Newspaper Page Text
masonic Directory.
Regular Meeting of Washing
ton Lodge, Mo. *l9—lst Friday, 10
o’clock, A. M., and 2nd, 3d and 4th
Saturday nights, in each month.
Regular Communication Cuth
hert Chapter, No. 31—1st and 3d
Tuesday nights in each month.
ACTS with gentleness and thoroughness
upon the Liver and General Circulation
• Veeps the bowels in natural motion and
cleanses the system from all impurities. N ev
il fv'e ririrTTfr^TFrOpinL^si o “seas
in a iijkMHMHHBHBBBaBjt'orm!
"Torpidity, Enlargement, Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion loss of Appetite, Nausea, Sour Stomach,
Heart Burn,Debility, Low Spirits,Cold Feet,
nud Hands, CostiveneßS, Listle&sness, Cholic,
Chronic Diarrhea, and Chronic Chills and
Compounded in strict accordance with skill
ful chemistry and scientific pharmacy, this
Purely Vegetable Compound has. alter the se
verest twen, y
years inces IC Ft LEI) IV A1 hi) Isant use,
been siylefJkßßßMßßß********! l6 Great
Restorative and Recdperant by the enlighten
ed testimony of thousands using it; so har
moniously adjusted that it keeps the Liver in
healthful action; and when the directions are
observed the process of waste and replenish
ment in the human system continues uninter
ruptedly to a ripe old age, and man, like the
patriarchs of eld, drops into the grave full of
Vears. without, a struggle, whenever Death
claims hi-BW®***™ r e r °£ a '
live. AiLiver MeuicineJdapted to
the mostfcß*M*M**w*e***;l e 1 i c ate
temperament and robust constitution, it can
be given with equal safety and certainty of
Bu'ceess to the young child, invalid lady or
Strong man. . _ _
For sale by T. 8. POWELL, andj. J.
Read! Read!! Read !!!—lt is well
known to Doctors and Ladies, that wo
men arc subject to numerous diseases pecu
liar to their sex—such as suppression of the
Mense6, Whites. Painful Monthly Periods,
Rheumatism of the Buck and Womb, Irregu
lar Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive
“ Flow,” and Prolapsus Uteri, or falling of
the Womb. The profession Ims in vain, lor
many years, sought diligently tor some rem
edy that would enable them to treat these
•diseases with success At last that remedy
has been discovered, by one of the most skill
ful physicians in Georgia. That remedy is
Dr. Bradfield’s Female Regulator.
Blooming in all her Pristine Beauty Strength
. and Elasticity--Tried Doctor after Doc
Rutledge, Ga., Feb. 10,1871.
This is to certify that my wife was an in
valid for six years. Had disease of the
womb, attended with headache, weight in
lower part of the back; suffered from lan
guor, exhaustion and nervousness, loss ap
petite and flesh. She bad become so ex
hausted and weak, her friends were appre
hensive she would never get well. 1 tried
doctor after doctor and many patent medicines
—had diepnired of her improvement,when for
tunately she commenced taking Dr. J. Brad
field’s Female Regulator. She is now well,
and three or four bottles cured her. 1m
proved in health, appetite and flesh, she is
blooming in all her pristine beauty, strength
and elasticity. I regard yon as her savior
from the dark portals of death, and my ben
efactor. May your shadow never grow less,
and you never*become weary in well-doing.
John Shakp.
For sale by J. J. McDONALD and T. S.
AstmA Jonas Whitcombs Remedy Pre
iiared from a German recipe obtained by the
late Jonas Whitcomb, in Europe. It allevia
ted this disorder in his case whet: allr other
appliances of medical skill had been übatidon
rd. Joseph Burnett & Cos., Boston. For
Sale by all druggists.
Substitute in thk Dental ranks are not
desirable; therefore, keep the natural teeth
pound and pure with that wholesome vegeta
ble elixir Sozodout. Do this, and they will
last as long hs the breath lasts, and the breath
itself will never be tainted.
To Ownrrs of Horses and Cattle. —To-
bias Derby Condition l’owdersare wiimuited
superior to any others, or no pay for the cure
of Distemper, worms, Bots, Coughs, Ilyde
Bound, Cold &e., in Horses, and Colds,
Boughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn
distemper, &c., in Cattle. Price 25 Cents.
Depot, 10 Park Place, New York.
Physiologists sav that ourrodies are
renewed once in seven years. The material
of which they are reconstructed is the blood
and unless it be fully charged With the ele
ments of vitality, the strength and health of
the system decline. Os all blood depurents,
Dr Walkers Vinegar Bitters is the safest and
most infallible There is no disease arising
from depravation of the blood, which It will
not speedily cure.
Thurston s Ivoky Pearl tooth powder
—The best article known fol cleansing and
preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all
Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per bottle.
F. C. Wells & Cos.. New York.
For Dyspepsia.—lndigestion, depression
;nirits and general debility ic their vari
ous VjrnTS ; also, as a preventive against Fe
ver and Ague, ami other intermittent fevers
The Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir of Calisaya,
made by Caswell, Hazard &. Cos., New York,
•imi sold by ail Druggists, is the best tome,
and us a tonic for patients recovering from
lever or other sickness, it has uo equal.
Cuimstadoko’s Hair Dye, stands unrival
ed in the world. No lady or gentleman of dis
crimination uses'any other. It, is the most
perfect, reliable and effective Hair Dye in
the world. Manufactory, 68 Maiden Lane
"New York.
Carbolic Salve, recomended by Physi
C&ans, as tire great Healing*Compound. Price
35 Cents per box. John F. Henry. Sole Pro
prietor's College Place, New York-
Kisi.ey's Buchu is a reliable Diuretic and
Tonic for all derangemeuts of the urinary atid
genial organs. The genuine as formerly sold
flaviland, Ilarrel & Risley and their branch
,es,is uow prepared by 11. W. Risley, the or
iginator and Proprietor; and the trade sup
plied by his successors, Morgans & Risley
New York.
Svapnia. or opium purified, the most per
fect anodine iu the the market, made by pro
cess of Dr. I. L. Bigelow, Detroit Medical
College. Is always uniform in strength,
which is rarely the cate in other preparations
of Opium.
Pratt’s Astral Oil, had a world wide
reputation as the surest and best illuminationg
oil. Over two million gallons have been sold
for the pas two years from which no accidents
ol any nesription have oceured. Send for cir
cular. Oil House of Chas. Pratt, Established
1770, New York.
We Have Frequently Heard mothers
say they would not he without Mrs. Winslow’s
Soothing Syrup, from the birth of the child
until it has finished with the teething siege,
.under any consideration whatever.
The Secret of Beauty. What is it? no
• longer asked, for the world of fashion ond all
the ladies know that is produced by using a
delightful aud harmless toilet prepaiation
knownas G. W. Laird’s “Bloom of Youth. 1 ’
Its beautifying effects are truly wonderful.
Depot. 5 gold St., N. Y.
Cutlibcrt Prices Current.
Bacon—Clear Sides 8J
Rib “ If.® 15
Canvassed Hams..--- SJ®Bs
Shoulders Z*' S)7 J
Butter —Goshen do® 50
Country 30® 40
Beeswax# £3
Candles I Mi®*?
<3offee Rio, per lb
Java “ “ 28@23
Flour—per bbl*. 9 l’- “JJ
Grain—Corn, per bn
Oats 95® 1.00
Peas 1.25®|5J
Honey * , ] JJ
Lard. « 1
Mac ker el —Kits 1 ~ «I"' Ai
Rags—Clean Cotton per lb
Sugar—Brown per lb 1.%15
C “ “ H@lsJ
A. ~••-»•••-»•••••» lb
Crushed 10 ® 18
Syrup—per ga1.,,, • --^o®7s
Tobaco—per lb 60@1.2C
Bagging 20® 24
Iron Ties 7J®lO
CiiEAr Reading.—For one dol
lar you can get tlic Appeal the hal
ar,c?t pi the year.
Home Affairs.
Our City has been very dull
for the past week; so say, our mer
Caterpillars. —Farmers from
Early,Calhoun,and Quitman counties
report that Caterpillars have made
their appearance in those counties.
We also hear of a few in some parts
of this country.
We are requested by the Fore
man to say that there will be a
meeting of Watchful Fire Compa
ny Wednesday night next. A full
attendance is.solicited.
The Fire Department Bonds have
been sold and the money is now in
the City-Treasury. The only thing
needed is a little interest to be man
ifested by the company and they
will soon have anew engine.
We regret that we can not pub
lish a communication from T. M. A.
in reference to the match game of
Base Ball played at .Montezuma on
Aug Ist. We had requested a gen
man to furnish us with an acconnt
of the game. His article occupies
nearly two columns and we cannot
devote more space to the sifbject.
Base Ball. —From the corres
pondence of “ M. S.” of Oglethorpe,
to the Macon Telegraph & Messen
ger, we clip the following :
f ‘ A picked nine of Base Ballists
from Cuthbert, Bainbridge and oth
er towns play a match game with
the Independents of
and Montezuma at the latter place
on August Ist."
Injustice to the Magnolia's who
played with the Independents on that
day we will say that no one out side
of their club, nor out side of Cuth
bert, played with them.
Mr. Charlie CeuMbley, of
Stewart County, who was out hunt
ing with two negroes, accidently
shot and killed himself on last Sat
urday. The negroes were not in
sight at the time, but say that, upon
hearing the report of the gun, ac
companied by tv/6 or three screams,
they repaired to the spot and found
him lyiug on his face, dead; the
\vhole load having taken effect in
his left lung. Ills gun was near by
upon a log. It is supposed that
he had the stock of his gun resting
on the log, that it slipped off, strik
ing the hammer, and thereby caused
the explosion.
We are gratified to learn that our
friend, Capt. M. I. Atkins, who
has been quite sick for some days,
is almost well and will soon be out.
We were glad to receive calls on
Monday last, from Col. Author
Hood, and our old and much es
teemed friend, Capt. Bill Tumlin, of
Cuthbert, Ga. These gentlemen
wore looking after a very valuable
lot of land which lies contiguous to
our town owned by Col. Hood.—
llochmast Reporter.
We understand that the valuable
lot of land alluded to in the above
was received by Col. Flood, some
twenty years ago, as ltis first fee in
a J usticc Court.
He held tins land, not knowing
until a year or two since, that it
was worth anything.
It now turns out to be very valu
able, being situated at the terminus
of the Cherokee rail road and hav
ing upon it it fine slate quarry.
We congratulate the Col. on his
good luck.
The woman Right’s club of Cuth
bert has come out in favor of the
“Hog-Law.” What next? We
hope they will soon announco for
Editor Appeal. —l have been re
quested by the members of Magno
lia Base Ball Club, to acknowledge
the receipt of two beautiful Balls,
the offering of _ esteem and friend
ship from Mr. R. ill. Jones of
Louisville Iv. Y. and IT. G. Lamar
Jr. of New York. Tn accepting
these tokens of confidence and en
couragement, the club gratefully ap
preciates the compliment paid to
their enterprise and skill as Base
Ballists and hope with renewed effort
to achieve higher attainments in
this exciting and health-giving
Messrs Jones and may be
assured that the Magnolia will ear
nestly endeavor to prove themselves
worthy of the honor conforcd upon
them, and that under no circum
stances, shall their kind mementoes
become tho trophies of opposing
clubs. Resp’t.
Theo. J. Perry.
Pi’einiiuii Watermelons.
For the purpose of ascertaining
who raises the largest and finest
watermelons in these parts we of
fer the following prizes for the
same :
For the largest melion, wc will
send the ArrEAL and Rural Southern
er one year; for the next largest
the ArrEAL one year, and for the
third largest the ArrEAL for 6
The mollons to be left at this of
fice, when their weights will be at-
I ken and recorded.
Democratic State Executive
Committee. —By virtue of the au
thority vested in me by the Con
vention of the Democratic party, I
hereby appoint the following gen
tlemen—who will constitute the
Executive Committee thereof —the
Chairman of tho same to bo selected
outside of their organization :
/State at Large —Gen. A. Lawton,
of Chatham ; Hon. Warren Aiken,
of Bartow ; Hon. Nelson Tift, of
Dougherty ; Hon. J. H. Christie, t>f
First District—Hon. John C.
Nicholls, of Pierce; Hon. James H.
Hunter, of Brooks.
Second District—Hon. Herbert,
Fielder, of Randolph ; Hon. T. M.
Furlow, of Sumter.
Third District—Hon. E. H. Wor
reli, of Talbot; Maj. J. C. Wooten,
of Coweta.
Fourth District —Col,J. S. Boyn
ton, of Spalding; Hon. T. G. Law
son, of Putnam.
Fifth District —Hon. Augustus
Reese, of Morgan; Hon. Jos. B.
Jones, of Burke.
Sixth District—Col. Thomas S.
Morris, ot Franklin ; Col. J. B Estes,
of Hall.
Seventh District—Col. I. W. Av
ery, of Fulton; Hon. L. A. Tram
mell. of Whitfield.
The committee are requested to
meet in Atlanta on Thursday, Au
gust loth, to complete organization,
and for other business.
Thos. Hardeman, Jr.,
President of Convention.
Democratic papers please copy.
Caterpillar in Barbour Coun
ty.—The Eufaula Daily Times, of
Sunday, says:
The veritable “critter” is here
and no mistake. Our colored friend
and neibor, Joe Sturges, brought
from a cotton field on the river, op
posite this city, numbers of fully de
veloped caterpillars, and states that
their ravages in Mr. Jolly’s crop,
where he got them, are truly alar
ufing. Cotton which promised, only
a week ago, a fine yield, fs almost
utterly destroyed.
There is no denying the fact, that
the fields of late cotton (and a ma
jority of it in this section is late, on
account’of the dry weather in the
spring, which prevented its coming
up,) will be caught by this fell des
troyer, and be very much injured,
if not totally destroyed.
Defection in the Radical
Ranks. — Washington, Aug. I.
Washington is aggg to-day and to
night over the certain indications
of a very heavy departure of influ
ence from the Republican party. —
Tho Radicals are startled out of
all propriety by thex letter of Banks
following so close upon that of Mr.
Sumner. There is positive infor
mation here that other prominent
Republicans intend to take similar
ground,-and predictions are freely
made here to night that such 'defec
tions will continue by wholesale.
Accounts from Illinois are to the j
effect that the Grant men are show
ing no vigor whatever in compari
son to the Conservatives in carry
ing the State.
A Cas’d.
Recognizing at all times Ike mutual obli
gations of all good citizeus to aid in 6XOl*l
good work of a public nature and for the
public good—and that the largest charily
compatible with the obligations of home and
family should be practiced by all who live
in every community, the physicians of Ran
dolph County have generally responded to
all calls of such nature and expect to con
tinue to do so. Objecfs of charily shall al
ways have our services free. But there is a
large classs of men in the country who never
pay and seem never to think of paying a med
ical bill; and yet, they could pay if they
would. They pay their merchants and idust
in future pay us. Fi r «uck mc-n, be they
black or white, we will in future practice
for the cash, or for produce, or for accepted
Freedmen, from the country, except where
farming on their own responsibility, must
bring a written order from tbeir employer
when calling for medical services.
To those men good and true, who have al
ways paid us we offer our services as of old.
To prevent in future the practice of cer
tain men sending every year for anew phy
sician and never paying the old, we will
keep what is known by merchants as a black
roll that all physicians may know every such
man in the country.
We stand pledged upon our honour to
steadily adhere to the foregoing and should
any physician in the county violate these
obligations, he will have violated the code
of Medical Ethics and we shall treat him ac
cordingly :
W. B. Tackett, M. D. J. B. Smith, M. D.
R. B. JuuttAX, M. D. A. B. McCaskill, M. D.
M. A. Baldwin, M. D. W. T. Rogers, M. D.
C. C. Burke, M. D. 11. M. Lawson, M. D.
L. McLester, M. D.
Scrofula. —Is the dread disease which an
nually sweeps its thousands to the grave. It
makes its appearance iu many forms :in
Consumption, Glandular Swellings, Bheu
matisin. Cutaneous diseases, many of the af
fections with which females are troubled &c
Perhaps no one is wholly free from its taint,
the only way it can be successfully treated is
through tho medium of the circulation. It is
a blood disease; Dr. Tutt’s Sarsaparilla and
Queen’s Delight possesses the qualities to ex
pel it from the system and restore perfect
health. Being free from violent minerals, it
may be taken with safety by old and young-
The most delicate female may take it at any
If your child has worms, or a bad breath,
or salfow complexion, or restless at night, or
no appetite, or general bad health, give it
Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills, it will soon be restor
Dr. Tutts Hair Dye imparts Life
to the Hair.
Ax Essential of Loveliness. —To be en
tirely beautiful the hair should be abundant
and loastrous. This is absolutely essential
to complete loveliness. The most regular
features the most brilliant complexion and
pearliest teeth fail of their due effect if the
hair be thin, dry ,or harsh. On the contrary
the plainest face, if it be but surmounted by
luxuriant and silkin tresses, is apt to impress
the beholder with a sense of actual beauty.
That crowning ornament of her sex is, happi
ly, within the reach of lovely woman, and
being as discriminating as she is lovely, she
long'ago discovered that Lyons Kathairon
was the sure means ot securing it. No prep
aration for the Hair ever enjoyed a tithe of
its popularity, and no w-onder, since it pro
duces such gratifying results. Applied to
the waste and barren places of the scalp, it
fructures and enriches them with anew and
ample growth. It is not, of course, preten
ded that it wili do this if tho capacity for
reproduction is extinct, but so long as it re
mains that wonderfu 1 reliabiliment will as
suredly propogate the germ of the hair into
life and activity.
R. V. Pierce. 31. D., of Buffalo, N. Y.
will send his book on Chronic Diseases free
to any address.
Extract from Telecrafh and messenger,
Macon. Ga. We had tested its virtue person
ally. and know that for dyspepsia, bilious
ness and throbbing headache arising there
from, it is the best medicine the world ever
saw. Wc had tried forty other remedies be
fore Simmons’ Liver Regulator, but none of
them gave us more than temporary relief,
but the Regulator not only relieved” but it
cured us.
Editor Telegraph.
New Advertisements.
The next Auuual Session of this inttitution
will begin October Ist) 1872 aud continue five
months. The Clinical advantages of the
School are unsurpassed.
Fees including Dissection A Hospital Tick
ets. $65.
For Catalogues containing full particulars
apply to
4w Baltimore, Md.
C!* OpTY \A Month easily made witliSten-
and Key-Check Dies. Se
cure Circular and Samples free.
S. M. SPENCER, Brattleboro, Vt. 4w
Agents, we will pay you S4O per week in
cash, if you will engage with us at once. Ev
erything furnished aud expenses paid. Ad
dress 4w
F. A.. ELLS A CO., Charlotte, Mich.
O \ JvJl_/attract iv e “GREELEY A
paign Charts. The best ones out. Send for
Circular. Immense sales. Large prlfits 4w
HAABIS & LUBRECHT, Empire map aud
Chart Establishment, 107 Liberty Street, New
A /'“I T?XT*rpCJ wanted for the auto-
XA-VX-HiTN X ©biography of HOR
ACE GREELEY, anew illustrated edition
now ready. Get this the best and only edi
tion written by himself and endorsed by. the
Tribune, and our 1872 CAMPAIGN MANU
AL for all parties just out, price $1,50. One
Agent sold 80 in three davs. Splendid Steel
Portrait of Greeley, sl. S3OO a month made
selling the above. 4w
E. B. TREAT, Publisher, 805 Breadwav,
WHEEL. jg?
The Record of Tests jp
At Lcwel, Mass., proves
SN. F. Brtam’s llPy^
Superior to all others. It gave a higher per
centage than any other wheel of common fin
Phanphlet aud Price Lists, by
N, F. BURNHAM, Y'oik, Pa. 4w
Twentieth Session, begins Sept, 4th, 1872.
Expeuses for 10 months about S2OO. This
embraces Board and Tuition, including mod
ern Languages, as well as all necessary inci
dental expenses. Special attention invited to
unsurpassed location, salubrious climate, mor
al and intelligent community, thorough course
of study, good conduct of students, Ac., Stu
dents in attebdance from fourteen different
States. Send for Catalogues, Circulars, Ac.,
to Rev. I). F. BITTLE. D 1)., President 4w
It is not a physic which may give tempora
ry relief to the sufferer for the nrst few doses
but which, from continued use brings Piles
and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the
invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, un
der the popular name of “Bitters” is so ex
tensively palmed off'on the public as sover
eign remedies, but it is a most powerful tonic
and alterative, pronounced so by the leading
medical authority of London aud Paris, and
has been long used by the regular physicians
of other countries w'th wonderful icmedial re
Dr. Wells’ Eiiract of Meta
retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to
the plant and must be taken as a permanent
curative agent.
Is there a want of action in your Liver
and 1 Uidess relieved at once, the blood be
comes impure by deleterious secretions, pro
during scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches
Felons, Pustules, Canker Pimples, Ac., &c.,
Take Jurubeba to cleanse, Purify and re
store the vitiated blood in healthy action.
Have you a Dyspeptic Stomach f Unless di
gestion is promptly ai led ihe system is debili-'
tated with loss of vital force, poverty of the
Blood, Dropsical Tendency, General Weak
ness or Lassitude
Take it to assist Digestion without reaction,
it wilt impart youthful vigor to the Weary suf
Have you we.denes of the intestines ? You
are iu danger of Chronic Dial times or the
the dreadful Inflamation of the Bowels.
Take it to allay irritation and ward off ten
dency to iullamations.
Have you weakness of the Uterine or Urina
ry Organs ? • You must procure relief or you
are liable to suffering worse than death.
Take it to strengteu organic weakness or
life becomes a burden.
Finally it should be frequently taken to
keep the system in perfect health or you are
otherwise in great danger of mala ial, miasma- '
tic or contagious diseases.
JOHN Q. KELLOG. 18 Platt St.,
New York.
Sole agents for the United States.
Price One Dollar per Bottle.
Bend for Circular. 4w
Every Citizen Wants It*
Also, for CAMPAIGN GOODS. Address,
New Orleans, Cincinnati, St. Lonis.
while on your Summer Excursion North to
secure one of the
With its special attachments, Roaster, Ba
ker & Broiler. The Stove and Furniture
carefully packed for safe shipment. Books
sent ou application.
FULLER, WARREN & 00, 236
Tliea, INectai’,
For sale by T S. POWELL, Trustee,
Druggist Bookseller and Stationer.
Pomeroy’s Democrat.
T. S. POWELLS', Trustee,
Druggist, Bookseller aud Stationer.
RUNAWAY, a Black Buy named Dave, 12
years old, who is bound to me by the
court until he is 21 years old. Penalty for
harboring not less than $25,00.
I will pay Five Dollars for his apprehen
sion or delivery to me.
ja!y!2-tf J. McK. GUNN.
I will rent my Photographic Gallery on De
pot Street , including Furniture and every
thing requirite to carry on the business, ex
cept Instruments and stock, for one or three
mouths. For Terms apt ly to Isaac V. Duke,
in tile stove; beneath the Gareev.
iulyl2-tf ALLEN F. HALL.
A PeariLous Season—Glorious and de
lightful as the Summer Weather is. its tropi
cal heat is a severe trial to the vital pow
ers Even the strongest are sometimes pros
trated by its effects. The common phrase ap
plied to this condition of the body is “gener
al debility.” Now, general debili y arises
from, aud includes a variety of ailments. The
liverda more or less affected, the. "bowels are
either constipated or too much relaxed, the
stomach but half performs the work oi di
gestion, the appetite is poor, and the spirits
depressed. This is what is called general
debility. It is a general disarrangement of all
the physical functions, and requires as a rem.
edy a medicine that will regulate them as
Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters is specially ad
apted to this purpose. Its general operation
is not confined to a single organ. If the liver
is affected, it restores its tone. If the stom
ach is torpid, it regenerates it. If the nerves
are tremulous and weak, It braces and re
enforces them. If the mind, which ever sym
pathizes with the body, is gloomy aud des
pondent, it relieves the dfficulty, and soon
brings the whole mechanism of the body into
harmony with the laws of health..
There is no civilized nation in the Western
Hemisphere in which the utility of Hostetler's
Stomach Bitters as a tonic, corrective, and
antibilious medicine, is not known and apre
ciated. Throughout the Tropics it is.consid
ered, both by the people and the profession,
the standard specific. While it is a med
icine for all seasons and climates, it is es
pecially suited to the complaints generated by
the weather, being the purest and best veg
etable stimulant in the world.
Beware of the Bitters made of acrid and
dangerous materials, which unscrupulous par
ties are endeavoring to foist upon the peo
ple. Their name is legion, and the public
has no guarntee that they are not poisonous.
Adhere to the tried remedy, Hostetter's Bit
ters, sold ouly in glasss, and never in kegs or
It is a Mark of the unsuccessful man
that he invariably locks his siable door when
the horse has been stolen. This sort of vvis
dom never thinks about bodily health until it
is gone. But just as much as any disease has
become eeated, the power of the system to re
sist and throw it off is weakened ; hence time
is all important. For dyspepsia, all diseas s
of the liver, stomach, skin aud Kidneys, and
allthat begin in vitiated blood, do not wait
until the trouble is confirmed, but attack it by
a timely use of Dr. Wai.uu’s CalikoSNia
Vinegar Bittf.ks. 4w
J ust Received.
JAYNE'S Pills,
“ Alterative,
“ Hair Tonic,
Counter Irritant,
“ Balsam Carminative,
“ Vermifuge,
“ Ague Mixture,
“ Expectorant,
BRTNOLIB Lemon Sugar,
LIPMAN’S Sarsaparilla with Sodide Po
tassium, Railway's SarsapTtrilian Kesolveut,
R. R. Relief, Railway's Pills. Ayer's Sarsa
parilla ana Cherry Pectoral, Harter’s Iron
Tonic, Harter’s Lung Balsam, Harter’s Pills,
Wilhofts' Antiperiodic, Cliolagogue, Farm
er’s, Holton's, Gallighan’s, Desliler’s, Shal
lengcr's, and Harter’s Fever aud Ague Pills.
Parker’s Nerve fftd Bone, Mustang, Arabian,
and McLean's Volcanic Oil Liniments.
WALKER’S Vinegar,
Hoofland's German,
and English Female Bitters.
BLANK Books,
Ferfumery of all Kinds.
Toilet and SUNDRY SOAPS.
PURE Medicine,
Come, you shall not leave dissatis
fied as to prices or articles.
Prescriptions carefully com
pounded, at the Drug Store of
j. j. McDonald.
Fruit Jars!
celain lined.)
GEM “ «
For sale at T. S. POWELLS’, Trustee,
Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer.
Jelly Glasses!
Jelly Glasses!
At T. S. POWELLS’, Trustee,
Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer.
New Hearse.
I HAVE a NEW HEARSE, offered to the
citizens with Driver and Horses. For each
service $5,00.
Money to accompany the application.
iy!9-lt J. McK. GUNN.
For the Campaign.
The Savannah Inins News.
The approaching Presidential canvass
judging from the extraordiuary condition of
our politicial affairs, will be the most interest
ting, exciting, and liorly-contested campaign
in the history of the Re'publie, and its prog
ress will be watched with feverish anxiety by
thousands who have heretofore taken but
slight interest in elections.
In order to place in the reach of all that
widely-known medium of the freshest and
latest intelligence, the Savannah Morning
News, a liberal subscription schedule has been
From the first of July to the first of No
vember, or from the first August to the first
of December —four months inclusive —the
different editions of t.he Morning News will
be sent to subscribers on the following terms :
Daily ..$3 50
Tri-Weekly 1 50
Weekly.. 50
I« the stirring times just ahead, the Morn
ing N kws will be in the vau of all its contem
poraries in the ex teut, variety and freshness
of its intelligence, and its readers will lose
none of the salient poiuts of the campaign.
Money may be sent by express at the risk
and expense of the Proprietor.
Address J. H. ESTILL,
Savannah, Ga.
pure, coolTrefreshing,
j At T. S* POWELL'S, Trustee.
Driiuvict. Bookseller and Stationer,
To the People of Georgia and
the South.
Office of the
Confederate Monumental Association
of Georgia,
• Augusta, Ga., June, 18^2.
WE deem it proper to appeal directly to
our fellow-citizens for their substan
tial aid in honoring our fallen Confederates,
and bensfitting those who were dependent up
on them for maintenance and pioteetion. No
one, we feel assured, w ill deem it intrusive in
us to do so. The cause commends itself to the
patriotic sentiment of all our citizens. It
brings lreshly to onr minds the sad but chival
ric story of our noble sous fighting for man’s
most sacred rights—country, honor, liberty
and home.
We cannot, as far as we can see, shed the
light of our work upon the impenetrable
gloom of the grave. The spirits of our lost
Confederates may see us or not i but our in
stincts make ns weep and grieve when death
steals silently into our households and takes
our loved ones away. *We honor them in their
graves, and inscribe their virtues Upon Mon
uments. Our spirits ami senses become im
bued with the seffemnities of death and our
irreparable loss.
Thus we feel when they fade and die of or
dinary causes. Shall we feel the less when
taking no heed of danger, courting it indeed
in full health and manhood —they meet the en
emies of their country and die in the effort to
save their people from the oppressor's wrong.
We still rise with the sun, pursue our call
ings, enjoy life, and are blessed by a merciful
Providence. They are in the gloom of their
graves, having done for us ail they could in
this lower world. Are they not entitled to
our pity, our love, and all the care we cau
take of their fame 1 Will it not be something
to exldbit this to the world ? Will we not
respect and honor ofirselVes in doing it ? Is it
not necessary to present this evidence of re
spect and gratitude to the eyes and thoughts
ot the yonng ? What will the world say if
we shall fail to do it?
Some will not contribute —their motives
are their own; all cannot, but our prosper
ous Merchants, Lawyers, Physicians, Plan
ters, and thousands of otheis who are well-to
do iu worldly affairs, will feel better when
they shall all have aided iu this work of
love aud gratitude. All the followers of the
Arabian Prophet caunot visit his tomb, but
the green turbaued Pilgrims who can, are
held in higher esteem when they return from
Mecca. And will not those be honored who
shall aid in this tribute to those who fell in
our service and our cause ? Who is there
that would not be pleased to have his name
inscribed upon the list that will be on perpet
ual record iu the archives of the Onfedeiate
Monumental Association ? Will it not be
emphatically a Roll of Honor ?
All of us will soon sleep without a dream.
Who cau bear the thought that no one will
care for or respect his memory when he is
gone ?
The fame of the gallant Confederate dead is
in the care and keeping of all our people.—
What would be thought of him who would
say : “ Let them sleep uncared for, ‘unhon
ored aud unsung.’ ” State. Southern and
persouat pride would abhor the sentiment.
As mortals, bur brave Confederates have
perished; as our defendeis, honor, gratitude
and duty call upon us to protect their fame
aud cherish their memories forever.
We have received hut few contributions.
Our people in mass prefer to take cliauces iu
the Distribution. Whole Tickets, $5; Frac
tional Tickets, sl, $2, $3 and sl. Orders
promptly attended to. In all places where
there are Agents, Tickets can be obtained of
L. A. 11. McLAWS, General Agents-
JAMES M. SMYTHE, State Agent.
Tlie U>istx*il>citioii
* OF
Crttote liieital Setae
Positively Take Place
First Wednesday in December Next
(1872), at Augusta, Ga.
SHOULD all the Tickets not be sold, the
amount received will be distributed in the
proportions named in the Circulars, between
THE MONUMENT, the Prizes, aud the nec
essary expenses.
The portion to be distributed will be appro
priated first to tlie Money Prizes ; then to the
Real Estate, aud lastly to the Shares in Cot
$100,000—20 per cent, allowed Agents.
50,000 —10 . “ “ “ State Agents.
50,000 —10 per cent, allowed for contingent
expenses. . *
99,000 —Owners’ price of 7 Real Estate
131,000 —The 1,747 Prizes in Currency,
20,000 —The 24 T Prizes in Cotton.
the Monument.
The price in Currency will be substituted
for the Real Estate Prize, withdrawn on ac
count of injury to the Property, or for other
causes. ,
Ageuts west of the Mississippi stop their
sales on the 15th of November. East of that
river on the 20th of November.
State Agents are be preseut ei
ther in person or by legally appointed Attor
neys at the Distribution.
Currency, Real Estate & Cotton,
The Most Stall Micoieils
Ever Offered to the Public!
In addition to this, the enterprise to
Honor the Confederate Dead,
Appeals directly to the patriotism of every
citizen of Georgia and the South.
All can now contribute to this work
of Honor, Gratitude and Beneficence.
The following named gentlemen are the
Generals L McLaws, A. R. Wright, M. A,
Stovall, W. M. Gardner, Goode Bryan, Colo
nels C. Snead, Wm. P- Crawford, Majors
Joseph B, Cnmming, George T. Jackson,
Joseph Ganahl, I. P. Girardey, Hon. R. 11.
May, Messrs. Adam Johnston, Jonathan Mil
ler, W. H. Goodrich, J. D. Butt, Henry
Moore, Dr. W. E. Hearing.
L. & A H. McLAWS,
General Agents. Augusta, Ga,
jystf Agent, Cuthbert, Ga.
I offer for rent, for the present year, one of
the most desirable store rooms in the city
of Cuthbei t.
Possession given immediately,
Apply to
Restaurant & Bar.
I have fitted up one of the'best Bars aud
Restaurants in S. W. Georgia, where the
will lie kept, and where all may enjoy a good
Lueul Rt short notice.
iuayo-3ai GEO. C. 13ANGK01? f
hi and mii mi, fi
Have received and opened their Stock of
Spring and Summer Goods!
To which public attention is invited. They have also a large lot of
Boy’s Readymade Clothing,
In fact, their Stock embraces everything to be found iti a first-clasi
Dry Goods establishment, and are offered to the public at reasonable
Notions, Bools and Shoes, Mens’ and Boys* Hats, Hardware & Cutlery,
Saddlery, Harness and General Merchandise.
We would call special attention to our
Which we have just built in connection with and immediately in rear of
our Dry Goods house
This we have filled with every variety of GROCERIES—SoId on tha
most reasonable -terms—-consisting of
In a word, everything kept in a first-class Dry Goods & Grocery Store.
We are thankful to our friends for their liberal patronage heretofore
recicved, and hope, by fair dealing, to merit a continuance of the same.
apr!2ct OWEX & SEALEY.
Spring and Summer Goods 1
HAVING FURNISHED MYSELF with an entire Stock of NEW GOODS, 1 agate fc>
vite my friends aud customers to call and see me. I have- on hand a full lina of
Drugs, Hardware, Woodware and Crockery ware,
Also, a Full Line of* Groceries,
My Goods are all NEW, and were
And I feel confident that I can sell them as cheap as they can be sold in Georgia.
Call and. see me- Respectfully,
mai-29tf ISAAC EASLEY,
Fresh arrival of New and beautiful Spring and Summer Millinery
Elegant French pattern Hats and Bonnets, Ribbons, Satins and
Silks, Pure Thread Lace Collars, Hair Goods in endless variety.
And something to complete a ladies outfit,
Will sell as cheap as the cheapest.
Call and see before purchasing elsewhere.
North side Public Square, next door to Standley’s Rock Building.
MY Friends aud customers will please take notice that I have re
moved my
Hardware and Tin Establishm ent
to the North West corner of public square. Store room recently occu
pied by Allison & Perry. Opposite M. I. Atkins, where I hope to
meet all old and many new customers. Respectfully,
HAVING removed my stand to the Saw
yer building under the post oifice, and re
ceived a large stock of
I will be pleased to see my friends and the
public generally, believing thal I can supply
their every want, at satisfactory prices- I
have a large lot of
Including every variety of
Etc., Etc.
Which are fresh and nice. Also the choicest
article of
CANVASSED HAMS etc., which I am
selling at living prices.
Call find examine for yourselves.
may3-3m GEO. C. BANCROFT.
New Goods!
I TAKE PLEASURE in announcing to my
friends and customers Jn
Spring Vale and vicinity,
That 1 have just received and opened ibv
Stock of
Spring and Summer Goods!
And am now prepared to supply all your
wauts iu
Dry Goods and Clothing,
Crockery and Q,ueensware,
Tobacco, Tinware, etc.
I have a general assortment of Goods,
adapted to the wants ot all my It lend,, and
would respectfully ask them to call Jfnd exam
iuc my stock and priees before going else
wbqre to make their purchases. If my goods
and prices are not sufficient inducements for
you to purchase, tlie fault will be my ovVu
If you cau do as well, or better, with me
than elsewhere, it will afford me pleasure to
wait on you
Call and see me. J- EDWARDS,
miu"29-3ui Spring Vale, Ga.
Christadora’s Hair Dye,
Dr. Tutl’s Hair Dye,
Chevalier’s Life lor the Hsif*
Ayer’s Hair Vigorj
Laird’s Bloom of youth*
Hagan’s Magnolia Balm,
JLubin’s Genuine Extracts,
Lilly White,
Vinegar Rouge,
Hair Oils,
Toilet Powders*
• Hair Brushes,
Tooth Brushes,
Nail Brushes,
Infant’s Brushes,
Cloth Brushes and
Combs Sheet Music*
Music Paper,
Music Folios,
Instruction Books*
Tail pieces,
Bows, and a general
stock of Musical Merchandise.-
Cap Letter and Initial Note Papers*
Envelopes of all kinds, Visiting,
Wedding and China Cards,
Pens in great variety*
Violet, Bine, and
Black Inks,
Paper Weights, Cutter and Folders*
Blotting Pads, Pries* Sealing
Wax, Wafers, Letter Seale*
Blank Books of all
sizes and variety,
School books
* as used iri
the vicinity,
Miseella neons
Books as published*
Photograph Album, Bibles,
Prayer Books, Hymn Books,
Presentation and Toy Books* Pock-'
et Cutlery*
Table Cutlery,
Land’s Patent Cork
screw the best yet made
Call Bells,
Plated Spoons*
' . Forks,
NjNpkin Rings*
All of which we will take pleas
ure in showing and offer art one fair
T. S. POWELL, Trustee*
Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer.
Farmer* Pills,
Holton’s JPills*
At T. 8. POWELL'S. Trustee*
Druggist, Bookseller aud Stationer.
attorney at law