Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, July 28, 1871, Image 2

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k I
FRIDAY, July 28, 1871.
Du. Gov. Sam Bard is in liis
feloyy. /Hoy A. 11. Stephens rle-
Viftfis fcomimi after column ot his
"jwmnta sttn tirTfr: 1 nsv*.
ey have had a ,genuufo'Tua-d j
Jkladon P» , t .V e
4»aJ that
paper regularly/foot wo are. nat pre
pared to answer the question. jfl'
Tllft Attitnt*’ tiuafa* Now rYovk
Corr6?f[)ondcnt New Ydrk
XJiot was intended to Win the Irish
Catholics over to the “ New De
parture.” Don't kiwwttfoofot. {biff-j
but we know a number o£ tho riot
ers were won over to the “old de
CrrtEF JiTSTtdK Lochranb has
recently decided that, under the
laws of Georgia, all firemen are fob
.j*eC to Jury duty,,, „,fj »j oie
Baltimore claims a * first clasfe
Borgia in the person of a female
who has hec SflfT*,
and \*i j.
Da. L. J. DuraKE was killed on
the Macon & tVestthn Railroad,
near Bfear*'*’ Creek test (Saturday
wgty u l£-X - a
’’ *pl9m.» Mp Ffo (BaubdE,.t>T fitiiffin,,
was taken sick about 10 o’clock on
Saturday night, with a severe at
tack of cramp colic—caused it is
supposed, from eating peaches, and
very loohi after taking a bath ia'foe.’
poo!'. He suffered terrible agony,
during the night and motiving and
died about 12 o’clock on Sunday.
Tins Messenger of a Nationals
Bank in New York, was knocked
<Jk>wn and robbed on tho., struts. (
last Monday, of $40,000.
W. 11. Tutt, druggist, of Au
gusta, and President of the Cotton
States Fair Association, aud Hon.
W. A. Hoff, grocer, and Mayor of,
Macon' are Said to spend moromoiw
ey jn advertising their respective
businesses than any other two men
i«H[ViiMi »v«d Ur.A*
It is said that the men, e.ven; nfei
going crazy on the blonde hair sen
sation, at eonae of the watching pla
ces. Jb ....i » ti*ii u It m
One of Darwin’s strongest' argu
ments for tho,descent of toau t |rotn’
the monkejH jg that the latter fttii
inal always parts his hair in the
District Judge Blount ha§ decid
ed tfiht tdie aefc'-fur tho funiahment
of fs Itffo&itttiWtlonal.
it Hir
. Thk Mayor of Savanyalv says
that okv never was more tree of
. ■
j survivor^'tli Geor
gia regiment lmd a reunion in At-'
lanta on the 2?et, theienthanuiyer-
Bary of the first battle of Manassas.
o a*t. b*Y(p-rja t4«<n jßffi
The Cambridge buu says that ot
twelvtida»yers im that tow.n, only
live aretable their cardsi
1 ttf^tli^^ttOer/- 11 Wdtfltlli’t* Vvd*hate to
say such a thing about 6Ur lawyers?
testM i
A sfoRM on the coasts of New
foundland and Labrador, Sunday,
d^voyjf;4ro9, t )i'iinilre(i fifty
fisbiug .smacks, twenty-three
ingfft mid forty stores, amounting to
a million and a half of property.
l i i n ' j. ..
Thk Arlington Furniture.—
The Alexandria (Ya.) Gazottee,
says that shortly after the close ot‘
the war, Maj. John Green, with a
long train of Wagons, went from
Alexandria, Ya., to Arlington with
an order from the United States
Government for tine fgruiture at
Arlington,- beloriglng Gs n.- 11. K.
Lee. The officer in command of
the place at first refused to surren
der the property, but anew order
>vas at once issued and given, and
everything that belonged to the
Arlington family had; not be<fo
stolen Was packed «ifi aightoetiowag
ons and brought aftd stored in one,
of the front rooms on the ground
floor of the Mansion House, where
it sfllll remains uutduehccL
1 '(d fW'i t*-*~ —*TT~ , *"U .i j
■ DisUfTKGRATiojj is taking place
in the Radical pavtys lii all (parts
of the country evidence d# these
facts are apparent The Omaha
Herald says that Senator Tipton
opfeoly deokred, when in the kty h
i fbvr day#-'* sifledf “shat jifaiGaneraf'
idency, he would take, the stump
for Mr.-Hendricks, in case the lat
ter should be uojhsuatled by the
Democratic party. He further de
clared that if the State Convention
tion to the Uational jCouyeuiipn fa
vorable to the nomination of Arrant
he would stump the State ngv.inst
him before he was nominated.
y Unfit nr* juihi -
Snow fell in the basket of
a baboon that went up irom
go, on tho ,4th, to the depth of two
inches. , Tire party. having on sum
mer clothing, suffered intensely irom
the cold.
Governor Hoffman and the New
York Riot.
Tlic pAtical cndHftcVof ■fn ejagOV
Hoffmaiyave at taunted tu mike
capita of this dislhncttd afflm*,
i by him hvhflly liar gable
i the Aaiii, ,^|hL. | don|P‘()ii that
day. The Trilntne, presided over
by the white-hatted philosopher,
Greeley, insinuates that the Gover
er was privy to and encouraged or
.approved the order of l lie police
commissioner T.'TH > htd ni r
ange ]>roecssion ; and was only in
duet‘4,t|o: tyyJgL by the
ihpt of publie
mr Gett. McQuade; of Governor. Hoff
fttfe published 'i -Wtttfr,'
successfully refitting this slanderous
iou/m»9 oil/ oa!*oifm>o'ri ch i T i
The most reliable accounts of
Governor Hoffman’-* action in this
matter are fully iit keeping with his
character as a statesman and a
prompt, energetic Executive.
Ibis riot can only he accounted
for by the fact that New York city
possesses a few thousand half hu
man, roughs, k> whom ; uud
good order are irksome,-aadßit, re
quires an occasional clubbing atid
shooting to keep them at all cob!.
’l’he enlightened and truly Chris
tian Catholic ministers and citizens
generally, condemn in unmeasured
terms this barbarous action on the
part Church
men, and excommunicate those en
gaged jn th 9 riot, but-we regret to
see that some .pastors have partaken
of the spirit of the rioters, and en
cotimge the*, hv tl,6ir sWfJWIy,
to create further trouble. . .
It i.a interesting to tiie citizen of
foe qjiiot,, peaceable and orderly
South, to read of the riots, strikes,
and confusion in that land of law.
makers, 'who occupy all their time
,considering the “ terrible state of
affairs in the South.”
Os- Intrrjwt to Cotton
-j- WM leawt from the ! “'Mon-,
ry” article of the New York' Mure
na!' o.rt’oinmorce of the lb r t)i . in
stant, that a late legal deebi-m, if
hoyu&tly out by . the FedOraf
■ 'ElNtfovft ore
to cotton planters a 'small portion
of the tax on cotton unjustly extort
ed from them in .’7 ami's
as thu duty waft laid by
•&ePf& OMrfliinhfjk>if cotton, and
not upon burlap covers, cotton bag
ging, ivpu lies, or rope, suit was
commenced agiuost the Govern
ment and a decision reached that a’
tax was only collectable on the net
usually ranges
from twenty-six to thirty pounds
per hale,, and it is said the Depart
niant has comp roßiisoil on an allow ■
cr this concession is general, or the
refund will only be made to those
whQlpaid under pro test y.fmututvo td‘
he seen, ftis easy to soo,-that if
fottr million hales paid the tax, and
the refund is made ‘oil x/aelq s®n
the claim 41)Is will be entitlodTo up
wards of three million dollars.
A-Ti.AXTA.-r-J. Suipback Wilson,"
M. H., lias ]>ublisiietl a book tmti
tled s “ Atlanta ns it is,” from which.
.We gather the following facts ‘
The, eity was incm-porate;], with
i its present, name, iu 1847. Before
that the plaoe- was kuawn as Mau
st‘i lin fo* mp 1 „.
Kriobdj, Jjzilj, Imm (4 *<,i{UMiaKr> * ”
In lb-!/ the only house'oT wor
ship was the log school-hogse on
what mb then known as “ Cliiinpie
pdm Th-ioket,” oil the site where uowi
stsndsilhic residotico of Miv Henry
Banks, on Peachtree Street. The
population then was only a lew
hundred. It is now estimated at,
ifo&ty Hifoi&tmd. «j ; so
In iB6O the vc'rtl estate wns va In ed
i rtPTK* iiyf mer
chandise sold in the dttaT^ , ?KS'f‘¥'4aP ,
was over There arc
now over four hundred stores on
-the business streets, mid; abaut 8/5'
licensed firms within' the limits of.
the corporation j
Bi.oxdks vs. Brunettes.—Dark
hair, so long neglected and des-
Gutirt Journal, in-foe aseeuduut.-4“
The blonde is graduaffy resuming
h,er place side by side, not above”
the brunette. The blonde is now,
declared to hfiy.e luaintainctl her
rule so loug by variety of .artifice,
and can, now 'that) her curaiiug.db- 5
vices are known, be classified as fol
lows; The Gothic Irish (reddish),
the Saxon English (dark yellow,)
the * littte b(lct(^ c ;jfoor€/
cm-ley, golden,) the cephalic blonde
blonde (pal(i{^V^v >: cpVofit
all-I these .the pepjuUie .orange
han always been considered the
most to'be dreaded by m cn who
;seek for peace of mind, a cahn Rf§ #
KteW&iipifi 2 IS
• .Tt ' | -at
\\ e have received an attractive
t99s hwinlsoiuely gotten up premium
list of the Second Graud,
Fair of the Cotteu States, Mechan
ic’s and. Agricultural 'Fair, Associa
tion, of Auguste, Georgia, which
convenes Tuesday, ; 'Oggjjier
and coutrmios five -ikys. Over fif
teen thousand dollars in premiums
•iS offered,- -The Augusta Fair
year wq£ a splendid success, nod
| even better’things are iproiwristed for
[From the Lumpkin Teles* npb.
Railroad Meeting In Lumpkin.
July lfl, IS7I.
■\t fjgsßailre§d nieetinA held in
interest c®;he B ,Jp & C. R.
R 4 in ttm plsfce Judge J.
■ Scott waßcalled chair,
R. F. WRs, Uo act
m Secretary.
mittee of three, consisting of J. Iv.
Barmmi, N. R. Holliday and T. C.
Johnson, was appointed to escort
Col. J. C. Kimball* Dr. Hamilton
and Col. Tumliii tathe (poujt-btijise
It is,useless to say that the speccfT
of Col. Kimball far exceeded the
expectations of every one. With
’out rhetocrical flourish, he-address
ed himself to the practical goqd
sense of the people; demonstrating
the necessity of a road to our com
munity, and stating what would be
required to build. ' After discuss
ing at. length the relative merits of
the'Broad and narrow quage rail
roads, in which he demonstrated to
the.satisfaction of all, the superior
ity of tho latter, he laid down the
mtirnattml corporators: It*is first,
that the people of Stewart Cbmfty
raise $6,000, per mile, for the*fbad
to run from Cuthbert to Lumpkin.
2nd, tlrnt they pay 20 per cent, .of
their subscription on or after the
road is graded one mile or more,
north of Cuthbert, 20 per cent more
wbeo it is graded hjilf way be
tween Guthbert and Lumpkin, 20
! per cent when the grading is com
peted to Lumpkin and the remaing
20 per dent iri twelv emoftthsthere®li-
lt is. unnecessary to state that
Dr, Hamilton and 001. TumliD, both
made convincing appeals in favor
of the road. After Col. Tumlin
closed, the books of subrcrijdiori
were opened. Dr. Barnuni made
an urgent appeal to fill to come i'or-
Wxfrd and subscribe; leading off
with a subscription 0f,5i,000.
About $45,000, -was subscribed.
--Ai The Jdaunaltaeliee delegation did
not subscribe as they have obtained
special concessions from CoL Kim
ball, towit : That the road, in con
federation of their subscription shall
ran. within two miles of Aniiocli,
Gn motion a committee, of iwo
;fqf dach militia district and five
fpr*the Lumpkin district to aaiUt
Dr. Hamilton to canvass the coupty
for subscriptions, was appointed.
Qu„ motion the thanks 4>f the'
meeting were unanimously vofexi
Gol. Kimball,.. Da. Hamilton, and
Ools. Tumlin and Brown for tlieir’
efforts in our behalf. The meeting
tiicn adjourned. I
R. F. Watts, S.wjt’y, '
f i • •;! - . t ■•• j : —'’:i
Andrew Female College.
We regret exceedingly to learn
that Rev. Dr. A. L. Hamilton Futs
ideftt of this popular institution,
Andrew Female College, Cuthbert,
Ga.,‘has tendered his resignation
to the Board of ‘frustess, and has
•ntvw no further connection with
the College. Dr. H. has a greak
-many personal friends in South
• Western Georgia, who acknowledge
his ablHtied “as a College President,
and believe his indefatigable efforts,
'during the last live years, to build
up Andrew and established it upon
an'cnduflng basi'*, Aesferve thiyhft'gii
est encomium : from‘ the Trustees
and authorities of the Church.
We hojve the Trustees will do
cide to make tho College, for the
time to «eome, nn out-and-out de
nominational iwti Fnt ioii , : fully
identified with the Methodist
Episcopal ClUirch' South, as a
CliUrch establish thetit. The Bap
tists have a College at Cuthbert,
which we trust will be a success
*dnd an honor to that distinguished
branch of the Lord’s embattled
hosts; and let the Methodists rally
to old Andrew as the Methodist Col
lege of Southwest Georgia. This is
consistent, and it is likewise, it
seeriis tq us, the dictate of true wis
dom and sound policy.
'■ In this we mean no reflection up
on our esteemed friend and brother,
Dr. A. L. Hamilton. We hayb al
ways favored, and ever expect to
favtrr'CNnirch irretftatioris of Mirn
itigf in preference tO’ mixed and in
dependent schools. Boinbridge
Jonte Qutteey Adaais has been
again interviewed. Ills views on
the next Presidency and the selec
tion of a Democratic candidate ap-
petute vary sound and. plausible.—
Says he in answer tdbiw Interrogato
ry of the interviewer:
“ My own view is that the locali
ty .will dictate candidates. The
strength of the Democracy is and
must be in the West and South.
ifew Y’ ( Wk ftid Alissouyr are ; secure,
for our right aud left wi.igs. The
tug of war will be in Ohio, Indiau
ua, F’emisylvanki and Virginia. I
think the candidates upon the tick-*
ets should come from those parts.
I have myself a high regard for
Governor Hoffman, and. he is also,
a '-my strong candidate—probably
sure of the succession if the party
should prevail next time; but I
think he is too wise a man to allow
himself to be pressed in the next
; Gbtfijfisli-Yex 3 iuu rj* JT j
The narrow-guage railway »p
--pgarz by no means duslined to be
confined to mountainous regions or
: those where the limited amount of
business would not justify the con-'
straction of the more cosily road of
GoXkfi |fffi#w£s‘r>ds
rrt' nh(ot West nre to be one field of
Operation ‘for the nctv highway if
the enterprise now contemplated by
the Cincinnati and Terre Haute
'(lndiana) Railroad Company be
carried aHt. This .company, it is
stated, proposes the construction of
a double-track nan-ow'-guage from
Terre Haute to Cincinnati, with the
privilege of coastmioting a branch
southwest fitotn Bloomington t© the
key 4 organize, aud a board of di
rectors has been chosen.
I its Albany News. annouiKioa the,
death of 3lr. R. A. Brown.
. igv y j,
Something New \—That boy. —
Hurrah 1 Very'good for a begin.
i :ek to all hands.
V v Cp A—' "»k ■ ■<«>
Sabbath School Celebration
—On lust, the
- Gottou Sabbath, Sdi^jp-gpc^es
io have:®, pic ni c, -etc; a
‘■‘bhfpreparaticms sre berng mnfarfmavd
w T e doubt not it will be %
They are in search Os a talking man
to say something for them on the
oqeasiou. We are requested to in.
vile everybody in ,Cuthbort to ; at
ktilifli* lo td'grj ad
Though the school is held iii the
Baptist church, it is not a sectarian
school. Ail—Methodists, Baptists
and Presbyterians - are workinghar
moniously togetlier, endeavoring To
truui* the .children pi the way they*
should go.
Come everybody and see how
brethren of different churches can
‘‘dwell together in unity. •’
Foot Race. —An amusing slceno
■ 1 j
oqcurred last Muuday yioruiug at
the Mayors Gburl. One Mr- Star
ling from Alabama came across the
river on Saturday last and “ took,
on” too much. Georgia whiskey.—
It didu’L “ set well ” on his stomach
but seemed to arouse all bis pro
peifsitics for scafhig mak
ing them think he was going to
tight every Ixidy. he met (of course ,
he was only jehjrg.) Making an
attack'apou Mr. Cohen, tlifc- mar
jsliaii was called for who>‘ hekl him.
fast” till trial, Monday morning.—
The Alttyqr upon befinug testimony
sot liiuiaidC back upon hi* dignity,
•or something else, and told the
marshal! to - <p>Ueot live dollars
costa from the prisoner, whereupon.
Siarlingivery Buddmdy deuidvd U>.
.-take “ leg bail*” Without stands
ing upon tlio-orikir of his going”)
he “ went at .ouce ’■ for the door-and
right “ then and there wa«
in hot haste ” on the part pf Mr. S.
and theinarshtdl. Alabaitqpjpoised,
ito be too fast .I'qt Georgia. Fences
and corn patches tHiifered in . the;
line of retreat to a.considerable ex
tent. Col. Webb says the next man
that come*, diottn Alabama, mid gets
diunk iu.Fort Gai-ues Ue’% gqing. to
ask him to please go home .before«
he gets into a row, or*lak.u tjie cool,
of the day for “ loot racing.” The
Gol. has to be rubbed down gyery
morning to limber his joinls,
Mr. Btarling intends to move his
trade to some other point*
n'X Tt'ip to Florida.
Not long since-\be made a visit
to West Florida, and though the
country through which We pa?sc(i,
is for the most part, altogether un
inviting, and not by -any opeans
caleulafed to inspire, still wir
saw and heard a few things tlmt.
may not prove uuiutorcfeihig to
some if not all of our readers.
We found the country generally
flooded, and low lambs ’ inj ured con
siderably by heavy rains. Wc pass
ed through Jackson, Washington
aud Walton counties—spent one
night going, and ’one on our return
In Camphelton, Jackson county. —
We .found everybody there cf paying
their prayers,” except tho doctors-,
and they, (or oue Jof them) liad
read a chapter in the biblc. A wet
summer is always, ’ itfbtfdftb lime
country, a p recursor of a sickly.fall ?
which accounts for the great inter
est past nb\V uFen in rebgious mat
ters. One
had taken a round with the el-ills
but the prospect for a good prats-,
tice ahead helped h i in along
so that he had only “ read a chap*
ter,” hoping that he . might escape
further “ shakes ” —one more at
tack will, wc doubt not, at least
cause liiiu to ask aLlpssing at meals.
We hope so at any rate.
. Jackson is one of the richest coun
ties iu Florjda, boh® gwiopalfy cov
ered with Totten The
lands rgsertibje Jh«,Dougherty
of our own State, and, if pebble
more productive, especially, of the
‘‘staff of fife.” £uch.a thingisisaßack
of shipped corn was irt
Gampbcdtou, we siqipose, amliarely,
if ever, in the county. The crops,
though to some extent injured by
heavy rains, wore lookipg .prefty
well. They dry May. which
ienaWed to ; tliif
grass and liikve. a«, even stpi t with
the wet weather. Why there lias
never been a sailrpad through, that!
•section of iWAitaie ean only be pi
plained by want. of. .enterprise and'
energy on *lm fXy&m '
■The negroes have Meeu/^eryi'troul>-
lesome tkrouglwmt thp cptmfy r , ever
since the surrender, resulting in
some bloodshed and consideiiable
zer.s. It can readily be accounted for
by its being the qdojjtcJ” home
of Hamilton, 21. (J., (Land of
powers, ; wind a ; disgrace .)mind,He rnl.yg spirit ot the
has a sjL tm
last election one democrat was elect
ed to the Legislature, and so close
was the rape throughout, that n<it‘ a
white-Rad can .now be h4md.—
.Much, if hot all the credit for the;
great [-evolution in political matters
i« due to J. C. McLean, Ehq., of
Mariana,' the Detune ratio, inejnbdr
elected to the Legislature.' Work,
work, work. \vgs liis “watchword
and reply.”
Leaving going west-
passed thrqug^jVaMdqg
tou, one of the poorest comities iu
,the tjtate. In this.pouuty, Uo.wev
er, is tlie
loy, - containing ' seyeiHl n ijndred
aqres good land sffi |e
i'aund this side, of the Mississippi [
Yalley. Vernon is the county site,
located on the bank of Holmes’
ijji&ek, (a good sized river, though
misnamed creek,) just at the Wes
|)eo.ple of tlif coi3y spperalß
jiTor, and bnsinesHis only dfce in*
small way. \w saw,
about a hundred Biles, of cojpbii «
thqijn-eek be
by Burge to the Choctawhatchie nv-
by steamer to New Or
leans via Pensacola. We met
there cur old friends and school
mates, jjp* M-. Lood, J.
L. Jldlxihrioh, the fJrnier engagtri
■kr thedaMwriw 1 tnei>
chandise. ¥ Jotm J3.1 5 ’ had, since
we last saw takeii one of our
dittfe cousjfcßiii**To
looked‘-just; as happy asttei big) sun
Jh)Wer,”vm:.kJ‘-0 oidtioJim., Jdltqy will
please acc k^j dn^sses
we were in Walton, our miavalibuu
ty. - Though poor, we are not
to,o\yu hgr as ,Quy l>kth-
and. you .will. with ns,
“ when we tell you what they -told
us tiiere.” Before the War there
were about Tour liUndred and fifty
"votei-s in' the bounty. >' At the elec
tion for fk-leg'ate* to the secession
conventioii'the highest cafididate in
favor of •sqvyasiou, received eleven
votes. During the war, more than
five bwiidred of her s&ys fopglit for
the “JLost caiise,” mid fo«ght nobly
too. Tfiore is not, with jooc.or. two
exceptions, a poorer county the
(State The dose of the war found
them ia peculiarly straigfomM cir
cumstances, many baying: actually
suffered for bread in ’65 and v i6ft,‘
In ISfifi thei“Laics’ Memorial As-,
Sociationof Florida,' was organized'
at Tallahassee, Aior tlie purpose>of
erecting a monument to, the taeln
m y of the Confederate dead of Flor
ida, and to provide for fche widows
and orplmns oft-he same ; ” request
ing tiie ladies of thodifferent coun
ties to organize .auxiliary assobia
-tions to carry out-the geuerii work.
Wb were present :rt the organi
zation in ami though
at least one hundred and fifty ladies
wore present, there wro not ioore
than fifty .eaile©, dresses, foe rest
! being homespim. They were t Toot
indeed” but they had a mind to
work ’’ and nobly hsiye they per
formed it. Boon after its organiza
tion the parent asr Pei at ioix.‘ ‘.died a
natural d«dth,i?.as s.adi. thingdgcii
eralyJdo. Meeting .-after meeting
of tho Waßoßwcoulfiy, auxiliary aS
sociation yvrts iveld- aft Eucheeumui
• and they all- detoriniofid,do, M ih,
someth wiuhin theinselres.—
Several entertainments have been
given, never realizing dt any dne of
tirem more.than fifty to seventy-ih‘e
dollars, k Every year the widows
and orphans of Confederate ool
diers have been supplied-with trraay
of the necessaries of life, and they
had; purchased-, wiitn wo were thorp-,
a no at little monument costing- about
a thousafKl dolhws, evented to
tho memory of the confederate dead
of Walton county. r ffio name of
dvevy soldier from the eouutv, wlio
was killed or di-bd during s the AVar,
was insia ibed upon it. The fourfh
of July; was selected a? tho most
appropriate day Tor
monunreilL Noble' women! true
Wo to on 1 They were poor bfitthdy
. lovedßfeir departed ones, ihey hon
ored their dead heroes.
Women of the South—you who are
rich —shame on yon! all around
you are Widows arid'orphans of dead
soldiers who fought to savhl sour
riches, some oi‘ them, many of
them suftVriirg for bread. They
would thank vbit for “the - cniriibs
that'fail from your table.*’ Will
jrou withhold thht which ydu give
to the 'dogs from the wives And
children of Southern soldiers? Loam
a lesson from there poor people
give to your heroes, loved ©nbi fit
dl&SF’of bread
and erect monuments to their mem
ory. Nobler martyra to the cause
of fieifor died. Do dot 'neg
lect them. ,u *sn>r
We beg pardon : '{orFbbfnfc> jso
IcnglhL but hope fo'aC'rtl idast'a'levv
of our readers may be intt-fWted.
Since onr return wc have been un
able to write, suffering with boils,
and hope that you will' not think
wc have forsaken the Appeal. If
we can add any thing to its interest
we shall evfir be happy to do so.
x&t a — Mfi 1
J. H. Christy, of Athens, was
examined -by the-Iva-Klux; commit 1
tee in WashingfgftlfffftoCfefyX*' **
. He testified in substance, foat he
knew of no Ku Ivlux organization
in his district, or afiy part of the
Sute. . In answer to the inquiry,
as’ to' whatfarilitfofe fife liaff
ing anything about it, bo stated
that he'had been twice elected to
congress ’ from' that district, and
usually' attended the courts of the
Nffefrern Cirdtilt” as' vydH’' ffs''a ST; jx*»-
lion of those of the Nonhcrn Cir
cuit; and, in response tb the inter
rogatory, lie stated that he was per
sonally acquainted " with the people
generally. *No more crime was
committed than before the war in
his section of the State. He ad.
rriittid 1 this dFme Iradm beejir bonier
violations of law bv disguised par
ties, for the purpose of punishing
perSoiß for TfvWg-fhgdtlr’er 1h adul
tery 'ap'd fornication,'theft, etc., and
stated" that it was the general opin
ipu in the community that the i>eo
ple took ttte law into their own
hands', b'ecatise so many crintiiuils
.had been pardoned. Another cir
cumstance which give rise to the
many exaggerations in reforerhte to
the so-called Ku KfifopJact
that mischievous young men, for
phi-pose of amusemeut, sometimes
wrapped themselves in sheets to
scare' the wjVerffittTdQtt'
some of whom affected to believe
they c, ere ghosts of deceased Con
federate soldiers'. These negroes
had disguised themselves and whip
ped a white man in Clurkd'&rtinty,
and there had been but little said
about it.* 'Wm*
guise.l negroes bad attempted to.
murder a white man iti Hancock,
and been convicted aud sentenced,
but subsequenly pardoned by the
Governor. Theyyitness
the opinion that Alt. TtiengrUsotT
had ntt been' attacked On* political
grounds, and that no negroes bad
been intimidated from voting the
Republican ticket, but some had
prJpßUy IVn pjpfenaHt by ttr<mts
fnjfn votiiß thßdemft-atic Bket.
thfo;e nvasßo Brularßrganßition
bating the laws. The examination
urns long and tedious, but the above
are the leading facts elicited.
, Re*\- Ajß- Campbell.— We h ard
giijt Jhis fgeitlcman has aecepten
jhe yerei4 mjl by Urn JLptist
( ureh in Culhpert, Ga , and will
sooirenter upon liis Ptis'ii>ral duties.-
Ftnysevbn years past, Mr.
GanipbeU-has resided aud labored
among us, and bis zeal aiul piety
aud his urbane and affable deport*
meet, have endeared -him to all.—
Wc regref .to givo up-o«e;so unive)--
sally esteem oil as a-ebrislian .gentle
mail apd sw nvuch admk'fcd as a de
vout and able Minister, but are
pfo.-iaed to know that .foe field do
which he is going is one of his
choiee, and that Mrs. C, than whom
there is no more estimable lady and
neighbor, wiU be surrounded by
old. friends, she having graduated
at Andrew Female College, in font
The best wishes of our entire
community will . ncQQiapany them
to their new home, and may they
find-as many true friends as they
noW leave behind
New Advertisemeate.
Dissolution ofCopaflnersliii).;
rjT nil copartne i>liip lieretofore existiug un
1 tier ih« name firtn’iini sVfte Os ifftwn,
Smith A Co*, is tbis <W.y- ilissolvnC mutual
•’ i .1 JAS HUuHAHiN.
, fa U), U*kj>
■ ''j " • - -• a;.
TUe basii.ess of ttte above late firm trill lie
eotijinncd by tie r* •
tt) iSG T. SROtWN 4* GO.
Ntli i«?l. ts.
Merchants, Take Notice !
i*nl tt ffo Jlni *>>• •?«! ; 1
TRE hi!*’ rvemitlp 'liuft'fitine
Go>L,l> (JOIN sHil#>i i*kmWhj*j**JGp4)ml<
ten dullnr jiitices ; and wl>ußfo ufoj if tile
merchants of the city wonlil ’keep a Ntokom
frtr it.aa it mHy fie'uflbiad in (ttlyaMin W
will be tbaiilvTully rpeeivea.
--yWBr»? «<■ :iTt» a*l W.^tVIXR
’! ... Bought by -* s t : h
Si ctHib -no *rd ff >ai;J tn*pm • ■
»iiT juph
Insurance and Religion^
INSUKANCE is vc-ry niucii like raißiou in.
Borne respects ; almost every *rie;lieN#ves
in it, tliinks it. a good tiling, a w’iw tlti»K mid.;
ft necessary tiling; yet it fs frequently “ ppt
off’ until money ie plenfyl’or for otfer ren-‘
sons not more forcible, until aypift
“strikes tlie right e'uord,” and the HOV 1 sured ;
party wakes up rda ‘roiUzing sllisc ttl lha up
protected condftienvaud MSBiTsTm *
In many a ease lie lias-
agent whom lie a<-metimes regarded as a
“ bore,” and lh#f Gfftitpatfy Whose lolmicy he
lias been so fyliv convinced of, tgir lawns tut
save him from knapcial ruin No loss is f-lt
more Severely than the total dirstriiHiy’n of a
man's entire the,' ; insu
iance; for itteft|ps<.jii>vliklvTie m*-ete witl»,
but little sytepathy from his uejoTiboiw, be
cause it is st> easy godihfristirittife at all
times. Tim business muxun which, riu'is : “ A
business uotovul'lh insuring is nut worth do
ing/' haft becOme'a jairf (if the •* ousiues reli«-
ion ” ol'most eomui thlidietg.o ;
ummu mm
fit do* « .*<» ff 0 j
- -' tv ii Uni *••• ot .t«4»W
Gajntal, “ (Joid, n $1,000,000.
A Proelaanatian.
* < 4fr: ao v6Yh.^^%^StiuS,
' WhereaV, Tltere is,now pcud(n*lu'theSiipi;-
rierCoarttofGilmer<x#nptjr,a BHl,ot ;J«dict
..msnt J.aFtiyeUe Siijaa, Tlipiga^|ean- i
vai'd, audSamuel Spencer, wiili the crime of
TmirAer; allegeS toliave beenAottmMtted'iipo'n
the body of William Cox, iff said county of
GiilUfr; and
Whereas, It- is made known t& me that the
said fifius, SeiUiyard. aud S|)encer' cannot be
found iußaiTcoiiuty »I Qibuer, and have pit de
Now, therefore I have thought p; Oper to is
sue this my proclamation-hereby offering a re
ward of One 'Thousand 'Dollars' each for tfoj
apprehension and delivery of the said friiFay:
-etie Si*f, Thomas Seanyayd, /aud Samuel
.Spencer, tOftlmSiieriff of Gilmer county, and
ul one 'Hmuand Dol
lars each on their conviction.
Given under nfo’hsrfo mid tile fir«at'Ue*il *rthe' :
State, atthe ijapitoi in Atlanta, tiiis tenth’
day df Utily. ftrVhe'TMx Os otM* Dord Kigh-„
-tedn .liiurdred aydtievemYiroe, and,id' the
Independence pfthar Upited fctates of
ica tne fffhety'-Mxth." •' ■ . >uJ ni ,
By the GoverDC-r :
David G- Cotting, Socrefacy of State.
rr ■ —e p . ~(>
j\. I’roeUuuation.
dw trnorevtid b«tt .utesw '
GEORfiftJk. ui hwrm. so « wot |JJ
(k thufe'.
Whereas, Information has Been ’ received
ffti^?U^jmfli<ftlA,Kiiii? <J 3roffii“
ehaiyed. so rßikUfi-, jjrith th»,
' wiaae,Ptffourde^,ialte^ed ! fo been cem
mined upon the Irody of James G. luiow, in
said county of Gilmer, and that the said Hat
ley law tied -from justice
-A-Movitj ttaM&foe,* have llioaglit Itvojier to
issue Diisuiy. proclamation, hereby offering a
o 1 Qw 'Bfo*dud the ap
prehension and delivery of the said Jolui Hat
ley to the Sheriff of Gilmer county, and an ad
ditional rsward of One Thousafuf Efdrlars on
liK'TlnvlctiM* •« TANARUS, 1
(Jiven updei ipy Upipiand the grfat SfiidLoftdie
Sutc, at the Oapitur pi ARanlSl
day I 'of July,ill line year its our Lord Rwliteeu
- Hffßdred aud teysn-y-opf ,a.pd Uif) Ini?-'
r u *' { America
-• • ' ' RIHf'US Ih. BUIiLOCK.
|F c. wi a y,
fi the bestßver sold <n Cutliflrt. reThe C-Sb is thoroughly cleaned by
■e best Sißes, Fans and Serßis, before it Hground, thereby removing
■kh of U Jp
Neariyfflhe mercahtsftsroit. Ti-yiv^
«>£ Third StrciL-JOy
- ■r~nTmitrrai.
The Largest HLAnili#r :
Ail "Worls. ’Warrantecti ■■■■•
Northern Prices for t Pupligaf^jL
STEAM Kimim-.*. Boilers, Circular Sa‘iv Mil’s M- ri baj-.t AH.I Gearing, of all kinefs, Sairar
Mills and Kettles, Iron «f uumeroMiMftm rfont fwlfo* Turbine W»l»
Wheel, .W4*e» Whaol)>e»
Castings of kmi and’ Brass, and of kind*,,fo Qj\l«£
(Patented by FhacHay &. Crrig-, Feb, 2lsi,
Wairuited 'lie t'asie-!—ef lialdi ilruui'iit—sfintSTlfi?RKß? idt^g^io
Screw lias tt fall ot inAlies.'anti lv L *(nAftT fi? tfirtirfivirtlS ; stttiofcqffoa vuarauieud or
money refunded. S-. nd for Circdlflt- *« ten unjtoy w«k< mtn ilninrr <> -
(Craig’s Patent HorsePhw6r, for Driving Cotton Gins.
Warn.nti and vurtiv Mij'i-i i,>f in eVetv [.a.-; icniar. toaav a id id; , m■ um ; and md adver
ti*t:d »n tM<r SWe-J-lh** l aa.**e'kao)y, b(--i I "i{'ls-- i ii xf&cjaJ Titan nil' bTdtttltry''Gin'
Gettr. * **" 'i*"mtU* .wnMv
Simple, clip-able liHitdiauklitTßas upon tbet’ronmtHfflfri d*e«>-not (■C(pn ; r < * •» .w-«rNc«kii|to
put rip BBS in opmatioMS* S(PHSl'irCtN)it*tfiM»uiti*«l, or money rt inudud.. mr ils.'cupuvc
• C j‘S‘n» . Jft? lftd&tijS'p&a:
• ; “' -,t— "77*? :r "
New Crojj Turnip Seed!
A Fine Su-ppiy,
’ .Ttlsl Arvlx (Hi !
. 1 ••• - R&r,§aiftwi ■
fi saivi*n i* lure OKI. >n„t»4 gym>!( !
■mtjc is-j&jetsr
I wi* vi?i *>• oliJ a* c
rn<t *>■+<* •
Jlenujrkably Ch<Mj> for CAN//.
Cheap Cash Ho'hse.
Ts ftejllaCe tolniy yonf
' FAMJfx BCrMuifn
At ~ANb
(14 y«ff.liavo i!ic CA$ l ir, i )
ti'Vfi fp, fgdj 09
■’ a Droprin At - .
*ob(rrx oAj lo Jfljtii ; il
JB- .J . sJacktsoiLlfc,
iiHfolf - I»J , - <y _~y. _ i* . i “
: Ail’d gj; Stffidtßf’ - -
Extract Strawberry, V&pijla, and Lsmon,
For Fl*vow-.ig,r«jfr{ £/
> . A s. A.vr-.SpN’S,_
Fu.uit Jar^
Jelly Tunihlers, Etc.,
* At i'. S. l-GWFLLo, Tiustce.
TteROFESSOR of ilia ’.aVii s prn au.-n;-
’E Yv fo^Pd‘!h''€fltl.h^W/H*p-eWilly>: ) lff--
,4t* pnpif* etrttlte trsUi'tt r
Violin, VMinceifo or BassVioi,
Qr any other Instrument ii.-nullv in a
lit V* iiVowd* 11« t ruetiwte i» tosses,
or prteaiedy- Esi'e.ciml *i|eution wiU bej-iven
t l RtMsieskhat ffrJtfcVsiiiaiHiefioißii - •
t 'tn br ~: ■ • AifT"~»;~7u»n.<ri rhr;
At'lfllt *iJj It- nr. *»S .iHSAtlltfcH
JHT'ffff*e arem*ifd uUarge
■YY or.small (ißaiunies at five ceufo per
pound. ' J. It. &R. H. GOLb.
• — t .j«'i --t — ,:u*%n±pin ■ —
: ■ The 4’itv Bar
- - -.1 .ft*- !,:/■ •■ »'•
• -oAKP- ~
TS-novy samplM. wmfi. a
UVAt.Ji .i.Mirfj te
Wines. Limjoi’S and” ’Segai’s,
arJ bfw
be surpassed by any Rar m the State. 1
At! ts 10 delie irttft df ■ rtti
»f Fancy firings, fixed in*«t.ykv . ~
,-F LAGigR jnfo,
c Ho«adalifii4
For sate by T. i>. I’UW ELL, Trustee.
Carbolic Soap J
Kill* ancl Cures 3lango.
. ‘ For sale by /T. S-
Every Baby Must Ifttvo It.
"TS tliofOtigMv waeri ro"f~;>retects'c:,-.ih:ng
X —retains Diapcrs-iWaitNrUßte-liermits
circulation of air.
Recommended; by j-bymsla*f V; nf4»llparents
whose chiidreu have-vvoin-thelß.
For'sale by T r F- ; 8 I'AWEW.-TOteatee,
Druggist, BoolineUer, and At xiouer.
Aft dtsiJiisc'gwf'tiii Eye >d ■ecssfuilv treated
-tt/Orwoorli a
BaJPs new Patent ivory Eve Cups.
■■RftAl Wr
"> = retMfored
nuide neinidimlDv iljemse Oj thc uetV “iffent
Ii Kte(te.w."" •
VP,iiFfo s hffiiirhi*»i oin
‘liite, bujjp uatl-Uifir niirlit
JoiTihy i lie - .
’- rfiafoift-fdWtMeW; ifo*Aw»platorFaf
3i”-t>fci!i>eT-B. «f Diuuwaaot 'Vififtte-cuptijionly'
'•Uwls Vj.iJffjPih Asjieuofo, pr Weak
Limit fold oil ora JTuuniiig or Wnrery Eves;-
I 3TB V 6 nVes'Mpet(*tiffilrented with the Eye
Clips—cure guaranteed;! tfo Weakness,qi,pie
lli-tiuo, or Optic. Nerve; 7. Opnuiarmm',- or.
- 1 tflfWiftiiirtiirtt «f ttwrEya and ’’t**aftpwldHge*,
or imperii et v.siou from i he ciit cl.-pj
rton , -S. I’iiotouhobia, or lat uiennj.ct mlAg 1 1
11. Amaurosis,or Ohscuiity of Vision; 12.
Cataracts I’artlud iHmdness; llieh-ss ofsiieiit.
Anyone can use the Ivory ,ivye fojps with
out t lira aid of Doctoror Medfinffe: so aVWtee
ccive immediate heuelieial results and' never
wear spectacles /of, n using now, to laj- tliemi
asitie forever, AVfo « aai aatepa cure in p,very
fa'se wliei* the tnitectl&ns are*l'<»)oV«l, or- we
v.'ffl ly-fui.d the money.
From honest Farmers, Mechanics and Mer
chants, some of them the most eminent leading
prnfessiouul and .woaien of-'
education and rfeimement, iu our country, may
b- A-cft-ftf ottr office. - • * w •;..**«-* 4
, Utnief itat»-cd' flaiyfogd, Hqn. Hqi ace. Gree-
IpV pi.liie New lo; )c TANARUS; inane, writes: "J.
BalLofoiir ciGiis.S'f/'flfoiT-Miotidahfi reifton--
imtii. WfirtiS WcajrftWete'VinteiuionHl de
you you this note, after using t e PitCMt Ivory
0i e<JiffM.l;irt en-terts, aeiidiis morpixg pe
am! ;.il wlji the uuassiSted Eye.
TANARUS: /y i V. f in.■:>.:!■!! to vour noble tnveiHion,
mhy Hetften Wwes-ond TireSKr,ve,yoia t have
,i)fc«iniU.wUKM !, #«NvJt ,1
REV'AmEFHt-G’MtTW. Matde
cured of Partial Blinduesp,,uf id yeitrs’, symd
.fog- mii!ut.K,fo^itlie.Patent ly-orjt Eyo
ClU>?. . . ’ _
T 81.B 1 . O BLfclS. Ddy»»/ Ohio,,
Wrotern* Nov lfftJ),.ioea | i have rent**! the
-P.a|eai4(fofi»il4s<ty ( -' l U>st dte* 1 am sfotetiedi
.they irood. lam nleased wiui themTaiiey
AU pFftensiwfehwvte toMuik i«rricßl:tiv, cer
etite-a* 3wh»;ai»«*. pritiw, ftj,mHfonlf^sEsend
tlieir address to us and we wiif send our Treat
ise on the Eye, pi forty-tour a pages/ Tree, liyv
i%ftinl'% , i4!.' :: 'A\<*««*»i»K ri X" re»»X>
1 .Dr.j; BALL tefo r-ti. Q. lim* '**>■ Nx>;-
MTOPTA -r Near
*F*foblWife«r%tte tew New Pafont Myofic At
"OwttHn*ujyai(ipii*Si foe ivoj jfc .Fya*i Cnp»,
has proved a tins disem-e.
Send for R'AfflanJWfree.—•
no' rfftite ‘ Tnttei y by adjusting liuge
glasses on your nose atififiielignt « yowl; face.
. JSaplpyuiwiUfo- fob, fogeys weyted for
the new Patent Improved ivory Eye Cups,,
just introduced iu the market. The success is
unparalleled hv any other article. All persons
or ladies, can niaifsJijr,espectabie living at till*
light and easy employ men!. Hundred* of
agents are making lrom $-0. w £2H. a day. To
live agents s2(l a week will be guaranteed.—
lufoimatiou furnished on receipt of twenty-
‘d®. 3|»Liberty Street,
Our Agent foj Randolph County, is
Rev. W B. Me [IAN,
ji mmmmrtdkm . . bfonbert, Ga.
Ten years I have used spectacles. Five ftp
fpbTirtinite iff tfie'Evte fonittow him ahau-
Vi mm iv:
r fvfoot! I ,«otei*ii| ,«r.H
hr'WISM'TbWY ’
.Li-** f 1 - DIiVM
b*« iniiititfsij
. I:W >4 *v~h x;
if?#T tKli? t- I*l fe-flN#* .* * •«*$ |KM IMS tg4i ItlfM
AKfi »ii lined* to
. \K-.- *!■ ■-w t.tO-1 l:in^,lM^!f)
I will pay tlte higlieetpricfc l
jy2l-3l L. OPPENHMMER.
. !i-.nfL - *>UJ< —I..- i -i 1 » .
Male School.
I' will opfoivi'MalteS.ditel' iw ' Cuthbert, at
the school liousc belonging tu Miss M. fc»
Jones, on _
Mw&W 3^*|nst.
j R:rt( Sos Tuif.oll $4.1-oand Tn-
.jydl fft, .. , . F. G Mv-MUhfvAY.