Cuthbert weekly appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-????, October 04, 1872, Image 3
LOCAL DEPARTMENT Masonic Directory. Regular Meeting of Washing ton Lodge , No. 19—1st Friday, 10 o’clock, A. M., and 2nd, 3d and 4th Saturday nights, in each month. Regular Communication Cuth hert Chapter , No. 31—1st and 3d "Tuesday nights in each month. ACTS with gentleness ami ihoronghnees upon the Liver and U-neml Circulation fceeps tlie bowels in natural motion and ti e system from all '"’gflijj**"*-’ ■ * eV ' l [fe'rlDr. 0.8. trophitt s|o ILI in ai i)L— Torpidity, Enlargement. Dispepiw, indiges tion lose of Appetite, Nausea, Sour Stoinaeh, Heart Burn, Debility, Low Spirits. Cold Feet, and Hands, Costiveuess, Lietleesness. Cholie, Chronic Diarrhea, and Chronic Chill* and Compounded in strict accordance with skill ful chemistry and scientific pharmacy, this purely the se jSStaSi cELt;miA , i’tll>|.»'.r".e’ been he Great Restorative and Recupeinut by the enlighten <;d testimony of thousands asinj? it; «o liar* moniomdv adjusted that it keeps the Liver in healthful action ; and when the direction* are observed the process of waste and replenish ment, i„ the human system continues uninter ruptedly to a ripe old age, and man, like 'he patriarchs of tld. drops into the grave lull of years, without, a struggle, whenever Death tsr A'ift'ver Se(tirineTdie« the e . c Bt ® temperament and robust constitution, it can be given with equal safety and certainly of success to the young child, invalid lady or strong man. , , , , For sale hy T. S. POWELL, and J. J. McDonald. Read ! Rkad !! Read !! s—lt5 —It is well v known to Doctors ami Ladies, that wo vntch are subject to limnerous diseases pecu liar to their rex—such hh auppresiipn of ihc "Menses. Whites. Painful Monthly Periods, sßhcutnatism of the Rack and Womb, Irregu lar Menstruation, Hemorrhage or Excessive “JS'kiw.” und Prolapsus Uteri, or Jailing of • the Womb. The profession has in vain, for wtsuy years, sought diligently tor some rem ’ edy that would enable them to treat these 1 diseases with success At last that remedy 1 Las been discovered, by one of the most skill ful physicians in Georgia. That remedy i* Br. Brad Md’s Female Regulator. 'Blooming in all her Pristine Beauty Strength (aid Elasticity—Tried Doctor after Doc ■ lor. lUrri.KtxiE. Ga., Feb. 16, 1871. this is to certify that my wife was an in 'viJltHfor si* years. Had disease ol the 'womb, attended with headache, weight in ' IdWer part of tiro hack ; suffered from lan -guor, exhaustion and nervousness, loss ap j petite and flesh. She had become so ex 'TKtnstlM and weak, her friends were appre 'hbfiHve'She would never get well. I tried ‘‘doetbrafter doctor and many patent medicines —lut'd diiprfirVd Os lnr improvement, when for -1 iitnhtetv* sbereotnmetieod taking Dr. J. Briid- Ifield’si FbWale 'Regulator. She is now well, ■ and three or ffour 'bottles cured her. Jm tprovedin hmrtili, appetite and flesh, she is ’blooming in All her pristine beauty, strength and elasticity. -I regard yon as her savior from the dark portals of death, and tny ben efactor. May ytotr shadow never grow less, and you never’bbetmic weary in well-doing. Jons Shaup. For sale by J.'J. Mt-DONALD and T. S. POWELL. Tie Cutlert Male Mlate. JOHN H.SEALES, A, M., Principal. r|MIE FALL TERM wili-begin on Tuesday, OctcQter Ist, In the New Building. The Trustees have no hesitancy in saying that the community and the surrounding country have been tortouafe in securing the services of the Principal; and that, the School will be one worthy of the patronage of alt who have sens IO educate Boys will be prepared for any tlass in Col lege or any business of life. , The new building is not excelled by any in South Wesiern Georgia. By order of the Board. WM. D. KIODOO, sepfi 4t. l're». Board Trllslees. PAPER SIIAI>feS AND Wall Paper- At T. S. I’OWELL, Trustee,. Druggist, Booksellr ptid Stationer. A Cuthbert Residence FOR SALE. ANT person wiening to purchase a desir able resideliCe in t uilibeit euti make an udvuutageous bargain hy Calling on me at an early day. HERBERT FIELDER. Se| 0* 1 f WAREHOUSE NOTICE WE respectfully offer our names to our numerous Plaining friends and Cotton Dealers ot Middle and Southwest Georgia us COTTbN FACTORS —AND— COMISSION MERCHANTS. In entering upon this business a-* successors of Jonathan Collins & Sou, wc do so with the firpi determination of doing our whole duty, and flatter ott selves that we are fully com petent tor the successful pr secutioti of this important trust, and hope by strict attention u> biifinjpss, and courtesy to our patrons, to merit, their - oiifideuce and support. OOLLLnS, FLANDERS & CO.. sep6-3m Cot,ton Factors, Macon, Ga. 1872, Ribbons, 1872. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS, ALSO White Goods, Embroideries, etc. ' ARMSTRONG, CATOR & CO., IMPORTERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers Bonnet, Trimming, Neck . and Sash Rib bons. Vejvet Ribbons, Neck Ties, Bonnet Silks, Satins, Velvets and Crapes, Flowers, -Feathers. Ornaments, Frames, etc. •Straw Bonnets and Indies and Cbildieii's ’Hats, trimmed and untrimmed. And in con - netting ware rooms White Goods, Liners, Embroideries, Laces, Nets, Collars, Setts, Haudkcrchiels, Veiling, Head Nets, etc., etc! Nos. 237 & 239 Baltimore St., Baltimore, Md. These Goods are manufactured hy ns or bought for Cash directly from the European and American Manufacturers, embracing all the latest novelties, uuequalted in variety and cheapness in any market. Orders tilled with care, promptness aud despatch.. sep6lm FOR RENT. I offer for rent, for the present year, one of the most desirable store rooms in die city of Cuthbert. Possession given immediately, to e. McDonald. janl2-tf IE YOU .IBOL’T TO I’IUTJ IF SO, BUY , MAXWELL & CLARKE’S FASHION PURE LEAP Lnequajied for durability, whiteness, body and htieness For sale by our agent, J- J. McDonald „„ Cuthbert Ga. aug23-Sw THE CUTHBERT APPEAL Home Affairs. t&“ Lehman’s ‘‘Baby Wakers” were carried out on College atreet last night, and about fifty salutes fired in honor of onr glorious victo ry over the Rads on Wednesday. Cold.—Tuesday morning last was cold and chilly. Fires and warm clothes were brought into requisition. B®, Rev. J. R. Graves, author of the “Iron Wheel,” will preach in the Baptist church, in this place, Wednesday night the 9th inst. He will also preach in Dawson on the 10th. The Chewalla house, Broad street, Eufaula, Ala., still holds its own as one of the most popular and flourishing hotels in the South. The large number of regular and tran sient customers testifies this fact. — Under its present management, however, it could not prove other wise than a success. Tub Meeting on Saturday.— We hope our farming friends will not forget the agricultural meeting on Saturday next. Let there be a full attendance, and a free inter change of opinions upon the sub ject of reorganization and placing the association upon anew and live basis. Kft. We are glad to learn that Rev. J. S. Cbzby and family will re turn to our midst this evening, from a brief sojourn in the We are not authorized to announce whether Mr. Cozby will fill his stand in the Presbyterian church on Sun day or not. It is more than proba ble he will, however. Noisy. —There was much noiso and excitement upon our streets yesterday. The “ anvil chorus ” was reproduced in a manner more jarring than musical. Anxious en quiries were made as to why the Mayor did not use his authority to restore peace and quiet. We sup pose he was too sick to take much interest in public affairs, which we thipk is sufficient to excuse his for bearance. The Excursion to Louisville. —We acknowledge the receipt of a courteous invitation from the Board of Trade of Louisville, Ky., to visit their city on the 10th inst., and par ticipate in the festivities incident to the completion of tlie South and North railroad, from Montgomery to that city, as well as a complimen tary pass over this impoitant lino of railway. We exceedingly regret that other engagements wili prevent our visi ting Louisville on this occasion, as we have every assurance the occa sion will be rendered pleasant and agreeable by the enterprising, busi ness men of the Western metropolis. An excursion train will leave Montgomery on Tuesday morning next for Louisville, which will offer an excellent opportunity to those who may wish to attend the grand Industrial Exposition now in full blast in that city. We are glad to see that the ser vices of our woithy friend, Mr. S. 13. Trapp, have been enlisted in this enterprise in behalf of the Louis ville Board ot Trade, as he will well and ably represent the enterprise and spirit of this growing aid pros perous city on this, as will as all other occasions. In view of the excursion to Lou isville the tide of travel will be strongly turned from this section over the Montgomery and Eufaula Railroad. Passengers by this route will not forget the splendid Eating Establishment of Messrs; Croft & Baugh, at Union Spring!); Ala They arc gentlemen who thorough ly understand the want of Hungry travelers. All are received With a hearty welcome. Comfortable rooms furnished to those who may make a long- Atay in the city. The Alabama Busiftkss Col lege.—This Institution has been long established and in successful operation, for many years. As will be seen in their card a branch of this College is about to be opened in Columbus Ga:; under the supervision of Prof. A, TANARUS; Clark, A. M., assisted by Mr. C. W. Macpherson, Prof, of Business and Penmanship. , Asa proof of the excellence of this Institution and the preemi nent ability of these gentlemen, we refer to the large number of gradu ates and students who are now fill ing prominent positions in busi ness houses in all parts of the Un ion. By their oxtensive acquaintance and influence, the faculty have the best facilities for obtaining good situations Jor their graduates which they always feel bound by duty aud interest to do. This is one advah tage that but few business colleges offer. The majority of them siih ply teach the theory then allow their pupils to launch out into the world without so much as a thought Upon their future career. Brothers meet ia sore (fifties*, And all their sins and Wt&s <kftiteis. About midnight on Wednesday last, when the returns of our codh ty came in, the above “ fond em brace” might have been seen bn some of our back streets, and if tbe roar of the anvil and true Demo cratic shouts had not so disturbed the midnight hour, something like the following colloquy might have been heard: “ Well Boss, you’s beat agin. ” “ Yes, my Brother, the and and, white trash have swindled us out of our rights again.” “ Well Boss, I thot heeps of dem white peeple was gwine wid us to de polls, and vote for onr side dia time. I seers you don’t know how to lectiorleer.” “ They did promise to vote for ns, but I expect they heard what I said about your rights, your going on the jury, and about my saying that I would vote for a colored brother before I would for a white man, and that scared them off.” “ Well Boss, I sirapathizes with you, but can’t you give me back the dollar I paid tax with. I want to git some close wid it. I wouldn’t gin it to de tax man but you said you was gwine to be lected, and dat you would make it all right wid me when you got to Atlanty, but as you ain’t gwine I will take it now.” “ If I had it to spare I would give it back, but you see, ray Broth er, I can’t get credit from the mer chants until this excitement wears off, and I will want all my money to get something to eat with.” “ Well, look here Boss, you got more sense nor I is, but dars some thing wrong. I hearu one of our cullud brudders say he was afeard to trust you, and ho voted for de white men too. He said if you would desert your own peeple you would desert him too.” “ You hold on. I will fix that all right next time. I ajn an old can didate and will always be on hand at an election, and represent your in terest.” “ Look here, Boss, you ain’t gwine to run agin is you?” “Oh yes. I will run In etgfy race. You see I have cast my lot with you, and if I am beaten every time I will run. It wont do to just let the white folks have their own way in elections.” “ Well I don’t care, but I am tired of losing my dollar and not gettin my man lected. I think your Hay’s cured, and you had bet ter retire.” “ I would have made a faithful Steward over your rights, and placed you in the jury box, .and done many loving kindnesses for ‘you, but you see we will have to wait awhjle first. The next time we will be all right.” “ Dat’s jest what you alius says. You gin back my dollar, or I will report you to Mr. Whitely or Grant, and turn you out of our church.” About this time the news came in from the loth District, when all was silence, to hear the result. It being announced that the Democrats had polled 70 votes and the Rads none , it was considered time for the dis consolate brethren to adjourn, and they did adjourn—one to mourn the loss of office and his standing in so ciety, the other his dollar. Desirable Property for Sale.— On the Ist Tuesday in January next some of the most desirable property in will be sold. This sale will include the Atkins corner, and a very desirable resi dence on College street, besides a large and valuable plantation lying near the corporate limits of the town. This will afford an excel lent opportunity for capitalists, and those wishing to invest in real es tate in our midst. For particulars see advertisement in another column. Building Materials. —We call the attention of our readers to the advertisement in another column of one of the most extensive Manu facturer of doors, sashes and blinds in the Southern Stalest As these articles are in daily demand by our best citizens, we recommend all who contemplate improving their homes or places of business to send for circulars and price lists of above articles; together with prices of blinds, hardware, marble mantle pieces, window glass, etc., to P. P; Tbale, 20 Hayne St. Charleston, S. CL Delayed. —From So trie unavoida ble cause; the completion of tbe new and beautiful Stbrebf M. H. Pulaski has been delayed for a few days. He assures us, however, that he wtli sOon be in his new' quarters, whefi he will display the largest and htest stock of goods he has ever bf a tight to this market. Due notice will be given through our columns of ihe day of opening. In the meantitofe he is fully prepared to supply ydat every want in his old stand. Cfall and see. Toe Central Hotel.— This 1.4 one of the chief hotels of MontgolfK ery, and as its name denotes, is sit uated near the heart of .the busi ness portion of the eity. Its rooms are commodious atld comfortable, and Mr. S. the proprietor, has his tables fltf* nisbed with the very best. For its many excellencies we heartly recommend it to the trav- 1 ' eling public. Those having busi ness to' transact will here , be near all the principal houses. The carriage stand is but a doors above from which any part of the city may be reached in a few moments. The P. G. in G. has gone astray, she was recently seen in Bruns wick. Mr. J. W. Knott, of Bibb coun ty, will compete for tfle prize of five hundred dollars offered by the St. Louis Fair Association for (he best bale of Georgia cotton. The Attorney General decides that persons 'sending postoffice or ders can recall them after they are started. Tbe friends of Greeley in Ohio have an ascertained Republican strength of 12,200 votes. The re sult of the late election in Maine is not regarded as discouraging. On the contrary it has had an anima ting effect in Ohio ; great activity prevails, and the Democrats and Liberals are acting together in great harmony. Greeley is meeting with a hearty reception in his travels out West. Governor Seymour lias entered actively in the campaign for Gree ley. The average number of cars leav ing on the State road, heavily load ed with freight for points below Dalton, is about fifty per day. Sotnc freight that. Montgomery had received up to Friday evening 10,471 bales cotton against 1341 to same date of last year. As soon as Stanton returned and took possession of the Alabama and Chattanooga Railroad, Governor Smith seized that portion of the line running through Georgia, and also two traius, and will hold them un til the State is made secure against loss. * Ten alligators were captured in a pond near Colquit the other day. Mayor James, of Atlanta, de clines to be a candidate for re-elec tion. Olk THiNb* Have Parsed Away.— This is at least true of the old method of treating the long ahitaed and tnttch abused hitman body.— It is no longer considered wise to pul a patient to the tb'rture in order to cure him of a diieasd iu which pftin ty already undermining the en ergies of hi*, system. True science ranges it self on the side of nature, knd endeavors to as sist her in her tight against disease. This is the proviuce of hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, the most approved tonic ever advertised in this country. It may be recommended as a fall medicine, par excellence ; for It ia in the fall tnat billiou'SneSß, dyspepsia and malarious fevers are especially prevalent. The frame, exhausted hy the heats of summer, is relaxed and feeble at it's close, and requires, we may say dettfauds,’ artificial Assistance. Afford it that assistance iu occasional dosea of Hos tetler* Stomach Bi ters,, and Ihe evils re ferred to may be 'reaped. Throughout the farWect, and steaming alluvial of the Southern rivers, all the varieties of period ical feVCr are probably rife to-djty. Had a course of Hostettei-’s Bitters been eom menced by the sufferers a month ago, i. e., before the unhealthy season set in, seven eighths of them would in all probability be in their ustial' health at the present time.— So much for want- of forecaste. So much for not deeping in the house, and dai ly, the best safeguord against epidemic and endemic fererr. As flocks of imposters Sdd imitators are trying to .follow in the wake of the great American remedy, therefore be sure that the article yon buy is genuine and verified by the.proper trade-marks. The true article can only be obtained in bottles. Beware of the spurious bitters sold by the gallon or in keg. Millville, Fla.. Sept, 22, 1866. Dn. Wm. H. Ttrrr: Dear sir—ln my young days I wag rather wild, and became the victim of a loathsome disease. I was treated by an eminent physician, and thought I was cured. Alter moving to this State, I was horrified at finding that tb? disease was making its appearance again, in a secondary form. Ulcers formed in my mouth and on different phrts of my body. I also became afflicted with severe Rheumatism. I em ployed different physicians, aud used vari ous patent medicines for months all to no purpose. During a visit to Jacksonville, I saw yout Sarsaparilla and Queen s Delight and concluded to try it. I have taken a dozen bottles and believe that the poison is entirely driven from my system. I intend continuing it, however, to make a sure thing •fit. At the request of your Agent I send this to you. You are at liberty to use it as you like. Yours respectfully, JOHN H. GUILFORD. Crawfordvillb, Oa., March 31. 1870. Messrs. J. H. Zkmn & Co.—Gents : I am directed by my UDcle,Hon. Alex H. Stephens to say to you that he is inclined to believe that he has derived some benefit flora the use of Simmons’ Liver Regulator ana that he wishes to give it a further trial. You will, therefore, please send Id bis address two mure bottles by express C. O. D. Liver Complaint And Bilhodsxess.—Dr. Tutt’s Liver Pills exert a direct and power ful on the Liver, and will with cer tainty relieve that important organ from dis ease, and restore its normal functiens. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye Jhnparttt a Glossy Color. -There was a man in our tow’ll" And he was wodrous wise, H« had a pain from ear to ear,’ Another between his eye s;• , And when he saw he had Catfii i i i li', With all his might and mhfn' • He purchased Sage’s Remedy And has bis health again. It is sold tty druggists everywhere The Horse and His Rider.—lt was a ha'ppy dat for Ilorse and his rider when the Mustang Lihimeiit was introduced as a cure for the external disease and injuries of both. Inutile stable; the burn aud the house-bold this wonderful tmollient is equally useful. If a horse is spajjined, or foundered, or har ness galled or afflicted with any other of tbe faany superficial ills that equine flesh is heir to, the Liniment effects a speedy cure, and it is equally efficacious when applied to draught oxen or cow* suffering from out ward swellings, strains, or hurts of any description. As an application for bruises cuts, burns, rheumatism, stiff joints, sprains neuralgia, earache and to'othache, it takes precedent (or all other topical remedies, and is theretore an article, of pri/tie necessity in families. Thr greatest want of tile present age is ihen and woineu, healthy rftid vigorous in mind and body. The continued headaches, weaknesses, nervousness, did varying ail ments which afflict women Art generally the result of imperfect action ot the stomach and other vital organs. Dr. Walker’s California vinegar Bitters, being composed Entirely of vegetable substances indigenous to Califor nia. may be taken with perfect safety by the most delicate, and are a sure remedy, cor recting all wrong action and giving new vig. or to the whole system. PRESERVE YOUfl SIGHT I the celebrated SQHAFFHADSEH SPECTACLE AND EYE GLASSES, Manutactiired at SCHAFFHAUSEN, Switzerland. The superiority of these Great Eye Pre servers consists in the careful Mathematical Accuracy in the construction of the Lenses, being manutactured of the Best White Flint Glass, the exact Shape of the Eye. thus obvi ating all Glimmering and Wavering of the Sight. Dizziness, and ail the other Train of Evils produced by the use of inferior specta cles. Every one whose sight is failing nnder stauds its value. By, buying imperfect spec tacles you help to destroy it. (IUY THE BEST! Duy the Schaf hausen Spectacles and preserve the Eyes which are priceless. Imported only by COOPER Sc BRO. Philadelphia. For sale by T. 8. POWELL, Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer, Cuthbert, Ga. These Spectacles ate never sold by Peddlers. Alabama Fire-Proof Warehonse, (Corner Eufaula und Broad Streets,) Eufaula, <* - - Alabama. Tnankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, the subscriber again ten ders bis services to the public, iu the Ware house business during the approaching sea son To his old triends and patrons, as well as the public generally of Alabama and Geor gia, trading to this point, lie pledges his close, continued aud undivided attention to the RE CEIVING, STORING, FORWARDING, OR SALE OF COTTON sent to his care. He trusts that l>y earnest and persistant ef fort on his part, to merit und secure a largely increased business. , W. B. BRANNON, Bep't6 2m Proprietor. WM. H. TISON. | WM. w. CORDON TISON. & GORDON, COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 112 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga. Bagging and "fies advanced on Crops. . Liberal CASH ADVANCES made on Con signments of Cotton. , COTTON SOLD ON ARRIVAL, AND PROCEEDS RETURNED BY EXPRESS WHEN OWNER SO INSTRUCTS". Prompt and careful attention guaranteed to all business. sept!3-6m J ust Received. <TAYNE’S Pills, '* Alterative, “ Hair Tonic,; _ “ Counter iiriiant, “ Balsa in Carminative; “ Vermifuge, “ Ague Mixture, Expectorant, BUINOLIB Lemon Sugar, LIPMAN’S Sarsaparilla with Sodide Po lassium, Rad way's Sarsapariliau Resolvent, R. R. Relief, Rad way’s Pills. Ayer's Sarsa parilla ana Clierry Pectoral, Harter’s Iron Tonic, Harter’s Lung Balsam, Harter’s Pills, VVilhofts.' Antiperiodic, Cholugogue. Farm er’s, Holton’s. Galligban’s, Desbler’s, Sbal lenger’s, and Harter’s Fever and Ague Pills. Parker’s Nerve and Bone, Mustang, Arabian. and McLean's Volcanic Oil Linipaents. WALKER’S Vinegar, Hostetter's, , Plantation, • Tu't’s, Brady's, Hooflaud's German, * Curactjp, and English female Bitters. PAPER, PENS, INK, BLANK Books, PENCILS, <jtt. Perfumery of all Kinds. Toilet and SUNDRY SOAPS. HAVE ON HAND, . PURE Medicine, PAINTS, VARNISHES, LIQUORS, OILS, TOBACCO and CIGARS. Come, you shall not leave dissatis fied as tu prices or articles. Prescriptions carefully com pounded, at the Drug Store of ■ j. j. McDonald. Beeswax Bought by T. S. POWELL, Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. F. REICHERT, Manufacturer and Dealer in FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, Etc., Paper Hangings, Window-Shades and Cornices, GOLD AND BLACK WALNUT MOULDING, Metallic Burial Cases and Caskets, Fine and Plain Wood Cbifins aud Caskets, always on han'd. 39’ Third St., MACON. GA. Septl3-3m DURYEA’S STARCH, Dobbin's Electric Soap, At T. S. POWELL’S, TWee, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer.' ! Well’s Carbolic Tablets I FOR COUGHS, COLDStind HOARSENESS I . i’hese. Tablets present tire Acid in combina ! lib’k with other efficient remedies, iu a nopo hu; form, for the care of all Throat and Lung Diseases. Hoarseness and Ulceration f the Throaty Are Immediately relieved and state ments are conafsiptiy being sent to tbs pro prietor (S'r relief ip cases of Throat difficulties of years riiaiVdiug. , CAUTIQN. Don’t l»'a deceived by worth less imitations.. Get only WELL’S CAR BOLIC TABLETS. Price 2 56. tier box. JOHN Q. KELLOGG, 18 Platt St.; N. Y. Seud for Circular. Sole Ag’t for the U. S. 4w • * UiJ fvj AA Month easily made withSten VP U vtycil and Key-Check Dies. Se cure Circular and Salop 1 es free. S. M. SPENCER, Brattleboro, Vt. 4w THE BEST I J". S3 .TAKE Particulars tree. Andress at once Our Fire side Friend, Chicago. 4w dl* "I S' adnv to Agents, selling Campaign UD A fj Badges for Ladies and Gents a* breast and scarf pins, gold plated with photo graphs of Presidents Candidates. Sample* mailed free tor 30 cents. MtKAY &CO . 93 Cedar SC N, Y. 4w HARACE GREELEY and FAMILY. An elegant EngrtiWg, perfect likenesses, 22x28 in. Sent by mail sl. also. Campaign Goods, one silk Grant Badge and one plated 25c. Sample latest styles Wedding cards. Notes, etc , 25c A DEMAREST, Engraver. 182 Broadway, N. Y. 4w FREE TO AGENTS —A prospectus of the People’s Standard Bible, 550 illustrations, will be sent free to all book agents. 6’end name and address to ZIEGLER & McCt R DY, 581 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 4w 44T3SYCHOMANCY, or SOUL CHARM AT ING.”—How either sex may fascinate and gain the affectious of any person they choose instantly. This simple mental ac quirement all can posses, free, by mail, tor 25c. together with a marriage guide, Egyp tian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, etc.— : • A queer, exciting book. lOff.flOO sold. Afl. dress T. WILLIAM CO. Pifbs. Poll. 4w ill* I A made from 50 cts. Call and txntti AAF ine or 12 Samples sefft 'postage free) lor 50 cts. that retail quick for f 10. R. L. WOLCOTT, 181 Chatham Squat e, New York. 4 W O THE WORKING CLASS, Male or fe male. S6O a week guaranteed. Re sectable employment at home, day or even iug, no capital required ; full iuatruotiun! and valuable package ot goods to siart with sent, free by mail. Address, with 6 centre turn stamp. M. YOUNG Sl CO., 19 Coort iandt St., N. Y. 4w • DUTY OFF TEAS! Extra Inducements for Clnbs! SEND FORNEWCLUB CIRCULAR. Which contains full explanations ot‘ Premi ums, etc. THE WAY TO OBTAIN OUR GOOBS. Persons living at a distance from New York, can club together, aud get them at tfi’s same price as we sell them at oflr Warehouses in New Y ork In order to get tip a club, let each person wishing to join »av how much Tea he whiiTk, ; nd reli ct th.- kind and price from onr Price List, us published in onr circu lars. Write the names, kinds and amounts plainly mi a list, and when the club i. com pltte semi it to why mail, and we wi I put each party’s go. ds in separate packages, and mark the i am..-upon tlieui, with the coin., so there need lie no coiitftioii in dhtrihutiiai— eaclf parly gelling exactly what, lie orders, and no more. The funds in pifv fi r good* or dered call be sent by drafts on New York, Post-Office money orders, or press. Or, we will, if desired, send the good* by Express, to “collect oil delivery.” The Great American Tea Company. 31 and 33 VEST STREET, New York City. P. O. Box 5613. , 4 w THOMPSONS WORLD-RENOWKD PATENT GLOVE-FITTING CORSET. fNo Corset is ever en joyed such a world-wide The demand for them constantly increasing, THEY GIVE Universal Satisfaction Are Handsome, Dura ble, Economical, aud a PERFECT FIT. AskforTHOMPSON’S GENUINE GLOVE FITTING every Corect being stamped with the name THOMPSON, and tbj trade mark a Crowu. Sold by all First-Class Dealers. 4w * lifil BLOOD PURIFIER | It is not a physic which may give tompura ry relief to the sufferer for the nrst few dotes 'but which, from continued use brings Pile* and kindred diseases to aid in weakening the invalid, nor is it a doctored liquor, which, un der the popular name of “Bitters” is so ex tensively palmed off on the public us sover eign remedies, hut. it is a most powerful tonic and alterative, pronounced so by the leading medical authority of London aiid Paris, mid has been long used by the regular physician* of other couni ries with wonderful remedial re sails. Dr. Wells’ Extract of JoinMa retains all the medicinal virtues peculiar to the plant and must be taken as a permanent curative agent. Is there a want of action in your Liver and ? Unless relieved at once, the blood be comes Ifttpu re by deleterious secretions, pro ducing scrofulous or skin diseases, Blotches Felons, Pustules, Canker -Pimples, &c., dtc., Take Juruhebrt to cleanse, Purify and re store the Vitiated blood in healthy action. Have yon a Dyspeptic Stomach f Unless di gestion is promptly aided the system is debili tated with loss of vitat force, poverty of the Blood, Dropsical Teudeucy, General Weak ness or Lassitude Take it hi assist Digestion without reaclidn, it will impart youthful vigor to the weary S'Af. ffcrer. Have you weaknes of the Intestines 1 You are iu danger tof Chronic Diarrhoea or the the dreadful Inflauiation of the Bowels. Take it to allay irritation and Ward off ten dency tb intismutions. Have you weakness of the ts terine or Urina ry Organs 1 You must prbetfre relief or you are liable to suffering worse than death! Take it to streugten organit weakness or life becomes a burden. * Finally it should be frequently taken to keep the System in perfect health or you are otherwise iu great dauger of malarial, miasma tic or contagions diseases. JOHN q. KELLOG. 18 Platt St., New York. Sole agents for the United States. Price One Dollar per Bottle. Send for Circular. 4w W A ▼ * XJL_i_N l.jLuXy* energetic men and women BUSINESS THAT WILL PAY from $4 to $8 per day, cau be pursued in your own neighborhood, and is strictly hon orable. Particular* tree, or sample! that will enable you to go to work at once, will be sent on receipt of two three cent stamps. Address. J. LATHAM &. CO , -92 Washington St., Boston, Maks, septl3- Read This; OCTOBER and NOVEMBER Are the most favorable months for HOUSE PAINTINU. It is also the s as<m to restore the piqken glass in your windows. A full abd complete Stock of Paints, Oils and Glasef. At T. S. POWELL’S, Trustee, Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer. P. C. Satyrs Hclipse Cotton Gin. Price, #3,75 Pei 1 saw —tiiiie given till oil Grin. Having now s-onlpletsd all thy improvements to the IMPROVED SAWYER GIN, with curved ribs, and a perfectly adjustable Roll Box; both at the top ajid boriom giving the Plan tar perfect control of the depth of aaO; and tlie entire operation 6't the Gin, adapting ft to the condition Os hi* cottr.n. and the dt-gfee of perfection which lit dfcsires to maintain hi tie sta ple. I now CHALLENGE THE WORLD to proahee a Gift rim re perfect in its operation, or better adapted to meet all the wants of the Planter. I claim that tliy Gin, properly managed, will maintain the lull uotural length tis trie Staple; Jittd IfiHy also lie male to do as rapid work a.»any machine in u-c. This Gin ha* ffe'eti Itiiinsaed iii operation by several parties, eouw u s whom have given uie the following certincates : OJrfCK ok Lawton & Wim.ivo'hs.w. . TVai{*iiouse Anp Commission Mkrcuants axl> (iron DEAt.Kits, FotißfM S+KKkf , Macon, Ga., May 9. 1872. At the request of Mr. P. C. Sawyer, we have examined the Gins in ids gin shop in this city, and have also seen one f>t them running. W e have uo hesitancy in saying we believe them well'inade and perfectly durable, and (hat they will give onr Plamers satisfaction. We think it the duty or Planters, and others Interested, to patronize our young men of tbe South, and particularly when they do as well ft* Northern manufactories. LAWTON & WILLINGHAM, E. E. .PHILLIPS. Piaiiter, ADAMS ty B.AZEMORE, Warehouse and Commission Merchants. o—=— MR. P. C. Sawtkr, Macon, Ga. : Macon, Ga , May 9, IST2. DxarSir— l have witnessed the performance of bne of your Improved Gins, and can safely pronounce jt excellent, und lully adapted to the of our Farmers. The improve ments yon have given it over other Gius, givvs yon superior claims to its consideration. It* swinging front wi»h adjustable box, both top and Ikxiobi, adds greatly t<> its praise and worth, as with tnat it is utterly impossible to break the Ell; and that the shape of the rib* being in perlect shape with tlie roll, necessarily gives increased length to the staple, aud In deed that which 1 witnessed was tally equal to its’ natural l»-#gtli, and .which alone makes k pre-eminently worthy of (he consideration of all pracih-al Farmers. Wishing von soceess iu yonr laud*bl« Snitlierii undertaking, i am, vrry respetytatlv; W. A. COLLINS, • Os the firm of COI.I.INS, Fi.anseks & Co.,’ Colton Factors, Macou, Ga. W*. tis undersigned, hating witnessed the same, fully endorse this above statement. it. N. LEE, Hancock fcij, S. H. HOLMES. SAWYER’S IMPROVED COTTON GINS.—Mr. P. 0. Sawyer jtrrrsenfs Ins Improved Cotton Gin to the public this summer under a firm persuasion that, hi has at last attained the ne plus ultra, and that this Gin accomplishes every tiling practicable to a .Saw Gin, with the greatest possible ease, economy find rapidity. His improved ribs and roll box maintain a per fect circle for the (oil, so that it Is impossible to break it, crowd the as you Will in au attempt to do SO. The roll box, tidjtittable both at, top and bottom, enables tne operator to briug the ribs to any angle with. Or position in relation to the saws he desires, *0 as to in crease or dimmish at pleasure Ihe depth of the operating surface of the rk'ws jn the roll, amt thus make the machine gin fasthf or shower, with cleaner or fouler seed, and with mors ut less regard to the length of staple. The tVriter saw anew Gin in opeialtinh. which had noi eveu been psinted, and an expert present showed by comparing the staole pulled front the seed by the Augers with that produced by the Gin, that the natural length of tiie fibre had nu t oeen diminished at all In the,protess 6f ginning. This is, of course, the best, perforttanee of which any Gin is capable. The cotton iu this case was very dry, and it is doubtful whether so perfect a result Could be attained with green cotton. But Sawyer staked Ills reputatidif upon producing the same result with green cotton. The Gin has hlso some oilier improve ment* in the running gear, which wc have not space to mention.—Mach'h Telenrapli mij Messenger, May 12, 1872. ~ * 0 I also furnish the old GRISWOLD GlN—a genuine pattern—to order, whenever desired. GIN REPAIRING will be done to order, ana is a specialty at my shop. Having m ft’d* arrangements with the Railroad, I will pay freight on old Gins sent for repairs one way free of ehuige to the owner. I can add my new Improved Ribs tind Roll Box tri any old Gin at moderate cost. Price fcfGin, delivered on car, at this place, $3,75 per Saw. Ord«r« solicited. Address— P. €3- SAWYER, . Macon, Ga. sep6-2m SB. B; J. BALDWIN, Agent; Guthbert. GEORGIA STATE FAIR, so Begin Moiid&y, Oct. 14th, and Close Saturday, Oct. l§th; A GRAN& EXHIBITION MAY BE EXPECTED Os the jProdticts, Implements; AM Processes 6f Agriciiltalj (tfuchanidal and Mariufdctuting Industry; df ihiikHlion anti Art. Os Stotk) btc., etc. No pains tHji Scarfed to make this the modi Instructive Fail’ ever held in Georgia Fbf* Premium L'lsts and other particulars, addresS sepstd SAM’L BARNETT, Secretary, Atlanta, Ga. —v .i •aask, , „• , , Cotton and Greenbacks! fioW Made and How Saved!! TitE attehtiott ot fRODUCEIiS COTTON, throughout tfie ehiite South is irivited to the great advantages set forth by the LamGN HGrse Power. By the use of this PowbF, more Cotton in ay be Ginned per day with TWO* MULES than fo'ririefly with FOUR! We claim to dCcilpy, feten iri this age of improvement, the foremost riififc of all Horse Powers yet invented. It is Without Rival, Aa to SIMPLICITY OF CONSTRUCTION and DURABILITY, and is applicable to tiia Haase, Grist, Saw and Cane Hills. Is Easily AdjriSteld, Working on one Upright Shaft, warranted against breakage, and creating Less Friction than any Machine in use. LSTNd Machinist required td put it in successful operatiort: STATii OR COUNTY RIGHTS F6'f &rte dn such terms as will leave a handsome margin to purchasers. Addreas, LAMON & BROtfN, CuthGevt, Ga. Or i>, Jj. LAMON, Boston, Ga. append tie following certificates of gentlemen, who are well KtttffMi M practical dealefS in and ffiaflufaetdrers of Machinery, aud Plslht&rs; is a sufficient guarantee of its worth : CfeItI’IFICATES. MaWn, Georgia ; April 9 th; 1872. We, the undersigned, have this day Examined the practical working of Uantfrit’a Morse Power, and are so well pleased, that wc feel no hesitation in asserting that its Mechanical Arrangement is such as to ob viate most of the defects so feiy corhmon to" other Powers, and we feel thalt it is destined to supply and felt and saught after; viz.: » Simple, Durable aud Efficient Machine; With lkss Friction, and free from the liability of breakage by sudden jerks. We witnessed a 45-saw Gin driven by it," with two Infcridr mules, doing good work, with saw# fall depth; hud fli full ft)H: W. W. PARKER,. T. R. MOORl£„ E. CROCKETT, O. iV. MASSEY. Raker County , Get., Mery M>, 1872. ThiA certifies that wc have witnessed tlie working of th’e LaillSß ■•TffiC Power, and have no hesitation iti iii at it is the most complete, durable and light-running Machine we have over seen. We Witnessed a 45-saw Gin driven by it With one hatsef With as much ease as tbe old gear with four mules. We every farmer who has a gin house to purchase one of Lam6h Hot'se Power. f ; ,L WILBURN, jy!2tlnovl W; W. DEWS. FRUIT JARS! FRUIT JARS! JELLY GLASSES, Etc. At thtf BRUOtfroRTC ot **. .. j o. McfJONAI.B, I Wando Grti ✓a- A FINE Manure for lowthtJ salii lor cash or on liu' l By , FUKT '