Cuthbert enterprise and appeal. (Cuthbert, Ga.) 18??-1888, September 04, 1884, Image 1

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Cuthbert^ Enterprise and Appeal. ✓ s. BT STANFORD k C00P£R. VOL. IV. independent in All Things—Neutral in Nothing.” TERMS $1.50 IN ADVANCE. CUTHBERT, GA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1884. NO. :io Enterprise & Appeal. PIBU»MEI>KVKKY THl'ItSlUY i nicf d|i Nlnii> ioe Pousihiw. lt«»! > ldiji|£-**lVoiil ICooia. sniSl’KIITION PRICE : On«* copy on<* year .... “ * Eight months . . 11 Four months . . ADVERTISING RATES: One square, (ten I n-s or less) 1 Insertion . . • • • • * • $LOO For each sid>H4*quc»nt insertion . •*<) All pcrsmwl matter doable /n ice. Obituaries will be el nursed for as oilier advertisements. Advertisements inserted without pjieeificutitn) as to the number of in sertions, will lie published until order ed out, and charged accordingly. All advertisements due when hand ed in. %RtSuira«£llf ^»^usr, CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Lumbago. Backache. Headache, Toothache. fSn Thrwit, Swrlllaga. Sprnto*. Ilrol»r«, Uirw. h«»W«. Fr»«t Hit •-*. 1M) All. UTIO.K BODILY PAl.NS .iM> iUirS. S-M br m.d l»r»l^r»«frv wb*rt. Fifty Cent# a i-ntti*-. nimtioM la II Ltantfci. Tin-'. riUKI.KH A. VOUEI.KK «’0. .Swwcn <o V YuOKLfcl*. * CO.) lUitiawrw, » J.. L. 8. A. jy The Substitute. Rev. M. Pennell, pastor of tlie First Sncietj-, Brookville, entered his liotisc, one afternoon in Jilly, with an expression ii|>on his coun tenance so unlike the look of wea riness generally there visible, that his wife, noticing it, inquired: -What lias occurred that af fords you such evident gratifica tion?’’ “Yon know I was wishing that I might have a t mporary relief from my cares, hut was unwilling to take a vacation because of my belief tha no church should,even ; hear him; the prayer-meeting Had for one Sunday, be without preach : ‘ n attendance larger than in.rS"’ ! had evc-r before known; the “sew 8 * j “Yes. And I know that von in g circle,” usually discontinued pulpit, an old man, whose frame was bowed, whose bairwas silver ed by age, extended bis hand and said tremulously: ■•Brother Smith, in my more than eighty years I have never heard so excellent a sermon as yours.” • - - “Thank you,” returned Mr. Smith. “Your kind words arc cn kindness if you will express the ring at once to me at Rochester, New York.” Mr. Campbell promised to do so. Mr. Smith thanked him ami was gone. The detective named was sum ■noned by telegraph, ami within twelve hours arrived in Brook ville. To hiuj the president stat- eonraging"—and a blush sutfnsed. ed all the facts in the case, of Ins face. j which the officer made a mentor From that time his praises were nndtim. Then, as i:i verification on every lip. People who were noted Sabbath breakers went to Church Dire story. Fright fill Catarrh. Methodist Curncii.— Rev. F. A. BRANCH, Paster. ?WVin*8 every Sabballi morning •tiilevoiiiiig. Prayer meeting Thurs day night. Sabbath school at ‘JL A.‘M. Preaching 11 A. M. Baptist Curia ii.— Rev. \Y. II. COOPER, Pastor. Services every Sabbath, morning and evening. Prayer meeting Wednes day night. Sabbath school Sunday fiO A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. 1*i:esrvtri:ian Ciirnrn.— Ri:\. M. C. BRITT, Pastor. Services, second, third and fourth Sundays, morning an3 eV< ning.— Prayer meeting Wednesday night. Sabhatli Scliooi, ‘.J 1 ., A. M. Preaching 11 A. M. Pieces of 3one. For four year' I have* been uttliiTcd with a very trouMesyine ca.tarriiof the licad. So terrible has its nature been that when 1 blew my nose small piece* of bone would frequently conn* out of my mouth and nose. The discharge was copious, and at times exceedingly I offensive. M v blond U ranic so ini]>ure [ that my general health was greatly im paired. with poor appetite and worse I digestion. Numerous were used with out relief, until 1 began the use of R. It. j It., and three bottles acted almost like i magic, since their use not a symy tom has returned, and 1 feel in every way | quite re.-ton-d to health. I am an old j citizen of Atlanta, and refer to almost i any one living on Butler street, and j more particularly to Dr. (dllinan, win owe il to your people, not less tlmu to yourself, to rest from your labors; so doing, you emibl ac complisii mueli more. Have you decided to go away for a season?” ■ Read that,” he replied, pass ing a letter to bis wife. She unfolded the missive, whose contents were: ••( , New York, July 12, IS—. Dear Bki/ihek Pjcxxki.i.—Yon through the hot months, was re organized, and of it he was the moving spirit. The young men liked him; the young women—married as well as single—fairly adored him. With reference to the gentler sex. lie acted circumspectly, being courteous toward all, but raani ■ festing no favoritism for any of hem. In a fortnight lie was as j tr ivman could de- of these statements: “The door of the bank was lock ed when you reached it?” lie said, it i interrogatively. “It was,” returned Mr. Camp bell. •The safe was also locked.” | the ruse by which he gained a “Yes.” j knowledge of your combination, j some one who was your pastor’s classmate at the Theological Seminary by consulting the cata logues of the institution for vari ous years. Fortune favored liis selecting Sir. Blake. He had never corresponded with Sir. Pen nell, but was thoroughly versed in his ways. This circumstance en abled Smith to write to your pas tor, with no fear of detection by- reason of the penmanship. The timeof writing was also opportline, as Sir. Blake was on the point of leaving home, and Sir. Pennell could not write to him concerning the would be substitute. “The ring—it may or may not have been worth something—was Kn-KInx Lights. An old negro who lived near Bowling Green. Kentucky, dccid ed to hold what he termed a cole bration. lie went to town on an errand of preparation, and, going to Slayor Henry C. Hines, a large grocery dealer, said: “Cap’n we'se gwine ter hab cr sort o' celebration and ’uiemora- MAN. Man that is born of a woman is small potatoes and few in the hill. He risetli up to day and Hour- islictli like a rag weed, and to- morrow or the day after the un dertaker lias him in the ice box. He goelli forth in the morning warbling like the lark, ami is knocked out in one round and two tion down ter my house, an’ uiy ! seconds, wife what ain er mighty 'oman airter fasliun, sail, wanted ter git i some o’ dese licah blue an' green candles.” The mayor did not happen to think that the fellow meant wax candles, but. pulling open the drawer of Roman candles, said: “Are these the kind, uncle?” “Yas sail; yns. da's do kino, 1 knows of III V I M i:s A. M. K. fiirirni.— Rev. S. M. CLARK, l’a.dor. Survives every Sahhatli. Sahhatli School !l*.j A. )l. Breaching •> and 7',. o’clock, 1*. M. Chios meeting Braver meeting Monday night. Tlniimhiy night. SMITH'S ELIZABETH KNOTT. A LITTLE GOLD, Mr. '/.. A. Cl; rlc, of Atlanta, Hu., in speaking of #I> , *.*ni in gold desires to say to the readers of this paper, that the wlioh* of the above amount was spent in a fruitless effort in liuding relief from a terrible Blood Poison alb*- ting his” body, limbs and nose presenting nglv run ning ulcers, lie i* now sound and well, having been cured by the most speedy and wonderful remedy ever before known, and any interested 'party who may need a Blood Burilier will learn from him that three bottle-'of B. B. B. restored hi* appetite, healed ad ulcers, relieved hi* kidneys, and added twenty- one pound* to bis weight in thirty davs. TWO DRUGGISTS. will he surprised at hearing from ! popular as a clergy your former classmate iu Ando . s j rc to lie. ver, Between whom and youisell . , , , , . . ... . * 1 should like to ask there lias never been any com.*- , spondencc; but a few words will ^ Li\or of }on, lie said render all comprehensible. From j Campbell, president and . my remembrance ofyutir views re- i of the local bank, a “pillar” of the peeling the.duties ol a pastor, ,.| ltIrc | 1> ., s t> ie y sat j n conversa-1 age lias tion one evening. with?” “The windows were fastened as When you opened the safe lie thinks. Gin me ail de colors whut usual?” ! learned the number that you used,; yer’s got. I)is is fine. Gw ine to “They were.” j and bis unsuccessful attempt to hab er mighty ‘splay out dar. “Who knows the combination 1 open it after you was a mere boss. Otillid ladies an' genner- tliat you use on your lock to the' "blind.’ Of course, to obtain an 1 men coinin' from everwbar. Gwine safe?” ! entrance to the building was an to make dat house look like o' dese j ° “No one but myself.” easy matter for him. I shall this heali Christmas trees. “Have you ever committed it very day go in pursuit of him, and yer light’em?" paper?” inv advice is, say nothing of w hat ' “This way on tlie end •1 have, and the paper is non ' I have told you to any one except How docs ‘Blecgcd ter yer, rail. Make In the midst of life lie is in debt, and the tax collector pursu- etb him wherever he goetli. The banister of life is full of splinters, and lie slidetb down it with considerable rapidity. He walkclli forth in the bright sunlight to absorb ozone, and mcctelh the bank teller with a sight draft fo* - .$357. lie comcth home at eventide and mceteth the wheelbarrow in his path, and the wheelbarrow risetli up and smitetli him to the earth, and falleth upon him and runneth one of its legs into his ear. In the gentle springtime he puttelli on his summer clothes, and a blizzard strikctli him far in a sealed pae.' age, liolden by my the directors, more than that I dem folks think dat I’se up in de away from home, and lilleth him with woe and rheumatism. , I and from w hat I have beard oi l your faithfulness, I apprehend that you would not sacrifice what; “Do not hesitate to ask any fa j ‘I suppose that it .you. jicrbaps unwisely, regard the vor which it is in my power to Will learn shortly;” and lie grant,” was the reply. “It is not exactly the thin an humble servant of the wear this ring”—extending • Do yon know that the pack- Early in December he received presented a gorgeous display, never 1 ‘ ’ been tampered . a telegram from the detective at 1 The Roman candles were placed York, which contained the on the table in polished sticks ! New wellare of your people to your physical and, of course, mental health and strength. “A young man whom I consid ered very gifted lias been study ing with me tor nearly two years, and would like to preach a few j Sundays, experimental! y. l'mvi- ... . ilc I vim wish ti> be absent lrol , 1 'n 1 |;eites n ImsC fur d.spiny that, your charge fur a month or six nut commendable with the rich. a great attorney, and to be opened only : have obtained a clew lo the perpe- world, sho’. Nothin’ like inakin to Mr. i in ease of an illness—that renders j trator of the deed, until you ’hear folks’ypeet yer. Good day, sail.” j He layeth lip riches ill the asliier i me unconscious—or uiy death.” | from me.” | The old fellow's dining room l bank, ami the president specuia- tctli in margins, and then goetli to Canada for his health. In the autumn lie piiltc-th on his winter trousers, and a wasp ^ that a bide til in tbeni lilletli him found Thomas Smith alias various to light them until all the guests j full of intense excitement, other names, in custody, who ■ should arrive. The old woman I lie startetli down in the Cellar n engraving of happiness; I with an oleander, and goetli has-1 per cent., a supposi 1 '■ ’ 1 - i- that lie- lias not. w rote i a note which lie sent to bis attor single word “Come.” He went to that city, w here lie stolen from many an old fashion ed household. It was decided not for , ney. Lord to; "No suspicious pe; son his seen in the village recently? shapely white hand, whereon] “Not that I am aware of.” has been made a full confession, quite sub was stantiating the olliecr's lions—and restored all The W. Melon. Who started ibecholera? I, said the melon, I am the felon, From warmth of a torrider Country than Florida, 1 carried the cholera We sailed to Marsailles With favoring g.des, And from there we wen! oil To visit Toulon. Where next do we go? Just w ait; time will show. But it will not be long, Kre the Germans will find, That cholera loves A trip on the rind. —Telegraph & Messenger. - » »-m- A sacl sight was witnessed at the Union depot last night... Four little children, named Ford, the oldest about 10 and the youngest about J years old, came in charge of the conductor from Waynes boro. They were motherless and fatherless, and were on their way to Bibb County Orphan Home. Hie youngest was a little girl, anil when taken off the ears was sick with a licit fever. They were very poor, and the reporter felt glad that they were being taken lo a place that would 'be a home for them.—Macun Telegraph. • 1 the old The ■ ! sparkled a large diamond “Il I man a crayon of pride, nests bad all taken their a seats, when the old mail and his af tily, anil the oleander eometh ter him and siltetli upon him. He sittelh up all night to get The ollicer began his examina- 1 had taken from the bank, save tion of the premises, frequently ! hundred dollars or so. ! wife proceeded to light the wax j the returns from Ohio, and in the referring to his memoranda. | When Mi\ Campbell returned to ' candles. j end Icarnctli that the other fellows Dese lie-all wax lights, ’ said I have carried it. W« • have 1 it*« ii lt.ititllins: 15. . 15. B. only a few 1 month' <. and t;ik «• | , l‘ , *' < nre in saving if is stipe re e«lin;r :*ii other 1 51. tod Remc- • lies. It SC IIs well, ir ives ot tr ells toine* s cniii »• snti: -faction. and w e die erfnlly rc*c« uineiD 1 it in pref eu* nee to anv oilier Rlno ■ 1 I’tiril ier. weeks, my friend will gladly sup | is reprehensible where the wearer j Meanwhile a sealed package was Brookville with the stolen proper- pl\ your pulpit during lliai time is poor and fitting lor the vocation handed to Mr. Campbell, who, | tv, "every one was astonished on CURES *liau:nES5.EiickHeadache, Tdtvv "vet and Bf.vnh, InBigsstinn .'-pepr/a, Sc::r Stomach, Spies? : rtigo, Bad Breath, Malaria rmdice, and Ferity and Enria e Blood without nauseating lb, •■rr.aah cr weakening the sijstnn'. osc; 1 tn 2 Beans on going tn Leo KannfactrnrTS & f* *: Prr pa. ' *ld by Druggists. ST j :CHIG, M For FaK* by .1. \V. Staxtoup. I’uthbort, * juiu* •JU-Gm. ~ Wm, d, kiddooT ATfOKXIA AT IAW. Ciithbrrt, Git. A.^Hl'TI A M<><>1IE, I>moists. Atlanta. La. A IV2 paj^c Book of womlcrful B. 15. 15. tcstiinoiiv inailcil t<» anv aililross. BLOOD BALM < <>.\ Atlanta, (»a. For salt* in Cutlibrrt bv ;»n- 1 Mm. J. W. STANFORD. A Certain Cure For RHEUMATISM —MANUFACTURED l’»Y — DE. J. D. HCYL, EUFAULA, ALA. | rjlTlIIS MEDIO! NK is A si* RE AND I 1. (ti lt K (TKE for KhcumaiUin ill ALL it.x vari»»;is forms. In many cast** lit will rim.-: a IT RE in THREE or I FOl'U DAYS, ami NEVER FAILS to ■ *ri\ e rclivf. IT IS AN INTERNAL REMEDY. ' OEBTIFICATES: tor no oilier compensation than:., , . , . , 1 ... that 13 to be mine. Ins board. 11, however, you shall choose to make him a trilling do nation, it will be very acceptable, as lie has to provide for I do not wear wuz thought ter In* tool lie buyetli a watchdog, , . and it as a matter of display, however, “The but because it is an heirloom, from ted.” himself| which I have been unwilling to' ‘ Are you sure that you have entirely. “I shall be absent from home j until the middle of September; so. i if\oti think proper to accept my suggestion, please write to Air. 1 homas 8uiit!i, Roston, whither | misapprehend it. I would ask, if he is going to visit friends, on re j cfiipt of tliis. With kindest wish es, Fraternally, yours, William Blake.” “You will avail 3*011 reelf of the : opportunity to recuperate your en ergies?” asked Airs. lYnncl, liav- ! ing finished the letter. “1 shall. It seem? too much like a dispensation of Providence to be neglected.'* part in the seasons of my direst never accidentally disclosed the need. The people cannot know combination to any one—that no my motive in having it appear up j one has been near you when you on my person, and will probably j opened the safe?” “The only person who has ever been near me when I opened the safe, with ollieials, is the gentleman who substituted lor our pastor this summer.” “How did he happen to be near you are willing, to give it a place ‘ 1 candles overturning, shot direct lv at the musts. Within three EFFABLA. ALA.. May 14. lssl. j 1 lutvr been nttiietcd with Chroiiir Rheumatism for two years, off and on, ; ami have tried variou* remedic-. One j Bott'c of Dr. Ho\T> Ivheumatir Keniedy practice at any place in the ; has entirely relieved me. Los than one * ’ • * tf. bottle entirely stopped the pains. _ * J. A. HAY. State by special contract. W. R. THORNTON, DENTIST ill your s:ife at the bank?” “Most assuredly. Carry it tiiere in the morning, and I will iloposit it where it will be secure." “Thank you. My mind is re l’tevecl ot a great responsibility.” ] you?” The next morning he went to the “He came here to leave a valtia bank, and saw bis ling placed ; ble ring that was bis for safe where Mr. < omphell assured him keeping” it would be “secure.” “You opened the safe in bi lbo host, opening it, said: j learning the true character of the ] fine for or nigger, but—Good j when lie comcth home late from paper is here, unmoles : “lay preacher.” Lowd!" The loom was -filled ; the lodge the watch dog trcctli I “His first text should have been,' with balls of lire, and, some of the ] him and sitteth beneath him uu I was a stranger and look ye in facetiously observed one of tin church members whom Mr. Smith minutes after the pyrotechnic dis- had especially pleased. play began there was not a negro Since that time no one of his I within sight of the house. The flock lias expressed any desire that old mail and his wife stopped in a another than the Kev. Mr. ]Vn- neighboring corn field, the excel tion of the : nell administer to his spiritual; “See what yer’s dont wants. Lid fellow, breathing with dilliciil • # ■— - Ity. “Tole yer not to put on so! anil great liabilities,' and eometh A Iteuiiiiful Slur). mneh style; tole yer dal dc deb-j home to live with hia beloved son- Colcridge relates a story to this j |,;j | !!U | bis,. V eon yer.” in law.— Puck. cireet: I Several days afterwards the old Alexander, during bis march (negro went into the store and into Africa, came to a people! 3n ;,|. til rosy morn. He goetli to the horse trot anil bettetli his money on the brown mare, and the bay gelding with a blaze face winnetli. He marrielh a red headed heir ess with a wart on her nose, and said the! the next day her parental ances tor goelli under, with few assets dwelling “I am so glad.” Mr. lYnnell went tn bis library j * * * * * , presence, and he unsuccessfully and wrote to Mr. Smith, mention 1 After an absence of five weeks, tried to open it after you? ing the letter from “Brother” Mr. Pennell returned to liis charge iu absolute astonish or had Blake, aud inviting him tosubsti- land Mr. Smith went from Brook lute for him during the coming • ville, to quite a small town six weeks. Three days later Mr. Smith came to Brookville. He was of the medium height, slight, pale faced; had long au burn whiskers, worn ala Anglais, curly hair of the same hue; blue “Yi tuent. “Describe his personal appear a nee.” village iu Maine, where lie uau , engaged to preach for a short time ^ r * Campbell did so. he said. j ‘‘That is all for the present.” There was a wide and deep re- ; remarked the officer, gret at his departure, and now a } tour days elapsed, during in peaceful huts, who j ..ij OSSf j d oa n want any mu’ o' ilem’ camlles. Da’s kukltix lights. Da burns all right fur ilc white folks, but when <!c niggers tries ler put on style will ’em, w'y (la shoots de eye balls of torment »ll ober de. premises.”—Arl'nnsttte o CUTHBERT. GA. FFR’K West siffe 1‘uMie s^iian*. over r. Harris' store. fibl7-ly. EXCLRSIOX VIA SAVANNAH T<1 SEW YORK ASM PHILAMEU’HIA. N. Y Rlu'diuntism. :unl mhmitmI a Lottie j your Kluuinati.*m medi'-ino. Alter taking; aboui om-t'« u til of tin* Lottie I ! was relieved of all pain Thinking that 1 was well did ;i«*t take any more of it. After a month i: returned.' 1 then nnr- i chased two Lotties and took aeeoriling to diroetions. it hasheen three months ! since I tinished taking, and 1 feel 110 • symptoms t*f its return. 1 consider mv- sc!f eu irely cured, and take pleasure ;n I’cconuncnding your remedy as a safe and sure cure for Khcv.inat:*m. Yours truly. .»Nt >. i*. WEPT, of the firm of \\ illiam* A Wt-st. knew neither war nor conquests. Gobi being offered him, he refus ed it, saying that liis sole object was to learn the manners and customs of the inhabitants. “Stay with us,” said the chie f , as long as it plcaseth thee.” During this interview with the Traveler. African chief two of his subjects | - ^ brought a case before him for judg-1 A * liilosophical 1 ramp. m-kwxxx Mrtja Vlil , aill i»u,iu” ,nei| G The dispute was, one had; ^ g-ntleman on East hourth fonr uf the church uicmbcr 8 -cs-! which the detect ilc seemed £! bought « piece of g™nd which 1 f.mnd a nigged trump sit- give tlic “case” no tousiderption. j after the purchase, was fonnil to ] t,n = on h,s flont ste l* ciU'iig Ins devoting liis time to conversation , con ? a ' n a treasure tor which he felt himself bound to pay. The ! tures; was evidently twenty five. The following Sunday lie occu pied a sent ill the pulpit with Mr. Fennell, but took no part in the exercises, except to otfer the elos-; former ing prayer. I peacefully for the greater Railrouil Future uf (uliiuibus. The people of Columbus are also very mueli interested in tlie construction of a railroad which will protect our interest in the trailing section south of us. as well as to open lip new outlets in other directions. There are very strong influences at work to make eon neclions with the Florida system 1 :l P a ' r 11 ^ ! )rose * lst8 ' ,ca *' "P *'* ,e We learn from the Philadelphia Frees that sugar has never heen as cheap-In Ibis country or the world as in the last eighteen months, and the consumption in the United States has advanced from 03,0-17 ton.- a month in 1880 to 00,50! in 1SS4, or -13 per cent., while the population lias advanced rowlh due to a fall in prices ol one third, from 0.1 to cents a pound. Subse quently then, where nine cents were spent on a pound now nine cents are spent on a pound anil a half, and just as much money is spent on sugar as ever. A considerate tramp was en countered a few days ago. He promised to cut some wood in re turn fora meal, but after eating he looked at the wood and said: “La dy, 1 don’t believe I coiil-1 cut that satisfatory to you, anil I would not like to make a bad job of it. Good day.—Boston 1’ost. Aaron Jones, of Lynchburg, has posted a notice ol dissolution on liis shop-door as follows: “The partnership heretofore resisting between me and Mosc is this day dissolved. All parties indebted to the concern will settle with me, and all parties the concern is in debted to will settle with Most-. * Petersburg Index. “Her bands are a poem,” sings a young man who is in love all but liis ears. Wait till he gets married, and if lie doesn't long for pecially those who had joined un I rMTKTtt 11 \ jure‘>1 is«l i eves, that were sharp, inquisitive, i tier his administration—freely cx I1R. J. I>. liuYf., Ktinmbi. A hi. - ] penetrating; regular, pleasing fca- DkakSik: I was m*vi*d*1v attacked witli . . , „ _ * * * '‘•'•'••not far from lunch. “Here! VVliat arc you doing lie shouted. pressed their wish that the “lay . with this, that and the other one, •aeher” might continue to sub j““ any subject except the bur-1 olller ‘’‘-•fused to receive anythin,,. - for the regular pastor, W Then he went to Mr.' bating he had sold the ground J -rtakin* of a slight lunch, 1 r'nmtibnll with what it might contain appar- " 1 A 0,1 j 010 me - l he tiauip po 0 f ent or concealed. ! responded. in stitute whom such remarks deeply grieved. of roads at some point near Talla liassec, by constructing a line of railway from this i-ity via Ciitli hert and Baiubridge. The peo pie along the entire route are eq ually anxious for this, and will j aid such an enterprise to the ex I lent of their ability. A large por- | tion of the grading having already Said the chief, looking at the Finally matters settled into their j _ moved on Ior your pastor, this summer, one, “You have a son, and CuthlK-rt, to turn, Cutlibort, to l’liil-. turn, Tickets good to return un til Nov.31st, 1884. and re- §43.40. and re- §41.40 given to them as dowry.” “And what,” been done will materially lessen the cost, and will be potent in lo eating the road upon the line No, I don't want any of your j formerly projected. It needs no argument to show the necessity “That's so; it is pretty tough ] of this line, and with the prospect of the Y’onr wife must j Columbus and Albany road, we t |i 0 ! villainous food. . ki ! of your kitchen. A.Mre: *. Dr. D. Hoyl or E. l«K’k. Eufaula. Ala. TRY Ol 17 PROPOSED SAILIN3 DATES 1*01 slime. I«^l. SAVANNAHTO NEW YORK. Cent nil, or?)0 Meridian Time. City of Augusta, sun. June 1. 1p. m. 4 'hattiilxKVfhee, Tiles. June •“*. -- ,H * }*• ,n - Naewut'hee. Fri. June<*.1*- | Tallahassee, s un. June s. -VU) a. in. i 4‘itv of Augusta. Toes. June 10. m. j Oiattalioot liee. Eli. June l.T. o.:;oa. m. y KtJAL NaetMwhec. Sun. June !•». lo..->oa. tn. 1 Tallahassee. Tues. June L. l-.-lO p- m. « ity of Augusta. Fri. June HO. o.oU p. n . < h:iJtah«H.ehce. Sun. J une *2*2. ”'-00 a. in. Naeooeliee. Tms. June 21. T.*#o p. m. Tallahassee. Fri. .1 une 27.0740 a. in. l*itv of Augusta, Sun. J une 20, tu.;;oa. m. one can take it. It is a certain cure. PREPARED BY E. C. BULLOCK, Then he went to reaching, j Campbell. ] “Y"our description,” he said, , ( gentleman wbo substituted liannel ami otiier “Y'ou have a daughter; let • , - ■ | , tiwin. be ni-irriufi *ind the t ri**i ^11 n* kind of Cmii ler. I just got il out ini’that pii ijeet, a nd a Iso At the conclusion of the morn j though not without an occasional : t ,on °f a burglar who has opera I t“ em married ami tue treasure | b ! ing service—the onlv one for the ] disturbance such as the parish i toil in the Y\ cst, that I at once j day—the pastor introduced him j had not known prior to the advent j 'naile - - - | were identical a panic was created in the place Pennell, ami learned the name of| “**« sl,oukl havc dismissed the : H , r" 1 ’’ I bv the rumor that the bank had ! the clergyman by whose reeom- belies, and seized the treasure 8t l s tt n = , l'" etl .' f -n the step. ' - “Don t get excited, sir; don t get excited. Think a minute.' Aren't you mistaken in me a hound?’’ beds, wash dishes and sew on but tons, write us down ns a false prophet and base deceiver.—Bur lington Free Press. ^ Forty nine out of fifty unmar ried school teachers, who recently took up their abode in Washing ton Territory, have resigned and aeeepted—matrimony. There is also a good show for the fiftieth, although she is said to be mortal homely. J.i.g service- „.e omy ....u ,oi n.c , - .. _ ■ sa bf the chief 11 be ,Ioi “S lier own cooking now.” I are not without ho 1>e for a road to i-i j,. o.iti. civ Bnii'nn r„„ *r j day—the pastor intiodueeil him had not known prior to the advent j made up mv mind that the two ’,,, | “U'b-ir’a tint ■ PrilS S Per Bottle, Ol Six BOttiOa fur -t5- , - , , I o were identical” | “would have been the decision in ** liat s that, jou .. ,, , 1 to the more i.rominent members of Mr. Smith. ; aaamai ' i,„„~i9-> „..,.i ,i„ 1 C Bul -' 1 - 1 “Leaving von, I called on Mr. J our country?” hound?- exclaimed the angry, a Sun. infernal the south of Columbus.—-JCnquir with the remark—it soon became! t | stereotyped: Compound (Mnuluma Mixture for Fever j “^Ir. Smith will preach for , ... .. while I am having the and Disease, arising trom I»iii:ons De- j 0 raiigeim-nt eaused Ly Malaria, sueh as | which it appeal's to be t hills,Fever. Billion's Fever. ct<\ It is , » .1 • » ... , - ,, , , . put up in palatahie formthat any j to take, and I think you will have! rumor that proved true. no reason to regret the temporary change.” , for the me. vacation been burglarized to the amount of mendatinn Mr. Smith came liere. i 1 a To tins minister I immediately! “And does the i wrote. The reply is"—reading a your country? iletter: mv duty : nearly sixty thousand dollars- Tiie day that this announce ment was made Mr. Smith again Is FOR PEILABELPHIA. City of Savannah. Sat. J une 7. .i.oo p. in. Juniata. Sat. June 1-4. 1U.3U a. in. City of Savannah. Sat. June 21.4.80p. m. Juniata, Sat. JtUic f JS, 10.80 a. in. G. M. SOU RE LL. Afft- Savannah, (la. mav 2lMd king’s use.” sun shine in sunl the cliii.f. Does the rain fall there? Arc j “‘C , New Y'okk, Oct. 2.18 ; there any cattle there which leed Every one expressed his pleas : came to Brookville to obtain the]. ‘‘•PEAHSiR-In answer toyours. u|K,n herbs and green grass?”’ Wholesale & Retail Druggist. >"c at knowing that Mr. Pennell. ring, which lie had thought it! no one i,y the name of Thomasi EUFAULA, ALA. April 24-din. Despite the gloom of those who had suffered by the burglary, they were glad to see him. and, learn ing his loss, were so sorry as to almost forget their own. “No, I’m not, and I’ll—” “But, my dear sir, you are mis Mem beetle Minis. A German, fresh from the “Fadcrland,” sat in front of the ,, hotel in Albany last Saturday calling . , . , , . J i night industriously iannmg ofi j a swarm of hungry gnats which seemed resolved to colonize his Stationery, PAVER, Fools <*np Paper, Letter Paper. Note Paper. (Jilt Edged Paper. Knveloi*os anti i'ens. at et J. V. TOOMBS A BRO. S. —Those Organs are beautiful and cheap at J. W. Stanford’s. BLANK BOOKS of every kind,size and style,cheap cr than ever bell re, at aio'Gtf J. YV. Stanford's. Trasses, Surgical Instru ments, Physicians* Supplies On hand, or Ordered, if wanted, by et .7. 1-. TOOMBS <£ BRO. had concluded to loubteii but that Mr. Smitii would while he was away, require- rneet all satisfaetoriiy ments. Indeed, the new comer had al ready done much toward sicuring the favor of those who were to constitute liis congregation “What a fervent prayer!” “How earnest he seems?” “He is dcs'.in- taken. ter.” The I am no lic'ind; I'm a set- face. The insects were the small est of their tribe and evidently rest; no one j best should remain in the safe imftif; neve’t'had astodent; n«7cr J “ Ah / *» ul t,le ^htef; "«t is 'V.,, ' , , . j the most familiar on a short ac- w-rote to Brother Pennell. The »be sake of those innocent cattle » e „entlcman gazed at t,!C » flIlainUnee evening before I left home, last i that the great Being permits tin-, 1 '™!' ■n admiraUon and mutter- Xile German showed all the aw sun to shine, the rain to fall, and j | gressive and unwearying energy the gia»s togrow in joui county. | i a j Tn lo tinisli his lunch.—Mer-1 which belongs to liis people. He chant Traveler. I wiggled, lie fidgeted, worried anil July, a young man in ail respects like the one yoti describe, called on me and asked innumerable questions concerning Brother Fennell—so many and so strange Though the intrinsic value ofi that I wondered at^them. I in- . - . , . w , tended to write Brother r. about the l ing was considerable, I val-1 tliis man, but neglected it so long ncil it chiefly because it had been J that I deemed it best not to write “Will 3 011 come over to 1113' house after 3011 git 3'cr dinner, Jolinn3 ?” asked a smuil boy of a As et CRAIN CRADLES, at bottom prices, at ALLISON & SIMPSON'S. fruit K\TB tns. Strawberry. Orange, Banana. Pine Apple. Vanilla, and At Lemon. ALLISON A- SIMPSON’S. 1 Apple and white Wine Vinegar, \ T l'orty and Fifty Cents Ter ttailoii, AV at It J. 1>. TOOMBS & BKO.’S. the elderly people. The maidens whispered to one another, “Did you ever see sueh side whiskers"’ “What magnifi cent eyes he has!” “Isn’t he fine 1 looking!” and so on. The next Sabbath the subject of his discourse was: “I was a stranger and j-e took me in.” As a literarj- production it was mas terly, aud it was delivered in a manner that held the audience spell bound. When he descended from the companion. “I guess not, Johnnj - . “Whj- not? might! handed down from one to another I il ' vollW >‘ av <-’ prevented the im- j moll,cr promised me ef I d wheel ... - - . r j position which has been practiced ; tlie babj- fer a iionr this mornin' | upon an esteemed eo worker aud | she’d give me ail the pie I could , squirmed and bounced and iioun- , , ,, ; ceil and beat and battenl and flap- the labor problem, we! , , „ , . 1 • solved onlv l.v the ! * ,e<1 aIUl an ‘ l at k ' :1 3 th - The Labor Problem. to said i 'dunk it can be solved onlj- by the 1 , ■ i-i . , 1 a solemn spasm of indignation, ex “Cause ■ use °‘ improved implements and 0 other like observations. have been heard, sotto voce, from • generation,” lie said: “but my loss does not deserve mention |,- IS people, with that which some of j-ou have ] Yours respectfully, experienced. Il docs make me “ -William Bl*ke.’ ” feel a personal interest in the af-1 Mr. Campbell was too much as- I fair”—this to tlie directors aud ; tonished to speak, debitors—“and I would suggest j “Probably this man Smith—or that jou at once telegraph to 1 whatever his name maj-he—learn- New Y’ork for Mr. , one of 1 ing that j-our bank did an im the most expert detectives in ! mouse business, resolved to bur the personal superintendence of the farmer. A merchant cannot be successful in business who eat for dinner, an’ I don't b'licve I® 3 '’ 09 his store to be run by liis . ploded thus: “I pciieves dem lee tie birds is mad mit me for coinin’ to tis tam country.” ! I’ll want to stir about much, j You’d better bang ’round the side gate about three o’clock an’ I guess you kin get a job to run for the doctor.” America. I regret nij- inaliilitj- to remain and learn tlie result of your investigation. If j-ou suc ceed in recovering tlie stolen gianze it long ago,” continued the officer. “Jo&t how he chanced to adopt tlie elcrie-al role I can cot saj-; but. having determined upon property, I shall appreciate your 1 jt, be could easily find the name of Mabel’s mother noticed that she was wandering from place to place, looking for something verj- intentlj-. “What’s tlie matter, Mabel?” “Whj-, I’ve lost inj- fink, and can’t ’member where 1 put uiv- fimble. clerks: nor can the farmer be sue cessful who does not superintend liis labor. We are surprised that labor is as good as it is under the circumstances. Too often tlie ne gro is told to go and perform a certain job of work without anj- definite instructions, or even ade quate tools. We notice those who complain most of labor are those who paj- the least attention to it in the waj- of..superinten dence.— Americas ItecapOer. Miss Nellie Arthur carries a doll. When she was with her father a few days ago at King ston, New Y'orfc, a woman said: -My goodness! whj- does that big girl carry a doll?” An answer was quickly given by another wo man, who said: “Well, if the Kingston girls would carry dolls until they were a little older in stead of running after the boys before they get their short dress es off, it would be much more to their credit.'’ The following was one of the puzzles propounded at the Alpha j Kapa Alpha club at tlie last meet ing and was said to have been used as s placard over the stove at a railroad waiting room: “If !J M T put: If B. putting:” See who can solve it first. A New I ork druggist received an order Irom an Austin firm the other day for a ton of snuff. It seems that the wife of z prominent citizen sneezed so hard that she dislocated her jaw, and now there is a run of married men on that drug store where she got the snuff. — During the recent earthquake one man died of fl ight, the shock cured one man’s lame back, recon ciled two families who had been at enmity for years, and interrupted several interesting games of pol ka. An exchange says a man begins to occupy a half seat when lie gets married. This is? true, and after the first babj- comes lie liegius to occupy half of the outside bed rail. Philadelphia Call. John Derringer, of Fhilndelphia, has become insane because his wife disappointed him bj-present ing him with girls when his heart was set on a liny. Here is an old joke rev iveil by a 5>t. Paul paper: “There is one town in Connecticut that will never get the measles. It’s Had- dam.” A while deer was killed in Flor ida one daj- last week.