lishrd at IWO DOL LAR’ per antiuiH, in advance; tint; Dollar lor Six and Sixty C* hm lor Three Months. E If pt> H**m l*e delayed t tiiomlift, $-* 50; if delayed oik- year s'.l 00 will lr required in every instance j£>” In no ca-e will an order lor the paper be attend ed iotnikßiß accompanied w kh the money, or a satisfac toiv rel'erence _ Rates of Advertising. General Advertiem‘iitti will be Inserted at $1 per square of 12 lined or less, lor the tirst insertion, and I- lliy CeunMur each sequent inserUoM PmlessioNal Cards, Not. eneeding ten lines, will be inserted at a year. Announcement of candidates for office sa, to be paid in advance Marriages and Deaths inserted gratuitously. Obituary Nolees ami Trilniies ol el'arg ed us advertiSeiMeuts, when iheyxxcaed teu I lies. Articles and signed to promote private or individual in tereats. or of a p< character, will be cliuiged as advertisiSMents Regulation!, of the Reporter. I.eltera aii.l coiimiuuifatioiii! loalainiug news from all qiuin*r. urn r.—(*.r ll ull > snli m il. No leuemr communication will lie inserted unless the name lit llt.- nullnif accim|K>nies it. All iumukunicatiuNs must he written oh one sale ont of the [niper, to insure iuserlntu Legal Advertisements. ■ S.-tlr* of I,antis and Negroes By Adininistrn tors, Kxtcnlors or Guardians, mo required by law to he held on tle> fust Tuesday in tile inonlli, Irelweeit the hours of teu in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court ilnnse in tint county in which the property is situated. Notices of these sales must be given in a pub lic gazette forty days previous tu sale day. Notices lorthe sale ol personal property must be given in Itku manner ten days previous to sale day. Notices tn debtors ami creditors of an estate lit it st be published forty days,’ Notice that application w ill he ntadn tn the Court of Ordinary lor leave to sell Land or Ne groes, must he published for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration, Guar dianship. Ac , must he published thirty nays— for Dismiss! it front AduoniMralion, monthly, six months—for Dismission from fiuurdianthip, forty days. Utiles for foreclosure of Mortgage must be published monthly Car lour months; for establish ing lost pipers, for the full space of three months; for compelling titles from Rxerutors or Administrators, where bond has been given by the dt ceased, to be pubhslicd the full space of three months. itlisccilancous. moustaches. . *• His tawny beard was lh’ equal grace, Doth of his wisdom and Ins face.” [Hi DIBKAS. u What’s them arc things growing out of your upper lip, Mister ?” asked a country Yankee ol a city coxcont 1 , whom he met the other day. “e>ir,” exclaimed the dandy, fiercely raising his ruluu, and bristling up to the interogutor —“what business is that to you stir ?’’ “Oh, no business of any consequence, to speak on,” replied the Yaskee —“I just axed for information, not being much acquainted with them are things.’’ “Well, sir,” returned the gallant, an grily, ‘‘what if you ain’t aeqnui it ted with ’em? Must a fellow of your cloth have the impudence to question a gentleman of mine?” “Is that really your cloth, Mister, or is it the tailor’s?” asked the country inn n “The tailor's?” exclaimed the coxcomb fiercely—“wlmt do you mean by that?— Do you mean to insinuate that I—y’deatli? bir, I’ll not .” “Well, 1 thought ns much,” teturned the Yankee, carelessly slicking his hands into his breeches pockets, and standing still before the dandy, ‘‘l thought yon never intended to pay for them. ‘ What is that to you whether I pay fur them or not? Huvn’t la right to manage as I please with my own tailor— to pay him or let it alone ?’’ “Why, Mister, that depends very much on what sort of a bargain you make. If your tailor agrees to let you cheat him, why that’s his own lookout, not mine But you havn’t told me what you called them are things on your upper lip.” “Bar, you’re ait impudent puppy, sar.” “So 1 heard you say. Now father’s got a tarrier dog—but he don’t tarry much, I can tell you—he’ll kill three rats in two seconds—but as I was saying, fa ther, he’s got a tarrier dog, that’s darned rough anil hairy about the mouth —but, Lord ! lie aint a circumstance to you.— He’d cling his tail between bis legs if lie was to see you, and cry ti-ti li-ti-ti-i and run to the end of the world without stop ping. My gracious ! how like the devil you look with them are things.” * Look ! why, sar, they are all the go now.. There's no finished gentlemen uow but what wears moustaches.” “Mustychers, do you call ’em ! Well, by hokey, they are musty and rusty too. ‘1 hey look very much like the latter end of our dogs’s tail, when it brushes on the ; floor. Faugh ! I wouldn’t touch ’em ut> more than ’ “Touch ’em, sar, if you offer to put a finger on them, I’ll cane you withiu an inch of your life. I will, sar !” “What, witli that arc switch, Mister? I shouldn’t mind it no more than I should an oat straw.’’ “\VteH , sar, toueh n>y moustaches and see if you don't .get it.” y “Touch your mustychers I Why, I'd as live touch two old chaws of tohacker, that have just been spit out. Touch ’em indeed ! t\ hy, Mister, l wonldii t touch Vm with the tongs. I can’t conceive for my life, what should induce any human critter to wear such darned nasty looking things as them.” ” Nasty looking, do you call ’em ? Sar, you have no taste. Nasty looking, indeed ! Why, sar, they are the admira tion of the ladies ” “ Ladies, ha, ha ! They must have a queer notion, anyhow* But there are wo men who are unaccountably fond of pup pies and such Ike animals, and I’ve seen ’cut fondle and kiss ’em as if they were hu man critters. But. Lord ! 1 don’t see how any woman could let her lips come within a gun shot of youru. Admiration of the ladiesl” “Do you question what I say sar ?” * “Why, Mister I don’t know what kind of ladies you have in the city here. But one thing I can tell you— onr country gals would no more let you touch ’em than they would a toad —they’re very particular what cotncs in contact with their lips. But, Mister, how in the name of hair and bristles do you eat? How do you go to work to get the vittics into your mouth, with them are tilings hang ing over it, like a hedge fence ovi r a ditch? Do yon cat meat and sicli like ? or do you live on spoon vittlcs?” ‘ It’s none of your business, sar, what I live on. I board at seven dollars a week ; and cat what I please, sar, and drink what I plca.-e.” “(Seven dollars a week ! my gracious ! we git lx ard and washing and till in the country for a dollar and a fifty cents ; but 1 suppose they ask you live dollars and a half extra for them are mustychers Faugh ! 1 wouldn’t have ’em at the table for ten dollars.” “’A hat a fool I am to stand here talk ing to a man of your cloth.’’ Thus saying, the man with the mous taches flourished his dandy switch, wheel ed about and walked on. He had gone but a few steps when the Yankee biiwlcd out— “ Hullo ! mister, don’t you want to buy a curry comb ? I’ve got some real line ones, with teeth on both sides. They re bang up I can tell you.” “Curse on your curry combs and you too ’ “Dou’t swear, mister—nor go off in a passion —l meant no offence in what i’ve said. But I must declare you’re the darn ties’ ugly looking man I ever did see in all uiy life. ’ Marshal Ney’s Scene. The vengeance of the allied powers de manded some victims, and the intrepid Ney who had well nigh put the crown again on Bonapar e’s head at Waterloo, was to be one of them. Condemned to be shot, he was led to the garden of Lux emburg on the morning of the 7tli of De cember, and placed iu front of a file of soldiers drawn up .te kill him. One of the officers stepped up to bandage his eyes but he repulsed him, saying : “Are you ignorant that for twenty-five years 1 have been accustomed !o face both ball and bullet?’’ He then lifted his hat above bis bead, and with the same calm voice that had steadied his columns so frequently iu the roar and tumult of battle, said : “I declare before God and man that T never betrayed my country. M>y n:y death render her happy. A ive la France !” He then turned to the soldiers, and striking his hands on his heart, gave the order, “Soldiers, fire!” A simultaneous discharge followed, and the “bravest of the brave” sank to rise no more. “He who had fought five hun dred battles for France, not one against her, was shot as a traitor !” As I looked on the spot where he fell, I could not but sigh over his fate. True, he broke his oath of allegiance ; so did others, carried away by’-the attachment to Napoleon, and the enthusiasm that bailed bis approach to Paris, Still, lie was no ti elite T. A Secret. “1 will tell you a secret. The way to make yourself pleasing to others, is to show that you care for them. The whole world is like the miller at Mansfield, who ‘cared for nobody, nobody eared for him.’ Arid the whole world will seive you so, if you give them the same cause. Let people see, therefore, that you do care for them by showing them the small courtesies of life, in which there is no parade, whose voiee is too still to tease, and which show themselves by affectionate tones and kind looks and little acts of attention, giving others the preference in every little en joyment at the table, iu the field, walking sitting, and standing.” “ I will consei t to all you desire,” saitl a voting lady to her lover, “on cou tli ion that you will give me what you have not, what you never can have, a id yet what you can give me.” What did , she ask for ? A husbuud. CWTIHIttIfiT, OA., TUESDAY, DKCKiIUtER 2, 8 830. From Dickon's Household Words. ECHOES. Still the sitae! stars are shining, Still the tippling waters f! UV, But the angel voice is silent That I heard here long sign, Hark! the echoes murmur low Long ago. Still the wood is dim and lonely, S ill the plashing fountains play, Bui the past iii all its beauty, Whither has it (led away ? Hark! the mournful crimes say Fled away! Still the bird of night compliiineth (.Vow. indeed, her song is pain,) Visions of my happy hours. Do I call, and call in vain ? llark! the echoes cry again All tu vain ! Cense, oh echoes, moui'nful echoes ! Once I loved youi voices well;. Now rnv heart is sick and weary, Days of old, a long furen ell! Hark! the echoes sail and dreary C'y, farewell, farewell! Jllariiiige aitiosig tlie Albanians. Each country has its particular mar riage formula, but that of the Albanians, a warlike race, dwelling upon the shores of the Adriatic, is very peculiar. The husband always purchases the bride with a trossenu , it wedding dress, a gold em broidered fez, anil a sum not exceeding 100 piastres. The bride’s mother, on the occasion ‘of the marriage ceremony, re ceives the bridegroom at her doer, hold’ ing a vase of pure water With a nose gay dipi ed into this she s] rinkles the bride ami groom. ’1 lie bride is carried off iis if by force, and on leaving home bends thrice td the rkpit and left, to indicate that in parting with her relations she has not severed the bonds which have hither to joined them, ‘When the party leave arrived at the house of the Inidegreom, his mother flings over them a handful of rice, to indicate wealth and abundance for the future. A hoop is held over their heads at the doorway, beneath which they enter in a stooping p< stare, holding each other by the hand. The hoop is then broken above them, to show that they; can only be parted by death. A piece of bread covered with honey is then handed to them, of which they partake alternate ly, the bride scarcely tasting the food, showing how li,tic joy she derives from anything but him ; while lie, on the con trary, as her superior, c its without re serve. “ Pay what Thou Owest.” When I see a husband spending Lis time in taverns, and forsaking his wife and family, Isay —Pay what thou owest. When I see a wife intent almost solely upon dress, abandoning her domestic con cerns to destruction, while she is parading through the streets to exhibit her divine person and elegant accomplishments, 1 say—Pay what tliou owest. When I sec a father or mother neglect ing the education of their children, and suffer them to run wild in the streets, in lhe high road to min, without the small est effort to rescue them by parental au thority, I say—Pay what thou owest. When 1 see a child who has been ten derly brought up by fond and doting pa rents, treating them with disrespect and inattention, perhaps with cruelty, in their old age, I say, in the most emphatic man ner— Pay what tliou owest. When 1 see a man reading a newspaper who is in arrears for his subscription, I say , feelingly, Sue., &.C., &c. A Picture of Life. In youth we seem to be climbing a hill on w hose top eternal sunshine seems to rcstT How eagerly w f e pant to attain its summit! But when we have attained it how different the prospect on the other side ! We sigh as we contemplate the dreary wastes before us, and look back with a wistful eye upon the flowery path w'o have passed, but never more may re trace. Life is a portentous cloud, fraught with thunder, storm and rain ; but reli gion, like tiie streaming sunshine, will clothe it with light as with a garment, and fringe its shadowy skirts with gold, Eaks of the llohse.— lt is a good sign for a horse to carry one ear forward and the other backward when on a jour ney, because the stretching of the ears in contrary directions shows that he is at tentive to everything that is taking place around him ; and while he is so doing lie cannot be much fatigued or likely to be come so. Few horses sleep without point ing their ears as above, that they may receive notice of the approach of objects iu every direction. When horses or mules, says Dr. Arnott, march in compa ny at night, those in front direct their ears, forward, those in the rear direct them backward, and those in the centre turn them faterlly or across; the whole troop seeming thus to be actuated by one feeling, which watches the general safety. NO PROSCRIPTION FOR OPINIONS’ SAKE. John Ada tins and ‘E'lios, Jefferson Would that the sectional agitators who are trifling with our dear bought liberties of this republic could have instilled into them the sentiments ‘pf these tneit on their dying pillows. Ou tlie morning of the Fourth of July, Mr. Adams, though evidently near his death, awoke at the ringing of bells and firing of cannon The attendant who watched with him, asked him if he knew wlmt day it was. “Oh yes,” lie replied, “it is the glorious 4th of July. God bless it—God bless you all.” In the forenoon, the orator of the day, the Rev. Mr Whitney, the parish niinis to* tVIr. Adams, called to see him, and found him seated in an arm chair. In the course of the interview, Mr Whit ney asked for a sentiment to he given at the public table. He replied, “1 will give you, Independence forever.” After it few moments had elapsed, a lady asked him if he wished to add anything to the toast, and lie said, “ Not a syllable. ’’ — This occurred an hour or two before he breathed his last. In the course of the day he said ; “ It is a great and good day.” That his thoughts were dwelling on the scenes of 1170, is evident from the last Words lie uttered: “Jefferson sur vives,” which were spoken about the time that Jefferson'expired. In like manner Mr. Jeffetson, in the short intervals of delirium which occur red in his last hour, stented to dwell ex ehtsivcly on the events of tlie Revolution. He talked in broken sentences of the .committee of safety. Oi.e of his excla mations was, ‘ Warn the committee to he on their guard,” and lie instantly rose in his betl and went through the act of writing a hurried note. But for the gi eater part of the time during the last of his life, lie was blessed with the enjoy meiit of his reason, ‘lhe only anxious wish ho expressed for hinisell was, that lie might live to.lncathe the air of the fifteenth anniversary of Independence.— When that day arrived, lie was repeated ly heard to murmur his satisfaction. [JVewark (JSI'.J.) E'glc. A Slant Case. The Albany Knickerbocker gives the following experience of one of the census marshals in that ci(y, who called upon a gentleman from Germany, residing in that city : “ Who resides here ?” “ Yaw.” “ U hat is your name?” “ Sharinany, on tier Rhine,” ‘ What’s your father's name ?” ” N'ix for staw.” ” When did you arrive in Albany ?” “ Alit a steamboats.” “Got any children ?” “ Yaw—two barrels mit’ Urout.”. “How long have you resided in this house ?” “Two rooms and der basements.” “ Who owns the building.?” “ I pays noting. Hans pays elcr same twice a mout. ” “ Where did you live last year?” “ Across der reel store as you come up mit tier market in your right baud, be hind der pump what belongs to der black s aid shop.” The marshal having entered all this, made tip his mind that lie would push ahead and examine Hans, who lives up stairs “mit tier banisters.” We shall note Ins success at an early clay. Moulding Balia by Machinery. The Baltimore Evening American, of the 2Sth ult., says : The new machine, invented by Mr. W. 11. Ward, of New York, for the mould ing of musket, rifle and pistol balls, was landed at the Washington Navy Yard on Saturday. The machine was transported at the inventor’s expense, to afford the Government an opportunity of thorough ly testing its merits. It is capable of producing one hundred and sixty leaden bullets per minute for any firearms in use, of any shape and of any size, up to a ball weighing two ounces. The machine weighs 8,000 pounds. It will not be iu operation before the Ist of December. Interesting Experiments. Some experiments have recently been made at Chicago to test the truth of an alleged discovery of ail English physician who asserts that the last scene viewed by a dying man will remain Impressed upon the retina as does the impression upon a daguerreotype plate. The experiment, at Chicago, it is said, confirms this state ment, and it is suggested that murderers may be detected by this means, as the fi gure of the murdeier would bo impressed upon the retina. How, if the person was assassinated from behind, by a third person, while looking in the face of his friend ? Alight not the innocent man be hung upon such evidence ? (K/“ Some people angle for praise wfth the bait of humility. They condemn themselves, hoping that others will con tradict them and commend them. Rath er join in running them down It is al* wav; best to err on the safe side. Granada to be a Future Venice. At no great distance from the city of Granada are situated a cluster of the most beautiful and fertile islands it is pos sible to conceive. They vary from a few square yards to several square miles in superficial extent. Beyond these, and separated from them by*a deep, navi! able channel, stands the largo island of Zape taro, whose bold headlands and irregular surface serve as a guide to all who navi gate the lake. Zapctaro is in its western extremity scooped out so as to form an almost circular bay, and the shore of the mainland opposite having a deep curve, an almost circular hay is formed ol sever al miles iu diameter, so securely sh-'ltereti by highlands us4o make the slightest trnip lie secure upon its sanaee, even when storms may he lashing into fury the more exposed parts of Luke jNicaragua. The southeastern part of this bay is also en tered by a channel of deep water, which divides the southwestern extremity, of Zapctaro from the mainland. The North ern part of the bay is bounded by the clus ter known as the “Thousand Islands,’’ each” one of which to our mind, is in a short time destined to he tv lull of houses stores and commercial warerootns, and where vessels of eon-iderahle tonnage can move from one depot to another with more ease than the ox cart now used iu Granada move from one street to another. On this city of a thon.-and island pure colil water will he always convenient, and it would be impossible for impurities or infections to exist iu its vicinity. Here canals wdl occupy the place of streets, and light fairy-like pleasure boats will su persede horses Here, instead of Wall street, we have a Rialto ; here will bo seen and heard senoras anil senoritas in their gondolas, singing love-songs in the starlight ; and here will be the most pleasing combination of health, conven ience and bounty toany city upon which the sun ever shone. —El JYtcnragucnse. I mrunevt Questions. — To ask an un married lady how old she is. To ask a lawyer if lie ever told a false hood. To ask a doctor how many patients he lias ever killed. To ask a minister if lie ever did any thing wrong. ! ‘l o ask a merchant if lie ever cheated a customer. To ask an editor the names of his cor respondent.?. ss.=, Mr. Ftlkuis, you soy you know the defendant, what is his character ? * For what, sir; sprucing or integrity ?’ • For integrity, sir.’ 1 Weil, all that I can say about Jones is, that if lie’s honest, lie’s got a queer way of showing it, that’s all.’ ‘ What do yen mean by that ?’ ‘Just this, that the night before he dittos'on turkey, somebody’s poultry coop is always broken open.’ ’ That will do, Air. Filkins.’ gey.” Where have you been Charley?” ‘ln the’ ‘Noyou han’t sir; you’ve been iu the creek, see how wet your hair is V ‘Oh, 110, inn, that ain’t water —it’s sweat I’ve been at hard work.’ ‘How come your shirt turned wrong ’ side out ?’ ‘Oil, I did that just now, climbing the fence.’ An Irish friend of ours, hearing of a geutleniax having a stone coffin made ! for himself, exclaimed : | ‘Be my sowl, an’ that’s a good idee 1— j Share, an a stone coffin ’ud last a man his lifetime !’ That same cuffin’ reminds us ! of the clothing sold at ‘Bennett’s Tower I Hall,’ No. 184 Market street, which to j our certain knowledge has descended like I the ‘sins of the father,’ into the third and ! fourth geueratmu. Tbaitino House Ants.— Take a large ’ sponge and wash it well, and after it is dry lay it near any spot frequented by j ants, and sprinkle line white sugar over it. In a short time the meshes will be nearly ’ filled with the insects, which can then be | destroyed by dipping the sponge in hot 1 water, and after washing and drying may be replaced again. Thousands tire often destroyed at a time, and by repeating the process, the locality will soon be freed of them. iO'-Relationsliips are rather far-fetch ed sometimes both in Ireland and Scot land, ‘Doyou know Tom Duffy, Pat ?’ ‘Know him. is it ?’say# l’at, ‘sure he's a near relation of mine ; he once wanted ! to marry my sister Kate.’ . * A man out west, who owns a large farm, says lie stacks up all the hay lie cun | out of doors and the remainder lie puts in his barn. A melting sermon being preached in a country church, all the congregation j weie weeping except one man, who bep j god to be excused, us lie belonged loan -1 other church. lIYUD iV WHITE, Publishers i\i mn:it i<; Stick to join- Business. There is nothing which should be more frequently impressed upon the minds of young men, tlmn the importance of stead ily pursuing one business. lhe liequent changing ftom one employment to another is one ol the most common ‘eirors com mitted, and to itm.-y be traced more than half the Dilutes of men in business, anil disappointment that render life fjiiable. It is a very common thing lor a man to he dissatisfied with his business, and to desire to it lor some other and what seems to him will piove a more lucrative emplbymen* ; but in nine case* out often it is a mistake. Look round you, mid you will find among your ac quaintance abundant verification ol our assertion. Heie is a young man who commerced life as a mechanic, but fiotit some cause, imagined that he ought to have been a doctor—-and after a hasty and shallow preparation, lias taken up tlm saddle-bags only to find that work stilt wink, and that his patients are no moio ! piotiialdMhan his wuik bench, and the. occupation not a whit more agreeable. —- Here are two young men, clerks ; one ol them is content, when Ids fust term of service is over, to continue a clerk till ho I shall have saved enough to commenco business on his own account ; the other cannot wait, but staits without capital, and with a limited experience, and Bring* up alter a lew years, in court of insolven cy, while his former comrade, hy patient perseverance, comes out at last with a fortune. That young lawyer who be came disheartened because briefs and ca ses did not crowd upon him while ho was yet redolant of call-bound volumes, and had small use for red tape, who con cluded that lie had mistaken his calling, and so plungi and into politics, finally set tled down in the character of a meddling petilogger, scrambling for his daily bread, Tiieio is an honest fanner who has toil ela few years, got his larm paid lor, but ; does nut grow rich very rapidly, as tmiclt 1 for lack ol conUntinenl mingled with hi* industry as anything ; though he is not aware of it—lie hears the wonderful sto i ries of California, and ho w fortunes may he had for the trouble of packing them up j —-mortgages his larm to raise money, gops away to the land ol gold, and, after many months of hard toil, comes home to commence again at the bottom ol the hill for a more weatyand less successful climb ing up again. Matk the men in every community who are notorious for ability and equality, notorious for never getting ahead, and you will usually find them to be those who ne ver stick to any one business long, but aru always iorsaking their occupation just when it begins to be | r jfitable. Young man, sick la your business.— It may be you have mistaken your call ing. If so find it out as quick as possible and change it, but don’t let an uneasy de sire to get along last, or a dislike ol your honest calling lead you to abandon it.—• Have some honest calling, and then stick to it—if you are sticking type then stick away at them ; if you are selling oysters, keep on selling ; if you are at law, hold last 10 that prolessiun ; puisue the bust. ness you have chosen, peisistently indus triously and hopefully, and if there is any* thing of you, will appear and turn to at count in that as well or better than any other calling ; only il you are a loafer, for sake that lino ol life as quickly as possi ble, lor the longer you stick to it, the woise it will ‘stick’ to you, — Hunt's Mtr c/umls Magazine. An Irishman’s Indifference. — Paddy was arraigned before a court for horso stealing- After having pleaded not guil ty, the judge asked him by whom lies would be tried? ‘By the twelve apos tles,’ answered the prisoner. The jmlgo told him that would not do, for if lie wero tried by them, lie could not have his iriul until the day of judgment. ‘Faith, and 1 have no objection to that neither, for I urn iu t o hurry about it at all, at all.’ A Ciose Rub. ‘Sec there !’ exclaim ed a returned Irish soldier to a gaping crowd, as lie exhibited with some pride his tall hat with a bullet-hole in it- — ‘Look at that hole, will you? You see that if it had been a low crowned hat I should have been Irilicl outright.’ A Large Flock. — Air. MeCuimell of Sangamon county, Illinois, has the larg est (lock of sheep in the United States— It numbers twenty-one thousand aud all of the choicest merinoes. All illiterate person once sent m note to a wagish friend, requesting the loan of his “ noosepaper,” and received in return his friend’s marriage certificate. Two Husbands. —A young woman has been bound over for trial in New York on the charge of having married two hu.-s bands. She is only seventeen, and re s| ectably connected. The ease is the ro mantic one of love crossed by parental will. The novelty of the solution is that lhe young lady married bntlit-ui ora, her own favorite fir,4, privately, aud after wards that ol her parents.