Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 28, 1884, Image 1

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and Appeal. BY STANFORD & COOPER. ■ w<l X W #Ur r*- * ^ A A “hdapudant in Ail Ttegs-Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. VOL. IV. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1884. NO. 29 Enterprise & Appeal. Pl'BLtaJIEI) EVERY THVISSOAY ( Hirr ap Minin. In BnlMinp—I'roHl Kimhii. SCKSCUIITJON l’KIC'E : One co) >y oih‘ yi*ar .... “ * mouths . . . l.M “ Four months .... A DVEUTISIN< i BATES: One square, (ten lines- pr less) 1 insert i< !• I 1 ""’ Foreai-h sulisequent insertion . -Hi Allpn-M»tfi/ matter double /trice. Oliitnaries "'ill I"* cHargltil l» r a " other iiilvi-rtiwiiionts. ... A<lvcrtb»i'H»«*nts iiisi*rt<‘«i without pimvificrition as to tin* inimlwr of in* avrtious, will h(* j*nblisln‘<\ until "riliT- <h! out, ami uhanrml ncrordiiu/ly. All mlvertisemunts <!»w> whun kan«i- i*«l in. Church Directory. Methodist CnriM H.— Kkv. F. A. BRANCH, Pastor. Services everv Sal>l>atli morning and evening. Prayer i nee tints Tl»u rs- day nijrht. Said A. M. Preaeliir.j school at tP... A.M. _ AIN. CURES Rheumatism,Neuralgia,Sciatica, Lumbago. Badiaclw. Hufedw. TMtludM. IkartM. Kcalila. IXB ALL MOIMLY MIMi tit AfM«. Mol<l I.* |>rn((i«ii m<I Itaslm rwr*h*rf. Fifty CfSti i b"til-. DirfrtiMt la II Un.-nt'i THE «’H Altl.fc* Am ViSKLEBfi- . . A- TOUCLUACa) jyi7-ly Frightful Catarrh. Pieces of Bone. For four years f have In-en afflicted with n very troulilesome eatarrhof the head. fe»‘terrible lias its nature jieen that when 1 Mew my nose small |»icce* ; of hone would frec|iirtitly come ottt of , j my month amt’ nose. The tlisebarjje j was t*n|»iox»s. ami at tinm- exceed it iirly BAITIST Cin iK II.— olFensive. My Mood U’ca'ine so imjiure Pkv W 1/ ("OOPKB, Pastor. ' that my general health un*. preatly »nt- Sorvui'«every Atthath, uinrniiijrsilul j lKiin-jl. "itli i»vor iijijm tite ami worse evening. Prayer met iin_ * Numerous metiieines were used with* •lav nijrlil. Sahhat!i out relief, until I he-au tlienseof B. B. 1 }., A. M. Preaching 11 A. .'I. | B..ait<! tlir”t* bottles aetetl almost like j mairie. hme«*flieir use not a s\my.roin ; PisKSUYTKltiAX C'Jft'iM’ll.— -lias i»d I feel in every way | For the Knterprise and Appeal. A Visit tothettrirejanl. BY SCHOOLBOY. With a weight my heart is cumbered, For I feel sad, very sad ; Ami much of the joy has gone From a heart that once was glad. The winds sweep through the tree-tops And sway the waving bows, And bear away on their surges Spring’s last and lingering vows. Farewell to the roses and dasies And flowers of delicate hue, For the gusts of the autumn wind Are lieating them away, too. I have been to-day to the 4 *lots’ ,> In the graveyard down to the west. Where little clay mounds are hiding The forms of those loved best. And 1 watched the varied colors That n glorious sunset shed In pensive and solemn beauty O’er the dwellings of the dead. And my mind was troubled greatly, As in their uiidst I sUssJ; For they were gone forever, Either for had or f* r good. And I noticed the many statues Pointing towards the sky, As if directing their sleepers To a place they’d never die. But there wen* many low heaps Of earth, barren and bare, GroyerSleyeland film Hi* Letter *f Aeeeptanee te the PaMte. make and execute the taws to the end that the want: and need* of employers and employe* shall alike be subserved, and the pros perity of the country, the common heritage of both, te advanced. As related to this subject, while wc should not discourage the immi- ac knowledge allegiance to our gov ernment, a*d add to our citizen Imputation, we may as a mean* of protection to our working men adopt a different rule to prevail concerning those aha, if' they come or are brought to our land r do nottintpad to become Ameri cana, hut will injuriously conf|>ete with those justly entitled to our ! field of labor. In a letter accept ing the nomination to the office of governor nearly twp years ago I made the following statement to Ai.uaxv, X. Y.. August 19.— The following was received by Colonel I.amont, secretarv to Gov ernor Cleveland, who is at up,mr th “ c ; who c ° ,nc Saranas lake, with instructions to make it public on receipt: Ai.baxy, X. Y., August 18, 1884.—Gentlemen: I have re ceived your communication, dated July 28, 1884, -.informing me of maf nomiaatiim to the otfee or president of the United States by the national democratic conven tion lately assembled at Chicago. I acce|jt the nomination witii grateful appreciation of the su preme honor conferred, and a sol emn sense of the res|Kinsibility I which in its acceptance I assume. 1 have careful! v considered the|“ TLe lal,orin 3 classcs cons " ln ' e platform adopted by the eonven j the main part of our population. , .. ,, 1 lu-v should be protected in their lion and cordiallv ap| rove the, - 1 , ri . . * . . . , effort* peaceably to assert their same. the plain statement of 1 . , , , , j which I have steadily adhered: the suffrages of my fellow citi zens, I will assume the duties of that high office with the solemn determination to dedicate every effort to the country's good and with an humble reliance on the favor and sup|iortof the Supreme Being who I I>clieve will always hies* honest htim.-in endeavor in the conscientious discharge of publie duly. [Signed.] Gkovkk Ci.kvei.axd. To Colonel Wm. F. Vilas, chair man, and D. 1*. Bestor and oth or niomiters of the notification committee of the democratic na tional convention.—Emquirer- Stm. Kkv. M. V. BUITT, Pastor. Services, scccud, third and fourth Sundavs, iii4>rring and evciiiny!. I'liiver lisH-tina \V4-di»’s*hiy uiaht. Sabi atli School, '.I'- A. M. Preaching It A. M. t.i'ml t.i lieahli. I am an old o'er which the wil>I needs grew f Atlanta, and mi-r to almost Itutler street, and. l>r. Oillman, who «|tl 11 *• i <it i/.en any 4me livinir in nii4rc p.irtii lilarly t knows 4,f niv ease. Mils. KM2AIIKTII KNOTT. A LITTLE GOLD. Mr. Z. king s.ty t« wlioh A. <lark, of Atlanta, <»a.. in *1 hi p*M ilp'irps to tin* n*a«lt*r?» of thi> p:t]a*r, that tin* f tin* iilxiw amount was s|K*nt in A. M. K. (’iifi.Tit.— Kkv. S. M. CLABK. Pastor. Srrvircs ovrty Ssihhath. Sahhath ScIhhiI A. M- 1 rc:n hing •» .tn«i ;J <.fj;,rt in timling relief from a "L* oelm k, I’. M. I tJ |SS meeting j torrihle B1ih>i1 Poisou alk-eting his ImhIv, Alondav night. Prayer iaet*tmg I lim]^ ami nos<? presenting ugly ruii- Thlirnfay night. ning Hirers*. He is ih»w “ouinl ami well, having liOen eiirer) l»y the mo>t s*|»eetly j ami wonderful r« medy ever lief*»r»* ; known, and any interested party who may need a B1«h»i1 Furitier will learn from him that thr«*e Iwrttle.'* of B. II. B. ! restored his appetite*, healed ail uh*er*. • rclirvcil his kidneys, and added twenty- *1 ~ More rankly than anywhere, ’Til! the rhillin^ winds of winter More kindly than rare of nu n, Bear them away from the hleejn-r Ami heap them in the glen. Oh, man, in the train of business, And man of sneiety’s east, Your Iio|h*k will Moon be m*att«*r«xi By Time’s great autumn blast. Ami withered leaves of a wasted liio May nestle in hollows bare, That once were filled with hopes Of the beautiful ami fair. And then no pyramid struelures Not rubies of Indian glow, (TWO DRUGGISTS. I the democratic faith ami princi- 1 1 pies upon which that party ap j>eals to the suffrages of the |H-oplo ; ’ no tion. It s!m >uhi be that the office of president is cs- sentiully executive in its nature. The laws enacted by the legisla tive branch of the government the chief executive is honor bound lipmll Whiskey. It were well if this conlil be pasted in the lints of all drinkers and sellers of whiskey. Robert G. Ingcrsoll, although his views on Christianity are un sound, lias orthodox enough views on temperance. He says: *'Intem|>eraiiec cuts down youth in its strength, and age in its weakness. It breaks the father's heart, bereaves the doting mtither, muds tu his ’weight in thirty days. . Wc linvc Ihm-h handling I*. B. 15. only a f«*\v months, and take pleasure in saying it i« superceding ail other BIimmI Kerne-! dies. It m*IIs well, gives our customers* entire satisfaction, and we cheerfully I reeonmicnd it in preference to any other months ago Blood Purifier. ASHER & MOORE. Druggists. Atlanta, tin, A .72 page Book of wonderful B. B. I teslinioiiv mailed to anv address. Bhooli BALM <*o.\ Atlanta, (ht. For sale in 1‘tithhert Hy atig 11 -1 in. ,1. \V. STANFORD. CURE ‘liau-nnis.Sick HendatfiB.Tcrpi 'vet and fl- was. In dig set fan :~^c£da,Saer Stomach, Eplsnr rtigo, End Er-caih, Malaria r:ndiee. end Enritg and Enrio p. Blood without nauseating th ■tmach nr weakening thn nystnn. lose; 1 tn2Boanonn noingtnhau tumMmnh Feis- r d*'~v id by Druggists SY i:'UI J, U- K4.r Safi- bv J. W Sr vM'-m-. OidiU ri A Certain Cure For RHEUMATISM A Strange Case of Blindness. Oswkoo, X. Y., Aug. 2.—Three Amos Carton, near Waverly, tell sick with fever. A week afterward he Ivccamc totally blinil. He was blind six weeks. Then lie suddenly rcc4>vered bis rights when endangered l»y ag 1 gregated capital, and all statutes 44n the subject sliouhl recognize . , , , the care of the state for honest' exl ' n g"' s l ,, -‘ s natural affections, no supplement or explana- 1 u il ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ o| j erases conjugal love, blots out fil- rc.ueu.bere.1 t|)e eondiUon of tUe ial attachments, blights parental workingmen, a pro^r regard for ‘“'I*. »"«» '•■‘‘■“S* < ' own mourning the welfare ot workingmen being inseparably connected with the ! integrity of our institutions. iXoncof 4nir citizens are more in- .... - . | tcrcstctl Ilian they in guarding the wisdom of the Jiolilical party J ® .. , ■ . c i ' agaiv*t anv corrupting influences winch selects one of its members ° J * & . ... • , winch seem to liervert the benefi- as a nominee for an office has out-! * i.. ii! i , cent purposes of our government Until its policy ami declared its 1 1 1 ° ... . _ . i ami none should be more watch- principles, it seems to me that] ... , . . .. till of the artful machinations of nothing in the cl.aracter of tl «“ ^ who , Uure tUem lo ; covers the land with idleness, rais- i office or the noicssities of the case | i n i,n v ! er V an< * crime. It fills your jails, demanils more from the candi- j - supplies your almshouses, and date accepting such nomination ixuiviucai. kioiits. than the suggestion of certain In a free country the curtail well known truths so Absolutely incut of the absolute rights of the ; v j ct j ms to vour scaffolds. It vital to the safety and welfare of individual should only be such as ; t | lp j j 0 f t ) ie n am l,] t . r t|,e the nation that they can t lie too is esscutial to the peace and good c | cment 0 f t | ie burglar, the prop order of the community. The limit between proper subjects of government control anil those age in sorrow to the grave. It produces weakness, not strength; sickness, not health; death, not life. It makes wives widows; children orphans; fathers fiends, anil all of them paupers and beg gars. It feeds rheumatism, nnr ses gout, welcomes epiilemics, in vites cholera, imports pestilence ’ anil embraces consumption It Isn’t Catching. When the cholera was raging to an alarming extent in the city of Memphis, some years ago, many fleil the eity, among whom was a Frenchman, a tailor by oc cupation. Packing all necessary articles in a valise with bis walk ing eane in band, he set out on foot in quest of a new home. At the close of the first day he called at the house of Mr. T., and asked if he could *pend the night, stat- - j ing that he had money to pay for his lodging. Mr. T. was a man of large es tatc, and said the traveler might spcnil the night, but lliat lie was not in the habit of making any charge as lie did not keep a hotel. As it was summer time and the weather warm, Mr. T. invite<l the Frenchman to sit with him on the |x>rcli. This he did. placing his valise beside him. Scarcely bail be taken bis seat, before Mr. T. began to sigh and groan aloud, praying. “Loril. have mercy upon me. laird, bless my soul; pity me and give me more religion." The Frenchman eyed him a mo ment curiously, then said. “Monsieur have you got de cholera f* “No,"’ said Mr. T., much sur prised; “Why do you ask such a question?" “Because,” said the man, “1 am just from Memphis, and that's dc wny they go on when they have de cholera.” “Xri,” exclaimed Mr. T. with emphasis, “1 aui a Methodist, and j t , I want more religion.” How a Pretty Young Kiri Found a Husband in the Water. Two weeks age, says an Atlan tic City special of August 0, one raornitig when the beach was thronged with bathers, a pretty Hnmorons. A revenue officer entered the store of a merchant who never advertised and arrested him be cause lie kept a still house. Eight dogs will buy a wife m pair of arms were sei-n moving! Siberia, but after you have seen a Pretty soon Mr. T. was" called to attend to something, and the uneasy Frenchman look advan , , , r. ’ i 1 tage of the opiKirtunil v to liurrieil- ik-mamls vour asylums. It crowds 11 • , , . , i Iv catch up his valise and slip oil', your penitentiaries and furnishes! - 1 1 is often recalled or too seriously en forced. AUBA1GX1SO TllE llKl-VUI.ll'AX TV. l'Alt of the highwayman ami the sup port of the midnight incendiary. !=- It countenances the liar, respects which can be more fittingly left l j je esteems the blasphemer. Wc proudly call ours a govern I: — M A XL' FACTT KED 1:Y — DE. J. D.EOYL, EUFAULA, ALA. ^ ^ rpTIIIS MEDICINE |s A sl'KE AND L IJI K K ( I KE for Rliouin.'.tiMii in forms. In many roses « ( I KE in THREE or Font DAYS, and NEVER FAILS to lief. to the moral sense and selt-im i posed restraint of the citizens, should lie carefully kept in view. Thus laws unnecessarily interfer ing with the habits and customs i of any of our people, which are not offensive to the moral senti ments of the civilized world and which are consistent with gooil IT IS AN INTERNAL REMEDY. juiu* iMs-lim. WM. D- K1DD00, att«ik\i:v AT I.AW. Cuthbert, On. w j*ractier at any [dace n tract.. rilsl. . State l»y special n the* tf. CEEiTTFICATES: W. R. THORNTON, DENTIST CITTI1BERT, GA. West side I’uldit KFFAVLA, ALA.. May 14.1*4. I have liecn afflictefl with 4’hronie Rhciimatisiu for two years, off and on. anti haw tric»l various remedies. One Bottle of l>r. ILtyl’s Rheumatic Remedy has entirely relievo! me. L«*ssthan one bottle entirely stoj»|»etl the pains. J. A. HAY. r.rMPKTN. flA.. June 2.\ LSS*. DR. J. 1>. HOYI.. Eufaula. Ala.— 1 Dk \k Sn:: 1 was severely attacked with Rheumatism, and secured a l»ott1c of your Rheumatism medicine. After taking alnnit one-f. u tli of the U*ttle I was relieved of all j-.iiu. Thinking that I was well did not take any more of it. After a month it returned. I then mxr- ehased two bottles and took according to direefions. It has been three months sinee I finished taking, and 1 feel n«» sympttmis «*f its return. I consider my self en irelycured. and ra^e pleasure In .... .wnnn.i oii MifMi re*’oini«einliii!r your remedy as a safe JCEW I0KK AN1) I HILABELI XI1A* , and sure cure for Rheumatism. | Yours truly. JN«U’. WEST, of the tirm o FFK’E over 1*. Harris' Store. s«iuarc. febl7-lv. EXCLUSION VIA SAVANNAH TO sight: hut although during liis|ment by the |ieoplc. It is mil ; blinduess bis general health ini- such when a class is tolerated); proved ami bis mind was sound, ; which arrogates to itself tile mas with the return of his sight he lost agement of public affairs—seek all power of recognizing the dif . ing to control the jieople instead ferent members of the family, his I of representing them. Parties surroumlings ami liis friemls.— j arc the necessary outgrowth of our His wife lie treated as if she were ! institutions, but a government is some person he hail once kuown, i not by the people when one party and his actions indicated that his , fastens its control upon the coun home seemed to be some place try and jierpetuates its jxiwer by where lie must have lived at' eajolling and betraying the pco some former ti.ue. His conduct' pic, instead of serving them. A was apparently governcil by im ! government is not by the |>eople Jl ,r< -‘maey. Cheap and easy trans aginary surroundings entirely for-1 when a result which should rep-1 P° r tati°n should therefore be lib eign to the actual ones. He re-. resent the intelligent will of free and thinking :-.ien is or can be de- It violates obligations, reverses fraud and honors infamy-. It de-! fames benevolence, bates love, j scorns virtue and slanders inno- j eenee. It incites the father to; butcher his offspring, helps the | husband to massacre his wife, and : the cliihl to grinil the parracidal axe. It burns up men. consumes citizenship and the public welfare, WOInelli detests life, curses God. arc unwise and vexatious. CHEAP KAVIGATIOX. The commerce of a nation to a great extent determines its su- and despises heaven. It degrades the citizen, debases the legisla tors, dishonors statesmen, and ' disarms the patriot. It brings shame, not honor; terror, not safe- j T ' verv ’ ,L “' !,ml 1:,l >S l,, “b' | y - uiaincd in this condition six weeks. East Thursday he became enraged at Mrs. Barton, who, ap |ieai'ing to him as the unknown |>ersou referred to, did something contrary to his wishes. He left the house and was gone until Fri- erally fostered within the limits of the constitution. The general ternyjned by°shamcless corruption ! government should so improve of their suffrages. When an elec j an ' 1 l> rotwt its nat ' lral water tion to office shall be the selection i " a - vs as wil1 enab,e tLe producers bv the voters of one of their nuni-1 ,J *" lbc coll,lt -0 lo reach a profita- l,.! blc market. THE CIVH. SERVICE. I her to assume for a time a public trust, instca<l of his dedication to day morning. Xo oq,e knew where, the profession of jiolitics; when >j-j lc p SV the w.i"cs of lie had been. SUoi tly afUir hia j the lioUlnra of the baUot, qnint-oi | public employes and they are en return lie went out in the yard, oil by a sense of duty, shall avenge titled to fair and honest work After traveling awhile further, he got to another fine looking house. lit- saw the proprietor | was at home, and before asking file privilcgesof staying all night, enquired: “Have you got de Methodist here?'’ “YY'Iiat do yon meats?'* said Mr. ;v. “Veil.” replied the Frenchman, "I stopped back dere at a Mr. T.’s to spend the night, ami lie groaned so much and seemed in so much pain that 1 asked him il in got de cholera. ‘Xo,’ said he, -I energetically from out of a big breaker and then a pair of limbs in reil stockings took their place, while the arms went underneath and took their turn in clutching at the sand. Then the cruel un dertow swept arms and legs anil all swiftly out, so that when Miss Dolly Patterson, of whose anato my these excited limbs were a part, reappeared on the surface, she was away beyond the line ol breakers trying to gain a foothold on a bar. In a moment a big roller raised her from her place and carried her out into deep water. It was in vain that the plump arms clutched whole handfuls of water. The little heart palpitated faster than ever, the hands and legs grew weaker and weaker, and the little girl thought one very brief prayer, with the “amen” vciy near the- “Our Father,” but it was ter ribly earnest for all that, Dolly was drowning. Then her senses were about to leave her, when she felt a strong pair of sun browned arms encircle themselves around her like a bon constrictor and a few minutes la ter she was stretched out on thc beach, the object of fifty curious eyes, anil the subject of the most devoted attention from the owner of the sun browneil arms. This happened two weeks ago. This morning the guests at Bol ton Cottage, on Illinois avenue, near Atlantic, all assembled at a ceremony at which pretty Miss Dolly Patterson was given heart and hand to YVilliam F. Callahan, who has sun-browneil arms and a grip like a python. They will not taken wedding trip, because YVil liam is a life guari! and must stay on the beach and do his duty this summer, but this will not prevent them from enjoying their honey moon. Mrs. Jenkins—“Dear me, Ma- tihla Jane, it’s no use trying to lie aristocratic any longer. I’ve done everything mortal woman could since your par did so well in lumber, but the obstacles is too got de Methodist. 1 want mor< -‘| great. I give it up. Matilda Jane religion.’ Immediately I got my j _“Why, ma, I think we’re getting my valise and set out, fearing he j ;don g splendid, Pm sure. YVe bad some terrible disease. ’ ; don’t eat with our knives Mr. YY'. knew the habits of Mr. ! by the people will be at band, and of tbe means to Ibis end not one would, iif \\ illiams A: West. Outhbert, tu N. Y. and re-1 Price $1 Per Bottle, or Sii Bottlos for *5- turn,. _ f4:5.40.1 *«"»*• ,,r - - r »”>•' ” r K - *’• »«"■ Cuthbqrt, to FliiJ-, and iv- turn. $41.40' Tickets good to return un til Nov. 31st, 1884. PROPOSED SAILING DATES Foi .limp. 1^1. SAVANNAHTONEW YORK. Crntra!, or 90 Meridian Time. rity of Aiifnistii. Sun. June 1. I2.:u» p. m. «•liattaluxK hee, Tuo. June 2.'*» p. in. NsieoorJiee, Fri. Junei^3.4A»!». in. Tallahassee, Sun. June s, 5. 5U a.* in. 4'ilv »Yt* Aujrunta. Tuos. June 10,7-4*0p. m. 4.'liatt;:hoo«'lice. Fri. June l-», i>.:50 a. in. iCaco«H*hee, Sun. June K>. 10..50 a. in. Tallahassee, Tues. June IT. 12.H4Iin. t’itv of Aujrusta, Fri. June20. n . • *hattah« i.rhee. Sun. June 22. a.«m»a. in. Naeooehec, Tues. June 24. T.m* p. m. Tallahassee, Fri. June27. iUNi a- u*. Fity of Augusta. Pun. June2!). 10.30a. in. FOR PHILADELPHIA. City Savannah.Sat. June". 5.un p. in. Juniata, Sat. June 14, 10.30 a. in. Fity of Savannah. Sat. June 21,4.30p. m. Juniata, Sat. June J8, 10.30 a. iu. G. M. SOUJlJILL. Af/t. Savannah, Ga. mav 20-til lin k. Eufaula. Ala. TRY OTJR romiHHuul Ciiiehona Mixture for Fever and A^ue. aiul Diseases arising from Billions De- ranjreniem enuseO l*y Malaria, such as 4'hills. Fever, Billions Fever, etc. It is put up in palatable form so that any one can take it. It is a certain cure. PREPARED BY E. C. BULLOCK, Wholesale & Retail Druggist, EUFAULA, ALA. April 24-Om. He presently returned, much amazed, and addressing bis wife by name, exclaimed, “Why, I've got my sight back, but bow did I come to be in the garden?” He said he had fult something give way IE his head, and instantly what he supposed to be his sight [ more effect than an returned. The six wrecks previ ous were an entire blank to him, and it was with difficulty that he could be convinced that it was Ju ly instead of May. ilis physicians are unable to account for liis strange case. ty: despair, not hope: misery, not happiness; and with the malevo lence of a fiend, it calmly surveys its frightful desolation, and un satisfied with its havoc, itjioisons fidelity, kills peace, ruins morals, blights confidence, slays reputa tion, anil wi|ics out national lion ors. then curses the world and laughs at its ruin. "Oh, yes, we've got the Mctli oilist here, too, but not so bad as Mr. T.” Frenchman danger, he was iniluccd to spend the night. our knives any more, and we’ve got so we dare speak to the butler at dinner. The wry you say ‘James you may go' sounds like a queen talking. And assuring the What is the trouble now? Mrs. lie would he iu -no | Jenkins—“YVell’ I was reading only a little while ago that the gout and a family feud were ne cessary adjuncts to aristocracy, and I don't see any prospects of securing ritUer.” truth betrayed and pledges bro-: w |,j c |, money thus paid should ken, and when suffrage shall be; command. It is the duty of those! Vindicator, was in Austin the otli- altogether. free and uncorrupted, ^trusted with the management er ( i aVi an(l we j, skc(I | lim al< ont full realization of government of these affairs to see that such t | ie slateof morality in Crosliy public service is forthcoming.; count}’ since the local option law Ihe selection and retention of forbiilding the sale of intoxicating ray judgment, be of j subordinates in the government lj qnors ha.l gone into effect. employment should depend on | -Why, there ain't a prisoner in I AMENDMENT TO A Heavy Failare. A certain bachelor merchant traveler went into business on his own hook two or three years ago,! There was a banquet at Austin Temperance Item. j :in, l last week one of his friends' not long since, at which Governor Bill Snort, eilitor of the Crosby i bear< 5 bc ba 4 failed, and went to j Lubbock made a speech. “YVhen County Clarion and Farmers’ j *** l,im a!>0,,t il - 11 am travelling in foreign parts,” “Hello, Charlie!” lie said, going I said the Governor, entlmsias jical- into liis office,“how is this?” j 13', “I am pioud to say that I am “How is what?” responded from the Lone Star Sla’c. YY’lien Charles. 1 1 register at a hotel I pick out a “YVI13- I heard you had failed.; pen with a broad point and I w rite Is there any truth in it? v alter my name, in big letters: “Yes, I’m sorry to saj- there is.” j 'From Texas.’ ” “Y’cs,” whisper- tiie coxstitctiox | their aseertainetl fitness and the {tlte C o Un t V jail. It is as empty as j “That’s bad, I thought you were disqualifying the president from value of tUeir wo, k - and l |,e - v the head of the fellow who is try- getting along first rate.” re-election. YY’lien we consider I s * ,ou I<I 1,0 neither cxjiccteii nor to ri|n an npi^sition jiaper to the patronage of this great office, I allo ' ve,, to do T’estionsble party | lnlnc in Crosby CO unty.” the allurements of power, the! scrvice ' The interests of the peo “I, the vacant condition of the the jail owing to local option law?"’ service. 1. ... . . . ... , : pie will be better protected 1 temptation to retain publie places ! 1 1 1 , , „ estimate of public labor and iluty onee gained, and more than all. 1 | the availability of part3 - funds in. . . _ 1 an incumbent, where the horde of i lic cm la ment will be <>l>en to all county to get drunk “So did I; till Tuesday night.” “Is that when it caught yon?'’ “Yes.” “Have you made an assign- Sibcrian woman you marvel that dogs should lie so cheap. A Philadelphia woman drank a pint of coal oil with suicidal in tent, but as she forgot to swallow a lighted match she still lives. “Mankind is rising higher and higher as time goes on,” remarks a philosopher. So are the bot toms of the fruit measures. “The oldest inhabitant is us ually a man,” says an exchange. But it needn’t he so if women would only stand lip to their ages. Connecticut lawyers are now obliged to stand while examining witnesses. As this tires them out sooner it is regarded as quite an improvement. YY'ivcs are presumptious crea tures. They are always askiug for a lock of their lover’s hair be fore marriage, anel taking it with out asking afterwarels. YY'hat is fly-fishing? YVhy, it is the good old patriarch sitting in a country church, trying to capture the fly that seeks happiness on the top of his ivory-finished head. This is the season of the year when the honest tramp, energeti cal^' searching for work, careful ly surreys the back yard, and when he sees a buck-saw banging on the kitchen door jamb, passes on. It is claimed that the wealth of the United States averages !f‘J0O to every inhabitant, and yet lots ol women have to hang over the back fence anil borrow alittlecof- fee before tlic-v can have break fast. “That is just it. The sheriff eil a gentleman who happened t he present at the banquet, “and | when the hotel clerk sees it he asks for cash in advance and puts the Texan up in the sixth store-.” —Sifting*. will be immensely approved, pub- j i la q to go over i nto tbe adjoining I “' Vel1 , »<* " anil while A Stinging Rcbake. A correspondent of the Barnes., • , . ville Gazette tells this: office holders with a zeal born of who fan demonstrate their fitness | le was gone all the prisoners The followin' 1 occurred durin" benefits received and f.istered by cnter l . t ’ nnseeml Y scramble for j about 27 in all, made their escape. The family of Rev. 1’. S. Twitty “YV'hat was the amount of the! Ieft on last TueaUa >’ fur Cuthbcrt ItLAXK BOOKS of every kind.size and style,cheap er than ever before, at at>r‘>Hf .J. YY'. Staxeokd’s. fk 11'r i:\Tiurrs. Strawberry. Orange, Banana, 1’inc Apple. Vanilla, anil Lemon, at ALLISON ifc SIMPSON’S. St at"i onery, J^FJIAL CAP PAPER, Fools 4.’;i|* Paper, lA’tter Paper, Note Paper. OHt Ktlpet! Paper. Envelojie.s and Pens, at <t J. P. TOOMBS A- BRO.\<?. —Those Organs are beautiful and cheap at J. YY". Stanford's. Trasses, Surgical Instra- ments, Physicians’ Supplies On band, or Ordered, if wanted, by et J. P. TOOMBS & BRO. CRAIN CRADLES, at bottom prices, at et ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. the recent election in a neighbor ing district: A young man rather addicted to drink, bad been made the subject of special prayer on several occasions b\- a member of the church. It chanced that this member of the church and the 3'oung man went up to vote about the same time. The praying man put in a vote for the sale of liquor; the young man voted against the sale; and remarked to the church man, “You have been praying for me, calling m3' name in church— 3-011 know this to be my besetting sin—drinking. You have voted to keep the temptation lieforc me — Now I will beat you if I ever hear of you praying for me again.” Ba ther a stinging rebuke. I apple and White Wine vinegar, Forty uni] FKty Cents 1‘cr Gallon, 3. P. TOOMBS <C ISKO.'S. An Arkansas man went to church for the first time in his life. The minister announced through the local paper that he would discourse on “Lost Sheep,” and the man ho|,cd to gain some information regarding a stray ram of liis. the hope of favors 3d to come, stand read3' to aid with money and trained political service, we recognize in the eligibility of the president for re election a most serious danger to that calm, de liberate and intelligent political action which must characterize a government in* the people. THE DIGNITY OF LABOR. A true American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil. Contented labor is an evidence of national prosperity. The ability to work constitutes the capital anil wages of labor, the income of a vast nuinlier of our population, anil this interest should be jealous^' protected. Our working men are not asking unreasonable indulgence, but as intelligent and manl3* citizens they seek tbe same consideration which those demand who have other interests at stake. They should receive their full share of care and attention of those who place under the government, with 0 li, I tell you local option is do ing wonders for Crosb3' county.” —Texas Siftings, the consequent importuuity which embitters official life, will cease, and the pnblie departments will not be filled with tlioso who conceive it to be their first dut3' to aid the party to which tlic3' owe their places instead of ren dering an honest return to the people. I believe that the public temper is such that the voters of the land are prepared to support the party which gives tbe most promise of administering the government in that honest, simple and plain manner which is con sistent with its .-haracter and purposes. They' have learned that mystery and concealment in the management of their affairs cover tricks and betrayal. The statesmanship they reiyuirc con sists in honesty and frugality, a prompt response to the needs of the people as they arise, and a vigilant protection of all tlieir va ried interests. If I should be called to the chief magistracy of the nation by j f.,il„ rr 5i” | to spend a few weeks. Brother “A clean hundred thousand, old Tw,t, - V l,as lla<l a 8 ood ,leal ol i fellow” ! sickness in liis family recently, “Good heavens, man! Not that hut we are authorized by him to Jake an a Lazy Brother. One of our most charming young tallies felt a fear of bur glars, because there was no fast ening to the back door of tlieir residence. She was not alone in feeling this way; and, to tbe de light of the family, announced one day this week, that she had maile and put a button on the door and was all right now. For a night all slept qnietly, and weredisturb- ed by no tear; bnt their fears were aroused upon an investigation of her carpentering by a brother. The faet was brought ont that tbe button was fastened to tjie door, and when the door opened tbe button came with it. It was cruel in him to make tbe discovery, for that young lady- felt as secure as if the door was doubly barred.— Athens Chronicle, much? How tbe mischief did it happen?” “You won't give it away?” “Of course not.” “YVell you see Tuesday night after 1 was through work and had fixed my books, I called on that hundred thousand dollar widow I’ve been courting for a year, and asked her to be my wife, and 1 failed to get her, that’s how it happened. The sympathizing friend set up the drinks. Miss Annie Htiggup is one of the players in the Salem laities’ polo team. She is the “rusher of the club, and when the captain calls out, “Now Iluggup,” it completely paralyzes the young men in the opposing team. — Overtasked men should avoid the use of stimulants. They slioulil nse milk. The Divine Chemist made no mistake when he Flirting on pleasure yachts fk 1 # 1 hdffi^minUed-miIfc-am] pr^oouneed marrytime custom. 'Jt , ‘fti? , (^[il?irf7i0a'Wltl 'driuk.—. f. say that lie attributes it not to Dawson, but other aud immediate local causes. YY”ii 1 the Cuthbert Enterprise be so enterprising as to publish the above—Dawson Journal. “My son,” said an economical father, “an express train attains great speed. Lightning is prover bial for its rapidity, comets are supposed to hurl themselves through space at the rate of mil lion* of miles a day, but, compara tively speaking, ail these things are snails, my boy; all snails.” A man in Burlington, Vt., is bewailing the Tact that his wife is descending to the low arena of politics. He says she is a bolter and wont let hitu in after ten o'clock at night. IScttcr Than Nothing. “I haven't seen a man in a month of Sundays,” writes a Y'assar girl. “YY’e were out taking a ‘constitu tional’ Saturday and came across a scare crow in a eorn field. All the girls ran for it at once, and I only managed to secure a part of one of the skirts of its coat. Still it was something.”—Ex. — Some of the Texas papers notice the advance eastward of the prai rie dog, which the3' regard as a standing threat against the future prospects of the grazing districts of their State. Thus far it is said, they inhabit a section of country two hundred miles long and two hundred and fifty wide—west of Throckmorton, Shackleford, Cal lahan and Coleman Counties, and they arc distroying the best graz ing regions, consuming $10,000,- 000 worth a 3'ear. One paper says he does as much harm as the Kansas grasshopper. A full-bearded grandlatlier re cently hail his beard shaved off, showing a clean face for the first time for a number oryears. At the dinner table liis three-year old grand daughter noticed it. gazed long with wondering eyes, and final^' she ejaculated; “Grand father, whose head 3 011 got on?” » • “So your wife is dead?” said the Governor of Arkansaiv to a rural acquaintance. “Xo, she ain't dead.” “YVhy, I heard some time ago that she was dying.” “Y'es; I thought she was a d3'in, Guvnor, but airter all she liussel- ed 'round an’ disapp’inted ine.” w • — — “YY'hat do31m think of 1113- mous tache?” asked a young man of liis girl. Oh, it reminds ineof a west ern frontier city," was the an swer. “In what respect, pray?” “Because 'the survey is large enough, but the settlers arc strag gling.” "Why, father,” replied the young ■nan, lazily puffing a 25 eent ci gar, “what can possibly go faster than lightning?” “A *5 bill, after -it is.-vA^btyibeii, my son.” A young miss or sixteen asks what is the proper thing for her to do when she is serenaded by a party of gentlemen at a late hour. YY'e are glad to be able to answer this question. Steal softly down stairs and untie the dog. ll.c Breeders Gazette says that young farm animals should have free access to water, especially in warm weather, however abundant the supply of milk they may con- same. Miss Phcebe Couzins, the lectu rer, was sworn iu as deputy Uni ted States marshal at St. Louis, Mo., on last Tuesday, and will as sist her father, the marshal, as private secretary. Miss Couzins is the first lady ever made a depu ty in the United States. There is strong cviilcnce of tbe existence of petroleum in paying quantities along the Tombigben Giver in Alabama.