Newspaper Page Text
Now is tlio Acfopticl Time.
The smoke of another election in thi s
Territory lias passed away, and, as w c
have already made known, it has triumph’
antly uud unanimously gone in favor o*
the Pro slavery party from the Territori
al Legislature to the election of a delegate j
to the next Congress of the United States,
but what we particularly wish to call at- j
, tention of Southern men to, is a conven
tion to form a Constitution for a Slate
Government at as early a day as expedi
ent, which matter the Legislature will
doubtlessly attend to as soon as that au*
’ gust body assembles ; nud as the general
presumption is, that they will appoint a
day early in the spring to elect members
to the convention, we wish to impress the
importance of prompt and efficient action
upon the minds of Southern men. It will
be very necessary that all the slavehold -
ing States shall be largely represented by
that time. This will be the most impor
tant election that has ever taken place in
Kansas. It will then be decided whether
Kansas is to be a slave or a free State.—
A question of vital importance to every
State in the Union, therefore it will bo-,
come the bounden duty of every South
ern man to be up ami doing There is no
time for repose, nor will there be until
this great question is decided.
There should he a general rally in all
the Southern States. Money should be
donated in large sums, and every prepa
ration made for a large migration before
the opening of the next spring We hope
the South will do her duty. It is a com
mon interest with all pro-slavery men. It
will be a struggle of no ordinary imports
mice. The very salvation of every slave
Statcpn the Union dejieiuls upon the re
sult Put your shoulder to the wheel
and let us all give a strong push and a
push altogether, and Kansas will be saved
for the South ! — Kansu* Pioneer.
A Western Town —The town of
Superior, in Wisconsin, was first settled
in June, 1854, and in September of the
same year, the first sale of lots took (date
In January, 1856 the population of tlie
Biy ot Superior wa-- 5(10 while at pres,
ent there are 100 tainilies cultivating
ianns, P2OO of a population, all the com
huts and luxuries of older (owns, and a
weekly newspaper, it is the terminus
of two railroads, which part at Chicago,
HI, running through the entire length of
tne Stale, along its eastern borders, and
also through the middle'and western sec
tions. Pretty well for one year.
Emigravts.—Never since the set!le
nient of Cherokee Georgia, have the ei.i
zens witnessed such an immense multitude
of emigrants bound for the wilds of the i
far West, as has Itcen seen this Fall ami!
Winter thus far. We seldom look out
upon our streets and highways but we!
see a wagon and group clad in the lmbil
aments for traveling. They are mostly 1
from North and South Caroliuas. — Ca*s
vitle Standard.
A Model Mavor.— The Mayor of
Port Lavacea, so soon as he was < lecteil,
pulled off his coat and rolled up his
sleeves, and went to work at the repair,
ing of one of the bridges, which was in so
dilapidated a condition as to injure trans
portation. The Lavacea Herald thinks
that Mr. Clow will make an efficient
Go id Oral of Bacon. —The stock of
bacon in New Orleans on !lie Ist instant
was estimated to be 5 000 casks, and the
stock in St. Louis is about the same, ma
king a total of 1(1000 (asks, Estima
ting each casks at 800 pounds, we have
at these two points eight millions of lbs.,
equal to -40 000 barrels ot poik.
! ‘IHI i.” “ “” ‘ ■
Cfoi.i/MBtrs, November IB',G.
COTTON —We fruv(“ fro chongo so report
The tfcufftm) eiMiltnuus good, and lliu • a!*’s y
tordty Toot i*j hales. Good Middlin'; lb
Receipts of the day BIG bub s.
IFUI’ EWAKN .on person from trailing
for a certain proiiwsary note, made pa t
•d>|o to | IM!< itml signed by Win. C Pcrhnts
Haul iiore was first given for five bundled
1 nij fifty-eight dollars, with four crcdi s. !
The first for one hundred dollars ; ihe see
ond for fifty-nine dollars; the third for one!
hundred dollas’s; the fourth for sixtv-threc
dollars aod l some cents; (die dates id the
above credits not recollected.) Said note
was lost or stolen from my pocket in Cutli
hert on the 27th of November, 185f>.
Therefore, I fine warn any. and overy
body from trailing for said note.
December list. >Ssf>—3ttns
HHT LOOK I I K Iff KJ : vv<t"’”
Pork IPanteiL
J which In; with tr.ido for PORK at eight
coats Wlk*wants it?
Dec. 2—lb—ts
ALL persons indebted In the late linn of
AMttdS &. CALLILR, whose ai-eoiiots
amt’ notes are duo, wdl bo snoil* if limy do not
settle shortly.
tCr 1 mean w-hat hsay. J_3
Dec 2—lC —if Surviving Paltrier.
ISlanls A ((atlmipiifs
OF Lite new Form, just printed and for sale
Ilian k Declarations
JUS 1’ printed, and for sale at
WILL lio sold on tlie phiuia’inn ot |
Loiei.2 i l). Price, late f Kail- ,
do|ph County, deceased, on Thursday the
IS I) lost., till of ills pet ish dtle properly be I
! longing to said eslalc. Consisting of llot'es. |
.Mules. Corn. Fodder. Ho;j, Cattle, farm j
1 ing utensils, House-hold an ! Kin-lieu furui-’
.lure ami various other articles u-uatlv co i
! uectod with, and belonging to a cotiu ry
j farm.
Terms made known on the dav of sale.
AARON PRICE, > . . .
I, 0. PRICE. I A< ‘” S
: Do. 2,1856 — 3 t.
IvANooLrn County,
, J H ’RHA. Job i W .J.; evs nj>;d e- to in •
V j to lc’ c* .f Gii i i't or 0-. t;iv us
J■* 111!.-* Iliili S. J,7 :CB, M1.111.* O’ 'pllilits of
.NV i I ini .J.m**’ cioc.t’ cd:
. Tii“se io thereto in ri o•• i.j mliiD'O h die
j kimi'ed mul I’, ends o ‘ 0 ,n. to ue and
t.ipp’at* hi inv Offi • w.i in lac me .Vi
I i*v -iiw, tli n oii l there l.) iiio tin* . lijci t. i;h. it’
!•* i v they ll've o*h‘Mviso utters w ho *4 .cd
* ■-*ml 1 oK i. Ci .?. n idcr oty i.i ..1 1 llit* •.
1 *i.s 2 i‘i November, I o.
. !>. LKNNAIM), O . diuat y.
Dec 2 l(j — 10*154
S ;l!cc
!2} M licpp] v ;vvp!i to : 1 ! con ted, hi t\V .1
|ui on* a’er l 1 a a ply n the JKni*
j orch'e ■ou •: oiO n. ,y . IKi d.*i ■ <• m ,
.ai's it. Term, ‘o 1 vc :o r*e! di J ival
f‘s.,l oof John \V. Ti. c and • • ’s-*d ‘l ’ 1• - Xov,
2* ii, 1 •■(> LODUICk T \ER.
j i>.-c2— ‘ln / -.mi:’.’.- .;tio
viUi'ibu PioPinsTf
lb”or Sit •<*.
l*e s i’ll on lie* ‘t Tu''s:!.iy i•.I t .11 7
4 no>l. heroi c liioGou 1 Mouse <foo ;!io
low of (*. 111 i * i. I\ tiidof ‘ii ctjUd'v, 1.0 rI ow
ing .*lO -c !y. .o-ivi; :
Oil’ fi tlVo toi v• ‘ 0. 5 11 ill!?** •- .1 h N
*K i t jll c*. M f■ju , a 1 . !c- ihc’ .
. \s 1,01 * iic so 11 *• J, •, o 1 11 ,ui *. •o ~ oc*
I• i!pi* (I •a “ .11 Iv (J ovc t. *’ ‘ on*
and l 1) ha . Ttv • o s t own ci’ V 1 .1
Nov **•o *la i",.* 5.1 r ’ ‘ f‘; hla and ?I. *
l.o! No. iS,i 1 f i-* ;iil) s i l co •. ‘og 20 .'y
iicros. \ so. SO !.•,’ oi* he w , h I. 1
No. f l in i lie it il Di-ii :< !.
1 Sod t i .<• ;n) icny ot 1. • Sc t
ell* ;t divi-ion.
i ILi* Tc in l ’ ■:> “h‘h now ion •11v of --Ko.
J. !> I\ V, .Sin . \i, 3 {’ i’uil'i*.
N"v- 25 —ls—:ds
a \i n \ 5 o s’ i \ ? 4 ?\
I “ft. 3* Yvi;u * ot'.io order of i-n? C.u o O --i
----’ }sJ iii y. sand I ill Coll v, (,*• \v h*
i Kf!-: ho.'o c t.i- Con- llonse > ! .io. 1 ‘fhto n.i>, itt
COll.ll', V. 1 c 1 111 -
110 , oil i'll! iisl UPS ; 1 ,1 1 V v j.r On o
i Loi .•!’ ; 1 •cI i. its’ POinr V, .. cm .1 h ’ 1 mi u-*
jl> ‘i’ X7l in L c.s'voo! 1* tli ii ici. oi innj
j <*TO ii: ‘ifd : Sik td .’ . . m.* c
iOt ft* Sohi ;i i tlic t ol l i’s. o oi* K. H.
: • ;j mo t. dic’d. Tor lue h. i-t oT .tci.-s
Ci t.‘ ors o’ ,-dd (! ’d.
j ‘J'ci its * ‘;< ii. Porch . r<o • ’*r ’ I *s.
WM I. IMIAWI'ORD. A i o’r.
Nov. 25— uU.
1. ‘ ) AND MT.TtOKS
For & 5 C.D C3 ■
rrp II ) -oils- 1 lu-r nff r for s e iliofo’.
o*\ N groes a n’ l.:u:d, i > n .e
two and .ii., e iiavnii'iiis.n hi in ces :
Age. Ile \\ ,-ic i , P > ii.
, George, 34, s— t 150 $14.0
Wait, S3, 5—6 151 1300
I!'He, SO, s—o 10! 1,00
| Snfiih, 75, s —l 10(5 JSOO
1 Sidney, 34, 5 131 ] 300
1 I in riet, . 28, 5 115 ] •()()
! Darcns, 27, 410 112 1200
‘Hannah, 13, 4—o 1)1 1100
Mary, 11, 4-7 Si 07)
Si Ivy, 10, 4 0 Lt) 95
Hetty, 8, 4 55 750
15' ib, 0, 3—b 4 7 (50 >
; Georgia, 4,3 35 500
| John, l.t year.ii, and Jane 1 j mouths, 4 'JO
1 i?!6 Acres of I. m , v,: i O ‘ f i VLory
, and Pine mix’d. mi 1 l>-iwren . a dit i'.) ‘
i oTfijn* laud and im ; gon Ixi • n u‘t V * *i:>Ti,
|w. li, aml:i . iicc -*.i •v’ out. it;.; v, •, n
j Pi* t* it on ii . anew trV.,.>loiy if m 2 non •
jti n fil’d, wr •* live in ••!'cr.. Also, Mi (. .1
I huu • *-. rwi> •> e vh, ;nd 1 *:.y SiW (Juts
! will lJ lint i'l W ill f I**s l/t . IJ. ‘i*i * J.tlid I
well, .-rid t•: MTHili’ gr *y, wi 1 a rl.y fit in ijintu
in the divilil )l t mil &Ml 2 : i’ -. Ti.t! It u.l
will ‘*e Mold n vßj> r acre. J J/md c.inh
div id and llltx> iiifijt* j ) Mon . if'd .fth cd.
J 1 L S O :
I OHO I)*i h 1- S I I . ; r*r )<;i c.*T; f)..
000 jo,/o d’ rodder,a! .‘s;l 25 up. liii.i 11 • -r|; pu T
at |U j fi*r liutidic-J, -us. SiocT It . r ; i<’
If!.. \iu 1 1 , - l VV l"l:i, O.VHII. I .. tn: n
I Tonis, mid Imirilling mi.dciuciU . o; ewiv g . -
* 1:1 li’ ( 1.
j Tlio p'anti f im fr. 1/; G^or^c^nwn
, R-ndul(ih couii’y, and 8 i:.n i u-ihuhn L'o.
I lui liter j> i In ulars, e I and rn !hr* f*ro ip tv.
JAMES i;u i 11 ifOlii).
JNov. 11 • I8“6. .5 fins
f From Geneva, Switzerland.)
R p leave mosJ. sc pc'’y ic* i ;ilo: m I lio
cit : zn -s of Cu.:l r- timl v c i'v, tl.* l
he Ims nit .voci m I'ici, twirls:, r.,il 1;:k( 11 rooms
* I the O I “ MxCm;i tl DC,*’ :)*• ,i to 1 1- IK 00!. s’
Dons •, w ,<:i e iic is pj-..*;. •n| to <I) ;*'l work in
lu> line of httrffiivss i*j iho mo ;i ;i : <•; mauii j,
at short no.'iee, a-uj on .ca -cmhlc . ins.
Having |r.c iced i e W.*i ■ uii-ih. g
since an ou Iy | r, i io i *> I is ! ;c, /r i ion va. I'.ir*
is and l/ooion, he m.*v \y> . rsur*! the pnhhc
ill lie is inferiji’ to none of hisco aid
limjic* la l>e i.tiur.-u w.lli the p ii.ona're
of ifiirf town am < vicinity.
I. sti ‘licici! eiicuuiagcincnt sho-i 1 1 h • ox’end
ed i j liirn, j>o that Ii * <;. -ak * ,l io ...- imcresl
to |>. nmeif Iy io.: t<s in t’ulhacr! !p \v;fj
bring a ! -e and well .issoilcd . ;>ck of \V a! he
and Jew 1 v. •
ffr All Waicbcs sol i or
not’ and fur Iwglvj moauli.?, a;c*d :, ut> ( ac p’ctf.
IVov. 4 3t
Hacon ask(l iittny.
So (#ENN N A K 0 nro rc.i eiving from
’l'cimes ee, 50 09:) I’oii .uSs of liti-
COH,of l‘io best rpioliiy- A so, a iot of
.■•cat. ec.9
Cuthberl, -Sopt. t-ts
•TIIE SUOIITJEST TRIP, and the saving ol time, talk and money, L
m. N. I?£3>S,
and purcha.’c your Frd! iivtl W > ••)'. •* t’ C .>'•;. Every llfing that !s rich
i rare and in the Lidia* Deparhnsnl, can he found at lIULD’S. Ahindl
’ last o ’ t'ae ‘odowing styles :
-n, mu /s, -
hImT - J kT Ww. &■
j SISK ROP.Erf, 15ROCAI)K.rf. FANCY 8 .'111"ED an.l PL MN BLACK SII.KS
. of every variety “I stylo ami palieri ; \iO!l TED WOODS of all i.i.kih,
(ChiMcee’s l)<•,.;<i-im ■!.t not ueg'eeicil.) BONNETS of die ia esl
Fee.ncii rfTVi. ‘. a,i I inu-i Fa-100 dmi m* vc.ies< ;
Dress friamia 73.
Can all he had tit iii, >’ i) <•
! j'l!, pncM Mi) Fmiiij mE,
X large asoorfmeiit, at the \ER Y LOW 1 ; T i’lllCES.
Opciu Fiaunels,
Tweeds, Cloilis,
C:i-slinerG', fcjatincttn,
Rii'acltcd and I’ruwn Dnlliitg, Kentuelty Jeans,
Homcrpims, llleaelfd and IJrinvu. liotn 5 coil's tip, IL avv lilankeis,
a large stock purchased exp ess’v lor ibis section of the coun r/.
jo.” the T,atcst and mo t FiisiiiouaMe style.
Bitils J- - jfc - d-, SlHllottcry,
•77 ... - e. D2v -a. :-v,, c t,
A pi ‘ a so 1 iicu. o a.’ ole ; in the . aacy ii ne, wr li inunv o her minps too nn
lut’ -on. io in -nlion, ca tbo oh: .ined by calling at iiJ •; JV* where cvervhodv
i ami u “ a. t the rest of die world gatfei-.tily, hre already rushing to see the
I .to-: and best uivcatous for adorning lie person, and tlio prouiot.ou o.'eu-e and
■ iic ;■:> V m dr. 4 .f.Nf# c-n
7 n eon -!■ | a ui ‘e of tlio pro -ent : n -pit .es <t by a d.reet Ime of i ansporla ion,
and i lie in iv>d n : o pin-meet of nI! i.lroad . -oni Amerieus to this place, ail kinds of
G00..3 Ctiu be sdltl at ve. v sina'l *st p *ii wit
HO'UB’S, ~ C,f 1,.':-re.
Oil h eS -pi. 801 l
C CJTHS GRT. F -a ph C w . G-i.
ILK M u ce in \ m .r uin o I * .. -
V w do! ii. !’i rc I. Don*;lie ii ,l .
b hid. 1) ( !.y. !VJ.I!. ,md Hlc.v a i
i QJT Uo i- . , i).i'tiid n jit<i ‘•o ,i I 11,’. ;iys
iGuyivo i••)hi diaiti *. u nio.i'm , mio i.
; Aug. IG-Iy
W® B'StißlDa
A ■.l y • c. w
CUTHDHRT , r-rJo'di Pointy, (ia.
? ILL p;-I ,;p ;■! be; r II ;;d rs iii
v i vv** icr.i C’lrcu !;.s, A no- -iu
•ed t * his cic wU . ."ci ivo j>: o.uj). a,u cumcili.ilo
I tt Mnntio.i. Oci. 7 0
’ ® 0 ,7 J f> U-'tyWEf*
Morion, C( Cos. (ia.
‘AtiT*. UK < ’ I om i a*:! adjoinmg
(JnUut ii’rf. IjHsjTie Sh i’ r 4)fi|i*d to Ins mu o
will receive prOiiifK aird on rc*’i<j D.U’uli. ii.
Oci 2i Gm
Atto’ney •• l Law, a ..It L id Aeyt ut,
COLQUt Tl’, Miller County, (Jo,
7775 R VCTIC E> in a’l lie Counties of luc
li I*aimla aod Soiiihw si r 1 (Vi < 11 is.
A I money c ilcc 1 ewiil bti Im trded over im
Hcui i apply for nr’id i-cceiye f<-iid \V r a 11;n Ip,
and ei li* r buy ii:eii *‘t the m'U'koi price 01 &cll
them for ! li*) ovvne .
Ifo will oxantino. im/ or kc. I any K o.’-<
K io S,.u :! invoH'!i'ii ( go yi.i, al ,ijc 1 conns! of
the ovv er or on .vh 1 f
Ih iCK -Fo ox •mining a I t of Luod in
-V !If*i omity, -S r . i;Kmy, IJ , ;i'.o , (Ki oh .
I>kcr,. I fie, ad K’ uicio’pii. flit. Exuniui ,
huyiffg jtedsci ’mid. 20pt*. ce il.
Nov. I F: v
pnt'l -p uftTij
ii :J sJ lSdi BL L J
Ojipuskc c - ■ CitsM'irgcj-
O* B7ea!fi o;i tlo r.n'v.i* cf eve: 7
Sept. 13 ly E. E. BROWN.
£2O OT # SEE 081
■BFr* 9L3 ‘jac A.i> . r is2. ~\Z. r <a
rHAME Siile ei iiwrs woo id 010.01 fegfSj
Jj. t.ueir |I 1, Hus ii'Kl I e public
e. I'v. tli j l they vv; 1 I;. ep eons: u ..j B|a.
unli iod ave, v cv ensive n. so. I.ent
us Ge n \ B3OTS, tuici LaayNV .(king
ALSO, 2,(K) pai sos NEGIIO SMOES
net up o!’ Die orsi mute. ml. Ca aiage and VV ;,g.
on Hm in-- .double and ingle. Rep.,king dune
wi'ii desp.i eli.
lb/* Earmcrs mul oiiie; n -n!.; do well toeall
and examine our so,!, before ne.o-tin-iug
where as we a-*■ deuiimmed pse!t low tore., ,
or ai.p lived p.ipe.. (JOFF & CO.
CiiUibcn, ‘Vug. 10. if
1,1 ROM tiie hou-e 01 l. I’. Ali:,-hcl!, in
Banilel|)4i l ouiily. 011 ilie 4 h in-'., 11
sui:i!l ligui ti. v ’,,1 e ,MU,.E. slimi before,
some spot •on t;nr hark caused by lie lie.
rfai i All !e is about 13 years o il. Aiiv io
form,l ion re pertiug said kaile will be
ill lokli'lly received by the suosirilier at
Lump,viu. ibSAAG DAUBY,
Nov. Jb - Be
1 J c,:'(•-!. :ji’ <a cl (Jforgfdown.
FBI Ml!)- i"■ “:7 I, Il - —’ ‘ “ *
Jn. *m l *■ < /.•ia* of \ly. jL j|l
:..C* w i !i lu w 11
“■Sf VflfTfVf’
VW 4.-. *C-Ji VaJ. .j
*‘ f* ‘.G'l O.v 1, ;* 1 ■U*;•'i. j*; I ,<) I),,|b| ,MM,|
<' •* ‘• >” ...; ,'.i; I'M 1 ‘i .j <; f ts K j •
• ’’ ‘* |V; • 1 :y ‘•v i.i ii ■1 p coil I.AK..y
OH- !>i l |'J) Vol
nxcAis.Ai & no
V- 1 !I,v wi *‘• M.O l;i/j i •c.v*‘‘: mu Kef •. •r -
• • ‘ ‘■ i O’) D. 1 i in 1.1 • .\ .i; 4 Hill f.n.
u • d)G , ci ail t ill fls Gli! H-l ;<j (J ifr.i l*,
il i’ Lh. ■. :Vt li :ls i:..Lvi) 0,1 ,i., io
I ) # *’ I t’ -n of Mr. I? io: .I *ll i;r
.5'’ * ■* ■ !l i :i’ 11 !. .•!’
Im : i lO’ l •v*,'; 1 fa 1 oil. I i’ .1 a • , il* f iUH'ii
ami liic jii.if ;c .)•;*'• ;h r. !!.
ii V:(K -'> v & UIOUDAN.
(• rgci)*.v I>. :)j. i;:..f
tl! ; u (J|*.-. .g-.f’.l will ICIIJ. O!) !':(* iii 1
Ji. (f*.v of .! ihm 1 iy, I8.)7, liic S.iOj) (itmanly
of ; j;j 1 and by Vv*. il J. Cii i)>..inn t fur the par
|)‘ e of rII .; il) tr (l|) (:J9
i • .22c > su? J
l)'i i : I ;.H is v.icio 1 s hr o:ho W.* o
1 • r I, •* .1 ! fait .. ~1 ‘hi.’lg of . I ! 11. ‘s o 1:
rm :;o >d it * 11! s im i;j is us. ny oi ii * r ftliop 11
Cu ‘in** . Vone ijui uuinpetoul vvj/kinui)
|j OlUphty ;j
A . • • 1 * us the [jubfc i*4 -o! i c : . • 1.
3 j. i; ajo .. .i. v.
■..\Jirnl . ii
man fy mrs% r* s-m - .y t v qesbi *t- *. >
eaaw J rJ. vs /.„ pyi ) .u. cvmm mv 4
rn\ *•; ; s. • i -7 ■ i t a \:: ..,s
-Jl ;U L’ 1m( hi .!')■ i' l . 1 i‘,i* I; ~.s) o jrrv
ci 1 lr- J. 0. lieu xid 1’ 1, 11 x: (Job*
.0 O* dg t)* /•' 'J, vv ..l( i.,.. ,i •of
n a ii 1 !•; 8 s
••• :li In ;>:P. op i , . ilß,f m! and ■>• a’ ‘e r
■ ‘'', ; ! ■-1 “,n ■? ■ 1. v. ..I ;b vv.i. ..u so.U uui
tor V V aii or ;i ■ . o I'll i'\b
i. v ..* y and : * •
of Ml , !•.<! oie .proaip'l.', fo’ •'• ‘■< C",. 1 ’
v... no j-. •11 ii il ii vi’ 11 t;n wrk ‘ ■ v ■ ’ ■ ,j>
ASA AL. . \N M...L
O; , Jbun 3
mi mm 1 s
WE have . line lot „f TENS KSSEK
JJ \CO A to 1 s do :>< he store ‘one ■
Iy oceu.iicil Ii v M. H. Joy re. .'it Euiau!a,
A In., in ii <1 Cole mlius. Go., at low m. t..
and ui.iell i heat,ci tban [’or, hi i!i n's ui
pru ts. B. v. KICHAKUB & CO.
Kul'a! 1. Nov 18.
W 1 fl’il-U I jvES ft JLWLLLEI,
cgrt'JSK • i-:t, a.
Nov. 18 -ts
.1.L13 \tlS V,
GUI iiIJEFvT, (Ft.
Aug. 1C ly
Ej'.ml sEVfj*.vf. : .'7.v H .((J.
T ‘(Oil v%eh .he highest imr!>, t p >-o vvi lbe
£L’ paid. Cal! and see me bi lore you < 11.
CutliU/ft, Aug vi'J
lew Goods!
WKllAQfllFft J3NES
A Kil .mv no'u in;'iiml b|>o..iUp llie.l’ olOcti
dm. uC fa:.i. .md ula r, ii
O W W JJ cW <5
Co:t i'lii!” i:i jnr! of
J'Uiiry Plaid an:l Plain IJlivek Silks,
Cushin Ten, Mernioes, Oimllics,
] ;ineil mill Soit.i DuLaiiies,
Persians, i in-hams and Prints.
A i .ijje ! il bc;m .in! n oiini-’ t oi’
3 SB 2§BL£.*&3R££i'&9B
LA C iv-v
C!lO V MS,
li() .UillY, &e.
stock of CI.OAKS, !WAiVnM.AS
ami SI 1 V\V I,S. raonot. i; im al in lin- m u \et.
Swiss, Jaconet and Jy'nnso<>k . Muslins.
Void'd Hfiecdrt/ ii nil Piui/i Wide
V ■ mbi :<■ v, fi.'aic ‘ii il (loui/s ,\ KiiwpiJS li/ii,i/ceis,
# -'J ic/iiiigs &'c.,
\V() ■I ST I'D (juO L> ,S f-i i J o: b'.m jI aml Boy’s
w.mi, ill s ,:'oi v . iiv v, Oiio ot ibo la l-jinl
b. -i .. lieS s’ oi.s of
r. ■v I'V fijlfP ‘ ‘' l
Li mOi A..lkill
eve In;I’.), is etftiibii.ed iii Cul.iUc.l. Also, on
excoHen i-ssuihn*‘.nl of
11 its, (/U;y, IKmbn. S.mioucry. Hardware, Sad
iifc*''v■. Crock y,
*! i’O, WOU’ I S V t: l If) ot* 4Jj • lilir; {
an i Mi.-mnmling cmi ii y, taaj ibev <■■ n m,d niU
,iv , ,’i mi ; i>o .s a v:i ;a ; ::s a: y one vi-i*.
II y ‘('in* ’it ‘i’ • j;,i ri. m; ii,i; y Old lilV.U’d 10 r.all
nmi c;;atm> luc n.iM.
u ;i uis So l
I in-iu. mO Uruoka’ llou.-c.
CirtMjort, Sep? iio-tf
m sa o mw
V’ ’A/ il 0 Li'ccii i■!; am! on *i mm . I’'ho
V V ui: -t i!c r. li'o of A'ALIi AND
W LjvT : _'.i_. QOO.'?)is f :i-H. has uv r Iw:pu i*.\ •
,1)1 .} i • !.:;s|)r .. uV O ; .r: 111 i} i..i*lOSujtl.|j *)!’ M jin
s-oii & Dixy.. > iiao. Tin* S iYM’N QuaUiv ami
i,mv Fiii*’*:*
of (hir mi', i “ I. • <ak I<r iimaisolvcg* \V<j
iiiivc; l ‘ i.:o aml C <i i 121 ju :ol
Foioi'ia and American
Cos e UiCI'I (1 ml WUHI Kld ; ,(( \\T Tat
h: : . n■’ “, ! O i ti) **j> 7- 11.1 flilbOllll.*
WOiL : i iiJ (jJOijS, ol* u; oh , aml ii
ladss;s* aooDti
of i v ■ s siv I-, (| lalily ami fpiaiilily; CALICO
ii >)ll fO|l CT'HIS o|,
(J iuglKims, ;>ei -sines,
Al|> ;o „s, (J'lsiiiner-.'S/
Ali'i'ino •>•, llia.-k silk,
i’reneii Woulen I'lniils,?
!•’ iS;; oiiicisi. s, l -arcs,-
*T p{’ J ,i! -A- wp Ii .vp, <•-iii<it bo rqo i!!-■(.!
ii„ •, • io: liM il * i;As an.l is :\ Li f'Y.
1 A-r a 1 co, •he L dir call Inj amply buojdiod
vv j i. I
f ‘• 1 ?■’ i o v ’ ‘ l 4 Tt' l * r ? ••• ‘ff
| o • iV iVo o i’.i ...
I As in i m I- .itoMS V ;f-
V- .r •ani .- v *<.•; s•,um .. iv•• i. n fnm* S’ 10
?■) i.'i, all ‘lmp. a. i Cjl>.+ Out arc la- io.ui
-0 r, <i tii 1 wc mo > iit all r.isles. Krom Uiu
.. ,j u. lhn 111 mi; ami iiioderl. AMk
ail;- ;PI !:;.* < - ,IJ lesplJ-IJS, JJed
T,i'ku! i H. I ;.■'(• J .. 0 l>.i-.iij g*
Asp Ci-drtJ as oihin;; tin*
SSno. s a a.i KlioCs
fjadi -(i ui.’ O'; >!•’ ‘■ • *• o Bho ■, Xy
• K * v fii • *ik * *1 L ■ i>e \ t>. IiATiS
ami (JA !*S rw’ hliapun: and vi'.j.
ri:m urn CLOi'iJiPiii'.
‘lhiis, a I !i)ti:|"-ii ‘tl “i aslo arererjm* id (0
(’XiOii.m. IVi; (mu il; i, mu hjys ol .-m id i.uiu
•( in ’ll ni’ ■ l,e la, : j oi.
A; dv.i ~i’o i. y, J wrj •y, &c. \V have
111’ i>! -11 I‘i .. • a \V|l/| 1 •;. • mot -
•i l .i.iii il.r.i Li, in vvhi:• i Wii v, ,i ivy our
Cloutio lo ; oil lit'.. s>ao:iT I’iiUKi r.
.ii: \: i Ni. &a i o \ -i,
Cii’l ‘so S t mi, I tijoi’ buioiv .iie l’. O.
f: o li!,i;i i. S (>i.: Nil
S, D*Niels” & C 97,
North i'.iis.. Coiner Publ.c Square,
AMlilllUJS, (*a.
C( 1 v• Jo ea ; l then’ e din. of Iho c*i! *•’
.lii if /.-as oVlSodtii Wes;Oeii u llieir
> (IC.V Oi’
6\, . .';#'•#, E*. ;::o *Vr.
‘I .ry ii. vv tiiidoii 1) lafii *?:oi:.w, a lar^c
ah oiMaOii* oi*
<>m rjj t.
Go/t/ r///r/ Stiver Walthfs, Clocks Rich
Jewelry Silver Ware, Silver
IKa.ed Ware i ft‘6’.
Aninu; r t il; r i’ocU may im j'ou id El -^riMt
(>.lilW 10 > I' : Ii M'S ;i ;,d iL*ilf'| h, (I ) . .!>••
fr nl fS.Iw \\ . e-i n v ions qi i i;i s a ; ui , A 'ii } ou <*.oc'.,h. ii siimy M\les,
.< w • nd; It. ii JK V KI.U V i tv;
,• ; ; ..vfi .** j> o. , i'o ‘.s, lia’ o; K nives,
C .\ c : :■> V* i'i ■ . <'.;•: < t ( aLo Ki. lid<.
(~ sVi; ; W m . 7 Spot)us, Knives,
Co.i ... 10- I I I-.I : Ot
Cnaiis, Bed-ji iul.--, T ‘dr, Bureaus,
Wash-! inis, F eii C'muuber Setts,
Sol'.is, Tete a Teler, WartliOlies,
Cetitrc ; ables, Hook Cases, &e., &.
We I’ ,vo a fiiiu aiHo.t.iHiin o.’ C-tdckeriu^’s
C . : it. aI c J
io Rosewood (*.'"& (>: the !iow *.-t si; < , * t , vvhli a
“ood ii-mi :.iic • ‘ I* ‘i a and fain • n
*-V id oav oh, . Ml.t: , m| mail. o. or articles.
il y Widciies and JeweV rep ifiediu uie best
in;, liiior.
A ‘. ci ‘, Sept I 3-1 n
i\>: >JiIC.
rpsmiK Holiso now opcupied by Ncwpll iV
II 11 ■ 11 :• rix i> I>: sile. If not sold by Ibr
li. ,1 ol January poxt ii will be for re.-I for lb 1
titxlyeitr. Ajiply lb F. LbIIMAH.
Ab” %-ts
Evil 1*0ICIl!ill Ol’
j li*A£R£tU(i>Sm
ino establish.ment, SSL^
up ‘Sicirs, over the Hrtig Ijpß’
rffoie, where all persons tie
j siring work, can have i’flkA W I
done as well and ns cheap I
A can !>e done ia buiitime.-q
----cm Georgia.
( j- Tei ms C A Ml. ‘twa
i Ciit'nhcii. Aujy. Ml. IHMI-Oiii
I®] clpiii
Tn il Ii •• acil won',l to pecllWljt Mifonii
U. iii-; i , ‘/.pi .- oi Rnmloli I. anil tliotidjoiitii j>
I no ms. tliiit they me | n |i;iie,l lo htultl lot
C ii. in ni>(•>toml Small Moles, Vt-liii 1,-s Os
i’ vi \ o 111,1 mu ni a s'vlo and lioisli not out-
| *.t .-.'d In’ any sho|> ttoolli. Wo etr.|iloy no
.B) as
.uni ill ri'loiccuu all work done at Oitr
Sjlil'H. •
*tLi’ l!i'|taii ;n<r done iinady and With prolit|>(-
o -. Tl inl.l'ill for jiasl (l.ilronage, wo solicit
a liberal dune for the liiidre.
i . & A. LF-HMAN.
Cudibvil, Aug. 10. lebli-if
T4L weß v fysr&a)
HA V IO nud wiil !.uci ctmdaiil-
Iy on li;iinf, in Cnthhorl, a yfF jg
; it! a o and well be lee led nwntmuut
OrirgH, HK tlttinrn, Ihiinh, OiN, l>yc Slislls
PerJtimery, ,
a, and ,'V’n tiling |>pi:;nnliig to il.bir lino of use
l oss, vvliii b .Siry nil i i,poii an tensonable Itifni
• t'i ‘,l < ■>i lie bail in Huttili Western tioolgiU
‘. no public mo ti i|iipslod to “ lube due notice,
Cn in. A eg. Iti-lf.
m r©„ ©Miaiii,
SSSi 13x1 r r.r- ’ (S r HC* 9
DR. II will laiildiilly cxociiir
v ‘!* , " , -s ; iie - fit- IO 110 bis earn,
-DLX”. li ,,| Jlniei- iiiniself iluil. if tlto-O
1 vv!in have disease,l Teeth, or ivi.-li Toelli iosori
1 oil, vv il; rail on him, lie will fully satisfy flinin, l>v
i o.vpe; io ■ .oi! a, il , tin ivvi-o, that they need not go
’ 1 Lew here 10 1. vo ihcir won, well done.
O” All work Wan: otect, ami no’jiay will bo
itipii I'dii'oili fafctt >., i.s mu given.
ilj'Oih o 1,-• \t door 10 the Bust (Jffici., or
. oooml ifinir west of Webb’s Motel.
An i. lb Iy
STATE OF GEORGIA, ( County. (|
WrnßßEAß..l'",ry J. Hunt artd lionj 1-
‘o V min lb Ada ~s applies lo me for loiters
of Lit .r, t.ittsiii ,t Cor tue per 11 uud properly of
Wihi.mi T. Sirniey. a Iniudic ;
I In 0 arc iboieiCrre to 0.10 and admonish the
: (tiends anil m \i Os Uindreu ol’ eiid Inn.tlic, ti
bo anl appo a;-al my UIHoe vviliiirftbo time pro
j sit,lied by l aw, (.lien and 1 Intro to silo their nt) 1 -
j jeeiion*. (ifany touv have,) ot net wise loiters will
j lo 1 gratiloj mi l apnliennts.
L von ntiucr ti'iv hand at Office, this 2Jd ou
tobi-r. IbbO, J. D. LEONARD.
Oci ‘ld Ordinary.
IlMiotm County, J
WMER FAS. A gtisius ‘l'. Aunts npplic?
to me Im Icllei's of Adfniiiistratioii
mi tli.? id ia io'of Beniiei t 11. Perkins, late
of uahi ronni v (leecased.
j Tin so arc iherolore to silo and mltnOli
-1 isl, n!l find singular. 10 bo and appear at
111 v nffi e vviiliiu the lime presfitlicd by law,
; 111.. mi and dic e ffe tiicir nbjerlinns, (if any
iliay have,) oilionvise Icaeis will lie grart
i t,l said nppliv aiiL
Given i.m er iny hand at office, this lOdr
November JS.SG'.
.1. D f.I'SNNARD, Ordinary.
November J l . 18 ,(i.
A (i'RISFABLY loan ,1 dor of tiie Conrt of
Psll. Uidin i v of Randolph county, will be sold
a, iViPcntorß ftaio, in the lovvu of Cutbbert, ho
if.m lie Court House iK.o,, between the usual
j lion.- of -pie, on tin* fits’ Tuesday in January
in-:. , 1 • lloo.e nud Lot whereon Mrs. Rebec
< -Jn s li\ d.nud J) Am -of Laud adjoin
; ing. A .1,1.1,’ lying uearCnth
be:v-riei; i; s b ;ori enllivated bv her. contain.
! ing o',.mi 4-.;o AUBKb. ■Sold us the prop
ci:-.’ ,d’ 1 If estate of Willi-Jin Julies, late of said
1 -nun: dc ‘ iis.-d,’ uud lor the beneiit of tlio
el. ~i,nl cr ‘dito.-.s of said estate. Terms made
knowu 00 li'c 1 vv u‘'s,de.
DaViO 11 JANES, y Executors.
Nov. 18
■.isirai.or's Sale.
A (I'tIKi’AHLY in an order of itic Court of
.. ‘ V O iloi.'i: r of R. ndolpli county, will be
0.. • 1 li si, Turstlay in January n#xt, be
j : a ; • Ho.v e dour in Culliberl, wi'fiih
jl a ci* .1 li ”. r <)!’ h’ : o. tiio followi g described
f. ids owit: Lois ‘Numbers 3d, 35 5 30,
li’ and i Hie Scvouin Oisl ict of said
1 coiii/ ~ . A iso, I/)i mi tuber t!£o, nmi Forty
Ac off i o \oi’ h-wcft coin rof Lot Niim
! l**w . itS ; m and 09 Ac. t*j off ilio SoUUt*we>t
co. .i<- oi JNi>ul)Pr All in the Six'll
I). : ci o iit oii ‘lv,, 'nnl rold us Llic properly
of I riMis', I). I’ ico, tli erased. Sold for the
be ;ul of uoir nod ricibio s ofs.iid decease
id. AARON PRICE. >.,
LOiiKcZO L). PRICE, f Aami -’
Oct. 23-‘-’iii
:loi*?s sale.
A GIIKEAIJI.Y to an Order of ilio Court of
J\tL O. ij ii.o v"I Randolph citiitiiy, will basul.f
on ii. -i Tin’ d'.y in January next, befoie tliii
Coo t Dante door ill Cn'iibhrl. Williin the legal
!mu i h oi .'■ale. •* NEGRO A!AN, named Uriah,’
übout4 vein old', ami a NEGRO WOMAN,
i named Mom. about “5 yoarr old. Sold os Ihe
jir )ii>n ly of Wit inn 11. Carrivniv, deceased, for
I no hiueiii of the and c editors of said dc
i ei; sand. ELI F. GLOVER,
Nov. 4-1 Ad'ninitirator.
Ain. !issfa.Sale.
A GRKE A Bl.E'toiin order of ilio Ordinary
/'a ol D “O’ county. Wall he sold brlme tin:
i Con I Jl .asii'iloor in Ciniib'irt, Knndo 1 ph eoun
-1 v, on i a: Ii - Tuesday in 1). comber next, om
undivided half of lot, of (.mid. No. S’), in the
N'i ‘Hi Di-.inct of originally Early, now Run
da';, i r in. tv. it being a part of the real e.sinti*
of K cinrd K. L!ea', iato of Harris county do.
■.,) mb, aid s ii.i tor iho benefit of tho heirs ot
said demise.). Terms cash.
It is probable i lie remaining half of the land’
l Will lie told al the same lime
Administrator with the Wilianucxsd.
I Oct. 21 ids.