Cuthbert reporter. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 1856-????, January 13, 1857, Image 1

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B’ F. WHITE & CO., Proprietors OLUJIE 1. t£lje €utl)bcrt Reporter PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY BY T. H. BYRD & R. H. WHITE. Tartui of Subscription Th Cuthberl Reporter is pu lislied at TWO DOL LARS per annum, in advance; one Dollar lor Six Months, and Sixty C nts tor Three Mouths, tlf payment le delayed 6 months, $2 50; if delayed ne year $3 00 will t e required in every instance. k {fir In no case will an order fur the paper be attend 'd to unless accompanied with the money, oi a satisfac tory reference Rates of Advartsng. General Advertisements will be inserted at $1 per square of 12 lines or Lhs, for the first insertion, and # Ifiy Cents,for each subsequent insertion Professional Cards, not exceeding ten lines, will be Inserted at s iO a year. Announcement of candidates for office $5, to be paid In advance Marriages and Deaths Inserted gratuitously. SCT Obituary Notices and Tributes of Respect, charg ed as advertisements, when they xceed ten I ties. Articles designed to promote private or individual in Uresis, or of a personal character, will be charged as advertisement*. Regulations of the Reporter. Latteri and cn!umur\icntloiis containing news from all quarter# are respectfully soli, lied No letter or conimuni aMon will be inserted unless the name of the author accompanies it All communications must be written on one side onl of the paper, to insure Insertion v , . Legal Advertsemeuta. Sale, of Lands and Negroes !iy Administra tors, Executors or Guardians, aro required l>y law to be lield on llmliist Tuesday in the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at the Court House ill the county in winch the property is situated. Notices of these sates inuAl be given in a pub lic casette forty days previous to sale day. Notices for the sale of personal property must be given in like manner ten days previous to sale day. Noticos to debtors and creditors of an estate must he published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for h ave to sell Land or No grnes, must be published for two months. Citations for Letters of Administration, Guar dianship, Ac , must be published thirty days — for Oisinissi oi from Administration, mo llilv, six months—for Dismission from Guardianship, forty days Rules for foreclosure of Mortgage must hr published monthly for lour montlis; for esmhlish lug lost papers, for the full space of three mouths; for compelling titles from Exot-mois or Administrators, where bond lias hren g:vni by the deceased, to be publisued the full space of three months !.- JL.J ” - 11 ” *“* itlisccllancous. Bhakspeaie as a Man. It is a nobler tiling to know that such a man its Shakspeare was created, than to be familiar with the shelves of jwhole libraries of dusty tomes. The ad vent of a soul so richly gifted, of a na ture so intensely ideal and so richly pas sionate is an era in tlie history of man.— No poet ever readied a height so lofty, so gtandfy. speculated so dar- I igly, or felt so deeply ; and none ever seemed so little conscious of an effect His grandest thoughts flow so naturally, that it is easy to see that they are famil iar and accustomed to his mind ; and his gaiety and inirtli are equally char acteristic of himself. Hamlet and Mer cutio. Mabeth utid Romeo, Prospero and Benedict, arc till Hiak-peare in his didef eat moods ; and the wit the ideulis', sol dier and sage, eaelt and all bear the im press of having origiuated from the same mind. There is probably less known of Slink •peare, personally, than of any man of mark in English history. He lived in an age of heroes, and he was a foremost man amongst them His contemporaries bow ed before his master spirit, and the most colossal minds of all Europe have ac knowledged his sovereignty. And yet we have a better knowledge of men who died a thousand years ago, before print ing perpetuated tradition, when ebroui ciders were few, than of this woudrous man. There is not, we have reason to think, a single letter of h s writing pre served, aud scarcely a contemporary an ecdote. There are portraits, not one of which can be proved to be authentic ; a bust which seems genuine, but cannot be warranted, l itis man the real spiritual j*ing of England, is, iu his individuality, as much a myth as Homer. But this we do know, a man there lived whose intel lectual and moral nature was a macro cosm which embraced die ideal of hu manity, and that he left behind a hun dred representatives of his own mind, none like each other, but all like himself, of whom every passing speculation or reasoning is best illustrated, and in whom every emotion finds its noblest aud most genuine utterance. O A mess of boys were talking about scarecrows. ‘Scarcecrows.? he! he!’says one of the party—an overgrown, slab sid ed, spoouy-looki ng youth— lie ! says he, evidently in reply to some remarks that had preceded his. ‘You don’t know any thing about scarcecrows. If you'd seen one that Uncle Ben made, I guess you’d think so too. Why Uncle Ben made one and set it up in daddy’s cornfield that jearly frightened the feathers off of every crow that looked at it ; and, by golly ! one crow that had been pecking around the field for two or three days, after he had seen it, actually flew away and bro’t tack all the corn he had stolen in taut time—fact, by golly !’ • Oct itidi. In times long gone, children wore told to be upright,honest, truthful, just; now they are instructed to get rich, for riches, they say, bring friends, consideration, happiness. The fruits of the new sys tem are maturing fast, and “ respecta ble” is becoming only another name—a convertible phrase for rogue, Scarcely a journal reaches us from adjacent States or abroad from foreign countries, wherev er trade and commerce flourish, but is burdened uow-a-days with long details of defalcations, embezzlements forgeries,- and violations of most sacred trusts, by men who for many years had borne them selves reputably, were regarded as most exemplary members of society, and in the walks of piety and fashion occupied ostensibly the very first places. Aud is this all we are to derive from the mad pursuit of gain ; are these the only fruits from an education which inculcates the accumulation or possession of money as the great end of all our exertions, from “fortunate” marriages, successful specu lation years of cringing sycophancy aud baseness to obtaiu a rich man’s favor, ending with a broken constitution and a blackened heart ? It would seem that the new era produces nothing moreen than a knowledge of the worth lessness of everything which does not conduce to tiie great aim of all to be rich. V\ ell dress, well to do, upper-ten” peo ple, as they delight to designate them selves, can do almost anything iu these times without loss of caste, if they can only keep tip the reputation of being rich ; it is the imputation of poverty only which blights the plant in’ the conservato ry of fashion. Accordingly, we find per sons with honest means barely sufficient to keep up decent appearances, inlying the ir box at the opera, their liveried lac queys, their dashing turn outs, their un main -gonble daughters, and their eie gaut worthless sons and when the day of reckoning finally comes, and that a bankruptcy, a forgery, a hideous breach of trust, or a suicide ends the account we all, are astounded and in stupid wonder, and with looks of most innocent situ <lici ty ex iaini, “Who w0..1d have thought such a thing possible !’ Why, there can be no other end to such a career, and there are bund e - such bes-ire the eyfis of the people of eve rv city in tins and every other cummer co. u:ry on the earth. Read English, French, German or Northern papers ; in each you would suppose the profligacy of one place only served to develop more ins famous species in another, and that pub lie companies aud private e tnblislimeuts are only so many lmt-i ou-es or the giae ration of a race of swindle, s, deceivers and cheats. Is tins all we are to derive iroui our eutei'i l'i-e, our commercial ami industrial developments, our freedom and our civiliizafiOn l Is it fur this, and this o by, that la miles tort re themselves to keep up appearances, men toil, and thou sands sin , to live iu riot, false splendor, and deceitful fashion ? As in our country, wealth is the only distinction —intelligence intellect, probi ty and independence counting for little in the estimate oi social values—its attain ment will, of course, be always the aim of the ambitious, and therefore we need no longer be surprised that the primitive habits of this people before and some years subsequent to the revolution, are as little like these of the present day as are those of the gambling fraternity of the court of Louis Napoleon to the men of the era of Louis the Fourteenth Whether with the change of manners and of morals we have grown more content ed, more happy and more wise, it is for the advocates of the new ideas to show ; the proofs at our disposal would lead to other and very different conclusions. It is useless, we fear, to moralize on our text, when the universal injunction to “ get rich” meets us at every step ; still we do think, if there be any sober sense yet remaining among us, it would be bets < ter to endeavor to awake it to a eon- 1 sciousuess of the necessity of attempting i .a reformation, than hypocritically whin-! ing over exposed depravities, which we mast know iuour hearts widely exist, aud which must soon become universal, unless public opinion can be brought to over turn the unnatural system iu which they originate. “ I want to see some of your gim lets,’’ said a green horn one day, as he entered a hardware store. The dealer took down several parcels, neither of which suited. “Well, then, what kind do you want ? here is almost every variety.” “Why, darn it, 1 want them what bores square holes.” ‘ ‘Eliza, my child,” said a very pru dish oid maid to her pretty little niece, who would curl her hair in beautiful ring lets, ‘ if the Lord had intended your hair to be curled, he would have doue it him self” ‘‘So lie did, Aifnty, when I was a baby but he thinks 1 am big enough now to curl it mvself.” CUTISES LIST, GA., TUESDAY, JANUARY IS, 1857. From the Philadelphia Bulletin. HOOPS. BY A. C. Hoops on barrels, kegs ami pails, Hoops on boxes, tubs and bales, Aie articles indispensable— But hoops as they put out woman's dress, Making the woman seem so much loss, Are things most indefensible. Hoops, when their sturdy clasp confines In brown old casks the richest wines, Are objects of admiration But hoops as part of woman's baggage, Aro like ihe whoops of a painted savago, A vile abomiuatiuu. Hoops make useful, pretty toys, For active little girls and boys, But hoops on women gentle Are things to sneer at and to scoff, And like ihe whoop of a whooping-cough, Neither useful nor ornamental. For while dear woman bones her skirls, And tviih a skeleton flaunts and flirts, >Slie has so much to carry Man finds U hard with her to talk, Aud harder still to sit or walk, But hardest of all to marry. For when a smitten wretch has seen Among the lust in crinoline, The one his heart holds dearer, ‘•h i what a chill to ardent passion, l’o feel that thro’ this hollow fashion, lie never cau be nearer! That instead of drawing near And pouring into the thrilling ear The flood of his soul’s devotion, He must stand and bellow iu thunder tones, Across a half acre of skirts and bones, As if hailing a ship on the ocean! \nd if by chance the maid of bis choice Shall family hear her lover’s voice, And smile her corniest ensioti Why. hecaptuiesa mas-of hoops and rings, -keietiius, bones, and other things, Tuo horrible to mention. Thus lovely woman hoops to folly-, And drives poor man to melancholy By her great frigid zones : Thou let tier hear a warning voice. Between Iter hopes ami hoops make choice, Aud give the dogs her bones, The Newspaper. fn promotion of this desirable object— tiie union of the intellectual with the use fl the newspaper is an auxiliary,-it is more. It is typical of the community in which it is encouraged and circulates ft tells its character, as well us its condi tion ; its tales us well as its necessities : the m real as well a-: the physical stamina of the population mid soil. It is the map whereon are traced otir tendencies and destinies. The chart to direct the travel ler and the be tier, to divert them from the shoals and quicksands of .social de gradation. A home, it brings to our fire sides, it imparts to our household, it in culcates to our children its sentiments of propriety, or its tone of contamination. — Abroad, it is regarded as our oracle, and speaks volumes for or against ns. In its business features may be discerned tiie indications of our prosperity iu a worldly sense, or otherwise ; but in its general complexion will be discovered ditr moral and spiritual healthfuiness or disease. {t is the portrait of our imperfections, as wdli as the chronicle of our advancement. Wheeling Intel. A Man Whipped to Life. —An in temperate man named Stanley attempt ed to commit suicide at Newark, N. J., ott Sunday, by taking a large dose of laudanum, which rendered him insensible. The Newark Advertiser says : A physician was called, who decided that the only means of restoring anima tion was to give the subject a severe beat ing, which was done by two men with heavy switches for a quarter of an hour when signs of a returning animation were shown, and the patient sat up. A glass of brandy was then given him, when he fell to sleep, aud the heating process was resumed until he was fully restored to consciousness. He is now comparative ly well, except some sufferings from the extraordinary “course of sprouts” to which he was subjected. This is the first case we ever heard of where a matt was whipped to life from a state bordering to death. Cases of whipping to death oc casionally occur, but cases of whipping to life seldom or .never. The Wreck of the Arctic. — The schooner Mentor, Capt. Conley, of New York, lately came to anchor in forty-five fathoms water, iu latitude 47 11, longi tude not remembered, on tiie western edge of the Grand Bank, about forty miles from laud, and found that he had dropped his anchor on a wreck. On heaving over the fish lines, they became entangled in wreck matter at about four or five fathoms from the bottom, aud the particles found adhering to the hooks ap peared to be portions of rigging. It will lie remembered that the steamship Arctic sank in September, 1855, within a very short distance of the anchorage cho sen by the Mentor, and there can be little doubt that the wreck discovered wits that cf the ill-fated steamship. Charleston Courier. NO PROSCRIPTION FOR OPINIONS’ SAKE A Graphic Picture of Napoleon. ‘llte personal appearance of Napoleon, in the last days of his power, is tints de scribed by Lamartimo : “The empire had made him old before his time Grat ified ambition, satiated pride, tiie delights of a palace, a luxurious table, a voluptu ous couch, bug vigils, sleepless nights, di vided between labor and festive pleasure; the habit of riding, which made him cor pulcnt—ail tended to deaden his limbs and enervate his faculties. An early ob esity overloaded him with flesh. His checks, formerly streaked with muscles and hollowed by the working of genius, were broad, full, and overhanging, like those of Otho in the Roman medals of the empire. An excess of bile mingling with the blood, gave u yellow tint to the skin, which, at a distance, looked like a varnish of pale gold on his countenance- His lips still preserved their Grecian out line and steady grace, passing easily from a smile to a menace, llis solid, bony chin formed an appropriate base for his fea tures. llis nose was but a line, thin and transparent. The paleness of his cheeks gave greater brilliancy 10 the blue of his eyes, llis look was searching, unsteady as a wavering flame—an emblem of in quietude. llis forehead seemed to have widened, from the scantiness of Ids thin black hair, which was falling from the moisture of continual thought. It might be said that his head, naturally small, had increased in size, to give ample scope be tween his temples for the machinery and combinations of a mind, every thought of which was an empire. ‘Tiie map of the world seemed to have been encrusted on the orb of that reflective head. But it was beginning to yield ; and he inclined it often on his breast, while crossing his arms like Frederick the Great—an atti tude and gesture which lie appeared to affect. Unable any longer to seduce Ids courtiers and Ids soldiers Ity the charm of youth, it was evident he wished to fasci liate them by the rough, pensive, and dis dainful character of bin self—of his model in liis Litter days, lie moulded himself, as it were, into the statue of reflection, before Ids troops, who gave him the nick name of Father Thoughtful. He assumed the jiose of destiny. Something rough, rude, and savage in his movements re vealed Ids southern and insular origin,— The man of tiie .Mediteirnean broke out e instantly through the Frenchman. lLs nature, 100 street and too powerful for the I art he had to play, overflowed on all oe cusions. lie bore no resemblance to any of tiie men around Idm Superior and al together different, lie was an offspring of the sun, ol the sen, and of the battle-field out of his element even in his own pa lace, aud a stranger even in his own em pire. feueli was at this period the profile, the bust, and the external phy-ioguomy of Napoleon.” A Good Hit. A Methodist divine of this city, (says the Olii<f*Rt;itesman,) on Sunday, admin istered a most severe rebuke to a com mon custom in these days, of reading ad vertisements from the pulpit. A paper was handed to Him, giving notice that the introductory lecture of the annual course would be delivered on Monday night, &c., at a certain medical institution in this ci ty The preacher said lie had conscien tious scruples against cheating the prin ter, by m.iking such announcements from the pulpit ; that lie never heard such ad vertisements read in church, without re minding him of the old deacon in Alex andria, who, on a certain occasion, exhor ted iu most earnest and vehement lan guage tiie sinners iu his congregation to repent, or they would all go to hell just as sure as there was flour for sale at Al exandria, and hewas-sure there was flour there, for lie had received just the- day before a fine assortment, which lie would sell as cheap As any man in tiie city. Power of Females, — Aristotle may sav of ail animals the males are stronger and wiser than the females, but St. Paul writes that weak tilings have been chosen to confound the strong. Adam was sub limely endowed, but woman humbled him; Samson w'as strong, but woman made him captive ; Lot was chaste, but woman se duced him ; David was religious, but wo man disturbed his piety ; Solomon was wise, but woman deceived him ; Job was patient, and was robbed by the devil of fortune and family ; ulcerated, grieved and oppressed, nothing provoked him to anger, till woman did it ; therein proving herself stronger than the devil. Children ask seme curious ques tions We have a little boy in ‘our house’ who came home from Sabbath school one day, and meeting his mother the following dialogue took place : ‘Alania !’ -‘Well, my dear.’ ‘Mama, the teacher says people are made of dust.’ ‘Yes, my dear, so the Bible says.’ ‘Well, mama, are white people made of dust ?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Hell, then, I spose colored people are made of coal dust, ain’t they V WSsist Extntvaiiaiice i* doing, mml vvliat Economy might do. The following extract is not too long to be read before breakfast. There is a great deal of truth, good, sound, whole some truth, in it. We copy from the Boston Traveller : After all, it may lie that tiie prosperity of tiie country is really mostly endangered by the extravagance winch pervades too generally all ranks of society in propor tion to their means. Luxury and profu sion have been the downfall of as many nations as the civil strife. In numberless instances, the fruits of our untiring iiuln ‘-J try and indomitable enterprise are squan dered with a wasteful hand. Notwith standing the vast amount of products which we export, tiie balance of trade is always against us, and we arc continually in debt, as a nation, The people of Eu rope look with astonishment at the ex travngant expenditure of the mtm and women from the United States, who make the tom’ of that continent. We are the most profitable customers of tl e fabrieants of costly articles of luxury all over the world. The venders of such goods come to our shores and make their fortunes out of us, in the same manner that needy pur veyors gather around the heirs of a rich estate. Our market is the principal one for all costly and showy, but fragile aud unsubstantial merchandise, upon which the largest profits aro realized by the manufacturers. In the furnishing of our houses, and in female attire, we go far he yond tiie most wealthy classes of Europe. If our staples of export are at any time in great demand, and.bring high prices, we perceive the effect immediately in an in flux of silks and high cost dress'goods to an enormous amount, and our imports rise suddenly, and always beyond the val ue, however large it may be, of our ex ports. •In the families of many of tiie nobility and gentry of England, possessing an an nual income which of itself would be an ample fortune, there is greater economy of dress and more simpicity in the furn ishing of the dwellings, than there is in many of tiie houses of our citizens who are barely able to supply the daily wants of their families by the closest attention to their business. A friend of ours, who .sojourned not long since several montlis in tiie vicinity of some of tiie landed aris tocracy of England whose ample rent rolls would have warranted a high style of fashion, was surprised at the simplicity of maimers practiced. Servants were much mure numerous than with us, but the ladies made more account of one silk dress than would be thought here of a dozen. They were generally clothed in good substantial woolen stuffs, and a dh lHuy of fine clothing and jewelry was re served for great occasions. The furniture of tiie mansions, instead,of being turned out of doors ev- ry few years for new and more fashionable styles, was the same which the ancestors of the families for se veral generations lmd possessed, substan tial and in excellent preservation, but plain and without any pretention to ele gance. Even.the carpets on many suits of parlors had been on the floor for fifty years, and were expected to do service for another half century. With us how and fferent is tiie state of thing;. We are wasting an amount of wealth in this country on sho w and fashion, which, right ly applied, would renovate the condition of tiie whole population of the world, and christianize, civilize, and educate all man kind. A Delicou3 Temperance Test. Who wouldn’t live in almost any place where die young ladies ate addicted to the delicious custom, which is set forth by an exchange, as follows: Quaker y oung ladies in the Maine law Stales, it is said, stiil continue to kiss the lips of the young temperance men, to see if they have been tampering with liq or. Just imagine a beautiful young girl approaching you, young temperance man, with ail ttie dignity of an executive ctli cer, and the innocence of a dove, with the charge —Air. Ike l*., the ladies be lieve you are in tiie habit of tampering with liquor, and they have appointed me to examine you according to our estab lished rules—are you willing? You must acquiesce. She steps gently up to you : lays her soft u bite arms around yout neck dashes back her raven curls, raises her svlph-like form upon her tip toe, and with her angelic features lit up with a smile as sweet as heaven, places her itch rosy, pouty, sweet, sugar, molasses, strawberry, honeysuckle, sunflower, rose bud nectar lips against yours, and (Oh, Jerusalem! hold buss you, by ciackey ! ! Hurah ! for the gals and the Alaine law, and death to ail opposition ! Father Mathew Bead. —The steam ship Canada brings intelligence of the death of Father Mathew, tiie world re nowned advocate of temperance. He died at Cork, Ireland, on the Dili inst. MB’* Paint will harden better and last twice as long by being applied lute in the autumn, than during the hot season. liYRD & VVSIIIE, Publishers NUMBER 21. Kissing a Uaclielor. A correspondent relates the following incident : ‘We have a friend—a bach lor friend—very tond of the society of fire ladies, hut extremely modest and uiffident withal. A few evenings since he went to make a call upon an acquain tance who had recently taken to himself a wife, young aud beautiful, and, as a matter of cotiise, ovei flowing with affec tion for husband. Now this lovely wile of a week, like all other wives, couhi scarcely survive the brie! absence of her husband for ihe discharge <>l his business ami always upon his return met him up on lire threshold, and smothered him with kisses. It so happened, when our friend called, that tiie husband was ab sent, but was momentarily expected by the fond and anxious wife. Sue heard his footfall upon the step, and, supposing it to be her husband, rushed forth to meet him ; and he find scarcely laid his baud upon the bell-pull before tire door flew open, and his neck was encircled by a pair of white arms, and burning kisses tell thick and fast upon his lips and cheeks—while a full and throbbing breast was strained to bis 1 Here va; a trying situation for a diffident man, and cur friend came near faulting on lire spot; bul, fortunately, the lady discovered heciwmstake in season to prevent such a metlqi holy event, and he escaped horn Ihe house more dead than olive. The last we saw of him, he was leaning against a tree fanning himself with Ins sombrero, in order to recover strength to regain his lodgings Pulpit Illustrations, In one of the battles Philip, Kingof Mi cedon, nn arrow stiuck his eye and pul it out. He picked it up and found it in sciibed with tire words— ‘To Philip’s Eye.” An archer whose aim was so sure that he could mark his arrows wi'li their destination, with a certainty that they would reach it, bad aimed at the eye ol lire king, and his arrow had reach ed its point. Such should be the certain aim of the minister of Christ. There are arrows in the quiver of the Almighty for every class of our race. The minister of lire Gospel should select and send them to their destination, with the pre cision of tiie archer to the king’s eye.— When tire hold blasphemer enters the house of God, a pointed arrow should reach him, dipped in the spirit of rebuke from tire Almighty. So, when the hum pie penitent enters the sanctuary, seeking peace, an arrow should be ready prepar ed, by God’s mercy, and dipped in the b ood ol CLiis*. Pleasant Thoughts of Flowers. In every age ol the world, flowers have been revered ; but the more en lightened and refined a people are, the more atten'ion they will pay to the cul tivation of them. Tlrey are welcome everywhere; they benefit every time and place ; they send forth their perfume to cheer the plesant cottage, and they add a charm to tiie palace ; they adorn the brow of the joyous bride —they are twin ed in the hair of the dead ; they are plan ted upon the grave of the loved, and and speak ol the undying affection ; the lover chooses them to convey the deep and refined feelings of his soul to the maid Ire loves ; the maiden culls the sweetest flowers which breathe her love in every petal. Evil thoughts will find but little space in that heart which loves tiie gentle flowers. Improvement in the Manufacture of Sugar —The Mescharebe, published in French, in tire Parish of St. John Bap tis’, states that a sug .r planter of th it par ish, whose initials only it gives, has alter many trials and much study, invented * mode of manufactuiing sugar from tho juice of tire cane which lie thinks will create a “complete revolution in the ac tual mode of fabrication ’’ The to a chine was to be subjected to practical lest in presence ol a large number of planter* during the present week. Tiie M esc lu be enumerates four advantages claimed for tiie new invention, viz: superiority in tiie manner ol clarifying the cane juice, obtaining ten per cent, more sugar from tiie same quantity of juice than by tho present method, less labor, and burning tlie bagasse in a furnace of one tenth Ihe usual cost. If all these resu ts can be obtained it will indeed be ol great practi cal utility. (jfy A lady who superintended a school in the South, having occasion one Sunday to interrogate oue of her pupils as to tho cause of her father’s non-attendauce at church, received the following innocent reply, prefaced, of course, by a sweet lit tie drop of a curtesy : ‘ Please, mem, my father says he isn’t coming to chum ii any more, tiie parson hollers out so lie cau’t get a bit of sleep.” A celebrated physician, boasting at dinner that he cured his own bams, one of his guests observed: ‘Docto., f would sooner be your ham than your Ca licut.’