Newspaper Page Text
lo(s3THsef a t? tmext
■---!■ ' 4.
C'uthbert Prices Current.
COTTON .15® 16*
L iucov— Clear Sides 11 1
f Nil. I'*l2
Canvassed Hants
Shoulders 9 ®«l
Butter—Goshen - - ”••58
Corintrr ~,.3.><ail>
itiiswii 21
Candles: .'»JliUtla ..17te20 Rio, pef ll*.. ......... 22®25
Java 7* 28?'33
Lout—per bb1.,,..-. .i. 8*613}
0 b ain—Com, per fin . 1.35
Wheat ......125
Rve ~..i.75®2.00
Oat*.!.. :vj.;:.U i 9« a, i .«>
Peas.... ........i 11.50
ifo«ET..... , l'@l2*
Iron—per Mr. .igi/ww,;.... 7i@W
Lard »•••. * 14® If.
MActfE.iEr Kit5.................... 1 5i'@1.75
Lag* —Clean Colton per 1b..... 2J@3
fete Alt—Brownr«r .. .13J@15
C „*•. “....... ...:r4®15l
A " .i....15}@1€
Crnshei!. 1 ... 17 j® 18
kraur—per ga1....... 85®9 I
e* : * - —i _ ’ • - '■
Cholera—llow -to Cork iti-—At the com
mencement of the Diarrlie, width precedes
an attack of the Cholera, take a teaspooufnl of
the Pain Killer in sugar and water, (hot if
convenient) and then bathe freely the stomach
and bowels with the Pah. Killer clear. Should
the diarrbaeor cramps continue, repeat the
doe* every ten or fifteen minutes until the pa
tient is relieved In extreme cases, two or
more tca»poou:u!s may be given at a dose.
The Pain Killer, as an internal remedy, has
no equal. lu cases of Cholera, Summer Com
plaints Dyspepsia, Dyseulery, A/sUnna, it
cares in one night, by taking it internal y and
bathing with lt freely. Its action is like mag
ic, when externally applied to Old Sores,
Burns tealds and sprains. For sick headache
and toothache, don’t fail totry it. In short, it
U a nai.i kilter.
Directions accompany each bottle.
The Pain Killer is sold by all dealers in Med
I’rit'e 25 cents, s(7cents and $1 per bottle.
For salts by W. C. HAY, Jr.,
niayl2-fiu: . At Isaac Easley’s Store.
NMipyernoiig Wine,
A superior article for
Medicinal, Table Purposes,
For wile by
api-28 Cm J. C. MARTIN.
How to Make Monby.— Send to tbe Am* r
ican Publishing Company, Rutland, Vt., for
tlicir beautiful Specimen Boole, and make ten
dollars the first day you show the book
Read their adver'l.-ctfleut in another column,
concerning llie Parlor Album, and you will
get full particulars.
Tlie Parlor Album contains more beautilul
embellishments than auy other work extant.
The Specimen Book is sent free on receipt of
postage- •
tW If yon want something in the medicine
line to cure the ills flesh is heir to, call at the
reliable Drug Store, of W. E. B*bson, North
side Broad fit.*—sign of golden Eagle & Mor
tar, when you go to Elllaula, and ptircha?e
your medicines, for yon are sure to get what
is gotff amkptlfer ' octß-ly
:«r As our people have commenced to
build and repair tlielr bouses. and Hie in want
of Paihts, On.*, etc., they will rave money
by buying these articles of W. K. Bksson, at
the old reliable Drug Store, North side Broad
Bt.—sign of golden .Eaule & Mortar, Ktifau
•la. wheiethey will always be sure to get
(bat is pure and good, and as cheap as they
can be liought anywhere. octß-ly
ty* Peisons that are sick always want the
beet tnatment lliey can get, and they cannot
get good treatment without pare and good
medicines, and the p|»ce to get snch medi
cines Uat the old and reliable Drug Store of
W. Bisson, North Bide Broad St.—sign
of ,golden Eagle & Motlnr, Eiifuuht, Ala.,
which has been established over thirty years,
and the copulation of which lor selling pure
Drugs is as familiar as household words,
fy? The purest and chea|>eßt medicines can
be bought at tlie old reliable Diu« Store of
W. E. ItKrSoa North side Broad St.—sign
of golden Eagts &- Mortar, at Enfaula. He
will uol liave nor sell any bnt the best and
purest. Dou’t. fail to give him a call anil pur
chase if you want anything in his line.
oetß ly
Dmhutt ash Emaciation.— result
Yrooi the lack of ability to convert the food in
to uutriment. How necessary, then, for those
Suffering from these alarming symplorog to
immediately res:-ft to a rouicdy tliat will
strengthen the stomach and digestive organs.
l"'or, as soon as this desirable object lias been
sueeomptished the health Improves, and the pa
tient resumes hie usual personal appearance,
felostetter’s Stomach Bitters have attained a
■world-wide popularity in such cases, and have
proved‘the best and safest means of removing
icons: i pat ion, toning the stomach, giving ener
gy 1o tli* liver, and relieving every symptom
■of nervousness ami depression of spirits Its
fleering and benctjehil effects-ire highly spo
hen of bythonsaiicß wlioowe to it ilreir resto
ration to health. No restorative In the annals
«*f medicine has attained the same popularity
in the short space of time it has been before
Hie public, or lias won tba high endorsements
ii'orprded to this excellent tonic. Many other
preparations purporting to correctives atid
restoratives, have iieon introduced, and have
rarDhed oge by one, while tlie prtpq*«rity of
Hosiettcr’s Stomach Bitters continues to in
v-ieasC, andlsnoW recognised as a standnid
hdusciioM mfiiiciiie- The success which at
icMatWe lUehf Bitter* evinces at once its
Viieu**Jtr'alr cases of dwbility and disease of
the stomach. Cefthicaies, almost, without
tiuudn r, have been paMisbed, attesting irstru
IV miragiilpuyiowirin rcnioying those pain
mlandfeMffuTt&s. •asee. And at tin's time it,
see tits idle to do tnoi e than caH attcntion totlid
fin at remedy t>f (be-age. In order to awaken
pnlrfiristteuii ip to its excellence. It is the
only prepnratlpn of the kind that is reliable
in i"Hcases, audit ia therefore Worthy of tlie
consideration of the affile ed.
►>.... ;
iTnowr^ranlpcrMtheHTAaN i) AK l> BAKING POW
DKIt, and the bent article prepared for making light,
wholesome and' delicious BISCUITS, ROLLS,
BREAD, GRIDDLE sad other CAKES, <kc., Ac.
It is Infallible, and altrara ready far Immediate
■te. The best YEAST POWDER foruseon longSEA
It is convenient and economical, NO WASTE
OF FOOD I* RE PARE It WITH IT. Sold everywhere
f DOOLEY & BROTHER, Manufacturers,
i Dooleys
A Radical thinks they hail hot
ter stop funding f-co] 1 out of the
party while there is any party left.
’ ?i|/fj*rj
Home Affairs.
r f- V'i .'.'j',] ■!../. -..A*
It strikes us that the city scavengers
should take their rounds bn the principal
stbeets oftener than once a week.
iti Ufa i..—
Several of our merchants are prepar
ing to get off to market next week.
Oiir physicians have so little to do at
home now. that some of them are practicing
in the neighboring towns:
One of the *• culled bruddere * r in
this city, “ fat, black and sixty,” is studying
law. _ ’ ‘ .4.
A Splediu Rain.—lt commenced ruining
lightly before daylight Wednesday morning,
and rained nearly day. It was a gentle,
easy, soaking rain—jnst what was needed.
A gentleman living on the route from
our office to our dwclliug, owus a white dog,
which be will not own muen longer, UhtfeS
be is kept inside the lot at night.
DkßATixb Chins of tbe young
men and boys of this city have formed
themselves into a debating club, and, we un
derstand, have some very interesting discus
sions. When properly conducted these clubs
are good things, and will prove beneficial to
those who engage in them. t
Personal. —Mr. John W. Sutlivc, the live,
energetic representative of that popular, ac
commodating and reliable firm, Boit, A Me-
Menzie, called on us the other day. That
bouse is prepared to offer its customary
liberal advantages to those dealing with them.
See card.
Mr. J. Es Bridges gives notice that
be will sell a valuable farm at the Court
House on the first Tuesday iu November.
J)oes it Pay ?— A popular insurance agent
of this city informs us that a two-dollar ad
vertisement in last week’s Appeal was the
eau»<e of his doing fitly dollars worth of in
surance for one party the day alter the paper
came out.
Personal.—Capt. Weston, of the Dawson
Journal dropped into see us a few minutes
on Tuesday morning. lie was full of good
humor, as usual, and prophesied great things
tor bis clever town.
A Suspicious Darkey.--A colored individ
ual—and, by Hie W'ay,a«cbool teacher—stop
ped us on the sidewalk the other day to in
quire. “ What de mectin ’btnitde Agificulture
’Siety, on Saturday mean ? ”
Alter explaining to him the meaning of
“ Agriculture,” lie said it tvns a “ good joke
on dem fool niggers. Dey try to make him
think Agificulture was a hifalutin name for
de Ku Klux ; but dey couldn't fool die nigger
—no, sar! ”
Rev. John B. McGehee, President of An
drew Female College, was in the city last
Friday. lie resigned his pastorate of the
Methodist Church in Amuricus last Subbath,
lie has done good service lor that Church,
and the good people of that city will part
with him with many regrets
Crops in Randolph County —lt is gene
rally believed, as far us we can ascertain,
ttiat if the seasons should be propitious the
balance of the time, and no frost should ap
pear until about the Ist of next June,
this stetion may count on at least a halt
crop of cotton. Otherwise, we would not
feel safe in predicting more than about three
sixteenths of a crop. Dougherty is ahead of
us, since the Albany News reports a pros
pect of live eighths.
An Acrostic.
A fay of sunshine Soft and mellow,
Naught but pleasure dost thou bring :
Nor can I, th’j, m.y footsteps follow,
111 the bright, and dewy spring,
E'er find so sweet n budding flower,
Since I knew thy magic charmi
Mighty, with affections pow’r,
Inspired one, thou doth life's cares disarm,
Thou art too pure for earth's creation,
Heaven claims thy adoration.
Three hundred {ucturca lor twenty
live cents. Seeing is believing, and we do
see before us bemorcst's Monthly Magazine
for September, with more than three hun
dred engravings of Fashions, etc. Music :
“ Where the Mountain Echos Meet,’’ a charm
ing song, by Baker, set to music, choice lit
erature. Foetus, Jenny June's paper on Mar
riage, Duties of llusbands, Fashions, House
hold, Ladies’ Club, with oilier interesting
tides worth more than a year's subscription,
in one number. Price 25 cent*;, or 35.00
|kt yonj. Published at 838 Broadwav, New
D ruorest’s Young America lor Sep
temhef is titled with charming stories. ••Min
nie and Kit tie,’’ is a splendid tale by Neil
Forrest "May Clifford in the City,” is not
dess interesting. The illustrations, poems,
riddles and editorial departments for Juve
niles, can only be appreciated by those who
have perused them. Get a copy and sub
scribe for a year, only 1.00. Published 838
Broadway, New York.
Furnitiris.— We were pleased to meet yes'
terday our old friend, Mooney, of the firm
of Money. Boyd, ACn., the celebrated furni
ture manufacturers, of Griffin, Ga. The
cottage chairs, bedste ds, Ac. turned out by
them are admired by all for their beauty of
style and superiority of workmanship.—
They also represent’ manufacturers of wal
nut and mahogany chamber goods, children's
carriages, Ac. W’c have known this firm a
long time, and are glad (o know they are
getting a fair share of trade from this section-
Andrew Female College. --It will be
seen by the President’s card in another col
umn, that this institution will begin its Jail
term on Wednesday, the 20th of September
next. We are r juiced to note the apparent
universal satisfaction given by the election of
Rev. Mr. McGehee to the Presidency, He is
a geutleman extensively known throughout
Southwestern Georgia,-; and wherever known
is recogniz and as a high-toned Chrislian gen
tleman, and a thorough, practical scholar.—
In various positions of responsibility in his
church organiz tiion he lias proven his supe
rior administrative ability ; and old Andrew,
with its already glorious reputation, i« sure
to prosper under his general management.
We are not yet informed as to the domes
tic arrangement* under the uew regime, but
if Mr. McGehee 's noble lady has “ a Unger
in the pie,” the ypnng lady boanlers will
soon find in Andrew College and Mis. McGc
hee a good Substitute for ‘-home and moth
Many important improve men Is are to be
made upon the college premise-* j and noth,
ing will be hit undone which is calculated
to further the interest of the College, and
place its uaine still l|iglivf iiV tiff' armals of
. a:m.\
Tift: Mfcrrtso Bafcft' ark to
Have AjCoEXTYrFjnifc-rA specif meeting o!
tbe Randolph County Agricultural Society
was hem at Are Court ITonse Saturday last,
for the purpose of taking steps toward tbe
.boldaig of a county fair at some time during
the fall.. 4qmo3 GO.Ot
After the suggestion of various plans tbe
following resolution was adopt
ed by the meeting :
Resolved, that an Executive Committee of
ten be appointed to proceed with all the nee
eseery preparations for holding a fair during
the fall—fix time and place, select speakers.
' prepare and publish premium list, mid make
eueb general arrangements as may appear to
them necessary to success.
In pursuance “Os tbe above the following
Committee was announced : O. P. Beall, R.
F. Crittenden. Arthur Fort. T. L. Douglass,
S. A. Smith, Dr. M. 11. Baldwin, T. J Yar
brough. E. Christian. IL Fielder, B. J. Smith.
On motion, the following gentlemen were
added to the Committee i C. D. Zuber, Thos-
Croifier, Jobe Martin, li;Ci Sale*.
Tbe bhairriian is authorised to fill vacan -
cies in tbe Committee.
The meeting then adjonmed to the next
regular meeting in course.
Wm. Coleman, Cli’m.
School teachers are interested in
the advertisement headed u To Teachers-’
Macon, Aug. 23.—Until to-day the market
had been quiet and dull all the week at 1G
cents for Liverpool Middling* 1 * Today, how
ever, there was a lavorftble reaction, the
market closing this evening strong at 16J
@I6J cents.
New York, Ang. 24.—Cotton quiet; sales
754; uplands 19J ; Orleans 19J.
Premium to Farmers.— ln order to find
out what tbe farmers of this section can do
in tbe watermelon line, we make tbe follow
ing proposition :
For the largest watermelon sent in by
the first of September, we will give oneyear's
subscription to the Appeal ; and for tbe next
largest six months subscription.
■ Now pitch in.
Railroad Conference at Columbus.
The Mayor and Council, together
with a considerable number of lead
ing citizens, met the delegates from
Cuthbert, Lumpkin apd llanna
hatchee, at the Council Chamber at
5 o’clock last afternoon. The May
oi* was called to the chair, when
gentlemen in favor of conflicting
routes to Southwest Georgia were
invited to a free interchange of
Col. Crawford, as President of
the late citizens’ meeting, after al
luding to the action recommended,
said that as far as he knew, the
people of the city favored a joint
track to or near Lumpkin. Their
main object was 1o maintain their
old and secure new business rela
Dr. Bussey stated that the char
ter of the Columbus *fc Albany
Railroad had just arrived, and he
was not prepared to enlighten the
meeting as to what steps had been
taken by the President and Direc
tors to secure the building of the
road. He did not know that any
sto-jk had yet been subscribed.
After the conclusion of Dr. Bus
sey, Col. J. C. Kimball, Arthur
Hood, Esq., Dr. Bams and Dr.
Hamilton were called out and made
brief speeches in favor of the Bnin
bridge, Cuthbert and Columbus
Railroad. We have not time nor
space to give even the outlines of
these speeches. They all went to
show was the carrest desire
of the sections represented by the
speakers to push that lino through
with all possible dispatch to Colum
bus. It was & mutual necessity.—
Arrangements were made to secure
the building beyond peradVenture
of the road to Lumpkin, and if Co
lumbus would now step forward, as
she was in duty bound to-'do, with
a liberal subscription the road would
be running into her streets in six
months. If she parlied or put her
money into doubtful enterprises
and thereby lost the opportunity,
the fault would be her own. If she
would consult her best interest she
would not consent to lose the trade
of Stewart for a single reason, for
in so doing she would find it diffi
clilt to recall. All the lower coun
ties are looking to Columbus, and
by availing herself of this road she
would regain mnch of her former
trade. Randolph, Calhoun and
Stewart were now knocking at our
doors, and unless admittd would
seek other markets. All the speak
ers made an excellent showing for
the early completion of the roud to
Lumpkin. We regret that we can
not notice more minutely 7 the argu
ments of each gentleman. — Enqui
Great Coal Mine Disater.
August 14th, an awful accident
occurred at the Eagle Shaft; Pitt
ston, Pa., by the explosion of a fire
damp. Eighteen men are known
to have beet*at work in the cham
ber in which the explosion occur
red, five of whom have been brought
out dead, and there is no hope that
those remaining in the mine have
not met with a lik'e fate. Meanti nae
a large force of volunteer workmeti
are using efforts to reach them. In
going to and from their work the
miners used an air shaft, which
they ascended and descended by
means of a ladder, the main open
ing not being provided with a safety
car and therefore considered unsafe.
It is supposed that the explosion
blew away the props, and a conse
quent fall of the roof followed,
completely blocking np the passages,
and cutting oft’ the means of exit,
should the men have escaped death
from the explosion, which is not
probable. At the present time it
is not easy to estimate the amount
of damage, bnt experienced miners
say that it is not possible that any
of the men will be recovered alive.
Every thing that was possible was
done to extricate the imprisoned
miners. Outside the scene was
heart-rending in the extreme.—
Thousands of sympathizing citi-*
zens, miners, and others were pres
ent. Women and children were
weeping, wringing their hands, aud
mourning aloud for the loved aud
lost, and waiting, in anxious, hope
less expectation,Jor each new re
port from the poisOnoas pit. Th s
mine has been nearly exhausted,
and u as known to be filled with the
black-damp. Yet it was considered
safe, and lias been constantly work
ed since the conclusion of the
strike, although not to its full capac
U?rct* Sam’S Farm —In spite of
the immense ;'gjf*nhii ko
the United States is still the great
est. laitd owner in the worla, and fs
literally rich enough lo give ris till a
farm. East of the Mississippi
there are still Jbodt acres
of ratios ncst y<flrdiSpdsie<Hjf f
chiefly in lowa, Wisconsin, Minne
sota and Michigan, and west of that
river—not including onr Alaskan
purchase—there ai'O
’acres, distributed as follows:
lowa, Missouri and AfhaliSas,
Dakota and Wyoming, 145,295,-
283. j);. ; >*-\i
Montana, 86,904,605.
Kansas, 43,158,87 G.
Nebraska, 52,523,62?.
Colorado and Idaho, 177,800,000.
New Me.\ic.o nnd Utah, nf.130.-
000. i . i
Nevada and Ariz<ma, l3fV,ioo^O(X).
Minnesota, 36,770,170.
California, Oregon and Washing
tonj 201 000,000. .&6QX .Ilf J
Indian Territory, 44,154,000.
This would give a niee little farm
of over twenty-five aers to every
man, woman and child in the coun
try‘ / \ x i 1 ? .
- x~l V | A 1
Henry Stanton, a zealous Radtcal,
says “ the appetite of the. Republi
can leaders grows by what it feeds
upon. Right there lies the danger.
Under the preset regime the gov
ernment is lapsing into a consolida
tion. I, therefore, should not ob
ject to the election in in 1872 of a
State Rights Democrat of the mod
erate type of our oltKfriend, Sihra
Chief Justice Ilowe of the Su
preme Court of Wyoming, renders
the opinion that under the Four
teenth Amendment, women in the
United States have the sanie rights
as men in respect to suffrage and
office holding.
The Savannah Advertiser learns
that the rice in the Satilla River
county is larger and better titan at
any time since the war. The corn
crop is p*or, having greatly dama
ged by rain.
It is thought that three thousand
pupils will attend the public schools
df Nashville during the coining
The Springfield Republican, the
leading Radical paper in New Eng
land, says “ the Radical party is
The Savannah Advertiser, of
Thursday, says the Southern and
Atlantic Telegraph Company has
extended its line to that city, and
will open an office for the transac
tion of business within a week.
Negro Cadet Smith is again in
trouble, for harsh treatment of his
fellow negro, Gee, of Alabama.
It is stated that Gen McCook has
withdrawn from the gubernatorial
candidature in Ohio.
The'Putnam comity farmtfi-s are
complaining of their cotton throw
ing off its young bolls.
Two bales of Sea Island cotton
were received in Savannah, Mon
day, from Darien.
A St. Paul blacksmith lately made
twenty-four horse shoes in fifty
eight minutes.
There are seven hundred convicts
ingthe Texas State. prison.
Encouraging reports of the cot
ton and corn crops from all parts of
Hoffman, the poet and novelist,
is in an insane asylum in Pennsyl
The Family Paper I
Pure and Uncerrtlpling in Character and
Moral Influence.
Plil»lißlied Every Saturday in
Is now one of the neatest and most interest
ini; Democratic Family Journals, in the
South; is devoted to the heat interest* of
Ntate and people, school and home, farm and
garden; and in literary ability it is unexcelled
any where.
Kkv. Josiah Lewis, a. m.. Professor of
Greek in Emory College, >s Literary Editor;
who is assisted hy A. M. C. Klsskll, to
either of whom all communications, connect
ed with their department are. to be addressed
at Oxford. Ga.
TERMB"Payable In Advance :
Single Copies, per annum,.... $3 00
Single Copies, six moiii Its, i 50
Five or more topics, per annum 2 50
Ministers, ; :: 1 00
Acceptable advertisement* inserted at reas
onable ra'es, to be paid for in advance.
All communications on business, to be ad
dressed to Mr. John R. Allen, Business Man
ager and Agent.
Editor and Proprietor.
NoT».—This advertisement is intended to
apply to the Argus after the first of October.
Macon & , Brunswick, and
Brunswick & Albany
Railroad, money is worth one hundred
cents in the dollar, in exchange for goods,
Central City CoaiitM Powders,
11 " Worm Candy,
Hunt’s Tonic Liver Bitters
For sale by T. S. POWELL, T:ustee,
Female College,
THE next session begins on Monday, Sep
t tnlii r 4lb, and embraces 40 weeks.
Ample arrangements have .been made to
meet hll the necessities of the School.
Tuition— s3 1-2, $1 1 2 and s(i per month.
Good boys, under 12 years of age, received
into tire Preparatory Department..
Prof. W. T.- Parsons will be connected
with the Muete&l Department.
Any os her informaiion will be gladly fnr
uisiud when desired.
anglß-3t Pre- blent.
Shallenberger’s, Gallighan’s
And Holton’s Hills,
For Fever and Ague,
For sale by T. S. POWELL, Trifstoe,
iiteo. Not one hour after reading fins advef
lisemeut need anyone suffer with |*ain.
It Was tile first and is the on y P.*in Remedy
that instantly stops the most excruciating
pains, allays Luffainitiion, and cures Conges
tion, wUeffjqy tbe Lungs, Stomawi, Jew
els, or other glands or organs, by one applica
In from one to twenty minutes, no matter
how violent or excruciating the pain the
Rheumatic, Bed-riihlen,infirm, Grippiad, Ner
vous, Nenralgie, or prostrated with disease
may suffer.
Radway’s Ready Relief
will afford instant ease. Intiamation of the
Kidueys, Intlamaiion ot the Bladder, lutia
niatiou of the Bowels. Congestion of the
Lungs, Sore Throat, Difficult Breathing, Pal
pitation of the Heart, lfyst*ri«<. Cro«p. Dip
theria, Catarrh. Influenza, Headache, Tooth
ache NeiuaUjia, Rheumatism, Cold Chills,
Ague Chills
The application of the Ready Relief to the
part or parts where the pain or diliicu'ty ex
is'B will afford ease and comfort.
Twetitv drops in liglf a tnnibler of water
,vv|ll in a lew moments tfhre Cramps, 9fb<s*f»,
Sour Stomach. Heartburn, sick Headache, Di
arrhea, Hysentery, Colic, Wind in the Bow
els, and all Internal Pains.
Travelers should always carry a bottle of
Radway’s Ready Relief with them. A few
drops iu water will prevent sickness or pain
from duiuge of water. It is better than French
Brandy or Bitters as a stimulant.
Fever and Ague.
Fever and Agne cured for fifty cents. —
There is Sot a remedial agent in this world
tlwt. wit! cure Fover and Aguu, atnf afj other
Malarious, Bilious, Scarlet, Typhoid, Yellow,
and other Fevers (aided by ltadway's Pillst
so quick as Railway’s Ready Relief. Fifty
cents per botlle-
HEAf-Tfe ! BEAUTY ! !
Strong and Pure Rich Blood—increase of
Flesh aud VVeig t—Clear Skiu and Beautiful
Complexion seemed to aIL
Dr. Radway’s Sarsaparillian
Has made the most astonishing cures ; so
quick so rapid are the changes the body un
dergoes. under the injiueuce of this truly'won
derful medicine, that every day au iucei-ase in
flesh and weight is seen and felt.
ery drop of tlie Barsapa>illian Resol vrut com
municates through tbe Blood, Sweat, Urine,
and other fluids audjuicvsof the system (be
vigor of lile, for it repairs the wastes of the
body with new and sound, material. Scrota
la Syphilis, Consnmptiou, Glandular disease,
Ulcers in the throat. Month, Tumors, Nodes
iu the Glands and other parts of the system,
B»re Eyes. Sirumorous discharges from the
Kars, and worst hum.* of Skin, disease
Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring
Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Ace. Black
Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers
in tlie Womb, and all weakening and painful
dl-chargcs. Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm
aud all wastes of the lifeprihcinle, are within
the enrarive range of this wonder of Modem
Chemistry, and a tew days’ use will prove to
any person using it for either of these foims
of disease its potent power to care them.
If the paiient, daily Incoming reduced by
tbe wastes and decomposition is Continually
progressing, succeeds in arresting these wastes
and repairs tbe same with new material made
from healthy blood —ami this the Sarsaparil
lian will aud does secure—a core is certain; for
when once this remedy commences its work
otyU'ification. and succeeds in diminishing the
toss of wastes, its repairs will be rapid, and
every day the patient will feci hiaigelt grow
ing better and stroll *er, tlie lood digesting bet
ter, appetite improving, and flesh and weight
Not only does the Sarsaparillian Resolvent
excel all kuown remedial ageutg in the core
of Chronic, Scrofulous, Constitutional, and
Skin diseaseses ; but it is tbe oilty positive
cure for
Kidney and Bladder Complaints,
Ujiuarv, and -Womb diseases, Gravel, Dia
betes, Dropsy , Stoppage of Water, Incontin
ence of Uiine, Bright’s Di.-case, Albuminu
ria, and in ail cases where there are brick-dust
deposits, or tlie water is thick, cloudy, mixed
with substances Ilka the white of an egg, or
threads like white silk or there is a morbid,
dark, billions appearance, and white bonfe-dust
deposits, aftd when there is a pri> king, burn but
f-ensation when passing water, and pain in the
Snia'l of the Back auJ along the Loins.
Dr. Dadway’s
Peifect Ptlrgative Pills, perfectly tasteless, el
egantly coated with sweet gum, purge, regn
hue, purify, cleanse, and strengthen. Rad
way's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of tlie
Stomach, Liver, Boweis, Kidneys, Bladder,
Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation,
Costivones*. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Bi lious
ness, Billions Fever Inflammation of the Bow
els. Piles, and all Derangements of the Inter
nal Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive
cure. Purely Vegetable, containing no mer
cury, minerals, or deleterious drugs,
EjjF" Observe the following svmptoras re
fulling Jrom disorders of the Digestive-Or
gans :
Constipation, luward Piles, Fullness of tlie
Blood In tlfe head, Accidity of the Stomach.
Nausea, Heartburn, Disgu t of Food, Fullness
or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations,
Sinking r Fluttering at the pit of the Stum
ach. Swimming of the Head, Hurrhd and
Difficult breathing.
A few doses ot ltadway’s Pills will free the
system from all of the above named disorders.
Price,2s cents per Box. Druggists.
Read “False and True ’’ Send one lettor
stamp to RAD WAY &. (JO., No. 87 Maiden
Lane, New York. Information worth tb«>u
srtuds will be sent you jy7 ly
The City Bar
Billiard Saloon
IS now supplied with a Large and Clwitie
Stock of
Wines, Liqnors and Segars,
Both Foreign and Domestic, which can not
tie surpassed bv any Bar in tlie 6’tate.
All tlie delicacies of the season, ia llie way
of Fancy Drinks, fixed in style.
LAGER BKEIt only Five Cents per glass.
Ice Cream!
) *
I WOULD respectfully inform my numer
ous friends and patrons that I have corn
pitted and opened my
And am prepared to serve them in the very
best of style.-’ I have spared no pains or ex
pense in fitting up my establishment, and an
truthfully say I lure the
Finest Saloon in S, W. Georgia,
And am fully prepared to meet the wants of
the public. My
Has been arranged and furnished with a spe
cial desire to please. Adjoining is tire GEN
TUBMEN'S SALOON, which has been tlior
oughly re-furnished and fitted np in the best
of style. These ."-akxMisare so constructed as
ui enable me to throw them both into Aiufe,
when occasions riqnire it, and lie enabled to
seat from
75 to 100 (witests!
In the same room. lam also fully prepared
to furnish my customers with a superior ain
cle of . ; » ;
I have also goue so considerable expense in
making improvements in this department of
my budnese, and am better prepared than
t-ver befoiC to meet the wants of ilie public.
I will keep Ice on h ud for sale in ffigtnli
ti:B to siut Hie public.'
Give me a c ill.
£3P A full assortment of Confectioneries
always on hand. augl-ct
Congress Water
For sale by T. S. POWELL, Trustee,
Di'i'ijgtt! l-.'uk cl !,r and dt’aiiaiter.
D. & 11. SCIIOVIL^
OADDED, plain, and iron-bound Root
V Hauies, straight and twist-link Trace
Chains. Butts, Hityres, Screws, Iron Chest,
Iron and Brass Wardrobe, Bides Till; Trunk,
Pail, Ritn, Detd, Stock, aud Store D.*or
Locks. _ ■
GftQliriljrl’lid 0 3
8r&63 ic Sits,
Augers, Chisels, Fites, Saws. Hammers,
w ’i ouches, Hooks ami Stapl s, Imp Links, ,
Plow Rods, S. W. Collins’ Axes, Pocket and
Table Cntlery. Guns, Pistols, Game Bags,
Powder aud Shot, Shot Pouches, Powder
Flasks, Eley’s Water-Proof Caps and Gnu
Iron and Steel,
Wood and Hollow Ware, Scooters, Bound
and Turning Shovels. Solid and Whig Sweeps.
and ■*, .
Shoe Findings!!!
WHITE Oak, Hemlock, and Harness Lea
ther, French Calf, Kip, and Lining
Skins, Eyelet**, Evtel Setts; Punches; Bboe
Hammers, Nails, Pegs; etc.
«RO(l£RlfeS ! !
Tbe celebrated Magnolia, and Kentucky
Hama, Sides aud Shoulders,
Fulton Market Beef.
Nos. !, 2.and3 Mackerel, White Fish, Sugar,
Coffee, r lonr, Rice, choice Louisiana Syrup, in
barrels and half barrels,
Oysters, Salmon and Lobsters,
In Caup,
* j.
Lard, in BaffSte and Caddies,
Bicaib. Soda in packages and kegs,
Family and Toilet Soaps
Candles, Sn u if, Tobacco,
Os all grades, and a good
tot of Cigars.
Parties desiring to purchase any of the
above Articles for cash, will find it to their hi
terest to cttil aud examine onr stock and prices.
Cotton Factors
General Commission Merchants,
. bay srRFET. Savannah, ua.
Agents for Htodlefs Super Phos
phate of Lime.
Jewell’s Mills Yarns & Domestics, Ac.
Bagging, Rope & Iron Ties,
Always on hand.
Usual facilities Extended to Customers.
• aug!B-4m
Allison & Perry,
Successors to
TAKE pleasure in announcing to the pnblic
that they have associated themselves to
gether, for tLe purpose of carrying on a FIRST
In Cuthbert; and hope bv honest efforts and
upright dealings to merit a Mia re of public
patronage. ' y
We expect to Open soon,one of the HAND
Infill Stocks
Th t was ever brought to this maiket; which
will be sold at the
Our business will be pnslied forward with
energy, and every effort- will be u-ed to ptaue
those who honor us with their ra.toin.
au«4 ct
Weteler’s DiaMipi Dictionary
1840 Pages, 4to. 3000 Illustration*.
Nearly every State Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction in the Union, or corresponding
officer. where,such ajt ope exists, has recom
mended Weiistkk's Dictiokabt in the strong
est terms. Among them are those of Maine,
New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts,
Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Yoik, New
J. rsey, Pennsylvania, Maryland. West Vir
ginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Mis
souri. Michigan, lowa, Wisconsin, Minucssota,
North Carolina, Alabama, California, and also
Canada—twenty-four iu all
State Purchases.
The State of New York has placed 10,000
copies of Webster's Unabridged in as many
ol lier Public Schools.
The Slate of Wisconsin, about 5,000 —near-
ly every Schotfl.
’ The State of Nfcw defafey, 1,500 —nearly eve
ry school.
The S'a*e of Michigan made ; revisions for
all her schools.
The State of Massachusetts has supplied In r
schools —nearly all.
'fhfe State of lowa has supplied her schools.
the State ot t'oimectictlt hag made piovis
lon fbr hei schools.
In ■ tlierStates many cdplfes have been pur
chased for supidyitig srhotfis of cities, counties
aud ton us.
Wtiat lietter investment can be made for
Sch.sib ?
Mo e than ten times a6 many are sold of
Webstei’s Diciionaties, as of any other reiies
iu tins country.
At least four fifth of all the school books pub
lished in this cou try own Wel»s'tr as til. rr
standard aud ot the remainder, few acknowl
edge auv standard.
Publi hed by G. AC. MEL’RI \M; Spring
lifeld, Maes.
Sold by all Bjrrksclters. augitui
HAVE flow on hand, arid to arrive:
s(jd lidslicis PRIME WHITE CORN.
300 lbs BEST LEAF LAItD;
10,000 lbs best TiMOtiiy it ay-
All Q-radesi and Coffoti,
MEGS, and everything kept in H
Fancy and Staple Orderly Stare I
Whith we will sell THAN ANf BODY f
Wfs have alsd a COMPLETE STOCK OK
Os all Kinds and Qualities BRANDY from s.l 50 to $lO 00 per gftffon . WHISKEt
from $1 DO to fill 00 per gallori GIN trom $3 00 to 00 per gallon.
Old Porter, Claret, (jliaiaipagrne, Ac.
All we ask of onr friends is to please give ns a Call,’ itnd wc will sell, on gojru* terms, as
W 8 Gan Compete With' any House THIS SIDE OF MACON.
CUTHBERT, GA-, May J 9, 187 L ct
Hill NOW OPEN! W 1
Spring’ and Surtime'r Goods.
I TAKE pleasnre in announcing to my numerous friends and enstomers that I have jn»t re
ceived aud opened my
* Stock of Spring and Slimmer Cry Goods,
Which were selected witli greal effre, and bought at such prices as to enable me to warrant
satisfaction in eveiy particular. sly Stock embraces tue fufest affd most' fashionable \iffis (ft
PtiINTS together 4?fth a large assortment o t
Heady-Made Glbtliiu.«;,
Which lam enabled to sell at prices agreeable witii tlie times. If you want a 'genteel, Well
fitting suit of Clothes, you should nyt fail to call and examine my Stock. I have also a edm/
plete assoi tment of
Bardwcire arid oritiery,
Which will be famished on a small nfkrgln tb fny friends. I also keep constantly on hano a
fail Stock of
Silt, Baoon, Lard; Flour, Meal, Syrup; Sugars; Coffee, etc
Together with a host of other Articles too tedious to mention
Connected with my store is JOHN L. BROWN, who will be pleased
to scfl ills numerous friends, and show them my Stock i>f Goods.'
WE invitt? the citizens of Cuthbert tfnrf surrounding country to cal!
arid examine out large
Stools Of 1
Bcfote rttakihg their spring purchases. Our stock consists of
dry GoOdSj of every variety.
Notions, > n great abundance.
Boots and Shoes, of every description.
Men's and Boy's Hats, of the latest atyten;
Hardware and Cutlery, of superior qtMff
Crockery, of the most recent importation.
Saddlery and Harness, of the most durable qnafitjr.
Plantation Medicines, fresh and genuine;
Our Grocery I Our Grocery ! !
In the ifcw Store on South side of our Prv Goods House, fte are operf
ing % splendid lot of Groceries, consisting of
Bacon Sides, Shoulders and CaTrVassed Hants,
LARD, in Tiefces and Kegs, FLOUR, of Every Grade.
In * word, everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery Store.
We are thankful sot past potrona£e, and feet hopeful at to the futurtf-
If you wish to live long and be happy, trade with
* , OWEjf & SEALEY.
A complete histoiy of the notorious
At Dawson, Terrell County, Ga., on tlie 2d of
Nov. 1870, in which ia given a Diagram of the
Cirrus Grounds, showing the |i©sitinn of all
parties engaged in tlie difficulty, together with
that of the witness*-* in the case.
Everything that could he has lieen done to
make this wmk complete as regards a state
ment of facts connected with this famous trag*
edv ; and the publishers liave endeavored tr
enibody ruch oilier n alter, and in snch a style,
as to render the wotk exceedingly interesting
to the general leader, and fit to be preserved
in any Library. AS » book of leferenfce
For Lawyeß^
it will prove invaluable. The manner ip
which the irial was conducted, in the exanff
inafjou of witnesses, by die able and distin
guished counsel on either side—their speeches,
Ac., demonstrate a power and attainment in
ftle legal profession that recommends the work
to the most successful practione s Price 75
cents. A liberal disfount frfide to tae trade.
Active agents wanted.
Address. „
WESTO.V & COMB'’. Publ she!*,
augl&tf Dawson, Georgia.
- Dissolution of Cptrehip.
THE copartnership heretofore exit'loff un
der flits iiHine tirni aud style ot Jirowu,
£**<*- •"* da^v^ui-tua.
G. W. SMI i H,
Cutbbeit, Ga , July 27tli. 1871.
Tlte business of the above late firm will be
continued by the undersigned.
Cuthbert, Ga., July 3Tth 11571. if
Land iWi*
County. con'Miuiiig one tiioosaud acre- 1 , one
liaifufwh ch is in pine forest—the n
Timber to Cuthbert/and It fciwed would more
than pay for ttie place. The cleared land is
uudergomi fencing, aud produces equal toauy
iu the County, it in near enough to Cutl.ken
and Spring vale to! the purchaser to have the
Bupefio'r eilDcatiomil ft.cfiities of either jda- e,
and is suitable for two or three purchasers,
there l-enig three settlements on the
affg!B2i,* D. H. ELLINGTON.
Beat Parlor Matches;
By Doita or Grow,
, At T. 8. I*OWKLL’B, Trustee .
Marbles, Tops,*
Irish or Jew’s Harps,
Sponge Balls, Harmomcans, Etc.,
At T. 8. POWELL'S. Trustee.
If You Want the
&o fo'
cfct29 ly J. Jf. iSeDONAf.D'B 6rug £tore.
Anti - Pettodlo ;
For sale I y T. $. POWELL,'Trustee.
For Safe f. S. PtfW ELL, Trustee.
The Protector Frmt Jttr, 1
A rtf-erior article/
For sale at cost, by . ,
■ J L. Sl K H. COBtf.
Green’s Dyspep*w Remedy/
For safe Isy T. 8, Pi > WELL, Trustee.
A Black Tea With Often tea Flavor/
* T. S. POkfiLL'S, Trust. e._
Littli Gem Peas,
Kale,' Borecole or
Germa. Dwarf Greens,
C ibl».ge, Collanls/ ~
Ohi rots, Rutish.
u Lettuce A .Uja<t|i and
1 tit talc by T. S. POWELL, T ugtvr,
Dfuggist, Bookseller» fij r-UtivUgr.