Newspaper Page Text
Ha soil ic Directory.
Regular Meeting of Washing
ton Lodge, No. 19—1st Friday, 10
o’clock, A, M., -and 2nd, 3d and 4tli
Saturday nights, in each month.
Regular Communication Cutli
hert Chapter, No. 31—1st and 3d
Tuesday nights in each month.
ACTS with gentleness and thoroughness
upon the 14ver and (ieneral Circulation
—keeps the bowels in natural motion and
cleanses the system from all impurities. Ne'v
liv’e‘rlDr.O.S. iTonii itt’sl »Las
In an jIMriIHHHIHMHi unnf
Torpidity, Enlargement, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion luss of Appetite, Naueea, Sour Stomach,
Heart iluru,Debility, Low Spirits,Cold Feet,
nnd Hands, Costiveness, Liotlessness. Cholic,
Chronic Diarrhea, and Chronic Chills and
Fever. ....
Compounded in.strict accordance with shill
ful chemistry and scientific pharmacy, this
purely Vegetable. Compound has. after the se
verest testPJ"“ , 8 ,, twenty,
years rnces | (ijLhl)RAl ijiDi-'ant use,
been styhaiß——ww iMfclwawM he Gredt
Restorative and Recuperant by" the enlighten
ed testimony of ttiousands using it; so har
moniously adjusted tliat it keeps tlie Liver in
healthful action ; and when the directions aie
observed the process of waste and replenish
ment in the human system continues uninter
ruptedly to a lipe qld.agc, and man, like the
patriarchs of da. drops into the grave full of
years, without a struggle, whenever Death
claims r e r °ga
tive. AlLiver Meuicinejdapted ,t«
the moc tw—e 1 i c ate
temperament and robust constitution, it can
be given with equal .safety and certainty of
success to the young child, invalid lady or
strong man.
For sale by T. S. POWELL, and J. J.
Read! Jluad!! Read !!!—lt is well
known to Doctors and Ladies, that Wo
men are subject to numerous diseases pecu
liar to their sex—such as-sunprossion of the
Menses, Whites. Painful Monthly Periods,
Rheumatism of the Back and Womb, Irregu
lar Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive
“ Flow,” and Prolapsus Uteri, or falling of
the Womb. The profession lias iu vain, for
many years, sought diligently for some rem
edy ihut would enable them to treat these
diseases With success At last that remedy
lias been discovered, by one of the niQstskili
ful physicians in ocorgia. That remedy is
Dr. Bradfield’s Female Regulator.
Blooming in all iter Pristine Beauty Strength
and Elasticity—Tried Doctor after Doc
Rutledge, Ga.. Feb. 16, 1871. .
This is to certify that my wife was an in
valid for six years, llad disease of -the
womb, attended with headache, weight ifr
lower part of the back ; sutl'ored from, lan
guor, exhaustion and nervousness, loss ap
petite and flesh. She had. become so ex
hausted nnd v/eak, her friends woVe appre
hensive she would never get well. I tried
doctor alter'doctor and many patent medicines
lmd die paired of iter improvement, when for
tunately site commenced taking Dr. J. Brad
field’s Female Regulator. She-is now well,
and three or four bottles cured, her. . Jtn
proved in health, appetite and flesh, sin* is
blooming in all her pristine beauty, strength
and elasticity. I regard you as her savior
from the dark portals ot death, and my ben
efactor. May your shadow never grow less,
athl you never’become weary in. well-doing.
Jonx Sharp.
Forsa'c by J. J. McDonald and T. 8.
Rowell. ■
I’r.Ais Questions’ >on Invamus. —Have
the routine medicines of the. profession done
J oiuio good 1 Are you dißCOftinged and mis
erable f If so, test t lie properties of ' the new
Vegetable Specific, Dr. Walker's (’alitorm*
Vinegar Bitters, already famous as the finest
Invigorant, <Directive and alterative, that, has
ever seen the ligjit. Rysfeptics and persons
tof bilious habit, should keep it Within reach, it
tin y value health and ease.
BursettV Cocoa is e —A compound of
Cocoa Nut Oil, etc , for the Hai, has estab
lisjied a world-wide rooutation. Its natural
udaptutioa, agret-ablem ss. and Kremess from
all injurious or Soiling i’unperjiee, together
with its cheapness i t respect to durability
and size of bottle, render it unequalled by
any other preparation in the world. For sale
by all Druggists.
Magic or tuk Mouth. —Odiferous Sozo
<iont. renders the mouth enchanting, com
posed of rare, antiseptic herbs, it itqpans
■whiteusss to the teeth, a ihelidious flower-I.lce
aroma to Lite breath, ami preserves intact,
from youth to age the teeth.
Wh at evkiu' Housem an Wants.—A good
cheap and reliable Liniment. Much an arti -
cle is Dr. Tobin’s Horse Liniment. Pint bot
tles at one dollar. For Lameness, Cuts, Galls,
Colic, Sprains, etc., warranted better than
any other. Sold bv the Druggists. Depot
1(1 Park Place, New York.
Svacnia is Opium purified of its sickening
tmd poisonous qualities. It is a perfect ano
dyne not producing headache oi coustipath n
ot bowels, as is the case with other .prepara
tfons-of opium. John Farr, Chemist, New
Pratt's As Thai, Oil.— Mjore aecidences
acctlr frotn using unsafe oils, than Iron)
steamboats and railroads combined. Over
01)1) families continue to burn Pratt’s As
tral Oil, and no acci'ents’direct youiudi
rectly have occurred front burning, storing
ov bundling it. Oil House of Dims. Pratt,
Established 177(1, New York.
A Beautiful White, soft, smooth and
<lear skin is produced hy using, G. W. Laird’s
“Bloom ot •Yoiith.” It removes tan, treek
2(is. sunburns, and alt other discolorations
/min the skin, leaving the complexion bri.l
iant and Bold at druggists.
This preparation is entiiely Tree, from any
materials detrimental to health.
.Just-The* Nkeoed.—Thar.ks to,
Tdrs. Winslow’s .Soothing Syi;upi.'we hayr
lor years been relieved.trom sleepless
of painful watching with pour,-suffering,
tcetning children. .
For DysPepsiAv— lndigestion." depression
of spirits and general debility in their Vtlui
ons farms ; also, as a preventive against ne
ver and Ague, and other intermittent /event.
The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya,
made by Caswell,Hazard & Cos.. New York,
jinn sold by all Druggists, is t lie best tonic
«mi as a tonic for pat ientsYeCOv'ering from
/ever or-Othcr sickness, it has no equal.,
ItisLKV's Genuine Golokn Bell Cologne
Wau Kit according to the original formula of
I’j-evost. Paris, so_huig and favorable known
to tlie customers ‘ot Havihmd, Harral and
ltisley and tlietr branches, for its tine perma
nent fragrance is now made by- H. W. Risley
and the trade supplied by his successors, Mor
gan & ltisley, Wholesale Druggists,. Now
Thurstom’s Ivory Pearl tooth powder
—The best article for cleansing arid
preserving the teeth ’and gums. Sold by alt
Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
F. C. Wells & Cos.. New York.
Carbolic Salve unequalled as a Healing
Compound. Physicians ncommend it as the
moft. wonderful remedy ever known. Price
35 cents per box. John F. Henry, Sole
Proprietor, 8 College Place New York.
Christaporo’s HaTr Dye.—This magnifi
cent compound is beyond contingency, the
safest 'and most ‘reliable l)y in existence ;
never failing to impart to the Hair, uniformi
ty of color, nourshment and elasticity. Man
ufactory, ('£ Maiden Lane, New York.
Ciillibert Prices Currcul,
COTTON. „ 23(ffi23i
lUcon—Clear Sides 1.83
Rib “ 14® 15
Canvassed Hams 8J a 8$
• Shoufders 7 j ®7]
Rutter —Goplien.. 3b®so
Country 3t)®-l'
B e esw ex, -’3 ' *.lsf®2()
Cofkeb Kio, per lb 25®27|
Java “ “ 28@23
Kggs... ..15
Floor—perbbl.. 9 50®12 Oil
Grain—Corn, per bn.., 1.15@1.20
Rye.... 1.75® 2.00
Oats 95® l/Ml
Peas - 1.25® 151
Honey - '..10® 124
Lard I2J® 15
Mackerel—Kits 1.75® 2.23
Rags—Clean Cotton per lb 2s®3
Sugar—Brown nor lb 13(®15
C *• “ Dl@lsj
A “ 15
Crushed.... 16(^18
Bvrup—per gal 50(5)75
Tobacco—per lb tjp . I 20
Ragging. ....' 2d® 21
JrO.nTies • ~.. 7,® 111
Home Affairs.
J/lp 4 * We flat! a heavy fall of rain
last night jast after dark.
£"3£“ A number of the lsths saw
the 4th
% * ltt -
Dull. —The town has .been so
dull the past week we have been
una-ble to find scarcely anything
worth reporting. Cant we get up
a “match” dog fight or foot race?
Anything to “drive dull care
away.” - •
'•The Beautiful Snow:” — On
our first page to-day will be found
the beautiful poem, - read by AXiss
Mattie Tison during the Commence
ment Exercises at Andrew College,
bearing the above caption.
In our report of the above exer
ciscs wo stated tliat to Miss Tison
was awarded the second prize. She
won the first, and we cheerfully ac
cortfto her the honor.
Died.—At 12 o’clock last Dight,
the spirit of Stockton Axson, in
fant, son of Rev. J. S. Cozbv, took
its flight to the realms of perpetual
bliss in the'Paradise above. Tlie
little sufferer lay for several days
unconscious of pain, and breathed
its last without a struggle.
The funeral services will take
place "this afternoon in the Presby
terian church, at 5/- o’clock, after
which the remains will be forward
ed to Savannah to rest by the side
of a.little .brother and. sister who
have gone before.
That Game.— The first . nine of
the Magnolia Club, .on 'Wednesday
morning at the appointed hour, re
paired to their grounds and called
the game as agreed upon between
themselves and the Macon -Club,
and-after scoring nine to the Ma
con none adjourned with another
victory for our gallant boys.
Accprding to the rules of the
game tlfii* entitles them to the ball
and we understand a demand ’for
it will be made.
Wonder if the Macon Club will
“back, down,” from sending it;—
Guess so.
■ Glad to lleab it. —Weave glad
to learn from our young friend Tay
lor George, that the recent.rains in
Baker county tins started the mill
at Milford, and business is now usual.
flsiy Attention is directed to the
announcement of Prof. M. A. Mo'
Nulty, in another column. lie pro
poses to open a class in Andrew
College on Monday next, for the
accomhiodation of those interested,
and will teach for two months— un
lirtfio opening of the next regular
collegiate year. . The Professor’s
qualifications for teaching ere too
well known *to require comment.
“Wanted. —A boy 16 to 20. years
■old to learn,'’*etc.j So reads an ad
vertisement in one of our exchan
ges. lie would .stand a poor show
ing in finding boys at that ago in
these parts where they are old
enough, some of them, to be- called
‘grand pap' 1 by that time. We live
in a fast, “progressive” age, you
• Fiiiicral Notice*,
The friends and acquaintance of
llev. J. S. and M. L. Cozbv, are
respectfully incited to attend the
fun. nil - sflrviees of their infant,
-1 A\\ inn 011 II r~F llliu iHiTr“““- p*
o’clock. ■ ‘ \
Aliimnae Meeting, All
- Female College.'
At a call of the President, a num
ber of the Alumfire met in" the- col
lege parlor, on the evening of the
25th ult., whereupon Mrs. \V T . A.
Baldwin was called to the chair,
and. Miss Gussie Baldwjn requested
to act as secretary.
For the purpose of carrying out
the objects of the meeting,' to-wit:
the organization of an‘Alumna)
Association, the following Commit
tees were raised :
Constitution and By-laws —Mrs.
Jennie Taylor, Mrs Eudora .Moore,
Miss Z. Stanley, and Miss Ada
On Correspondence - —Mrs. J. T.
Kiddoo, Miss Eva Harris and Miss
Julia Cobb.
On'Arrangements —Miss Cobb'ie
Hood" Miss Alice Tackett and Mrs.
S. Stanley Burge.
On motion it was requested that
•the proceedings be. published in the
Cuthbert Appeal.
The meeting.then adjourned, sub
ject to the call of the Secretary.
Mrs. W. A. Baldwin,
Miss Gussie Baldwin, Sec’y.
Premium Watermelons.
For the purpose of ascertaining
who raises "the largest and finest
watermelons fn these parts wo of
fer the following prizes. for the
same : t ■ -
For the largest mellon, "we will
send the Appeal andjßnral Southern
er one year; for the next largest
the Appeal one year, and for the
third largest the Appeal for G
The mellpns to be left at this of
fice, when their weights will be ta
ken and recorded.
Andrew I’emale College.
tjuTfeßEßr, GaJune 26th, 1872.
We, the undersigned, having been
appointed a Board oF Visitors, to at
tend upon the examination of the
Academic and Collegiate classes of
Andrew Female College, deem it
due to the community in which we
five, to the patrons of learning in
our. section, and to the public gen
erally, so call their special attention
to the claims which this growing
Institution of learning has to their
confidence and generous support. —
We have authority for declaring,
that it will be the of
the President and Trustees of this
Seminary to advance year by year
its grade of scholarship (already
much beyond that of former years)
and thus place within easy reach of
all, every facility for that thorough,
liberal and elegant culture* of -our.
daughters which a refined taste
may demand.
But we forbear to speak of the
future, and take pleasure in giving
our testimony to the present effi
ciency and good management of
this Institution*, which has been so
well illustrated in tlie recent exami
nations and ’ Commencement exor
cises. We do nut sa} that'' any
of the classes have shown a “ fault
less scholarship,” for this would
not be true, and we.desire to give
an honest report; nor do-we assort
that there' is no room for improve
ment, for wo do not deal in fulsome
eulogy, but obedient to the .nia'x’im
.“ Honor to whom honour is due,”
we are constrained to declare that
the examinations were fairly and
fearlessly conducted,- and evinced a
degree of ‘proficiency, which was
gratifying to~the Hoard of Visitors
and.very creditable to both teachers
•and pupils,
In view, therefore, of the marked
prosperity, which has croyvned the
labors of another Collegiate year,
we tender our sincere, congratula
tions, to the officers, patrons and
friends of Andrew College, and
trust that the success already
achieved, may stimulate to renewed
H erbert Fi elder ,.Chairman.
J. A. B. Ward, . J. S. Cozbv,
A. Hood, • Iy. A. .Quarterman,
M. GormlEy, . C. p. Burke,
L. S. Chastain, .B. S. Worrell,
J. W. Ansley, J. F. Tkentlen,
W. B. Tackett.
[lrani PuinM ■ Simile
* FOE 1872.'
The campaign for 1872 will be a j
gigantic and convulsive struggle. —
Nothing like it has been Seen since
18-10, and in the momentous and
fundamental character of*the.issues
involved, we trust nothing like it
need occur again in the history of
the United States. We hope it
will result in the re-establishuient
of the greai foundation principles
of civil and personal freedom, and
its time-honored munitr.en.ts—of the
local independence of the States—
of the freedom of the ballot —of
the impartiality of public justice—
of the integrity" of Efecutive ad
ministration —of the inviolability of
the habeas corpus—of the triumph
of law-and the Constitution—and
in the complete! victory of peace,
conciliation, national harmony and
tranquility over the domon of dis
cord, usurpation, tyranny, hatred,
and'tlie great moral and sectional
war proclaimed by Grant, Morton
mnd Butler.
I In Georgia, however it may be
elsewhere, the result of this contest
is not at all problematical; but an
intense and overwhelming-interest
will nevertheless be felt in its pro
gress and result, and the gtand me
dium of information here will be
the different editions of the . Tele
graph and Messenger. ~
we offer to Campaign • subscribers
from now up to the 12th of No
vember for §1..00. It is the largest
paper in the south,'and will contain
a complete resume of the week in
about fifty columns of reading mat
ter. i
For the same time, shall *be sent for
§1.25, and the
daily- telegraph & messenger
To the 12th day of November for
three dollars. In all cases 'cash
must accompany -the order. It is
needless to speak of these papers as
the fountain head of all news, local
and general, in this section of Geor
gia. Their reputation is too uni
versal and well established. io re
quire puffing.- . The regular price
per annum is, Daily §lO-; Semi-
Weekly §4'; .Weekly §3. Payable
in all cases in advance. Address,
Macon, Ga.
The signs of Ifhe times indicate
that Horace Greeley will be tile
next. President of the United States.
Greeley will have only three candi
dates opposed to lum- —Vic. Wood:
hullj George Francis Train and
Tlie Death Penalty.
Execution of Holsenbake and Lloyd
at Oglethorpe.
On Friday last the penalties of
the law were executed in the hang
ing pf Holsenbpke and Lloyd at
Oglethorpe;' for the nmrder of
1 Judge Fish, on the’2Bth of Febuary
last ' ' . ...
From an elaborate report of this
execution published in the Macon
Telegraph of Saturday, we make
the following'extracts.:
At twenty minutes past- eleven
the procession moved at a slow
pace from the jail followed by
crowds. Holsenbake appeared to
suffer* much mentally, but Lloyd
was indifferent.
Were erected on a piece of ground
situated about a quarter of a mild
from the city, .. which formerly be
longed to the murdered ngan, Fish,
The hideous machine was well put
up by Mr. James Lowry, of Ogle
thrope. It reached. sixteen feet
from the ground to the top of the
beam; the drop platform being
placed in the middle eight feet from
the ground. Close by were the
coffins that ■ ‘were to receive the
bodies of tbe men then living. That
of Holsenbake was a Fisk metalic
case, furnished by Messrs. Griffin
& Hyatt, of Montezuma. Loyd’s
coffin was of walnut, covered with
Black'cloth. On the arrival at the
place of execution, Holsenbake was
assisted up, us the wound he
received rn .the thigh prevented his
walking or even standing aloiie.
Loyd walked up with much firmness.
Both then sat downr, -urnbroils being
held over them. The heat was now
intense. The clouds had drifted
away and the sun poured down in
fierce rays on the sun pn the unsha
ded spot. A large square had been
corded off and round the edge of
this the guards did duty-, keeping
every one away except those whose
business unfortunately called them
to the centre. The. ropes were now
produced and were adjusted by
Sheriff Lee, assisted by Mr. Gam
age, a fomcr sheriff of the county,
and Debuty Sheriff Greer. .The
fatal noose was first put over the
head of Lloyd, who, seizing it in his
hands, tried its strength and ap
parently the possibility of it giving
way from above. Whenjt came-to
Ilolsenbake’s turn he rose, and not
being satisfied* with the * length,
asked for more rope, and measuring
the drop by his own length by put
ting the noose bn his too, remarked,
“If it lias got to come, let it come;”
The adjusting-of the ropes occu
pied some time, and at ll :50,
Sheriff Lee announced "The exe
cation Was about to take place.
He said they had one hour to live,
and during that time each of them
would be allowed thirty minutes to.
address the crowd if they wished.
Ilolscnbake rose with difficulty.
He was supported oa each side.
Loyd was sitting down chewing
tobacco calmly, .with his. back
against one of the posts, lie eyed
Ilolscnbake closely aptl listened to
Idm with profound attention.
Ilolscnbake said, in substance, as
follows: Bellow citizens, we are
met hero on a most solemn occasion
met here to take my life. I entreat
your prayers. I asked your'fervent
prayers in my behalf. The fervent
-prayer of the righteous availed)
much, and in praying for me you
may convert your dwti souls. I ap
pear before you as a criminal-about
to suffer an ignominious death, but
I can sincerely say that at heart I
am no criminal. I am" about to be
unjustly executed." I have failed to
obtain justice in the courts of law.
The laws have been illegally or un
justly executed. Ido uo.t speak as
a lawyer, but so .me. I
am arraigned as the principal for
the crime of murdering a man who
has long since gone “to that bourne
from whence nq travlerere returns.”
I trust God has been merciful to
him. lam the man who took his
life [Murmurs of horror.] - I did it
when under great irritation j I had
lost my. reason ; I w.a's a monoma
niac ) I had nothing against Col.
Fish, but.l had heard that lie had
desecrated the dearest affections of
my heart [that he had violated my
household ties and sullied the repu
tation of fny little daughter, who,
thank God, has been for months in
Heaven, and I trust I shall speedily
be. with her. I do not _ feel’ as
though I was the author of this
crime. Everything I- have stated
concernihg my accomplice has been
honestly and. truthfully stated. I
have been betrayed by wolves in
sheeps’ clothing.
He then gave the particulars of his
confession t'o .Col. 11. P. Farrow,
late Attorney-General for the State,
stated how it was obtained, and said
of Mr. Farrow:
1 tell you, fellow citizens, he
stands to-day before God and this
community a degraded and dis
graced mortal, I have nothing
against him, hut lie has. not only
forfeited his word but sacrificed his
honor; and, more still, he is a con
victed perjurer, and the court re
cords will prove it.' There is here
to day, standing before me, an hon
orable' and high-minded gentleman,
one who was engaged in my defense
—Colonel W. S. \Vallace. I refer
to him ;he knows what I say is
true I wish to God (passionately)
I knew how to talk, but .my lan
guage is inadequate to tell of the
murderous outrage, that- has been,
perpetrated against me. I was de
ranged ; the separation of my fam
ily-from me Wes ruin. [Pause.] The
injuries I sustained in that connec
tion caused me to loose my - reason.
[Pause.] My life will pay the forfeit
I am 'executed wrongfully—l
have failed to obtain justice ; jt has
all been done through prejudice,
they have suffered their prejudice to
be aroused.
The pauses here were frequent
.and the prisoner appeared much
affected. He took a little water
and rallied. He continued:
In answer to Mrs. Fish, who has
expressed a wish on the point,-I
beg to say that I entirely exonerate
Col. Fish from blame, and what I
said about him on one oceawon was
wrong ; and my companion, he is
innocent of all I said about him with
reference to' that occasion, but not
others ;"and another person, I wish
to say I believe, her innocent also
[Pause] .
I know ot nothing more. For
.sake the ways of sin and come to
Jesus. His blood will cleanse you
from all sin through fervent prayers.
I hope to meet him and. my angel
daughter in Heaven. I hope site
is now hovering around me to’ ac
company me. through the dark val
ley of the shadow of death. My
heart feels for you sinner's. I sym
pathize, with you. Quit bar-rooms,
let whiskey alone ; throw it from
you as you would a snake ; it' is a
deadly serpent; cast it away. I
hope there will come a day when
we shall all meet in Heaven and
know each other there.
He paused and asked the sheriff
how much more time he had. The
reply was 11 minutes. .He contin
ued: There is another point to
which I wish to direct your atten
tion. Some ot* you have been jurors,
many of you may be. Be careful
always to-sift the law and evidence ;
beware of the testimony*of a negro,
particularly if he is charged with
the same offense as another’man.
You will do well not to -trust too
much to such evidence. [Pause.]
I must close. I might say much ;
I might (alk to yon until night, b'qt
it would be useless and unnecessary.
There is one remark I must make;
I .know some of you are expecting
it. There is au impression that
other parties were behind me in this
matter. Hot of my knoledge. If
there were, I- know nothing of it*
It was .unknown to me. I might
give an* opinion, but my opinon
would be worthless to you.
. [This was said hesitatingly and
somewhat disconnectedly.]
I have but a few more miuacts to
live. . I wish to ask. of you* not to
taunt any of my friends or relatives
with my ignominious, depth. I bog
you will not insult theiix on my ac
count. r lfcey are as innocent as you,
and had they known anything abou;
it they would have exerted, -every
power no. prevent it.
He thanked and "complimented
the prison officials that had had
charge-of him, and closed by saying
he left the world without bearing
malice against any man, and he
hoped no ono had a prejudice
Ogainst'.'him. If there was he did
not know it.
The above speech was well deliv
ered. The first part of it was .at
times eloquent. The delivery was
clear and distinct, and it appeared
as if the entire audience caught ev
ery word of it.
Lloyd’s address.
Lloyd was now assisted to
lie spoke rapidly and in a loud
voice, but. what he said was not
ncarlyso connected as his predeces
sor. Our space precludes the • pos
sibility of" giving his remarks*in
ful). The points.were as follows:
"He was !h his 62d year; had
never had-a difficulty; never been
arrested ; never paid a fine or costs.
Had lived an honorable and useful
life* Had never himself, or m col
lusion with others, entertained one
iota of criminal feeling against "any
man. He explained the manner
in which Holsenbake happened to
be at f)i<6 house. After he came
there, he was frequently excited
about family matters'and was cau
tioned by Lloyd, who advised him
to leave the country. On one occa
sion, LJoyd took away his guns and
a rifle to keep them opt of his way.
He (Lloyd) had nothing against
Fish ; # used to laugh about him
sometimes. He knew * nothing of
Holsenbake’s" design, and he called
God to witness that-he was as igno
rant'of it as they (the audience)
Seventeen days after the mtirder,.
on the day when Holsenbake was
about to leave for good, a warrant
was issued for Jones," and U ien
Jones immediately pointed out Hol
senbake as the murderer. If he knew
that was so why-did he wait seven
teen days Jo tell it ? lie declared
that Jones, Farrow and the deetec
tives had hatched the matter up.
“I-swear,” said he, ‘Hiefore you and
before my God, before whom I shall
soon appear, I am innocent. If I
had dreamed of such a- thing I
would hot have allowed it;” lie
said his death was a conspiracy, arid
"W. B. .Tones was at the bottom'd" it
his blood would cry for Vengeance;
and concluded, “I put my blood
on him (Jones) for three genera
tions and call God to witness it.
Jon.cs got Stubbs out and exerted
himself to convict me. I want all
Mr. Fish’s- family to know it. I
aril" innocent.”
■ Several parties mounted the
scaffold to bid good-bye to the un
fortunate men, most of them ' being
much affected*. ; '
. At Holsenhake’s request a hymn
was sung, after which a beautiful
and appropriate prayer was offered
up by the Rev! Dt\ “ Collins.
{luring these -religious exercises
jhe audience were much affected.
Holsenbake was religiously excited,
clasping his hands, crying and ex
claiming “I am going to Jesus; ’
“O, Lord take me;” - “Jesus, save
' nvy soul,” etc. Lloyd looked pale
but took no notice. ” B.oth men were
then closely pinioned. . .
East utterance.
Lloyd said : If I have insinuated
anything in what I have * sard
against any one I am sorry for it;
if God can forgive them I can.
Ilolsenhake said something to the
same effect.
Lloyd continued —I have lived
a long-time and have knowingly
dong no wrong to any one. It 1
have I will restore it fourfold,
The white caps were' now produ
ced and every one was- awaiting
the fatal moment.
Lloyd said, as the.cap was being
adjusted, ‘I am about to die. My
hands are clear of any other man’s
Holsenbake said, “Loid Jesus,
receive my spirit.”
The*-caps Were-then tied, nnd at
two minutes and a half before one
o’clock three strokes with a hatchet
were heard, then a heavy “thtlcl,” a
few convulsive struggles, Very,
slight, and the spirits of two mortals
had fled to the God who gave them
life, there to be arraigned before a
tribunal that cariuot err—a Judge
whose., justice is tempered with
The physicians- declared Lloyd
dead in 16* minutes. Ilolsenbake’s
pulse* did not cease to beat for '271
Their bodies were delivered to
their friends and the vast crowd
Beyond a Doubt.— More diseases are the
result of derangement of the Liver than
from any other cause. When that organ
is diseased, every part of the system sympa
thises with it, aud general prostration and
decline is the result. The best, ■ safest and
speediest remedy for Liver Complaint and all
the diseases that follow, is Tutt’s Vegetable
Liver Pills, they pro ptfcnlarly • adapted to
the climate of the South. They are sold by
Druggists everywhere.
Augusta, Ga., November 1,1869.
Dr. Win. 11. Tutt: Sir For several years
past I have been subject to Billions attacks,
and always Was a firm believer that. there
was. no remedy for The complaint but mercu
ry, until about a year and a half ago, us an
experiment, I tried your Vegetable Liver
Pills, a net was .agreeably surprised to find
that they accomplished all the the result and
more besides of Blue Mass or Calomel, with*
out all of their bad effects., I was always an
unbeliever in Patent Medicines but. can say
tnis for your pills—that since I commenced
using them, I have not taken a particle of
mercury in any shape, and I consider this
fact an important oiuv and one tliat those
who are in the habifof taking mercury for
bilious diseases can properly appreciate. • I
cordially recommend ihcnr as the best Liver
Medicine ever introduced. .
Yours, etc.. . *
E. .11. GRAY 219 Broad Street.
Dr. Tutt’s Ilalr Dye Acts like
If you desire rosy cheeks and a /complex
ion fair and free from. Pimples, Blotches and
Eruptions, purify your blood by taking Dr.
Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, it lias
no equal for this purpose. *
Tub Human Roof and Its Thatching.—l
the man deserves Weil of his country who
makes two blades of grass grow where only
one grew before,surely he who produces a glo
rious crop ol hair on a comparatively barren
scalp deserves the hearty thanks of the obli
ged party All honor,, therefore, to Profes
sor E. T. Lyon, for, unquestionably, his re
nowned Kathairon accomplishes this object.
Gentlemen whose whiskers are shy of making
their.appearance in force of the fibers ot
whose moustache disclose those.“magnificent
distance” for which Washington City Was
once so famous, will find this Hair .Pursua
der the most wonderful enepuragor of fibrous
development tliat has ever yet been invented.
Both sexes are advised to use it, as.- by all
odds, it is the best article for improving the
growth and beauty of the hair, keeping it free
from scurf snd dandruff,.preventing it from
becoming harsh, dry and gray—giving it a
rich gloss and endowing it with-flexibility—
that Toilet Chemistry ijas evsr evolved from
Ihe-vqgetable kingdom*.
Time and Enlightened Expetu f.nce
have shown that certain substances formerly
used and relied on in medical, practice, are
unnecessary and dangerous; yet 60iile oi these
substances have found their way iuio medical
compounds. Dr Walkers California Vinegar
Bitters, however, contains nothing injurious
being composed exclusively of vegetable sub
stances from California. For all disorders of
tbe liver, kidneys, bladder, skimand digestive
organs, and for'purifying the blood, they are,
the most wonderful remedy known. 4w
Just Received.
“ Alterative,
“ ’ Hair Tonic,
“ Counter Irritant,
“ Balsam Carminative, •
“ Vermifuge, .
“ " Ague Mixture,
“ Expectorant, •
BRINOLI3 Lemon Sugar,
LIDMAN’S Sarsaparilla with Sodide Po
tassium, Railway’s Sarsaparilian Resolvent,
R. R. Relief, Railway’s Pills. Ayer’s Sarsa
parilla ana Chewy Pectoral, Harter’s Iron
Tonic, UarteHs Lung Balsam, Harter’s Pills,
Williofts’ Antiperiodic, Cliolagogue, Fann
er’s, Holton’s, Galliglian’s, DesUleu’s, .Slial
lengcr’s, and Harter’s Fever and Ague Pills.
Parker’s Nerve and Bone, Mustang, Arabian,
and McLean’s Yoltfauic Oil Liniments.
WALKER'S Vinegar,
Brady’s, •
.Hoofland’s German,
and English Female Bitters.
BLANK Books,
Perfumery of all Kinds.
Toilet and SUNDRY SOAPS.
PURE Medicine,
. ' OILS,
Come, you shall not leave dissatis
fied as to prices or articles.
gQL. Prescriptions carefully com
pounded, tut the Drug Store of
j. j. McDonald.
At the new Rock Store, N; E. Cor
nel* Public Square,
Offer for sale a fresh aud choice lot of
Groceries and Family Supplies,
Hardware, Hollow Ware, Wooden
-and Willow Ware, Crockery, Fancy
(roods, Dry Goods, etc., etc.
Candies, Jellies.- Figs,
Dates, Prunes, Raisins,
Oysters. Lobsters, Saioines,
Crackers, of all kinds
Cheese, Eggs
Best Goshen and Country Butter,
Also a choice lot of the best Chewing and
Smoking Tobacco and Cigars.
Bacon, Flour and Lard,
We also call your attention to ready-made
STEEL PLOWS and Plow implements.
Also, just on hand, anew lot of Scovil Hoes
and tike best Axes.
Call and see for yourselves.
jaul'J ly
" Manl)
W all- JPfipei*
At T. S. TOWKLL, Trustee,
DrnggLt, 800 l sail' au-i Sta'iomr.
mm mi mi,m
Have received and opened their Stock ot
Spring and Summer Goods 1
To which public attention is invited. They have also a large lot of
Boy’s Readymade Clothing,
In fact, their Stock embraces everything* to be found in a first-class
Dry Goods establishment, and are offered to the public at reasonable
Notions, Boats and Sloes, Mens’ and Boys’ Hals, Hardware & Cutlery,
Saddlery, Harness and General Merchandise.
We would call special attention to our
Which we have just built in connection with and immediately in rear of
our Dry* Goods house
This we have filled with every variety of GROCERIES—SoId on tbo
most reasonable terms—consisting of > .
In a word, everything kept iu a first-class Dry Goods & Grocery Store.
AY e are thankful to our friends for their liberal patronage heretofore
recieved, and hope, by fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the flame.
Spring and Summer Goods!
HAVING FURNISHED MYSELF with an entire Stock of NEW GOODS, I again in
vite'my friends and customers to call and see me. I have on hand a full line of
Drugs, Hardware, Woodware and Crockery ware.
Also, a Full Line of Crri'ocei*ies.
My Goods are all NEW, aud were
And I feel confident that I can sell them os cheap as they can be sold in Georgia.
• • Call see me. Respectfully,
mar29tf •'- • , ISAAC EASLEY.
Fresh arrival of New and beautiful Spring and Summer Millinery
Elegant/French pattern Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Satins and
Silks, Pure Thread Lace Collars, Hair Roods in endless variety.
And something to complete a ladies outfit,
Will sell as cheap as the cheapest. *
Call and see before purchasing elsewhere.
Nortlrside-Public. Square, npxt door to Stand ley’s Rock Building,
decl-ct *
MY Friends and customers will please take notice that I have re
moved niy (
Hardware and Tin Establishm ent
to the North West corner of public square. Storo room recently occu
pied by Allison & Perry. Opposite M. I. Atkins, where I hope to
meet all old and many" new customers. Respectfully,
Nea» Rodgersville, Tcnn.
THIS favorite watering place and pleas
ant summer retreat will be open lor visi
tors, May 15th, 1872.
Transient Boarders $1 50 ]er day
Weekly 125 “
Monthly...' 100 - “
Special terms for families*
These springs are situated near Rodgers
ville. Tennessee, the terminus of the R. & J.
R. R.. a branch of the E. TANARUS., Va. & Ga R.
R., and sixteen miles from the main stem,
hi a beautiful valley surrounded by lofty
mountains, where there is no local for
any impure atmosphere. Invalids and those
in search of pleasure, can find no place pos
sessiug greater advantages.* The neighbor
ing streams abound in fish, and the moun
tains are full of game. To those having
scrofula, ' dyspepsia, kidney and mercurial
diseases, general debility, etc., we say come
and be cured.
Guests will be furnished daily with fresh
Alum Water from the well-known Hawkins
county Alum Well.
11. E. & E. X>. POAVELL,
Mar. 5,1872. PROPRIETORS.
Attorney at Law,
HAVING' resumed the practice of Law,
will give his prompt aud undivided at
tention in the counties of Stewart, Randolph,
Terrefl, Quitman, Clay and Early, and also in
the Supreme Court of Georgia and the Dis
trictand Circuit Courts of the United states
tor the Southern District of Georgia.
Special intention will bo given to the ad
justment and settlement of ilaims.
In iill important suits or consultations, Her
bert Fielder, Esq., will, by agreement, be as
sociated with me.
Prompt remsltano-s and replies to all let
te; 6 on business. jau26tf
Wants Supplied!
A Sack of Fine Flour, go t
A. Kit of* Mackerel*
Go to Gillespie’s,
Coffee, Sugar, Rice or SyrupP
A Top, Drum, Gun or Horse,
. If your Daughter Wants
If you or your friend wants
A Fine Cigar or a “Little Tapering,”
If you wish to save money and bo
happy, don’t Fail to call on
And examine his Stock of Good*
and prices. ‘ feb23-ly
HAVING removed my stand to the Saw
yer building under the post office, and re
ceived a large stock of
I will be pleased to see my friends and the
public generally, believing’ that I eau supply
their every want, at satisfactory prices- I
have a large lot of
Including ererv variety of
Etc., Etc.
Which are fresh and n'ce. Also the choi est
article of
CANVASSED HAMS etc., which I #w
selling at living prices.
Cali and examine for yourselves.
may3 3m GEO. C. BANCROFT.
Can be found at .