Newspaper Page Text
■ ■ mi—— .1.11.1 . ‘ l l .•■) n ii
Impoilaiii Decision—Negro ('lit
Relow wo give an important commnni
cation from I lie State Department, in re
ference to a much vexed question—the
cii izenship of free negroes. Jt is address
ed to 11. 11. llicc, C’leik of 1 lie Superior
Court of New Voik, through whom some
tree negroes (soreimders) who were about
to go to Europe, made application for
passports :
Dr.i'AimiF.NT of .Stati:, )
Washinciton, November 4.
11. 11. Wick, Esq., New Vork City—
Sir: Vour letters of the 2'Jtli ultimo,
and 111 instant, requesting passports for
eleven colored person#, have been receiv
ed, and I am directed by the Secretary
to inform you that t he papers transmitted
by you do not warrant the department in
complying with your request.
A passport is a certificate that the per
ron to whom it is granted, is a citizen of
the United Mates, and can only he issued
upon proof of this fact. In the papers
which accompany your communication,
there h no satisfactory evidence that the
persons for w hom ’Jon request passports
ore of this description. They arc repre
sented in your letter as “colored,” and
described in the affidavit as “Mark,” from
which statements it may be fairly inferred
that they ore negroes. If this is so, there
will he no doubt that they are not citizens
of the United Stales. The question whe
ther free negroes are such citizens is not
now presented for the first lime, but has
repeatedly arisen in the administration of
both the National and State govern
In 1821 a controversy arose as to whe
ther free persons of color were citizens of
the United States within the intent and
meaning of the nets of Congress regula -
ting foreign and coasting trade, so us to
be disqualified to command vessels ; and
Mr. VViit, Attorney Ucnoml, decided Unit
they were not ; and moreover, held that
the words, “citizens of the United States,”
were used in the acts of Congress in the
same sense us in the constitution. This
view is nlso fully sustained in a recent
opinion of the present At'orncy Ccnornl.
The judicial decisions of the country
are to the same effect. In Kent’s Com
mentaries, vol. 2, p. 2 7*1, it is staled that
hi 1333 Chief Justice Dagger, of Connec
ticut, held that free blacks are not “citi
zens” within the meaning of the term as
med in the Constitution of tlie United
States, and the Supreme Court of'lemics
see, in the ease of the Stale against Clai
borne, held the same doe:fine.
Snell being ihe construction of the con
stitution in regard to free persons of color
ii is convinced that they cannot he regar
ded, when beyond tins jurisdiction of Ihe
government, as entitled to the full rights
<>l citizens; but the Secretary directs me
to sav, that though the Department, could
not certify that such persons nt’e citizens j
of the United Slates, yet, if satisfied of
the truth of the fuels, it would give a icr
tiiicute that they were born in the United
Stales, and free, and that the government
thereof would regard it to be its dn.y to
protect them if wronged by a foreign gov
ernment, while within its jurisdiction for
a legal and proper purpose.
I am, sir, respectfully,
Vour obedient servant,
J. A. THOMAS, Assist, beo'y.
Unlnwlm Wine.
I lie Augusta Constitutionalist of the
2il inst-, says :
1 On Friday last Mi'. A xt, of Crawford
villc, already favorably known in Georgia
as a wine producer, exhibited at the store
of Thomas I*. Stovall Cos., some speci
mens of wine made by him from the Ca
tawba grape, grown in Georgia during
the years 1853 and 186t>. Thero were
♦wo samples of the vintage of ISSO, and
one of that of 1836—a1l known as Dry
Cat nwlm. Several connoisctirs were pre
sent and smacked their lips over these
wines, besides several others, who, though
unassuming upon Inis abstruse subject,,
know a good article when they elosc down
on it ; Mr Axts wines bore the test tri
umphantly. I hose of 18f>li were limpid
mid pure, having scarcely the suspicion of
sediment about them. The flavor was
pronounced excellent—of good body and
fruity taste The wine of 1565 was uni
versally considered the best, having im
proved by time. This demonstrated that
native wine, of the Catawba grape, will
keep with us, when properly made. A
bottle of hongworth’s Dry Catawba, of
♦ lie vintage of 1832, was opened at the
same time, and proved to be of excellent
quid t.y. This further demonstrated the
same fact.
Mr. Axtlias achieved for himself and
for the South a great result, in (lie suc
res ful introduction of Ibis important
Inaiieh of industry into this State, ll s
wine we would place in the very front
rank of American wines of the same class
equal to the best Dry Catawba from
liongwortli’s or Wcrk’s cellars.
Acquittal optiie Fuse-State Fris
oneks i n Kansas— The telegraph a lew
days since conveyed inlonnatioo that lit
teen prisoners tried before the Court of
Kansas had been acquitted on the origin
al charge of treasonable resistance to the
1 1 s, but recommitted for trial oa other
(barges. It appears by a letter from Law
rence, under date of the Bdi inst., that on
ly seven of them were thus recommitted,
♦ tie rest being discharged.
Judge Lecompte has sentenced a Mr.
Hunter, convicted of ‘‘assault with intent
♦j kill,” to nix years imprisonment in a
Kansas prison.
The l/.iw of Neivspiipess.
1. Subsetil>cr* who do imi ;vo i xjirc.- s noli< c
tpMm country, lire rouaidered ;s wUhiug lo
continue lin n- hi! c: ij i<
2. Jf NitlijcrdiMs ouler tjin di contMiiinuco of
lUoir hc\v*<jW|M , i \ ilie |*uflt ;IM.T ir*y coiiii'iiic
to scud llicm iiuiil ;ij| ;ine.Tr.''y#*r< sire |;id.
It il*•*< iicyiccii ir iciu < to Ide
llicir ♦• v/ fc |i;j>*/>> Iroui ‘lie oftiTs !o vv l* It t)i y
directed,*y me Itcld u;.-mi i! liicv
liove Bellied ilie bill and ordered llivii.s di.-< u>-
id and.
Si id'* cribcis removo lo olbcr plact sv\ iili
f*ut inlbriDnijj the |ubii Imt diml !;• iic\vs|
iiru nr lit. lo liio lurmcr and net* lion, liicy arc lie id
ro 100 ildc.
TANARUS. The Con,N |>Vf decided dial ro r u-.'n*r j ( >
t’dm -r. l u-n ihe* ol]iec\ or inv ng
aiii icav.'iim iMom linei|bc! for, i ji iina I’.tcia cv
ificniei! of>ion.ii irand.
; i. Tiie United K m* . Coiulh b've also r -
(•pfMli dly decided, |. .• a, |*o-., : .i -■ w.n> ne
glpcfs lo pc*fo, it his tin v ol’ \'\\ i'?;> rs iiKotitilde
not ice, jc |v liio IV Ottyro !),; l
ineof, of llie of aimon i tatve V-n
!•’ nliire nowjnper ;a>d c vrf jdtii. i,* !>'*
die l*o :ia ?er t ibio io ilie puh’i.-'bei* for,
iib.scfipt.o t price.
I gr'c• What has become of all our eon
; contributors? We should like very much
to hear •from “ i’arva,” “ Dellcan,'’ and
“ Eloi#,” “ Ned Lorn,” “ Itinaldo,” and
and others. Wo will always make room
for your articles in the Reporter We
should also he glad to receive articles
bom new contributors, both at home and
Irom abroad. Come, ladies and gentle
men, let us hear from you soon.
TJic W<;!Uri'.
We have had rain every day from the
20’h to the 28lli ult. The watci courses
are all full. The weather is very warm
more liko May than November. The
sun came out bright on Friday morning,
dispelling the clouds, much to the relief
of all.
More rain on Monday—still cloudy.
Bail nSonrf Mooli: v;.
.Let it be borne in mind that on next
Tuesday, Dili inst,, R. 11., Presi
dent of the South-western Railroad will
be here, to address the citizens ol Ran
dolph upon I lie extension of said Road
to this place. Let every one who feels
an interest in this matter be sure to at
Fat* S:i!e.
Wo see that several of our eotempora
lics arc offered for sale, \: .American
Union, Whig, Grillin, (la., Malison Fa
mily Visitor , neutral, I Vest Point Beacon,
aijd Albany Patriot, democratic. Judg
ing from the advertising patronage of
each sheet, wc would suppose they are
all doing a fair business, find a.ton! a
good chance for those desiring to embark
in the prilli ng business.
Crops in Tex .s,
The Stale Texas Times says the crops
on the Bio Grande are very promising.
The first crop, which turned out well, lias
been gathered The second is doing fine
ly, though cornfields immediately on the
river stand a cliaucc of being damaged
by an over.low.
{jfy. The New York correspondent of
the Charleston Courier, in a letter dated i
the 20th nit. says; “ 1 have heard it re
ported that Fremont lias been'arrested
iliree times at the complaint of his cred
itors—they alleging it as their belief that,
lie intended leaving iho Slate. Horace
Greeley went his security in one case, add
Bowen &. MeNamce in the second.
CCy“ George \V. Johnson, one of the
largest sugar planters on the Mississipi j
river, below New Orleans, who died re - ;
ccntly, lias left an estate valued at not
loss than seven million dollars, lie lias,
by his will, maiuuniited all his slaves,
two hundred in number. They are all to
be sent to Liberia in four years from Ids
death, and each one is to be furnished
with fifty dollars.
,e®"W see it stated that the Legisla
ture of Vermont has reconsidered the
vote by which the appropriation for Kan
sas was lost, and lias passed the bill giv
ing $20,000 to free Kansas.
©yy We see it stated that Joseph 1\
Comegys, Rsq., lias been appointed by
Gov, Coscy, of Delaware, to till the va
cancy in the United States Senate, oeea
shmed by the death of the Hon John M
Virgil Powers, Esq., has been op-*
pointed Chief Engineer of the Georgia
and Florida Railroad, in die place of Mr.
VV, N. Murphy, deceased.
li is stated by the St. Louis Tutel
, ligeneer, that SI,OOOO have be. n sent, to
Kansas from brokers in that city, tor the
purcitaso of Kansas lands.
[J- The adjourned Term of Randolph
j Superior Court will commence on Mon
-1 day, Bth inst.
I Southern Commercial Cotivcn
The following arc the names of the
j delegates for the State at large, and tur
; this District, appointed by (lev. Johnson
i to the Southern Commercial Convention,
i to lie held at Savannah on the Slli inst :
From the Shite at Large.
Joel Crawford, of Early.
John JL Howard, of Muscogee.
Mink A. Cooper, of Cass.
William II Stiles, of Chatham.
A. 11. Chappell, of bibb.
William Cimimiiig, of Richmond.
A. IL Wright, of Jefferson.
John Billups, of Clarke.
Francis Bartow, of Chatham.
William 11. Crawford, of Terrell.
E. A. Neshit, of Bibb.
Junius Wingfield, of Putnam.
From the Second Congressional District.
■ William C. Perkins, of ilaudolpli.
Nelson Tin, of Dougherty.
Leonidas B. Mercer, of Terrell.
Willis A. Hawkins, of Sumter
Warlmm Cromwell, of Muscogee.
James L Wimberly, of Stewart.
| The Lancaster (Pa ) Express is sure
that the following named gentlemen will
: he tendered the places respectively assign
: cd them by Mr. Bmdiaimu ;
Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, Scero
tovy of Stale.
Ilou. R M. ‘!’ Hunter, of Virginia,
Secretary of the Treasury.
lion. John Appleton, of Maine, Cec
-1 ret ary of the Interior,
Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Sec
retary of the Navy.
Hon. James A bayard, of Delaware,
Secretary of War.
Hon Jesse D Bright, of Indiana,
Postmaster General.
Hon. Josiah limdull, of Pennsylvania,
A Homey General.
SQ-Tlic New York Tribune shows that
the vote for Anson lliirliiigamc, for Con
gress, in the city of lSostou, his distiic’.,
was greater than that for Fremont
{fo. It is reported that Senator Doug
lass was to have been married last, month
to Miss Cults, the reigning belie of Wash
RAF We notice in our exchanges, the
death of Gen. John H. Eaton, Secretary
of War, under the Administration of Gen.
fcjr* A negro who gave his name as
John C. Fremont, was commit eh to ja 1
in \\ heeling recently, lor dhorde ly con
duct. This makes the third Fremont.
jig,. Tiie Trenton, (N .1 ) Stale Ga
zette says that a portion of the A meric ins
in that city have nominated Coniiinibi ifi
Stockton for President, and John M.
Rolls for Vice President, in If. fit).
CnJ* Parker 11. French is not dead yet.
tie tarns up, now, as President of a stock
company in Illinois, for the purchase if
real estate in Minnesota. He has already
made investments at Watali anil Crow-
(jty-Tlio story going about that a doc
tfir in New Orleans has trained gallinip
pers to do the work of leeches is, to quote
from tiie modem classics, a “sell.” The
name given for the doctor’s is quite enough
to show the joke, it is Dledoku—i. e.,
Bleed you.
M. Quinihy, of Montgomery
co mil)’, New Yoik, lias sold this year up
words ot 20,00 i pounds of honey, priuei-
I 'ally p odueed by bimself. Himself and i
son moke the production of honey abusi-j
ness, ami undoubtedly n very profi.ablc!
one. The honey is deposited by the bees
in small cheap boxes, with glass sides and
ends, and sdd in the same, by weight,’
including the weight of the boxes.
Return oi luo Steamer Morion.
New A or.K, Nov. 2b
Marion has again returned from the
I search for i lie passengers of the French’
! steamship Lyontiaise, having seen uosliiogi
I of the missing passcugcrs since the late
: collision at sea.
) •
The Lo&t Steamship.
The lost steamship Lyonnais was valus
] en at a quarter of a million of dollars.—
1 Among iter missing passengers were Al
; bert Sumner, (brother of Senator Sum
| ncr,) and lady, One bundled and thirty
I persons are missing—all of whom, it is
| feared, have perished, as the weather was
! very boisterous the night of the accident
i ‘flic steamer Marion has been elnirter
i ed to proceed in search of the Lyonnais,
which her agents believe isetill afloat.—
At any rate, she may hear something of
! the missing passengers. The vessels with
which the Lyonnais came in collision, is
supposed to be a large American clipper,
| which disappeared immediately after the
■ iceident.
Make Known your Business.
‘I he merchant who eschews advertising
as an unnecessary expense, is ostensibly
incapacited for his business. The ex.
peine of making known where you live,
what you have to sell, and the manner
you propose to deal with all those who
j may patronize you, is quire insignificant
in comparison to the benefits derived.
Farmers always consult the papers to
find out where they, wi.heut a tiresome
! search, can find the exact articles they
; want ; and therefore those who have
j their “ light hid under a bushel ” are al
ways hindmost in attaining the great de
sideratum of every merchant—pecuniary
Our renders will readily boar witness
j that our leading men in every branch of
i trade are liberal patronizers of the press
J They, with a perception and liberality
; woithy of imitation, avail themselves oi
the use oi printers’ ink and become
1 wealthy in a few years. On the other
; hand, those who go on the “ o ! d fogy”
principle, soon find themselves with a
i stock of old goods on hand, and fewer
j customers than they desire ; a.ul in nine
i eases out of ten, they become bankrupts,
j Wo throw out these suggestions with
i no other view than lo benefit those who
| still labor under the strange infatuation
that it is too expensive to advertise.— Co
lutubus Sun.
It is really strange Hint the people will
not be convinced of the truth of the
above remarks. Rather than pay a few
I dollars for having an advertisement in
i sorted in a newspaper published in their
! own town, and circulated throughout the
counties, thus bringing their
| busine-s immediately before the people,
j they prefer sticking them against a house
! or a tree.
Waste..) Lnntl 11 mcutatois.
A correspondent of tiie Baltimore Sun,
’ writing from Chicago, says :
Real estate is quite arrive here, and
| some fine speculations are being made.—
A gcntUunJii from Virginia, a few wed, ,
i ago, bought a piece of ground outside the
lei.y limiis, for which he paid $4 0 per
’ acre, ami in ten days’ time had snbdlvid
|ed it into small building lots, and sold
nearly one half at the rate of sl(s 0 0
per acre. His profits will exceed $30,-
Capitol Z'xiansioa.
Most ol the ironwoi k of the ceiling of
the new Senate chamber in the north
wing ol the Capitol has been finished but
the ornamentation has not yet commenc
ed. The loom itsell is a fine ami spacious
one. large enough'to hold four or five ol
such chambers as that now devoted to the
sitiirgs ot the aognst body directly repr. -
sooting the seveial States of the Union.-
Workmen ate busy in the vestibule to
the new chamber. Most ot the chaste
yet richly capitalled white marble pilas
ter surrounding the vestibule are finished
and ‘ti place, ami when arched bv the
maible ceiling that is to surmount them,
w ill yield a richness of appearance not to
be reached perhaps by any other tna'eri
als, lu the vaiious committee toims the
busy fvescoers are steadily put suing their
beautiful work. The rematkable Naval
Committee room of the Senate will be fin
ished in about a month.
.A \tlionul In ‘el/ige > ccr.
—t - -
Emijvattoa to Xaasr.s.
Tile Lawrence Herald of Freedom,
which lias just re-appeared, alter a sup
pression of six months, states that etni
giants are arriving daily in Kansas, and
in large numbers, by way of the Missouri
live r, which is now once more opened to
travellers. The Herald has heard of no
late violence along the liver, and believes
that none exists, and that person will be
perfectly’ secure in travelling in small
numbcis to Kansas, if ihey keep silent on
the exciting issues of the day. The late
troubles have diminished the number of
families, but have hurried forward a large
class of young men and adventurers. A
line of stages is plying regular between
Lawrence and Leavenworth.
lit..’ Coueteifeit.
We are indebted to Mr. J R. Crew,
Ticket Agent lor several Railroads at this
place, for a derciiption ot n new counter
feit Ten Dollar Bill on the Bank of
Georgetown. It is evidently anew coun
terfeit from the old plate with some very
important improvements, and is well cal
ciliated to deceive the unsuspecting
1 he old counterfeits of iiis denomination,
are well executed, but the titling is badlv
done, nnd they are signed D. L McKay,
Cashier, and J. W. Coachman, President.
’1 ire new one is well filled in a business
hand, signed R. J Frasier, Cashier, and
J. G. Henning, President, and dated
Match l>t, 1851. They have ted backs
same as genuine. It will require the
closest scrutiny to detect them, and we
would advise our citizens to keep a look
out.— lllanln D'sc'nline.
Washington, November 17.
It is satisfactorily ascertained thabwliat
ever the administration is contemplating
relative to Panama and Aspinwall, no
one can speak upon the subject as to any
precise line of action which it proposes to
take, except that the rights ot our citizens
individually and the interest ot our gov
; eminent will be vigorously enforced and
! protected by means promising to be more
j direct and efficient than those heretofore
‘employed. The subject has proved em
bariassing to the administration, and has
occupied a large share of executive de
The Methodist Episcopal G'hmcli
Tito Western Christian Advocate gives
the following summary of Southern Metho
dism :
“Southern methodism has now six bish
ops~the Rev. Messrs. Soule, Andrew,
Paine, Fierce, Early, Kavamiugh. Two
have died since Its organization—Drs.
Capers and Bascotn. They have to at
tend twenty-two rniunal conferences, be
sides, the Pacific, embracing an immense
region, from Virginia to Texas and to
the Indian Territory. Some of those bo
dies are very large. In South Carolina
there are over 4.3,000 colored members,
in Georgia more than’ 20,000; in Ala
bama nearly 20 000, Ke. Whole num
ber of traveling preachers, 1.92 ! ; super
anuated, 130 ; local 4 34* ; white mem
bers, 423,521 ; colored member , F34,-
554. Indians, 3, T.j7 ; total, (503.303. —
The increase last year was over 23,000
flic Southern .Methodist Church now
numbers more than 30 0 missions, domes
tic anil foreign, 27.* missionaries ; 70,030
mission schools. There arc missions a
mong tlm- people of color, the German
population at the South, the Indian tr.bes
in China and in California, (now the Pa
cific conference.) flic society has been
in existence since 1854, and lrom $63,-
000 its annual receipts have readied near
ly -$j 80,000. Southern Methodism lias
made rapid advances in its educational
efforts, having not loss than 3,000 stu
dents in its numerous colleges and accad
emies. In 1845 its Sunday School So
ciety was formed. Now there are over
2,C00 schools, nearly 93,0 )0 scholars,
14,000 teachers, and 17,000 volumes in
their libraries. Five thousand Hollars
have been collected for the tract cause-
TJoumiJiiatil to W. i-r. Saber.
Many of the fiiemls and admirers of the
late Win. R. Taber, of Charleston, are
pioposing to erect a monument to his
memory. A number of the Richmond
Ruquker. alluding to the subject, veiy
ju-tly remarks, that ‘the zeal and ability
w Inch be di plaved in defending the lights
of the South, will make bis name be
cheri bed witli admiration wherever a
Southern sun kindles the noble ins'incts
ol our nature into a glow of generous
pride. But, to us of the editoial pioies
sion. any piopo-tion to honorUie memory
of Win. If. Taber, must appeal wifii pe-j
i utiar force, in life lie was among the
•highest ornaments of the press; aud lie
died to vindicate its lights. We claim
•ibe pi ivelege of attesting our admiration
of his genius, out sympathy with his
cause, and out sorrow tor hi- unfortunate
late.”— Atlanta l liellig-er.
Counterfeit M erchaxt's ano Plan
ters Bills — R would be welt for the
public to be on their guaiil asainst court- ’
teifeii notes ol the MertbniU’ and Pian-.
tors’ Bank o! this city. One te i doliai
bill nof'genuine was passed off this mor
ning. The counterfeit has a blurred,!
greasy and smirched appearance, and is
in all respects badlv executed. Jt would
not probably decieve any one familiar
with money, who should exercise tolera 1
ble caution. The signature of Mr. Rod
ertSj the President, is but a poor imitation j
while the red ink on the countei leit is of I
a much deeper hue than on the genuine j
issue, the foregoing was wiien ivr hear
ot counterfeits ot ihe denomination ('lens)
iu the same style and manifestly the woik
ol the same parries, on the Central Rail
road Bank. There is doubtless a gang
of counterfeiters in our midst We call
the attention ol the public to the reward
ol $!()!) offered by President R iberts, for
their detection ami apprehension.— Stv
Georgina JS'or. 11
A female Com a.ttaa.
A correspondent at Moorsville, Indian
a. has favored the New Yoik Tribune
with a gtaphic account of the uprising o’
:he women iu lhai vicinity in defiance o
law and order, and successfully putting
an end lotbe rutn traffic in their village.
On the afe l noon of November Ist the
church bells gave foitli some ominous
peals, upon healing which the proprietor
ot the turn shop closed his doors and put
the blinds un before bis windows. The
women soon assembled before the place
and finding they could ob ain admittance
no other way. burst the place open. The
rum barrels and kegs were taken out of
use place, the heads staved in and the
contents spilled on the ground. The fe
male then dispersed.
Tall Pistol Shooting.
Col. Hay, of the Biitish army, recently
tried his hand with the Volcanic Repeat
ing Pistol, a Yankee invention. The pis
tol used on the occasion was an eight-inch
barrel, which discharged nine balls in ra
pid succession. Tiie Colonel fired the
arm twenty seven limes, making a num
ber of shots which would do credit to a
rifleman. He first fired at an eight inch
diameter target at one hundred yaids,
putting cine balls inside the ring.” He
then moved back to a distance of two
hundred yards, and fired nine balls more
hitting the target seven times. He then
moved back one hundred yards tutther
a distance of thiee hundred yards horn
the mark, and placed five ot the nine
ball inside the ling, and hitting the ‘'bull’s
eye” twice. The roau who beats that
may brag.
03“ The editor of the Pittsburgh Dis
patch lost his beard—a crop of five years’
growth—upon the receut election. His
next step will be to bet “aH the hair off
his head ’*
France and England.
Appearances indicate that those two
great powers of Europe, are about to dis
solve their relations of peace and amity
with each other, now that they have sf
i lenced the thunders of the great Russian
bear. But recently Iter Majesty, Queen
Victoria, was all urbanity to Napoleou—
she coquetted with the Frenchman, Eug
lisli woman that she was and is, with a
spirit that would have done credit to any
French woman, in His Majesty’s own do
minions, all the world being surprised at
her successful political flirtation: Napo
leon was so well pleased at it, that be did
not hesitate to sacrifice his thousands of
Frenchmen before Sebastopol for the
mere glory of the thing, and treasure too
was expended with the same liberality.—
The cost of all this undertaking is uow
being counted up, and when compared
with the profits derived from it, France
finds out that it has been a one-sided af
fair throughout- The war over, ami Vic
toria is now an English Queen, with uo
French proclivities, her ]>eople the same
as of old, looking upon France ns their
natural enemy. The Ikuiriog of England
is therefore haughty in tin- extreme to
wards France and France evidently feels
it. Nor is France at all disposed to sub
mit to any cool treatment at the hands of
England, t-he will submit to no insults,
and between these two powers there must
bo no middle ground occupied- It is ei
ther with the Frenchman, |*euce or war.
V.'hat though the Bank of France, or her
“Credit Mobilier,” is in a pinch at this
particular crisis of her affairs: still France
wi 1 expend millions upon millions, rather
than England shall triumph over her.—
It is a Bonaparte that is Emperor of
France and tiie blood lias no likiug for
England, as long as St. Helena, that
rocky island, and the prison of the elder
Bonaparte, occupies its place in the ocean.
Unless, therefore, some great change
takes place in the temper of these two
great powers, towards each other, Fren* h
meu and Englishmen may “look out for
squalls.” On this side of the Atlantic,
we shall pos ibly be calm observers of an
other struggle between the crowned heads
of Europe, during which Republican In
stitutions will advance, and Republican
principles go on triumphing over all op
position in both hemispheres. “Somoto
it be.”— Examiner.
(jCJ- Tim Commercial Convention to as
semble in Savannah on the Bih December,
is likely to be largely attended. Gov.
logon, of .Maryland, Gov. Wise, of Vir
ginia, Gov Adams, of South Carolina,
and Gov. Johnson of Georgia, have each
appointed large Delegations. Besides
these, Southern cities, in their corporate
capacity, have generally appointed Dele
Tiie at"ion of the Commercial Convene
ti.m in f.i ner years, have resulted iu but
Rule pr..c k'ul go >ii to the country ; but
may we no indulge the hope that from
the talent ; bat will be in the approaching
one, un : lie demand of the times, that
if any:lung can be devised to advance
the nur.ri'ial interests of the South, it
will now be done ? if any thing is to bo
thus accomplished, now certainly is the
time to put it on foot Everything will,
in om judgment, depend upon the wisdom
that s.iull be displayed by the Couven-
Uoi We hope nothing but sound, prae
lical measures, such as will advance and
clove! >i>e the South, will be recommended
and adopted. Let Southern seajiorts be
built up, direct importations, commerce,
manufacturers, internal improvements,
education, :_c\, all receive their proper
attention aud our won) for it, nothing
else will be wanted to make the South
all she should be.— Southern Recorder.
tTha lUidge Case.
This celebrated ease, involving the ti
tle to the land upon which stands tle
eastern abutment of the the bridge across
the Chattahoochee ut this place, was
tried again ut the late term of the Su
perior Court for Randolph county, Geor
gia, and resulted in a verdict against the
Bridge Company of $12,000. It has
been pending for many years, and has
been tried several times with various re
sults, having been twice reversed by the
Supreme Court of Georgia We learn
that several points were reversed by the
counsel for the Bridge Company, upon
which the case will again be taken to the
Supreme Court. —Eufaniln Spirit.
Sunday in New York. — According to
the New York Express, the Now York
Sunday is becoming more like that of Fu
rls than that of an American city. ‘The
Express says that on Sunday last, the up
per part of the city looked not a little
like race course. All sorts of .vehicles
were out ; grog shops free aud open;
target firing and gunning doing a large
business, aud at night, dance houses and
free concerts lively and noisy till a late
hour. The Express thinks that if Free>
soil pulpit should rebuke these things it
would be told that it has no right to say
a word, having commenced the work of
desecrating the Lord’s day by introduc
ing politics into the pulpit.
A Glancing Shot. — At Harrison
Dake, Wisconsin, lately, a sportsman, ou
shooting at a dock in the lake, was horri
fied to see a man spring forward and fall
on the beach near by. It appears that
the Wall struck a wave and bounded back
in a line varying only about fifteen de
grees from whence it started, and passing
through the heart of the iau, iestautly
killing him.
st§=“ ft is said that if Fremont bad been
elected, the right hand man of his admin
istration would have been Charles A.
Dana, of the New York Tribune.