Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, August 28, 1884, Image 2

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ENTERPRISE AND APPEAL, W. H. COOPER. J.W. STANFORD, i Editors. CUT II BE in. GA. Tliarsdiv Mcirulne, An;, is. 1KH4. Mr. I. A. MARTI!? Ik oar A pent at Buford, and i« fully authorized to Wffire mid reeeipt for all none; paid him. National Democratic Ticket. For President, Hon.Grov’r Cleveland, Of New York. For Vice-President, Hon. T. A. Hendricks, Of Indiana. For Governor, nON. HENRY D. McDANIEL. For Secretary of State, IIOX. X. C. BARNETT. For Comptroller General, IION. W. A. WRIGIIT. For Treasurer, HON. ROBT. U. HARDEMAN. For Attorney General, IIOX. CLIFFORD AXDERSOX. SENATORIAL CONVENTION. The Convention to nominate a candidate for Senator from the 13th Senatorial District, will meet in Cu'thbcrt, at 10, A. SI., on Wed nesday, the 10! h day of Scptem her, as agreed on l*y the Chair man of the Democratic Executive Committee. H. A. CRITTEXDEX, Cli. Dem. Ex. Com. It. C. ■ m m m Heavy frosts occurred in vari oils parts of Xew Hampshire and Vermont this week. The cholera is becoming more general in Europe. Several cities ill Italy have it. and it lias a start also on tiiu island of Corsica. Three children saved from a lior riblc death by twenty five cents' worth of Slirincr’s Indian Vermi fuge. Tlie Democrats have united witli anti prohibitionist Republi cans of Kansas, and arc going to make the canvass on that issue. Physicians recommend Smith's Bile Ben ns. and say that they are tlie most efficacious liver regulator they have used. For sale by J. W. Stax ford. Our exchanges from nearly ev ery section tell of rust on cotton. Well, it is best not to make too much, anyhow. The Sibley cotton mills in Au gusta took tire last Friday, and before the flames could lie sub dued sulfered a loss of $30,000. The Jackson Xcws lias beer? sued for $10,000 damages, but i! declares that it is not at all stuclt up about it. Swift’s Specific (S. S. S.) lias cured me of a long standing case of Eczema, which has resisted all sorts of treatment. Rev. W. J. Robinson. X. Ga. Conference. Ninety thousand dollars have been divided out among tlie James’ Bank creditors, avd money is easier m Atlanta. War between France and China is imminent. It is thought that perhaps Germany is. hacking Chi na in her refusal to pay France the required indemnity. Atlanta commenced the search for artesian water last week. If the effort is successful the city will be dotted all over with arte sian wells. Mr. Henry L. Long, of Lee coun ty, lias been nominated for the State Senate from the lOtli Dis trict. embracing Lee, Dougherty and Worth counties. The Mj »f CitisMM. We boast of a great country, and our free institutions. Hen every man, unless convicted i crime, is a voter. Every man is a factor in the government. For the failure or success of all our affairs, therefore each individual is in a measure responsible. If good men are in office, and their administration is helpful to flic people, each man may congratu late himself upon the fact that lie had a part in the matter—he vo ted for them. If bad men curse the land by their counsels, each individual ought to feci that he is personally res|K>nsible for such a state of affairs—unless he both voted and used all his influence against them. Wc are soon to have a numlier of important elections. Offices are to be filled from the county Rep resentative up to the Presidency of the I’nited States. For every position the very best men possi hie ought to be selected. Good men ought to attend the prima ries, and all the conventions, and use their influence in favor of good men for these offices. It very fre quently occurs that a very objec tionable man get3 into office by bis own push and |iersistencr, and good men do not care to oppose him. All this is wrong. The good citizens of a town, county or State have it in their power to de feat all such men, and arc dire lict to their duly if they fail to do it. Many, after all, are not careful of their votes as they ought to be. The privilege of voting is a very great one, but it carries with it many rcs|x>nsibiliUes, and these ought always to bo considered.— We think no-man is entitled to the suffrage of liis fellow citizens un less lie IS I'EtlSOSALLT 1*1're. We do not stop to discuss the views held lay some, but to express our own. Wc would not ask what lie lias done for his party—but is lie an honest man—does lie pay bis debts—at the rate ot 100 cents on the dollar—is lie a man of integ ritv—a man of truth—does he live right—right in his family— right in his domestic relations— right in iiis business relations— right everywhere? Is he a man whose influence, socially and otii erwise, is good? Is lie, by reason of Iiis own private character, able to elevate the standard by which men estimate right and wrong? If so, good citizens can safely vote for him—otherwise they contrib ute by their vote to demoralize and debauch public sentiment by voting for men who do not possess these essential qualifications. Others can do as they please, hut for ourselves wc pnqiose to help into office by our vote, only such men as approve themselves j to iis by tlie possession of a sound | moral character. Senator Brown. The next Legislature of Geor gia which convenes in Atlanta next November will electa L’nited States Senator to succeed Senator Brown, whose term of office ex pires on tlie 4th of March 1885. Senator Brown will be a candi date for re election, and there can ' , l ■e-Vnlon of the (IkSeorfia. Many of the surviving members if this famous old regiment met n Macon last week, and had a pleasant time. Tlie meeting wae one of great interest, especially because of the return of a flag captured by the 56th X. Y. Rcgi ment, at the battle of Coosahatcli- ic. We wish we could copy the entire account of the meeting, hut the following condensed account we take from the Constitution. A full and interesting account is given in the Telegraph of the 22<i inst.: the exercises. Scaled on tlie stage were Cap tain J- S. King, Judge Xlies, Cap tain Kiddoo. Secretary Hightow er, Chaplain Lester, Captain Pot tie, Captain Fulton, Msj. Ainsley. Colonel Thomas Burney, Major D. B Jones, and Colonel Geo. W. Burr. On motion of Captain Pol tie Major D. H. Ainsley was called to the chair, ami Captain H. H. Hightower made secretary. Prayer was then offered by the chaplain, Rev. R. B. Lester. Col onel Thomas J. Burney then in troduced Congressman Harde man, who delivered the address of welcome, which was most pleasing to the survivors, and l.e was a; - platidcd throughout. He was re plied to by Captain E. II. Pottle. Captain L. C. Young, of the Fifty- sixth Xew York regiment was in troduced. As be stepped forward lie was received with cheers. In his hands lie held a package of brown pa|ier containing the flag of the regiment captured by his com mand. He made a profound impression on iiis hearers. He pictured the battle of the Olh of November, ’64, at FortCoosaliatehie, in such real istic colors that there was a com motion among the listeners often. He told how the two opposing commands met, of the gallant charges. He pictured the bril liant charge of the Fifth Georgia as it drove Iiis regiment through the famous scdgefield, of the com pany’s strategic movement over topping their left. HOW THE FI.AO WAS CAFTITRED. At this moment the flag wo. captured. The color sergeant wared the flig h'gli above Iiis head, and the men rallied about it. He was shot down, followed by five others, still the colors would lie tossed up, never hating been allowed to trail the dust Its heroic defense elicited tin highest admiration of the con quering foe. It was the pride ot the regiment to capture it. As ihe last man who held it fell, il sank to rise no more until present ed to day to its gallant defenders. It had liecn the desire of the com inand to return the colors, and to day it gives them pleasure to do so. As lie said ibis he unrolled tin- package and the flag was dis played. He was filled with emo tion and eould hardly give litter anee to Iiis thoughts. When the flag was unfolded and the inscrip lion caught the men who had foi lowed it so often, there arose THE RKKEI. TEEL that lasted several seconds. The scene was one seldom witnessed. Men and women shed tears of emotion that could only lie brought forth on occasions like tlii-r. When the s|)eaker finished be was eon gratulated on all sides for his man ly address and sympathetic ac tions. Captain John F. Kiddoo then took it and in a brief speech received it in behalf of the regi ment. The following was the election of officers: President—Major D II. Ains- lcy. Vice Presidents: Captain EicrjthingoB Wbeels|JOHI IL RESDINB & CO, * | WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. be no doubt but that the General George A. Adams, company A.; Assembly will endorse him. We Ca l'* ai " S - "/ CPm l»» , t.„—• , nv B.; Captain Michcal Donation, hope, howexer, that this endorse ,-ompany C ; Captain E. H. Pot’ ment will be the unanimous voice I tie, company I).; Captain John of our Legislature. i A. Fulton, company E.; Captain If there ever has been a Sena-j * ,olin F. Kiddoo, company F.; WE want to see all of our friends from this and the surrounding counties, at our ^ NEW STABLES, On Foster's Corner. Wc will stable their Horses on their first visit for nothing, as wc want our friends to see how Up I Wc mean ‘'Business,” and will treat you right. ^il^Oiir City Friends, who want a nice, nobhy Turnout, can find it here. No broken down Horses, and no old rusty Bugav ottered for hire. Our Horses are fleet and spirited, and our Busbies new and bright. RIDIjWAY & PEARCE. ss I WHipst! I will have one of the Largest and one of the Clien|>est Stocks ol Harness and Whips ever seen in this country. I shall keep all the Grades. Those who want a real Fine Set, can find it at my stand, and those who want a Set for a little money, can find it at the same place. My Harness is kept at the old Alhambra Building, now occu pied by the new and popular store of Mr. J. L. Sai-xuers. 133! Do you want a nice Buggy, in which to give your wile or your lady love a comfortable ride? I keep That Sort of a Buggy. Mine arc new and stylish, and of all kinds—high enough for the rich, and cheap enough for the man of moderate means. I will sell you a Buggy as cheap as anybody, and don’t you forget it. Jump Into the Wagon, and We’ll All Take a Ride. 1 keep Wagons—One Horse, Two Horse, Four Horse, or any other »ize required. These Wagons are of TIIE BEST MAKE, and will commend themselves to the people by their excellencies, and their moderate cost. All I ask is a trial. I know I can do as good a part by the publii as nnv other man. Come and see me. a,, ^ r28 E- B RIDCWAY* R. II. Wliitely, the radical seal awag who lived to misrepresent this district in Congress. lias been heard from lately in .a way that brings no surprise to many who knew him here. Mrs. Wliitely. sus|>ccting that something was wrong, followed him one evening in a walk with a woman of ill-re pute. In Iiis anger Wliitely knock ed his wife down. Mrs. Wliitely sued for, ami obtained a divorce, and a few hours after the misera ble villain was married to the base woman for whom he had left tin- presence of a pure, good woman. New Advertisements. To LiiHUM’S! Headquarters for Bagging and Ties, a Rubber Belting, an at Quitman County Department. W. A. JORDAN. : Editor. A good rain is needed. The river is so low it is hardly navigable to Columbus. Dr. J. W. Mercer left Monday for Xew Holland Springs. The literal translation of’Coun tryman’ is ‘A Native of the North American Continent.’ We understand that Messrs. Jones & I’ost have dissolved co partnership, and that Mr. l’ost is the proprietor of the ‘-Echo.” We wish him success in iiis un dertaking. Cotton is opening rapidly, and in a fi w more days the staple will begin to roll in, and trade will brighten, anil the gloomy anil restless merchants will begin to wear a pleasing countenance. Mr. D. M. Davidson is erecti ng a new store on the east side of Main street. It will add greatly to that side of the street. Mr. John Speight, of Ft. Gaines, was in town Monday, visiting 1‘rof E. A. Iveose’s family. The merchants are buying their fall stock, and say they are going to sell goods cheap. Convince the farmer of the fact-, and you will get his trad?. There is no better cotton market in S. W. Ga., than Georgetown. Buy tlie far mers cotton, give him the top ol the market, sell him goods cheap, turn over your money at a small |>er cent., and often, and every thing will lie as happy as a mar riage bell. tor entitled to the unanimous :.p j Lic,,t “ C. B. Hudson, emu provn 1 of both Legislature an ',| G.; Captain L- M. Burras, people Joseph E. Brown is that con,1>an ' U < / M‘ laln G. k'"g, man. The day on which he took ' co,n l ,an y X.; C aptam G. \\. Burr, j his scat upon' the floor of the | sc< ^'' a ^' an, ‘ lr f aS '", cr - greatest deliberative body in the ALLISON & SIMPSON S. Griffin was selected as the next saw him assume the posi fi!,** , of thc sc « ,ni1 tion of leading Southern Senator ! il '" r * ,a : v A "S" 8t next year. A ami not many months bail rolled I '°. tc thanks was te |1( forc'i by ere lie was considered the fore- i lal " * " lln =’ 1 ie 0 **th ^ 01 *' most statesman in that aiooist : lc e' n,cn, ./ or the return of the flag . bodv, without reference to sec 1 lo tl,L ‘ re S ,n,cnt ’ an,i an invitation tions or boundary lines. j was extended lc to be present at Joseph E. Brown has grandly 1 ,c m Xt reunion. illustrated Georgia in the nation al councils, lie has reflected honor and credit upon the Aineri can |<coplc; and has come to be regarded as one of the ablest and safest statesman in the world. Tlie Democrat is proud of this great Georgian. His |rresenee in thc Senate reminds us of the by gone days when intellectual giants held sway in the body—ol the days of Clay, Calhoun and Webster and their great confreres. l T |mn every important question before the Senate Governor Brown entered the debate the Iiest equip |>ed man lumn the floor; and whenever antagonized lie never failed to bring down Iiis antagon ist whether he hailed 1mm Massa clmsctts, the land o( “isms.” or from the plains of “bleeding" Kansas. Upon all subjects, whether moral, soeial or political. Governor Brown has shown awid er range of information and a stronger grasp of mind than any other Senator. These arc cold facts that cannot lie niblicd out, and, hence, the Georgia Legisla ture could not do a wiser nor more graceful act than to re-elect Joseph E. Brown lo the United States Senate by a unanimous vote.—Bninbritiye Democrat. -»-» m Rev. A. B. Lawrence, pastor Second Presbyterian church, Winston, North Carolina, writes, he thinks it Iiis duty to stule. thnt having suffered several years witli inflammatory rheumatism, and having tried in vain all other remedies, lie was induced to try St. Jacobs Oil, Hie marvelous pain-cure, which after continued use, cured him entirely. Jackson county went for prohi bition last week by 500 majority. AOer thanking the eitizens for their kind hospitality the meet ing adjourned until 4 p. m., at which time carriages were sccur Citation for Sale. S TATE OF GEOKOIA. Randolph Covnty. To Alt Whom it may Concern: Willis 1*. Jenkins, administrator of S. M. Ihikc deceased, lias in due form ap plied I)* the undersigned for leave to sell tlie lands and \iersnnal property Is-- longing to tlie estate of said defeased, and said application will l»c heard on the Ist Monday in Octolicr. tssl. M. t.oRMLKY. < irdinarv. Aug., Sitli. 1SSJ.—ang 2X id. Buggy & Wagon Har ness. ANDREW FEMALE COLLEGE, i l imci:i:t. ga. Opens Its Nest Annual Session Srptrmher 17, 1884. O Nhnf the fir.-t College* for vounjr ladies in the South. Course of study ostial t«* any in the State. Faculty c«i"f*o>ed of thoroughly trained grnfle nun and ladies. Building* and sur roundings lieatififtil. < liniate and home comforts ;i|| that can he desired. Our work is thorough in all tlie department* \\ e a |>| tea I to Patrons and Pupils for en dorsement. Besides the regular College course we have wcil^ organized department* in tterinan, 1 re null, V»x-al and Instrumen tal Music and Art.^ Nocxtra charges for instruction in Calisthenics, Class Sinr- fng and IVnmamdiip. Terms among the best, considering the advantages afforded. Board $l!» iwr month, washing not included. For Cat alogue or other information, write to the President. K*y. HOW A KB wr. KEY, A. M. July;; td South-W est-Georgia AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. (Eransb or tie Diirersitr of Georg;?,) CVTHBERT, - - GA etl ami the company rode over tlie j city. For 110 Bays trill Offer Special Inducements. — » i | Must be Sold. Call on Fraudulent tax return is tlie) Us Before You But/. ALLISON & SIMPSON. BENJ. T. HUNITER, A. M, President rule not the cxcepti jn in Georgia, j People do not seem to think that | it is perjury to give in their prop-! erty at one-third or one half its 1 real value, and go on making: these fraudulent returns from ‘ year to year, thus adding a bur j den to the honest tax payers of tlie State. Were honest returns | made Georgia would rank as one of thc wealthiest States in tlie Union, and her |ieople would have the satisfaction of knowing that all were bearing an equal share in the support of tlie Slate govern ment. Tlie next Legislature should take this matter in hand and adopt some method that would equalize taxation.—Albany Medium. ■ ♦ » ThMMia4>Say M*. Mr. T. W. Atkins,Girard, Kan., writes: “I never hesitate to re commend your Electric Hitters to my customers, they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers.” Electric Bitters are tlie purest and best modieine known and will jmsitivcly cure Kidney and Liver complaints. Purify the blood ami regulate thc 'bowels. No tainily can afford to lie without them. They will save hundreds of dollars in doctor's hills every year. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by J. W. Staxford. Pryor’s Pile Ointment Will positively cure IIEMOBKHOID’S or PILES, of any form, or in any stage! For this annoying trouble it lias been in popular use for many years, ami is very favorably known as a*Specific Cure, ft is also tin; very !*est remedy known for Sore Nipples. Felons, Corns. Ul«l S»res, Scald Head, Tetter, Fleers and kindred diseases. From Montgomery, Ala , a gentleman writes: “1 had lieen sorely afflicted with IMlcs for ten years, and obtained imme diate relief ami a i»eriiiancnt cure l*y us ing Pryor’* Ointment.” A gentleman writes from Cusseta. Ala.: "1 used Pr.or’s Ointment in an aggravated ease o’f Piles of eight years standing, and in an incredibly short time it made a complete cure.” .Sent by mail on receipt of the price - •Vh\ a l»ox. Sold by Druggists and Dealers every where. Prepared only by the s*-lo Proprietor. J. BRADFIELD, 108 S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Oa. Mother’s Friend. Quick and Easy Cbild Birth Thousands of women over the land testify to the wonderful effects of this great remedy; it will not only shorten labor and lessen the intensity of pain and suffering beyond expression, hut better than all. it thereby greatly dimin ishes the danger to life of both mother and child. This great - boon to suffering woman is Holmes’ Liniment, or Mother's Friend. Prepared and sold hy J. Rrap- FIF.LP. Atlanta. Ga. Sold hy all Drug gist*. Price fLart |>er bottle. Sent by Express on receipt of price. aug2> 1m. C 'lORPS of Teachers full. Tlie Fall J Session ojtens on the First Monday in SeptemlxT. The appropriation to the 1 ollcge of ha* !*een restored, thus enabling the Trustees to put the Inciden- t.*.! Fee at so CHARGES FOR TUITION. Board can he had at prices ranging from |10 to $12 jx*r niontti. Catalogue* giving full and definite information sent on application to tlie President. July 10-1 v. On The Road! :0: tv•****”**'*”■ Our Immense Full and Winter Stock ot Store Their Cotton "With Us. Our long experience in the business enables us to guarantee satisfaction, ami we promise to save you money if you will let us liamllc ami sell your Cotton. All we ask is a trial, ami you will beeonvineetl of this fact. Before selling your Cotton be* sure to call on us ami i*>i*t yourself as to prices. Celebrated Pratt Gin, which is the best Gin made. We sold over twenty-five hundred dollars worth of these Gins last season, and we take pleasure in referring you to any of our numerous customers. If you want a First-Class Engine, or any kind of Machinery, call and see us and get the most favorable p' ices and terms. Thanking you tor a liberal patronage in the past, we are, Respectfully, J. M. REDDING & CO. July 31 3m. Goods, embracing Fancy & Staple Dry Goods, Shoes and Hats, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hardware and Groceries. BOOH! BOOH! BOOH! Come to the Brick Warehouse An<l see tlie fine array of CIN8 I have on exhibition. I will show you Which is noted for good work and cheapness. Which is warranted not to choke under any circumstances when fed with dry cotton. Which is rat proof, (lust j roof, and proof against giving you troubli when you want work. Which stands in the front rank witli any, and has thc advantage ol being made near home. THE NANCE COTTON PRESS, Ami a Crain and. Cotton Seed Crusher <»adehv the B-irlmiir Machine Work*, fcufaiiht, Alabama, i.«mi winch place! can furnish you at short notice, Pulleys, Castings, and Shaftings. Call and see me, and don’t forgot that I shall lie better prepared to serve you in the COTTON J3UST>s t<JSS the coming season titan ever before. Bcs|)cctfiill.v. Bureaus. Washstands, and other extra pieces of Furniture in proportion. These goods will, and must be sold eh»ap for Cash. You are respectfully invit ed to examine our goods. j. m iavv apr 17-ct. B. W. ELLIS. July 24. 3ni. 163 BROAD ST. apr-10-ly. BLOOD PURIFIERS. W Ek«N»p constantly <m hand the fol low ing Blood Purifiers, and other popular Patent Medicines of the day : Brown's Iron Bitters. Toombs* Iron Ritters. Toombs' Creek Indian Keinedy. Hop Bitters Warner’s Safe Kidtiev and Liver t'ure. Brad field's Female Regulator. Dronigoole’s Female Regulator. Mrs. Pinkliatn's Vegetable Comjmmini. Lemon Elixir. Wizard < HI. S- 9*. *. K . R.R. Taylor’* Sweet Gum and Mullein. Cough, Cold and Lung Remedies of every kind. Liniments and Pills of all kinds. Spices and Flavoring Extract*. : In fact we keep in stock every Patent Medieine you can t all for. Our drug stock J Iscomidetc, and you can find what you want. »*v calling to see ti*. juIy.H-ct J. P TOOMBS A BRO. JUST RECEIVED, 50 OUSCES QtTXJXE, 100 OUNCES CISCHOStMA, O X OUNCES MORPHINE, -50 AT et J. r. TOOMBS ft BBO.’S. NEW GRIST HILL —AND— COTTON CIN, I AM NOW BETTER PREPARED than ever for ginning cotton. My whole outfit is entirely new. My Gin is new. and I stand ready to turn out a hale of cotton every 40 minute*. 1 will also run a Grist Mill, and parties can bring tlicir corn any day. I-ocatiou AW yards to the North of my Dwelling. 'Grist Mill will be ready in altout 3 week*. „ J. T. JAY. \\ arris. Ga.. Aug. 7. IR*4. 1 m. Genuine Lard Oil, Q.KXVIXE MACHINE OIL. Genuine Engine Oik. Genuine 130 Degree* Kerosene Oil, Cheap. Cheaper. Cheapen!, at et J. p. TOOMBS A BRO.’8. —Taylor's Premium Cologae for sale at J. W. Stawfowd’s. —Fishing Tackle, in great va riety at J. W. SiAxroRb's. Physicians, and at! of My Frtenil*,cau find Me in My Boom in Kenr of Drug Store, Prepared to Fill Prescription* at Might. jy3l-ct R. >1 TOOMBS, Jk. Lamps for the Millions, —AT— ct J. r. TOOMBS A BRO. S. FRESH TURNIP SEEDS, Of All Kinds, at ct J. P. TOOMBS A BRO. S. TO THE LADIES! W E invite your special attention to our splendid line of Perfumery, Colognes, Extracts, Toi let Powders, Cosmetics, AND FANCY GOODS GENERALLY. We offer you the Best G«>od*. or none. Our Stock is Select and Complete, et J. P. TfHlMRS A BRO. NOPATENT, NOPAY D A Meehan lAlIjIi 10 leal Devices, Com pound*. Designs and I-ahels. All pre- (imiunry examination* a* to patentabili ty of invention*. free. Our “Guide for Obtaining Patents” is sent free every where. Address— LOt* IS BAGGER A CO., .Solicitors of Patents, KduWidipJ 18fH. Waskisgtok, D. i ’. xuayll-tf. A. QUICK AXI) SURE CURE FOR HEADACHE. WEEDEN & DENT’S HEADACHE MEDICINE. Ever}’ family needs this remedy, would not be without it People who have used it For Fifty Times the Cost of it. It Speedily Cores Sick, or Nervous, or aiy other kind of HiliAllliililHlE If the complaint is caused by Indigestion, this remedy will in less than an hour, make the stomach behave itself and go on with its business, thereby curing the Headache. If thc Headache is caused by excitement, or Nervous Weakness, or Neural gin, this remedy will Cure it in a Half Hour. It does not Constipate or cause any other bad symptoms. It Leaves the System in Splendid Condition. We are the only makers of this remedy. Trial bottles 25 cents; also put up in 50 cents and 81.00 bottles. WHOLESALE IDIRATG-O-ISTS, IETJ.E\A.T7Ij-A., ALA. april 10 6m Fur sale by J. IV. STAXFORD, Culkbert, Ga.