Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 21, 1884, Image 1

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Cuthbert Enterprise and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. VOL. IV. in Ail TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. CUTHBERT, GA„ THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1884. NO. 28 Enterprise & Appeal. PUBLISHED EVERy THI'BSDA1 f Hrr np Stlnlr* In l»nti;rla»» Hnilflinu-.-l'ron) K »»■•>. KCBSCRIFTIOX PRICE : One copy oik 1 year .... “ Eight months . . “ Four lmmtlis . . ADVERTISIN'*} RATES: (ten lines <>i One square insertion . • For each snlisequent insertion . All pernoual m«tlev >limbic price. OBituarif* will be charged i<»r as Ollier advcrtiKemciitA. Advertisements inserted without pi»*<•«•• ilieat ion as to the number of iu- pertions, will Ik*published until order ed out, and charged aerordinj/ly. All advertisements due when hand- t«l in. ^ Church Directory. Methodist CiiraiH.— Kbv. F. A. BRANCH, Pastor. Services every Sabbath morning «Ud evening. 1'raver meeting dav night. Sabbath A. M. Breaching 11 A.M. GERii«NmtDt CURES Rheumatism,Neuralgia,Sciatica. Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache, Itwre Tkmsl, Sprmlna. Bralm* llurwu. AcpHa, Kru»t Kltru. AM* A'.L BODILY TAINS AND AlMrS. Sold by I)nirri«u and Dealer* mrrihw. Fifty Ceuta ■ Imiik. l>iree,|nn* in 1! Uiitmp*. THE!* A. VOCKI.KK CO. liiwomn tm A. VUUELEJt HU) AA.1.1*. jyl7-lv eetin^TImrs- ehool at b;._» Baptist Ciinwii.— Kev. W. II. COOPER, r.-tsfor. Services every SablKith, tiiorningant! evening. Pravcr meeting \\ ednes- ,l;iv night. Siililmtli school Sunday y‘j ,\. M. Preaching 11 M. I'ltESBYTKIM AX ('lICHCH.— Rev. M. C. BRITT Services, second, third Snmlays, im>ri;jng and 1'raver meeting Wednesday nirht Sabbath School, ID.. A. M. l'readiin- 11 A. M. Pastor. nd fourth | give relief, eveninjr.— A Certain Cure For RHEUMATISM —M A XU FACTU RED BY — DU. J. D. HOYL, EL'FAULA, ALA. -«► • rpnus MKI>I< INK IS A si*BE AND 1. ill’ll K <Ti{Kf((r ltlieiiiii^rism in AM. its various forms. In many eases it will effect :i <TBE in T1IBEE or Foi l: DAYS, and NEVER FAILS to Kitty’s Prayer. No, nary drink—obliged old l*ov. But I’ve shutdown oti that sort o’ thing: ’Twill lie a mighty long time you bet, Before I’ll take a swing. Yes, it’s all very nice for the fellow* Togo out and “paint” the town; You’re way up now, hut just keep it up, And see how you’ll feel when you’re down. I’ll tell yon liow’t was old fellow: 1 was loafing around the town; Money was out, and grub was scarce, You can bet niv heart was down. Most all that I had was put “in soak.” 1 was sick, discouraged and blue; “Hard up” don’t express the lix I was in, But how hard up! nobody knew, IT IS AN INTERNAL REMEDY. A. M. K. Cm tu ii.— Rkv. S. M. CLARK, Pastor. Services every Sabbath. Sabbath School *»*.. A. M. Preaching .*I and 7'.. o’clock, P. M. Class meeting Monday night. Prayer meeting Thursday night. SMITHS CERTIFICATES: Well, I met my Kitty one evening, And I looked like I had been on a spree. I hadn’t, ’twa* sickness without any “stuff.” (hie can’t well buy drinks, d’ye see? But I tell y *u I felt sort o’ mean an* low When we started to take that walk, Till somehow the darkness changed to light, List’ning to that girl’s talk. At last she said, as we parted: “I’ll pray for you, dear, to-night— Pray as I have often prayed tiefore, You’ll have strength to do what’s right.” I’m a pretty hard subject to pray for, But, old l*ov, d’ye know I’d swear (For I struck my luck the very next day), That the Lord heard Kitty’s prayer? Glitter and Glare. “Not even to make ray last lionr peaceful, Allen?’ “Father, it would darken ray .hole future. “It would glorify it, my son! I have lived many years and met so many women that their hearts' have been as open honks to me: hut in no clime, in no land to which I have traveled, have I found the purity, the |ierfection of innocence, the warmth of heart, the nobility of womanhood, which is the (Mirtion of my ward, un adopted child. I would fain leave to your care this fair young blos som, which I have guarded so care fully, my son. Lying upon a lied from which I will never rise, A1 i len, I would fain give to voiir keep C [ ’ ° * ; ing a treasure beyond aught I cap leave you; a noble hearted true- i sou lei) comforter.’’ “You have not met the beautiful artist of whom we all talk be cause we find no subject so agree able? Then I will give you a new delight,” and, laying her jeweled hand n|ion bis arm, she led him across the wide room to where a regal woman held her court. Where had h« seen that : face, he wondered, bending low before the stranger, who received him as a queen. It was dark and calm. Inn the great eyes, all gloom ^ml (lower; the red lips, with their delicate curves; the white brow, from which flowed truth of the poet's words: “That is ls*st which fifth nearest.” But Allan Dreeme, looking down lovingly upon her face, told himself that he must bare been blind in his youth to hare looked with indifference on beautiful Leoline Elmar.—Philadelphia Call. Oat of the Ordinary Ran. “My dear sir, allow me to shake your hand aud make your acquain tance. 1 am detighed to sec you.” Such was the manner in which a conductor oa a small railroad in ! eastern Illinois greeted one of his | passengers the other morning, hack a mass ot dusky, nnrippling | The conductor and the passenger hair, struck on him like the mein ! had never met, and the latter was ory of a half forgotten dream. “Have I met you before?” he asked her, later in the night. And he fancied that the dark eyes saddened as they turned on him. “Would you have forgotten naturally much surprised. “Certainly, sir; but—but,” be stammered. "Mo but almut it,” rejoined the conductor, sitting down and offer ing his companion a cigar; "I never was so glad to see anyhody in my life. Now, I'll tell you all i about it. You see the former su A Bastardly Retreat*. McVilmc. Ga.. August 9.—We are just in receipt ot the intelli genee of one of the darkeat and most brutal assassinations that has ever crimsoned the annals of the State. The victim was Miss Alice Higgs, the sixteen year-old daughter of Mr. James Higgs, living about seven miles from Mt. Vernon, in Montgomery county. The |ier|ietrator of the bloody deed is named David Conner, a first cousin of Miss Higgs, sged about twenty-three years. The particulars are as follows; A protracted meeting lias been in progress for some time near Mount Vernon, attended by large crowds, and in which has been manifested great interest. Among the attendants on the meeting were David Conner and Miss Alice Higgs. It is well known that Conner has fur some time 1 me? ” *hc asked with a slow smile. |M.>rinteii<ie-nt, of this road got it i lwen PV iB g attentions to the Shat by a Daughter’s Rover. Irving J. Mills a prominent young man of Pocomoke City. Somerset county, Md., says a Bal timorc special of July 27, yester day shot and killed Thomas J. Davis, the father of the young la dy to whom be had been paying A Touching Story. Congressman Blackburn, of Kentucky, is quoted as telling this story: “Four days before I went to the front with my regi ment wc had a little girl baby* She is now grown, and yon at* wavs sec her with me at any ao* attentions. Mrs. Mary N. Boss, cial gathering. Well, in our army the daughter of her lover's victim, ‘ the furloughs came very rarely, is a handsome widow, 24 years of age. Her husband died two rears “Father,” the voting man's tones i . , ... „„„ j! . ,.'T. = ’ ’ • Ana l.e told Inniseir, with a new into Ins head lie wanted to go i vibrated with emotion, “you have ' J been so kiml tome always; you : taught me to discern between j right and wrong; would there be no wrong in tliis?—would I not slay the fairest hopes of my lifi-i m'uht Allan Drccmc j by consenting? This girl is noth ing to me—let mv heart find its tin-ill at his heart, that he ne-er j Congress. So at the primaries a j marks of reciprocation. Although treated with indifference, he has to young lady who exhibited no own mate, father! It more than I can tell you to refuse your slightest wish, but I cannot bind my youth in fetters that would so surely chafe my man hood. I cannot woo this girl or would. Once locking on that lovely face would leave it engrav ed on his heart forever. For three months from that suffered the agony of an uncertain love. His heart was filled with the glory of : ask her for Kl'FAFI.A. A I.A.. May 11.1S84. I have hern afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism fur two years, uti” ami mi. ami have trie-,l various remedies. One Ifntt e of 1 >r. Iloyl’s Kheutnatie Remedy lias entirely relieved me. Less than one hottle enlireiv shipped the pains. J. A. HAY. I.FMPKtx. OA., .Tune 23, lxsi. uiiiinieriiiui, ami a suggestion 01 oecn a riener |H>sses*ion man an | (1 || s Huwt'sm: '1 was^severeiy attm'ked u'irl, i ,hc 'K r ' s «*ner that dogs attract j the uealtlt of the Drecmcs? But. j „ ]arc ’., Riifiiiu.itisiii. .Mini MTiirVfl :I i.ottlf <’f! lightning. 1 don't know how that• ■ on the brink ot death, I 11 ii t:i 11> ii i nictliriiic. After Iloniircr Struck by Lightning. "I saw a paragraph,” said far mer Silas Wagner, of Bayonne, father!” "about a dog that was killed by a “You refuse what thunderbolt, and a suggestion of been a richer |iosses*ion than all pains me | u . r beauty, filled with hojie and j fear. So many beside himself j sought the smiles ol this regal, j dark-eyed woman, whose brush I hail made her famous. And then, lone night, when lie found himself few weeks ago he was in the field ! of delegates. He carried a pock- . ...... , ctful or annual passes almut with ! I*« : r! » , =* t «t >» devotion, and not him and distrilmted them right, withstanding the near rclation- and left wherever they would do j ship existing lictween them, has any good. Since then I haven't urgently sought her hand in had much to do but write pass Inarr| It seems that former- memoranda in my note book. 1 !. . , have had passes and passes until \ ^ 1 ““ been engaged, but the sight of one makes me sick. The directors got disgusted, too, and finally told me if my train didn’t show up hotter t hey would drop it. As that would throw me out of a job I naturally felt inter csted. This is Wednesday, ami ago. Some months since she be came acquainted with Mills, a dashing young man, good looking, and one of the leading society men of the place. Her father formed as great a dislike as she did a lik ing lor the young man. When Mills began to pay regular visits to the Davis home the father counseled his daughter not to keep the young man's company, hut it seems she did as most lov ers—evaded the parental snrvcil- ance by meeting her lover clandes tinely. The father after forbid ding the young man the house, continued to upbraid his daugh ter whenever he heard of her meet ing Mills. Yesterday afternoon Mrs. Ross met Mills on the road near Poco- raoke. He asked her to take a ride. She entered his buggy, and when the time came for the eon- they started at a lively rate down summation ot the vows she refus cd to marry him, whereupon Con ner became so enraged that he threatened to kill her if she did not. She, however, refused, say- rny wi e. cannot, a ( one w ji|, her among the bloom ; you are the first man on my train ' ing she did not love j and perfume of a conservatory,; this week who had a ticket. May j W() uld not wed him. would * ,a ' e - again at one of Madame Riviere's G°d bless^ you, Kl £ :ilniut oiic-toiirtli o! tin- 1 Nit tie I clifiol ».f :tll |»:iin Thinking tli.-it well <li-l m>t t:ike any more of it. niith if refiiniefl. I then may be, bull learned once that a I quarrel with my only child, j „ her feet am , lrembtodt becaust . i pur pling CURE ’liDUznEzs.Sink HcartachE, Tnrpv ’ver and E j/bIs, Indigestion Ztomach, Spleen E"eath, Malaria Pnnjji and Enric) two hottlcs ;ixi< 1 took :iccop to ilirct-tioiis. It h:is hcen three uioutliN >ince I fiuisheil taking. ;ixul I feel ip* symptoms of its return. I consitler mv- self en irely <miret I, ami take pleasure 111 recommending your remedy as a safe aud sure cure for Itheumatisni. Yours truly. .INO. 1». WKST. »*f the firm of \\ illiatus A West. I Price $1 Per Bottle, or Sii Botilos for *5. | A.ldress, Dr. .1. |). Hoyl or E. C\ Bul- l«M'k. Eufaiila. Ala. TRY OI K Compound Cinchona Mixture for Fever ami Ague. ami Diseases arising from ltillious De rangement cause.| hy Malaria, such as Chills. Fever, Billion’s Fever, etc. It is put up in palatable form so that any one can take it. It is a certain cure. 1‘RKI’AUED BY E. C. B'JLLOCK, dog with a steel collar around his Thank heaven that Lcolinc knows ; s j ie w .. ls so | ()n „ s j| rnt neck is a nasty animal to l.ava at nothing of this! You will lies' Within the music swelled; the [liter of the guests reached Let me shake . . . , your baud again. You can't tell where, amid “glitter andj^ much good the sight of your he had first seen her. a ticket did me. If I can strike beautiful queen, he laid his heart two more pay passengers during the week I can save the train. Can't you manage to come back this wav?”—Chicago Herald. your heels during a thunderstorm, brother to her, Allen? Her falliei j | aua About two years ago Bouncer was one to me—she will be lonely taught ine this. He had on a brand new steel collar, and was with me and two men in the field when a thunder storm broke over ns. Bouncer was greatly frighten ed. and headed its as we ran toward the house. Suddenly I noticed a ring of blue flame around his neck. He noticed it about the same time 1 seen, and a girl, with white, quiv liim-eir. and, turning around, lie ering features, and dark, distend ran veiling towards ps, as if for! ed eves, fled from the darkened protection. But wc turned and chamber, ran.too. Perhaps wc didn't yell so An hour loud, but I believe we ran as fast Dreeine whispered faintly: , them, soft, sweet, mirthful. He alone, when I am dead! bent his proud head in meekness, “I will promise that, gladly,” j wailin „ for , icr an8wer . the young man answered; “I can j Shc lifted her .(rooping eyes promise that, father! Leoline shall; an , nai)1 a fair i )an ,| „„ j, is a ' rm , have my best and tcnderesl care.” a lreIuuK , lIS j„ y lollclling Uer From the doorway a slight form darted then—a form which neither the dving man nor his son had few minutes and left. The pre- Harst and Langtry. Mrs. Langtry, in a dress of thin, white material and wearing a sen green tinted sunshade hat with J sumption is that he went home, green trimming, stepped from her! which was near by, and armed place of concealment. She was 1 himself. gracioiis and stately with the The family of Mr. Higgs re Georgia girl. maincil over to the night service. “Will you give me a mild test and at its conclusion proceeded the road. Just as they were about to cross tlie bridge the young woman’s father stcpjicdout ol the house of Mr. Dickenson, a friend, and running out on the him and road, caught hold of the horse in a threatening manlier, making Yesterday evening, he met her j some angry remark to Mills. The j imagine the reunion. I hey at the spring near lieside the | latter ordered the old gentleman 1 with my brother s family church, and asked for an inter view, which she refused. He re marked then that she would nev er have another op|Kirtunity of re fusing his request. Some friends prevailed upon him to go in the When we got into line there was no great chance for a man to get home. It was about three years afterwards that n few of us were one night going down the Mis j sissippi on a river steamer. 1 had been sick and was returning to my command, but pretty well broken up even then. As for money, we did not have any, and the night hot as I laid down on the deck, my throat almost parch ed with thirst. Pretty soon A little girl came along with a big glass of lemonade. I tell you it looked good to me. She saw me eyeing it, stopped a minute, look ed doubtfully at me and finally came up to my side. ‘You look as if you wanted something to drink.’ shc said, aud offered me the glass. It wasn't quite the square thing to do, but I took it and handed it back empty. It was like nci-tar to me. Then I thanked the little creature and sent her away. Soon after, just like every child, she came back leading her mother to see the l>oor soldier. By Jubiter, it was my wife, and the girl was the baby whom I had last seen as a baby but just born. You can were and to take his hands off his horse.— ! happened to be going down the Davis refused. The next instant, there was a sharp report, and Mrs. Ross beheld her father lying in the road dying. Turning to her lover shc tried to wrest the church, where he stayed only a ' pistol from Lis hand, but ns wrl warm lips. “Allan," sbe said softly, “when I went forth from the home your j of your power?” she said sweetly, home in •: tiga, Bad ; :ndice, and p. Blood without nauseating th. • mack nr weal:eninq the system 'use; 1 to 2 Beans on going to ben Wholesale & Fe’.til Druggist, i as he did. I know we had cover-1 “Allan, give me your hand. JSUFA ( A, ALA. April 24-1)111. Oat of the Jaws of Death |i5r Mannfsctnrcra & .7 ’ t Preps. -Id by Druggist*. ST UCUI i, M For Sale hy .1. W. STANKum. < "ullilH-rt. Ua, * jum* 2K4?in. in tl»c tf Wm. d, kiddoo, at'I'oka»•:y vr law. Cuthbert, tin. TITIIil, practice at any place * Y State hy special contract. W. R. THORNTON, DENTIST CUTHBERT, OA. o v iKFH’K Wist over 1*. Hnrri Sirte l‘ t" Store. ililio square, fcM7-ly. EXCURSION VIA SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. The gentleman who outlines’ his ease hr low is a man eonsitlcrahly a«lvanee«i anil is noted tor his sterling in- Ills post ofiire is Yatesvilk. Fpson eotintv, Ba. The tollowing is MR. JOHN TEARSONS STATEMENT: In the Spring of 1 S>i_» 1 was attaekctl witii a very had eoiigh. which eoiitiniuni to grow worse until Fall, when I got >«, weak that I could not getaltout. 1 trieii a great many kinds of medicine, hut continued to grow worse. I was notified that I had consumption, and would proha My die. Dr. Holloway finally toll me to try Brewer’s Lung Restorer. They sent to \\ ard’sStore i.ndgot a bot tle. and 1 eommeneed taking it right j away. After taking two or three doses, I began to improve, and hy the time I had list d up one bottle I was able to get on my feet again. I am now in excel 1 *nt health. I am confident that the Lung Restorer saved my life, and my m iglihorsare of the same opinion. It is J the best Lung Remedy ever made, in my <>pinion. Dr. 11. promised me that lie • would write to the maniua tr.rers and tell them t f the wonderful e ire it made in my case. staiesLnt of Mr. Benj. F. Hsanm: Early in Novemlwr, 1SS1, while sewing on tlie machine, my wife was taken with a severe pain in her side, which was soon folltiwed by henmrrhages from her lungs and a severe cough. Fever eommeneed. she could neither cat nor sleep, and in a few weeks she w as reduced to a living skeleton. The attending physician told me that he thought o»e*>l her lung* was eil three miles of rough ground Call Leoline.” before lie overtook one of the men. And Allan grew white, as touch- father left you 1 had no ho|)c of this. I loved you then. Allan, ami I heard you say words which 11 have never forgotten. I heard j you tel! your father to let ydnr i heart choose its own mate. Are i you sure—sure, Allan! that your heart lias chosen Leoline Elmar?” “Leoline!'’ he cried, shrinking, “you are not Leoline!” “I have not been called so since that summer day, when a heart sick, hopeless child of seventeen, 1 knew 1 loved you, Allan, and you gave me no return! But, if who hail stuck in a hedge. He ing a silver bell which would stnn- ap(>caled so pitiful for assistance mon his father's ward, he bent that wc returned to help him. and 1 over tlie face on the pillows, found the d< g lying exhausted lie- Through the long hours they side him. The blue fire was out watched there, these two, and in and the collar was gone, hut its ' tlie gray of the opening day they imprint was on his scorched neck, knelt together over the body ol and looks exactly liken steel collar the dead, the girl sobbing pas to this day. The hair lias never sionatcly, the man shaking in his grown over it, and while the dog silent grief. On the calm face of scorns proud of his ornament, i Harold Dreeine lay death's gray ; anJ drawillg |ler Ulwar ,, Wm; Lan „ trv lie always slinks into the cellar shadow. On the heart of the girl , f , 1 „ ® } was liitn a lliotigliuess \outli,; Half a dozen men supposing Stic after a little space. a wagon, accompanied | by the preacher. As they were “Yes,” said Miss Hurst's mar.- j riding leisurely along, a loud re ader, “the gentlest test wc know |iort of a gun was heard, and Miss or.” Mrs. Langtry held a chair with its hack against her chest. “1 am very strong you'll find,” shc said: The wonder put her hands over Mrs. Langtry’s,touching the chair with the tips of her fingers. The women looked into each other's eyes for an instant, and then there was a rush. Mrs. Langtry was Alice Higgs fell from the wagon mortally won tided. Upon inves tigation, it was found that seven buckshot had penetrated her back and come out through her breast. Tlie assassin was discov ered and recognized as David II. Conner, her rejected suitor. Conner has fled the country, and every effort is lieing made to you love me—I am doubting still, the lower upright in the balustrade Allan ” j in the stairway leading up out of “Oh, do not doubt my love!"’ J the kitchen scene in “May Blos- Ue whUqiered. taking her hands, som. ’ The column broke, and fell to the floor. forced back s ard, and before she j bring him to justice. The sher- had time to cry nut she fell against iff. in charge of a posse of inen, is in hot pursuit. This is one of the most heartless ami brutal acts three day s before a thunder storm, who knelt there lay one as dark; , I . . . . , , ., ’ . . i an 1 ni -' >atnct s wish to bind tue arms badly hurt, ran to her as and can the tempted out until the and dreary, but without its calm: , - seemed cruel. I am a man now, sistam . e sllc was an i c klyon sky is clear again. » » m A Ran that Kisses. A Was h i ngton letter writer says Senator Vance likes a joke, and relates the following: One day while he was Governor of North Carolina, it is said that : for with her whole heart she loved : . this man wife! rho scorned to call her j j ** 'er, and , 10 { asked if shc would like any : the man's love more worthy hen fur Left early an orphan by her ar i '“"L thS " ^ ® f l''* ^ ! t,,er tcst re l‘ 1 >e‘l that she was sat- ' • c0llU ' m A' darling? If you | jsfie) ,_ Meelin , fricn(1 at - the 11st father, she had been taken to , , _ . . . „ . i - , . . ... loved me then, do not tell ine that I ,. vi . ,, n i,„. this home of luxury by her lath- . , lllcalre exit, on uer way home, .... .... : I caused that love to die! Li,» —i.;i.:.~i i.„. Cuthbert, to N. Y. siml re turn.. $43.40. Cutlibert, to, ami re- $.41.40 ;ich. 1 then aijret»d with I>r. Sullivan, my family physician, to call Dr. Hollo way in consultation. They made a final examiiivtion of the patient, ami pro nounced the case hopi less. Dr. Hollo way I hen sujrirestod the Brewer's Lung Restorer as a last resort. I sent for a bottle, ami gave her a dose. I found that she could retain it on her stomach, ami after about the third dose I began to notice some improvement in her condi tion. 1 continued the medicine regular ly. and hy the time she had taken two , Iiottles she was able to walk al»out the j house. ^Iic is now in better health than she has enjoyed for several years. I be lieve the Lung Restorei saved her life. Mr. llearndon’s post office is Yates- villc. Fpson county, tia. He is a thor oughly reliable man in every particu lar. LAMAR. RANKIN. * LAMAR, apr-17-ly. Macon, (*a. turn, Tickets good to return un til Nov. 31st, 188-1. PROPOSED SAILIN3 DATES Foi .lime, l*t**I. SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. Central, or 90 .Meridian Time. i 'ii\-.*f Augusta. Still. June 1. 12.:tu p. nt. I ’iiatlaliiMK-lict 1 , Tiles. .Juno :t. 2.UU p, m. Nai-ooi liee. Fri. .lnne«,S.«> I>- m. Tallahassee, Sun. .lime s, .VW a. m. < ‘itv **i Ainrttsta, Tues. Jum' 10. 7.00 p. m. I'iiattaliooeliec. Fri. June i:>, it.sna. fu. XaeoiH-liee, Sun. .lime IS, 10.30 a. in. 'lallaliassee, l'ues. June I,. p. ni. ( itv of Augusta, Fri. June‘20. 3.30 j>. n . < liattaliooehcc. sun. .1 une 22, S.«« a. in. Nat--o.tehee. Tues. June 24. T.ou p. nt. Tallahassee, Fri. J title 2i. 0.30 a. in. eitv of Augusta, Sun. June20,10.30a. in. FOR PHILADELPHIA. — ^ ♦ m i’tty of Savannah. Sat. June 7. o.utt p. m. Juniata. Sat. June 14. 10.30 u. m. Fitv of Savannah. Sat. Junc’J1.4.30p. in. J uiiiata. Sat. J une 10.30 a. m. G. M. SOlt It ELL, Afft. Savamuth, Ga. mav 2JLtd BLANK HOOKS of every kind,size and style,cheap er than ever before, at ai» ‘*Uf J. W. Stakfokd’s. FKIIT Strawberry. Fine Apple. Vanilla, and Let at ALLISON & SIMFSON' i.trrs. Orange, -Banana. Leninn. S. er's friend, anti she had grown to- .... . ,, , regard the young heir as a sort of! . D ” e8 lo '"® c ^ cr .^ ,e ‘ 8,,e 1 ues he was ri.ling on horseback along | llero wortI , y of , icr worship-a | 8 ent, - v her bcatiti head on his bosom; “no, A1 him. The two men fell into con-! versation, anil the stranger told Vance he luul been to Raleigh site exhibited her torn dress, rip |ied across the back and on the right arm. “I've been with that girl just two seconds." she said laughing. —\eic l'ort Paper. a road about ten miles Iron, the ; kni llt who W0llll , SOIUe limt . c*ii)it*il when str*in«rer nvertook I . , , . . ... : *30 1 iui6 not forj^olten, it wjis inpu.M wntn a stranger overcook gt to j ier a ml glorify her life!., 4 , ® mm...* c..ii « 1 . . . • tliat Ibvc which drove me from with Ins affection. When sue ... .. „ ... . A ... , , , , , . _ Dreeme Hall; it was that which . left her knees her mrlish face was , * 0 , . .... kept me strong, when I found the set and cold—white with her great .. ... see the Governor and that he had j „ Mollit .| t , lllt * world so cold am. 1 anguish, but calm through *o-, M> that for which when Iliad <lr agonof wonderful workmanship. There is upon exhibition in New York City a small iron Japanese Stationery, p EGAL CAP PAPER, Fools Cap Paper, Letter 1‘ajAer, Note J’aper. (Jilt Etlgetl Paper, Envelopes ami Pens, at ct J. P. TOOMBS A- BRO.’S. —Those Organs are beautiful and cheap at J. W. Stanford's. Trasses, Surgical Instru ments, Physicians’ Supplies On liand, or Ordered, if wanted, by ct J. P. TOOMBS & BRO. called at his house, but that he was not at home. “Did you see tlie Governor's wife?" askctl Vance. “Yes,” was the reply. “Anil ditl you n it.kiss her?” The man very much astonished, ' replied: “No; but shc was very pretty, and I should have liked nothing better.” “Well, I've kissed her,” contin ued Vance, “and I never meet her but that I do so.” Anti thereup on, after enjoying the man's aston ishment. for a moment, he told him that he was the Governor. A little boy in a Sunday school put a poser to his teacher. The lady was telling her class how God punished tue Egyptians by causing the first born of each household to be slain. The little boy listened attentively. At the proper interval he mildly inquir ed: “What would God done had there been twins?” j re cars ct CRAIN CRADLES, at bottom prices, at ALLISON tfc SIMPSON’S. A famous Prussian general was inspecting some military stable. “What do I sec there,” he said in tones of thunder to a sergeant, “cobwebs?” “Yes, sir,” was the respectful reply, “we keep them there to catch the flies and pre vent their teasing the horses.” , . , , ... was that for which, when 1 I muuiv pride—and stooping to kiss i , , . , , , , , . , , „ , r “ . gained friends ami fi r une, 1 the lorelicatl of her guardian, she , . , , . . ... fused a coronet! len ye left the lather to his son and gild-! , , ,, , . ed out. And that night there was ex citement and fear in the Dreeme mansion. Leoline could not be found, search as they might. In the light of the summer day she had gone forth, bearing with her naught save the memory of Al lan’s words: “I do not love this girl! Let my heart choose its mate!” Allan sought vainly for a trace of her, and wondered as vainly why she had fled. * * * * * “All gaslight and glare!” thought Allan Dreeme, half wear ily standing among the guests in the rich salon of Madam Riviere. The ocean, which laved the rocks below Dreeme hall, rolled between him and his home; but wider, darker, drearier, was the division between bim and the youth in which he had refused to wed bis ; not have lasted long I would father'6 ward. have wakened to your worth; His hostess, noting the look of would have sought your love, long weariness upon his face, tapped years ago, my peerless darling!" him lightly with her fan. “Allan,” she said gently, pass- It is the most noteworthy speci men of ancient work in iron that , stretch drearily between to night has evcr lefl Ja l ,an ' U is a tre "" and that summer dav, Allan, on blin - re « Hi,e with a hi<,cous horn ' which I took mv voung heart l,ea ' 1 ’ ,,ank ‘-•' , ,,n caih sil,c wiUl from D.eemc Hal fund bore it iar j 3 sl,ar l* * ire representing anten- from you, with the ho,* that I | n “ e ' Tbe (Ua & >a ' wa8 might teach it to grow calm; but i 1 could not calm it, my dearest; it would quiver and thrill at thought of you, at the sound of your name. You will have to love me well to erase those sad, sad years, Allan!” His eyes were misty as be licit! her to his heart and laid his lov ing kisses on her beautiful face. “My love! my love!"’ he said sadly; “was it but a memory of ray coldness, my blindness, that you could take with you? How can I ever win your complete par don for the past?” “By loving me well,” was the low-toned answer. “Had you but remained!” he whispered, “my blindness could ever per|ietratcd in our wiregrass country. Miss Iliggs is a mem ber of one of the most respected families of Montgomery county. She was alive at last accounts.— Telegraph and .Vetreager. Pacific coast printers have been boasting that the printer who lias stood longer at the case than any oilier printer in this country, tri ed in San Francisco and worked in tbe Chronicle office of that city. He has worked at the case a full half century. Thcreis, how ever, a printer in Erie, Mr. Mich ael J. Quinn, known among the craft as “Father” Qninn. who has a longer -‘string” than the Golden j Gale man. As the insurance men \ nesses declare, lie leaped from the buggy, ami was about to shoot again, when Mrs. Ross succeeded in getting the weapon away from him. The young woman then fainted. The father died in a few minutes. Mills gave himself up to the authorities, and says lie killed Davis in sell defense. Mrs. Ross is crazed with grief, and is closely watched for fear she will attempt to take her life. —^-* ■ Cats on the Farm. Cats ought to have an honored place on the farm, hut too often they have no place at all. This is because they- arc kept at the house, fondled hy the |>ct loving children, anil foil l>y kind-hearted women until they become lazy and worthless. Tlie farmer es teems cats less highly than dogs; but the former are sometimes ot the greatest value to him. Barn eats should rarely lie allowed to come to the house, and never lie fetl there. All that they need is! ! plenty of milk: cnm|>cl them to get the rest ot their living, and they will find it about the barn, granaries, cribs, sheds, and in the fluids. A good moiiser is worth ten cents per day about a granary, crib or barn. Mice not only de stroy grain, but make it filthy for stock; they nibble sacks an I im plements, and do much other mis chief. A good eat will destroy large rats as well as the young ones. Wc have an old Maltese Toni, which gets his living by- catching ground-mice in the or chard and gartlen, and is thet-e- forc a valuable cat. At this sea son, when barns, granaries and cat is doubly useful. Give Tom anil Tabby- a river. That was the only time during the four years’ fighting that I saw my wife and baby, and under these circumstance* what man would ever forget it? — - —-^-* ■ The Orange Tree. The orange tree is the longest lived fruit tree known, ft is re puted to have attained the age of three hundred years, and it is known to ha vc flourished and bore fruit for more than a hundred years. No fruit tree will grow and produce fruit so well under rough treatment. It commence* to bear thc.thiid or fourth je»r after budding, and by tlie fifth year it will produce an abundant crop, but its yield will increase grad ually under favorable circumstan ces, ami as the years pass on it will become a very productive tree. The early growth of the orange is quite rapid, anil by the tenth year it will have increased more than in the next fifty years, so far as its breadth asd height are concerned; but its age multi plies its fruit stems greatly, and an old tree will sometimes bear several thousand oranges. ^-* m — “There is not going to be any more marrying in Indiana,” said old Judge Daniels, a crusty old bachelor. “How is that?” askctl his neph ew, who.lias just got married. “I see tlie Legislature has pass ed a law forbidding weak-minded ! persons to marry, and they are tbe ' only ones who ever think of such I a thing.” As old Daniels is rich, both the nephew and his young wife laugh ed heartily at the wit of the old man. $3300, is made with articulated scales and joints, and when grasp j Uoming to America be got cases on put the printer’s life at thirty two years, the Erie disciple of the art j are Blleil , a preservative is worthy of note, j |lgef j GjV( “Father” Qninn was apprenticed | rair trjal and wi) , aIwav8 kc ep when a lad to a printer in the city ^ m Agricultural. of Waterford, Ireland, in 1830, j _ and after serving his apprentice ship got a “sit” on London Times, anti had several “fat takes” of tbe account of the Queen’s marriage. ed at any part of the body it moves along its whole length in a lifelike way. Its maker was Mtinaeki. of the famous family of Miyoeliin, the armor makers, who, silting on the ground with pincers, could make an iron shirt that could lie slipped on like an ordi nary shirt. There is an iron eagle in the South Kensington Museum, made by one of the same family, and purchased for that museum for $5,000. The dragon-maker, who was the twen tieth descendant of the family that retained the secret of its skill, is believed by connoisseurs to have I teen a better artist, than bis cousin, tbe maker of tbe iron eagle. “There is one here who will not bore yon,” sbe said, laughingly. ing her jewelled fingers through his hair, “we seldom realize the “Is it any harm to wish a person good, mother?” “Of course not, Johnny.” “Well, then, I wish that woman what's talkin’ about keepin' a summer school would die and go to heaven."' the New York Post, which be held for seven years. Turning his face westward he went to Erie, Pa., and served nearly twenty- years on tbe dispatch. He now holds cases on the Daily Herald, and. although he is 70 years old, he is a rapid and correct printer, and declare* himself capable of doing ten year* more work.—Ex. “Sec here,” he aaid to bi* clerk. “I don’t mind letting you off a day now and then to attend your grandmother'* funeral, but I think you ought to bare tbe courtesy to send a few of tbe fish aronnd to my house.” When we attempt to draw both crops and manure from our culti vated fields, all tbe harvests will be small, and there ia no profit, and when tbe crops are poor tbe ill fed animals are a source of un avoidable loss. Wanted te Continue to Brow Old. Old Mmc. Rothschild, mother i hadn't “What ditl you want to make such a goose of yourself for over that little mouse?” lie said to bis sister as they trudged home from an evening party. “You danced about anil serenaded until 1 am ashamed of you.” “I was afraid of it, George,” murmured the girl. “Afraid of it! Nonsense! If you had on a pair of new of the mighty capitalists, attained the age of ninety eight. Her wit, which was remarkable, and her intellectual faculties, which were of no common order, weie preserv ed to the end. In her last illness, when surrounded by her family, her physician being present, she whispered in a suppliant tone to the latter, “Dear Doctor, try to do something for me.” “Madame, what can I do? I cannot make yon young again.” “No, Doctor, I don't want to be voung again but I want to continue to grow old.” Sarah P., Thorp Springs: “Where should I wear an engage ment ring?” Wear it on the sec ond finger of the left hand, if everything is ojien and above hoard; but if you do not want tbe old people to know of tbe engage ment we would advise you to wear it in tbe right-band corner of an old striped stocking at the bot tom of the bureau drawer. French shoes and striped silk stockings you wouldn't have been afraiil of it.” m ♦ m “Emma, I hear you hare brok en off with George."’ “Yes; I am sorry, but it had to be. lie in sulted papa.” “Why, what did he do?” “Well, you know last Sunday night, papa kindly kicked him off' the steps, and when he came around 51 on day he brought a pair of slippers with the toe* padded and asked me if I wouldn’t get the old man to put them oo.” She knew him: “Do you reside in this city?” asked a masked man of a masked lady at a mask ed party. He felt sick when she said to him, in a low voice: “Don’t lie a fool, John; I knew you lif the wart on your thumb.'’ It wan his wife. -— » * An old writer said: “Sifenew never betrayed any one.” But be is mistaken. Silence May* « two year-old baby i